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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages , Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


BP-British Petroleum-Part-1

The brainwashers, rapist, kidnappers, and slave-makers 

using the illegal project Calypso


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This document was created on: 13.03.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This document was reedited on 11.02.2021, mainly small corrections


This page was reedited on 28.07.2021, to be reedited again


This page was reedited again on 2.01.2022 and completed on 4.1.2022


I decided to split the page into 2 pages for the following reasons:

1.        To avoid that one page be over 100 pages

2.        To have a logical categorization of the subjects, which is as follow:

2.1.     Part-1 what they did to me

2.2.     Part-2 the hidden reasons why they did that to me including some proves


For more detailed information see the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2”.


This paragraph was added on 2.1.2022: For one more addition to this page about who really stole my multilingual computer design, please see the page conclusion under the section “The very visible cause for kidnapping me from Germany to USA”.


The illegal project Calypso


This document is divided into 2 sections as follow:

1.     Short version (3.5 pages)

2.     More detailed version (rest pages)

Short version

This page is about BP-British Petroleum and their hidden very destructive network, where they used their criminal powers to brainwash me, enslave me under one of their hidden agents, destroy my logic and then kidnap me to USA, where they kept me as slave raising a son of one of their hidden criminals in Germany, Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK or Jordan, while forcing me to believe it is my son named Abdulhamid Najar!


Who are the members of their hidden network within my life?

1.          MI6

2.          CIA

3.          American and British military in Germany, in particular the American military base called McGraw Kaserne in Munich starting March 1970 where they very destructively and savagely isolated me, brainwashed me and enslaved me for 7 years

4.          Members of my fake family in Jordan such as the following families that are hidden members of the Jordanian royal family: Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Baroudi, Kheir  and others

5.          Members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia such as the following families that are hidden members of the Saudi Arabian royal family: Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Khayat/Taylor, Ali and others

6.          CIA and/or MI6 (MI6 is British, today it is called SIS-Secret Intelligence Service, which is similar to the  American CIA) and/or BND (a German organization similar to the American CIA) and/or AIVD (a Dutch organization similar to the American CIA) and their agents that pretended to be either members of my fake family or my friends, such as my fake brother Nick Naggar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and his official wife named Alia alias Anita Köse (that I suspect to be fake wife (Added on 21.08.2021: the reason I suspect her to be a fake wife is because of the pattern, which is his lookalike named Mohamad Nashaat Najar, and not Naggar, alias my original fake brother from 1966/67 in Cairo, Egypt exchange places with him and the pattern is that they use the same person as a decoy to show as if it is the same person, in my case I was used as a fake son for my 3 fake mothers that exchanged places without me noticing and everyone would not notice because the same son, me, is always with one of them, and with my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar (not Naggar) is the same thing, he exchanges places with Nick Naggar, not Nick Najar as me, and the prove that it is always the same person is the wife, which they also used with others such as Reem Bdeir as she exchanged places with princes Haya of Jordan, which very much means that this woman Anita alias Alia Köse with 2 different men = sleeping with 2 different men, and no Muslim woman would ever do that, not even a Christian, Jewish or Hindu or any other good woman would ever do that. End of added on 21.08.2021 ) Alia/Anita Naggar/Köse, (Köse is Turkish, yet is written like Austrian, Swiss and German!!!!), Afrah/Mona/Moni Najjar, Fadia/Fifi Nagar, Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, Mohamad Attar, Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Jalal Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi, Dr. Sami Assassa and others, whereby some of them are in Saudi Arabia, others are in Jordan, others are in Egypt, others in Switzerland, others are in Germany, others are in USA, others are in UK and others are in all 4 countries as well as in other countries!

7.          FBI in USA

8.          Many members of various governments such as the Baroudi in Connecticut

9.          Many petroleum companies such as: Shell, Chevron, Texaco, Exxon (Exxon is named in Europe and elsewhere as Esso), ARAMCO (where members of my fake family works such as my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her alleged husband Dr. Alaa Ali), Koch Industries in USA, Jordan Petroleum company (it is controlled by some members of my fake family at that time it was the Bdeir/Budier family and most probably also Abokurah and Malas families) and many others that are small to very large companies and the reason I know that, is because all of these mentioned companies and in one way or another set me up in coordination with the BP-British Petroleum and brainwashed me, with the exception of Exxon, I never directly had anything to do with them, yet I included them because they are major competitor and simultaneously major business partner since at least 1950s, but also, the Exxon owners, named the Rockefeller family are related to the English royal family that controls the BP-British Petroleum

10.     Many IT companies, from small to large, and the reason I know that for fact is because they set me up through these companies, starting in Germany such as the company UDF in Stuttgart and Munich, and continued in USA to set me up through other companies networked with them either as business partner or through the Freemason network and after kidnaping me from Germany to USA that set me up very destructively to help and coordination of BP-British Petroleum. These setup I did not understand at that time; because they were a part of brainwash situations forced upon me and the purpose of a brainwash is to deceive the brain enable to force the brain to a certain direction without being noticed which become a forced brainwash = control the mind;  but today I do understand most of the brainwash setups, they were meant to blackmail my biological family members in various USA states such as Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, California, Louisiana, Texas, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C. and a couple others, where I was always tricked to go to other states for an alleged job, but I was not needed for that job, they just wanted me to be present and to be seen, which makes BP-British petroleum a blackmailer to Americans, because that is what they were doing blackmailing members of my biological family in USA (Added on 21.08.2021: Today I know I was kidnapped to USA to a new controlled environment enable to not allow anyone of my German friends to help me while keeping me away of the Middle East and the UK, where I strongly suspect to have been born. End of added on 21.08.2021)

11.     As a result of these blackmail attempts, unknown started to either attack me, or to push me away wherever I was offered a project or set me up to leave the city or even the entire country USA and these very destructive attacks and setups were performed in Bridgeport, Fairfield, and various other cities in Connecticut, New York, Allentown, Chicago, Wichita, Kansas City, Semi Valley, New Orleans, Evansville, Washington D.C., Houston and others


Note added on 11.02.2021 and modified on 21.08.2021: This note is about the project Calypso, that officially was for the Syrian government. Today I strongly believe it was for Iran and Syria was used as a proxy to hide their relation to Iran, which is they converted Iran to an illegal drug plantation country and covered it up by fake wars and fake conflicts to create a military zones where no man is allowed and therewith no one will see the illegal drug plantations, and this is a pattern that they repeatedly did in other areas such as Syria, Lebanon, Golden Triangle, Cuba, Columbia and many others such as also Afghanistan, where then they used the American and British military to transport and distribute the illegal drugs all over the world through the American and British military bases all over the world, including but not limited to USA, UK, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan,  and many others. Further on I was forced to relate the project Calypso as trade with terrorists’ technology-for-hostages, which today I believe was only a fake coverup.  The illegal drug business in USA alone is over 300 Billion US Dollar yearly revenues, and the controlling families, especially those drilling for petroleum in the Middle East will not allow anyone to get their hands on this amount of money, while also using it since over one 100 years for drilling, because it is very expensive to drill for petroleum, where often the drill be unsuccessful and they had to look elsewhere while losing time and money, and this process can repeat itself up to maybe 10 or more times, and therewith drilling investment of the failed drillings is nothing else but loses that no one can afford except if they have a source of repeated almost unlimited amount of money, which is the illegal drug money because their goal is money and control, among others, energy control = 2 track intelligence = stupid because their brain is not capable to handle more than these two issues Money + Control because they are too lazy to work and want to sit back and be served = they are not capable to build something useful so they uses illegal drug money and whatever they steal of others countries to buy people who would build for them and then they would say “look what we have built (!!!??)” = stupid. End of note added on 11.02.2021


Note added on 21.08.2021: I wrote in several areas that the illegal drug business and alone in USA it is a yearly revenue of over 300 billion (in some countries such as in Germany a Billion is = milliard = 1000 X 1 Million) US Dollars, well where did I get this figure from?


There is no accurate statistics over the usage of illegal drugs, because the controlling families that control the illegal drug business such as the English royal families + the Rockefeller families do not want that the public know how high it is and how much damage it causes on a yearly basis from death of children directly through illegal drugs such as but not limited to:

1.          when children use illegal drugs, they often die, or

2.          by indirectly through the usage of illegal drugs: when their parents or older brothers and sisters use illegal drugs, they often cause the death of their other members of the family

3.          it is a slavery method to force a person to be dependent and therewith would do anything to get it, including stealing, killing, and dealing with drugs enable to be able to afford to buy it

4.          countless families are being destroyed on a yearly basis due to illegal drugs

5.          Most of health insurance companies do not cover up the treatment for addiction, and there with the addicted would go on and on and on causing uncountable amount of tragedies

6.          Police resources are often wasted on fighting illegal drugs, which often causes the death of good policemen and women

7.          Illegal drug causes severe hidden slavery, where criminals dealing with illegal drugs such as the Rockefeller families + English royal families and my fake family would do anything to control the government to be able to control the police forces enable not to be detected and blame it on stupid small time criminals as the alleged main drug lords such as Pablo Escobar or El-Chapo and others for more info see

8.          It prevents the children of addicted to grow their intelligence and have a proper freedom through education, instead they often land in government houses where they be more misused and cannot grow intelligence such as these criminals and psychopath did to me from 1960 to 2016 by enslaving me and locking me up for nearly 14 years from 2000 to 2012

9.          Lastly, the illegal drug plantations are the number one cause of wars, don’t take my word for it, look at Vietnam and Thailand in connection with Golden Triangle and Cambodia the biggest illegal drug plantations worldwide at that time, but also Columbia and Cuba became after them the largest illegal drug plantations in the world, and as recent as now in 2021, the following countries: Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and Afghanistan, where hundreds of thousands died in these wars and countless Millions became almost not only overnight but also repeatedly since 1980s as refugees in Jordan, Turkey, in many countries in Europe as well as in USA and other countries, and these refuges in these countries often are being used as slaves as I repeatedly seen in USA, but also seen in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and also in Europe = illegal drug is deadly

10.     And countless other tragedies caused by illegal drugs


Back to my estimate, some statistics states that 60-80% of all crimes are never caught, in other words only 20-40% of illegal drugs are caught, and I saw that myself as these criminals locked me up in the deportation prison in Houston, Texas, USA from 24 July 2000 to 10 February 2001 and then took me to Netherlands to be locked up for additional 13 years as coverup for the stupid and mass murderer ex-US president George W. Bush. Today I know for fact that these criminals planned to bomb the world Trade Center  during the second term of ex-US president George H. W. Bush the father of ex-US president George W. Bush, while his brother Jeb Bush was the governor of the biggest illegal drug smuggling state in the USA, which is Florida, illegal drugs from Cuba and Mexico, but also Texas is a big illegal drug smuggling operation, especially in combination with petroleum. Back to the World Trade Center bombing on 11.9.2001 (during which I was locked up in the Netherlands between jails, prisons and refugee camps and immediately after the World Trade Center bombing the Dutch immigration attacked me severely as if I have anything to do with this bombing, but I did not, however and today I know that my fake family that are 100% related to the Saudi Royal family + Jordanian Royal family + Kuwaiti Royal family + English royal Families + German ex-Royal families + Rockefeller Families, had something to do with the World Trade Center Bombing and that is why these criminals and psychopaths were able to make me lookalike as if I am heavily related to terrorists, without me noticing,  and this repeatedly since January 1970 and repeatedly refreshed them even in Houston Texas and even later, for one purpose only to have a reason to isolate me while allowing criminal and organized crime institutions such as CIA + MI6 + FBI and others to persecute me to death as a mean of brainwash and stress to not allow me to be free and think about my own life and what is happening to me or even have time to grow intelligence), since George H. W. Bush and in the election for his second term was lost to ex-US president Bill Clinton, then they had to postpone the World Trade Center Bombing until another republican is a president, which was 8 years later the stupid son of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush named George W. Bush that was so stupid that no one noticed it because of the World Trade Center bombing he played the hero that allegedly revenged the World Trade Center bombing by invading Afghanistan and kept it 20 years under the control of the American and British military and their allies during which they were using the tax payers money to transport and distribute the Afghanistan illegal drugs to all over the world where there is American and British military bases ( + ), not to forget that the USA and to at least 50-60% is 100% controlled by psychopath English royal family members that pretend to be patriots Americans and doing everything for the USA only such as Donald Trump and his allies, but also the Bush family, and the Ronald Reagan family = all ex-presidents since 1980s have performed more damage to USA than the Americans can ever imagine, and the reason I know that, is because I lived it and since September 1999 I am being forced to be isolated and locked up in one way or another and have nothing to do, at least since 28 February 2008, except to try to understand my own life, what happened to me and who is the cause for this severe damage to my life and everyone who gets in touch with me is often also hurt to keep people away of me and prevent them to help me, and thanks to google, yahoo, and Bing, but mainly google I was able to research my own life and the lives of many around me since 1960 enable to understand them and why they did to me what they did, and the result kept on chocking me even today and as a human being that love other human beings and thankful to the unknown to me God that allowed me to survive all that, I have no option but to warn others of these criminals and psychopaths, because we are all artificial intelligence created by God that gave us unlimited freedom also to be criminals and psychopaths, with one different a criminal psychopaths is like a brainwashed, does not know that he is brainwashed  unless someone help them to see it, they get carried away from the greed and the laziness by loving to be served and think of their selves as Gods because they have telepathy and the others do not, but they are not Gods, they are criminally insane and psychopaths that are willing to cause others unspeakable harms just to enrich themselves and sit down relaxed and let other serve them while brainwashing the others to think they are superior and that is why they are rich and in control while far over 80% of the world population cannot afford living , just like me, with one difference the Dutch tax office + the municipality of Den Hag/The Hague is supporting me financially, because I am in the retirement age and have no money because my fake and biological family literally stole everything from me, even people that I loved.


Last important point is that the English royal family brought opium and other illegal drugs from India and China over 300-500 years ago just as they also brought tea and coffee, because they went to India and China, both are heavy users of drug substances that are extracted of various plants that are originated from their countries such as opium, and therewith they also brought opium from India and China to Europe and also at least to Australia and North and South America, see the following info: + +, in the last link, you will notice that Myanmar (also a war and isolated county just as Iran and Afghanistan and prior to that also Cuba, Columbia and the Golden Triangle, which very much makes Myanmar also a hidden illegal dug country used by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, which is another reason why these families are heavily also engaged in pharmaceutical and other medical business, which very possible make maybe a 25% of their business in USA, UK, Australia, Canada, India, Hong Kong, Egypt and the rest of their hidden empire)


All the above and my research helped me make an educated guess, that I consider to be underestimated = pessimist estimation, of how much is the illegal drug business is worldwide as well as in USA and in Europe:

1.          USA, which have a population of 329 million + allegedly officially 12 million illegal aliens that I estimate to be more near 30 million and not 12 million = population between 340 and 360 million , have yearly revenue of illegal drug at least over 300 billion US Dollar

2.          EU, which have a population of 445 million, have yearly revenue of illegal drug at least over 450 billion US Dollar

3.          Entire Europe including EU, which have a population of 746 million, have yearly revenue of illegal drug at least over 600 billion US Dollar

4.          Worldwide, population of 7,900 million, have yearly revenue of illegal drug at least over 2000 to 4000 billion =  2 to 4 trillion US Dollar worldwide and on a yearly basis


Let us assume that all drugs are heroin, one gram heroin cost around 70 US dollar = one kilo 70,000 US Dollar, = one ton 70,000,000 = 70 million street prices for one ton heroin, distributer price for one ton heroin is possibly around 20 million. If you do the math, and considering illegal drugs is not only heroin and with 70 US Dollar you can buy all kind of illegal drugs that is from one gram to possibly 100 grams for the same price of 70 US Dollar, then you will come to thousands of tons of illegal drug business, often out of opium and marijuana, whereby marijuana, started to become legal in some countries such as the Netherlands (added on 2.1.2022: actually it is not legal in the Netherlands, it is tolerated by the government and it is also heavily regulated. End of added on 2.1.2022) , that reduced the national crimes by a big percent, then you will come to thousands and thousands of illegal drugs.


How often do you hear that the police have caught 10 or 20 tons of illegal drugs?


Not much, maybe once every 20 or 30 years = it is protected by controlling families that is controlling governments, police and news such as the English royal families + Rockefeller families + several controlling families in the Middle East that are part of the English royal families + Rockefeller families and I know that because they are my fake families!


End of note added on 21.08.2021.


BP-British Petroleum had a project with the Syrian government called Calypso. They used their disposable company named SCS-Scientific Control Systems in Germany to perform this illegal project Calypso to provide the Syrian government with satellite computers to control the Syrian population in a totally illegal manner and unethical and absolutely against human and privacy rights. But also, this project Calypso was an illegal project and against the laws in Europe and USA because it was negotiating with terrorists and trade technology for hostages, yet it was as coverup that they are delivering these high-technology satellite computers as possibly trade for hostages, whereby the word Calypso is from the old Greek story named Calypso where they detained Odysseus on the island of Ogygia for seven years=trading for hostages=brainwash name = distraction of something else, yet I believe they were using the trade for hostages as a coverup, they wanted that the Syrian government keep the Syrians under strict control, which they did. To perform this project, they had to have the approval of the ex-USA president Ronald Reagan and his vice president George H.W. Bush and their administration and both covered it up my kidnapping from Germany to USA in September 1986 and kept me on a short leash by force of the evil fake national security laws. And the reason I know that these not very nice presidents were involved in this project and 100% approved it, is because this project can only be performed with American military communication satellites, and that is only possible with the approval of the USA president and the American military that kept me as slave since 1970, with the exception of between September 1977 and December 1983, where I was free for this short period of time in my entire 67 years of life, which very much equals slavery at least from 10/11 January 1960 , which is my kidnapping date as child, and until I was able to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague in March 2016, and ever since I am trying to get free and understand what brought me to this country called The Netherlands where I was locked up most of the times since 11 February 2001, which is the date that the American government brought me here to the Netherlands by force for a re-brainwash and continuous lockup between jails, prisons and refugee camps. All this means also, that the German government, and this is for me very unfortunate, very sad and very disappointing because I loved Germany, or at least the government of the so called Free State of Bavaria approved it and took a part in brainwashing me, enslaving me and kidnapping me to USA and the best prove of that, is that I was set up severely by the Dutch and Germany immigration among others to give me in 2002 a lifelong ban of ever entering Germany, which I was not able to lift it, yet they lift it in a most bizarre situation in November 2018 and back dated to 2014!


Below and in the section “More detailed version” you will see how they brainwashed me, enslaved me under one of their whores and then kidnapped me by force from Germany to USA in September 1986 and then blamed it on me and as a backup blamed it on the Syrian government that was their client in the project Calypso, and as a backup blamed it on the CIA/MI6 and British Petroleum whore woman named Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under and as an additional backup blamed it on the church and the members of my fake family that allegedly persecuted me because they set me up to become Christian enable they can have a reason to persecute me, brainwash me and kidnap me to USA to blackmail my biological family, that until today I do not know who they are, but I have an educated guess that I will leave out for now because I have no facts to prove it.


Blame it on the church, because they set me up countless times very destructively against the church and through the church in 1980s, between 1999 and 2003 and again in 2008-2013, which I will leave out, with minor setups with other churches to force my mind to hate the church and stay distant of it, I do not hate the church, in matter of fact I loved the church and I still love the church, but and very unfortunately I am distant of it because I do not understand Dutch good enough and I do not like Netherlands or the Dutch language because it was forced upon me and I was locked up most of the 18 years I was forced to live in this country, which was 13 years and persecuted until 2016. Setting me up with the church had at least 4 reasons:

1.          To force me to think it is all because I allegedly became voluntarily Christian and as distraction of their evil agents that pretended to be members of my fake family

2.          Some members, my guess around 10 or so, of the church where I get baptized in the city Unterschleissheim in Germany in 1976 were with either the CIA, MI6, BND and/or members of my fake family or even biological family or a combination and did not want me there in the same city to not see them

3.          To prevent me to go back to this church in Unterschleissheim, where I discovered that some members of my fake family lives in and around there in that city called Unterschleissheim under other fake identities, in sort of a hideout identity of their official Saudi Arabian, Jordanian CIA agent’s, MI6 agent’s and hidden royal family’s identities!

4.          To not be among Christians that may help me and protect me from their very vicious and destructive setups and attacks


The process that the BP-British Petroleum used to brainwash me (December 1983-1986) and kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA was to achieve the followings:

1.          To prevent me of visiting members of my fake family that I thought to be my biological family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Switzerland, UK and in Germany, whereby in Germany I had more members of my fake family and biological family than I thought, and I did not know about them, (until end of this paragraph was added on 2.1.2022) I just knew officially of 3 members of my fake family, whereby all 3 of them were not what the claimed to be and had fake identities such as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias ;later Nick Naggar, my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg, and Dr. Sami Assassa a CIA/MI^/Mossad agent and is allegedly the brother-in-law of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that I strongly believe is not only a CIA agent, but also is member of the Saudi Arabian Royal family and also member of the English royal family and the ex-German royal family as well as he was most definitely a big drug lord

2.          To prevent me of discovering that members of my fake family are either CIA, MI6, BND or even AIVD agents in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and very possibly also in Switzerland, Germany, UK and USA. Which sounds paradox, but it is not, here is a small example why: the UK MI6 sends agent to the Middle East to live and become locals and work for their interests, they also send agents to Germany and this since at least when they won the 2nd world war in 1945, but also have countless agents in USA, in that they send them to Germany or to many countries of the middle east that then they get the citizenship of this country and go to USA to help control as much parts as they can, while pretending to be Germans, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, Omani, UAE and so on

3.          To prevent me to discover that some members of my fake family that claimed to have left Egypt shortly after me in 1970 but they never left Egypt

4.          To prevent me to discover that I have a twin that took my place in Egypt after they took me to Germany in 1969 and very possibly also took my place in Germany after they kidnapped me in 1986 from Germany to USA, or he goes often to Germany, and they did not want me to see him/her or that someone else get my attention to it

5.          To kidnap me to USA enable they can use me as a blackmail object against my biological family

6.          To force me to raise one of their children of their hidden agents in Germany, Middle East and/or Houston, Texas while forcing me to believe it is my child

7.          To use me as a decoy for the mother of my fake son that was almost identical look as the woman whore, they enslave me under on 24 December 1984, in matter of fact I strongly believe that this CIA & MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretend to be Syrian had 100% 2 almost identical lookalikes that exchanged places with her and without me noticing at that time

8.          Above all, they 100% destroyed all my existence in Germany, including my friendships, the woman I loved, my residence permit after living there for 17 years, my profession by stealing all my multilingual computer designs and specifications that I either wrote or collected between 1979 and 1984, which was a unified design for multi-lingual computer systems, and this to prevent me of ever working in this field again to prevent me to go back to the Middle East, all these documents that they stole from me, were my private intellectual property and I was not able to recover them ever thereafter. Among others because they immediately thereafter enslaved me under the control of their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that totally controlled my life and made sure to get rid of anything that it can prove anything of my past


In USA, they already had a preplanned life for me, which was most sadistic, destructive, and Nazi like.


Since BP-British Petroleum kidnapped me to USA to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family, and since they were also trying to coverup that I have an identical twin or even triplet, I strongly believe that they also were involved in kidnapping me as child on 10/11 January 1960.


And that makes BP-British Petroleum a children kidnapper, brainwasher, rapist, slave makers and also adult brainwasher slave makers, rapist and kidnappers and blackmailers and thief of intellectual properties and thief of lives and setting up their victim to look like a terrorist, drug lord, spy and member of organized crime organization, which very much says that they are actually an organized crime institution, and the below details proves that.


More detailed version

This section is divided into 2 sections

1.     Notes to make it better to understand what yet to follow (1 ½ page)

2.     The details with an index (rest pages)




Note-1: I really struggled to write this page and to complete it for the past nearly 3 months, either I was prevented to write it, because the more I write the more I remember, and the more I discover the more I get depressed because of all my loses, above all human loses, that I cannot replace such as my actual biological family, my friends, that I thought were my friends from the church in Unterschleissheim, the woman I loved and wanted to marry and it turned out she was set on me to distract me of the church, my employers that I never wanted to leave, but I was forced to leave to prevent me to go to the Middle East to visit my family that turned out to be my fake family and my kidnappers that were enslaving me, losing my home including all my furniture and the entire household products, but also losing my residence permit in Germany after living there for 17 years, and much more, and that is very depressive for me. How would you feel if you get up in the morning and find out that the woman you love has died, your friends are dead, your family is dead, your home country does not exist anymore, your profession is lost in the midst of all this, I discovered that my brother is not only not my brother, but also that they are at least 2 lookalikes that exchange places under their 2 fake identities and each one of them is worse than the other and more sadistic and more dangerous than the other and the same is valid for my fake mother, and my fake 3 sisters and the rest of this criminal fake family!


Note-2: This page has the following problems: it is not perfect, it is too long, it has some situations repeated twice possibly 3 times, however I am leaving it as it is, because and most of it is based on facts, with the exception where you read the words Nazis, it is most probably a sign of my anger, because I cannot verify who is Nazi and who is not, even if it is based on the theory that many Nazis that were waging wars in the Middle East, never left the Middle East and conspired to control countries such as Syria, some parts of Jordan and above all Saudi Arabia, and this due to the behavior of the governments in these countries, which it is not a human being behavior nor it is a Muslim behavior, it is a behavior of scare tactics and punishments to control the population with the help of USA, the UK and their allies that enslave people in these countries while pretending to be Muslims, such as members of my fake family, enable to steal not only the natural resources and the land, but to use the people as cheap labor, because human are the biggest natural resources of our lives,  while preventing them to advance in life, which is very visible in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and other countries to prevent the population to rise against them = hidden slavery as they did to me, but also as they have been doing in the Middle for centuries and still have the absolute same sadistic immoral and inhuman behavior as in the Middle Ages , and that is why these countries have laws from the middle ages that were designed to suppress them and control them while blaming it on Islam or as they do in UK and in the USA blame it on the other political party or on one man: The prime minister or the president that in reality is 100% their hidden slave as I also was and can recognize hidden slave because I was one!


This page is about the illegal project Calypso that was officially performed by BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 (British similar to CIA) and BND (German similar to CIA), and most probably also by AIVD, where I was dragged there by force, brainwashed and enslaved under the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud, then kidnapped to USA to use me to blackmail my biological family in USA, during which I was forced to live as an illegal alien with absolute no rights what so ever, during which I was severely brainwashed, tortured mentally and physically and rapped, while repeatedly destroying my profession, my social life and my entire life. The torture that they performed upon me in USA, I do not dare to write it down, because no one will believe me, however I wrote some of it, which you can find below and, in the page, “Slavery in USA”, but also in many other pages.


This project called Calypso was to deliver American Satellite computers networked together that were depending on American satellites, allegedly to protect the Syrian government from terrorism, but in reality, it was to control the Syrian population, whereby it is very possible that it was for the ex-Soviet Union to help them get their population under control, and Syria was used only as a proxy, or they also delivered both simultaneously. However, I am only aware of the Syrian delivery and read the incident of allegedly illegally transporting IT equipment’s in 1984 (which was during the project Calypso) from West Germany to East Germany=Ex-Soviet Union. (Note added on 4.1.2022: Today I have absolutely no doubt that this project Calypso was also meant for Iran, that at that time they conve3rted it from a monarchy to a hidden illegal drug country covered upo by wars to prevent people to go to certain areas that are allegedly protected by military, in reality it is illegal drug plantations such as opium, while using the satellite computer to manage the transportation and distribution of illegal drugs from Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Afghanistan by the British and American military that are mainly controlled by the English royal family and their hidden relatives in USA and in the Middle East such as my fake family that are 100% related to them. End of Note added on 4.1.2022)


In short below is mainly the detail how they brainwashed me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA, the little info about the Calypso project is only to show how these nasty people misuse anything in life to enslave other people.


The section below was added on 14 and 22.04.2019, and thereafter


This complaint is addressed to the following institutions:

1.          BP-British Petroleum

2.          The British Government and the British Royal family that owns and operate the BP-British Petroleum, Jordan and parts of Saudi Arabia

3.          The German Government due to the BND involvement and destructive setup to brainwash me, enslave me under the CIA & MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud, but also due to all of the involved that I am complaining about performed these very vicious and most destructive attacks against me in Munich, Germany between December 1983 and September 1986, not to mention that this was a repetitive action of 1970-1977 that was performed by the CIA, MI6 and BND but it was different situations using different methods, yet the absolute same destructive brainwash strategies, which is enslaving me under one of their female whore agents

4.          The US Government due to the involvement of the CIA in the most destructive way to brainwash me, enslave me under the CIA and MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnap me to USA where they kept me as a slave for 15 years, which was a repetitive action of 1970-1977 that was performed by the CIA, MI6 and BND in Munich Germany where they enslaved me under their agent Anita Disbray to keep me under their evil control for 7 years

5.          The EU commission for allowing such atrocities to be performed against an innocent civilian in the EU-European Union alias at that time the former European Common Market, where I totally was in love with, trusted blindly and looked up to EU as the only way to freedom in our world!


This is the ground-zero for brainwashing me, enslaving me under the CIA & MI6 whore named Najlaa Mahmoud (from allegedly the Al-Jadied Family in Syria but in reality is from Saudi Arabia with 100% 2 lookalikes that exchanged places with her in Germany and in USA (=identity theft ), that lived in Fairfield and Bridgeport, Connecticut and in Houston Texas and most probably she still live in USA or Germany or somewhere else right now) and then kidnapped me to USA in September 1986, where they kept me as enslaved illegal alien for 15 years and then dumped me by force in the Netherlands on 11.02.2001, where I was locked up for 13 years as refugee and illegal alien, during which I was severely tortured mentally, physically, socially and professionally until I was able to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, and ever since I am fighting to be free, to get justice and to find my biological family!


End of the section below was added on 14 and 22.04.2019, and thereafter



Pre-explanation (4 pages)

Short prehistory (3 pages)

Ground-Zero for setting me up, brainwashing me, enslaving me, and kidnapping me to USA (BP-British Petroleum performed crimes against me and against others)

Introduction to the project Calypso (1.3 page)

Location of the project Calypso (0.3 page)

Purpose of Calypso project (1.5 pages)

Members of the Calypso project (1.5 pages)

Relation of my fake family with the project Calypso (1.5 pages)

Calypso on the news in spring and in end summer 1984 (1.2 pages)

Destruction setups in cooperation with many (over 200 destructive setups were performed in cooperation and coordination with the evil BP-British Petroleum, yet I am adding only some of them) (50 pages)

After math of the project Calypso (7.2 pages)

Is my fake family Jewish OR Americans & British & Dutch mixed with Nazis, you decide?


Please note, that BP-British Petroleum and in cooperation with many members of my fake family, the CIA, MI6 and BND, performed not only severe damages to my person and destruction to my life, but also performed many damages, directly and/or indirectly to other innocents, such as my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, my friend and ex-work colleague at Siemens AG Khalid Mian, my friend Juergen Sing, my friend Detlev Fischer and others. Since I cannot speak for them and they do not see what happened, I will only concentrate on what the very evil and inhuman BP-British Petroleum did to me, while now and then showing some of the damages they performed upon others just to isolate me of them, while blaming it on me. Above all and today 40 years later I am still complaining and through my complaint I might unintentionally hurt others that are innocents through my complaint.


Pre-explanation (Go to Index)

The first thing to mention here is that through the situations described below, it is very clear to see the followings:

1.          They coordinated severe and most destructive brainwash with hidden telepathy control by creating various very destructive and tortures setups situations

2.          The Networking between the various companies and institutions in the Middle East that are either owned or operated through various members of my fake family with companies and institutions around my life in Germany such as Siemens AG, BP-British Petroleum, DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation, CIA, MI6, BND and most probably also a hidden construction and Engineering companies in Syria and elsewhere that are owned and operated  by the hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal family members that pretended to be Syrians and related to me, such as the Baroudi Family, Kheir Family, Bdeir/Budier Family, Abokurah family and Malas family and others, just as they were also in the hidden involved in the Saudi Arabian Port Authority Project and used their evil and most destructive networking and influences to remove me from my employer Siemens AG enable to prevent me to visit them in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and above all in Egypt where they have my twin that took my place over as Mohamad Nuzhat Najar (Najar is also written as Najjar, Nagar, Naggar and possibly also other unknown to me variations such as adding an additional letter “A” either after the letter “N” or after the letter “J”, and therewith it will be double “A”=Naajaar/Najaar, Naajar while replacing the J with “JJ” or with “G” or with “GG” = falsifying the identity, yet in Arabic it is always written the same with no possible variations, with the exception of the name Nuzhat that have only 2 variations in Arabic either ends with the letter “T” or with the letter “H”=Nuzhat or Nuzhah. The variations comes only when translating it to Latin languages such as English, just as my fake 3 sisters and fake brother do and each has a different spelling variation: me as Najar, my fake sister in Washington D.C. Afrah/Mona Najjar, my fake brother in various US States and in Germany as well as in the Middle East as Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and his lookalike is Nick Naggar, My fake sister Fadia Nagar in the UK possibly also in Germany and most definitely in the Middle East and my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Jordan and elsewhere unknown to me), and that is why they forced me with brainwash and fear in December 1990 to change my name in USA first to Michael N. Najar and in 2002 in Netherlands to Nuzhat Najar under the pretention now I am allegedly Christian and the first so called honor name Mohamad is not Christian=brainwash, just as all my fake uncles that are 100% CIA and MI6 agents have the so called honor name Mohamad in addition to their first name to show as if they are real Muslims, yet all their doings and behavior is 100% anti-Islam, anti-Muslim, Anti-Saudi Arabs, anti-Jordanian, anti-Egyptian and anti-Arabs by enslaving them by force and fear of the religion Islam and therewith they make a very bad name for Islam, just as they do bad names for Christians and Jewish by using similar strategies

3.          The cooperation between various members of the church where I was baptized a few years earlier than the project Calypso in 1976 and the various institutions that were controlling my life very destructively such as BND, CIA and MI6 that were working on the project Calypso and later even with the cooperation of the Dutch AIVD and the Dutch Immigration named IND

4.          You will most definitely see telepathy very destructive manipulation and control

5.          That the evil Dutch IND, COA and Stichting Welzijn that kept me locked up and controlled my life from 11 February 2001 and until I was able on 1 March 2016 (Note added on 4.1.2022: From 11.2.2001 and until May 2012 I was totally and 100% and hopelessly under the control of the institutions mentioned above, as  result of this mentioned and very destructive control I was from June 2012 and until 29.2.2016 persecuted very destructively and forced repeatedly to relocate from the village Bellingwolde that was nothing else than prison for me, then to Amsterdam, then to Brighton, UK then to Kerkrade, Netherlands, then to Harrow London, UK, then to Assen, Netherlands, and finally on 1.3.2016 to the city of Den Haag/The Hague, that is 7 times forced upon me relocations within 4 years = severe brainwash to distract me of my past) until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague, they were doing nothing else but helping to cover up for my fake family that are working among others for them as well as covering up for the BP-British Petroleum by forcing me to attack the Bush Family, the Rockefeller family, Exxon Corporation and many others that had absolutely nothing to do with me such as the Scandinavian royal families. They did that by forcing me with brainwash and telepathy to recognize what was done to me within their own controlled environment by among others using fear, mental and physical torture, but also by destroying my relation to the church, my friends in Germany and possibly also in USA, that is if I ever had a friend in USA (??!!) and above all to force me to recognize that my family is not my family but rather my fake family and my kidnappers and I should live with it and forget it!!!!

6.          I was totally lost between all these criminals and had zero percent chance to be free of them and their evil and very destructive brainwash and most destructive control, which will be very clear in the below described situations


This is about the company SCS-Scientific Control Systems that was 100% subsidiary of BP-British Petroleum. Based on my knowledge and at that time, SCS was the largest IT consulting company in Germany, there was other companies that were much larger but their business in Germany was smaller. Since BP-British Petroleum dissolved the company SCS-Scientific Control Systems as a mean of covering up for their criminal acts, I am calling the company SCS by the parent company name, which is BP-British Petroleum, and that especially because BP-British Petroleum is even more related to my fake family than the SCS company and has more benefits of kidnapping me than SCS, in other words they were using SCS against me as if SCS is an iron hand used to manipulating and destructing the lives of others such as they did to me and to countless others in Syria and Iran to cover up their hidden illegal drug business that they 100% control with their military.


This company called SCS was a very successful IT consulting company with over 2000 Employees (added on 21.08.2021: 2000 employees for an IT consulting company is not much in the years after 2000 or in 2021, yet in 1983 it was a lot because computers at that time was limited to 99% to Mainframe and minicomputers = rich large companies only, Micro-computers also called PC were just about starting, and they changed the world among others today the larger IT consulting companies have 20, 30 and even over 300,000 employees), in Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt and other cities. After the project completed, which was after they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in 1986, my guess it was 1989 or in the begin of 1990s, they dissolved the company by selling it to Deutsche Telecom (=the German Telecom) in the begin of 1990 or so and created a new company with different name, because SCS was the company that was performing all the major internal IT solutions for BP-British Petroleum and they cannot live without it, so my guess they created a new company, transferred most of their jewel employees and then sold the rest to Deutsche Telecom, my guess they sold it (dissolved it) because they cannot afford to be associated with the illegal project Calypso.


Side information, just in case you do not know, BP-British Petroleum is British company and ranked at various times in our lives between 1st to 7th place in the worldwide largest petroleum companies in the world. Shell is Dutch company, and it was founded by British, and it is still having British Involvements/partnership and it is also ranked at various times of our lives between 1st to 4th place in the worldwide largest petroleum companies in the world. Shell, Texaco, Chevron, Standard Oil and Exxon/Esso (and others) are very strong business partners that perform many illegal activities to maintain their control in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South and North America, one of the joint and networked destructive action is brainwashing me, enslaving me repeatedly and kidnapping me twice in 1960 and in 1986 while being so evil and responsible for forcing me to be refugee from 1960 to 2013 in Egypt 9 years, in Germany 17 years, in USA 15 years and in the Netherlands 13 years, this is how evil their networking is, and I am only busy with my own life and trying to be free, I do not know what they do to others but through my life I can imagine it to be very destructive to others as they were to me, for more facts about these very savage companies see this page that I found on the Internet, History of petroleum companies in our world: ../PHTM/Oil-Company-Histories.htm


Between 2001 and 2016 I was severely brainwashed and tortured mentally as well as physically in the Netherlands, during which they forced my mind to believe that the Syrian were associated with many kidnaped Americans, Germans, British, French, Dutch and other civilians that were held hostages in 1980s and even in 1990s for partially 9 years, and that the Calypso Project was a blackmail project trading hostage for technology and services. Brainwash is something very filthy and dangerous for the wellbeing of a human being state of mind as well as physical wellbeing. Today I know it was possibly not the case, because today I am in Den Haag/The Hague and I can think more freely than before, and I really do not care what the project was, if it was illegal or legal, trading for hostages or money or for drugs or for gold, what I care about is that they tortured my life from 01.01.1960 and increased it dramatically starting 17.01.1984 to current times through their very destructive criminal acts against me. While forcing my mind to attack their enemies or opponents or the group of people they do not like, such as, Jewish, Muslims, Christians, Russians, Rockefeller (the competition) Exxon, Bush family and many others, that I have no direct link to what so ever, only indirect in that I was forced to live in Houston, Texas USA, where most of the large petroleum companies are represented in and around Houston, and that the Bush family also and partially lived/lives in Houston, Texas, USA, or at least ex-president George H. W. Bush, where he was performing business with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East through the investment company called I think Black stone or something like that, and this is a public knowledge to be found on the Internet, yet it is somehow covered up=hidden!


For more information on the kidnapped British, Dutch, French and possibly also Germans and American civilians as mentioned above, see the Wikipedia article “Lebanon hostage crisis” under:


This page will show that BP-British Petroleum has conspired with others to perform many crimes.


But first what is considered a crime?


A crime is:

1.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to harm a person or persons

2.          When someone or an institution steal the intellectual property of others and claim it is his/theirs

3.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to brainwash someone

4.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to destroy his friendship and social life of a person for the purpose of isolating their victim, me

5.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to force a person to actions, he does not want to do

6.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to destroy the residence permit of a person

7.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to make a person look like a spy and make him look like as if he is betraying the country, he lives in  with it is alleged enemies with the goal to discredit him

8.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to brainwash a person, enslave him under a woman agent and then kidnap him to a foreign country to prevent him of visiting his family, that later turned out to be his kidnappers (and not his family) and were placed in Jordan and Saudi Arabia among others by the British Government with fake identities as alleged Syrians, Egyptians, Lebanese, Saudi Arabians, Kuwaitis and others

9.          When someone or an institution conspire with others to kidnap a child and later kidnap him again as an adult to another country to use him as a blackmail object against his biological family in that country

10.     When someone or an institution conspire with others to force a person to believe that the alleged new baby of the woman he is enslaved under, is his biological baby, in reality is a baby of someone else that they need to hide, such as hidden royal family members or the son of a hidden agent in the Middle East or Europe and they have thousands of those, also in Germany and USA, such as my fake sister in Washington D.C. with her fake 5 children, possibly only one of them is hers

11.     When someone or an institution conspire with others to kidnap a person as a mean to not allow the person to discover that he has a twin (possibly triplets) that took his identity in Egypt, in other words they used the person as a place holder for 10 years until his twin was grown up close to them and is loyal to them and was raised in the UK, USA, Germany and/or the Netherlands, then used him to replace the person in Egypt.

12.     When someone or an institution conspire with others to steal everything that a person has as a mean to force him to cut his relation to the past and that he has nothing to remind him of situations of his past, that is also a crime but also that he has no physical prove of the past, such as fake photos or real photos and other artifacts

13.     When a person or an institution conspire with others to force a person to be a refugee for additional nearly 30 years, all in all for over 50 years, then this is also a crime

14.     When a person or an institution conspire with others to cover up for a fake family and kidnappers

15.     When a person or an institution conspire with others to coverup for fake identities

16.     When a company conspire with foreign agents, in this case BP-British Petroleum with CIA + MI6 + BND + the Syrian military intelligent that were involved in this project named Calypso, against one of their own employees/consultants that meant no harm to any one and went far and beyond the possibilities available to serve BP-British Petroleum project, then it is not only a crime but also immoral, unethical, and sadistically mean and pure evil

17.     When BP-British Petroleum conspire against one person, because he was officially Muslim and suddenly became Christian and was officially persecuted because of this, during which they tried hard to force their victim, me to blame the Jewish and Israel for all of that and much more, then BP-British Petroleum is anti-Christ and anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-Jewish and anti-humanity and anti-freedom and that is maybe not a crime by law, but it is crimes against an innocent man and against humanity

18.     This point was added on 21.08.2021: When a person or an institution conspire by uses telepathy to cause a child a total amnesia and then repeatedly conspire with others to rape the child with men and disgusting old women and later also as an adult, as a mean of multipurpose brainwash, among others to force the victim to think as if he is doing it voluntarily because he is allegedly a homosexual to prevent him to have any children as protection against his evil 1-2 track of intelligence sister alias queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped him as a child and want to prevent that he ever can come anywhere near the English royal families, but also to prevent their victim child and even later in adulthood, me, to want to think about these times in 1960s in Egypt to not understand them and not to want to understand them and not to try to analyze them to not discover that he was kidnapped as a child and was placed within an organized crime families created by the English royal families during the First Second world war and thereafter

19.     Last but not least, when a person or an institution sell products and services to a country that is listed on the embargo list and are not allowed to receive high tech products and services, yet they receive it through BP-British Petroleum, then it becomes an international crime, at least between the Western countries that created this embargo, and the evil BP-British Petroleum broke this law

20.     And many other crimes


All of the above-mentioned crimes, with the exception of number 18, yet they performed it, were performed by BP-British Petroleum in cooperation and coordination with others against me! 


A small note: Syria was always considered publicly to be a terrorist financing and training country or even terrorist breeding country, and this not by me, but rather by USA and all major western European countries such as Germany, UK, Netherlands, France, and others but also it was known to be harboring known and wanted terrorists that performed many terrorist acts against Germany, UK, France, and other countries. And that is why they were on the USA and European Embargo list. Simultaneously to this project Calypso in Germany, there was an international incident where a large truck full loaded with computers and related electronics was going from, at that time, West Germany (West European and USA ally) to East Germany (ally of the ex-Soviet Union, both countries East and West Germany were divided during the Second World in 1945 and reunited in 1990) and the custom control on the West German border would not allow the truck to pass through unless they inspect it, but some Russian diplomats claimed it to be a diplomatic transport, which is according to international laws no one is allowed to look in it, and the truck was there for at least a couple of days, I forgot what happened after that, I just remember that some shady sales person from Siemens AG (I will leave his name out), I changed my mind and will write his name, named Helmuth Pfefferkorn that I brought into this project Calypso to deliver the multilingual monitors that I designed for Siemens AG 2 years earlier in 1981/82, he approached me and asked me if I am interested to sell for him to one certain client because he is not allowed by law to sell him, and I asked him who was it, he said Russia, further he said they need 24 thousand PCs and I would love to sell it to them, today I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that BP-British Petroleum asked him to approach me, sort of a trap, but I most definitely refused. Also, today I will not be surprised if that full loaded truck with electronics was from BP-British Petroleum as a part of the Calypso project.


The project name itself Calypso, point to Russia, companies like BP-British Petroleum love these kinds of dramatic names just as these psychopaths love the dramatic stories of William Shakespeare!


All the above were performed by BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with other companies and institutions from the CIA, MI6, BND and many members of my fake family that are business partners and possibly also family wise related to BP-British Petroleum, the result of this nasty and very evil plan is locking me up as a refugee for additional nearly 30 years, where they also used their connections in the Netherlands, especially with the IND (immigration Authority), COA (refugee management prior to recognition and approval as a refugee) and Stichting Welzijn (refugee management after  recognition and approval as a refugee, and this is one company in one municipality called OLDAMBT out of many others), where I was locked up as a refugee for 13 years in countless refugee camps, jails and prisons.


Also, please note that in all the above-mentioned points, the word conspired with others is mentioned, meaning organizing the crimes, which makes the BP-British Petroleum and their number one allies the MI6, CIA, BND and AIVD are nothing else than organized crimes institutions, and the below mentioned details are the prove, whereby any government official or influential person(s) can verify most of them or even all of them because they are all 100% verifiable! 


Short prehistory (Go to Index)

On 10/11 January 1960 I was kidnapped, most probably from USA (other possibilities are Germany, UK or the Netherlands the four countries that terrorized my life from January 1970 to 1 March 2016, while now and until February 2021 I am still busy with the crimes that these criminals performed against me, and I am still counting the dates until I receive justice and find my biological family). I was placed within a fake family that was set together out of various families mixed with CIA & MI6 agents (possibly also from BND and AIVD agents). They were 16 adults above 18 and 5 children under 10 years old. The strange thing no children between 10 and 18 years old!


They caused me a total amnesia and performed a few acts, that I am skipping, and in case I discover that I had a total amnesia, to force my mind to think it is due to (forced upon me by plan) the head injury I had in Autumn  of 1960, which was almost immediately after arriving in Cairo Egypt. Through the total amnesia I lost also my logic and speech capability and every single memory from prior to 10/11 January 1960, where they replaced it with fake memories by either using telepathy and forcing a dream upon me and then talk with me about it as if it was reality and then I would believe it to have been reality, or by telling me a story and saying do you remember this and that, which I do not remember but I took their words for it and believed it to have been my history. For details see the page “Kidnaping me as a child” and the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”.


They falsified my identity to Syrian and then took me to Egypt as a fake Syrian.


I was taken to Cairo, Egypt, where I lived for almost 10 years, as a multipurpose decoy and place holder for a twin or even a triplet. In Egypt I was severely mistreated, as a part of a long-term brainwash and memory blockade through fear and shame, among other by raping me by men and disgusting older women, and make it look like as if I am rapping the women and as if I am voluntarily sleeping with men = to force me to think as if I am a homosexual, which I am most definitely not.


Should I be ashamed of all the nasty things that other did to me?


Most definitely not. They should be ashamed for mistreating children and adults!


All the persons I get to know in Egypt as alleged neighbors or relatives from Syria I never saw in my life prior to January 1960 and thereafter, including my fake mother, 3 fake sisters and one fake brother, fake grandparents, fake uncles, fake aunt and fake cousins, that all of them gradually came into my life between 15 January 1960 and 1968 while I was living in Cairo, Egypt, yet I was brainwashed with the fake memory to believe I knew them, which is explained in more details in the page “Kidnapping me as Child and kidnapping other children” and the page  “My fake family, the kidnappers”, grandparents, 5 uncles and one aunt and some of their children that at that time prior to 1960 were 4 children and mainly cousins and nephews and nieces (Added on 21.08.2021: all the children that I saw in real life between 1960 and 1962 in Cairo, Egypt were under 10 years old yet the fake memory that they forced upon me I saw children that were older than 10 years old, yet I never met them in reality. End of added on 21.08.2021) and they grew in 1980s to over 35 and now possibly several hundreds, because each man of these nasty persons marries simultaneously 4 wives, and if he needs more, then he can divorce all 4 and marry another 4, an example King Saud of Saudi Arabia had allegedly 49 wives and 105 children, that is what I read in an Egyptian newspaper prior to 1970. Children for them means nothing except more slaves that they can use for their advantages.


On 10.10.1969 I was taken to Munich, Germany in the most memory and logic destructive trip that lasted until March 1970 when I landed in the American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany for a re-brainwash and isolation by enslaving me under the control of the CIA & MI6 agent named Anita Disbray that made sure I always stay under control and totally isolated of the general public, which lasted 7 years. During this evil trip mentioned above, they took me on 10.10.1969 to Frankfurt, then Munich and on around 12 December 1969 took me on a brainwash trip to implicate me as if I am related to top terrorist group at that time called PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization and bring me back after one month, where they did much more than that, which you can also read it under the page “Slavery in Germany” and other pages.


Among others I was locked up in Germany as a refugee and cannot leave the country because I have no legal papers and the German government (or at least the immigration in the Free State of Bavaria, where the CIA have more influence and control in Bavaria than the CIA influence and control in Washington D.C.) was helping in keeping my refugee application under review for 7 years, and therewith I cannot go back to Egypt and discover the twin that took over my place, but also I cannot visit members of my family that turned out to be my fake family and kidnappers!


In November 1975 they set me up to become Christian for a re-brainwash and to have a reason to persecute me and blame everything that yet to come and they do to me, including what the BP-British Petroleum did to me in the name of Islam and because I allegedly voluntarily changed religion and as cover up for the other actual reasons that are mentioned within, such as kidnapping me as a child, setting together a fake family out of 21 persons including me and another 4 children under 10 years old, and therewith and officially I became Christian on Easter Sunday of 1976 at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the city of Unterschleissheim, 20 km north of Munich, Germany. Since the woman I was enslaved under her control had telepathy and was controlling my life and isolating me by force and not allowing me to have friends, she was also controlling my mind, therefore once she left, I did not know what to do, because my mind was dependent on her telepathy commands, yet and since she left after I became Christian, the church covered up for that and I was surrounded by persons that kept me busy and distracting me of her. Simultaneously, my fake family forced me to think that she, the woman I was enslaved under and named Anita Disbray, forced me to become Christian, which it sound plausible since she was my official wife since 1973, and prior to that we were together and lived together since 20 August 1970, she was officially a Christian Methodist from the UK and had telepathy, yet it was planned by the CIA and my fake family  to set me up to become Christian enable they and their allies can have a reason to persecute me and remove me from the country where I became Christian and suddenly had many friends. By forcing me to think that Anita Disbray forced me to be Christian was nothing else but a brainwash trick to distant her from Jordan and Saudi Arabia, where she is either from or have close relatives there.  She was with no doubt much older than she told me, officially she was born on 24 August 1948, meaning 4 years older than me, but I believe she was much older, possibly 45-55 years old, she was dark blond, blue eyes, eye glasses, and under 160 cm tall/short, and under 46 kg, and since I had a total amnesia and they prevented me to grow logic to force me to be easier to control and I was living the last almost 10 years in Egypt within a population much darker than her and me, I was not capable at that time to tell really how old she was, among others also because I was brainwashed to accept and believe what others tell me. Look at the internet and see some of the famous actresses’ photos some of them are 50-60 years old, yet they look like 20-25 years old!


This paragraph was added on 21.08.2021: in almost 2 months I will be 70 years old, and a few days ago I was looking at my fingernails and how they changed. They are not straight anymore, they are a bit wavy as if someone engraved a millimeter deep column on each nail and this every millimeter, and I do not know what to call that. Except wavy, and this is how the fingernails of this CIA + MI6 + British royalty whore named Anita Disbray whore looked like in 1970 and until 1977, and when I consider that she had no interest in sex and was really bad in sex like as if I am sleeping with a board of wood, and forced me with telepathy to think it is my fault, then she must have been at least 50-70 years old, yet because she was small and skinny and I was hopelessly brainwashed and lacked of intelligence because they caused me a total amnesia in 1960 and ever since prevented me to grow intelligence, I was told a lie that she is only 4 years older than me as cover up that she is at least 30-50 years older than me and that is not only a crime against the me, but also it shows how psychotic these criminals psychopaths in reality are. They think of their selves as smart, just as their hidden slave ex-US president Donald Trump used to repeatedly say about himself and I am quoting him “My handle shows that I am smart” or “this because I am smart”. A smart person, never says he is smart, he let his actions shows what he is made of, just like ex-US president Bill Clinton, or the current US president Joe Biden are real smart  persons, and you can see that in their intelligent actions, yet they never said about their selves “I am smart” and the same is valid about many other persons such as Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos and many others! This paragraph was added on 21.08.2021.


Ever since I became Christian, I had so many troubles and problems and I did not know why I am having them, which was also a brainwash trick among others to force my mind to love my time with Anita Disbray, where I did not have all these problems and not even anywhere near that, yet she systematically and always destroyed any friendship that I started while totally isolating me, be it at work or in school where I learned Computer programming, while controlling my mind with telepathy to avoid that I recognize anything from my past and to prevent anyone else to use telepathy on me and to force me to think about the past enable to find out more about me = severe mental and logical problems due to this kind of hidden telepathy slavery!


September 1977, she disappeared of my life, and I never seen her thereafter except once for a round 30 minutes in 1979 at the divorce court in Munich, Germany. Another one of her evil goals was to not allow me to be involved with any German woman to keep me isolated but also because they planned to kidnap me to USA and if I am married to a German woman, then I would get the German citizenship, and no one can kidnap me so easily, or prevent me to go back to Germany, which I tried very desperately since 1986 to go back to Germany that I considered to be my home, but they were much more powerful than me. And above all and the reason these evil people prevented me to have German friends or girlfriend, is to avoid that the family of my girlfriend protect me against these evil criminals, and therefore they always forced me to be with a woman that was either allegedly foreigner or was orphan, such as Adelheid Kuczka, where they were able to not only manipulate my life but also hers in a very negative and destructive way, and no one was there of her family or my family to protect us from these savages, and as you will see below they are much more than savages, they are concentrated evil and criminals!


Why did I want to go back to Germany and why did I considered it to be my home?


The short answer is because I met so many genuine people that do not lie, deceive or try to destroy a piece of my life, and that was the first time ever that I saw that, and without knowing why I just fell in love with it and saw everyone as my friend.


The longer answer: I considered Germany to by my home, because it was the only place where I saw good things that I loved, such as the church, my ex-German friends, my ex-German girlfriend, my best employers, and so on. Maybe there are better ones than all of them put together, but for me it was enough. Above all, it is because I started to lose the brainwash that they forced upon me since kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960. The brainwash that they performed upon me it was like eye blinders, where I was not allowed and was not able to see life as it is, but starting 1976 the blinder went gradually away, as if I was blind and now I see, and everything I saw was suddenly very lovable, and therewith I fell madly in love with my life starting 1976 and this happiness was ended by force on 17.10.1984 and reinforced on 24.12.1984 through the evil BP-British Petroleum actions against me. And this is the best way I can explain it.


The prehistory is getting to long, please see the details in the page Slavery in Germany. Details such as suddenly I was able to travel and was sent through my employer to Saudi Arabia, where many members of my fake family are from while pretending to be Syrians, such as the Baroudi family, Khayat family, the Kheir family, the Bdeir/Budier family and others. And that I went to the Middle East including Egypt starting 1980, did not suit the CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum and above all each nasty member of my fake family as listed in the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”, because I tried to visit them, and was able only to visit a hand full of them which caused me a lot of life destruction that they blamed it on others or on me.


Ground-Zero for setting me up, brainwashing me, enslaving me, and kidnapping me to USA (Go to Index)

(BP-British Petroleum performed crimes against me and against others)



Introduction to the project Calypso (1.3 page)

Location of the project Calypso (0.3 page)

Purpose of Calypso project (1.5 pages)

Members of the Calypso project (1.5 pages)

Relation of my fake family with the project Calypso (1.5 pages)

Calypso on the news in spring and end summer 1984 (1.2 pages)

Destruction setups in cooperation with many (50 pages)

After math of the project Calypso (7.2 pages)



Introduction to the project Calypso (Go to Index)

Pre-History: I was working for the German company Siemens AG in Munich from Mai 1978 to 31.12.1981, where then I was forced to leave the company because they sent me to Saudi Aribia on Business where many members of my fake family are officially originated from and have other identities among others pretending to be Syrians as my family, and the same is valid for those members of my fake family that are from Jordan and Egypt. They did not like me going to the Middle East and see them, because the following reasons:

1.          Some of them are members of the CIA, MI6 and possibly also from BND and AIVD, such as Jalal Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi, Hani Baroudi, my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, my 2 fake sisters, Fadia Najar and Afrah Najar, my fake brother and his lookalikes Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Nick Naggar, and others (they also write their names as Najjar, Nagar and Naggar, but never as Najar, I did not translate my name to Najar, but rather these criminals did)

2.          The family that I was forced to believe it is my biological family and I was placed within them starting 10/11 January 1960, are a fake family that were set out of several families mixed with CIA and MI6 agents and possibly also some of them are also member of BND and AIVD, they were 16 adults above 18 years old and 5 children under 10 years old including me, and they all were pretending to be one family, grandparents with their children and grandchildren that were partially adults such as my 2 fake sisters and a couple of fake cousins. But it was 100% a fake family as described in the pages “Kidnapping me as a child” and in the page  “My fake family, the kidnappers”

3.          They did not want me to see that many members of my fake family that I knew them from 10/11 January 1960 to current time in 1980s, were members of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families and the housing I saw them in is just a second residence, possibly one out of many or a shared second residence or a borrowed residence and did not want me to drop in without announcement and realized that they do not live there!

4.          Did not want me to discover that in 1969 and after they took me from Egypt to Germany, a twin brother (added 0n 31.08.2021: or a very lookalike cousin or very distant relative or just a lookalike! End of added 0n 31.08.2021) with the name Mohamad Nuzhat Najar took my place

5.          Did not want me to discover that they are not Muslims, because now I not only know how Muslim behave, but also Christians, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist or even atheist

6.          Did not want me to discover that they have Europeans and American habits, because in the meanwhile I was forced to live within the American military base in Munich for nearly 2.5 Years for isolation and a re-brainwash from 1970-1972 and also within many Europeans, among others because my employer Siemens AG, sent me on business trips to Ireland, France, Italy, Switzerland’s, Austria, Saudi Arabia, several cities in Germany including at that time West Berlin, and also the UK (went there privately to visit my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar, that turned out to be my fake sister and one of my kidnappers)

7.          And other reasons


Therefore, the CIA, MI6 and members of my fake family used their evil networking to force Siemens AG to set me up and let me go on 31.12.1981. Yet I continued to work in my specialty that I gained through Siemens AG, which is design and development of multi-lingual computer systems and particularly the mixture of the Latin languages (=western European countries), Slavish languages (South western ex-Soviet Union, such as former Yugoslavia) and Urdu languages (=Indian Urdu the mother language among others of Pakistani, Farsi, Afghani and Arabic) and that they did not want, because it means I would travel again to the Middle East, and therefore they used their evil networking through the CIA, MI6, BND, Syrian military Intelligence and BP-British Petroleum that was performing the project Calypso in Munich to brainwash me, destroy all my relations in Germany to isolate me, enslave me under one of their evil whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud and then remove me from Germany by kidnapping me from Germany to USA in September 1986, where they kept me as brainless slave and illegal alien for 15 years, then dumped me by force in the Netherlands where I was locked up illegally for additional 13 years.


Location of the project Calypso (Go to Index)

This is the location of the headquarter of the project calypso development:

1.     Address: Leopoldstraße 139-145, 80804 München/Munich Germany. It is one long building with 3 floors

2.     Above us was IBM offices (at that time the European headquarter was in Paris, France and as I recall they either moved the headquarter for Europe from Paris, France to Munich or moved only their headquarter for Germany from Stuttgart to Munich, Germany to this location)

3.     Below us was Microsoft Offices (at that time was still very small, yet they were working very closely with IBM to develop the so-called PC-DOS for IBM original PC, that later they also developed the MS-DOS and the pre-version of Windows, and I guess that is why they were always next to IBM)

4.     Other offices of SCS from other cities were involved but only from the background and as subcontractors


As far as I recall SCS, and Calypso project was on the second floor.


Purpose of Calypso project (Go to Index)

The project Calypso was allegedly to help the Syrian government to fight terrorism, in reality the software and databases were designed to keep track of every Syrian, everyone he is related to, every family member of the persons he is related to, his friends, the family of his friends and their entire connections, his education, his profession, his employer, the family of his employer, his medical connections, such as his doctor his surgeries his medicine and so on! (Added on 31.08.2021: And that was definitely not for fighting terrorism but rather to control the Syrian population illegally, just imagine that the government knows my friend, my girlfriend my school teachers and who sit next to me in school, but also each neighbor and their friends and families, and the same is valid for my medical professionals that I visit = total control and absolute no privacy, which you will see in the conclusion page that there is absolutely no privacy whatsoever, not in USA, not in Germany, not in Netherlands, and most definitely no in the UK, Saudi Arabia and in the rest of the world. End of added on 31.08.2021)


The system is officially illegal in USA and in Europe, yet and in the last 48 years of my life between Germany, USA, Netherlands, and the UK I discovered that they perform absolutely the same about the entire population in USA and Europe enable to prevent anyone else to come to power, and that is illegal and criminal and against all laws of privacy. Don’t take my word for it, just ask yourself how your doctor know so much about you, for example in the Netherlands, officially you have to give your approval for it, yet it is fact all the medical history of each individual person lives in the Netherlands or have been treated officially in the Netherlands is in a similar database, where every doctor has access to it, but also the police, the AIVD and others. Sorry I get sidetracked.


The BP-British Petroleum subsidiary company called SCS-Scientific Control System was designing and developing this project as a turnkey computer project, including training the staff that were all a mixture between Syrian military intelligence, military officers and police officers from various cities from Syria, and possibly some of them were Russians or Iranians disguised as Syrians or even Americans or British disguised as Syrian and the prove for that is the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under, she is 100% related to Americans and British, her entire family, consisting of higher Syrian military staff and government officials and business people are a mixture of European and Americans, some of them were even officially born in USA and elsewhere such as Rima Khodor/Chodor/Chodr/Khodr (or other spellings), allegedly passed away a few years back, yet in 1988 She was American born and raised in Syria and came back to USA as an American citizen and the daughter-in-law of the CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud alias Khodor alias Jadied families alias allegedly family of the prior leader of Syria named Salah Jadied ( and a cousin of the family that jailed him alias the current family of the current president Bashar Al-Assad alias an illegal drug puppet of the English royal families + Rockefeller families  while using their hidden Russian relatives alias Russian controlling families ( + )  to pretend to be controlling Syria  ( + Salah Jadied was arrested by the Syrian military in 1970 and placed in prison until his death in 1990s, enable to take over his place as Hafez Al-Assad the ex-president of Syria ( + and the father of the current evil president of Syria named Bashaar Al-Assad that is responsible along with the CIA and MI6 for the civil war in Syria enable they can stay in control by either killing everyone else or forcing Millions of people to be refugees = slaves in Jordan, Lebanon, Europe and else were. Sorry I get sidetracked!!


The entire Calypso system must have a response time of seconds to maximum one minute, which was impossible at that time, yet we made it possible. And to do that we had to use American satellites, and no one can use that without the approval of the American government and in particular the US congress (Whereby and at that time between 1981 and 1987 the political party Democrats were in control of the House of representatives while the political party the Republicans were in control of the Senate = both are equally criminals because both knew about all the above and below including kidnapping me, which makes them 100% organized crime institutions) with their security committees as well as the American military and the CIA, which very much means, whatever the Syrian do, the Americans government have a copy of it. At that time, there was only American commercial satellites and possibly also Russian satellites, and in both cases the military was in control, this mean this project was not 100% under the control of only the BP-British Petroleum, but also all these institutions that also broke the laws that at that time president Reagan and his vice president George H. W. Bush and the congress made it to law to not deal/negotiate with terrorist, and therewith they broke their own law, which very much means the laws are made only to prevent others to work freely!!!


Also delivering the hardware that was 100% under embargo, which was PDP-1124 and VAX minicomputers from the company DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation minicomputers, at that time DEC was the largest and best minicomputer manufacturer in the world. DEC was dissolved in around 1995 when the company Compaq Corporation purchased DEC, and shortly thereafter HP-Hewlett Packard purchased Compaq Corporation, and therewith they covered their tracks, yet not completely, because this project require American and/or British and/or German maintenance for as long as the system exist, which very much means that the following companies were still maintaining the project and possibly until current in 2021: Dec-Digital Equipment Corporation, then was purchased by Compaq Corporation in Houston Texas, and therewith Compaq Corporation took over the maintenance of the project and therewith also broke the law. Then HP=Hewlett Packard purchased Compaq Corporation, and there with HP had to continue the maintenance project, and here too, they are breaking the law even until today. Not to forget that I was forced by the organized crime institutions CIA and/or FBI to work for Compaq Corporation for 6 weeks between Mai and June 2000 at their head quarter in Houston, Texas (which is dissolved now), during which these mentally sick and psychopaths, forced me 100% with telepathy during that period of time  to write a fax and send it from within the offices of Compaq where I was forced to work just enable they can brainwash me, and this fax was sent to several Syrian consulate in various states and to the Syrian embassy blaming them for brainwashing me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA. Now if you think about it, this really makes Compaq Corporation top management not only criminals because they were brainwashing me, while they took over the maintenance of the project, but also, they were absolutely stupid and as dumb as an ass/donkey, because this is what they brainwashed me to think, that the Syrian government kidnapped me from Germany to USA, how weird is that?


Small side notes: in Mai 2000 I was offered a job illegally by the company Compaq Corporation for one purpose only to force my mind to think that only the Syrian government is responsible for brainwashing me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA, they even forced me to send several faxes from Compaq Corporation faxes at their headquarter in Houston, Texas to force my mind to believe in what they were brainwashing me to think, and this because sometime between January and March 2000 I sent a written complaint to every congress man/woman and senator about the CIA brainwashing me, enslaving me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapping me from Germany to USA, as a result these sadistic criminals and psychopaths started to brainwash me and force me to blame everything on Mossad (the Israeli Secret Service) and on the Syrian military intelligent from the project Calypso, and then delivered me to the Netherlands for another brainwash and lock up between jails, prisons, refugee camps for nearly 14 years!!


It is true, I often read about it that the Syrian government has kidnapped some people from Germany, the UK and took them to Syria. But kidnapping an alleged Syrian and a residence of Germany, from Germany to USA by the Syrian that is not only false and fake but also severe brainwash attempt by the CIA and FBI in USA in the period mentioned above in the year 2000.


Members of the Calypso project (Go to Index)

The following are the person’s name that I can remember and the companies that were involved in this project:

1.          Me at that time as Mohamad Nuzhat Najar

2.          BP-British Petroleum as the main contractor

3.          SCS-Scientific Control Systems from Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and other cities, note that my evil fake uncle called Dr. Farzat Baroudi that worked very closely with the CIA & MI6 to set me up and make me look like as if I am related to terrorism enable to give the CIA, MI6 and BND a reason to persecute me and isolate me of the rest of the world to protect the identity of these criminals as they are listed in the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”. This Dr. Farzat Baroudi that used to live on Waldweg (street) in Hamburg has performed repeatedly severe damages to me physically, mentally and is the cause of locking me up. He has telepathy, which very much means his children not only also have telepathy, but that they are as evil as him, his wife’s name was Anna and allegedly from Koeln, I even met her not very nice parents!!

4.          DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation, that worked very closely with many members of my fake family in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, where members of my fake family were the main distributers in these countries, above all and in Germany that biggest reseller of DEC computers was at that time the company Siemens AG, which I never understood, because they had their own mini computers developed with the Japanese company Fujitsu and I worked on them during my employment at Siemens AG, meaning Siemens AG was selling their own product and the competition at the same time!

5.          German and other governments through BND and in cooperation with the CIA and MI6 that were all over my life at that time and at least since January 1970

6.          USA government through BND, CIA and MI6 were all over my life at that time

7.          UK Government  through BND, CIA and MI6 were all over my life at that time

8.          The American government through their military satellites that were used on this project

9.          Siemens AG delivering the multi-lingual monitors that I designed for them between 1981 (when I was still their employee) and 1982 (was not employee any more as a consultant)

9.1. Mr. Rebhan sales manager at Siemens AG in Bogenhausen in Munich

9.2. Mr. Helmut Pfefferkorn, sales representative at Siemens AG in Bogenhausen under the supervision of the above Mr. Rebhan

10.     Wenger Electronics, a Swiss company delivering high-speed high-quality multi-lingual printers based on my design, they were manufacturing one of the best printers on the market, yet it was pricy and did not make it against all the Japanese printers, and therefore the company does not exist anymore, but the family Wenger still exist in other businesses, they among others manufacture the best backpack that was able to find in the market, bit pricy, but it is worth every penny. It makes me happy to see others being free and are able to go into other business if one fail, I was always prevented to!

11.     Syrian government as the official client (note added in February 2021: Today I strongly believe that the satellites computer system was meant for Iran to help the new revolutionary government to control their own population while converting the country to an illegal drug plantation country covered up by fake wars, just as they repeatedly also did in the Golden Triangle, Columbia, Cuba and as recent as 20 years ago with Afghanistan, which I will lay down the prove that they were 100% using Afghanistan as an illegal drug plantation country as well as legal drug selling it to American and other pharmaceutical companies that convert the Opium to many other legal medications, yet the illegal part is much more profitable above all it is tax free. End note)

12.     A French company I believed was named Carrier for the specialized computer Air conditioning and fire protection, however I may have confused it with other projects

13.     Others that I forgot

14.     Mr. Schilbach as the German project leader, he was the brother of Mr. Schilbach one of many Directors at Siemens AG, he was the one who contacted me first and dragged me to this project, yet I doubt it that Siemens AG had anything to do with brainwashing me, enslaving me and kidnaping me to USA, even though they used me as a blackmail object against my biological and fake families that have fake identities and are members of the royal families of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman and others, while setting me up with brainwash and telepathy to leave the company Siemens AG just to prevent me to go to the Middle East and visit members of my evil fake family. I doubt that Siemens AG had anything to do with my brainwash and kidnapping to USA because they did absolutely the opposite between May 1978 and 31.12.1981 in that they helped me dramatically to lose my brainwash while trying to let me see who is my family really and in doing so, the others caused me severe destruction to my life, others such as CIA, BND, MI6, BP-British Petroleum and members of my evil and most destructive fake family I have ever seen in my life or heard of!

15.     Lieutenant colonel Labied Salameh (also written Labeed or Labiid) of the Syrian Military intelligent, was the Syrian project leader. He was most sleazy and disgusting person that conspired with them to brainwash me and enslave me under the CIA and MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Syrian while simultaneously she had 100% 2 lookalikes one of them was Saudi Arabian and the other from UAE-United Arab Emirate, a wife of some CIA and MI6 Sheikh that hide her children with her lookalike nanny

16.     Mr. Schuette, very unfortunately I forgot his first name, he was my work colleague and was responsible for the design of the database, where we partially worked on it together. He was previously employed by Siemens AG

17.     There were many Syrians military and Syrian police staff, all were officers, that came to train for 6-12 months, many came with their wives and children, very unfortunately I forgot their names! And the only way I forget their names, even though they were all over my life, is that some of them or even all of them had telepathy and controlled my mind each time I am in their evil and disgusting presence (Note added in February 2021: Since today I know that this Calypso project was meant for Iran and Syria was used as a proxy, this means that many of these alleged Syrian military officers were Iranians that spoke Arabic, not to forget that officially Syria is allegedly the best official ally with Iran and Pakistan, while Pakistan was heavily used by the English royalties and the Rockefeller families to attack Hindus, even 300 years ago and before establishing the country called USA, and ever since and at least since the First World war the English Royalties and the Rockefeller families uses Pakistanis as soldiers just as they used to do with Jewish that were enslaved as soldiers and that is one of the reasons that the Saudi Arabian military has (or had, today the this military is of the second and third or even fourth generation of these Pakistanis) 90-98% of their staffing/soldiers from Pakistan, and the same is valid in Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and even Jordan= English Royal families doings!! End of Note)

18.     There were many other staff, including secretaries, but I forgot their names, see the note below


Note about a person forgetting things during this period of time I was totally lost and controlled hopelessly with telepathy, which leads to memory loses (added on 31.08.2021: actually, it is not memory loses, but rather memory gaps because when a person with telepathy control anothers, the others cease to memorize the situation because he/she is not conscious about them. End of added on 31.08.2021), because when someone take control of another person’s mind, the mind is busy with the thoughts of the other and does not register many things. Very unfortunately this is the reality of our lives. But also because they overwhelm a person of situations that are designed to destruct the logic of a human beings, the mind of the victim is mainly busy trying to understand the situations and cannot because it is based on paradoxes, which causes the brain to go in indefinite endless circle of trying to understand enable to try to find a solution for the problem or countless  problems caused by these criminally insane and psychopaths that causing these destructive situations which are the various networking groups established by English royalties through their evil controlling mechanism through the Freemasons + the Rockefeller families = the brainless destruction machine called American military and their organized crime institution called the CIA in cooperation of the English royalties organized crime institution called MI6!


As a result, the brain does not register all situations = severe brainwash that leads to memory losses/gaps!!


Relation of my fake family with the project Calypso (Go to Index)


All this is verifiable.


Best is when I list them:

1.          UK established (among others) Jordan in around 1910 and re-established it after the second world war along with Israel through their military General, I believe his name was Belfort, and they control it even today, all Jordanian officials are nothing else but their employees and puppets, including the families Abokurah, Bdeir/Budier, Malas, Barghoti, Tabaa and countless others

2.          Between the Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Tabaa and other families, they control all the economy, by either being CEOs, member of the board or chairman of the board and this for all major companies that were established by British, Americans and other Europeans but mainly British such as:

2.1.           Military

2.2.           Airline

2.3.           Airport

2.4.           Airport Services

2.5.           Banks and money exchange

2.6.           Electric companies (established by Westinghouse corporation)

2.7.           Water companies

2.8.           Telephone companies

2.9.           Public transportations

2.10.      Taxis

2.11.      Engineering

2.12.      Construction and construction materials

2.13.      Jordan Petroleum (BP-British Petroleum)

2.14.      Jordan Phosphor (mainly for weaponry)

2.15.      Sheraton hotels

2.16.      Marriot hotels

2.17.      Hotel of Jordan

2.18.      Islamic Educational college

2.19.      Computer and IT through among others and at that time in 1980s: DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation (Calypso project company), Siemens AG and others

2.20.      Main and major car Distributors, among other BMWs because of their German relation to hidden escaped Nazis such as the Malas family, but also Mercedes, Austin-Morris, Honda, MAN a German truck and bus manufacturer and others

2.21.      And many others in various Jordanian cities


More than half of the above companies (excluding military) were allegedly controlled and managed by the families of my fake 2 sisters, the Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah families. This information was given to me by these mentioned families.


And therewith they are also the main distributor/representatives of Boeing, Airbus, military companies in UK, Germany and USA, Microsoft, DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation later Compaq and later HP, Siemens AG, General Electric, BMW, VW, Mercedes, Honda and the list is endless = royalties, because this is what royalties do, they force to own all major companies and enslave others to work for them in these companies, and this is not my saying, but rather is the very visible pattern that everyone can see in any kingdom or even in a hidden kingdom such as USA, Germany and Russia!!


They also built and run the Islamic Education college of Jordan, among others in Amman, Jordan. Their name is at the entrance as the builders: Mohamad Ali Bdeir and Abdulghani Abokurah, both families of my 2-fake sister in Jordan that are my kidnappers just before 10/11 January 1960. My 2-fake sister in Jordan are Suhair Bdeir/Budier and Afrah/Mona Abokurah alias Afrah Mona Najjar alias Moni Najar one of my kidnappers from 10/11 January 1960 and now lives in Washington D.C. under the protection of USA government. Is this what governments do these days: protect the criminals and punish/lockup the victims??


They were officially the only main business partner and resellers for DEC-Digital Equipment, Siemens AG and many others as mentioned above. Please note, they continuously add new fake names to avoid that it be too obvious that they are royal family members and/or UK puppets that sell any one for a few Dinar (Jordanian currency) more to enrich their selves while enlarging their stomach, they have no moral values, no ethical values no religious value, the only thing they see is Dinars, Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Yens and others, this is the only family that they know, don’t take my word for it, Prince Mohamad of Jordan was driven crazy as they used him as target practice for telepathy and to train his brothers and then locked him up for at least 2 years or maybe more in a Swiss mental hospital, also they did the same with his real nephew alias my fake nephew Khalid Abokurah and then locked him up indefinitely for life in a mental hospital in Egypt, and they tried twice to lock me up in a mental hospital, once in March 2000 in Houston, Texas, but someone helped me out of their evil plan, that I believe it was the FBI because they wanted to know more about my history (Note added in February 2021: It was most definitely not the FBI, but rather and today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that was some Christian group that repeatedly saved me at various times of these criminals and psychopaths), and they tried again in August 2003, this time they locked me up for 6 weeks in a mental hospital in Germany called Haar, just outside Munich, and used the church that I loved so much in the city Unterschleissheim and in particular an unknown to me pastor to get my attention to the pastor I loved very much and named Herbert Lange as it is mentioned in the page “Thank You”, and they tried hard to make him look bad, which I will skip the details but you can see the details in the page “Thank You” under Pastor Herbert Lange; and also used my baptized witness Mr. Schneider, at that time Mr. Schneider was the chairman of the church board, all to force me to hate the church, now I may dislike this church in Unterschleissheim because I know 100% they were helping my fake family, yet I still love the church in general, because it is one of the few options people have to get together and be honest with each other’s.


Why did they do that to me and lock me up in a mental institute in Germany and used the church I loved most, by calling the police that then lock me up in a mental institute for 6 weeks?


Very simple to prevent me to ever come back because evil member of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families that pretended to be my family, have second housing and other business interest in the small city called Unterschleissheim and the best way to keep me out is to make me look that I am crazy and unwanted here and this is 100% NOT Christian, nor it is Muslim nor Jewish ways nor it is Hindu or Buddhist way, nor it is humane, but it is their way!!


Calypso on the news in end summer 1984 (Go to Index)

Sometime in Early spring, maybe February or March of 1984, the German project leader named Mr. Schilbach (a younger brother to a Siemens AG director with the same name) came up to me and said, this gentleman and this lady are from the Cable TV News (name forgotten, but at that time I believe there was only one or maximum 3) and want to know what we do, so please show them your work and the multi-lingual design and development (English/French and Arabic) that you are performing on this project, give them a demonstration. Which I did that lasted around 30 minutes, during which they were asking me questions related to this project and my design/development of the Software and Hardware and were always taking a video, from the time they entered the offices and until left it.


The German Magazine called “The Stern”, headquartered at that time in Hamburg, had an article over Calypso. In Hamburg, where my fake and very evil and most destructive uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi also lived on Waldweg in Hamburg. He was and with absolutely no doubt what so ever was working for one or all of the following institutions: BND, CIA or MI6, where they all set me up in 1969 to look like as if I am related to top terrorist enable to have control over my life (in the name of a fake national security threat) as an alleged suspect, but also I had several very destructive situations in Hamburg related to this crazy, mentally sick and dangerous man that caused me also severe mental and physical pain, his wife named Anna from Koeln as well as his children (names forgotten) would most definitely be as dangerous as him if not even worse, it is inheritable = Hidden Jordanian and/or Saudi Arabian royal family members that are working for the CIA and MI6 as distraction of the English royalties and the Rockefeller families!


Note added on 31.08.2021 about the above paragraph: A couple of months ago, I realized that this criminal named Dr. Farzat Baroudi is a Greek origin, most probably one of the mentally sick ex-Greek royalties that think that they are Gods, and everyone is their slaves and that they can do with them what they want. In other words, this criminal Dr. Farzat Baroudi have several fake identities that he uses as he see fit, and CIA + MI6 + BND coverup for him, because he is most definitely related to ex-Prince Philip, prince of Greece and Denmark alias the husband of queen Elizabeth the Second that I believe she is my older sister that kidnapped me. I have no prove of that, except his disgusting deceiving criminal look which is very much has a lot of look similarities to ex-Greek royalties as well as current higher Greek government officials such as the Prime minister of Greece named Kyriakos Mitsotakis for all I know they are cousins ( + (, when you look at his photos, then you will know how Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias my fake uncle that has telepathy and used upon me most destructively at least 10 times and caused me physical damage while creating a very destructive telepathy attack that often forced my mind to go in circle due to I never understood why, in matter of fact I once almost died due to his telepathy attacks and had a very destructive car accident, actually it was the most and only destructive car accident that I ever had, just after I left his house in Hamburg and going back to Munich with my brand new car at that time was Mazda RX-7, I am not sure about the model, but it looks like it, and I paid cash for it 25 Thousand Deutsch Mark, and then I had this man caused accident on the highway just a few kilometers after I left Hamburg, luckily no one was injured, yet the car was total damage and as far as I recall it was not worth it to repair it and I rented a car instead of buying a new one. Today I strongly believe that was an assassination attempt on my life performed by this fake uncle. If I am right and he is of the ex-Greek royalties, then he most definitely tried to kill me, yet some one saved me. to show you how nasty this man is, here are very short only 2 other very destructive attacks he performed upon me:

1.     Roughly 16-20 December 1969 I was taken by my fake very destructive mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi from Germany on an brainwash and implication tour to force the CIA + MI6 to take control of my life, during which she along with this evil fake uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi + his 2 fake brothers named Jawdat Baroudi + Badeaa Baroudi set me up to look like as if I am related to the at that time allegedly biggest terror organization in the world starting 1960s and until 1990 where then they, they is English royalties + Rockefeller, replaced it with Al-Qaida, and then took me back to Germany and forced me to apply for political asylum and tell them about my fake ID from PLO, just to allow the CIA to take me to the American military base named McGraw kaserne pretending to want to investigate me, in reality these criminals psychopaths were isolating me and brainwashing me very destructively to force me to forget my past and then enslaved me under the CIA+MI6  whore agent named Anita Disbray that claimed to be 4 years older than me, but today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that this bitch and English royalty whore was over 50 years old, she was short and one of these stupid women that cover her stupid face with a ton of makeup and it takes her 20-30 minutes just to take the makeup off, one of the main reasons that lead me today to know that she was over 50 years old, are my finger nails today and tarting the year 2001, were I was officially 49 years old and my nails started to get rough and wavey as if someone engraved a column half millimeter deep and every  millimeter on each of my finger nails, and just a few months later I related my today’s finger nails to her finger nails in 1970s = she was already over 50 years old, how old I cannot say, but most definitely she was more than 50 years old, today I am officially 69 years old. But in 1970, when the psychopaths CIA + American military Intelligence enslaved me under her control I had a brain of an 8 years old because they caused me a total amnesia in 1960 and ever since they isolated me among others to prevent me to learn from others and grow my intelligence, another reason was when I had sex with her as if I am having sex with the mattress. Since she had telepathy, I was hopelessly lost  and was not able to think clearly. Also, since a few years ago I discovered that she had an almost identical lookalike that she used to exchange places with, today I know this other person was younger than her, possibly her daughter, and when they exchange places they used the same clothes and shoes, yet one of them was slightly more wight than the other that the cloths such as pants would be too tight on her, yet later after a few days it is not too tight any more, but at that time I did not understand this situation. In other words, I strongly believe that some Jordanian or Saudi royalty’s wife would come to Germany to be free and not have to pretend to cover up her entire body and walk freely and use me as a decoy as if she is my wife, and they did that to me several times in Egypt, in Germany and also in USA with different persons that pretend to be related to me and have an almost identical lookalike that pretend to be my brother, sister, mother, uncle, nephew, niece or cousin. These psychopaths have no moral values, no feelings they are only a brainless destruction machine and that is what the psychopaths CIA + MI6 + the German BND were covering up for from 1970 and until at least 2000 and then brought me to the Netherlands in 2001 and locked me up all in all from 2000 to 2012 for nearly 14 years, which makes the Dutch government covering up for them = they are equally criminals like them. And now I am still busy with my destructive life. So, this is also goes on the account of this psychopaths fake uncle called Dr. Farzat Baroudi, that today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that he is originated from the ex-Greek royalties that are heavily related to the English royalties and the Rockefeller families, which you can see through the marriage of Jacklyn Kennedy with Onassis that was working with the English royalties and the Rockefeller in transporting their stolen petroleum from all over the Middle East to Europe and USA and elsewhere, where my fake brother-in-law named Dr. Alaa Ali that was working for ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia and in the UK is almost identical look to Mr. Amin H. Nasser the CEO of ARAMCO that was established by Americans and British and then sold it to their other Saudi half alias their selves = MPD-Multi Personality Disorder. As you can see one-point leads to the other and the question why all these criminally insane and psychopaths are around my life using another identity = covering up for queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped me in the first of all, and here to I have no prove except what is within and the prove that God gave me and gave everyone else in this world and is called DNA!

2.     In around 1976 or 1977, I had my 2 fake nephew and niece visiting me from the UK, they were at that time between 12 and 13 years old, the older one was female named Esmat Shawki, the younger one allegedly by one year named Essam Shawki, and I called this evil uncle because they wanted to visit him, and told him we coming for 1-2 days to Hamburg just to visit you with my (both fake relatives) nephew and niece and he said welcome, we were supposed to arrive at 16:00 hours yet and after 800 km we were 2 hours late and we arrived at 18:00 hours, he opened the door and said you are late you cannot come in anymore and closed the door in my face, I was more than shocked

3.     (This point added is on 4.1.2022) In December 1968 and as I was taken on a brainwash tour from Germany through all in all 8 countries and then back after 4 weeks to Germany, during which the set me up to look like as if I am related to top terrorists as mentioned above and also in other pages. In Damascus Syria this psychopath Dr. Farzat Baroudi forced upon me a dream and forced me to think it is reality to force my mind to think that I knew him from Syria from prior to 1960, whereby I was never in Syria prior to 1968. This situation is mentioned else where in my complaint pages, yet it is important to add also here. This dream was allegedly in the terrace of the house that I allegedly lived in in Damascus Syria city section called Mazeh, and this uncle is with me on the terrace (sort of a big balcony) and a snake suddenly is attacking him and he is screaming jumped on the chair and still screaming, then my alleged mother came with the broom and killed or scared off the snake. End of the dream. This is typical fake memory caused by telepathy where then they force a person to think it is reality, just to place this criminal in my life prior to the time I first ever saw him which was in 1968 in Cairo, Egypt as he allegedly is my uncle that is studying in Germany and is in Cairo to write his doctorate over something Egyptian. What is typical in this kind of fake memories is that they create a dream with something unusual nasty or it hurts to make it memorable and to not forget it = fake. This Dr. Farzat BAROUDI IS MOST DEFINATLY Greek origin, and I also believe ethe at least one family of my fake sisters are also originated from Greece, which is the Bdeir/Budier family officially Jordanian, they are one of the richest if not the richest family in Jordan. The family was established by Mr. Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier, based on what I was told. He went to Jordan in 1920s after the first World War, and his brother alias my official brother-in-law and husband to my fake sister Suhair/Bdeir/Budier, went to Jordan allegedly directly after the second world war in 1985 or 1947 and they built a hidden empire consisting of various businesses that are spread in many countries, I do not know for sure in how many countries, but I know it is was in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and UAE, and I strongly also suspect it to be in Egypt as well as in Germany and USA, and that is one reason for not allowing me to go back to Germany to not see them there. Not to forget that my fake niece alias their daughter named Reem Bdeir/Budier is the double of princess Haya of Jordan and 100% exchanged places with her, and that is among others the reasons why princess Haya of Jordan split of her husband Sheikh Maktoum ( and ever since they are making now and then news as distraction of my complaint pages or better said to discredit my complaint pages, but I am saying the truth and they are acting and lying, such as the princes is living in the UK and suing her ex-husband Sheikh Maktoum, where the British court ordered him recently in December 2021 to pay hundreds of Millions to princess Haya to show as if he is rich and have billions, but he is nothing else than a puppet for the English royal family and is a front to show as if the UAE is controlled by so-called Arabs, but if this is true, then why are the majority of the CEOs of all major companies in the UAE British and not Arab? The answer because the UAE is through and through English royalties. All this is typical English royal families deceive by making it very dramatic to make the people feel sorry for them or even envy them for all this money as a mean of mass brainwash and cover up for the truth that the UAE is 100% controlled by the English royal families and that is why you see it often on CNN (CNN is owned by English royal families through AT&T), but also that they have their British news anchor locate in the UAE to advertise for the UAE in CNN as very advanced country, but what they do not tell you is that it is advanced like Hollywood movies are also advanced with illegal drug money from Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan! (Tend of this point is added on 4.1.2022)

4.     And several others that I will skip because the above are more than sufficient


End of note added on 31.08.2021 about the above paragraph


The magazine “Stern” that is now owned by the largest publishing company in Europe and possibly also is the largest publishing house in the world named Bertelsmann Verlag/Publishing; had an article over the project Calypso. The article was in less than one column, and possibly it is based on the Cable TV News interview that was performed 2-4 months earlier and mentioned above. Please note that at that time Cable TV in Germany was new and not yet well established.


During this period of this Stern magazine article, we had 6-8 high ranking Syrian officials, visiting the project for further negotiations and planning, they were military and/or military intelligence general and several police generals from various cities such as from Damascus, Aleppo, Latakia and others. I was involved with these nasty people only one time, when the project leader Mr. Schilbach asked me to take them out for dinner, which I did and took them to a nearby Bar/Bistro that had allegedly good food, and I get to know only through this evil project. The next day we saw the new Stern Magazine with the article about Calypso project, and until this time I did not know that the project was secret project, but the situation and behavior of these people should have told me something, but I was troubled with too many forced upon me problems that had one goal only to prevent me of thinking and to concentrate on these problems = brainwash method to force the victim not to pay attention to details because he/she is busy of countless other problems that he/she is unable to solve = brainwash by using the method called “Operation Choke” that is frequently used also by the FBI that also used it on me in 1980s and in 1990s in USA. In the same day as the Stern magazine came out with this article, all of the generals left promptly within the same day back to Syria, even though it was planned for them to stay another week for more meetings and planning as well as several planned computer demonstrations, one of them I was preparing, where the project leader was out of control and very upset about the Stern magazine article, which today it does not make any since to me at all, first he allows a detail interview and demonstration of what we are developing to the Cable TV news, that spent nearly 1-2 hours filming the offices and even the design and developments, where the stern magazine had only small article with no video or photos or even an interview or even names, just that there was an unannounced visit of several high military and police officials from Syria by the company SCS and questioning why it is not official and why is it so secretive, as I said it was less than one column and in one page of this magazine they can fit either 3 or 4 columns, meaning, it was much less than a quarter of a page. (Until the end of this paragraph was added on 4.1.2022) Today and since I am very positive that this project Calypso was either only for Iran or in addition to Syria it was also for Iran, therefore it is very possible that the Stern article was a preplanned deceive to distract of Iran and make it look like it is only Syria. Not to forget that most to all top news media are 100% controlled by the so called controlling families, and the ex-German royalties alias the current German controlling families are heavily related to the English royalties and to the ex-Russian royalties alias the current Russian controlling families = it is all an act for the public = mass brainwash and the prove are these 2 3 articles from Wikipedia ( + +,_German_Emperor) these 3 articles shows that the 3 kings, one in each article is the direct cousin of the other = English king George V + last Russian Emperor Nicholas II of Russia + last German emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II!!?? (End of until the end of this paragraph was added on 4.1.2022)


In short it was a paradox situation, on one side they performed a details interview with video and photos and on the other side no interview yet maybe around 100 words without video or photos or even nams, yet everyone was upset and scared that things may become more public!!


As I said I never questioned the situation, because I was totally under telepathy control while also having to fight against many forced upon me situations that created sever problems for me as you will see below, and that makes the BP-British Petroleum one of the nastiest companies I have ever seen in my life if not the nastiest and filthiest company ever in this world. Sorry but I am still very disappointed of the situations, because they stole my life these evil disgusting criminals psychopaths and vicious animals!


Destruction setups in cooperation with many (Go to Index)

(Over 200 destructive setups were performed in cooperation and coordination with the evil BP-British Petroleum, yet I am adding only some of them)


These very destructive setups were created among others with and/or by the CIA, MI6, BND, Syrian military intelligent, 2 Syrian Ambassadors and a very nasty and sleazy Syrian consul named Walid Trapolsi/Trapolsy  (The name Trapolsi means from Tripoli and that in itself has possibly several meaning for this name to be used in my life and now, which is related to drug lords that were surrounding me in 1967 in Jubail and Tripoli, Lebanon and describes in other pages), as well as members of my fake family from Jordan and Saudi Arabia such as the Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Kheir, Malas, Baroudi families.


I do not know the best way to list only the relevant destructive setups they performed upon me, so in the next pages I am listing them as points, starting with point 1 to approximately point 50, and I cannot help it if these evil and very destructive people created far more than 200 brainwash and slavery setups, I am just listing some of them, less than one half or even less than one quarter!


Many of the following mentioned setups were nothing else than distraction of telepathy control to force me to do something I do not want such as:

1.     Leave my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that I loved very much and wanted to marry

2.     Leave the church that I loved very much, and continued at that time to keep relations with them

3.     Leave my friends that I loved very much, and many of them were related to the church mentioned above

4.     Leave Germany that I loved very much and considered to be my home and the only home I ever had in my life and that is among others thanks to the church, my employer Hoegel Studio Technik and Siemens AG, my new friend at and through the church and my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka (See the page “Thank you” for more details) that all of them made me feel home because they treated me good, while I was with them at that time only!!

5.     To prevent me to be free, because suddenly I started to be free from 1976 to December 1983, thanks to those mentioned above, free meaning I can go where I want, when I want and above all I started not only to think but also I started to build intelligence that was totally destructed by my fake family and the American military as it is mentioned before where both of them forced me to live, by  by force I may add, totally isolated, from 1960 to 1969 and again through American military from 1970-1976

6.     To prevent me of going to the Middle East, because I suddenly in 1976 had travel documents and was able to visit members of my family in the UK, Switzerland, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, that turned out to be my fake family, my kidnappers, all of them were and still are either members of the CIA, MI6, AIVD and BND or set there by British, Americans and others to protect their properties in the Middle East while controlling the governments in the Middle East, which will be very clear at least through this page


No brainwash can force me to leave the above 4, church my friends, my girlfriend and Germany, the only way to force me to leave the above 4, is by either taking me by force of police or force of telepathy and both are 100% kidnapping. This is what makes BP-British Petroleum, the CIA, MI6, BND and members of my fake family as mentioned in the page “My fake family, the kidnappers” an organized crime families and organized crime institutions, because they at least organized the destruction of my life through this evil project and the evil BP-British Petroleum, by brainwashing me, raping me, enslaving me and then kidnapping me from Germany to USA to prevent me of visiting my fake family members that lived in the Middle east under different identity that I was told, but also those who live in Germany under fake identities and are pro-Americans and pro-British and their allies that were controlling Germany among others with military and these fake persons since 1945, and they did not want me to see them under their other identities, but also not to discover that I have a twin or triplet that took over my identity in the Middle East  and most probably also in Germany and they want to prevent me by all means to see that, and last but not least to use me as a blackmail object and to blackmail my biological family in USA, which makes the BP-British Petroleum a black mailer and a criminal enterprise that used their connections in USA to keep me enslaved while forcing me to get jobs where members of my biological family works or own the business, such as UtiliCorp United in Kansas City, Kansas, Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas, Gibraltar Savings in Semi Valley, California, and the list goes on to Indiana, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Connecticut, Texas and others, and that is only an educated guess, which all will be very clear that it was planned among others by BP-British Petroleum because Petroleum related companies were all over my life, especially in Texas, such as Chevron, Texaco, Koch Industries, indirectly also Shell, Associated Canvas Products, Inc that builds straps and containers for the petroleum companies, and others.


Very unfortunately the above mentioned 4, that I loved very much, betrayed me or were forced to betray me, because who can force me with telepathy can also force others with telepathy, even force several or many in the church, and that also you can see clearly through the below mentioned and man planned brainwash and telepathy situations!


Here are a list of brainwash and destruction situation that was forced upon me 100% by BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with the BND, CIA, MI6 and several members of my fake family, and in the order I remember them, whereby a couple may have been from 1983 or even 1981, meaning just before the Calypso project, yet they were 100% as preparation of this destructive project, even they may have not yet knew what project to use to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA, yet they already planned to do so and were waiting for the right project:

1.            Always remember that all the mentioned destructive brainwash situations below happened during the evil BP-British petroleum Calypso project from January 1984 and until kidnapping me from Germany to USA on September 1986, a couple of exception is when I mentioned a couple of related situations that were either before or after.

2.            The first thing you should always remember when you read the below points is that BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND and members of my fake family are sexist have absolutely no regards for women dignities whatsoever and use them always as a tenth-rate street prostitute, which is very visible in my below complaints

3.            The second thing to remember is that the same group of people and organizations as mentioned in point number one are people and institutions that hate Jewish, hate Christians and hate Muslims and that is why they repeatedly blame Jewish, Muslims and Christians for their own destructive doings, immoral and absolutely unethical behavior and criminal actions as described below, and this is among others because they think of their selves as masters and the only smart ones and everyone else is stupid and their slaves that should do what they planned for him/her/them by force of deceive, power of police and immigration, networking and telepathy and all the below actions are the proves of that

4.            This point is added just to show that I never in the world wanted ever to go to USA, in matter of fact, I totally disliked USA because of the obvious reasons I was brainwashed by their military and CIA in Munich starting January 1970. In around April 1982, the lookalike of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar  later in Germany named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and later in USA named Nick Naggar that was forced upon my life by the CIA in around September 1970 while I was forced to live and work in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany as mean of isolation of my past and control environment to re-brainwash me and to force my mind to think that all members of my fake family that were living with me in Egypt allegedly all left Egypt in 1970, and that was not the only lookalike that was forced upon my life, also a lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my fake sister Fadia Nagar in the UK all were a lookalike of the originals, yet not identical lookalikes, but through all the brainwash I was prevented to notice the difference. To the point, this lookalike of my original fake brother was officially working starting 1977/78 for the company called Avon Cosmetics in the city Eching, Germany around 25 km north of Munich but I suspect he was not working for Avon, but rather Avon was helping the CIA by pretending to be employing him. Avon Cosmetics, and in April 1982 wanted allegedly to transfer this fake brother to USA allegedly because he is so good in programming of mainframe, which was a 100% lie, he was not a programmer at all. I tried to talk him out of it and to NOT go to the USA and listed to him all the negative things I learned about USA through the American military base, I even get him a new job interview at the company ADV/ORGA with the department manager named Peter M. Lembke that was my previous department manager at Siemens AG from June 1978 to 31.12.1981, and allegedly later was let go. And this new job would even pay him a monthly salary of nearly 10 thousand Deutsch mark, where his alleged current salary at Avon Cosmetics was allegedly 3 thousand Deutsch Mark. And this alone shows that he was not working for Avon Cosmetics and his alleged relocation to USA was nothing else but a scam and brainwash. He refused the job offer. I have to trust someone, and even though Siemens AG and this particular boss worked together against me, by using this manager Peter M. Lembke as the front to force me to leave my employment at Siemens AG because my evil fake family the Baroudi, Abokurah, Kheir, Bdeir/Budier, Malas and others asked Siemens AG to let me go and not to send me to the Middle East any more, and maybe they gave Siemens AG a long term extension to this project of Saudi Port’s Authority, that started with 35 Million US Dollars in 1978 just after  they employed me and was extended to over 2 Billion US Dollars in the year 2002/2003. Until the end of this point was added on 3.9.2021: Yet my fake brother insisted that he allegedly want to go to USA, and this because among others I started to question his behavior towards me, that was more like a stranger that dislikes me than my brother. Therefore and today I strongly suspect that He never left Germany and created several situations to force my mind to think that he really left Germany, by among others claims that he has canceled his German governmental retirement plans and cashed  some 2000 Deutsch Mark out of it, since he was the double of my original fake brother and today I know for fact that my original fake brother was 99% the son of king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current Jordan king Abdullah as it is shown in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, 1% he might be his distant cousin, because the Jordanian royal family was 100% set together out of British and Pakistani/Indian ally salves working for the English royal family and he is of this same family and that explains why his look is almost identical to king Abdullah  of Jordan as it is shown in the mentioned page, and that would also explain why the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families alias the 2 families of my fake 3 sisters and the current lookalike of one of them that pretended to be married to an alleged Medical doctor named Alaa Ali that is almost an identical look alike of the CEO of the Saudi Arabian Petroleum company called Aramco that was originally and in the hidden established in cooperation between BP-British Petroleum (=English royal families) and the American Standard Oil (now Exxon owned by the Rockefeller family) named Amin Naser vouched for him. End of until the end of this point was added on 3.9.2021.

5.            Short prehistory: from Mai 1978 and until 31.12.1981 I was working at the Company Siemens AG, which was my first IT job. During which I learned how to design and develop multi-Lingual computer systems. My employer sent me to Saudi Arabia to test what I designed, during which I made stop in Jordan to visit my 2 sisters living there, not knowing that they are not my biological sisters but rather my kidnappers. Therefore, all family members (fake family = kidnappers) in Saudi Arabia and Jordan (The following text was added on 3.9.2021) and Egypt did not want to see me in the Middle East because they have different identities as I was told and they are members of the Saudi Arabian and Jordanian royal families and some of them did not even leave Cairo Egypt as they claimed, such as my fake sister, my fake brother and my fake mother, but also there was my lookalike (End of the following text was added on 3.9.2021), while also they are all originated from Europe and USA and did not want me to know that, also some of them were working for and with the CIA, MI6 and possibly also for BND and AIVD, and they did not want me to discover that, also some of them have telepathy and keep a strict household that no one without telepathy can be among them for a longer period of time to not allow other with telepathy to see through their eyes what they do, or what they talk about talk about or how they behave. Therefore they set me up in cooperation, and very unfortunately with Siemens AG to lose my job at Siemens AG on 31.12.1981, which I did, yet I never stopped working on my specialty, which was design and development of multi-lingual computer systems and IT solutions specifically for the Arab countries, because I wanted to help them have easier access to the IT world that was at that time and to 99% limited to the Western world, and that too they did not want me to do because then there is a chance that other companies would send me on business to the Middle East and that they did not want, and therefore they set me up in this evil project called Calypso that was performed by BP-British Petroleum. Many members of my fake families are the official country distributor or representative and/or business partners of many companies such as Siemens AG, BP-British Petroleum, and countless others, and above all they are officially the allies of Western Europe and USA and therewith have direct connection to the CIA, MI6, BND, Mossad, AIVD,  Israel, German, British, American and the Dutch government as business partners but also as royalties and as members of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and that was used to brainwash me, enslave me under the CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then remove me from Germany and entire Europe by kidnapping me to USA and keeping me by force as an illegal alien with no rights what so ever in the country I very much disliked from the root up, yet today and very unfortunately I strongly suspect to have been born in the USA and severely mistreated by them. Today in February 2021 I even dislike USA 1000 times more than in 1982

6.            Continuation of the above point: in January 1984 Started to work on the Calypso project: I  was called in December 1983 by Mr. Schilbach that claimed he has heard of me through his brother that was a director at Siemens AG that I am good in multi-lingual projects and he allegedly needs my help only in translating a few IT related documents from Arabic to English or English to Arabic, whereby I was not a translator, but they 100% placed me in a position to be desperate for a job of any kind enable to force me to take this job enable to use it to destruct my life and steal the little freedom I had and force me into slavery again that started gradually on January 1984 and ended on 1 March 2016 as I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the many foreign embassies and consulates in this city, yet and since 2016 I am still busy with my past and trying to understand it and how I get here. In December 1983 and in the interview, Mr. Schilbach said I accept you for this project, now the Syrian project leader must accept you too, because they had a condition about all employees from our company, which is: They cannot be Syrian, because it is a sensitive project and do not want that Syrian in Europe get involved in it, but you are an exception because of your exceptional experience in the multi-lingual IT design and you have been in Germany for 14 years. It was all sweet talks to lure me into the brainwash box called BP-British Petroleum Calypso Project. Please note that the word Calypso comes from an old Greek story named Calypso where they detained Odysseus on the island of Ogygia for seven years, in my case it became 15 years on the island called USA and then additional 16 years between lockups and persecution in the Netherlands until 1 March 2016. Mr. Schilbach said today is Friday and the Syrian project leader will be here next Monday, meaning in 2 days, if he accepts you, then you can start January First, 1984. Two days later I went for an interview with the Syrian project leader named Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh allegedly of the Syrian military intelligence, he just spoke with me a couple of minutes and said I accept you, he did not ask me any technical questions what so ever, he just asked me where I am from and how long have I been in Germany (which was to confirm the statements of Mr. Schilbach as mentioned above), that was all the questions that he asked me = it was a brainwash setup and I never saw it coming. Mr. Schilbach offered me a consultancy job for around 70 or 90 Deutsch Mark an hour or maybe less, very unfortunately I cannot remember the actual amount, I just remember that I was making around 16-18 Thousand per month including over time, and I was making a lot of over times actually I was spending most of my time on this evil and very destructive project, destructive for me and for at that time around 12 million Syrians. The rest of my time I was either sleeping 4-6 hours, daily, or with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka for around 3-5 times per week or with other friends. After a week of starting I realized they needed much more than just translating a few pages, they needed a new design for a real multi-lingual computer system, which I told the project leader and he said go ahead and do that, and this alone shows that the German project leader either did not know what he was doing or he was setting me up while making himself look stupid, because then I was forced to gradually bring all the self-made documents for the design of a multi-lingual computer system that I already used for Siemens AG, AEG, Kontron, Silver Reed, Nixdorf, ECMA, ASMO and in cooperation also with Siemens AG, ICL, IBM, Olivetti  and several other companies (Nixdorf now owned by Siemens AG, it was the second largest computer company in Germany specialized among others for ATM machines and computerized cashier boxes) and other companies. My document that I took from home, they were my own intellectual property, but these criminals at BP-British Petroleum knew already what I had at home, because I created a standardized document and was selling it for 20-50 Thousand for businesses, but also was distributing it for free to the standard organizations such as ECMA (=European Computer Manufacturer Associations in Geneva Switzerland) and ASMO (Arabic Standardization and Metrology Organization headquartered at that time in Amman, Jordan and managed by the evil Syrian Ambassador Dr. Zafer Al-Sawaf, which was a sub organization of the Arab League=UNO for Arab countries only) (between the parenthesis was added in 3.9.2021: This might seem silly to you, buit often small things are very enlightening in this case the world Arab League, shows you that it was created by English royalties that also created the organization called League of Nations in 1920 and then substituted in with UNO-United Nations Organization in 1945 and if you think this cannot be right then look at all the so called Arab Flags in particular the Saudi Arabia flag that was created also during that time by the English royalties and you will see a lot of Arab flags similar to identical to Pakistani flag, and that because they created these flags and brought countless Pakistanis as either forced or hired soldiers to the Middle East, and the prove for that is that Saudi Arabia armed forces consisted of 95-100% Pakistani nationals, at least until 1981) and other standard organizations, I just wanted to help as many companies and as quick as possible to create a good multi-lingual computer systems for at least 50 countries that speak Latin languages such as English, Germany, French and so on, Slavic languages such as former Yugoslavia and former Czechoslovakia  or Urdu languages, such as Arabic, Farsi, Pakistani and so on, because I wanted to help the Arab countries have a computer in their own language to increase the education possibilities and the advancement possibilities of the so called Arabs that were all suffering severely under these criminals that were hidden agents of USA and Europe, but also to help as many European companies as possible to go into these, at that time, closed markets and open only for the Americans, British and French top companies and some of other European controlling families that own 99% of all natural resources of these countries and keeping the population 100% enslaved while preventing good education to not allow them to advance and to keep them limited to Natural resources source. I took gradually all my multi-lingual computer systems documents to the office OF SCS=BP-British Petroleum to help me create a design for the keyboards, monitors and the computer itself (Software), and I was 100% tricked and forced to bring every single multi-lingual document from home (they have telepathy and can not only read my mind and see what I am thinking about but also  they can force their thoughts about my mind, but also, they can see me at home and can see what I have at home, these criminals cowards psychopaths), enable to force me to leave this specialty and to keep me far away business wise and keep me in general far away of the Middle East business. In other words, they really did not need me in this project they just wanted to steal everything I have ever developed, and I am selling now to force me to cut all my business with the Middle East to not visit members of my fake family that were among others set together as fake families among others  by this evil company called BP-British petroleum. And on 18 October 1984 they fired me and confiscated all my document by force, which was a big box of approximately 100 cm x 100 cm, I tried to recreate them, which was practically impossible, because of mainly 2 reasons: Reason-1: I collected all these documents since 1978 from all over the world, from standard institutions to companies such as IBM, ICL, Olivetti, and many others from various countries that I did not even visit such as Canada, USA, Iran, India, Scandinavian countries and so on. And these criminals planned to steal and stole all of them from me. Reason-2: because they enslaved me under one of their whore agent, where her entire family were 100% CIA, MI6, BND this whore agent name was Najlaa Mahmoud, that was 100% controlling my life with their help from the background and destroying anything that they did not want me to have, such as old photos, that today I know it was fake photos, or photos of the CIA agent Anita Disbray that the CIA enslaved me under between August 1970 and September 1977, see Slavery in Germany for details about Anita Disbray. This disgusting and smelly whore was throwing away things of my apartment that I cherish and replacing them by brainwash things, here is an example, I bought a painting of an unknown artist on the street in Munich, that painting was of a naked standing beautiful lady that had red hair, it was around 30 x 40 cm small. I bought it and placed it in my living room or maybe bedroom because it reminded me of my at that time German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, this CIA and MI6 whore named Najlaa Mahmoud throw this painting away without asking me and replaced it of a painting of herself naked laying down on her side where you can see her vagina and her disgusting bosom and her entire disgusting naked body, the painting was around 60 cm x at least 120 cm. This means this alleged Muslim woman stood naked in front of an artist to be painted naked, and now hanging her naked photo in my living room for anyone to see her disgusting naked body, and when I say disgusting, I mean literally disgusting looking, and I am not going to describe her vomit like body parts and genitals, you just imaging the most ugly body that can come to you mind then add 1000 more defects to it, and that is Najlaa Mahmoud. 100% no Muslim woman would do that, because they have Islamic values that teaches them to be kosher (= moral values and not even to show their hair or legs), and this photo alone show that the evil CIA & Mi6 and my evil fake family bought this whore of the street! The below sub point was added on 3.9.2021. For the continuation and description of the multi-lingual design see the page conclusion under the section “What is my multilingual IT/computer design?” and the section “Who and why they stole my multilingual IT/computer design?

7.            Note: Sorry that the above point is longer than I anticipated, and it has cursing, but this is what I felt about this whore then in 1984 but I was prevented to say it, and this is how I feel about her now in 2021, and thinking about her makes me want to puke/vomit/throw up, but I had to place related things to show how evil BP-British Petroleum is. All other situations will be much shorter

8.            Labeed Salameh with an Israeli spy and Mossad. This is a setup to force my mind to think that the Israeli Mossad (similar or CIA), along with former Soviet Union are the ones who are responsible for working with the Syrian military intelligence to brainwashing me. I cannot remember all the details, but somehow the Syrian project leader lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh was again in Munich and asked me to take him out. Therefore, I took him to dinner to the same Bar/Bistro that I took the generals mentioned above, which was close to the office and not crowded, yet very good food. In there and somehow, we get to know a young lady, much younger than us, I was 32 years old, he was around 35-45 years old, and the young lady was around 18-22 years old and very small in size and outgoing=whore like, she was very engaged with him and talking with him about all kind of things, after dinner, she invited him to her apartment for a cup of coffee. I drove them both to her apartment on Schleissheimer street, that turned out to be around 100-300 meters from where I live on Winzerer street in Munich, Germany, which was somehow odd. The next day somehow, I had many thoughts about this incident, I cannot recall why, except it was when I was at work at BP-British Petroleum offices, most probably some nasty person with telepathy forced it upon me while most probably others in the office were also talking about Israel and Mossad, therefore I warned this Syrian Project leader that this young lady is most probably a Mossad spy trying to get to him. His answer was don’t worry about it. Most probably this disgusting man called Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Sallameh had telepathy and forced these thoughts and behavior upon me as distraction of BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND that were all over the project, because if I say something I think it is coming from me and I may believe in it, in reality it was not my business who this evil man sleep with, but it was 100% an attempt of all these evil people to force my mind to blame Jewish and Israeli for the very destructive behavior of BP-British Petroleum and their Syrian contractors. I never ever before thought about spying, Mossad, CIA, MI6 or any of these things, yet here and now I was forced to as distraction of the evil BP-British Petroleum, MI6, BND and CIA, which it become a routine that they always tried hard to use others that they do not like to take the blame for their very nasty and destructive actions.

9.            This is linked to the above point, and it is with no doubt a very destructive telepathy brainwash. Somehow, I was forced to be continuing to try to peruse the situation and forced to think that I need evidence that the Syrian project leader Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh is with this Israeli spy as protection for myself (which really does not concern me, I am an IT man), and I was forced to call a friend of mine for help. His name was Juergen, I keep his last name out, and I get to know him from the church where I was baptized a couple of years earlier. Today I strongly believe that the church set me up to get to know this young man enable to link me in one way or another to the ex-Soviet Union, because he was originated from Poland and was immigrated to Germany, allegedly just 1-3 years prior I get to know him in 1977, he was working in digital photography at that time and his main and only hobby was photography. I was forced to ask him on a specific day to follow Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh and take photos of him with this alleged Israeli spy. Even so I took him to the right spot and on the right moment, yet he did not take a photograph, claiming somehow it did not work. Then many thoughts were forced upon me, that he was covering up for this Syrian project leader. Which absolutely did not make any since whatsoever, unless he is a Russian spy and Syria was allegedly controlled by Russian, which was a 100% public lie, and he was trying to protect the Russian interest, which was all is confusion and it is not my business, but that is what brainwash is, they mix things together=chaos and then force it upon their victims=brainwash. They with no doubt used telepathy to force me to think whatever they want, and the reason I know it is telepathy, is because I never thought like that ever before, and I do not care about things that does not concern me, because this is how they brainwashed me to think. Telepathy force is much stronger than me and anyone else that does not have telepathy. The goal of this entire incident was 2 things: First to start to destroy my friendships, second to make it look like that my friend is working with Israel and covering up for them, which was absolutely not true. Whoever uses telepathy on me can also use it on others. These are small incidents, but when you look at all of them together, then you will see the big picture

10.       The Jewish bar and Russian Restaurant. This will show that these nasty persons are trying to portray me as a spy and treater to Germany, which I was not a traitor to any country whatsoever. I am just against those who did all these planned destruction upon my life, because they are criminals and performed criminal acts and are 100% dangerous for the well beings of others. Here too, this situation alone is nothing, but with other situation it is very visible that they planned it. Suddenly I started to go to a Jewish or Israeli Bar, that was close to the office of SCS-Scientific Control System = BP-British Petroleum. It was obvious that it was Jewish or Israeli, because the name of it and as far as I recall was “Shalom Club” I believe it was on the corner of Leopold Street and Potsdamer street in Munich, but also the people who sing in it were singing often or most of the time while I was in it,  in Hebrew language and other time in other languages such as Spanish or French. There was a life singer that used to come from other countries and sing in this very small and overcrowded bar that was in the basement. Somehow, I was forced to go there and sit in some corner and cry, as if I am Jewish from Israel and missing home, yet at that time I did not know why I was crying, and this happened at least 5-7 times. This show how some person with telepathy are very nasty and love to play around with other people’s minds. Also and very suddenly I was going alone frequently to Russian restaurant near the offices of the project Calypso, as if I miss Russian food, yet I never had Russian food before in my life, I learned a couple of meals of this restaurant that was only 100-150 Meters of the Jewish Bar, whereby the Jewish Bar was around 100-150 meters of the Offices of BP-British Petroleum project Calypso, as if some nasty person at work and have telepathy is forcing me to go to these places. If someone is watching me or following me, then they will think I am Jewish Russian that is missing home, and that is why I go there frequently and sit in a corner and cry=vicious telepathy attacks. I have nothing against Jewish or Russians because we are all human and are always mislead with bad information to separate us from each other’s, yet I have something against these nasty persons that I cannot see and force me to these situation as part of setting me up, very unfortunately, the FBI did similar things to me a couple of years later in 1988 in USA and after I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986 by setting me up with a Jewish-Russian woman and her family that befriend the evil CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under her control with force of telepathy and during this evil project called Calypso, but at least I was able to see that it was the FBI, because they get me into a controlled environment to test me and watch me and this controlled environments was my housing on 277 Queen street in Bridgeport Connecticut that allegedly was owned by an Italian named Enzo and also the FBI get me a job at Dun And Bradstreet headquarter, at that time it was at 306 Danbury Rd Wilton, CT 06897, USA, I believe they relocated to Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, John F Kennedy Parkway, Short Hills, Millburn, New Jersey, USA. And there with the FBI had me 100% in a controlled environment in a housing through them and employer through them and an agent working always in the next office. It is all based on the brainwash strategy: Keep on repeating it until the victim believe it, just as CNN ad of this is an apple and not banana, and several apples makes a case. And this page is a case of many destructive attacks by BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND and members of my fake family. Why would someone follow me or monitor me? Because the project Calypso was officially and in the hidden trading technologies for hostages, and if the Syrians are keeping over 200 hostages in a section in Lebanon that they controlled, and the hostages were from USA, UK, France, Netherlands, and from other countries, then at least these countries will be monitoring these evil Syrian Military staff involved in the project Calypso to try to find leads where the hostages are located to free them, and therewith they are also and 100% monitoring me! (The rest of this point was added om 4.9.2021) Be patient to understand this mass brainwash situation. The above deceive that they were trading technology for hostages is a severe mass brainwash, by pretending to be breaking the law and hiding that they are trading technology for hostages, and when people finds out that they were trading  technology for hostages, then they also will keep quiet about it because they are happy that the government are allegedly doing something to free the hostages, yet it was not trading technology for hostages, it was giving the Syrian government an American satellite computer system and allowing them to use their secret American military satellites enable they can help them keep the Syrian population under their control while also exchange information on transporting and distributing illegal drugs, because Syria + Lebanon + Iran + Afghanistan main income at least until 2011 was 100% from illegal drugs that are distributed by the American military in USA, Europe East Asian countries where American military basis are such as North Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Germany, Turkey, Spain and so on, and therewith they sell it in these mentioned area and no one knows about it and to cover it up they created this scheme of trading technology for hostages (End of the rest of this point was added om 4.9.2021)

11.       The telephone call to Labeed Salameh. Another time, which must have been around begin October 1984, because by then I totally lost control over my own life and mind, with all the brainwash setups and telepathy control. Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh, the Syrian project leader, told me, he does not trust BP-British Petroleum, He has to go to London and he wants me to call him in London and tell him if and when ever they change the project on him, I said a definite no. one week later I found myself will-less, leaving the office of BP-British Petroleum and going to the phone booth next to them, around 25 meters, and calling this Syrian project leader trash named Luitenant Colonel Labeed Salameh and told him something, I know it was not important, yet, I was forced to call him, because I did not want to and I tried hard to resist my own thoughts, but no one without telepathy can stop another person with telepathy of forcing him to do anything, and that is fact, period. I have no reason what so ever to lie, I gave up long time ago to go back home to Germany, already in the begin of 1990s, while I was forced to be locked up as an illegal alien in USA, and I am not trying to show that I am a good man, I am just showing how it was and how it is now and that companies like this evil company BP-British Petroleum are never to trust, they are slave makers and are a brainless destruction machine of innocent people’s livesl;h, the others that were conned and destructed by BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND and members of my fake family cannot speak for their selves, but I can and I am doing it today, because I was prevented for the last more than 35 years.

12.       Michael Angelo Restaurant-Incident-1. Is a higher priced Italian Restaurant specialized in Steak and good fresh sea food that I discovered while I was working for this evil company called BP-British Petroleum. I believe it is closed now. It was on the same street and on the same side, around 500 meters towards Munchener Freiheit. I started to go there with my Girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. I was setup twice as a mean to stop me to go there and force me to cut my entire relation with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and anything that can remind me of her. The very nasty and evil lookalike of my original fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi (which I did not recognize at that time), came to visit me in around September 1984, allegedly from Saudi Arabia where she was allegedly living with her nephew named Dr. Basam Baroudi, one of my original kidnappers of 10/11 January 1960 and was around 18 or 20 years old pretending to be 16 or 17, which it did not make any since that she lived with him, but I am skipping it. Somehow, she said she would love to meet Syrians, so I invited, the Syrian project leader Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh for dinner and took her along. She was all covered up like some Muslims do, and covered from head to toe except her face and hands were not covered (Between parenthesis was added on 3.9.2021: She never wore clothing like that before I was setup to become Christian in April 1976, she was always dressing like a whore to look sexy. End of between parenthesis was added on 3.9.2021:), she did not used to do that, and she gave the reasoning that when she went to Saudi Arabia to visit her brother she went for pilgrimage to Mecca and ever since she covered herself, she also was fatter, in other words this unknown to me whore woman and lookalike of my original fake mother pretended to be my mother and giving me wrong reasoning for her new and most odd behavior. But I did not question all these things at that time neither I noticed that she was not the same person as the original whore fake mother that kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960. Anyway, back in the restaurant Michael Angelo with the disgusting Syrian military intelligence Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh and me; she sat there and avoided to look at the Syrian project leader and avoided talking to him, and I never understood why, because she loved to talk, she talks more than any other person that I have ever seen before, in matter of fact and in 1970s, when she kept on coming to Germany once a while and some times when I take her to shopping, she would talk to a stranger and ask him in Arabic “are you Arab”, and that only to show as if she is Arab, what can I say, these people are hired actors and actresses from the worst and most dangerous kind. Today I recognize that she knew the Syrian project leader and wanted to avoid that I notice that and that is why she did not look at him and avoided to talk to him, even though she asked me to meet Syrians and on the other side they wanted to leave it like that in my mind for later to discover that she knew him and that she allegedly complained to the Syrian government that the Germans brainwashed me to become Christian and now the Germans are allowing the Syrian to brainwash me back to Islam = brainwash situation

13.       Michael Angelo-Incident-2. The sales manager at Siemens AG that was responsible for the project calypso was named Mr. Rebhahn and his office was at Siemens in Bogenhausen, in East of Munich offices, he was the boss of the salesperson assigned to the project Calypso and named Helmuth Pfefferkorn. I had a meeting with Mr. Rebhahn that ended very successfully. Later on in the same day I went with, at that time, my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka to the Michael Angelo restaurant, and since they had excellent wine, and most of them were aged at least 5-10 years, I bought him a good bottle of Brunello wine from this restaurant, it was from 1958, meaning aged for 26 years  and I paid 800 Deutsch mark for it, which equals around 800 Euro today. The following day I had another meeting with Mr. Rebhahn and gave him the bottle as a thanks gift for the good cooperation. Later on, he calls me and tell me that wine was so bad, it was like vinegar, and he had to throw it away, which was impossible, because I went to that restaurant more than 20 times, and their wine was always excellent. Later on, I recognize that it was a part of the schemes to make me hate to go to the Restaurant Michael Angelo

14.       Michael Angelo-Incident-3. The manager of the restaurant Michael Angelo was always friendly to me, and often he invites me to a free drink such as sambuca or aged grappa, and that because I used to spend at least 300-1200 Deutsch Mark each time I go there, depending on how many persons were with me. One day in end of September he calls me at the office, I never gave him my number, and he said, the guest I had with me last time, he came with a young lady and had dinner (possibly it was meant to force me to think it is the same young lady that pretended to be Israeli spy whore), he meant the Syrian project leader Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh, and when he gave him the bill, the Syrian Project leader gave him a bag of fresh truffles and said keep the change, it sounds like a cheap joke, the restaurant manager ask him what is that, he said truffles, one kilo in Germany is over one thousand Deutsch Mark, the restaurant manager said no I cannot accept this, because the owner buy all the food and no one else is allowed, you have to pay the bill with money or credit card, then he gave him my card and said this is the man I was with last time, you remember him, he said yes, The Syrian project Leader said call him and he will pay for it and he left. So, I am calling you to pay for it. My response was no I am not going to pay for it, I pay only when I am in the restaurant and order food and drinks. He insisted that I pay the bill and I refused. It was something between 300 and 400 Deutsch Mark, ever since I never went to that restaurant again. And that was just before the final kill, destroying my relationship with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and enslaving my mind hopelessly with telepathy

15.       Michael Angelo-Incident-4. The Salesman from Siemens AG named Helmuth Pfefferkorn, even though he was somehow sleazy, but I liked him because of one reason only, because I loved my ex-employer Siemens AG and anything that comes from Siemens AG, because they gave me many good things, above all self-confidence in that they taught me a lot of things that was not really related to my work, but above all they taught me how to design and develop multi-lingual computer Systems, among others by sending me to their at that time head company called Siemens Albis in Basel, Switzerland where I designed and developed the first 12 language computer printing system in cooperation with the company Data Products in Dublin, Ireland, for the company Hoffmann La Roche (later on the company was split in to 2 companies). Anyway, This Mr. Pfefferkorn, after a long meeting I was having dinner with him at the Michael Angelo restaurant, and he started to talk about his wife and his father. He said his wife is Jewish and his mother was also Jewish even though his father was a Nazi, I said yes, right a Jewish marries a the murderer of her people, he said you don’t believe me, then come with me, I will show you my wife, and he took me home with him for a drink at around 20:00 or 21:00 hours, he was living in a small house in at the entrance of an area called Gruenwaldt that is famous for housing of wealthy and famous people. Not far from him lived Dr. Sami Assassa, a very sleazy and dangerous man that claim to be Syrian and him and my fake uncle from Saudi Arabia married 2 sisters, this mean he is related to this fake family and was introduced to me just after I became Christian in 1976 enable, he have legitimacy to persecute me with telepathy. He was wealthy, by allegedly selling Oriental carpets but he is also claimed that he makes deals between German companies and Saudi Arabian companies such as Siemens AG, AEG and so on, I cannot prove it, yet I know this piece of trash of human being called Dr, Sami Assassa is connected to brainwashing me as well as using telepathy on me, and then using my fake mother as scapegoat, meaning I will suspect only what I see, and since this evil woman that claimed to be my mother was always around when something very terrible happen to me, they were counting on it that I blame her and only her for it and think that she complained to the Syrian government that the Germans have brainwashed me to become Christian and that is why the Syrian are re-brainwashing me, enslaving me under the CIA & MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapping me to USA and not to Syria! But it is as I am saying it, first it was the CIA, BND and MI6 that brainwashed me and enslaved me under their joint whore agent named Anita Disbray, an alleged British citizen and this brainwash and slavery they performed in the controlled environment called the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, later it became some members of the church that are covering up for my fake family and the CIA, MI6 and BND, and later they added BP-British petroleum and the project Calypso. Until the end of this point was added on 4.9.2021: The whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud was 100% forced upon my life by the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum to show as if I am originated from Syria and was allegedly Muslim as distraction of my real origin which is 100% one of the following countries sorted by priority high to low: UK, USA, Germany, Netherlands, and no Syrian person or Syrian government would ever have an interest or the power to persecute a nobody-person such as myself to go to all these mentioned manmade troubling and destructive situation and this in Germany and USA to brainwash me, enslave me and then kidnap me from Germany to USA and keep me there by force of the evil most destructive government in the world called US government by using severe destructive brainwash and telepathy, anything else is a lie!

16.       The Syrian project leader does not stop to set me up. I cannot remember the exact details, but suddenly I was giving ten thousand Deutsch Mark check to the Syrian project leader Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh, and I absolutely do not know why. This is telepathy force, among others to make me look like I am cooperating or conspiring with the Syrians against the Germans. I bought this check from Deutsche Bank located next to the office of the evil and very sleazy Dr. Sami Assassa, next to the Syrian Airline office and was opposite the hotel where the Syrian Project leader was staying, which was and to my knowledge and at that time the most expensive hotel in town called Bayerischer Hof, there was only one in town with this name. After the person who had telepathy had forced me to write and send this check and then let go of me, I went immediately back to the Deutsche bank and tried to cancel the check, and luckily I was successful, yet the Deutsche bank contacted me 2 weeks later and said, even though they placed a stop on this check, yet his bank cashed it for him and asked the Deutsche bank to contact me and request that I pay this amount including cancelation fees, I said I am not going to do that, I canceled it on time, and if the other bank did not pay attention, then it is their problem, Deutsche Bank said, you are not obligated to pay the amount, because it was their mistake, and if you do not pay it, they can do only one thing, request of Labeed Salameh to refund the money. And I did not pay it.

17.       2 Polish around my life that are performing damages to my life: Juergen as mentioned above with the taking photo attempt. Juergen was my friend and I liked him very much, he was maybe 6-7 years younger than me, yet he was my friend because I loved the church where I was baptized and used to even call it my church, because I trusted every single one of its members blindly, not knowing that a couple or even a few more than 10 were conspiring with my fake family and the CIA against me, which will be very visible between 2001 and 2003, where they were among others the reason why I was banned forever of entering Germany ever again, and all attempt to lift this ban was unsuccessful, yet they lifted it in October or November 2018 backwards starting 2014 in a very odd situation. Back to Juergen, I loved that guy, he was a very nice man and a gentleman, yet they repeatedly set me up to destroy my relationship with him and with anyone else related to that church, even after kidnapping me to USA they created a very damaging financial situation between him and me, I was able to fix it, but it took several months. I never heard of him since that setup in 1988. The second Polish person in my life was my ex-German girlfriend that I was madly in love with, I do not know if she was born in Germany or Poland, all I know is that her alleged mother was born in Poland and in Germany her mother allegedly gave her daughter to a Catholic orphan home, where Adelheid Kuczka was raised, which is odd, because Adelheid Kuczka and based on what she told me, was Evangelical Lutheran like me, yet she was trying very hard to keep me away from the church, later on BP-British Petroleum totally destroyed my relationship with her, once and for all times, which is visible in the below points, who did that? It was the evil and nastiest company I have ever met, seen or even heard of in my life: BP-British Petroleum!

18.       The alleged technology trade for hostage’s brainwash. This situation started later in 1998/1999 in USA as a mean to force me to voluntarily leave USA, which I did not want, actually I ran from USA because unknown, “plural” were torturing me with telepathy and I did not know how to stop them, they scarred the life out of me and I just wanted to escape them, who were they? I believe they were members of my fake family, members of my biological family that did not want me there any more, the CIA, BP-British Petroleum and above all and no matter what, I believe it was the CIA & MI6 Whore Najlaa Mahmoud and her hidden family as well as my fake son Abdulhamid Najar that I was separated of him by force in Summer 1999, and I strongly believe someone else in the Netherlands replaced him, meaning another lookalike that does not even look like him, but when a 14 years old disappear and then reappear as 17 years old, I used to think his look changed due to he grew older, but I was mistaken, among others because I was severely stressed as he came into my life on 27 December 2002 in the evil refugee camp Ter Apel, where the Dutch immigration severely brainwashed me, tortured me mentally and physically between 11 February 2001 and 27 December 2002 to force me to recognize what was done to me in their own controlled environment, these savages, were 100% covering up for BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, members of my fake family and others. What happened to me in USA between 1998 and 2000, has several situations that force me to believe that these situations were created through my fake son, or someone with telepathy wanted me to think so. The fact remains, whenever I met with this fake son, bad things happen to my life. I get sidetracked, sorry. Back to the subject, only starting summer 1999 and while I was forced to live in Houston Texas at 10350 Lands End Drive apartment 26 and 27, some nasty person started to attack me with telepathy and force his thoughts upon me while pretending to be helping me, during this period they started to force my mind to think that the Calypso project was trading technology and services for hostages, where I started to dig and see what ever thoughts that I am having if they are correct, among others on the internet and discovered that there were many Americans, Dutch, French, British and Germans kidnapped between 1979 and 1982 and kept as hostages in Lebanon, some for 8 or more years, and since I trusted the German government and also the American government that they are allegedly against Syria, I believed in this forced upon me theory of hostages for technology. Later on, when the Americans delivered me to the Netherlands by force for a re-brainwash, the new brainwash reinforced these forced upon me thoughts that I do not have any facts in them whatsoever, except what is in this page and in the other pages

19.       The 6-8 Syrian Generals in my life along with the Cable TV interview and the Stern magazine article as mentioned above are not prove for trading hostages for technology, yet Syria was 100% on embargo and were not allowed to receive connection to American satellites, yet they did give them all that and more to help them suppress their own people in Syria and that is a real fact I know of this evil project

20.       All these evil Syrian military staff suddenly around my life as distraction of the BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND. Evil because I hate military, they are nasty, sadistic and dangerous people for the safety of innocent individual living in the Western countries, as they repeatedly enslaved me under one of their whores such as Anita Disbray, Adelheid Kuczka, and the CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, whereby I genuinely loved Adelheid Kuczka and do not consider her to be whore, because I saw how she lived in her own apartment, which I cannot say about the others that were literally forced upon me from outside Germany to prevent me of having ties to Germany because they planned to kidnap me to USA to blackmail my biological family in USA

21.       Me living in a hotel and one of these criminal Syrian military staff suddenly living in my apartment along with his wife and children. I do not know how the following situation happened, was it also force of telepathy or was I stupid and wanted to help someone that was in reality trying to damage my life. Maybe both. Yet I strongly believe this situation was especially manufactured to damage me. One of the Syrians that came from Syria for training on the project Calypso, he was complaining that allegedly the Syrian government set him up (which was to give my brain a hint that everything that is happening to me is also through the Syrians setups), and now he came for training along with his wife and 2 children, that he allegedly cannot live without, and cannot afford to live in a hotel, and even though the Syrian government paid for the plane tickets yet not paying for the hotel and he cannot afford it on his salary, allegedly these military officers between lieutenants and major, they get a monthly salary under 50 Dollars, which is not even enough for one night in hotel for all 4 of them,  he said if he can have a place for a week or so until he can find an apartment, will be great (it was a setup that until today I do not understand it) I suddenly volunteered and offered him my apartment for 1 week and I will move into a hotel for this period, I moved to a  hotel Holiday In next to the offices of the Project Calypso, on the same street, only 200 meters north of the offices on Leopold street. He did not leave my apartment after 1 week, but rather after 4 weeks and only after repeated request to leave, especially that I noticed that his friends have an apartment. Possibly this setup to have a reason to place microphones and possibly also hidden cameras in my apartment and then blame it on the Syrians. This is the only explanation I was able to think off for this setup, because I do not believe the reason they gave me, they were all liars and actors and I do not trust any one of these people, I am sorry, but I am placing them all in one pot, because they all military intelligence and have at least one thing in common: follow orders no matter what, and I was being severely attacked by all these criminals that call their selves human, yet they are absolutely without any drop of humanity. Who knows maybe the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum used the mentioned possibly microphones and hidden cameras to see what I have in my apartment as distraction of telepathy, and then they can also claim we heard him through the microphones or we see him through the hidden camera = the English royalties and their destructive companies such as the BP-British Petroleum are 100% criminally insane and most dangerous psychopaths and need an urgent treatment to adjust their crocked brains!

22.       Suddenly I am drinking excessive alcohol, where I never bought alcohol for my home since at least 1977 but rather milk in the cases and juice also in cases. Suddenly I was drinking alcohol at lunch time and dinner, which I never used to do except a couple of times on Sunday, which is a tradition in Germany to go to a restaurant directly after the church service and have discussion over the church or get to know others from the church, during which they drink a so-called Weiss beer, and they call this time “Frühschoppen”. In Matter of fact and after I became Christian, I reduced my alcohol consumption dramatically, because the CIA and the whore they enslaved me under trained my mind on alcohol by brainwash tricks, see slavery in Germany on how they did that. Yet here and now and since I started to work on this evil project called Calypso, where I have to take the clients and sub contactors to lunch or dinner and each time with alcohol, as if someone is trying to show that I have bad Christian habits, and this was definitely not Christian nor it was Jewish or Islamic, it was pure brainwash to blame my odd behavior on alcohol or even on Christianity. The CIA did the same thing to me in 1970-1972, where they forced me to drink alcohol with brainwash tricks and telepathy, for more info, see Slavery in Germany page.

23.       During the project Calypso and around summer 1984, suddenly I am going to prostitute houses, where I never did that before, except when my fake family raped me among other by an old disgusting prostitute, but also the American military sent me to prostitute house and to another prostitute working as employee in the kitchen and that was before 1971. Which was a part of the brainwash, and here and now in summer 1984 the same evil people are using the same strategies=CIA/MI6. Here and now and after starting to work on this evil project Calypso, someone was 100% forcing me with telepathy to go to whore houses, and 80% to a specific place, where I was forced to request a specific woman that I always want to have sex only with her, she was not even nice looking. This telepathy brainwash was to force my mind to think that I do not like my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka otherwise I would not go to a prostitute house, but also to force others who are monitoring me to think that I also do not like my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. I was going at least once a week, sometimes 2-3 times a week, another side effect of all this, prostitution situation and excessive alcohol drinking, is making me go to bed very late, sometimes at 5 in the morning or not sleep at all, which makes me tired and more susceptible to brainwash and telepathy control. In short, my life was totally in chaos, and I was not able to defend myself

24.       George Estefan, as an alleged Lebanese businessman, I strongly suspect him to be a big drug lord that uses his money to invest in legitimate business. I can’t really recall how I get to know this nasty man, in any case he was living in Geneva, Switzerland, where my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that I suspect him to be from the Jordanian, Saudi Arabian and Spanish royal family, was also living in Geneva Switzerland’s, and pretending to be full time employee of the Syrian consulate, which he was most definitely not, the way he lived no Syrian consul can afford it. In any case, I believe I was somehow setup to get to know this George Estefan as distraction of my fake uncle and his not very nice children that all lived in Geneva. Possibly I get to know him through the corrupt Syrian project leader of the project Calypso. In any case he gets me involved in his private IT project that turned out to be a set up to discredit me, which I will leave out. He came 1-2 times to visit me in Munich and the first thing he asked me is to take him to a prostitute house, where I had no idea where they are and had to look around in telephone book. I should have said no, but these criminal forces their victim with telepathy. I did take him to a higher up prostitute house that I found in newspaper, which was very disturbing to me. In short, this project was meant to distract me of my computer specialty, which was design of multi-lingual computer systems to prevent me of going to the Middle East!

25.       The Hamburg spy equipment. The Syrian project leader Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh asked me to help him and locate some manufacturer for intelligence microphones (spying equipment’s) I found a company for him, I believe it was called PK or PKI Electronics in Hamburg, and somehow, I get a sample and kept it until I lost everything in USA in 1999/2000, which very much made me look like as if I am spy or at least that is what they want me to think just by keeping this spying unit = brainwash. Another time he wants me to look for a company that manufactures taximeter, another times he wants to buy 500 Mercedes cars and 300 allegedly to use as a taxi, and another time to do this and that, in short it was all to distract me of the design of multi-lingual computer systems and to prevent me of going to the Middle East. And this is the Syrian project leader at the BP-British Petroleum criminal company that have designed all the above and below as cover up for my fake family that are 100% related to them business wise and very possibly also family wise. Many of the things he asked me to help him with I did not do and refused. I know at that time BP-British Petroleum was owned by the government of UK, but the government of UK and no matter how it looks like is 100% owned and operated by the criminally insane and psychopaths  British Royal family and that is why it is called United Kingdom = is nothing else than united in organized crimes and my complaint pages that many to most of them are verifiable are the prove

26.       The Jordanian Secret Service and my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that pretended to be Syrian consul, which he most definitely was not. When I went to Jordan to visit my evil 2 fake sisters Suhair Bdeir the mother of Reem Bdeir alias the double of princes Haya of Jordan or both are the one and the same person, many nasty things happened to me, here are 2 of them: 1. my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah, which is a hidden Jordanian royalty and business partner and related family wise to among others with the Bdeir/Budier family the family of my other fake sister Suhair Bdeir. Mr. Abokurah introduced me to his neighbor he was allegedly the director of the Al-Mukhabarat, sort of a mixture of FBI and CIA or best explained as Stassi from East Germany or SS from Hitler time. This man, also pretended to want to give me a project, which is to get him some spying equipment’s above all monitors connected to computers, but I had to decline because it was out of the scope of my specialty, but it was a brainwash setup of some kind that I did not understand 100% until recently, possibly to show me that my brother-in-law wanted to help me business wise but I refused, which is a very stupid scheme they used with me several times, last time it was in summer 2013 with my fake sister in Brighton and Hove, England named Fadia Nagar and her stupide and nasty daughter named Esmat Shawki set me up in a similar scheme, but I will skip because it is not related directly to this situation yet indirectly because this fake sister is related to ARAMCO and ARAMCO is related to BP-British Petroleum and the project Calypso except it is the same people on different time and place and same scheme of brainwash. 2. Each time I go to visit my fake sisters in Jordan, they confiscate my passport at airport check point of arrival and ask me to go and pick it up at the Al-Mukhabarat building (Secret Service building), which had the goal to make my visit uncomfortable as possible to prevent me to visit my fake sisters and the evil Abokurah and Bdeir/Budier families alias hidden Royalties and CIA & MI6 set agents, sort of hidden colonialists and the best prove for that, is that they have countless Palestinian refugees since 1967 and partially even since 1948 and later. One of these times at the Al-Mukhabarat building when I went there to pick up my passport that they confiscated as I arrived in the airport, they said that some boss wants to speak with me and that he has my passport. I went to his office, and he wanted me to go to Geneva, Switzerland and ask my uncle Jalal Baroudi, that pretend to be full time Syrian consul, to work with them against Syria, in other words to spy for them on his own country. I was very insulted for that and refused and said you go and ask him yourself, because I will not, he said if you help us, then we also we will help you, we know that you are trying to start business with Jordanian companies, and we can open the doors for you, I said and if I do not help you what then, he said then we will not help you to establish business in Jordan and we will prevent you of doing business in Jordan. I said so be it, I will not help you, I took the passport and was very upset. Today I know that this was a severe brainwash situation as follow:

26.1.          To make my fake sisters and their families (that control Jordan) look like powerless and have no saying in Jordan, and they created many other situations to prove that.

26.2.          To make it look like as if I am failing to do business in Jordan because of Al-Mukhabarat and not because these 2 nasty women that pretend to be my sisters are nothing else than nannies for hidden royalty children and the royal family does not want me to recognize that, very unfortunately I recognized that after the year 2000

26.3.          To make my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi look like as if he is really Syrian consul and is working for the Syrians and therewith take any association between them in Jordan and whatever is happening to me in Germany of them and blame it only on Syrian

26.4.          To make my uncle Jalal Baroudi not related to royalties in Jordan and Saudi Arabia and to reinforce the lie that he is allegedly a full time Syrian Consul. In matter of fact and alone through these situations it points out that this nasty man and fake uncle of mine is from the Jordanian royal family and his wife possibly from the Saudi and both of them originated (originally) from Europe and USA, possibly either Spanish or Hispanic origin, and this is only based on their disgusting look and even more disgusting behavior, which is typical Spanish royalties, arrogant and ignorant and think everyone else is stupid and they are the only smart people around!

26.5.          To make it harder on me to come back to Jordan to visit my fake sisters

26.6.          To add more confusion to my life in Jordan as distraction of all other nasty situations they added to my life

27.       Women brainwash, please note that they used the same evil telepathy and brainwash strategies on me as the CIA & MI6 used on me in summer of 1970 enable to enslave me under the CIA & MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray, meaning same strategy = equal the same evil networked people:

27.1.          The Saudia (Saudi Arabian Airline, also at that time called Saudia, which is the Urdu/Arabic word for Saudi) Stewardess named Saiedah from Tunis, at that time Tunis was also the headquarter of the PLO which was at the time the biggest terror organization in the world for nearly 30 years, starting 1960s and ending 1990s as they replaced it with Al Qaeda. Somehow, they set me up to get to know this stewardess in the plane to Saudi Arabia. This was in 1981, she was a stewardess and she approached me in the plane and tried hard to link me to her. She even visited me in my hotel room in Jeddah, I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that she was set on me, but by who, here are the possibilities:

27.1.1.            My brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah from Jordan was at that time the CEO of the Jordanian Airline called Alia and set me up at least 3 times in Jordanian airline in Germany and going to Jordan and used his business connections + his family relation to the most disgusting criminally insane and psychopaths Saudi Arabian Royal family that are through and through hidden slaves of the English royalties + the Rockefeller families because they established them as Saudi Royal family to show as if the English royalties and the Rockefeller families did not establish Saudi Arabia between 1911 and 1930, and then falsified the history of the country, because prior to that it was 100% desert with maybe a few hundred or at the most a couple of thousand nomads called Bedouin

27.1.2.            My fake sister Fadia Nagar allegedly now lives in Hove, UK, which I believe she is the replacement of the original fake sister that never left Egypt or even Saudi Arabia. Or even Yemen where they always send many to a country they want to steal, and that would explain why the alleged children of hers do not look anything like their Egyptian father. This fake sister set me up in 1968 with a young lady named Esmat Khodary/Chodori that was the alleged niece of the Egyptian Airline CEO at that time, his name I forgotten, but he owned the building he lived in right next to the famous movie theater called Metro downtown Cairo, Egypt that was also owned by him. Esmat Khodary was 19 years old, while I was 16. This set up and originally was meant to force me to think that I am allegedly homosexual and that they are helping me, in reality they rapped me by men and disgusting women as a mean of a long-term brainwash, which I am skipping here, but they were pretended to be helping me by getting me together with this lady, meaning helping me against their own doings, which is typical tricks of these criminals. But also, and most probably this Esmat Khodary was used to cover up that my twin took over my place by being his girlfriend and therewith everyone else would believe she still with me or I am still with here. These Airline CEO work together to negotiate certain agreements, especially when some of them are also owners of many other businesses in the airports such as food supply and tax-free shops, luggage management and transportation and so on, which I did not see that at that time. But this is not the only partnership as business this Egyptian Airline CEO has with my fake brother-in-law Abdelghani Abokurah, the most important thing that they have together a partnership in, at least  is 100% in brainwashing me as described above and both were covering up for the twin that they were preventing me to find out about my twin that took my place in Cairo, Egypt and very possibly also in Munich Germany after these psychopaths kidnapped me from Germany to USA and practically locked me up because they forced me to be an illegal alien  without any rights what so ever, among other by brainwashing me to fear the Syrians that allegedly have set a reward on killing me and I am allegedly hiding in USA, which is a very hidden scheme of lock up, because if I need to leave USA then I must have a passport, and the German government that I loved and trusted blindly confiscated my Alien German passport called Fremdenpass (in English = German passport for foreigners) because they were helping these psychopaths English royalties and my fake family in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, which very much means to leave USA I need a passport and I cannot ask the Syrian because they allegedly placed a reward on my head, and there with I was stock in this criminal savage slavery and most destructive country I have ever seen or even heard off called USA, don’t take my word for it, look how they treat black, Hispanic,  Asian, Jewish, Muslims and many other, not to forget the constant mass shootings that became the air that the Americans breathing on a daily basis, above all their state government called Texas is one of the nastiest and most vicious states in USA, because they think everyone else is a member of their cattle (cows and sheep and goats and horses and they treat them as such and that is why these psychopaths forced me to live as an illegal alien in Houston, Texas the state of the outlaws called petroleum companies like these criminal psychopaths that constantly persecuted me in Houston, such as BP-British petroleum, their partners ARAMCO, Chevron and countless others). At the end in the year 2000 and because I was hopelessly scared of the new to me telepathy attacks I went to the Airport of Houston, Texas and lived there on the street hopping to find a way to smuggle myself back to Germany, I lived there for nearly 6 weeks feeding myself of the collected luggage cars they lay around with 25 cent and take them back and get the 25 cent and per day I made between 5-15 US Dollar, where I used it for food and nonalcoholic drinks = welcome to America = sadistic government in USA controlled by English royalties and Rockefeller families you can keep America, because you made it to a wild zoo, every one cheat the other, shoot the other, enslave the other, kidnap the other, drug the other, brainwash the other, these controlling families are pure wild animals disguised as human being.

27.1.3.            My fake uncle the evil Jawdat Baroudi that was Jordanian + Saudi Arabian + British + German + American and pretend to be Syrian. He was working for the Saudi Government as an internal affair judge or judge consultant, at least this is what this criminal Jordanian royalty + Rockefeller and English royalty lump of shit has told me, and that was one of many other jobs he was performing at that time, and he along with others created countless very destructive setups starting December 1969. But also at a later time when I was sent on business by my employer Siemens AG to Saudi Arabia, they created countless destructive situations against me and even one time arrested me as I arrived in Jeddah and wanted to force me to go to Mecca for pilgrimage, which was only a scare tactics created by these criminal psychopaths members of my fake family, and all that is thanks to these nasty fake family members, the CIA and MI6

27.2.          Bashaar Dubish, alleged nephew of Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier. Suddenly a man comes to Munich, allegedly from Syria and tells me he is the nephew of my brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier that lives in Jordan and asking me for help, which he is allegedly a business man dealing with tailoring material and want to buy material in Germany and want me to help him buying them, anything just to distract me of my profession while repeatedly using tailoring as blackmail of my actual biological family that one of them I believe called Taylor and translated his name to Arabic and was calling himself Fuad Khayat=Tailor/Taylor=Schneider=Snijder (Arabic=English, German and Dutch). Bashaar Dubish brought his 19 years old younger sister and both of them suddenly are staying at my apartment, which I did for my (fake) brother-in-law called Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier, in reality they were trying to force my mind to think that my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier is Syrian origin as distraction that he is from Europe and immigrated in 1940s to be a hidden member of the Jordanian Royal family. But also, they were trying to get me to fall for this 19 years old Syrian girl, where she was dressing very revealing in my presence in my own apartment, even though I never met her before. Yet I was madly in love with, at that time my German girlfriend,  Adelheid Kuczka. They tried repeatedly to visit me, but I pretended to be out of town because I did not like the presence of his sister, I felt totally uncomfortable with her behavior. Today I know they also meant to force my mind to think as reinforcement of their lies that the Bdeir/Budier family are Syrians and not Jordanian royal family members. This is what these disgusting hidden royal family members do, they hide their identities enable to mix with people and brainwash them and then blame it on others, while using women as if they are a sex object!

27.3.          The Syrian Ambassador Dr. Zafer Sawaf and his Palestinian secretary in Amman, Jordan. In Jordan and between 1981 and 1985, I was working with ASMO (Arabic Standardization and Metrology Organization, which was a subdivision of the so-called Arab League, the equivalence to UNO-United Nations Organization but only for the so-called Arab countries). The secretary general of ASMO was a Syrian Ambassador named Zafer Al-Sawaf (Added on 4.9.2021: the same last name as the alleged maiden name of my fake grandmother named Samiyah Baroudi born allegedly as Sawaf), that was a friend of my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier. And both of them conspired many things against me, among others to send me to Egypt because Arab countries allegedly did not speak at that time with the Egyptian government because Egypt made peace with Israel, which was through and through a public theater = lying and acting in front of the general public as mean if mass brainwash to show them that they are solidarizing with Palestinians and against Israel, which was not true. Anyway, this human trash called Ambassador Dr. Zafer Sawaf asked me to go to Egypt to get the standard that I was working on since 1979 approved also by Egyptian government. Which I did travel there in spring or summer 1982, yet I had so many difficulties to do anything or even to survive in Cairo, that I failed in every aspect, from visiting friends, family members to doing any business what so ever, in matter of fact some evil person or group of persons were severely persecuting me with telepathy during which I was like stoned, but at that time I did not know it was telepathy. I never understood what happened to me in Egypt during this trip until after the year 2000 as I started to recognize and understand telepathy as well as discover that I was kidnapped on 10/11 January 1960 and taken to Egypt with fake Syrian identity, not to forget I did not know that I had a twin that took over my place in Egypt after they took me to Germany in 1969 and I was totally isolated by the evil American military, re-brainwashed and enslaved me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray that totally controlled my life, while pretending to be suppressed by me. Today I understand what happened in Egypt, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar never left Egypt and the American military in end summer of 1970 brought a lookalike of him that today calls himself Nick Naggar, but also my fake mother never left Egypt, my fake sister Fadia Nagar never left Egypt and above all there is a new person, my twin that took over my identity and place in Egypt and they did not want me to discover and see all that. And that alone shows that the Bdeir/Budier family, Abokurah family = Jordanian royal family were using their friend the Syrian Ambassador and secretary general of ASMO to send me to Egypt as a mean of blackmail to those persons that never left Egypt (added on 4.9.2021: Which very much proves that my fake sisters and mother that originally kidnapped me in 1960 and took me to Cairo, Egypt were 100% working for the English royalties and that is why the CIA + MI6 were severely persecuting me from 1969-2016),  yet they all told me that they allegedly left Egypt in 1970. And this alone shows that this is not one family but rather several families that are competing with each other’s in slavery and also blackmail each other’s while partnering together to enslave the countries in the Middle East, which they did very successfully and are still doing it today in 2021 in Iraq, Yemen and Syria and who knows maybe tomorrow in Iran!. I get sidetracked. The nasty Syrian Ambassador Zafer AL-Sawaf, set his stupid secretary on me as a mean of brainwash, along with my 2 fake sisters in Jordan named Suheir Bdeir/Budier and Afrah/Mona/Moni Abokurah (Added on 4.9.2021: alias Mona Najjar currently in Washington D.C. with her fake children and fake identity, where today I have no doubt that she is Greek origin and related to the English royalties and now in Washington D.C. along with her fake children and all of them have telepathy, which I saw with several certainty in specific situations that is mentioned elsewhere and now are using telepathy for manipulating Congressmen/congresswomen, Senators and other politicians, and that id fact based on my solid pattern that started in 1960 and until today in 2021), they were trying very hard to force my mind to think that I love this stupid secretary because she has little similarities with my ex-wife and CIA whore agent named Anita Disbray that the CIA enslaved me under in August 1970 until September 1977, but I never loved that woman, I was forced to think so, the only woman I really loved was my at that time current girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. They were trying hard to make the doings of the CIA whore agent Anita Disbray, that performed many damages upon my life, look good to prevent me of discovering that she also related to them somehow, I do not know how, but I know she is related to these savages in Jordan and Saudi Arabia but also in Egypt. They performed many very destructive telepathy attacks on me to force me to think that I am in love with this stupid Palestinian secretary (added on 4.9.2021: Most probably she was not even Palestinian, they just told me that and I believed whatever they told me, but today I know that the Bdeir and Abokurah and the malas families are liars and hide Escaped Nazis such as Abo Maien malas and his wife Raghda malas and his children that were sent to Germany to study, during which they caused me countless trouble and they are in Jordan and elsewhere), and stupid not because she was Palestinian, but rather because she was helping them, possibly she get paid for it which very much equals they were using her as a prostitute for hire, and that is how much these disgusting people think of the dignity, freedom and reputation of a woman = 0 (ZERO)

27.4.          The Palestinian setup and refresh brainwash. The Syrian Ambassador Dr. Zafer Al-Sawaf mentioned above also conspired with my fake sisters and their husband on this brainwash, by using his secretary, name forgotten, an alleged Palestinian, short around 155-160 cm and skinny, maybe 45 kg. They tried hard to link me with her, or even to force my mind to think I want to marry this piece of trash actress. This will show how powerful telepathy brainwash is, on the one side they force me with telepathy to think I want this woman and on the other side they attack me why do you want this woman, is it because you still love your ex-wife and she reminds you with her, because she has similarity with her. Hereby they mean the woman that the CIA severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under her control from August 1970 to September 1977 and named Anita Disbray that I strongly suspect her to have been far above 45 years old maybe even 55 years old yet, she pretended to be only 4 years older than me in 1970, meaning she was allegedly 21 years old while I was 17 years old, suffering under a severe brainwash through the CIA, and had total amnesia, losing all my logic that helps me recognize things such  as who is 50 years old and who is 24 years old, where I had no chance to see through all these very destructive schemes. Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977 and never seen her after that, except once in the divorce court in 1979. Her job was to isolate me which she did and destroyed any friendship I have ever made between August 1970 and September 1977. In the above-mentioned brainwash situation with the Palestinian secretary was to force my mind to think I am still in love with Anita Disbray and that is why I allegedly want this stupid Palestinian whore woman, and she was stupid not because she was Palestinian, but rather because she was scheming with them against me. I believe she called me once or twice to Munich, or I was forced to call her from Munich once or twice to show as if I am related to Palestinians and to show as if I love Arab women, but I loved my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, they all were nowhere close to match up to her, and this because she was simple, and straight forward, they were sleazy and liars, while my girlfriend loved her daughter and behaved accordingly, they see their children as objects to use as tools of power and raise them accordingly without any feeling or empathy what so ever. In 1984 to 1986 I was prevented in Jordan to succeed in any business what so ever, and no family would ever do that to one who loves them, and in this process they set me up to start a business partnership with some Palestinian in Amman, Jordan, just to show and refresh the setup from December 1969, that these criminals people created for me to give the MI6 + CIA + BND a reason to pretend to be persecuting me due to my alleged connection to PLO and Palestinians, while in reality they were 100% isolating me of my past and of Arabs. These people I mean the nasty Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat and other families that pretended to be related to me, as well as all my fake sisters, fake brother, and my fake mother, had nothing in mind except to avoid me and while pretend to love me because allegedly they are my relatives. This partnership with this Palestinian businessman, it did not work, and it was designed not work, yet it showed as if I am related to Palestinian groups that at that time were considered to be the top worldwide  terrorists through their forced upon them fake organization called PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization. Palestinians were labeled worldwide as terrorist, unjustly I may add, but it added to my Palestinian connection, not to mention the Alami family the family of my fake niece Basma Bdeir/Budier alias Basma Alami the sister of Reem Bdeir alias the double of princes Haya of Jordan or both are one and the same person (Added on 7.9.2021: Reem Bdeir is around 11 years older than Princess Haya of Jordan, as I recall she was born 1961 while princess Haya of Jordan was born in 1974, yet they looked almost identical and with makeup and other disguise tools they can coverup  all differences), meaning this Alami family is never Palestinian and the Jordanian royal family just pretended to be marrying with Palestinians as a sign for peace in Jordan. This Alami family allegedly went to Jordan allegedly from Palestine in 1967 escaping the war in Israel with nothing but their cloths, and in Jordan, they suddenly owned many major businesses, small at that time, yet major, such as supplying food to the Airplanes at the Airport of Amman, Jordan, having shops in the Airport duty free zone, owning currency exchange in the airport and elsewhere including in Kuwait and the list goes on and on, and I am happy for them, yet they are not Palestinians. Last I have seen of them was in spring or summer 1986, where I went to Jordan to visit my (fake) 2 sisters and their fake families, with the exception of once in July/August 2013 when I was forced to relocate from the Netherlands to the UK, and while I was going with my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her 2 fake children Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki in Brighton, UK, where they were shopping for clothing and in the clothing shop I saw one of the Alami family members, at least that is what I believe he was based on his look, his accent, where they created a brainwash scene, where my fake niece Esmat Shawki pretended to be marrying to a Jewish man small time business man in Brighton, where I do not think that there is anything wrong with that, because I do not see Jewish, Muslims or Christians in people, I see their doings good or not, and this was one of their evil doing brainwash setups in 2013 to force my mind to think of the Bdeir and Abokurah families as Jewish and Israeli as distraction of the Saudi Royal family + the Jordanian Royal family + the English royal family + the Rockefeller family, which sister will create such a brainwash setup about her other 2 sisters unless she hates them for one reason or another, in matter of fact and in summer 2013 they bumped up my head with a lot of very negative and bad stories about the Abokurah and Bdeir families such as the Alami family is Jewish and Israeli, or the other sister kept her mother locked up starving and hit her, or that she stole the jewelry of the other sister and of her own mother and so on, but I never believed in all these stories, because I know the Abokurah and Bdeir/Budier families would never do something like that, even though they helped dramatically in destroying not only my life but also creating many conflicts between me and the people I loved in Germany, yet I am fair and I know they would never do all these things, because they do not need it. One time in summer 2013 in Brighton, UK my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her fake children went to a clothing store in Brighton, allegedly because each one of these criminals want to buy clothing for the wedding party of her fake daughter Esmat Shawki, and while we were in that shop, a man approached us, he looked like Makram Alami in Amman Jordan, the husband of my fake niece Basma Bdeir, and he greeted us in Arabic and English, based on his accent he was Jordanian, based on his look he was from the Alami family, he just said hello and how is the weather and said goodbye I see you at the wedding, my fake niece Esmat Shawki said, no my uncle is not coming he is busy with other things on this day, I was standing right there and I was living at their home, I was forced to relocate there in June/July 2013 from the Netherlands to show as if we are related, but neither this woman was my biological sister, nor she was the same sister as from Egypt nor her nasty children are my niece and nephews. In short, she disinvited me to her alleged wedding without asking me, instead they took me to a cheap hotel for a family dinner before the wedding. Then I was forced to leave Brighton sometimes before the wedding around 10 August 2013. Last but not least and maybe in 2014 or 2015 they lied again and sent me an email message and said that my fake niece Esmat Shawki left her new Jewish husband because they did not get along and he was looking for a slave woman which Esmat Shawki is not. They all are so evil, they like to force other to be Muslim, yet they are not Muslim, they use telepathy to enslave others enable they can live free with the money they steal by conning other people just as they stole everything from me. While she was pretending to be married to a Jewish, her brother Essam Shawki was pretend to be going in a partnership with a Russian business man, which is a 100% coordination between them, the Dutch IND and the CIA, that repeatedly tried to relate me to Jewish and or Russian, and there is nothing wrong to be related to Jewish or Russian, but there is something wrong and very evil when a Saudi Arabian and Jordanian royal family members that are originated from the UK, USA, Germany, Netherlands and from other parts of Europe pretend to be originated from countries they hate such as Israel or Russia. Anyway, this stupid and criminal fake niece named Esmat Shawki, did not marry a Jewish man and there was no wedding, it was only a brainwash talk. I feel sorry for them, because their intelligence is limited to crimes and they are not capable to build something with honesty, I wonder why!

27.5.          Randah Mufleh in 1984. Also, in Jordan. My fake niece a very nasty and evil one named May Abokurah, probably now her name is different because she is married, last I heard is that she was married to an ex-Iraqi royal family member (last king of Iraq was 1958, then he was ousted, and these criminal Jordanian royal families, including the Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas and others conspired with the Bush family + English royalties + Rockefeller family to retake Iraq in the end of the 1980 and the begin of 1990s they planned to invade Iraq by setting Iraq up to attack Kuwait in 1990 and then they had a reason to invade it, yet ex-US president George H. W. Bush lost the second term of his presidency to Bill Clinton in 1993 and was not able to give the order to invade Iraq, and had to wait until his idiot criminal son ex-US president George W. Bush became president for 2 terms of total 8 years, later and then he invaded Iraq in 2003 with fake claims that Iraq allegedly had mass destruction weapons, which they did not have), which very much means they support the ex-royalties from Iraq and that is why they created the evil war in Iraq through ex-president George W. Bush, but that is not my business. Back to my niece. This was in 1984, when I went for a couple of weeks to see my (fake) sisters in Jordan. Before I continue, I like to ask you, the reader a question: who would travel 4 thousand kilometers to see his sisters and their families, at least 1-2 a year, I do not know your answer, but mine is because I loved them and did not see through their schemes neither I knew that they kidnapped me of my actual biological family on 10/11 January 1960. Any stupid person will see that I am spending so much time and money just to see them because not only I loved them but also I strongly believe in family values, and in return they were scheming to enslave me and steal not only my life, but also everything I loved in this life, including the woman I loved, my church, my friends, the country I loved most and the list is endless, and all this while they are repeatedly brainwashing me as this situation. Back to the subject and describing this brainwash situation, I used to love to play squash, especially with my friends in the church and my work colleagues at Siemens AG. And one day this evil fake niece named May Abokurah said that her girlfriend named Randah Mufleh would like to play with me Squash, which I did play once or twice with her in Amman, Jordan. She was short, maybe 135-145 cm, dark skin or light brown skin, she looked more Indian than Arab, she could have been another hidden daughter of king Hussein, just as my original fake brother was. One day before returning to Germany. This May Abokurah asked me to go with her to King Hussein sports club, because someone want to tell me something, and she did not want to tell me who or what it was. I went with her, and there was this short and disgusting person called Randah Mufleh and as soon as she saw me, she ran up to me placed her arms around me and kissed me on the lips and said I love you, here is my photograph to remember me in Germany. I did not know what to think or how to react, because it was all telepathy control, and do not allow me to think, but one thing I always knew for sure, in no way and if this insect was the last women in the world, I would never kiss her or even touch her. I have no doubt whatsoever that my fake niece May Abokurah and at least her brother Ghassan Abokurah in Washington D.C. have telepathy and used their younger brother named Khalid Abokurah as target practice for telepathy, that literally drove him crazy and they locked him up in a mental institute in Cairo, Egypt since 1988 or 1991 to not have to visit him, and to my knowledge he still there, because I verified that in around summer 2014/2015 by calling him in that hospital in Cairo Egypt while I was living in the city called Assen in Netherlands. Back to the brainwash situation and after I went back to Germany in summer 1984, I am again with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and very happy to be back home also to see her beautiful friendly and smiley face. Then this Randah Mufleh calls me a couple of times and telling me she misses me, and then start to ask me to send her back her photograph, here too I did not know what to think or how to deal with it because someone evil with telepathy were preventing me. Then my fake niece May Abokurah calls me allegedly from Amman, Jordan to Munich, Germany and says Randah Mufleh is upset and need her photograph back, then my fake sister Suhair Bdeir calls me allegedly also from Amman, Jordan with the same message, then my fake sister Afrah Abokurah calls me allegedly also from Amman, Jordan and with the same message, then my sister Fadia Nagar, this time from the London, the UK calls me with the same message, all want the photograph back, and I have no idea how to react or where to send it, because someone with telepathy was controlling my mind. Besides, I had no idea where this photograph is, I think I throwed  it away sometimes after arriving back in Germany in summer of 1984. All this to make people around me believe as if I love women from the Middle East, Palestinian women or this disgusting parasite called Randah Mufleh. Last but not least, which I did not know that at that time (added on 13.9.2021: This is the power of the Internet, where since 2008, actually since 2007, where I was forced to live in the refugee camp in the city Dokkum and sometimes I used to fo to the Internet office and use it to make some research and after 2008 when they forced me to live isolated in the village of Bellingwolde, yet I was able to order a phone and internet access in my forced upon me housing starting 28 February 2008, and ever since I am on and off doing research to understand my own past and why I keep on losing everything in my life, and there I didscovered 3 families related to my fake sisters in Jordan and they are the families Malas + Musasher + Mufleh and all 3 of them had a controlling roles in the PLO, while also related to the families of my 2 fake sisters in Amman, Jordan, whereby they can be 2 different families that have the same family names, yet I was 100% and multiple times setup to look like as if I am related to top controlling figures of PLO, and who set me up? My fake uncles, my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters in Amman, Jordan that are related to these 3 families and when I look deeper in to it, I strongly believe that the Malas family as I knew it in 1967 and in 1970 were 100% hidden escaped Nazis from Germany as described elsewhere. End of added), the name Mufleh is also the name of some major leader family of the PLO-Palestine Liberation organization=terrorism, if it is the same family or not I do not know, it is just like the name Smith, not only one family using it, yet it was used on purpose to implicate me with terrorism, and this brainwash situation was 100% forced upon my life not only by this evil fake family, but also by the evil BP-British Petroleum, my employer at that time. In 2017, the Jordanian Ambassador in the Netherlands was named Mufleh and was replaced in 2018 with another person with another name Tell, that and as far as I recall, the name Tell is an official name of a family that are member of the Jordanian royal family, and this based on what I was told in 1967 and in 1970 as I visited my 2 fake sisters in Amman, Jordan, which is a very strong pattern in my life, that they bring some one into my life to force me to think that only this person has this origin or has this connection, as cover up and distraction of that the families of my 2 fake sisters are also hidden members of the Jordanian + Saudi Arabian + Kuwaitis + UAE + Oman royal families !!

27.6.          May Abokurah and each time I visit them, and stay overnight, she would dress totally inappropriately, such as revealing night gown, or very short hot pants or more than micro skirt, while dressing sleeveless t-shirt and so on, as if she was trying to force my mind to like her body as a part of the brainwash, which is really disgusting, but these people see their selves as tools for their goals, whatever that is, and there is no tool is forbidden. This while I was told that her father allegedly burned all the cloths of his wife alias my fake sister alias her mother because they had half sleeve and he considered that revealing, yet he did not mind that his daughter at that time over 20 years old (born around 1963/64) dresses like street prostitute to seduce the mind of her fake uncle while he was present at home!! This May Abokurah and her brothers Ghassan and Abdallah Abokurah that drove their younger brother named Khalid Abokurah literally crazy by using him since his birth as target practice for telepathy. Khalid Abokurah had many odd behavior, yet with me he was very normal and stops his odd behavior, and one time I confronted him why are you doing all these odd things, his answer was: I hear voices in my head that tells me to do these things, such as throwing a glass at the TV and breaking it, or emptying his drink on the legs of the serving waiter or throwing things such as toys, cloths, trash, plates from the window and so on. At that time, I did not know what to think of these alleged voices he hears in his head, because I did not know of telepathy, but today I know, and these nasty brothers and sister destroyed the life of their own younger brother just to train their selves, today they are in Washington D.C. and Virginia, doing the same but on strange people as they did to their brother and their fake uncle, me!! Not to forget that I am claiming that their mother alias my fake sister is nothing else but a nanny, and no one will bring a nanny to raise children with telepathy, unless the nanny has not only telepathy but also is teaching them telepathy tricks to enslave others = concentrated evil where and how ever I turn it

27.7.          The Abokurah sisters. Simultaneously to all the above, the two sisters of my fake brother-in-law Abdelghani Abokurah that allegedly are independent and have furniture stores and come often to Germany and Austria or even USA to buy furniture for their store(s), pretend as if they have an eye on me, among others by visiting me in Munich and inviting me to their hotel 4 season, while my 2 fake sisters in Jordan continuously asking me to ask one of them out, but I did not, yet they did not force me, and I do not know why, maybe because they just were toying with my mind! They are mentally sick and are dangerous to the safety of others and my life is the prove

27.8.          Between 1982 and 1985 and each time I visit my fake sister in the UK, she either invite a specific girlfriend or take me to visit her. It is always the same lady that behaved like a woman for hire, that allegedly from Aleppo, Syria. She was married, yet each time she sees me she dedicates her time to me, as if I am her boyfriend. I never understood that, until later, she was trying to force my mind to think that Syrian or Arab women are better than my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. And here I am saying it again, and this is only concerning these persons within my complaint and not Syrians in general or other nationalities in general: not in your family life time, you cannot measure up trash to actual cleanliness, cleanliness is a beauty and trash is ugly and smelly, and this page is the prove that you all are ugly and smelly = trash just like your behavior. And my ex-German girlfriend was supper clean and none of these evil and disgusting persons can ever measure up to her. This alleged Syrian lady, she tried hard to act as energetic as my girlfriend, tried hard to have debates with me over all kind of subjects, and even though she never was able to measure up to my girlfriends, yet she tried hard. This is what you call mind seduction through a married Syrian woman living in the UK that was nothing close to representing Syrian women that are kosher and faithful in all aspects and will never do such a disgusting thing. I never understood what these evil people had against my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, until after the year 2000, they did not want me to marry a German woman, because then they cannot kidnap me to USA and use me as a multipurpose slave: prevent me to work in IT with multi-lingual specialty to prevent me to go to the Middle East, to force me to raise one of their evil hidden children while forcing me to believe it is my own biological child, and to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family in USA. But and most importantly, they did not want me to understand the difference between a real mother that is very caring, and dedicate most of her time to her daughter no matter what, unlike these criminals psychopaths that are nothing else than nannies without any motherly feelings, and without any care for the children just like my 3 whore fake sisters and my whore fake mother named Hayat Baroudi. If you think the word whore is wrong for these criminals, then you are wrong, because  a street prostitute (=whore) is much more honest than them, she gives you exactly what you expect, and these trash of human beings are full of poison, just by standing next to you, just like queen Elizabeth the second that turned out to be possibly my biological sister that kidnapped me with their help. But also, if I marry a German woman then I would get the German citizenship which will make it harder to kidnap me, and they cannot prevent me going back to Germany because these criminals go often to Germany under other fake identities, among others because they do have major business in Germany. But also because the behavior of my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka was beautiful especially with her daughter, which made me see how actual mothers treat their children, and not how nannies and evil telepathy teachers force these children to be as evil as they are, and alone through this beautiful onetime longtime ago ex-girlfriend of mine named Adelheid Kuczka as well as members of the church I was able to see that these children are kidnapped from Europe, USA and taken to the Middle East faked their identities and then send them on destruction tours to other countries as Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, Kuwaitis, Syrians,  and so on, where do they send them? To Germany and USA to enslave people to buy businesses and gain influences to be able to control for example Germany while pretending to be Arabs, but they are British and Americans. They also pretend to be Africans but are Afro-Americans and Afro British or British Americans or pretend to be from India, Pakistan and so in, while Afro-American organized crime family members from the English royalties and the Rockefeller families, go to Africa pretend to be African and with the help of the evil natural resources companies such as BP-British Petroleum + Exxon/Esso, Chevron and others help them to become in the African government and as a president or dictator and then they terrorize the lives of Africans while pretending to be African just to help these nasty and criminal petroleum companies to suck the lives out of the country while enslaving everyone else in the name of the black dictator that they brought with them from USA, UK, Canada, Australia or other countries ( !!?? ) = mentally sick and cannot build something honestly therefore they kill and steal = KAS!

27.9.          Also, around the same time as above, my fake Aunt named Eftikar Kheir, that pretend to be Syrian and is raising a hidden royalty child, and one of these children is a young lady that she allegedly gave birth to her when she was older than 50 years, which was a lie to cover up that she is a nanny. In any case, I strongly suspect this evil woman and her very evil fake children that 2 of them took part on brainwashing me and performing some harm to me, which are Farhat Kheir (UAE/Oman) and Faihaa Kheir (Saudi Arabian). Now I was visiting my sister in Jordan, and this nasty woman called Eftikar Kheir come allegedly to visit me and bring along her alleged daughter named Fatina Kheir for one purpose only as a mean of multipurpose brainwash, first to show that she allegedly just came from Syria to visit, which I have no way of verifying where this nasty woman came from, second to add to the brainwash of forcing my mind to think that I love Syrian or Arab women in other words she was using her fake daughter as a seducing object = whore, which I absolutely did not like any Syrian or even Arab women and still do not because of the one fact only, all these criminals women around my life from the Middle East that behave like whores, are most disgusting and they most definitely do not represent a real average good Muslim, Christian, Jewish or other Arab women of other religions, but also because of mainly the following reason: I never liked the behavior of my sisters, my nieces, my female cousins, the way they dress, the way they cover their faces with trash makeup and the way they talk, all they have in their mind is how beautiful they are going to look today, and they are not beautiful at all, I just accepted them at that time because I thought they were my family, in matter of fact they are disgusting and they disgust me, and I am sure most of the others find them also disgusting, only their victims would say they are beautiful and trust me beauty is not visible to eye because it comes from the inside and you can see it only through the behavior,  and their visible ugliness is forced upon them because it is also coming from the inside and you can see it through their behavior as described within my complaint pages including this page, actual beauty it is never forgotten just as actual evil is also never forgotten!

27.10.     My fake cousin Summer Baroudi. In around summer 1984, I went to visit my sister in the UK, at that time she was living in or around London. Then she told me that our female cousin is in London and would love to see me, even though I do not know her really. Her name is Summer Baroudi and is the daughter of my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi and the sister of my fake cousins Bashaar and Basel Baroudi, both I met them only in Saudi Arabia. She is allegedly married to a Syrian civilian pilot working allegedly for the Syrian airline. So, I went to visit her in her hotel somewhere in London and called her from the reception that I am here, she asked me to go up to the room, which I did. She was totally dressed inappropriately, a see-through nightgown, I was able to see her bra and her mini under pants, I felt really uncomfortable, she asked me to come in, which I did, and open the fridge and asked me what I want to drink, there is beer, whisky, juice and water, I said nothing thank you, and then she went and sat on the bed placing one leg on the other, where I can see her practically naked, she asked me to help myself with drinks, and I said no thank you I cannot stay long because I have an appointment and I am already late, I just wanted to get to know you, she asked me to stay longer, but I left. I am sure she did not want to have sex with me, she was just newly married, however I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that she wanted to force my mind to think that Syrian or Arab women are allegedly beautiful, in other words she wanted to seduce me without having to have sex, on the other side maybe she wanted to have sex with me, and that is alone on the bases how she was dressed, like the women you see standing behind a glass in Amsterdam and want you to pay to have sex with them. She had brown hair, green eyes like her father mother and 2 brothers but shorter than them, she was around 160 cm short or tall! It was a very disgusting and awful situation. Never seen her before that and never saw her after that. Thanks God!

27.11.     My fake cousin Rima Baroudi (Married to a Swiss Christian man and lives allegedly between Paris, France and Geneva Switzerland). Between 1980 and 1981, My employer Siemens AG sent me on business trip(s) to meet with and to represent Siemens AG at ECMA-European Computer Manufacturer Association and the British company ICL in Geneva, to meet with Mr. Hajjar (translated to Rockefeller) at IBM European Headquarter at that time in Paris, France; and in late summer of 1981 with the company Olivetti headquarter in Ivrea, Italy, whereby at that time my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka accompanied me on this trip. We made a stop in Geneva to visit my uncle Jalal Baroudi that was a hidden Jordanian or Saudi Arabian royal family member originated most probably from UK or Spain royal family and living in Geneva pretending to be a full time Syrian consul, which he most definitely was not. After my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and I  visited my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi and his stupid family at their apartment in Geneva, and as we were leaving his housing and at the door exit, and very suddenly (this was a 100% telepathy force to destroy my relationship with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka), I went up to my female cousin named Rima Baroudi (her last name changed to a Swiss name due to her marriage) and kissed her on her lips, which I would have never done, and I never done something like that before or after that, beside I loved my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka very much (see why I loved her in the page “Thank You” under the section of her own name) and I had respect to my (fake) uncle and would have never done something like that in front of him and his wife, in other words they forced me with telepathy to do that enable to systematically destroy my relationship with my girlfriend that I wanted to marry. While cousin Rima  Baroudi behavior, character, moral values and her look do not measure up to Adelheid Kuczka, beside I did not know her I just saw her in my entire life 3-5 times, and I really did not like her as a woman, but I loved my family and each individual one of them at that time, because I thought they are my biological family and not my kidnappers, and therewith I also loved my cousin as a family member no more and no less than a sister. This while a bit later, they also set me up with similar strategy and behavior with the Jordanian parasite and girlfriend of my fake niece May Abokurah named Randah Mufleh, where she out of nowhere comes up to me and kiss me on the lips and tells me I love you and gave me her photograph, which is mentioned above. These women are nothing else than cheap whores, that makes bad name for Arabs, and Muslim women and men while trying to force my mind with brainwash and telepathy to think I love Arab and Muslim women that is originated of them. All I can say is once a person read the new testament then everything else is irrelevant and that is why the bible is very much one of the most hated books by brainwashers and criminals as members of my fake family, but also the CIA, MI6, AIVD and BND hate Christians and love Islam because they can use Islam as slavery and persecute people in the name of Islam and blame it on Islam or God, such as they are doing right now in Yemen and Syria, and before that in Iraq and before that in Afghanistan, and before that and until today in Saudi Arabia that left these countries in chaos until today, but also they used this evil and most destructive strategy against me since 1960 that started in my first school year and in the first month of schooling, where the wore woman that pretended to be my mother went to school and asked them to place me in other class and faraway of my new friend named Sameh, allegedly because they he is Christian and his father is trying to brainwash me with Christianity and my mother alleged is strict Muslim Sunni = trash talks because it was all lies since 1960, she never was Muslim at least not while I was in Cairo, Egypt between 1960 and 1969, all of her doings were 100% without any moral values what so ever!!

27.12.     In 1982 I was set up by the evil Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah families that used the Syrian ambassador named Dr. Zafer Sawaf to send me to Egypt as mentioned elsewhere. In Egypt I tried to visit many that I knew before, but I was unsuccessful because I was prevented, among others because my fake family that was with me in Egypt pretend to have left Egypt in 1970 but they did not, and also had my twin that I never knew about him, that then took over my identity in Egypt, because they used me as a place holder for him. One relative I was able to visit, the alleged grand cousin of my fake mother, he was an alleged police officer, and his father is a famous Egyptian military general named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and this cousin name is Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. He had a sister named Najlaa that was a teacher and married to a teacher but then divorced, married again and divorced. This cousin told me that he and his sister Najlaa are marrying a brother and a sister because they are rich, and he kept on talking to me on the advantage of that, and it does not matter how ugly they look, the main thing that they are rich because then he and his sister will also become overnight rich. Just before I went to Egypt I was in Amman Jordan, visiting ASMO-Arabic standardization and Metrology Organization and also visiting my 2 fake sisters Suheir Bdeir/Budier and Afrah Abokurah/Najjar, whereby I did not know at that time that they are not my sisters but rather my kidnappers. In Amman, my 2 sisters and even the evil whore that pretended to be my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, and all 3 of them were trying hard to force my mind to think that I want to propose to the younger sister of my brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah, named I believe Khawala/Chaula, she even came to Munich and invited me to visit her in her hotel, and they kept on nagging how nice she is, and that she is rich and so on, and today I believe that this stupid fake distant cousin of mine in Egypt named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was trying to help them to convince me to do just that by telling me that he and his sister are marrying a rich brother and her sister, and there with my fake sister Afrah Abokurah and me would be doing the same. They only problem is that I loved my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka in Germany and beside the 2 sisters of Abdulghani Abokurah have a very nasty behavior, character, and no moral value while their look is only suitable to be hidden and not talked about. Today I think they did not really wanted me to marry these stupid women that they continuously tried to force upon me, but rather it is a brainwash tactic and strategy to keep on talking about a subject until their victim believe in it, just like CNN + Fox News + BBC do; and then do what they say, the only problem with this strategy is that as a Christian I am immune of it, and that is why these evil nasty and criminal family members used telepathy. Beside they planned on kidnapping me to USA no matter what to blackmail my biological family in Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, California, Texas, Kansas and other states, where I was often tricked to go there and I realized I was not needed and never understood why I was given a job that I was not needed for=blackmail my biological family without me noticing, another time was the FBI dragging me to another city by lies and tricks enable to brainwash me for their advantages, which they did several times. On the other side maybe this stupid fake cousin named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was trying to blackmail someone else that has telepathy and in Cairo, Egypt and are possibly my brother and sister and marrying also brother and sister enable to generate as many lookalike as they can, or my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar at that time that never left Egypt and one of my original fake sisters Fadia Nagar and/or Moni/Afrah Najar/Nagar that never left Egypt and are marring brother and sister or 2 sisters, I do not know for fact, I just know that this nasty cousin of mine had 100% telepathy and in 1960s he was practicing his telepathy on animals that he simultaneously had: Mouse, Cat, Dog, and a snake, possibly also a bird try to have all these animals without them eating or killing each other’s, but you cannot, he was able to=telepathy practice. On top of that he caused me a head injury in 1960 on purpose just in case I discover that I had a total amnesia then to force my mind to think due to head injuries, but it was not, it was 100% man planned and performed total amnesia as described else where such as in the page “Kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children” as well as  the page “My fake family the kidnappers”

27.13.     There were other women that they used in the Middle East and Munich, but I am skipping them because they were only minor such the following whores: Mrs. Assassa that was married to the sleazy Dr. Sami Assassa, Mrs. Eisha Sheikho that was married to Mohamad Sheikho and both were forced upon my life as reinforcement for this whore bitch agent called Najlaa Mahmoud, and a couple of others

27.14.     Last but by far not least evil is the BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND whore Najlaa Mahmoud that was forced upon me 100% through these very destructive and indescribable networks of evil: BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND and therewith they became an international organized crime institution!

27.15.     All the above are brainwash situation by making Arab and Muslim women look cheap, luckily, I know better, that a real Muslim woman, would never behave like that, luckily, I also meet many other Arab women that had a real Arab women behavior and not street hooker like behavior as some of these women that would do anything to cover up one thing or another. I am ashamed to have been directly or indirectly involved with these people

28.       In summer 1984. My fake niece named Reem Bdeir/Budier alias the double of princes Haya of Jordan, came allegedly to visit me in Munich and stayed at my apartment. She just came for around one week. She asked me to take her to visit her alleged school friends, she was already 22/23 years old, she was born allegedly between 1961 and 1962 and went to the American university in Beirut while her sister went to the university of Lafayette in USA and her brother went to 2 universities, one in Leeds in the UK and the second in Dallas, Texas, USA where coincidently and to my knowledge also ex-USA president George W. Bush resides now and I strongly link these 2 families together, the Bdeir and Bush families(!). Her school friends were really a lie at that time, but I did not think of it at that time. I drove her to another small town or village outside of Munich, I cannot recall where it was, among others because she had telepathy, and when a person with telepathy is around and take control of my mind, I cannot register things, therefore I cannot remember them. They were 3 or 4 young men allegedly studying at the university of Munich, one or 2 of them were from the Malas family (added on 21.9.2021: I strongly believe that the Malas family as I get to know it in 1967 + 1970 where 100% either German origin alias hidden Nazi escaped in 1945 or are English royalties and in both case there is a very strong pattern in my life that shows the hidden Nazis in the Middle East send their children to study in Germany because it is their original home, while also hidden English royalties send some of theor children to study in Germany because they want them to establish their selves in Germany and grow there enable that the English royalties have more evil persons in other countries influencing them very destructively as they did to me and to countless others. End of added on 21.9.2021). I was supposed to pick her up later, but when I went to pick her up, she said she wanted to stay overnight, which she did stay over I believe for 2 nights. This is most definitely not the behavior of a Jordanian or a Muslim young lady by staying in the same house with other young men that are not her brothers, especially if her family are allegedly strict Muslims, build many Mosques and Islamic schools such as the Islamic Educational College of Jordan that was built by her family Bdeir/Budier and the family of my other fake sister named Abokurah. And that is why she, as Jordanian hidden royalty alias a princess has a fake identity, where she can do what she wants, and no one will know and complain that Princess Haya of Jordan did something like that. (Note added in February 2021: Reem Bdeir is 12 years older than Princess Haya of Jordan. Today I strongly believe that Reem Bdeir is a real hidden Jordanian princess that can go around the world and do what she wants, while her younger sister princess Haya of Jordan is locked up as princess and cannot go where she wants to unless she exchange places with her double alias my fake niece Reem Bdeir, and therewith princess Haya of Jordan is just a puppet as a public figure that they use to manipulate as they see fit politically. I also believe that Princess Haya of Jordan exchanged places with Reem Bdeir whenever it is necessary and they need a person with telepathy, in other words they use public figures as dumb puppets without telepathy enable, they can force them to do what they want. And since Princes Haya of Jordan is the daughter of King Hussein of Jordan, this means Reem Bdeir is also the daughter of King Hussein, because they look almost identical. On top of that I am often claiming that my original fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, that was forced upon my life in Cairo, Egypt starting 1965/66 and I never seen him ever before in my life, and he was a high school student yet was living alone in an apartment of 4 rooms with a housekeeper that cook for him and clean for him and possibly also have sex with him, and all this while he was a high school student in a school called San George in Heliopolis city area in Cairo, Egypt. I Was claiming he could be the son of king Hussein of Jordan. He looks so much like the current king of Jordan king Abdullah as it is highlighted in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 with original photos of both. My fake brother official birthdate is 19.11.1949, while king Hussein official birthdate is 14.11.1935, which means he was 13 years old as my fake brother was born, which is possible, but it can also be that my fake brother was the younger brother of King Hussein, or they falsified the birthdate of one of him or of them both. On the other side and since King Hussein was set as a king by the concentrated evil English royalties, and they sent many to Egypt that are pretending to be Arabs from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syrian and other countries to Egypt as it is described in the page “Kidnapping me as a child” and the page “My fake family the kidnappers”, which very much also can means that this human trash that pretended to be my brother and named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, was sent by the English royalties as one of thousands to control Egypt, because this is what these criminals do, they use their puppets in some Arab countries such as Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and others as a transit for their long-term spies that later become government member claiming was raised in one of these countries as distraction of English royalties and the Rockefeller families, then they steal the country blindly while enslaving everyone else as they have been doing in Egypt, and that I saw myself, as well as in in Jordan and that I saw myself, in Syria and that I saw myself, in Lebanon and that I saw myself and in Saudi Arabia, and that too I saw myself, and in many other countries that I did not visit yet I see their doings and the pattern of their doings, yet many members of my fake family are living there and enslaving people while pretend to be Syrian coming over Jordan or Jordanian or Kuwaitis and so on. End of note)

29.       While I was in Jordan in 1984, my fake sister the official mother of Reem Bdeir, in reality she was her nanny, took me to visit their alleged family friend the Lebanese Consul named Ali Barq. At his home there was another guest and I immediately recognized him of the movies that these criminals forced me to see at their homes, and I recognized him as the famous Syrian actor called Yasino, he used to act often with another famous actor called Ghawar, and these movies or TV series I used to see in Jordan when I visited them, because in Germany I had no way of watching Arabic TV at that time nor I really had any interest nor I watched TV, because I was always busy. This actor was a comedian actor, and his real name was Yassin Bakoush and he was famous by the name Yassino. As soon as I saw him sitting there, I started laughing and was pleasantly surprised to see him, and I said Oh Hello Mr. Yassino, and my fake sister Suhair Bdeir took me to the side and said, this is not Yassino, do not insult him, because Yassino is stupid and this is a very educated Kurdish businessman, so I apologized. Later on, and starting after the year 2001 I put 1 + 1 = 2, meaning, there was too many lookalikes in my fake family, among other her official daughter Reem Bdeir alias the double of Princess Haya of Jordan or both are one and the same person (Added on 21.9.2021: they are not one and the same person because there is 12 years age difference between them. End of added on 21.9.2021), and they did not want me to link them, so they created many brainwash situations to dis-link themselves of the Jordanian royal family. Also, they often say in Arabic “God created of each forty lookalikes” which is medically absolutely impossible, but they often uses this as an excuses for their bad doings and the hidden lookalikes, twins, triplets and more that they plan on generating and use as coverup for their bad and evil thoughts and behaviors. In short, they were trying to force my mind to think that there are often and coincidently lookalikes that are 100% not related, which is practically, theoretically, biologically and medically impossible, the gene of a human being is always inheritable by the children which makes the children look like parents, their other siblings, nephew, nieces, uncles, aunt, cousins and even grandparent, in my case none of these criminals that pretend to be one family look like me or even like each other’s, with a couple of exceptions, which very much means they are all of various different families from the UK, USA, Germany, Spain, India, Pakistan and other countries and all are mentally sick because they pretend to be Arabs since over 100 year, where no Arab country existed at that time, because 95% of all Arab countries were create around the first world war by English, American, French and others bu using the organozation called The League of Nations that then they replaced by UNO-United Nations in 1945 = falsified history

30.       The Haitham Edelbi and weaponry dealing. I knew the Edelbi brothers from 1967 summer vacation in Amman, Jordan, where they were the neighbors in adjacent apartment in the same building as my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and lived directly opposite the Islamic Educational college of Jordan in Amman, Jordan in an 8 apartment and 4 floor building. Later and after the year 2000 I started to recognize the schemes they were making, which is the entire building where this fake sister lived had hidden royalty children or foreign children that were brought to Jordan by the CIA and/or MI6, BP-British Petroleum or even Americans or British weaponry manufacturer, because Jordan has some hidden and useful natural resources such as phosphor, which is needed for weapons, but not enough petroleum or water, therefore they bring children to raise them as Jordanian and use them when they grow up. And the two Edelbi brothers were one of these children in 1967 that were around 2-6 years older than me in 1967, while I was 14 years old. In 1980s one of them was an attorney and was allegedly the private attorney of my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah, and the other named Haitham Edelbi was an Airforce Pilot in the so-called Royal Jordanian Airforce (in reality it is the British Air force disguised as Jordanian, just as it was also in Egypt). In 1984 and when I was visiting my two fake sisters Afrah Abokurah and Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan, the husband of Suhair Bdeir named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier said to me that Mr. Haitham Edelbi would like to talk to me about possible business cooperation and I should go visit him in his office. His office was at home, and his home was a very luxury apartment and he told me the following story about himself: He allegedly was an Airforce Pilot officer, and one of his duties was to negotiate with manufacturer the delivery of weapons, then he quit his job and started his own business of allegedly buying weapons for the Jordanian military and make commission on it and then he started to expand and now he sell weapons to any one including the PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization, and I have no idea why he was telling me all this, especially that the PLO was considered to be the biggest terror organization worldwide by the western world and was against the Jordanian royal family that betrayed them, where they also caused an almost revolution in Jordan in 1970 which is called the Black September. PLO performed many terrorist attacks in Germany, UK, France, USA and even somewhere in south America. Later I recognized that he is filling my head with all this trash to reinforce my alleged relation to top Palestinian terrorist, but also to show as if he is against Israel, which is practically impossible, because Jordan was one of the first countries that made an official treaty with Israel, and in the hidden they do much more than this treaty, not to forget that Israel was created by the British and Americans in 1948 as a military base to protect their properties in the Middle East, they call that protecting their interest, I call that hidden slavery to steal the properties of the natives, and Jordan was also created by the British and if Jordan and Israel are not friends, then it would be as if the British are against each other’s, where now and in Germany as well in Jordan I am being attacked from all sides, especially after I started to work for BP-British Petroleum and the project Calypso.

31.       The al-Mukhabarat chief and Abokurah. This is mentioned above, but here is a short version of it: My fake brother-in-law Abdelghani Abokurah introduced me to his alleged friend and neighbor (added on 21.9.2021: their houses where just around 30-80 meters of each other’s on the opposite street side, I cannot recall the name of the street but it was near the so called Al-Dawar Al-Rabeaa= Fourth Roundabout in Jabal Amman=Mount of Amman, the city of Amman and in 1980s and earlier was allegedly and originally built upon 7 mountains and one of them was called Mount of Amman, where the original king palace was and all his major relatives also lived nearby as protection to each other’s, which is the pattern that I first discovered in around 2006 about my fake family in Egypt. End of added on 21.9.2021) the chief of the Al-Mukhabarat sort of Stassi or SS like organization that want to look like a good organization such as a combination of CIA and FBI, and since I know today that the FBI + the CIA are nothing else than organized crime institutions, then this AL Mukhabarat is even much worse because this is what the mentally sick English royalty do, they go to other countries and become selves dictators while pretending to be natives such as my fake family are. And this chief, with all this commotion and very unfortunately I forgot his name, he tried to distract me of IT specialty of multi-lingual computer systems and wanted allegedly to give me a project of monitors linked to PC to spy on other, which I declined while one of his employees always confiscate my passport at the airport and asked me to pick it up at the headquarter, and once they even asked me to convince my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that lives in Geneva, Switzerland and pretend to by full time Syrian consul, to work for them in other words spy on Syria for them, which I also refused, (until the end of this point was added on 21.9,2021) which was nothing else to force my mind to dis-link this fake uncle of the Jordanian Royal family, but also and with this fake spying monitor project they wanted to show me that my brother-in-law tried to help me to get a local project but I refused, and they used this filthy strategy with me several times in Germany, in Saudi Arabia, in the UK and in USA, and none of these fake business partnership or project were real, yet they wanted me to think it was real and that members of my fake family are trying to help me get a project, and who did that, from my uncles in Saudi Arabia named Jawdat Baroudi (=fake name + fake identity) in 11980s my 2 fake brothers-in-law in Jordan named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier and Abdulghani Abukurah also written Abu Qurah, in Amman, Jordan, in 2013 my fake niece Esmat Shawki using her fake Jewish husband in Brighton, UK, in 1991 my fake brother in Houston, Texas, USA, in 1984 Dr. Sami Assassa the alleged brother-in-law of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi as mentioned above and in in Munich, Germany, not to forget that this criminal and psychopath and thief Dr. Sami Assassa and his wife was 100% CIA and/or MI6 agent and the reason I know that for sure, is because he not only coordinated this attempt with the project Calypso as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1-Calypso, but also my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi was 100% working for the CIA because he set me up in December 1969  in Damascus Syria to look like as if I am heavily connected to international terrorist such as PLO enable to give the CIA the upper hand over my life in Munich, Germany and take me for isolation to the American military base called McGraw Kaserne, where these criminals severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under their whore agent named Anita Disbray that literally kept me isolated as slave from 20 August 1970 and until September 1977, where she then disappeared and everyone I knew from that evil American military base also disappeared of my life and then these criminals CIA + MI6 used Dr. Sami Assassa in 1977 as replacement to manipulate my life with telepathy, especially after I was setup to become Christian in 1976 and used my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi to introduce him to me in 1977 = 100% CIA + MI6 agent in Germany working in the hidden against the German and EU interest, because he cannot afford to be discovered as a CIA agent, or even as a Mossad agent, because they tried several times and very hard to link me to Jewish and Israel as distraction of the English royal family and the American Rockefeller family , which very much means he is 100% blackmailable by Mossad and CIA and MI6 and therewith he would do anything for them to not be discovered and all that is easy to verify, among others they he always pretend to be busy of being Pro Arab and severely anti-Israel and Anti-Jewish, which is the absolute first thing that a Mossad/CIA/MI6 agent would do, which is distant himself of them among other with his radical speeches but also by placing his children in the Islamic School in Germany to prevent them to mix with Germans and therewith avoid that any one come close to his children from the BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst = Federal news Agency = CIA version of Germany that was established sometimes in mid 1950s, whereby I strongly saw BND foot prints all over my life due to the repeated evil setups that my fake family in cooperation with CIA + MI6 did to relate me to top terrorist enable to give them the right to investigate me in the hidden but in reality I was being 100% isolated in the hidden and that is more than criminal and psychotic it is a total mental sickness by these people that cannot differentiate anymore what is human and what is animal and therewith they became animals their selves treating all other human as animals! (End until the end of this point was added on 21.9.2021)

32.       The Alami family and the money transfer. The Alami family allegedly escaped the war between Israel and Arab countries in 1967 and immigrated to Amman, Jordan with nothing but their cloths, and very suddenly they are one of the most successful business families in Jordan and married to hidden royalties, which is my fake niece named Basmat/Basma/Basmah Bdeir/Budier that is married to Mr. Makram Alami. In 1984, and a couple of days before I went to Jordan to visit my 2 fake sisters, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar/Nagar/Najjar/Najar and his lookalike Nick Naggar sent me a letter from USA to Germany saying that he is still living in New York in sort of a motel and allegedly his employer Avon Cosmetics in Rye, New York is paying for it because he cannot afford a rent in New York, which was a lie to force me to gradually lose any reserve money that I may have. He allegedly immigrated through his employer Avon Cosmetics to New York in around April 1982. And that he found a home in a small city nearby New York and is very cheap and he can afford but he cannot afford the down payment, which is 2000 US Dollars. So, I called him and said I am going to Jordan and from there I will send you some money overnight. I thought he would want also furniture and relocation money, so I decided to send him 5 thousand US Dollars. And when I was in Jordan, and since the Alami family had several currency exchanges businesses and are connected to local and foreign banks then they can send this money to New York overnight. And they did that, not knowing that it was a part of a setup, first to make sure I do not have any reserve, but also to force me to transfer money through an alleged Palestinian company to make me look like more connected to terrorism. When I was kidnapped to USA in September 1986 and I met my fake brother for the first time since April 1982, I went up to him happy to see him and placed my arms around him and hugged him, he immediately pulled my arms away and pushed me away and gave me a look that said: what the hell are you doing, how dare you keep away of me. I never understood this behavior, especially that 6 weeks later he forced me to leave his house and live in a homeless shelter. His house that was financed with the 5 thousand US Dollar that I sent him 1-2 years earlier, but I did not think of it at that time because brainwash in combination with telepathy is something very powerful and very filthy as filthy as the people that perform it!!!

33.       The Palestinian business. Also mentioned above, but here again a short version and while I was in Jordan in 1984, my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir introduced me to a businessman that allegedly would want to work and partner with me in his IT business. He was Palestinian. Nothing succeeded but it shows that I have too many connections with Palestinians. Later, I recognized that it was nothing else but a set up and to refresh the set up they pushed me into in December 1969 among other by the same persons, and also Mr. Seif Aldin Bdeir. And this setup of 1969 caused me to be taken to the American military base where I was severely isolated, brainwashed and enslaved under the CIA agent named Anita Disbray that pretended to be British. The BND in Germany was all over my life because of this setup, from January 1970 and until kidnapping me in 1986 from Germany to USA and again from 2001 and until 2006, where the Dutch immigration forced me many times with brainwash and by force to go to Germany illegally as a mean to force me to be locked up for 13 years and then blame it on me!

34.       The Bdeir/Budier PC extension board with multi-lingual design. One of the things they continuously tried to do in Jordan when I visited my 2 fake sisters, or when I visited my alleged family members in Saudi Arabia or even in Egypt, is to destroy my self-confidence. And here was one of them: They knew I was specialized in the design and development of multi-lingual computer systems for any computer, from mainframe to mini to microcomputers, and one day my fake and evil brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir, sent me to his nephews or grandnephews the adult children of his brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir that was practically one of the hidden kings in Jordan, allegedly because they are interested to work with me in the IT sector. When I went to their offices, they claimed to have designed and developed a PC board that you can add to any IBM or compatible PC, and it will immediately turn it to a multi-lingual computer system. Which is technically and theoretically possible, yet it was not about working with me but rather they had 2 goals with this fake meeting: first to show me that they are smarter, they not only design on paper but also develop an electronic board that can be added to a PC, which I did not plan to do, not only because I did not have the knowledge, but rather because I wanted that as many computer manufacturer as possible develop multi-lingual computer systems enable to give the Arab countries more and better choices in technology. Anyone can build a computer and sell it, anyone can build a PC board and sell it, but what not any one can do, is to create a big company that manufacture and sell PCs in a quantity of hundreds of thousand or even in Millions while have a good established name and marketing and  maintenance possibilities and from my thought at that time, the best is to make these companies create a multi-lingual computer system, companies such as IBM, Siemens, Nixdorf, Compaq, ICL, Olivetti, Silver Reed, and many others, and I succeeded by many, where the design that I was selling would cost the company only one time fee of around 30-100 thousand, depending on how much additional work I have to do, while the Bdeir family sales model is to sell one board for each PC, which will raise the cost of the PC always by at least 200 US Dollars, and my sales model will raise it only by a couple of US Dollars or even cent(s), because my Goal was to spread the multi-lingual PC as fast and as wide as possible. Therefore, I did not really care about their shitty board, because I knew it will not last long and they would have to stop the manufacturing, which they did. Their second goal was to force my mind to think that the evil and very destructive Bdeir/Budier family were persecuting me only for business reasons and not that they are kidnapper, rapist, thieves, brainwashers and killers of Palestinians and killers of innocent people’s lives as they killed my life these savages, and above all that they are hidden royal family member and simultaneously CIA & MI6 agents and nothing they do without permission from USA or UK = filthy puppets!!

35.       Destruction of my relationship with my ex-girlfriend. It is very clear with all the above and below that there was a big cooperation and coordination in brainwashing me and destroying my life in Germany, between the BP-British Petroleum, the BND (German CIA like), CIA, MI6, German immigration, many members of my fake family that pretend to be Muslim in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Hamburg, UK, USA, Switzerland, France and elsewhere,  but also in cooperation and coordination with the Syrian evil military intelligence that were in the BP-British Petroleum project called Calypso as described within. Their goal was to kidnap me from Germany to USA, and there was many obstacles for them to do that, one of them is my residence permit, which was sabotaged as mention in this point and the points below, another obstacle were my friends from the church and another obstacle was my German ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that I wanted ask her to marry me, and above all because I loved Germany, and systematically they destroyed all these obstacles. And here is how they destroyed my relationship with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. Before I go into it, I like to mention that there were several attempts to destroy my relationship with this girlfriend, but each time and after a few days I realized that this is not what I want, and I tried hard to fix the relation and I succeeded. It happened at least 3 times between January 1984 and October 1984, which is 100% related to this evil project Calypso and the evil and most destructive company I have ever seen or heard of in my life: BP-British Petroleum, therefore they came up with a new scheme to force me to end my relationship with my girlfriend and use her as scapegoat for their destructive doings which was mainly 3 things: First ending my relation with her, second firing me of my work and blame it on her, third destroy my residence permit in Germany and blame it also on her because the German immigration refused to give me a permanent residence permit, and this after living there for nearly 15 years until 1984, a permanent residence permit because she filled a police complaint against me and that was the first step to destroying my residence permit in Germany. Here how they performed these 3 things including destroyed my relationship with Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka that I was going to propose to her and marry her (this situation is also mentioned elsewhere in my complaint pages): on 17 October 1984, my alleged real birthday, they gave me 2 birthday enable I would think that at least one of them is correct, and today I know that both are wrong, I invited Mr. Adelheid Kuczka to dinner, and for the first time (possibly the second time) in 3 years I invite her to an Arabic restaurant, usually we go to Europeans or East Asian restaurants. After dinner and while we were in the car and I was driving her home, I said, I am ending my relationship with you, she said but we can still be friends, I said no I do not want to have any relation with you anymore, and then she asked me to stop the car and that she wants to get out of the car, I said no we are in a tunnel and it is just a couple of hundred meters to you home, so she tried to open the door while I am driving in the tunnel, I quickly grabbed the door on her side and closed it and locked all the doors and then she started hitting on me, and while I am holding the steering with one hand I was trying to block her attacks with the other hand. We arrived at her home, and I tried to talk to her, but I was not able to, she was too angry, and she asked me to open the door, which I did, and she left. I was very disappointed and did not understand what happened, above all because I really did love her very much, and this alone shows how evil these persons that used telepathy to force this situation upon us. The next day she calls me at work and asked me to lend her 200 Deutsch Mark, which she never asked me for money before, and I went in lunch time to a café downtown Munich to give her the money, as I was approaching her I saw that she has brown eye and some brown marks on her neck and arms, and she said to me, do you see what you did to me, I said you deserve it and throw the 200 Deutsch Mark very rudely on the table and left on the way downstairs I was crying and Did not believe what I saw, I had difficulties to understand that I did that. Today I still have my doubts and conflicts about this situation and here is why:

35.1.          First, I did not hit her, I did not have the thought or the intention, beside I was driving with one hand and blocking her with another hand, and it is impossible for me to have hit her that she had brown marks on both sides of her face, neck and arms, I have to be using both hands to do that, but I had one hand at all times on the steering wheel!

35.2.          We both had too much to drink, I believe at least one bottle of heavy red wine and other strong drinks with desert, not enough to be drunk, yet enough to be tipsy

35.3.          I know that I was setup to get to know her as distraction of the church and that the person who introduced her to me, and even he was officially Syrian, yet I get to know him through an American military Sargent at the American military base McGraw kaserne, during a period where the CIA lured me to this military base to isolate me, re-brainwash me and enslave me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray that controlled my life for 7 years. Today I concluded that this Syrian man named Mohamad Attar was most probably working for the BND (German CIA like organization) that set me up several times between 1970 and 1986 and later also between 2001 and 2006. Therefore, she was most probably an agent of BND

35.4.          Possibly she has telepathy capabilities, I have some reasons to believe that she has telepathy capabilities, among other, how she talks and behave, but also certain situations in a very contradicting ways, but I am not sure that she has telepathy. Yet, the way that, that night went, point out that she intended it to end this way, meaning either she had telepathy and controlled my mind to end the relation with her, and no one will blame a woman to force her partner to say I am ending the relation with you, or she had no telepathy and she acted this way on purpose, and the rest is possibly just a make up to confuse the life out of me, which she did successfully, or some evil person with telepathy, and that is my pick, manipulated both of us that evening, and that can be only through the evil project Calypso and BP-British Petroleum.

35.5.          As a result of this night on 17 October 1984, 2 days later the new project leader at the project Calypso brought from Stuttgart to replace Mr. Schilbach, my guess only to avoid that Siemens AG, be involved in this very destructive scheme, and the new project leader named Mr. Klein (=small) or Kleiner (=smaller) called me and said that my girlfriend called him and said that I hit her and that I am cheating the company by stealing their client from them, and he fired me on the spot and asked me to get my stuff and leave. I was totally shocked, and did not even recover yet of the shock of the day before and what happened between me and my girlfriend, I went sort of dizzy to my office gathered all my stuff and placed them in a very big box, which included all my multi-lingual research and design that I collected and wrote since 1978, Mr. Kleiner refused to allow me to take my own documents with me that I brought from home to help this evil company, and he threatened to call the police, above all and to my knowledge it was the best multi-lingual computer design so far and by far for Monitors, Keyboards, Printers and Software logic at that time, and I was told that even Siemens AG have received a price/award in Saudi Arabia for this design. These were 100% my own intellectual properties that these criminal psychopaths and thieves called BP-British Petroleum stole from me for one purpose only: to prevent me of ever working in this field again and to prevent me to travel to the Middle East to not discover that my family is not my family but rather criminals and my kidnappers and some of them are agents working for the CIA, MI6 and most probably also for the BND and AIVD, while the rest are members of Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families such as the following families in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other countries in Europe and USA: Baroudi, Abokurah, Bdeir/Budier, Malas, Kheir, Khayat and others, above all that I have a twin that took my place in Cairo, Egypt after they took me to Germany and they did not want me to discover that, meaning these criminals were using me among others as place holder for one of their criminal agents and his name is Mohamad Nuzhat/Nuzhah Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar.

35.6.          In the same week or month, I wanted to renew my residence permit in Germany, and I had the right to have even the citizenship, or at least to have a so-called permanent residence permit that I was supposed to have had years ago but was prevented enable they can remove me from Germany at any time. Anyway, when I applied to the permanent residence permit, they refused allegedly because my girlfriend has filed a police complaint against me that I hit her very badly and injured her very badly, where no one asked me to defend myself, they just judged me without me! And therewith they used my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka as scapegoat for their own crimes, who did that? The evil BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND, my fake family the kidnappers, rapist, brainwasher and destroyer of innocent people’s life

36.       Further destruction based on the upper mentioned setups. I had a monitor at home that I was testing for the project. They asked me to return to the company, I refused and said give me property first, all my documents that I brought from home, then they called the police on me. At that time, I had a friend named Khalid Mian, I think he was Muslim from Pakistan, he was my work colleague at Siemens AG, and he too was trying to consume my time as destruction of my friends in the church, but I did not see that at that time. Somehow, I asked him to keep this monitor for me, and I thought if the police really come for it and search my apartment, then he will not find it. And the police really came and search my place and asked where it is, they did not take me to court or to district attorney, they just did that illegally to scare the life out of me, which they did, and asked me where it is otherwise they will place me under arrest, I strongly believe someone with telepathy force me to tell them it is at my friend’s house and gave them the address, they left, in the same day, my friend Khalid Mian called me very angry and said: is this what you do for your best friend set the police on them, and he hanged up and I never heard of him again or seen him again. As far as I recall I tried to contact him, but I was not successful, and therewith they also destroyed my friendship with Mr. Khalid Mian, he was really a good man and hard working in the IT sector and was always trying to improve his IT knowledge. I was really disappointed to have lost this friend

37.       The Mr. Asok incident. On 18 October 1984 and as mentioned above, the German project Leader of the BP-British Petroleum project Calypso, fired me under fake pretentions. However, they planned already to enslave me under none-German woman enable to prevent me going back to my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka while forcing me to raise one of their hidden children by forcing me to believe it is my child, and to do that they needed me to have a steady income while I am under control and this is how they did that while blaming the situation on companies that they do not like, which is UDF- Unternehmensberatung Dr. Fischer. A couple of days after they fired me, and I was still trying to understand what happened and what hit me, an unknown man named Mr. Asok called me at home and said, he has heard of me and he would like to speak to me about an employment opportunity, he said he will be 30 minutes transit flight in Munich Airport and If can meet him there, which I did. Mr. Asok is most probably from the region in or around India. He made it short that he allegedly has an opportunity at the company UDF that is planning to open a branch in Munich, and it will be great if I can join. I had no chance but to join and therewith BP-British Petroleum used UDF as distraction of their selves while setting me up to look like as if I am stealing their client the Syrian government, in that the Syrian project leader contact me after I was fired about a project and if I am interested, I combined his offer with my new employer and said yes. The project was to design and supply a mass storage system that is capable to respond within seconds or at least under a minute with the possibility of having exchangeable disk. This project was designed to distract me of my specialty of the design and development of multi-lingual computer systems. For this new project I came with the idea of using Optical disks, which was at that time new, it was invented by the Dutch company called Philips, that also gave royalties to produce these optical disks to many other companies such as Sony. At that time the optical disk were the predecessor of CD-ROM and DVD, they were much larger than CD-ROM, around 30 cm in diameter and where able to write on each side and as far as I recall 1 or 2 GB. The design I made had to the following companies in a joint cooperation enable to create the jukebox with around 20 Optical disks: Philips in Netherlands, Honeywell Bull in France and Siemens AG in Germany. And therewith they achieved 3 goals by getting me to this company UDF: Goal-1, get me a steady income enable they can enslave me under one of their whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud. Goal-2: make me look like as if I stole the client of BP-British Petroleum, which I did not, because the project Calypso was still by BP-British Petroleum, and the Syrian project leader approached me, I did not approach him, it was all a part of a joint set up between BP-British Petroleum and the German and Syrian project leaders. Goal-3: Keep me under control by forcing me to be busy with new project and a new environment that they control. The owner of the company UDF named Prof. Dr. Fischer was the economic advisor to the previous German chancellor Helmut Schmidt, now we have a new Chancellor from the opposite party named Helmut Kohl, shortly after my employment at UDF, I believe they set Prof. Dr. Fischer up for one reason or another, and they arrested him and placed him 3 months in an investigative jail. I do not know why they set him up, yet I am positive he was setup because he was an honest straightforward and very hardworking man, especially that I was in his company. The headquarter of UDF was and still is today in Stuttgart. All I can say is that prof. Dr. Fischer and all his staff were like ladies and gentlemen, nevertheless I was severely brainwashed during this employment, not by UDF, but rather by the following groups:

37.1.          BP-British Petroleum

37.2.          The staff of the project Calypso that continued to persecute me as alleged my friends and I did not know how to get rid of them, because they were Syrian military intelligence and I did not want to have anything to do with them, yet they are criminals and as such, they often called me and pretended to be in need for my help, while pretending to be stupid and do not know how to solve certain private problems, in short they always used this strategy to force me to feel sorry for them enable to help them in reality they were all over my life trying to keep me busy

37.3.          The CIA that were involved in the hidden in this project

37.4.          The MI6 that were involved in the hidden in this project

37.5.          The BND that were involved in the hidden in this project

37.6.          Member of my fake family in Jordan, Munich, Hamburg, Brighton (UK), Saudi Arabia, Switzerland’s and Jordan, including Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich and from the background the Malas, Bdeir and Abokurah family members, Baroudi and Kheir family members that lived around my life in and around Munich, but never told me that, because some of them were 100% originated from Germany and went to the Middle East to enslave people and steal their properties from land to petroleum to other natural resources to human resources such as in Egypt farming that get paid pennies compared to farmers in Europe and USA

37.7.          The Syrian consulate in Bonn, at that time Bonn was the capital of West Germany and East Germany was a different country. They joint together again in 1990s

37.8.          The immigration in Munich called KVR

37.9.          This point was heavily modified on 21.9.2021: All the above-mentioned involvement in brainwashing me, enslaving me under the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then removing me from Germany by kidnapping me to USA by using brainwash and telepathy and their whore disgusting mentally sick and retarded agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, and I had absolutely no chance what so ever to defend myself, it is just as if someone came to my home placed chackles on my hands, blinds on my eyes, tape on my mouth and leach around my neck and pulled me to wherever he, in this case she wanted me to be, and then blaming it all on me

38.       The Hotel Excelsior incident. The Syrian project leader was setting me up where he can, and I never saw it coming. That disgusting evil man was closely working with BP-British Petroleum and my fake family. Here is one of them as a mean of damaging me: officially he approached me and offered me this project as mentioned above, where I was an employee of the company UDF and nothing I do was for me, I was only an employee and not a business man, prior to that I was a an IT consultant but did not succeed due to all the persecution and very destructive setups partially as mentioned within, but BP-British Petroleum stole that of me by stealing all my documents. Anyway, this sleazy Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salamah, that would sell his mother for money, asked UDF to pay for his hotel at the Excelsior hotel in downtown Munich. Prior to that he was always staying at the Hotel Bayerische Hof, which was the Best in Munich at that time, and the excelsior is just a regular 3 to 4 stars hotel, one out of over 20 in Munich. And therewith, whatever happened through this evil man, UDF will hold me responsible, but and due to all the severe brainwash and telepathy control I did not see it at that time. Another setup, also one out of many, somehow, I was forced to write him a cashier check for 10 thousand German Deutsch mark, luckily, I recognized that on time and 2 days later I was able to cancel the check just on time= power of telepathy control. With these 2 setups alone, it made me look like as if I am cheating my previous employer or even Germany by siding with this piece of trash called Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh, which I was not, I had no chance against telepathy nor brainwash, especially when so many around me doing the same to me, brainwash, and I was not able to see it

39.       In the first 2 weeks of my employment the company UDF get me a temporary office at one of their partner companies, I forgot their name. The UDF company opened an office in Munich within 2 weeks of my Employment in an area called Theresien Hoehe, which is almost downtown Munich and I was there until one month before kidnapping me in September 1986 to USA, which very much shows that they planned to fire me on this date enable to kidnap me and make it look like as if I am doing it all, among others because I get fired by UDF. In USA they severely re-brainwashed me for 4 years in a very hustle environment between Bridgeport and Fairfield, Connecticut, USA, which clearly pointed out later to me that the lookalike of my original fake brother named Nick Naggar, that exchanges places with at least another person named Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar, and both were 100% working very closely with the CIA and MI6, but I did not see all that at that time, I started to see what these criminals did to me after the year 2000

40.       The evil whore woman that pretended to be my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi came to Munich just before they destroyed my relationship with my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, she stayed partially at the housing of the sleazy man Dr. Sami Assassa, that had a house with over 10 rooms and other times at my small 2 room apartments enable she can help in brainwashing me, and therewith they used her as distraction of the BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, members of my fake family and others as mentioned above. Please note that my original fake mother had telepathy, and I have absolutely no doubt about that, and the original fake mother from 10/11 January 1960 either left sometime around 1962-1965 and was replaced with a lookalike, or she continuously exchanged place with another lookalike, and both of these 2 women look different than this whore that pretended to be my mother and is all covered up by pretending to be Muslim and making a bad name for Muslims and Arabs, which is a brainwash strategy to force my mind to hate Arabs and Muslims enable to force me not mix with them and speak with them about this disgusting evil and criminal fake family called Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas and others. I do not know if this lookalike has also telepathy, and really, she does not need to have it, because she was used as distraction of the others as mentioned previously and the evil Syrian military intelligence staff in the project Calypso were already all over my life at least since Spring of 1984

41.       The CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud. Please be patient with this point, this is the first point where I write in detail how some persons that have telepathy and are pure evil and force others to do something they do not want to do. I know this situation sounds more than stupid, and makes me look like stupid, but I cannot help it that some of the people that have telepathy are so evil and use it to force others to do whatever they want to. 2 days after I lost my job at the BP-British Petroleum and the project Calypso as well as losing my girlfriend that I loved very much and still love today in the year 2021, and losing both simultaneously was a catastrophe not only for me, but for anyone else who just lost the one he loves, all his work that he worked hard for 5 years were stolen and therewith his profession and specialty was in one way or another destroyed and in addition also losing the job. Around 2 days after that, this evil whore that pretended to be my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, came to live with me in my 2 rooms apartment, that really was meant for either one person or a married or friend couple, she came from the housing of Dr. Sami Assassa that had over 10 rooms, and he was only with his wife, 2 daughters under 6 years old, and a nanny. This alone shows that this evil woman came only with evil intention, not to forget that I once invited her for dinner along with Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salamah and she pretended not to know him. Back to the brainwash and telepathy force. This brainwash had 2 goals: Goal-1: to enslave me under the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud. Goal-2: to force my mind to believe that the Kheir family is Syrian, the Kheir family a very evil Saudi Arabian and UAE and Omani hidden royal family members that pretended to be the children of my alleged aunt from Syria named Eftikar Kheir, that turned out to be nothing else than another whore that work for these people as a nanny for one of their hidden children named Fatina Kheir. Why is this important? Because in 1982 I was setup by my employer Siemens AG in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian manager of the Jeddah Port’s Authority to recognize that my fake sister Fadia Nagar and my alleged cousin named Faihaa Kheir (short 160 cm, dark blond and blue eyes, I believe she is from a family named Taylor in USA or English royalty from the UK, or even from a German ex-Nazi family above all she had 100% telepathy) that lived in Jeddah and pretended to be Syrian is in reality Saudi Royal family member while her brother Farhat Kheir (blond Blue eyes 180 cm tall, I believe he is from USA or UK, above all he too  had 100% telepathy) is a member of one of the royal families in the Oman, where he also lived, and the Saudi Ports manager tried to get my attention to that these people are not Syrians (including Siemens AG), but I was forced not to understand it at that time. Back to my fake mother now living with me since I lost my girlfriend and my job and all my irreplaceable professional documents, to prevent me to go back to my girlfriend or think clearly. Around 18 or 19 October 1984, just 2-3 days after losing my girlfriend, and all my documents were stolen by Bp-British Petroleum and lost my job, I said to my fake mother (please understand that this is what some telepathy people do, enslave people by forcing their own thoughts upon them), so I said to my fake mother I cannot be alone any more, I need a woman in my life (I was living alone in this apartment since approximately April 1981, and prior to that I was also living alone since the CIA whore Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977 and I loved my life, my church and my friends and my work and therewith I never felt bored or being alone or the need to have a woman live with me just for the sake that she is a woman and I am not alone), I continued talking to my fake mother (actually she or someone else was dictating me with telepathy to say what they want me to say, and if the words come out of my mouth then I would think this is what I want= wrong it is a force telepathy=slavery), and I said don’t you know a woman from Syria that is welling to come here, she said, the only one I know is your cousin, but she is all covered up as strict Muslim and I know you do not like that (this was to confirm to whomever listing that we are allegedly Syrian Muslims), but wait there is a woman I know, her name is Najlaa Mahmoud, she is renting a room at your aunt’s house (therewith she placed this fake aunt in Syria instead of Jordan, Saudi Arabia or Oman or UAE), she is Allawi Muslim and very modern, not strict Muslim, she dress casual and behave casual, the only thing is that she has 4 children, but they do not live with her, they live with their father. She is divorced. If you want, you can call her and ask her if she would like to come to Germany. I had a telephone, but I was forced to go and call her from a nearby public phone, which is not only more expensive, but very uncomfortable to call from the street in +/- 0 degree, it was winter. My guess this evil whore woman that pretended to be my mother did not want me to call from home, maybe the BND, CIA, MI6 or even the evil Syrian military intelligence staff that set me up to take over my apartment for 4 weeks and force me to live in the hotel Holiday In, placed microphones in my apartment, I do not know, but it seemed that this whore knew something, that there is microphones at home and she did not want anyone to hear the conversations. I guess by now you get the idea how some evil persons with telepathy force others to do something they do not want to do. The rest in short, I was forced to call some number allegedly in Syrian, where some woman answered and I asked to speak with Najlaa Mahmoud, it must have been around 22 Hours or so, in any case, and today I believe she was waiting for the call and she was acting as follow: she pretended to have been a sleep, people in these countries and due to the heat and other factors such as social life traditions and other reasons they never sleep before 1 or even 2 in the morning, so it was 100% acting also to make sure I believe that the Kheir family are Syrian that also lives in Syria. In short, she said yes, I would come to Germany but first you have to ask my mother and my older brother named Mahmoud (first name is Mahmoud and family name is also Mahmoud!!???) and she gave me their phone numbers and said, but call them tomorrow, because they are most probably a sleep now! All this was a brainwash trick to make me look like I really want to have this whore called Najlaa Mahmoud, a whore woman that I never seen before, never had any contact with before and I really hated Arab women, not because they are bad, but rather because the women within my fake family were disgusting and I just accepted them because they were allegedly my sisters, nieces, cousins, aunt and so on. In matter of a fact, I believe that these women of my fake family are not worthy to call them self-Arab or even Muslim because they do not measure up to a real Arab Muslim, Christian, Jewish or even atheist woman, when I think of any male or female member of my fake family, then I get the feeling that I want to throw up, because they disgust me. Very unfortunately, I am writing about these situations but I have nothing that I can prove except my honesty and anyone who reads my complaint page will sooner or later recognize my honesty, others my call it stupid to be honest and straight forward, also the German government through at least BND were helping these 2 whore women: Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and Najlaa Mahmoud, which is visible in the above and below, and especially in the below situations, and once I discovered that in the year 2002 I was so disappointed of the German government that I did not want to go to Germany anymore and wanted just to die in the evil Dutch refugee camp where they brainwashed me by force to recognize what they did to me, and once I recognize it, I also recognized other things that they did not want me to recognize, so they locked me up for 13 years and blamed it on me. From this day around 18/19 October 1984 and until 24 December 1984, this whore that pretended to be my mother never left my side to not allow me to get free of this evil telepathy brainwash and control. During this entire period I was under telepathy control to not go back to my ex-girlfriend that I loved very much, that was also set on me by the evil CIA or BND through their agent named Mohamad Attar that I get to know him through an American sergeant named Hamouri and pretended to be originated from Palestine, during a severe brainwash that the CIA was performing on me between March 1970 and summer 1972 (for more info see the page Slavery in Germany or in the other BP-British Petroleum pages Part-1 and Part-2 as well Part-3 Version-2), during which they enslaved me under one of their agent named Anita Disbray while her alleged working colleague was an Afro-American agent named Ray Thomas that was married to a German woman named Mariane (in English Maryann)  and had a son of her that was also Afro-American with blue/black eyes. This Ray Thomas set me up and performed so many slavery brainwash setups on me while always pretending to be my friend between 1970 and 1978, which was the last time I saw anyone what so ever that is related to the American military base McGraw kaserne where they re-brainwashed me and enslaved me from March 1970 to summer 1972 and in reality never left my side they just forced others upon my life that pretended to be Germans or Syrians such as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, my Fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, and others as well as this Mohamad Attar to use him against me whenever they want, where he introduced me to Adelheid Kuczka and I literally fell in love with her from first sight and the more I get to know her the more I fell in love with her, and now and here on 18/19 October 1984 my fake mother forced me to call someone I do not know and despise that I ask an unknown another person that I never heard of before or talked to or even saw, to come and marry me. This is how evil is MI6, CIA and BP-British Petroleum and very unfortunately also BND is as evil as them because not only they did nothing to stop them and protect me, but they helped them!

42.       24 December 1984, The BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud arrives in Munich on Christmas Eve, this is how evil these people are, they knew all my thinking is Christianity, because they not only can read my mind, but they set me up to became Christian enable they can persecute me in the name of Islam, and therewith these evil fake family members: Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas and the rest of these disgusting English royalties, Bush family and Rockefeller criminals puppets they were on purpose making bad name for Arabs and Muslims. 24 December to force my mind to think I was brainwashed because I allegedly became Christian and as cover up for that they tried very hard for many years to blame it on Jewish and Israeli, in other words force my mind to think that the members of my fake family are Jewish pretending to be Muslim, the only problem is I read the Torah which is the Old Testament and their disgusting behavior and moral values are nothing like Jewish, Jewish are family oriented and have moral values, these people do not, Muslims are family oriented and have moral values, these fake family members do not have any moral value or any ethical values what so ever, which is very clear to see in my complaint pages. Above all, it is very clear that the BND and the German consulate in Syria was helping my fake family to brainwash me and enslave me, among others because I was forced with telepathy and brainwash to request in October 1984 for Najlaa Mahmoud to come to Germany, yet the German consulate gave her the alleged visa only on 24 December 1984 in the morning and she allegedly took the plane in the afternoon and arrived around 18:00 hours on 24 December 1984=German government was helping and cooperating in brainwashing me and enslaving me, which is very clear below but also it was murdering my life and my freedom once and for all, where the evil CIA and MI6 are very efficient in it, especially in cooperation with my fake family, where they create terrorist situations to force Christians to hate Muslims, to force Jewish to hate Muslims to force Muslims to hate Christians and to force Christian to hate Jewish and vice versa, here where they benefit by creating hate, where the CIA and MI6 and the alike prosper whenever there is hate=big business where they use this situation to create countless chaos as mean of mass brainwash to help them reach their own goal of 2 track intelligence = money + power of control = slavery for others. Back to the disgusting whore Najlaa Mahmoud, below I will list a summary of this evil and most disgusting human being I have ever seen in my life. I strongly believe that she is socially handicapped (born psychologically/mentally impaired=retarded) and has telepathy and this is a very destructive combination (between parenthesis added on 22.9.2021: At that time I did not discover or noticed or knew that she had 2 lookalike that exchanged places with her, which most probably came later in USA, most probably the first exchange with her 2 lookalikes was most definitely between end of September and End of October 1986 while I was forced to house at the house of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar in his home at Indian avenue number forgotten in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, and before forcing me to live in Fairfield, Connecticut, USA with the family of pastor Jack Stevens of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport Connecticut. End of between parenthesis added on 22.9.2021). During the entire time this whore and evil woman that pretended to be my mother and named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi never left my side until sometime for short period in April or May 1985, just to make sure that my mind is trained enough not to run away of this situation. But I tried several times, and these criminals were quickly back and all over my life preventing me to leave until summer 1999.

43.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-1, 1976 and thereafter. This setup partially started in 1977, when my attorney named Rolf Bossi, set me up to become Christian enable I can get rid of my asylum waiting status that was forced upon me by the (between parenthesis added on 22.9.2021: It was a setup as mentioned before by setting me up to look like as if I am related to top terrorists and them using the Freemasons in Munich to suggest that I should apply for political asylum. They used the Freemasons, in German called Freimaurer, because my alleged biological father was a “Master Freemason”, whatever that means, and they wanted me to think that they are helping me in that suggested to apply for political asylum, enable I allegedly becaome legal enable they can help me, where they then isolated me for 7 years as mentioned elsewhere using the CIA agent named Anita Disbray. End of between parenthesis added on 22.9.2021) CIA and BND from January 1970 and until 1976 and the only way, he said, is to change religion and then send me the baptism paper and I will immediately get you a political asylum status, who knows maybe he really meant to help me, yet the evil CIA and MI6 saw through and set me up not to get this status as follow: first and after I was baptized on Easter Sunday 18 April 1976, some very evil person or a group of people forced the following telepathy thoughts on me as follow: “now I am Christian and I want to be honest, and if I take the baptize certificate to my attorney as he requested, then it would look like as if I am using Christianity to get a status in Germany, and no Christian will do that”, and therefore I did not take any action (between parenthesis added on 22.9.2021: this was 100% telepathy brainwash and I was not able to do anything about it among others because I did not know that telepathy really existed and I had no way to be able to deferentiate between my own thoughts and the thoughts of others that are forced upon me with telepathy! From January 1970 and until currently in 1976 I was forced to be an asylum seeker applicant, meaning, I was not yet approved was considered to be political asylum seeker under review, where they give me a temporary residence permit and a temporary work permit that I had to renew every 2-3 months as they feel like it and this year in and year out for 7 years = brainwash = intentionally to prevent me to go outside Germany and visit members of my fake family = 100% lockup = a 100% criminal act of the German and Bavarian government in cooperation with the catholic church because they too were covering up for my fake family that some of them were originated from Bavaria + Italy + USA + the UK. And during this period of time in April or Mai 1976 my temporary residence permit + work permit of 2-3 months was expiting. This was a note to help understand the following texts. End between parenthesis added on 22.9.2021).) Immediately in April or Mai 1976 after I became officially Christian, and I most definitely do not regret it, the German immigration said to me, if you renew your Passport we will give you a residence permit, prior to that and for almost 7 years I was having a piece of paper that says I am waiting for asylum that I had to renew every 2-3 months as well as a work permit for the same period, this was 2 different permits from 2 different government departments that I had to fill a form enable I can renew each and every single 2-3 months, and naturally when someone offer me that I will get a residence permit, where I do not need to renew my temporary residence permit and work permit every 2-3 months, where I have limited rights, I will take the offer without thinking of side effects = brainwash, especially if this offer was designed by the evil CIA, MI6 and BND and I was 100% and hopelessly enslaved under their whore agent named Anita Disbray for 7 years, whereby Anita Disbray had telepathy and was controlling my life while pretending to be suppressed by me, in other words she at home was forcing me to do what the evil CIA + MI6 + my fake family decide for me and I had absolutely no chance what so ever to think it over, among  others because she had telepathy and was controlling my mind, which had a huge very negative and destructive side effect that took several years to heal, among others with the help of Siemens AG, my friends from the church starting January 1976 and starting 30 March 1981 to 17 October 1984 my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, but then they re-brainwashed me again and enslaved me again under the CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and blamed it on the Syrian military intelligence and my fake mother in Munich. Therewith they forced me to have a Syrian passport based on my fake Syrian identifications=Syrian members of the Syrian consulate in Bonn, Germany where 100% bribed and were through and through corrupt. And therewith in 1977 they already planned to kidnap me to USA because they prevented me to have a permanent status in Germany. A very important note: during that period, I was told that my fake sister named Fadia Nagar at that time living in London, UK and was working, and as far as recall, allegedly as a secretary of the Syrian Ambassador in London, and if this is true, then this is a very nasty coincident! Therewith I will not think that they are setting me up and preventing me of getting a permanent status in Germany. I am sorry, but today and based on my knowledge that the German government and most probably also the church where I get baptized were helping the Syrians against me, and were helping my fake family in and the CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum repeatedly against me and since day one I set foot in Germany on 10.10.1969, then I have to think that the evil Syrian government are originated from Nazis and the Nazis are originated from Germany in 1930s and until 1945 and therewith their relatives in Germany are helping them and that will explain the illegal project calypso as well as the top electronic security project created to protect the housing of at that time president Hafez Al-Assad and his family and up to one kilometers of his housing was also performed in Germany and by my employer Siemens AG at that time in 1980s, but also that would explain why the British created Israel, as a military country against Nazis in Syria and Saudi Arabia (which is all deceive within deceive to not allow people to see through their slavery schemes), because this behavior is 100% a Nazi behavior and not a Christian, Muslim or Jewish behavior, whereby and very unfortunately the Nazis were supported by some Christians and also by some Muslims as a result they are enslaving Arabs, which shows that no one should ever make a pact with the devil, because Nazis, Syria, Saudi Arabia are devils disguised in cheap clothing and that is fact because the devils killed hundreds of thousand if not Millions between Yemen, Syria and Iraq. Libya, Palestine and in other areas!!!! Back to the residence permit setup, this setup in 1976, forced me to renew my Syrian passport enable to force me to be under the official control of the evil and disgusting Syrian nationality, and believe me the Syrian nationality is evil and disgusting, because it is a Nazi nationality, and the prove for that, is that several Millions Syrians made homeless and refugees all over Europe and the Middle East where they lost everything they had and only Nazis can do that as they did it in 1930s and 1940s with Jewish and with countless others that were not Jewish such as gypsies and unwanted foreigners and any opponents. The Syrian Passport was renewed in 1976 for 2 years, and accordingly the German were giving me a residence permit depending on the length of my passport, also 2 years, this mean these evil people expanded my 2-3 months residence permit renewal to 2 years, but this time I am not any more dependent on the Germans only but also on the Syrians, while the German immigration pretend to be also dependent on the Syrians, in other words they created a severe worried and instability in my life on purpose where the Germans will always refuse to give me a residence permit if my passport is not renewed and the Syrian will stop renewing my passport at any time they feel like it to cover up for the Germans, where the Germans will not renew my residence permit because I have no valid passport, and there with each of them is blaming the others and I am in between the loser = a severe brainwash performed by the Germans in cooperation with the Syrians = both were 100% working hand in hand to brainwash me and kidnap me from Germany to USA to blackmail my biological family. And who did that? The German government because I allegedly become Christian in an alleged Christian country and to be precise in a totally Catholic region, which is the state of Bavaria where I lived for 17 years and I considered it to be my home, the only home I ever get to know, where Catholics is the official State religion (between parenthesis was added on 22.9.2021: not to forget that when I was forced to apply for political asylum in January of 1970 in Munich, Germany, the immigration assigned me an immigration attorney/lawyer that was of a catholic organization called Caritas that allegedly help refugees, where they used a similar scheme later in 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and again later starting 11 February 2001 in the Netherlands. Today I know it is a business to help refugees and the organizations that supply attorneys for refugees such as “Caritas” in Germany, or “IIC-International Institute of Connecticut” in USA or  “VWN-VluchtelingenWerk Nederland” in Netherlands, and these businesses receive overwhelming of their donation direct from the government such as IID-International Institute of Connecticut receive 80% of their budget direct from the US immigration as donation, which very much means they would do anything they are told by the government = never to trust = based on facts they set me up countless times, all 3 of them Caritas in Germany, “IIC-International institute of Connecticut” and “VWN-VluchtelingenWerk Nederland” in Netherlands, whereby the Caritas setup is 100% the same as the setup by “IIC-International institute of Connecticut” , where IIC caused that I be illegal alien and therewith I cannot leave this most detructive country I have ever seen in my life for 15 years, and Caritas in Germany did the absolute same thing until Siemens AG, at that time the biggest employer in Germany after the government needed to use me as a blackmail objects against my fake family in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt, which 100% caused the total destruction of my freedom and entire life until today and I am still counting, which is mentioned in more detail all over this page and other pages. End of between parenthesis was added on 22.9.2021). It hurts me to say that because I loved Bavaria, but Bavaria was the headquarter of Adolf Hitler and the Catholics Bishop strongly supported the Nazi regime in 1930s and 1940s, even though not all Catholics agreed on that, also this it hurts me very much to say, but Siemens AG was one of the biggest supporters of Nazi and Adolf Hitler and that is why their bosses were arrested and jailed by the Americans and their allies in 1945, until they had to release them for economic and political reasons against the ex-Soviet Union. I am sorry to have to mention all that, because I loved working for Siemens AG and I am in debt to them for all what they taught me and the opportunity that they gave me during a very difficult time of my life, yet facts are facts and I cannot change history nor I can change what was done to me, especially if the criminals members of my fake family and each one of them, even those that I knew them either since birth or childhood, yet their behavior including my fake mother, brother, sisters, cousins, nephew and nieces is 100% Nazi behavior, Nazi had one goal only and this goal was without any discriminations: enrich their selves no matter what, even by killing Jewish Gypsies, southern Europeans, darker looking people and so on, it was all a distraction to steal their goods in the name of fake purposes, in matter of facts and today, I admire Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and other religious people such as some Christians, because they really stick together and help each other’s no matter what, unlike Nazis, which is really a wrong name for them, the right name would be a an organized crime party  because the words Nazi=National socialism is an idealism and good intention which means financial equality to get more equalities between people, yet NAZI is not a good goal that steals in the name of fake flags and fake politics and that alone describe most members of my fake family. Here is a bad joke about it, in the year 2000s they had a joke: Come and visit Poland, your car is already here. This joke is because some polish (very minority) used to steal cars from western Europe and take them to Poland and sell them. A similar joke for the Middle East: come and visit Europe and USA, your wealth and natural resource are already here, but also your land is here, because we own it and we own everything in it including you and now we need workers here (slaves), in USA alone there is around 30 Million illegal aliens and they lie and say 12 Millions, that are nothing else but slaves and work for pennies, some for a few dollars per day, just like they did to me, I worked my life off since 1969, and for what? To retire as a government slave, depending on the courtesy of the Dutch government income, the government that severely brainwashed me and tortured my life between 2001 and 2016 as a result I am still complaining today in May 2019 (added on 22.9.2021: in between it is almost the end of year 2021 and I am still counting.  End of added on 22.9.2021). All the discoveries mentioned within about Nazis, make me understand why the German government a couple of years back and as the only country took (probably selected) over 1 million refugees from Syria within one month, possibly much more, because they are children and grandchildren of Nazis in Syria and most probably also of very aged Nazis, which makes them relatives of many Germans. But this is all speculation based on my situations. All in all Germany took far over 2 million Syrian refugees, and if you think that is Christian, I am Christian, then why in God’s name am I complaining?

44.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-2, 1984-1986. The systematic destruction of my residence permit in Germany. This is a cooperation between BP-British Petroleum, the German immigration several members of my fake family such as Jalal Baroudi, Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah families and others. As highlighted in the point above, they set me up to lose my residence permit, gradually but definitely. The Syrian consulate started to give me hard time to renew my passport and instead of renewing it for at least 2 years, they renewed it only for 3-6 months at a time. And this was in the Syrian consulate in Bonn and in Geneva, where each is 600 KM far from my residence in Munich, Bonn in the north and Geneva in the south. Each time my passport ends, my residence permit for Germany also ends as well as my work permit. Therefore, and after each renewing of my forced upon me fake Syrian passport I also have to immediately renew my residence permit, and each time I renew my residence permit which is given to me inform of stamp in my passport and as long as the validity of the passport, then I have to renew also my work permit, which is given to me as long as my residence permit, now I have to renew 3 things, and before this evil setup it was only 2, and there with I was forced by force of brainwash to live in fear that if one of these permits does not work, because each of the 3, passport, residence permit and work permit are depending on each other’s and that is how nasty the situation that these criminals created for me and pushed me into. At the end the Syrian consulate refused to renew my passport and therewith I was not able to renew my residence permit nor my work permit=preparation for kidnapping. See the following 5 points to understand these vicious brainwash and systematic planned destruction of my life

45.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-3, 1985. The fake uncle Jalal Baroudi incident in the Syrian consulate in Geneva. Since the Syrian consulate in Bonn was giving me each time hard time to renew my passport, especially during the project Calypso (1984) and thereafter, so I called my fake uncle named Jalal Baroudi in Geneva and asked him for help, because he pretend to be a full time Syrian consul in Geneva, Switzerland. He said come here and I will help you, so I drove from Munich to Geneva, 600 km there and 600 km back. When I get there, my uncle claimed to be working in the UN-United Nation in Geneva representing Syria and also Syrian Consul. At that time, I had no reason to disbelieve him or to doubt anything that he tells me, but later I recognized that the Syrian consul office he invited me to, was not his office, he just borrowed it to deceive me. As far as I recall he went to another room allegedly for the stamp and came back with 6 months renewing, claiming he cannot do it any longer otherwise they suspect him to be doing something wrong, because I live in Germany and not in Switzerland and I should be renewing it in Bonn not in Switzerland (he could have told me that on the phone when I called him and sked him for help and before I came!), usually people pay a lot of money for this renewal, he said, just to deceive my mind as if he is going a long way to help me with this 6 months while toying with my mind that he wants a bribe money for that, if renewed it for 2 or 5 years, then I would accept this criminal statement that he is allegedly my uncle and that he is helping me. Beside all consuls that I visited, and I visited many in my lifetime, have all their stamps locked in their own desk and not in another room. This is how nasty this evil psychopath’s Jordanian royal family members that pretended to be not royal family members, but rather my uncle, or another pretend to be my sister, my nephew, and nieces. Today I strongly suspect him to be there to manage the illegal drug money, sort of an accountant, and illegal other unknown to me business in this huge criminal enterprise that includes all those I am complaining about, never forget, Syria + Lebanon + Iran + Afghanistan are pure illegal drug plantations countries working 100% for USA + UK + others and using the American and British military bases all over the world to transport and distribute the illegal drugs such as opium =  UK controlling families + USA controlling families are 100% drug lords that makes the life to hell for all others enable to cover up for that!

46.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-4, 1986. The Syrian consul in Bonn with the name Walid Trapolsi (the name or word Trapolsi means “from Tripoli” or Tripolian, relating to the illegal drugs in Tripoli as mentioned above). Another very vicious and criminal person, him and his boss the evil Syrian Ambassador at that time, very unfortunately forgot his name. Both pretended to be friends of my uncle Jalal Baroudi as a mean to vouch for him that he is full time Syrian consul. This nasty person and his ambassador that I met and complaint to him about their treatment and not renewing my passport for at least 2 years. In around July or August 1986 I went again to the Syrian Embassy in Bonn to renew my passport, where each time I had to drive 600 KM to Bonn and 600 KM back just to renew my passport for a few months. The consul named Walid Trapolsi, that pretended to be the friend of my uncle and my alleged Syrian family, he refused to renew my passport, he said he has a special order not to renew my passport or do anything consular for me. Then took me to side and spoke to my ear, and I am quoting this conman and criminal and psychopath “the walls have ears here and I can’t speak to you, come to my house this afternoon and I will tell you why” and he gave me a piece of paper with his address, then he said I am going to renew your passport only for 2 months so you can get your situation in order, but I cannot renew it again for you. And I left the consulate and went to have lunch and then went to his home. At his home he again said the “walls have ears, let’s take a walk”. And on the street, he said to me: the Syrian government had issued an order to either arrest you or eliminate you, sort of dead or alive arrest warrant. I said why, he said they claim you stole 5 million US Dollars from the project that you are working on with them. I said I do not deal with money, I am an IT man, I just design systems. He said I know, but someone in the government wants you dead, if I am in your place, I would go somewhere and hide for a few years until things calm down. I went back home to Munich and did not know what to think of all this, I know I did not do anything wrong, so I do not have to worry, but on the other side these people are criminals and vicious as you can see of my complaint

47.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-5, 1984-1986. The German or Munich immigration (called KVR-kreisverwaltungsreferat) brainwash. In 1984 and once I started to have problems to renew my forced upon me fake Syrian passport and there with also started to have problems to renew my residence permit, I spoke about it with the Siemens Salesman that was assigned to the project Calypso, his name was Mr. Helmut Pfefferkorn. He said, do not worry, in the KVR (the German immigration in Munich) ask for Mr. Schneider the manager of the IT department, I know him well because we set for him the IT department, just go to him and tell him I sent you, and I will call him. This situation is most unusual, and even though I am supposed to be thankful, yet I have my doubt, especially that his name is Schneider same as the name of my baptize witness from 1976, name also Mr. Schneider, which at that time seemed to me absolutely coincident, but in 2001-2003 I was forced to recognize it as not coincident and was meant to confuse my mind about the church, sort of creating paradoxes in the situation which prevented me to decide: was that good or was that bad. And the same thing with the name Fischer also my friend from the church, I was implicated very negatively several times with persons with the name Fischer and the same with the name Schultz and other names of people I loved at the church where I was baptized and used to think of them as my friends, it was a very evil strategy to force my mind to hate even the names of my friends due to destructive situations created by others with similar names=severe brainwash

48.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-6, 1985. I was already hopelessly enslaved under the CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that was forced upon my life 100% with telepathy and brainwash and I had no chance to be free. And as a part of the brainwash she arrived in Munich on 24.12.1984 = Christmas eve. Her alleged visa was for 3 months. This mean I had to get her a residence permit. I went to Mr. Schneider that helped me several times and told him I do not know how to get her a residence permit, he said no problem just get me her passport, which I did, he went with it and came back after 10 minutes with a residence permit for 2 years, longer than mine, because her passport was valid for a longer period than mine. And here where it is not normal. Usually, it is impossible to get a residence permit for a person like her and in this situation, I know that for fact, because previously I helped a couple of foreigners to get residence permit for their family members such as wife and minor children (=under 18 or under 16 years old) and it was impossible, yet somehow, I managed to get it for them after a long struggle. And that is why they used Schneider, to force my mind to think that it is only possible because of the company Siemens AG salesman called Pfefferkorn that was allegedly helping me but in reality enslaving me and I get to know him only through the evil project Calypso and the concentrated evil company BP-British Petroleum, which is not true, it was all planned by them and they needed a front excuse for the unusual and wrong doings of things they are doing to me, by forcing my mind to think they are doing exception and are helping me because possibly this man at the immigration and called Schneider possibly related to my baptize witness Mr. Schneider, which was 100% brainwash forced upon me, in reality, they were helping to enslave me as preparation for kidnapping me from Germany to USA to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family while preventing me to visit my fake family in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt, and that makes the German government or at least the Bavarian government or both totally not loyal to people that loves them and look up to them and think of them as an example of honesty and integrity that they very much lack, which it turned out I was totally wrong, and they are the total opposite and not to be trusted because they would do anything for money and personal gains and therefore not to be trusted, and this is very unfortunate to me because I loved them, yet and to be fair and at that time Germany was half the size of today and it was divided into East Germany under the ex-Soviet Union control (=Russia and their slave countries), and West Germany that was under the control of the so called Second World War Allies = USA + UK + France + Netherlands and other countries and they were trying hard to get free of this major Allied military slavery  and trying also to re-unify Germany, and they succeeded but I lost! In situations like mine, which literally destroyed my life once and for all and this while I loved them and that is why trusted them blindly, and as they say: love makes blind. If there is any bad situation in life that I can never get over it, then it is that the German government is 100% responsible for torturing my life from January 1970 and until current in 2021 while I was 17 years under their protection. Today I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that they repeated the process countless times with other persons, and the reason I know that for fact, is because today I know how evil is my fake family, and I know how evil is the English royalties and I also know how evil are the Bush and the Rockefeller families and how evil are the ex-German royal families and above all how evil is the Jordanian, Saudi Arabian and UAE royal families and that they are all related to English royal family Rockefeller family and my concentrated evil fake family and that this what they do for living, they kidnap children, rape them, enslave them and use them as decoy or kidnap their own brothers or sisters to steal their inheritance =  have absolutely no moral values whatsoever = organized crime families each steal of the other!

49.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-7 between 1986 and 1987. In August 1986, the Criminally insane and psychopaths Syrian embassy in Bon refused to renew my passport as mentioned above, and my fake uncle in Geneva Switzerland that pretended to be Syrian consul in Switzerland also refused to help me, then I get fired of my job at the company UDF, then the German immigration refused to renew my residence permit because I have no longer valid passport, which was their planning from 1976 as also mentioned above, and very suddenly and very quickly and all within a period of around 2-3 weeks between August and September, the German Immigration issued for me a so-called Fremdenpass (in English temporary passport for foreigners) and with it these psychopaths forced me with telepathy, fear and brainwash to relocate almost overnight to USA = 100% kidnapping by among other the criminal psychopaths American government and the White House Administration of the psychopaths ex-US president Ronald Reagan and his equally psychopaths criminally insane and psychopath vice-president George H. W. Bush and his entire psychopaths Bush + Rockefeller + English royalties. Arriving in Kennedy Airport in New York City where my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and his whore wife named Alia/Anita Köse were waiting for us and as soon as I saw him I went up to him and hugged him, he immediately and with force pushed me away, which I did not understand at that time, because this psychopaths and criminal was 100% CIA agent and/or MI6 agent and/or member of either the American or the British military and they used him because he looked like my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar that suddenly his name is Naggar = 100% not my brother neither is Syrian, because no Syrian will ever have a name Naggar, a Syrian will have his name spelling always with the letter J for the equivalent Arabic letter called also J in Syria because in Syria there is no letter G. After 4-5 weeks this criminal and as a part of brainwashing me asked me to leave his house, while I am officially with a wife and with a child under 6 months old, which was a multipurpose brainwash, which I will skip. And since I did not know anyone in USA I asked the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport for help and they asked me to come and live with the pastor and his family, his name was Pastor Jack Stevens, his wife name was Diana and his alleged 2 sons over 16 (for all I know they were over 20, but my mental state at that time was not capable to see through things for several reasons, among others I never wanted to be in USA and did not understand why I am here, because I never liked Americans or America due to the sever and most destructive brainwash these criminals psychopaths did to me between March 1970 and September 1977 in and through their American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich as it is mentioned elsewhere). Suddenly I was living in the small city Fairfield in  Connecticut in USA with the pastor stevens family from approximately November 1986 to March 1987, during which and to force me to give up to go back home to Germany, they forced me to go to the German consulate in New York City to renew my foreigner passport and go back to Germany, and I made an appointment per telephone and they said they will renew it for me and I should go there and ask for Frau (=Mrs.) something, I forgot her name. As soon as I get there and asked for that woman, she asked me to give her the passport and I did and then she said this is the property of the German government and said goodbye, I was totally shocked and did not know what to do any more. And therewith they closed all doors in my face enable to prevent me to leave this disgusting smelly ugly whore bitch and CIA + MI6 agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and my fake son named Abdulhamid Najar that was 100% not my son, but rather the son of one of these psychopaths criminals that wanted to hide his son that has telepathy, because this is what these psychopaths do and this with the help of the governments of USA, UK, Germany, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the UAE = they are all controlled by criminally insane and psychopath organized crime families called English royal families + ex-German royal families = Nazis + Rockefeller families that control the publicly (only in public) controlling families in the entire petroleum so-called Arab countries including but not limited to Jordan and Syria

50.       Destroying my residence permit in Germany-Part-8 between 2001 and 2003. In 2001 the American government brought me by force to the Netherlands where I was locked up for 15 years from September 1986 and until 10 February 2001, and in the hidden until 2016 by forcing me to continuously relocate from countless refugee camps, jails and prisons and then in 2008 forced me to live in the totally isolated village called Bellingwolde for 4 years until 2012 and then forced me to relocate Amsterdam, then to Brighton in the UK in 2013, to Kerkrade in Netherlands in 2013, to Harrow-London in UK in 2013, to Assen in 2014 and in September 2014 I recognized that I am being severely persecuted and decided the best way is to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch government, Dutch royal family and all the foreign embassies and consulates and it took me 2 years to be able to relocate on 1 March 2016 to Den Haag/The Hague. However between 2001 and 2003 I was severely brainwashed and tortured mentally as well as physically by the Dutch immigration, and naturally all in the hidden, among other by forcing me with brainwash and telepathy to leave the Netherlands and go to Germany twice illegally 19 December 2001 for 2 days and again on 7 January 2002 as a mean to refresh my feelings to the church, my friends and my ex-girlfriend in Germany, which is a very nasty means of brainwash, which I will skip. However, and when I was in the church in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany in January 2002, my alleged friend family named Wiedemann (I will skip first names) asked me do you remember Erik Schultz, I said yes, he was my friend, she said he relocated to Munich and somehow, she repeated this and emphasized it and I noticed that but did not understand it. A week later I went to the KVR- kreisverwaltungs-referat (Munich immigration) and tried to get my old residence permit back, but they refused, and I asked to speak with the manager, and was delegated to the manager, his name was Mr. Schultz, he too refused while treating me as if I am a trash, always with a very grim and threating face expression. He said go back to the Netherlands within 24 hours or else, I said I am not moving I want my residence permit back, I lived here 17 years, and it was my home. He called the police, they arrested me and placed me in prison for around 6 weeks and then took me by force back to the Netherlands. Then I recognized that Mrs. Wiedemann reminded me with my old friend Schultz just to shock me, meaning they knew I will go to and see Mr. Schultz in the immigration and wanted me to associate him with my friend and with the church. Why? Because it was a brainwash paradox, the Dutch immigration brainwashed me and practically forced me to go to Germany and in particular to the church to force my mind to remember my past and my old friends and the church and when I go to them they block me and push me away, which will cause a shock to the victim, in this case me, and force the victim to try to understand, then they feed the victim with anything they want. In short, the Dutch immigration were 100% either directly or through the German BND working with the church members for this severe and very nasty brainwash, then I remembered Mr. Schneider at the immigration and his alleged help from 1984 and 1985 and also related him to the church, name wise only, yet recognized it was not help it was 100% destruction of my life in Germany while pretending to be helping me in the name of Siemens AG. I know Siemens AG was at that time and by far the largest company in Germany and the largest electronic company in Europe and the largest foreign electronic company in USA, and since their headquarter was in Munich, they can practically do anything, because they own the city and the entire state of Bavaria as well as have a great influence in the German government at that time. Today Siemens AG is not the biggest company in Germany anymore, but it is the second largest by employer by amount of employees and it is between 4th and 6th largest company in Germany by revenue

51.       Back to August 1986 and the Syrian Consul psychopaths called Walid Trapolis refusing to renew my fake Syrian passport, and very suddenly everything went so fast, and I was forced with brainwash and telepathy to fear for the life of my (fake) son, my wife (whereby this animal and trash of human being and CIA whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud was never my wife I was 100% enslaved under her control by all these psychopaths that have no mercy, no compassion, no empathy, no understanding, no moral values no ethical values they are all just a psychopaths destruction machine that does not know when to stop) and myself and have to run and hide because the Syrian government allegedly want to eliminate me, kill me. And I had no time to dispose my apartment, and was forced to leave it for some guy I do not know except through the CIA & MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud, that forced me with telepathy and brainwash to do things I do not want to do, among others to get her Arabic movies, because she allegedly does not understand German and does not understand the TV, so I looked for a video rental place and I was delegated with telepathy to this one video store on Schleissheimer Street near Petuelring square in Munich, it was a very run down small shop, owned by a 25 years old Palestinian, again a Palestinian in my life! Somehow I was forced to give him my apartment with all it is furniture = forced telepathy, and therewith these criminals psychopaths stole everything I owned in  Munich while reinforcing my alleged relation to PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization that at that time was considered to be the number one terrorist organization in the world and I was set up in December 1969 by the evil CIA, MI6 and many members of my fake family to look like as if I am related to them, and they repeated and refreshed the situation again and again many times over since then and now again in September 1986 I am giving my entire apartment with everything in it to this unknown to me Palestinian. Who would do that? No one not only to give it to a Palestinian, which is nothing wrong with Palestinians, but to give it to anyone whomsoever, is only possible with brainwash and telepathy control, then I was forced to think I am escaping voluntarily to USA. But it was not voluntarily, it was 100% kidnapping as highlighted in these complaint pages.

52.       BP-British Petroleum planned to enslave me to raise a hidden child of one of their hired criminal agents in the government in EU and other areas in the Middle east or even in Germany, which is my fake son Abdulhamid Najar

53.       Here is a summary of what the CIA & MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa Mahmoud did to cover up for these above-mentioned criminals:

53.1.          Throwing away my small painting (approximately 30 x 40 CM) from the living room that reminded me of my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and replacing it by her own naked painting of at least 60 x 120 cm, where her bosom and vagina are very visible, no Muslim will do that, only Nazi’s whore would do that

53.2.          Throwing away the album where I had photos of the other CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray that the CIA enslaved me under from 20 August 1970 to September 1977, and therewith I have no photo of her or her evil identical lookalike

53.3.          Destroying my friendships in Germany in cooperation with BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, and members of my fake family

53.4.          Indirect she was also responsible before she even was forced upon my life and in cooperation with BP-British Petroleum that BP-British Petroleum stole all my multi-lingual documents and I tried to replace them, and she pretended to be helping me by that, but in reality, she was sabotaging my efforts, therefore I was not able to recover any of them

53.5.          In 1985 she left and said that she is going to Syria to complete her alleged high school diploma, she was away for at least 3 months from Mai to begin of August, then claimed to have been pregnant of me, because I was trying to get rid of that bitch. The fake son named Abdulhamid Najar was born on 26 March 1986, which 100% makes him not my son, because during the conception she was nowhere near me. She was 2 weeks overdue, meaning she was pregnant allegedly 9 months and 2 weeks (added on 22.9.2021: today I strongly believe the gynecologist = women doctor these criminals forced me to go to and named Dr. Brehm most probably lied and she was not 2 weeks over due, but rather it was a brainwash trick to force my mind to be confused about the day she had sex and became pregnant of it, where she was nowhere near me, besdie and today I know that this fake son is not even her son, which not only he does not look anything like me, but also he does not look anything like this British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, and as a prove for that, look at her photos in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, and if you have access to this fake son, then compare him to her, above all her 50 cm back bottom  standing out of her body. End of added on 22.9.2021), back to the 9 months and 2 weeks pregnancy and if you calculate that backwards, then she must had conception 7 June 1985 enable to have a child on 26 March 1986, but she was already away since the first 2 weeks of Mai 1985 = fake son, but also he looks nothing like me and I have distinctive facial and body features, such as larger ear lips, split chin, at that time was 176 cm, he is over 180 cm, he is pal white, I am not pale white and his alleged mother is light brown or light beige and so on and this makes BP-British Petroleum an organized crime institution for slavery in Germany, USA, Saudi Arabia and in the entire Middle East and wherever these psychopaths do business also in Africa such as in Nigeria, where they terrorize the lives of Africans. (Added on 22.9.2021: Today I strongly believe that this whore for hire named Najlaa Mahmoud was not even in Syria, most probably she went somewhere else get pregnant and came back, because she had nothing Syrian on her, above all that she was not Muslim but pretending to be and exchanged places with 2 other lookalike whore women that hide their children to cover up for the origin or parents of a person with telepathy.  End of added on 22.9.2021)

53.6.          In August 1985, and after I was told that she is pregnant I carried her and placed her outside my apartment and closed the door and said go away, but I was forced to let her back in. Then they forced upon me a scheme performed with telepathy to prevent me to leaving her, by forcing my mind to think it is not good to let her go like this, I must ask her brother to come and get her, and I called her evil criminal psychopaths brother named Mahmoud Mahmoud, she allegedly had 3 brothers and all of them were 100% CIA + MI6 agents, which is very visible in my complaint pages that her entire family are criminals. The brothers names are from oldest to youngest, all were allegedly either Syrian military officers or working with the military, which very much means that they are top criminals that kill Syrians for profession, the names are: Mahmoud Mahmoud, Jameel Mahmoud and Muneer Mahmoud, so I called Mahmoud and invited him to come over paying all the expenses, and he agreed, and I was forced to think, once he arrives, then I will tell him to take his bitch whore ugly stinking sister with him back to where she came from, to Syria. One night before her criminal brother arrives, they called allegedly from Syria and said that Mahmoud went to get his sister Najlaa Mahmoud a gift from Lebanon and on the way there or back he had a deadly car accident, and therewith he cannot come = a brainwash mixed between telepathy and lied actions, meaning they forced me with telepathy to think this idea and then they performed the action. Even if I did not have this idea this bitch and whore called Najlaa Mahmoud had telepathy and I had no chance, all this to kidnap me from Germany to USA and while I am enslaved under this disgusting piece of animal shit, that not only monitor my actions, but also can read my mind ahead of time and know the actions I am going to do before I do them. This is how nasty BP-British Petroleum and the British evil government and American government and the German government that allowed all this to happen to me or better said to be forced upon me while I was under their protection in Munich, Germany, shame on you CDU and CSU that were governing Germany at that timer using the criminal ex-Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and they were covering up for my twin and the other CIA & MI6 agents while preventing me to visit members of my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabi and Egypt that had different identities than what they told me and to use me as a blackmail object against members of my actual biological family in USA while using me to raise one of their criminal children by forcing me to believe it is my biological son and that is their version of win/win situation. This alone shows you how stupid these evil people are, they needed all these scams and brainwash strategies and telepathy control from all sides of my life against one person that loved them and trusted them. This also shows you that each women in my fake family is a whore with no moral value and each man in my fake family is a pimp with no moral values, while pretending to be Muslim and making bad names for Muslims to force people to hate Muslims enable to force them not to try to help Muslims or to just mix and talk to each other, but they do not want people to learn from each others but rather to hate each other’s as distraction of their own bad doings and therewith they force people to be scared of Muslims and not want to even think about Muslims to not discover that they are hopelessly brainwashed and enslaved, and that the only rich Muslims are those criminal psychopaths that pretend to be Muslims such as members of my fake family including the royal families of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and soon to be Yemen, it is already half way there

53.7.          She and the German government are 100% the cause of me losing all my furniture and everything else what is found in my household, in that she set me up in cooperation with the CIA, MI6, Syrian consulate and the German immigration called KVR to be kidnapped to USA while she and the others forced me to give my full furnished apartment to an alleged Palestinian for free = telepathy control = they are thieves, they steal anything they can get their hand on, even life it self

53.8.          In November 1986 she on purpose through away my bag with camera (I had 3) that included many recent photos of the evil members of the project Calypso, and this alone shows that she was working with BP-British Petroleum and covering up for the employees of the illegal project Calypso

53.9.          In December 1990 she noticed that I still have a camera and photos from Germany, and she thrown them away, and the photos included shots of some members of the evil Syrian military intelligence that were working in the project Calypso, and therewith I had no more cameras and nor more photos of these criminals

53.10.     In Summer 1999 She conspired with the CIA, MI6 and my fake attorney named William F. Harmeyer, where they exchange my fake son with a look alike, which I just suspect and cannot prove, yet the behavior and the situation 100% point to that

53.11.     In the year 2000 she conspired with the CIA and MI6 and my attorney to lose every single thing that I had in USA and every single photo that I had of members of my fake family, and then was arrested locked up for 6 months and brought to the Netherlands by force of American INS and FBI for a re-brainwash and another 13 years lock up between jails, prisons and refugee camps, which makes Texas and the Bush family the most disgusting criminal human beings on earth that would do anything to anyone just to gain money and power, Texas is through and through petroleum state and has no brain except crime and slavery, which is very visible with the Bush family, illegal drug dealing and illegal alien slavery as these criminals did to me

54.       Ever since the evil BP-British Petroleum using their connections to keep me enslaved under this bitch whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, by among others not allowing me to succeed in anything, except to make enough money to feed this whore and my fake son while providing them with good shelter, and there with I was always busy just trying to survive, by working for a few months and then be 1-3 months looking for another job, and this while forcing me to live as an illegal alien for 15 years, and therewith I cannot take any employment and was dependent on consultancy projects, and here where they used me to blackmail my biological family by getting me projects at their locations, such as UtiliCorp United in Kansas city, Kansas energy company that filed for bankruptcy a few years later and was dissolved and reregistered under a different name = con-business, Koch industries in Wichita, Kansas, Gibraltar Saving in Semi valley, California, and others in Birmingham, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Louisiana, Alabama, Missouri and above all, Houston, Texas where many members of my biological family either live or come on a regular base, where also ARAMCO headquarter was or still is located (added on 22.9.2021: They either relocated the head quarter to Saudi Arabia or they opened a secondary headquarter to show as if it is owned by Asaudis, but ARAMCO was 100% established by the Rockefeller family, owned 100% by them and operated 100% by them, yet they pretending that they started the company in partnership with Saudi Arabian, in reality many of them were had already double citizenships also Saudi Arabian and they made partnership with their selves to deceive the American congress that split their company in 1911 named Standard oil and they rebuilt it again this time in hiding it and that is fact. End of added on 22.9.2021) and my fake brother-in-law Alaa Ali the husband of my fake sister Fadia Nagar was working in Saudi Arabia allegedly as a medical doctor for ARAMCO, where today I have my doubts that he was a medical doctor, especially that he looks very similar to the al Naser family such as the CEO of ARAMCO named Amin H. Nasser as if they are brothers or at least cousins, and this while I know that the following persons of my fake family are not only very evil, but they are 100% members of the Saudi Royal family while they pretend to be Syrian: Jameel Baroudi the father of the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi, his cousin Mamdoh Baroudi that I suspect to be some kind of a higher up prince or even a brother of one of the previous kings, and there with his son Dr. Bassam Baroudi and his daughter Hiyam Baroudi are also Saudi’s, but also my fake uncles: Jawdat Baroudi and Badeaa Baroudi While Jawdat Baroudi was working allegedly in the internal affair court system either as a judge or judge consultant, and that is what he told me, but these criminals always lie, and if his brother Mamdoh Baroudi is as I suspect a higher prince or a brother to one of the previous kings from 1960s, or even 1940s then so these Baroudi members and my fake mother that are all originated from USA and/or UK and/or Germany and/or the Netherlands and these are the countries that terrorized my life and kept me literally as slave

55.       Afrah Najjar-Part-1. This situation is a paradox, meaning it contradict itself and I do not know how to un-paradox it, which is using me as a decoy to my fake sister Afrah Najar/Najjar/Abokurah, that allegedly applied for political asylum in Washington D.C. and was accepted, and I was used as a confirmation as if she is my sister from Syria, but I never seen this evil woman in my life before 1967, the original Afrah Najar disappeared of my life in 1961 and was replaced in 1967 with this one. Therefore, I strongly suspect that this one is either British from England that pretend to be Syrian origin living in Jordan or British from Greece that pretend to be Syrian. Greece royalties is another branch of the British royalties, and there with the UK uses people with fake identities in the USA to use them in the American government as they used hundreds of thousands like that since the USA declared it to be independent of Great Britain, and ever since they use this concept to cover up that they are controlling a big portion of USA through these fake people. Where to note, this fake sister visited me twice in USA after these criminals including her and her daughter and other children helped in enslaving me under Najlaa Mahmoud as highlighted above by using women as prostitutes to seduce my mind for the alleged Arab women beauty, but these women were neither Arabs nor Muslim nor they have any moral or ethical values, and they absolutely have no beauty in them what so ever, because beauty comes from the inside and you can see it in their good actions and behavior, you check that yourself, they  can be found on Facebook, and while you are at it, you will see that these are not one family, because they are not networking together. These women always concentrate on looking good on the outside but on the inside, they are all stinky and rotten, and that is very visible not only in my complaint pages, but also in their actions that contradict itself. When I was forced to live in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and in spring or summer 1990 I went once to visit this fake sister in Washington D.C., which was under 300 miles from my housing thereafter I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas, where it was for me impossible to visit her again because it was over 1400 miles and I was kept as a slave by these criminals psychopaths, and this is the so-called biggest freedom and democracy country in our world, which is another big lie. Most probably this whore  woman called Mona Najjar that pretend to be my sister is one of the reasons that they forced me to relocate to Houston, Texas to be far of her and not to visit her and her evil criminally insane and psychopaths’ children that have telepathy and manipulate politicians in Washington D.C. with telepathy and that is the only reason that they live in and around Washington D.C.

56.       Afrah Najjar-Part-2. Najlaa Mahmoud and as she pretended to be just arriving in Munich, was eating pork, drinking gin and dressing and applying makeup like a prostitute and I hated makeup and hated flashy clothing, suddenly I was forced to buy suites for 2000 Deutsch Mark, just to make me broke and concentrate on this whore agent. Above all she never prayed as Muslim do. In USA and very suddenly after the year 1990 this bitch and CIA whore exchange places with another lookalike person even worse one than she was, and told me, and I am quoting her “Your sister Afrah Najjar/Abokurah taught me how to pray”. My original fake sister Afrah Najar alias Moni never prayed, her lookalike that was forced upon my life in 1967, never prayed in 1967, where I was there almost 3 months in Jordan, and again 2 weeks in 1969/1970 and again she visited me 3-4 times in 1970s as my alleged Syrian sister that is living in Jordan, but she was neither my sister nor was she Syrian, she was through and through Jordanian royalty originated either from Greece or UK or even Germany and pretending to be Syrian to avoid being persecuted either by press or by criminals to kidnap her alleged children either as blackmail or as revenge for all the bad things these criminals do. The only couple of times she prayed is after I became Christian and only a couple of times and only in front of me to deceive me, because now I know how Christian behave, how Jewish behave and how atheist behave, and she was most definitely no Muslim, neither her behavior nor the way she dresses nor the way she talks nor the way she behaves nor her moral values nor her ethical values nor how she treat her children, if she prays, then the least she would do is to teach her children to pray that I never ever seen any of them praying. Back to CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa Mahmoud she exchange places with another lookalike that was even more disgusting than her, and that new one prays and had praying marks on her forehead and on her knees, the original one did not have it, and you cannot have it within 1-2 weeks, you get it after praying for at least 5 times a day for at least 10-20 years, then there will be a brown circle spot on the forehead and on the knees due to the prayer kneel to the floor and touch or even pressing their knees and forehead on the floor and when they do that for a longer period of time, then they will have these marks, it is just like pressing the knees and forehead with your entire weight to the floor, which then and gradually after years of praying will leave these marks. I noticed these spots by the whore Najlaa Mahmoud in 1990/1991, but I was prevented with telepathy to ask or talk about it. None of my fake sisters or fake mother had this brown spot = they pray only in my presence, in matter of fact I saw no one in the entire fake family that has these brown spots, not a single one = they are all con people, they force others to be busy with Islam, but they do not do it their selves and there with they steal the lives of people as these evil criminal stole my life. And there with the whore Najlaa Mahmoud was covering up for BP-British Petroleum that created this situation because they were at that time owned by the British government and the British government is owned by the English royalties and also owns Jordan and everything in it and my fake sisters and their husbands work for them, and now they are in Washington D.C. and Virginia doing the same to others as they did to me, (until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021) and that I would not allow and keep quite about. Even though I really dislike the American government and recognize it as controlled by organized crime families such as the English royal family + Rockefeller families, which you can see clearly in ex-US presidents Donald Trump + George W. Bush + George H. W. Bush + Ronald Reagan and the whole way to Harry S. Truman that was democrats and dropped 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan where hundreds of thousands dies within minutes, yet I love human beings because they are the creation of God and the American population are human beings that partially enslaved, partially deceived, partially lied to on a constant bases, and partially are too busy working 2-7 jobs to survive these organized crime slaveries! (End of until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021)

57.       Last, but not least, which will show that the immigration in Munich called KVR or at least the BND (BND is CIA & MI6 like German organization) that have power over the immigration and many other governmental departments, was involved in my kidnapping but also that the evil CIA was all over my life and is the number-1 organizer of kidnapping me to USA, as follow and this because USA is the land of the CIA and not the land of the evil and criminal MI6 or BND or Syrian government:

57.1.          In August or September 1986, the Syrian government refused to renew my passport which was planned since 1976, as highlighted in several points above

57.2.          The Syrian consulate threatened me by want to kill me and/or harm my alleged son that at that time I was forced to believe it was my biological son named Abdulhamid Najar. He already changed his name and I do not know where he is now, because he never left USA, because this is what these criminals do, they take one of a twin or triplets to one country and the others to other countries and built upon that to exchange them as they see beneficial for them, which I will skip the details, yet it is just like they did to me (until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021)  as I was younger and did also to other children  and is mentioned all over my complaint pages. Today, and since roughly 2017 I discovered who is this fake son, he is Prince Hashim of Jordan and is mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 under the section “Multiple Personality Disorder”, even he is officially 2 years older, yet everything by these people is falsifiable. Can I prove this, no I cannot prove it, but it 100% fit the pattern of my fake and biological family as also described in other pages within my complaint. (End of until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021)

57.3.          The German immigration refused to renew my residence permit, because I have no valid passport anymore, which was also planned since 1976 as mentioned in some points above

57.4.          I did not know what to do, the CIA. MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, that they enslaved me under had 100% telepathy and had 100% 2 lookalikes, which I did not know these facts at that time, and she was forcing my mind to whatever this criminal disgusting bitch wants

57.5.          My employer fires me just 1 month before kidnapping me to USA to make it easy for them to manipulate my thoughts, which means and very unfortunately my Employer at that time called UDF Dr. Fischer and today is called UDF Consulting AG, was working with them, because if they did not fire me then they would have gotten me legal residence permit!

57.6.          I was forced to think I have to run and hide to protect my son that was at that time 5 months old in August of 1986, and I was forced to think to call my brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Nagger and now is called Nick Naggar, that turned out he is a lookalike of Mohamad Nashaat Najar from 1965-1968 and told him the situations and he said, don’t worry come over to USA and everything is easy here, I can get you a residence permit and work permit in no time and you can stay at my place as long as you need until you get on your feet, just get a tourist visa and come here and I will take it from there. I insisted that he asks an attorney and I said I will pay for him, he said no problem call me after a couple of days. A couple of days later I called him to USA, and he said the attorney said there is absolutely no problem for you to get a residence permit as long as you have a job, and he will get you job if you cannot get a job yourself. Which was all lies = 100% not my brother but rather a criminal and CIA agent

57.7.          I had no passport to go to USA and was forced to apply for a so called “Fremden Pass” translated from German “Passport  for Foreigners”, which is a passport in Germany that they usually give to accepted refugees but not yet German citizens to allow them to travel outside Germany. However, I was not a refugee anymore, because they set me up in 1976 to lose my refugee status that would have gave me a permanent residence permit and the way to citizenship, which they wanted to avoid because they planned already to kidnap me to USA. The immigration in Munich played around with me and my mind to show as if everything is coming from me, and refused to give me a “Fremden Pass”/Passport for foreigners, and I was forced to get an attorney, the attorney was a woman, and I told her everything, very unfortunately I forgot her name, I believe she really wanted to help me and was thinking for me, because I was prevented to think with brainwash and telepathy, and she requested from the immigration that they give me a signed authorization to come back in the future, but the immigration refused. They issued for me a Fremden Pass/Foreigner Passport for 6 months only, because they knew I am in process of being removed from Germany and kidnapped for ever to USA.

57.8.          I went to the American Embassy in Munich and asked for a visa, they gave me one within minutes, maximum 30 minutes. And this alone shows that the evil CIA and American government were all over my life and are kidnapping me to USA, because there is absolutely no way what so ever to give a person a visa to USA within a few minutes on a temporary Foreign passport that is limited to 6 months, especially if he is allegedly from Syria, have no job, was working on project Calypso and with a very shady Syrian military intelligence lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salameh, while was repeatedly implicated as if he has top connections to top terrorists, Russian Agents, Drug lords and so on, which was all setups by the evil CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum and members of my fake family as mentioned repeatedly above and in other pages. Let’s assume that the CIA management and the American government are innocents of this kidnapping, then it will show that the evil BP-British petroleum have their own agents within the CIA that forced the American embassy to break the rules and give me a visa and the following point prove that these criminals psychopaths where kidnapping me because they planned to re-brainwash me in USA and as soon as I land, and that is why I am mentioning the following point

57.9.          Then I immediately was forced to leave for USA, while losing my apartment, my furniture, my friends in Germany, the woman I very much loved named Adelheid Kuczka, and here if there is something called the first love, then this woman would be it, losing the country I loved most and called home for the last 17 years. Took the plane to John F. Kenney airport in New York city USA

57.10.     Arriving in New York Kennedy Airport, the criminal Nick Naggar that pretended to be Mohamad Nashaat Najar and my brother, was waiting for us. As soon as I saw him, I felt relief, because I thought now I am safe of being killed, not knowing that I am already dead, because they killed my own mind the latest on 17.10.1984, when separated me of my girlfriend by force, fired me of the project to give the blame of what yet to come to my next employer UDF-Untenehmungsberatung Dr. Fischer, today it is called UDF consulting AG in Stuttgart, and was used as front for my slavery and brainwash and distraction of the evil BP-British Petroleum. Therefore and as soon as I saw my (fake) brother, I went up to him and hugged him with all my heart, because I felt he saved not only my life, but the life of my (fake) son Abdulhamid Najar, then he pushed me away very aggressively as if he does not know me and behaving as if he is thinking how dare you hugging me, I never understood why he did that at that time. Then he took us to his house on Indian Avenue in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, that he bought with down payment money that I sent him 5 thousand US Dollars 1-2 years earlier.

57.11.     This fake brother Nick Naggar said I changed my name to Nick because it is more suitable to USA, in reality this criminal was a totally different person that I knew before, which makes him the second lookalike of my original fake brother Mohamed Nashaat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar. Unlike his evil promises, he refused to help me, I asked to see the attorney that he talked to, he said get your own attorney, I will not give you my attorney number. I asked him to get me a job at Avon cosmetics, where he allegedly works, he said he is in process of being fired. After around 5 weeks he asked me to leave his house, and I was forced to look for a church to help me out, which was also 100% planned by these evil criminal’s psychopaths. (Until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021) today I know that this criminal is the hidden son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan alias the hidden brother of the current king of Jordan named king Abdullah, for more information on this see the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-version-2 section” under the section “Multiple personality Disorder”. (End of until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021)

57.12.     The following points are the reasons they forced me to be with the pastor’s family. When they force me to go somewhere, then they always have a plan how to force me to be in a controlled environment, which is very visible in the above and below points:

57.12.1.       Forcing me to feel comfortable, living between people that I trust (Christians) during which I really forgot the time, and that was 100% an essential part of the brainwash and killing my time until the temporary German passport expires, then I cannot go back home to Germany

57.12.2.       For later on and when I remember some of the negative and destructive situations or brainwash incidents, then I will blame the church and dislike the church, however it is not easy to force me to hate the church because they gave me something that no one can ever steal from me, which is knowledge and coming out of a severe brainwash since 1960 and until 1977

57.12.3.       Creating situations that create paradox in my mind and therewith I do not know should I curse the pastor and his family and his church or should I say thank you

57.12.4.       Whatever their real goal was, the pastor family done for me much more than anyone in my fake family have ever done for me. Also, whoever lies to me, or control my mind with telepathy, can also do the same to others including the pastor and his family members

57.13.     In end of October 1986, I looked up in the phone book and I called the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church on Park Avenue in Bridgeport Connecticut and asked them for help, the Pastor Jack Stevens, said give me a couple of days to think of a solution. After a couple of days, he said you are welcome to stay at my house. He lived with his wife Diana, and his 2 almost adult children, allegedly 16/17 and 17/18 years old, Sean and Gregory. And therewith and after being 6 weeks living at the house of this criminal named Nick Naggar that pretended to be my brother, we left and lived with the pastor family in the city of Fairfield, even though he was a pastor in a church in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I was told that this house is rented for him through the church and the church pays the rent.

57.14.     Then I was at this house for around 4 months or so, during which I had no attorney to help me and was not able to find a job. I was sending around 50-200 letters every weekend for jobs (I am not sure any more about the count 50—200, it may have been less but not by much), and the church was paying for mailing the letters. I had absolutely no more money.

57.15.     They gave us a room on the second floor, which was the room of one of their sons, and the son slept in the room of his brother. One day, I guess after 1-2 moths, living at the home of the pastor, I was so angry, upset and frustrated of lack of progress and felt that I am locked up, which I was, above all because my fake brother betrayed me and I was not able to understand it, because I was always good to him, but also angry because I was not able to find a job, it was night time and the baby, was now around 8-9 months old, was crying in the middle of the night, and I lost my nerves, because I was in a situation I did not want to be in, did not understand it, and was scared, and I carried the baby and started to shake him to keep him quiet and not to wake up the others,  but he did not stop crying and I squeezed him really hard and was talking to him and saying shut up, you are the cause that I am in this position, shut up otherwise they too will kick us out and then we have to sleep in the street. I will never forget that evening or night, I was totally out of control and blamed everything on this baby, as if I am here just because of him, and this in itself was a brainwash to force my mind to think it is my fault that I get that whore CIA agent pregnant and now I am trying to do the right thing for this child, and this is a brainwash method to force the mind to cease to think about other possibilities and blame it all on the baby. I know for sure that this criminal whore disgust me and I do not want her anywhere near me, but I cannot escape this bitch and this situation, above all because they set me up and forced me to live with the pastor family, and there with all the Christians around will protect me and prevent anyone to come near me to help me out of this situation, in other words living with the pastor home was a trap just as they forced me to live in the American military base McGraw kaserne between March 1970 and until summer 1972, where no one would dare to come near me in the military base either to help me or to see what these criminals were doing to me or to talk to me about my past and my fake family, see slavery in Germany for details on this situation. In matter of fact, I suspect that the 2 children of the pastor were possibly either not his children but rather agents of some kind and were older than they claimed to be, however this is only suspicion, and I have no prove for it. Officially Greg and Sean were 16 and 17 and both were much larger than me! This is what brainwash does to a person and after I come out of it I just question everything, even the relation between the pastor and his family members!

57.16.     A day or Shortly after the above situation and to reinforce the brainwash, this CIA & MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore named Najlaa Mahmoud pretended to have severe pain in her stomach going to her lower back. This fake sickness was very sudden and not gradually, and it disappeared as sudden as it came, but she acted with this sickness for around 3 days. During which the pastor’s wife Diana said she made an appointment for her in the hospital and the church will pay for it, in the hospital they allegedly gave her a thorough checkup and including x-rays, blood tests and other women tests. At the end the gynecologist and other doctors determined that she allegedly has a few drop of blood outside her womb and that is causing this severe pain that she allegedly was screaming of it (only 3-5 times screaming), and the doctor  said there is no cure for it and that she has to live with it, and I should help her with her daily duty to relieve her of the pain, and that sometimes it will calm down but it will never go away and she will have pain at least 1-2 times per week and the more she works the more she has pain. This was another severe brainwash to force my mind as a Christian to feel sorry for her and not to leave her alone with this very odd sickness, in short it was a slavery brainwash. After a few weeks, I never heard her complaining any more about this alleged sickness and it was not as the doctor predicted that no matter what she will have severe pain 1-2 days per week. Today, I think maybe the doctor was trying to give me a hint that she was lying, maybe they asked him to lie to me. This situation along with countless others was designed to force me to be enslaved under this whore and public bitch. Don’t forget, they can read mind and know what I am going to do before I even start to do it, for example, if I think tomorrow at 13:00 hours I am going to a supermarket for shopping, then they can plan to create one setup or another in the supermarket or on my way to it, such as force me to a car accident, which they did as a mean to systematically destroy my friendship with certain people, which I will explain in another more appropriate section. Please note that their goal is to keep me under control for several reasons, but the number 2 reasons is to prevent me to discover that members of my fake family that went with me to Egypt never left Egypt and above all that my unknown to me twin took over my place after they took me to Germany in October 1969, and the number 2 reason is to keep me by force in USA to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family in various states where they tricked me to go there for a job and it turned out either I was not needed professionally or was totally unwelcome. (Until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021) Also another reason is not to discover the followings: That some members of my fake family are members of the Jordanian royal family, Saudi Arabian royal family, Kuwaiti Royal family UAE royal families, Omani royal family and above alkl that they are all originated from the English royal family + the Rockefeller family + ex-German royal families alias ex-Nazi. Shame on you all for being 1-2 track intelligence = money and controlling power only = stupid, because you do not consider the needs of the others, the feelings of the others = you have no moral values no ethical values no brain = stupid! (End of until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021)

57.17.     I went to the Salem church in Bridgeport on Christmas 1986 and went up to take a part on the Christian eucharist along with most of the other people. My host, pastor Stevens was holding the church Service, and he was also serving the eucharist (meaning the pastor service each with a piece/one-bite of bread and a sip of wine in memory of Jesus Christ), and when he came up to me, he said to me I cannot give it to you because you are not Christian, however I can give you, my blessing. I was like stoned and was not able to react and respond to him and say: what are you talking about, I am Christian, otherwise why would I have contacted the church for help, if I was Muslim, then I would have contacted the Muslim Mosque and if I was Buddhist then I would have contacted the Buddhist temple and if I was Jewish then I would have contacted the Jewish Synagogue. This and other situations show me that either the pastor was handpicked to cover up for the CIA and MI6, maybe he is related to some members of my fake or biological family, I do not know, but it was too many situations that speaks for it. It was as if they wanted to force me to forget Christianity and the church, which I did until end of summer of 1999. Why do they want me to stay away of the church? Because they want to avoid that any one help me get free, they even done a lot of very sadistic brainwash to force me to hate Muslims to not interact with them and speak with them about members of my fake family but also to avoid that Muslims help me, because a true Muslim, is just like true Christian and true Jewish or other religions they like to help people that are in trouble, and I was all my life in trouble, and in severe trouble from day one that I was dragged to the BP-British Petroleum project Calypso, (ntil the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021) or better said since day one I was kidnapped to Cairo Egypt on 10/11 January 1960. Beside the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church is a branch of the German Lutheran Church, which is based on the Catholic pastor/priest named Martin Luther that objected the Catholic church treatments in a public message and ever since there was so many copycat Christian churches, whereby today I strongly believe that this is a lie to justify the copycat of the catholic church, because today we have countless hundreds of Christians which shows that each controlling family want to have it is own church where they can control and influence the people as they see fit and then blame it on the Catholic church that the Catholics are wrong, Back to the Salem church they are branch of the German church, and therewith they are copycat religion either of the catholic or of the original German Evangelical Lutheran or both, which very much means they are 100% controlled by one of the following families: The English royalties, Rockefeller families or the ex-German royalties = the actual Nazi that brought Adolf Hitler to beat the new democratic system created at that time in around 1925 and these ex-German royalties are heavily represented in the USA. My pick is the ex-German royalties in cooperation with their official relatives alias the English royal families and the Rockefeller families which is a paradox that they cooperate on certain things such as coverup for telepathy and the hidden escaped Nazis that are working for them in the Middle East and elsewhere and on the other side they had the Brexit and American comes first strategy = paradox to confuse the life of the people that they are allegedly democratic and have freedom, which I never seen in my life living between them!  (End of until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021)

57.18.     March 1987, I was always thinking about back home in Germany, my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that I lost, my friends from the church that I lost my home in Munich that I lost. And here is another severe brainwash setup that very unfortunately do not know who started it, but it can be only one of the persons living in this house, therefore I would guess and say that most probably was either the pastor, his wife or one of his children, which was: Why don’t you go back to Germany, and I immediately jumped  over the idea and looked at my temporary German passport, but it was expired, so I called the German consulate in New York city and asked them to renew it, they said no problem, just come over and we will do it for you. I went there and asked for the woman I spoke with, she came took my passport, said thankyou and good bye, I said I am here to renew it and not to give it up, but she said this passport is not renewable and it is the property of the German government and that is why I am taking it, and I started to argue with her about that and saying you told me on the phone no problem and that you will renew it, then she called the guards and they escorted me out with force. And therewith they planned this situation to kill any hope I may have had to go back to Germany while forcing my mind to hate Germany and Germans=severe brainwash to kill my hopes and what I was missing in my life and always thinking about it, yet not telling anyone about how I feel and what I think

57.19.     Around March 1987, we are here in the pastor home for nearly 4 months, Mrs. Pastor Diana Stevens said to me it is best if you apply for political asylum and then you can be free of the pressure and I already spoke about it with Mrs. Myra Oliver she is the director of International Institute of Connecticut, an organization that helps refugees (to 80% funded by government=CIA+MI6!!!). I went there and spoke to her. It was nothing else but a very destructive setup and to make it short, they forced me to do that because they want me to be illegal in USA with no rights what so ever while giving me the possibility to work illegally, in that when I applied to political asylum they gave me a temporary residence permit until September 1987 = 5 months and therewith I am back at square one of where I was in Germany in 1970-1977 where they renew my papers only for 2-3 months while not allowing me to leave the country and again 1982-1986 by renewing my papers for 3-6 months and then canceled everything enable they can kidnap  me to USA. Therefore and through applying for political asylum I was able to apply for 2 things, Social Security card, that is always needed for employment and everything else in life in USA and Driver license that is also always needed for employment and everything else in USA such as opening a bank account, later on and as I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas in December 1990, in Houston they also broke the law by allowing me to have new ID and a new Driver license even though I was already illegal since September 1987 and I did not even think about it at that time, I was just happy to have them because by then I was saying I have the best wife in the world, even though I hated her guts, her smell, her look, her makeup, her cooking, her dressing manner and every single thing about this stinky bitch=severe slavery brainwash

57.20.     Also in March 1987, Mrs. Pastor said to me, one member of our congregation is a manager at Shearson Lehman & brothers and I asked him if he can get you an interview, and he said yes, and that you should go on Monday to the office of Mr. XXXX (name forgotten) and gave me the address of Shearson, Lehman & brothers main office in New York city, at that time and to my knowledge it was owned by American Express. I went to New York City in the building of Shearson Lehman & brothers or American Express building for the interview, which was around 60 minutes and the manger I met he said I have job opening that you are very suitable for, which is research to integrate new IT technologies and asked me if I can start the following Wednesday, which was in 2 days, I said yes. He said it is only formality, but you need to go to the next interview with our security manager, which I did, it lasted only around 10 minutes and the main thing he asked me is why are you in USA, and I told him honestly why. Then I went to the pastor’s house and was extremely happy to have found a job, I think they offered me 80 thousand US Dollars yearly salary. The following day on Tuesday Mrs. Pastor, Diana said to me that the manager that get me the job just called her and said he cannot hire me because the security manager advised him that I may bring danger to the company and maybe Syrians would follow me and cause damages to the company or even bomb the building. This was one of many brainwashes set ups to force me to keep quiet about my past and to not speak to anyone about it while creating confusion in my mind about who is to blame about this situation, but it was all planned as a part of enslaving me, because no company ever before or after has interviewed me with a so-capped security manager(??!!). And Mrs. Pastor Diana was very angry. The next day or 2, she came up to me and was very angry and asked me to take my family and leave her house right now, I said where I should go, she said I do not care, I just want you out of here right now. I called around and found a homeless shelter and went there. This was a continuation of the brainwash to force my mind to think that she is afraid to be attacked by Syrians and if I keep on talking about it, then this is what will happen to me = severe brainwash (Until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021) to force me to forget my past just as these criminals and psychopaths did to me prior to and after taken me to the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich in between February and March 1970, where they severely brainwashed me to forget my past and my entire family and then enslaved me under the whore agent named Anita Disbray for 7 years, which is described elsewhere. (End of until the end of this point was added on 23.9.2021)

57.21.     For the following 3 months I was forced to live between a motel for one day, because I had money only for one-night, homeless shelter and 4-5 days at the house of the criminal fake brother, which was in this order, because it was 100% brainwash, and the order was important:

57.21.1.       September-November 1986 lived at the house of the Nazi criminal Nick Naggar’s house then he kicked me out while I am most venerable

57.21.2.       November 1986-March 1987 Lived at the pastor’s house until end of March

57.21.3.       In around March or April 1987 Moved to homeless shelter in Bridgeport, Connecticut that was more than disgusting

57.21.4.       The CIA & MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa Mahmoud and in the shelter said is best that we move back to your brother’s house. I said no way. We stay here. She said he contacted me (I never questioned how did he contact her and how did he know where we are??!!), and he says he is sorry and would love you to come and live at his house, I refused, but then I had to say yes for the sake of the baby, because the shelter was filthy and most of the people were totally unhygienic and therewith the entire place was unhygienic. Then I agreed, and he came and picked us up with his car.

57.21.5.       After 3- 4 days and out of the blue and in the night around 19:00 hours, he get up and said I want you to leave my house right now and he get his very vicious German shepherd dog and chased us out, during which and through all the commotion I lost some of my cameras, I had 3 different sizes,  including some very valuable photos of these criminals that chased us in Germany, therefore I believe they were stolen by these criminals

57.21.6.       We went to a motel for one night because this is all the money I had. In the motel, around 22:00 hours I went walking a couple of miles to the next supermarket, some of them open 24 hours others until midnight, to buy milk for the baby, that now is 12 months old, and I was crying because I just about had enough money to buy food for the baby, which is a brainwash strategy to force me to forget everything else and concentrate on the baby

57.21.7.       Following day went back to the same homeless shelter.

57.21.8.       Then I asked my fake brother to give me the 5 Thousand US Dollar back that I sent him as down payment to buy his house, he refused and I started a process to get prove from the banks that I sent him the money and was going to the police and/or to an attorney to sue him, and he realized that I am doing that, because the bank is in Jordan and is owned by my fake family and they told him, so he called me and said, I do not have the money but I borrowed it and made me sign a very stupid paper written with 4 or 5 colors as if he is mentally retarded  and in this paper he deducted around one thousand five hundred Dollars and he listed for what such as for hosting us, he even had money for food, drinks, cigarettes and gas money for his car picking us from the airport this is how mentally sick these criminals are, just the same as the rest of this criminal family

57.21.9.       I looked for a real estate agent and asked him to find me an apartment, which he did. The real estate agent was on Main Street in Bridgeport and was Italian origin, and get me the second floor of a small house also owned by an Italian named Enzo on 277 Queen Street in Bridgeport, Connecticut just 150 meters of main street

57.21.10.  I went walking on the streets up and down and asking shops for a job. I get a job as a car salesman by a company named Chrysler of Bridgeport. I worked there for 4 days and made 5 sales, then they set me up and fired me and refused to pay me and made it look like as if they are Jewish and do not want to see me here. I went to the municipality and filed a complaint that they refused to pay me, they called them, and they said that was a misunderstanding and I should go back, and they will pay me. I went back, and they paid me only half of what they owed me, and I thought it is not worth it to fight them for the rest

57.21.11.  I went back on the street and from shop to shop asking them for a job. I found one as a cashier in a nearby gas station that was also owned by Italians, it was on the corner of Stoehrs place and Main Street, which is extension of Queen Street, I think it was Mobile gas station owned by a man called Bob Deluca (I forgot the last name spelling) that was previously airplane engineer at Sikorsky plane manufacturing also in Bridgeport. They were paying me 5 US Dollar per hour. My rent was 650 US Dollar, therefore my income was not even enough for the rent, Therefore I was working 14 hours 6 days a week and around 280 hours a month and making one thousand and four hundred US Dollar, during which I was exhausted , then I even took additional job as a lunch supervisor at an elementary school and also as a school bus driver, while cutting my hours at the gas station. And there with these criminal and with brainwash they were forcing me to get used to it being with this CIA & MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa Mahmoud while raising a child that is the child of one of their hidden agents in Germany or the Middle East, and while forcing me to think it is my own biological child

57.21.12.  In Summer 1987 the FBI contacts me via telephone and said you have applied for political asylum, and we have to interview each person that applies for political asylum, and they gave me an appointment, not in their office but rather in a restaurant on the river in Westport at 10 in the morning. I went there. The restaurant was empty and had only 2 tables that were used, each with 2 men, one of the men stood up as soon as he saw me and welcomed me, his name was Allen, last name forgotten, to make himself known to me as an FBI agent. Later on, I believe that the other table was also used by 2 FBI agents. In short they treated me as the evil Jordanian Al-Mukhabarat (secret service) treated me by saying come with use to a hotel for a few days, where we would like to ask you questions about your family and if you cooperate then we will help you to get asylum and if you do not we will make sure that your asylum is refused, which is exactly what the evil Jordanian secret service also did to me. And therefore, they blame the failure on me, because as soon as he said your family as soon as I responded no, I will not talk about my family with you. At that time, I used to think that my family are a very honorable people that are religious and do only good things not knowing that they are first not my biological family and second, they are an organized crime family consisting of several royal families including Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, UAE, English royal family and their hidden relatives in USA. The meeting was ended unsuccessful for me, because it was a 100% setup to blame the failure of asylum on me.

57.21.13.  A month later in summer 1987, my asylum was denied and I had a temporary residence permit that is expiring in a couple of months in September 1987 and did not know what to do so I went back to the nasty International Institute of Connecticut, and spoke with the director Mrs. Myra Oliver and asked her to appeal the court decision but she said if I do that then they will arrest you and deport you and you do not want that, I would suggest accept the court decision and just continue to live in USA, as long as you do not make any trouble, no one will know about you and no one will deport you, I had no choice but to accept her criminal suggestion, because I was still scared shit of the Syrian coming to kill me and hurt the baby in this process, and there with the FBI and CIA and most definitely influenced this evil woman to convince me to live illegal in USA as an alleged scared and hiding of the Syrians, this is how sadistic is the American + German + British governments, because all of them worked on this evil slavery setup, and therewith all 3 governments are controlled by a psychopathic organized crime families such as the English royal family, ex-German royal families and the Bush + Rockefeller families

57.21.14.  The above point means that the evil and most criminal BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and members of my fake family are brainwashing me to blame everything on the Syrians as distraction of their selves and forcing me to live in fear for 15 years while using me to raise a strange child and using me as a blackmail object against my biological family and simultaneously while preventing me to visit members of my fake family that are criminals and psychopaths members of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families and are working for the Americans and English organized crime families and not to forget the other evil criminals that are agents in Egypt among other my twin that I never knew of its existent

57.21.15.  From 1987 to 1999 I was totally lost and forced to think what they forced me to think, among others that I love USA, I love my wife the most beautiful woman in the world, and that was a brainwash because she was never my wife, she is not anywhere near nice or perfect or beautiful or a good woman or a good human being, she is the absolute the opposite of all that, she is a criminal like BP-British Petroleum that forced her upon me and enslaved me under her control by force of telepathy and brainwash, anything else is a lie

57.21.16.  From April or May 1987 and until December 1990, I had countless no-good jobs, that were forcing me in one way or another to be slave under the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud. Alone through so many totally underpaid jobs I forgot everything and even myself and was concentrating only on surviving and feeding these 2 that were 100% forced upon my life by the criminal BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 to cover up for their agents alias members of my fake family: the Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, and those that were working for ARAMCO and the Saudi Government, but also those that were working in Egypt as agents such as Mohamad Nashaat Najar, Mohamad Nuzhat Najar, Fadia Najar, Afrah Najar, Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and  many others. They do not send agent by one person that is blond, blue eyes and speaks only English with American or British or Australian or Canadian accent, but they teach them Arabic, then send them to an evil country such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia or UAE to practice the Arabic and tradition and then send them to the destination intended country with fake identities such as they did to me and my fake mothers, sisters, brother, uncles and fake cousins between January 1960 and summer of 1961, which it can also be Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt or another country. Meaning they practice in Jordan and go to Saudi Arabia as Jordanian or Syrian. Or practice in Saudi Arabia and go to Egypt as Syrian from Saudi Arabia, or as  Jordanian or as Saudi Arabian, and believe me there are ton of Saudi Arabian in Egypt and in other so called Arab country, where they create a lot of damages as the damages they created in my life and around my life and damages in Egypt as I saw it in 1960s

57.21.17.  Summer 1998 to summer 2000, this is 2 years, they systematically were re-brainwashing me to separate me of my fake son and force me to leave USA voluntarily, which they did in that they placed me in deportation jail from July 2000 and on 11 February 2001 brought me by force to the Netherlands, where I was locked up for 13 years as an illegal alien and therewith I was forced to be refugee in over 30 or even 40 jails, prisons and refugee camps

57.21.18.  Last but not least and through all of the above brainwash they kept me far away of my specialty of the design and development of multi-lingual computer systems and kept me away of any IT profession/jobs by force of brainwash in that they forced me to live in a very hustle environment fighting for survival while thinking I am fighting for the safety of my son that turned out to be another criminal just like them, because he disappeared of my life in summer 1999, any other possibility is a lie.


There are many other bad and most destructive situation that were forced upon me between 1984 and 1986 and again in USA between 1986 and 2001,but I am skipping them, one thing is worth mentioning, is that in USA and in the first one year these criminals psychopaths pushed me into a total hustle situations that I found myself fighting for survival = severe brainwash to enslave me more under the CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, while destroying any hope whatsoever of me being free, and even today in 2021 I am still fighting for freedom, yet I am busy complaining about these psychopaths that have nothing in mind except destructions of the lives of others just to be one dollar richer = psychopaths = Saudi Arabian royal family is Psychopath = Jordanian royal family is psychopath = English royal family is Psychopaths = ex-German royal families are psychopaths = the Rockefeller + Bush + several other controlling families in USA + Saudi Arabia + UAE are far past and longtime exceeded psychopath and became a lump of cancer and international automated brainless machine of human being destruction!


After math of the project Calypso (Go to Index)

Here I will try to keep it to under 10 points

1.          From 1986 to 1988 I was severely brainwashed in USA to prevent me to leave this bitch and CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud, during which I was prevented to have legal papers, work as an employee (both with the exception of 2-3 months), where I had temporary legal papers that they then pulled away of me by performing the same brainwash as the Al-Mukhabarat (secret service) in Jordan did to me, where the FBI asked me to help them against my family, where at that time did not know it is not my family but rather my kidnappers, and they said if you help us we will help you get papers, I refused to help them so they pulled the legal papers that I had temporary from me and forced me to live additional 14 years as an illegal alien in cooperation with the Lawyers that was supposed to help me from the offices of International Institute of Connecticut that was supposed to help refugee and they were working with the FBI against me, and the FBI was working with the evil CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum that was owned by the British government and the British government is owned by the English royal families and they own at least the entire north East of USA, the so called “New England” which consist of the following US States: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Also, they own New York, and that is why it is called New York, because York is a city in England, but these are only a portion of what these evil people control. Evil because any one brainwash another person, enslave them, rape them and use them for their own benefit, then it is 100% slavery and there is nothing more evil in our lives than slavery. In short after they repeatedly and severely brainwashed me by forcing me to live on the street then with a pastor family then on and off in homeless shelter, while using dogs to scare me and destroy my self-confidence, preventing me to work in IT, many employers refuse to pay me my salaries, forcing me to work for 5 US Dollars an hour, where I had to work 12-14 hours just to have enough money to pay the rent, that became a severe brainwash to enslave the mind and force the mind to concentrate on survival and forget everything else, after a while a person forgets and gives up, especially when these evil people use telepathy. This is BP-British petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND = Germany + USA + UK using their power to enslave innocent people for their own personal benefits and for the destruction of heir victim, they do the same all over the Middle East and also I in many parts of Europe!

2.          15 Years as illegal alien, 15 years living with a whore that make me want to throw up/puke/vomit each time I just think of her, 15 years of a filthy smell and sight of this whore 15 years I was just working to feed and provide for these criminals = 100% slavery by force of National Evil Security!!!

3.          During the entire time I was confined to work as a freelance consultant (as a mean of hidden slavery and to prevent me of complaining, otherwise I would be arrested as an illegal alien, this is how criminal psychopaths are in the American evil government) for certain handpicked companies that only toyed with me and planned and performed brainwash tactics, while blaming it either on me or on members of my fake family that were around me and performed very damaging actions against me such as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and his evil lookalike and hidden son or brother of King Hussein and one of at least these 2 evil lookalike named Nick Naggar, my fake sisters Fadia Nagar, Suhair Bdeir/Budier and Afrah Abokurah/Afrah Najjar, my fake cousin name Hani Baroudi that came to Houston, Texas in September 1991 just to prevent me of getting free, Texaco that created several brainwash situations or blackmail situation while forcing me to believe that they were helping me, Chevron that made their best effort to destroy my self-confidence while training my mind not to advance in life by firing me just because I went to a Microsoft convention and told them in writing one month ahead of time, Shearson Lehman brothers (went bankrupt because they steal people’s money) that created a situation to make my host the pastor family fear for their lives as long as they helping me, Shearson Lehman and brothers at that time was owned by American Express. American Express Travel Related Services firing me for the same reason as Chevron, and within approximately the same period of time as Chevron incidence, while they were just in the next building of Chevron, in Houston, Texas where they fired me because I went to an IT exhibition in Houston for one lousy afternoon, here too, I gave them a written notice one week in advance and they did not reject it, and the list goes on and on for 15 years, these criminals psychopaths terrorized my life, prevented me to advance in life to not make enough money and be free. Even Koch Industries did similar thing but in a more gentleman manners than the others, that is if there is anything gentleman in persecution and brainwashing others, some employment agent hired me for his client and did not want to tell me who is the client except when I arrive and they send me a plane ticket from Houston Texas to either Oklahoma City or Tulsa, where the agent was waiting for me in the airport and then drove me 3 hours to Wichita, Kansas, and then took me to Koch Industries, where they somehow were surprised to see me, and the project was for at least 2 years, but they brushed me off with small developments for a week and then said the rest I can do from home and asked me send the developments to them, which it took all in all around 2-3 weeks work instead of 2-3 years. The same happened at the company UtiliCorp United in Kansas City, Kansas, but they were not as gentlemen as Koch Industries, and gave me really hard time and created many very destructive situations to destroy myself confident. And this repeated for 15 years. Meaning the BP-British Petroleum and their allies were sending me to companies where either member of my biological family owned, worked in or they were members of my fake family that had fake identity as Syrian

4.          In summer 1999, they separated me of my fake son, persecuted me with telepathy while making sure I know it is telepathy and not imagination, scared the life out of me by among others using very destructive scare acts, such as lifting my upper body and forcing it to lay down and up very fast and very violent, creating a lot of red spots on my legs that was hurting me as if I get 50 bites of bees or other insects, but there was no insects, I even repeatedly purchased for the apartment a so called insect bomb, where you place them in the apartment, activate them and leave the apartment for 24 hours, then any and all insects will die no matter where they hide, I placed at least 2 bombs in each room, including  kitchen and bathroom, but I did not see any dead insect, I purchased anti-insect spray for my skin, it did not help, I asked many for help, including the church, but they all looked at me as if I making things up, at the end I just wanted to run away and did not know where to go, because where ever I go they do the same to me, so I went and lived in the airport to leave the entire country, but they did not allow me, I protested for days on the street in front of the immigration office in Houston, Texas with big signs let me go let me free, at the end I was placed in deportation prison and brought to the Netherlands, where I was re-brainwashed and locked up for another 13 years between prisons, jails and refugee camps between Netherlands and also Germany, where the Dutch forced me to go to Germany illegally, until the Germans issued an entry ban against me in 2001 or 2003, and they lifted it in November 2018 backward dated to 2014.

5.          Now I am 67 years old, have nothing, they literally stole everything from me, from profession, to friendships to money to furniture to photos to girlfriend that I loved and wanted to marry to church and church friends, while they continue to want to force my mind to think that my fake family are either Jewish, or Russians, or Syrians, or Libyans or Turkish and so on.

6.          Companies coordinating and cooperating together to brainwash me through their existing networking either to prevent me to go to the Middle East, to use me to blackmail my biological family, to prevent me of staying in USA and other reasons, yet here and now I am adding only those companies that were directly related to and business partners with BP-British Petroleum: BP-British Petroleum, ARAMCO  (members of my fake family as distraction of BP-British Petroleum), Jordan Petroleum (members of my fake family as distraction of BP-British Petroleum), Texaco Inc., Shell, Chevron, Associated Canvas Products Inc, Koch Industries, UtiliCorp United, Halliburton (CEO became ex-vice president Richard Bruce Cheney = Dick Cheney/Dick Evil Cheney/Dick Johnson Cheney/Dick Willi Cheney/Dick prick Cheney/Dick Manhood Cheney alias mass murderer and psychopath that was trained since birth to become as such, don’t take my word for it look at his resume on ), Flour Daniel, CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium that had many partners including but not limited to  Compaq Corporation and BP-British Petroleum

7.          In July 1998 they get me into the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium and were staging many things to force me to think about Germany. The project IT development was under the control of the American company at that time named Flour Daniel in Sugar Land, Texas and opened an office in Houston especially for this project at 9720 or 9724 Beechnut St, Houston 77036, third floor, just as BP-British Petroleum did with Calypso project and SCS. The project leader, very unfortunately I forgot his name, had a lot of look similarities with ex-USA President George H. W. Bush, they could have been brothers or cousins, and who knows maybe it was this criminal and mass murder George H. W. Bush himself. Later he was spending most of his time allegedly on site in Kazakhstan and Russia and brought a replacement for him with the name Kowalski. This Mr. Kowalski had some look similarities with the second project leader in the project Calypso named Mr. Klein or kleine, while Mr. Kowalski claimed he was living in Europe and in Paris, France and was hired for this project as if he is telling me, you came also from Europe. They staged many things for me as if they knew my past, yet I was not able to think and gather my thoughts at that time and thought of over 200 situations as coincident. In April 1999 I was fired of this project because I started to think strongly about Germany and therewith, they reached their goal. Then everything went fast, among other separating me of the CIA & MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and made it look like as if I kicked her out of my life, during which I believe either they switched the fake son 20% or replaced him later in the Netherlands on 27 December 2002 with another look alike (80%) (Added on 23.9.2021:  Today I strongly believe that my fake son were 2 different persons that exchanged places and one of them is prince Hashim of Jordan, for more details see the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2” under the section of “Multi Personality Disorder”. End of added on 23.9.2021.). Then I was prevented to work, forced to be homeless and had to live in a hotel, which was a part of the brainwash to force my mind to leave the country. I was severely attacked by telepathy and made it look like as if my fake son in cooperation of the family of the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud were attacking me because I allegedly separated of her, but today I suspect that it was members of my biological family but also they planned to separate me of this whore and of my fake son, which they did and in July 2000 I was arrested twice and the second time for 6 months in a deportation prison near the airport in Houston, Texas and on 10 February 2001 brought me by force of the INS, FBI and the municipality of Houston, Texas to the Netherlands to keep me locked up for additional 13 years and then kept me busy for additional 3 years until I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 and started to file written complaints. Here are some of the partners of the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium: Russia, Kazakhstan, Omani governments, Chevron Corporation, Mobil, LUKoil, Royal Dutch Shell and Rosneft. BP-British Petroleum joined the consortium in 2003. For more information see and (Added on 23.9.2021:  a few months ago I noticed that they have falsified the history of the CPC project as it is mentioned in other pages.  End of added on 23.9.2021.)

8.          I was locked up for 13 years in the Netherlands and then 3 years I was severely persecuted and forced to move around from Bellingwolde to Amsterdam in Netherlands, to Brighton in the UK, to Kerkrade in Netherlands, to Harrow London in the UK, to Assen in Netherlands and in September 2014 I decided to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of these persecutions by the Dutch government (that locked me up for 13 years in first of all ), the Dutch Royal family and all the foreign embassies that many of them are located in Den Haag/The Hague, yet I had no money for a repeated relocation and had to start to save for it. Today I am thinking how connected Netherlands with the 2 projects is that repeatedly destroyed my life: Calypso in 1980s and CPC in 1990s, and here are the connections that I found between the Netherlands, my pasts and companies that persecuted me:

8.1.           Calypso project had the Dutch Philips

8.2.           Calypso project was officially trading technologies for hostages, and there were Dutch hostages involved

8.3.           It is very possible that the whore agent that the CIA enslaved me under in 1970-1977 and named Anita Disbray is originated from the Netherlands, because I had an indication, but it was not enough to be fact

8.4.           BP-British Petroleum is a big partner with the Dutch Shell, and both are owned either in the hidden or officially by royalties, also British royalties are involved in Shell

8.5.           Many members of my fake family are hidden royalties from Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and therewith they are also members of the government and government partners also with the Netherlands but also business partner with them

8.6.           The Dutch Shell is partner with ARAMCO and Jordan Petroleum, and both set me up very badly

8.7.           The Dutch Shell are partners with Chevron, Chevron set me up at least 3 times

8.8.           The Dutch Shell are partners with Texaco and had marketing joint venture with Texaco, Texaco set me up. Texaco was purchased by Chevron, but not the gas stations

8.9.           The Dutch Shell are partners with Koch Industries, and I was set up by Koch Industries

8.10.      The Dutch Shell are partners with Flour Daniels, Flour Daniels set me up very destructively

8.11.      The Dutch AIVD is partner with the CIA, MI6, BND, and Al-Mukhabarat in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and each of them set me up very destructively

8.12.      Philips is business partners with some members of my fake family and with the project Calypso

8.13.      The Dutch government is a big business partner with Compaq Corporation (was purchased by HP), and Compaq Corporation set me up very badly in cooperation the FBI and the INS in Summer 2000 as preparation of forcing me to leave the USA, 2 months later I was in deportation prison for 6 months and thereafter I was delivered to the Netherlands

8.14.      The way I was brainwashed in Netherlands between 2001 and 2003, showed me that the Dutch government knew everything about my past

8.15.      The way I was forced to be locked up between 11 February 2001 and summer 2012, shows that the Dutch government are trying to hide something and protect the fake identity of others but also cover up for BP-British Petroleum that brainwashed me, enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA in cooperation with the CIA, MI6, BND and members of my fake family and most probably covering up for kidnapping me as child in 10/11 January 1960, faking my identity to Syrian and taking me to Egypt as fake Syrian and ever since I have been severely mistreated as described within my complain pages. (Added on 23.9.2021:  I forgot to add that the Dutch government was 100% covering up for the criminally insane ex-US presidents George W. Bush and locked me up during his entire presidency, not to forget that he is 100% a hidden slave and is absolutely stupid and mass murderer killing countless people to steal Iraq but also Afghanistan was 100% planned and they needed a reason to invade it, and there with the bombed the World Trade Center on 11.9.2001 to have a reason to steal Afghanistan, and it is already stolen, even after the current US president Joe Biden pulled out all troops out of Afghanistan, these psychopaths would never leave a country once they went in there, they were 20 years in Afghanistan, and during this period they have 100% installed countless fake families like my fake family and how they installed them in Cairo, Egypt between 1960 and 1968, but also how they also installed fake royal families in Jordan and Saudi Arabia just before or after the second World war or possibly it was just after the first world war. It is just as they did in Egypt, officially there was a revolution in 1953 through a military general in Egypt that later became president named Gamal Abd Al-Naser but he was through and through working for the English royalties and the Rockefeller families while lying to the Egyptian that he freed them of King Farook that was installed by the British, yet the British never left they just have now different identities as Egyptians and this they have been doing since they did the first time in USA in 1780 and pretended to be American fighting their selves because they noticed that the opposition against them is getting out of their control = psychopaths and deceiver and con people = Afghanistan is not free for more information on Afghanistan not being see the page “Conclusion” under the section “Afghanistan is not free of Americans and British!”. End of added on 23.9.2021.)

9.          This point is 100% related to BP-British Petroleum and members of my fake family that are related to them, but it needs a bit of explanation enable to understand it, be patient because it is longer than I wanted it to be. In August 2006 I was taken to the refugee Camp in the village Dokkum in Netherlands, during which they continue to brainwash me and force me to write about my past, and later forced me to place all my writing on the Internet under the website(s) with the title “Wanted” on each page and forcing me to create a page about each individual I ever get to know in my life, how I get to know, what is my relation to him/her, married or not, children profession and so on, and this to each person also of his/her family members. Therewith it will look like as if I am voluntarily doing that, where everyone can read it on the Internet. On 28 February 2008, the Dutch Immigration in cooperation with their slave, brainwashers and mind destructive company called COA-Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers (in English: Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) forced me to live isolated in the village of nowhere called Bellingwolde on the German border, which very much was a brainwash message to me that means “this is as far as you are going to get to Germany” which was one of hundreds of other sadistic brainwash to force me to complaint and continue to write. In this isolated village many very destructive and tortures actions were performed upon me, among others not allowing me to have a regular good sleep of 8 or even 6 or even 4 hours on a daily basis, because some nasty person or persons were always waking me up using telepathy shortly after I sleep. And therewith they also continued to force me to write on the website but this time they were forcing me to write about things that does not concern me, I am not interested in, while forcing me to literally attack every royal family everywhere in Europe and the Middle East, attack many government members in various countries and so on. And this to make me look bad while corrupting the complaint I am writing that they forced me to start in the first of all. One of the things I discovered is that my middle fake sister named Afrah/Mona Najjar/Abokurah is not only not my biological sister, but also is not the same evil fake sister that went with me to Egypt on 10/11 January 1960 and I never saw her prior to that. To make it short this fake sister was working in the Egyptian TV as a news anchor and other programs as  moderator/announcer/anchor, they even had her photo in the cover page of a very famous Egyptian magazine in end 1960s or begin of 1961, I believe it was the magazine  Al-Musawer (the photographed), and as the title under the photo they had the text “Open the TV to see this beauty!”. The TV was new at that time and without any doubt whatsoever it was established by Americans and/or English royalties, because in the test phase they had almost 20 hours per day American cartoons such as Micky Mouse and not Russians or from other countries of the previous Soviet Union, where they were also very famous in cartoons such as the former Czechoslovakia (later it was split in 3 countries), and this I discovered after I was taken to Germany, where the German TV was showing also their cartoons and their movies along with American, British and French programs alongside their own German programs, which I did not see in Egypt, there was mainly American cartoons and American and Arabic movies=American TV. This sister disappeared of my life, allegedly she went to Jordan to help her sister Suhair Bdeir to give birth to a daughter named Reem Bdeir/Budier alias Princes Haya double or both are one and the same person (Note added on 23.9.2021: Princess Haya of Jordan is 12 years younger than Reem Bdeir/Budier, in other words they are not the same person but rather Reem Bdeir is most probably her older sister and almost identical look, and since I published that, is my complaint pages and most propaby the cause of her divorce, and if this is true, then her husband named Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was most probably her slave because Reem Bdeir had telepathy and this is the pattern in my life, just as it is by ex-USA presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump, how do I know that, is because I was a hidden slave and I can spot one when I see one in addition to the situation he/she are in, in this case 2 women with telepathy exchanging places to control him and he is a top politician in the UAE-United Arab Emirate = they own UAE just like they own Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other countries in this region that has anything to do with petroleum or natural resources! End of note added on 23.9.2021 ). My fake sister Moni Afrah Najar never came back of this trip to allegedly to Amman, Jordan, and I was told she get married to Mr. Abdelghani Abokurah and stayed in Amman, Jordan. Then I was sent to Jordan in 1967 for a summer vacation and for the first time in my life I saw her, where I was there 3 months. During which I was tricked in Egypt by giving me a cookbook of my fake sister Afrah Najar that she allegedly left behind, and I was to give it back to her in Jordan. And therewith they forced my mind to think that Mrs. Abokurah is my original fake sister. What can I say, they are very efficient in brainwash? When she went to Jordan, she left many of her belonging, but it was disposed of and were not sent to her, except this cookbook that she allegedly handwritten it, and then sent it to her through me. I may add that 2-3 years earlier my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budiet came from Jordan to Cairo, Egypt for a visit and did not take anything with her of her alleged sister belongings. Today I strongly believe that this fake sister either never left Egypt and continued to live in Egypt but elsewhere, or she left Egypt to somewhere else because Mrs. Abokurah alias Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar is 100% not the same sister as from 1960. And while I was forced to live in the isolated village Bellingwolde after the year 2008 and was often waken up shortly after I sleep, often I was forced to look at photos on the Internet that did not concern me, and one of these photos was a Greek princess named Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece. And was forced to write about her as if she was my fake sister Afrah Najjar, which she was not, even though they had a few similar facial features but age wise there was a big gap, simultaneously writing about the son of Onassis and his alleged brother (but it was not his brother) and wrote some more about other Greek. During that period, I had a lot of problems with dentists in that area, and I do not mean one, I mean over 10 of them that were either refusing to treat me or giving me a totally and on purpose a very bad and painful treatment. Therefore, I was always looking for a new good and honest dentist and was asking around (for more info see the page “Slavery in Netherlands”). Suddenly a school colleague, the school that the immigration forced me to visit named Noorderpoort College allegedly to be integrated=brainwashed, but it was nothing else than a severe brainwash, and this incident it was one of them. This school female colleague, originated from Thailand named Titi (nick name), coincidently or not she was also my neighbor, she came up to me and said this is a good dentist and gave me his address, and I went to that dentist that was 2 villages further in a village named Scheemda. Please note some of these nasty dentists has telepathy and can force their victims to anything they want and I cannot defend myself against telepathy, this dentist was located as the only dentist in the village Scheemda at least at that time and had several dentists one of them that treated me or mistreated me was Greek named Dimitrios Loakeimidis, he was allegedly new in Netherlands and did not speak Dutch (which very much force me to question how can that be?), he forced me to think that I need to pull all my teeth out, and I had no chance to say no, I even went to another dentist at a local hospital in the village of Winschoten and this Dutch dentist, said to me If I am you I would visit an additional dentist for a third opinion, because I think this suggested treatment is not necessary. But I was forced to ignore him. This nasty and Nazi dentist named Dimitrios Loakeimidis and his nasty and Nazi colleagues forced me to think that this must be done and forced me to agree and gave me an appointment, during which he allegedly prepared already 8 or 10 anesthetic syringes, he gave me the first and waited and tried to pull out the first tooth and I screamed that you can almost hear it in the next town, I felt that he was taking my entire head out, and he said sorry that hurt, let me give you another anesthetic syringes, and tried again, with absolute the same result, he allegedly prepared these 8-10 syringes to take out my fully healthy teeth, they were 14, the others I lost during the lockups between USA, Netherlands and Germany from the year 2000 to current, where they said they cannot treat my teeth, they can only pull them out=sadistically mean and vicious torture in these jails, prisons and refugee camps. To make it short, he gave me all 8-10 syringes, and nothing changes, and during this torture he was able to pull out only 2 teeth because I was always screaming and pushing him away, there was 100% no anesthetics in these syringes, it was 100% water, it was a scare and torture tactics to force me to think that he was revenging for the Greeks that I wrote about. Please note, that the Greek royalties are 100% British royalties close related, and the current husband of the queen Elizabeth is German origin and also prince of Greece. In the end they forced me to pull out all my healthy teeth in the hospital in Groningen, where these savages also in Groningen did not prevent this fake diagnosis, which makes them 100% criminals and Nazi. In short, they wanted to force me to be scared to complain, please note they brainwashed me by force to complain and then did not like my complaint and forced me to attack others that are not involved such as Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece and the Onassis family. Who placed me in this evil village and forced me by law to live there? The Dutch Immigration and their destructive company called COA that they use as a tool to brainwash innocent refugees as they did to me be between 11 February 2001 to Mai 2012, then in summer 2012 I was forced to relocate to Amsterdam and they made it look like as if I am doing it voluntarily, but I had no other choice. In matter of fact and today and based on how they treated me and treated hundreds of other refugees, I know that they have agents or even locals in the village Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda and Veendam that get paid to brainwash refugees and concentrate on some more than other, as they did to me these savages. What does this have to do with BP-British Petroleum? I was crying out loud and complaining about them and the project Calypso and that I never want to leave Germany but that these criminal brainwashed me, enslaved me under the CIA & MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore named Najlaa Mahmoud ad then kidnapped me to USA by force to a country I always disliked to go to because what they did to me in the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich between March 1970 and Summer 1972 during which they enslaved me under the control of their very sadistic CIA agent named Anita Disbray for 7 years, that in the hidden continued ever after even in Netherlands because I discovered that the CIA and the American government perform a 100% illegal activities, plural with capital “S” in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and with the project Calypso also in Syria and most probably also in Lebanon, and most definitely also in Germany and this in cooperation with many British companies such as BP-British Petroleum. How much more sadistic can this company and their evil network be! The most important point here is also to force my mind to blame everything on Jewish and the Jewish state Israel as distraction of the BP-British Petroleum, the MI6 and CIA. And the only reason I know for fact it is the evil BP-British Petroleum and MI6 and CIA that were doing all this to me and much more since 1969 and not the Jewish, is because the members of my fake family are also hidden members of the Jordanian royal family and the Jordanian royal family was 100% established by the British royal family and that is a fact that no one can deny, and also the British who established Israel through the British general named Belfort in 1948, and that is also a fact, why they established Jordan, because they think they own the world and everyone should submit to them. However, the reason that they established Israel is not because they love Jewish and want to help them but rather for at least the following 2 reasons: reason one, they either discovered or helped that countless Nazi were established in the Middle East to help to use their knowledge to control the Middle East for them, and Israel was set there as a backup measure to prevent them to start a third World War. The second main reason is to use Israel as distraction and force all the neighboring Arabs to blame Israel for every ting in their lives, because all the major governments in the Middle East were constantly lying to the population and saying all the money is going for your defense against the evil Israel that want to conquer the world, which is a true lie and distraction of the money that are being constantly stolen by many members of the government and this from Saudi Arabia to Jordan to Egypt and the rest of the Arab world that is and until today is 100% controlled in the hidden by UK, USA and other European countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain, France, anything else is a lie. Israel was never the enemy of the Arabs and Muslims; they were only used as distraction. In matter of fact most Israeli live-in fear of being unjustly killed, but also the Palestinian are fighting for their freedom that was systematically stolen of them. This as the true problem and the solution is simple, overcome these obstacles that were placed in our lives and go towards what you think is your enemy and give him a hand or even a hug, because both have at least one thing in common: which is being suppressed! (Sorry I get sidetracked!)


Last but not least, all the above is the prove that the Dutch immigration re-brainwashed me and forced me to be busy with fake situations enable to cover up for the evil and criminal BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND and the members of the project Calypso, but also to cover up for my fake and biological family that I have absolutely no doubt what so ever they know both of them, they are business partners with them, and they are most probably related to them. Don’t think for one second that a country like Netherlands, or Germany or for the matter of fact any other country, would help me, one suppressed and enslaved person since 1984 and be fair and just to me against their partners such as BP-British Petroleum, a very strong partner to the Dutch Shell or even the CIA, MI6 or BND and I also strongly suspect that they helped in 1984 to enslave me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnap me to USA in 1986, because if the project Calypso was trading technologies for hostages, then yes because and to my knowledge also Dutch were kidnapped in that period of time and were held illegally in Lebanon, and therewith there is absolutely no different between the terrorists that kidnapped Americans, British, French and Dutch and kept them hostages in Lebanon, partially for 9 years and the Dutch, American, British and the German governments that all together brainwashed me, enslaved me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me to USA where they kept me as slave for 15 years and then took me to the Netherlands for more re-brainwash and lock ups of additional 13 years, equal at least 28 years and I am still counting!


A onetime criminal in the hidden, is always criminal in the hidden!


Is my fake family Jewish OR Americans & British & Dutch mixed with Nazis, you decide?