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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-




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This page was created on: 30.09.2018, and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


Reedited on 27.04.2021


This page was re-edited and completed on 21.06.2021


Note added on 21.06.2021: The reason I wrote at the top Brain-wash instead of Brainwash, is because the Google translator was translating it wrongly, yet it translates Brain-wash better. End of note.


Note added on 21.06.2021: Since I have written a lot about countless brainwash methods all over my complaint pages, therefore I will not repeat them here. What I wrote in other complaint pages are sufficient to how psychotic are the people I am complaining about, yet in the following pages you can see more brainwash methods and strategies than other pages:

1.                Kidnapping me as child

2.                My fake family the kidnappers

3.                BP-British Petroleum-Part-1

4.                BP-British Petroleum-Part-2

5.                BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-1

6.                BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Verison-2


Therefore, this page is completed. End of note.



What is brainwash?


The simple quick answer

It is a logic/program that is forced upon the victim to live by, act by enable to reach the predefined goal of the brainwasher.


Extended answer

Brainwash is a limited way of thinking that is forced upon the victim enable to force the victim to perform a specific task and avoid other tasks and life interactions!


A simple but real life example that is used quite frequently by specific group of people: You haven’t been with a woman for a long time or never (actually you were prevented to be with a woman for this purpose or you are forced to be with some very nasty women prior to now as a mean to force your mind to like the new one), and then you get to know a woman, that has no family nearby (this is a very important deceive and brainwash point) and that woman/girl tells you that she loves you, but she says that she is involved with someone else of that she is the fiancé of someone you do not know that lives far away (difficult for you to verify) and describes her fiancé as much more capable than you, such as richer or a top official, or a successful businessman and so on, but she loves you and want to be with you for one reason or another (a deceive for the mind) and that she has first to end the relationship with her fiancé before she can start one with you (showing her nobility). Then she makes you see or hear this situation while she ends the relationship with this alleged fiancé. Some people you do not know, or you know only since recently or you know some people since or from childhood, yet they are others (there are good people and others), vouch for her integrity and nobility. Shortly thereafter she tells you she is pregnant of you and you try to do the right thing even though you don’t like her and take on the responsibility, and to make sure that you don’t leave her, suddenly you are in a situation that forces you to run and hide for the safety of this newborn (isolation of your past while wiping off the tracks of the brainwash). Then you are in a new environment, do not know anyone, and suddenly you not only have to start from scratch, but you have so many problems forced upon you enable to force your mind to concentrate on surviving and taking care of this newborn, and therewith you are enslaved and live like that for 10-20 years. Later on, you discover that this child was not only not your biological child but rather you were the lucky one that was selected to raise the child of a famous person or a top criminal, whereby both have the habits of hiding their own children, while kidnapping children, brainwashing them and use them as fake children just in case someone try to revenge on them or kidnap their children for ransom or as a revenge, then it is the wrong child, while the actual child is hidden as your child, and once this child that you thought it is yours, reached a certain age, where you are not needed any more, then they separate you by force by using a scheme to force you to think whatever they want, such as you need to go back where they forced you to leave in first of all for one thing or another or even by letting you know that there was no one persecuting you, or maybe it is your own home, and in doing that you will never see this child again that will carry your name until a certain age, then they will give him his real identity or a different identity, depending on what was planned for him/her, and you will never know where or who he/she is, because the last time you saw him/her he/she was between 12-14 years old and now he/she looks completely different with 20 or 30 years of age. During the entire time they were using you as a free nanny using the money that you worked hard for in the hope that you can build something in your life, even though you really hate to be with this woman, but some people will go through hell for their children and a brainwashed person, has no chance to think because he/she is always under control even in a big city, that turned out for him to be controlled environment. Now imagine that some government agency organizes this scheme and other alike to hide the children of their agents or people under their protection that are liable to be attacked and you are the lucky one used to safe this child, which it is absolutely not your responsibility, nor it is your wanting, nor you were given a choice, yet you were used with all kind of schemes and forces for this purpose only=brainwash to slavery!


And that is one of the simplest brainwash situations I have encountered. In matter of fact, I was used 3 times (each in different shape and form, one of them I know it is true, the other 2 I strongly suspect) like that and I never even noticed it, and all 3 times through a government scheme in Germany and USA, while using me as a distraction decoy, as if I am going around hiding my children!


And here I will be listing some of the brainwash scheme that was used on me between December 1959 and summer of 2016, during which I recognized that the family that raised me were my kidnappers that used me all my life while I trusted them blindly as my family, and I had no chance to get free of them, because they were protected from the background by several governmental agencies, including the CIA and MI6. Later on, when I was not needed any more the government took over the control of my life and locked me up for 13 years in a controlled environment during which they were re-brainwashing me by force and this between the year 2000 and 2016, whereby starting summer 2012, I was not in jails, prisons, refugee camps or forced live in a certain housing in a certain controlled environment in a village, but rather In Amsterdam, yet the brainwash and persecution was so strong to force me to relocate to the UK that I totally lost control of my life. In the UK I was totally iced and was not able to do anything, and had to come back to the Netherlands, where I was tortured for 2 years in the city I lived in called Assen, until I decided to relocate again to the city Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the government that locked me up in first of all for 13 years, but I was still hoping that the Dutch royal family will protect me of these attacks but also to be protected by foreigners that are diplomats in the over 100 embassies and consulates in Den Haag/The Hague. And this I will lay out to prevent that others be brainwashed, enslaved, tortured, raped, and unjustly persecuted and imprisoned!


Note added on 27.04.2021: There are all kind of brainwash methods and schemes, it is all depend on what these criminals and psychopaths’ English royalties + Rockefeller + Bush, Jordanian + Saudi Arabian royal families are planning on using this hidden slave for. And I will list some of these criminal brainwash schemes and strategies and their purpose that were performed upon me from 1960 to current in 2021. End of note.


Note added on 21.06.2021: Since I have written a lot about countless brainwash methods all over my complaint pages, therefore I will not repeat them here. What I wrote in other complaint pages are sufficient to show how psychotic are the people I am complaining about, yet in the following pages you can see more brainwash methods and strategies than other pages:

1.                Kidnapping me as child


2.                My fake family the kidnappers


3.                BP-British Petroleum-Part-1


4.                4M-BP-British-Petroleum-Part-2.htm


5.                BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Verison-2


Therefore, this page is completed. End of note.