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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-

I want justice, a list of justice


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This document was created on 27.08.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page is about my vision of justice or what I consider suitable justice for all the hidden slavery and destructions forced upon my life from 10/11 January 1960 and until 1 March 2016 where I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government, and the many embassies in this city!


This justice it will never replace the vacuum of my lost biological family, my friends, my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, my actual home, or preventing me to build my own family based on a woman that I love and have children with and raise them with her, learning to build something beneficial for me and my community and much more, yet I will use the received justice to fix any damage caused to others by those I am complaining about that are similar to the damages they did to me, and they are countless!


Note: I thought I will be able to write this page to be under 50 pages, but it turned to be more than 100 pages, sorry about that, but as you will see, it contains valuable information about severe destruction and brainwash in the name of the law of Germany, USA, the UK and the Netherlands!




List of Justice demands

1.     Justice through the Dutch government

2.     Justice through American government

3.     Justice through Saudi government + Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia + Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia + Houston, Texas, USA

4.     Justice from the unknown evil parents of my fake son, that I suspect them to be related in one way or another to ARAMCO

5.     Justice through the FBI

6.     Justice through the CIA

7.     Justice through MI6

8.     Justice through BP-British Petroleum

9.     Justice through the Syrian government

10.Justice through German government

11.Justice through Siemens AG

12.Justice through American military EES-European Exchange System and the CIA

13.Justice through the family Bdeir/Budier in Jordan for forcing their nanny to pretend to be my sister Suhair

14.Justice though the family Abokurah of Jordan for forcing their nanny to pretend to be my sister Afrah that disappeared in 1961

15.Justice through the Family Malas in Jordan

16.Justice through the family of the Hashemite the royal family of Jordan for forcing upon me a fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that I suspect to be the son of King Hussein and an MI6/CIA agent in Egypt and else where

17.Justice through the family of Al Saud, the royal family of Saudi Arabia that placed me within the fake family Baroudi and caused me countless torture and sufferings for many years

18.Justice through the villages + city: Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda and Veendam in the municipalities Bellingwedde (Westerwolde), Oldambt and Veendam

19.Justice through the dental professionals that tortured me in Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Veendam and Amsterdam

20.Martini Ziekenhuis (Martini Hospital) in Groningen, Netherlands for failing to prevent torturing me and covering up for pulling my teeth on 24 July 2011

21.Justice through the COA that conspired with IND and Stichting Welzijn in Winschoten to enslave me, torture me and force me to write the Wanted website that theoretically and practically ended my professional life, social life and everything else while causing me severe mental, physical, social, and professional destructions between 2001/2008 and 2016 even now and into the future

22.Justice through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth Church in Unterschleissheim / Lohhof, Germany

23.Justice through the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

24.Justice through the Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip Church in, Bissonnette Street, Houston, Texas, USA

25.Justice through the Magnuskerk (in English: Magnus church) Protestantse Gemeente Bellingwolde (in English: Protestant Congregation Bellingwolde) in Bellingwolde, Groningen, Netherlands

26.Justice through Free Masons and in particular through Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany

Where to send the justice

Check list of received justice

What am I going to do with this money?

Win-Win Conclusion






In this page I am asking and demanding for justice through financial means, which can never coverup my human loses because it is just like human losses (through natural or unnatural death), but also human loses is never measured by finances. For me it is a mean to turn something bad and make it something good. No more and no less. Just as they say in USA: if you get a lemon, then make juice out of it, whereby in USA they consider anything bad that happens to them, also bad luck, they call it “I got a lemon with this product or service”, and they love lemon juice with ice, while I hate lemon juice. The first person that told me this saying was Mrs. Diana Stevens the wife of Pastor Jack Stevens in the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, but they lived in Fairfield, Connecticut. Today I understand that they were used to help in keeping me isolated and locked up in USA until my temporary passport runs out then I cannot leave USA and there with I be locked up in USA with no rights what so ever, which is principally the same trick my fake family in cooperation with the CIA and MI6 did to me in 1970 in Germany by using different methods, yet absolutely the same strategy, by forcing me to apply for political asylum that was never approved during which I was not able to leave Germany and also during which they lured me in March 1970 by force of a very destructive and sadistic setup to the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich to prevent any Arab to come near me or anyone else in matter of fact, then enslaving me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that had Social disability or socially handicapped and had telepathy and caused me severe mental destruction for 7 years, while in Bridgeport they were forcing me to continue to be enslaved under another whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that had also Social disability or was socially handicapped or pretended to be and also had telepathy that had 100% 2 lookalikes that exchanged places with her, and one of them was 100% Saudi Arabian woman, the other I believe she was a CIA/MI6 agent and actress and the wife of another major actor that was hired to be and look like a leader (führer) of one of these countries: Saudi Arabia, in this case it is ARAMCO related, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and who knows maybe even kingdom of Jordan. The CIA and MI6 manage for their hired actors that play the role of leader of these evil hidden slavery situations.


The damages that these criminals caused me is not measured by money, alone that they twice destroyed my relation to 2 women I really loved and admired, once in 1972 with a young lady, very unfortunately I forgot her name, that I really started gradually to love because she helped me see things differently and showed a lot of interest in me, above all, I had no logic and no intelligence because 12 years earlier they caused me total amnesia and ever since prevented me to learn anything what so ever, to not allow me to build my own intelligence and think, but rather to live for what I am given=hidden slavery. This young lady was most probably one of 2: agent for BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (in English: Federal News Service, German version of CIA) or agent for BKA-Bundes Kriminal Amt (in English: Federal Crime Office, Germany version of the FBI) in Germany and I get to know her through a setup sometimes late summer of 1972 directly after the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics in 1972 where the PLO killed many Israeli sport participants, and since my fake family in cooperation with the CIA and MI6 set me up to look like I am related to top terrorist in PLO enable to give the CIA and MI6 a reason to isolate me while pretending to be checking me out. In Germany, the authorities were setting me up after each major terrorist attacks that happened in Germany, which was quiet often to see where my alleged terrorist connection from or was.  And this young lady was allegedly a nurse in a hospital in Munich-Schwabinger Krankenhaus, and I was setup to go to the hospital, and it was naturally love from first sight, and I had no chance to resist her, because this young lady was not socially handicapped and most probably had no telepathy. What did she do that I fell in love with her so quickly? She went out with me to places other than American military base. She invited me in the circle of her friends, possibly were also agents, above all she took me and introduced me to her parents that I believe lived in Kaufbeuern, a small city around 80 KM west of Munich, Germany, and I was really impressed with how she was dealing with me, which was the first time ever I get in a circle like that. Yet after a couple of weeks they forced me with telepathy to cry, and this after we came back from a nice dinner evening, and she asked me why are you crying? I said because I miss Anita Disbray, the whore agent that the CIA & MI6 enslaved me under since around 20 August 1970 and until September 1977, then she left, and I never saw her again. I had to fall in love with that young lady nurse, because she was really nice and also very good looking, above all she was around my age, but the look was not what impressed me, all other things by integrating me instead of isolating me. If I am right and she was BND or BKA agent, then most probably I would have lost her anyway after she completed her mission, but she was not allowed to complete her mission, because it will expose the evil organized crime institutions CIA & MI6. You would think that the MI6 listen to and follow the CIA, but it is vice versa, see BP-British Petroleum-Part-3 page to understand why MI6 has the upper hand over the CIA. If this young nurse lady was an agent, then this would be the 2nd or 5th time that I have been setup by BND or BKA since 10.10.1969, and was setup several times, or better said, to me it was more like countless times thereafter because I really cannot count them, also between 2001 and 2012 or at least until August 2006. And one of these setups was possibly Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, whereby, Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka fits more the profile of the evil CIA & MI6 because of 2 things only: 1-I get to know her through another agent that is possibly also working for BND or CIA named Mohamad Attar that pretended to be my friend and he was forced upon my life in the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich in around the 4th quarter of 1970. 2-the evil CIA and MI6 uses a standalone whore woman, except Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka was not a whore. Standalone whore women, meaning they have no roots nearby (or pretend to not have any as protection of their evil families), are foreigner to prevent their hidden slave, me, of getting free through marriage or through help of the family and friends of his woman that is originated from the local city/country and that is fact, because all the whores they set on me had these characteristics, and they were: Esmat Khodari in Egypt that I get to know only for a few months in 1969 possibly end 1968 enable she can claim that my lookalike who took over my place is me and not an evil foreigner from USA or UK over Saudi Arabia or Jordan and then over Syria to have the same fake Syrian identity as me. In other words, Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka had no one beside her daughter nearby, her alleged foster parents that took care of her after the alleged orphanage, named Sommer lived allegedly in Berlin, 500 KM far, and never seen them. But also the CIA & MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray was allegedly from England and claimed not to have anyone in Germany, the CIA & MI6 & BP-British Petroleum whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud claimed that she had no one in Germany or USA, yet she had more relatives in USA than I can count, that helped her to keep me enslaved under this bitch’s control, and from the background the CIA and possibly also the FBI helped her dramatically.


When I think of the women mentioned above with the exception of the nurse and Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka I want through up/vomit, because this is what these women were a vomit of the CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum, in my life to cover up for their crimes in the middle East and elsewhere in USA and Europe, for more details of their crimes see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2 + Part-3, but also what they did to me since 10/11 January 1970.


On the other side when I think of the nurse mentioned above from 1972, I really fill in love with her, among others because I learned of her in 2-3 weeks more than I learned in 22 years of the CIA & MI6 whores agents Anita Disbray and Najlaa Mahmoud combined, and this because she had no telepathy, but the other criminal whores had telepathy that they used to force me to things I do not want, these stinky criminals, I still can smell them and I feel like want to go to the bathroom to clean my nose of their disgusting smell!


And with Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka in 3.5 years I even learned more than through the nurse but not by much!!


All other crimes against me are listed all over from kidnapping me as child on 10/11 January 1960 and until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague in March 2016!


Yet, and to make it easier to understand, here are some of the major damages and torture these criminals performed upon me:

1.        Prior to 10/11 1960, Kidnapping me as a child of my biological Christian family, or pretend to be Christian while thinking of their selves as Gods due to their controlling roles

2.        Prior to 10/11 1960, separating me of my identical look twin or even triplet brother, or sister, or brother + sister

3.        Prior to 10/11 1960, mutilating my upper left leg by creating a mark through burning the skin with a very hot object that melted the skin and burned all the hair cells as shown in the photos within the page “Twins, lookalikes and doubles”. This round mark on my upper left leg with 3-centimeter diameter was to differentiate me of my twin or even triplet brother, because the third is possibly a female, and no need to differentiate a female twin of a male twin!

4.        Prior to 10/11 1960, Mutilating my genitals by circumcising me as a slave for multi-purpose brainwash, to make me look like as if I originated of a Muslim or Jewish family, and since they performed that prior to causing me total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960, which will also force my own mind to think I have been born within this criminal family that pretended to be my biological family since January 1960, but also to prevent me of bringing joy to women that I am having sex with or even having joy of the sexual intercourse, because the foreskin is gone and therewith there is nothing to protect the penis of the heat that is generated through the repeated rubbing during the intercourse and therewith I cannot control the ejaculation timing and would ejaculate in under 30 seconds, whereby with the foreskin, I could control the ejaculation for 2 or even many more minutes, and that in itself is a severe crime and irreparable corruption of my genitals that I have to live with all my life. As a hidden side effect, I never knew of women ejaculation until I get to know Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, and learned through her how to deal with this genital corruption/mutilation, this mean and until 1981, where I was 29 years old, I was 100% prevented to understand sexual intercourse with all its details, which is the most natural acts in our lives, but also one of the most important things in life!!!

5.        On 10/11 1960, Causing me man-planned and performed total amnesia

6.        On 10/11 January 1960, placing me within a fake family that consisted of various American and British agents originated from the UK, USA and Germany while brainwashing me to believe that they are my Syrian biological family since birth

7.        On 10/11 January 1960 to January 1976, preventing me to learn anything to avoid that I advance in life, build my own intelligence and make money, which are the basic ingredient for freedom

8.        On 10/11 January 1960 to 15 January 1976, forced upon me fake identity, fake history and fake memory to show as if I am originated from Syria, and everyone with me is from Syria and every one that will follow us to Egypt after 15 January 1960, is also Syrian as distraction of CIA, MI6 agents that possibly or even most probably used Saudi Arabia as proxy for thousands or hundreds of thousands of agents, that goes to Saudi Arabia and then to another Arabic country with fake identities as Arabs get a prearranged fake identity of this country and then go to the destination country, such as it was in my case the country Egypt, but I also see a trail to Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and as far as Nigeria and South Africa, using fake identities from these Arabic countries, in my case it was Syria

9.        15 January 1960-10 October 1969, using me as a multipurpose decoy as if we are all originated from Syria, while they all had telepathy and I did not, therefore the Egyptians with telepathy can read my mind and find out what is in my history, whereby it was all fake history forced upon me and I was able to verify it as fake starting 2010-2016!

10.   1965/66 to 1969, planning and performing of rapping me multitude of times by men and disgusting smelly women as a mean of brainwash to prevent me to want to think about my life in Egypt, but also to find any woman that they in the near future enslave me under as an angel compared to these criminal rapes, such as the CIA and MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray

11.   1966, setting me up to look like I am related to drug lords in Jordan that use Lebanon and Syria to plant their illegal drugs and use Jordan airline that they control to transport among others none-stop to New York under the protection of MI6 and CIA and my fake family as described in the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”.

12.   10.10.1969 in Frankfurt, Germany, set me up to think  that the new man they introduced me to s if he was the same old boyfriend named Mohi Sabri of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, that very possibly was a twin brother or a very lookalike cousin of ex-vice German chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, just one difference that I can think of is that Mohi Sabri had brown eyes and was approximately 20-25 kg over weight. But this man in Frankfurt was not Mohi Sabri and looked completely different than Mohi Sabri, from skin color to height, Mohi Sabri was taller and after than me, this man was much shorter and much skinnier than me

13.   11.10.1969 in Munich, Germany, set me up to relate me to currency falsifiers in that they gave me in Egypt a few hundred US Dollar bills to hide in my shoes to not be confiscated by the Egyptians authorities in Cairo when we fly to Germany, and then get them out in the bank at the train station in Munich, Germany, where they arrest me and my fake mother because it was fake money, and let us go a few hours later. This was supposed to give the CIA the reason to take me over for further investigation, but it did not work, yet I believe that they set agents on us, immediately thereafter

14.   10 December 1969 to 15 January 1970. Taking me on a brainwash trip through 8 countries partially with the car from Germany to Austria, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey and then Syria, thereafter to Joran, Lebanon, Egypt and back to Munich, Germany after 35 days to implicate me as follow:

14.1.              I am already implicated to be related to counterfeit US Dollars as mentioned above

14.2.              In Sofia, Bulgaria I strongly believe that my fake mother exchanged places with a lookalike in a very odd setup, and therewith made me look like as if I am related to Russians spies because Bulgaria was a member of the former Soviet Union. Today I know that the lookalike was nothing else than another evil CIA and/or MI6 agent that was exchanging places for one reason or another. And I have many situations in my life that shows me that some agent from Germany was persecuting/following us on this brainwash trip and most probably noticed the exchange, because he himself was a CIA/MI6 agent, and this situations related to this exchanged repeated in my life again in 1976/77 in Unterschleissheim Germany after I was set up to become Christian, but also during my employment by Siemens AG from 1978 to 1981, but also as my fake mother allegedly went to Moscow to visit her alleged diplomat brother named Jalal Baroudi, and came back to Munich, Germany behaving as if she is Russian in around 1981/1982. The CIA + MI6 + BND  + BP-British Petroleum set me up  in December 1982 to 24 December 1984, and thereafter and dragged me by force to an illegal project called Calypso to brainwash me and enslaved me under one of their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then blame it on their client the Syrian government that was purchasing from them or they were giving it to them for free an American satellites computer system to control all their borders and to control the Syrian population, and this can only be performed with the approval of the evil commander and chief of the American military that was at that time ex-US president Ronald Reagan and ex-US vice president George H. W. Bush. This whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that these criminals enslaved me under pretended to be Jewish and originated from ex-Soviet Union. But also, in 1988 the FBI set me up in cooperation with the company Dun & Bradstreet’s headquarter, among others to relate me to Jewish and Russians

14.3.              To implicate me as if I have top connections to top leaders of PLO-Palestine Liberation Organization that were performing countless terrorist attacks on Germany and many other countries starting around 1964 and until 1990s, where they replaced PLO with Al-Qaida, in that they issued a fake PLO ID for me in Syria allegedly to be able escape Syrian government of drafting me to the military and with it I was able to go to Jordan allegedly to fight Israel with PLO on the border between Jordan and Israel, then in Jordan they get me another Syrian passport to go back to Germany to apply for political asylum and tell them how I escaped Syria with the PLO ID that was arranged by my uncles which alarmed the German authorities to persecute me unjustly as a potential terrorist suspect

14.4.              Refreshed relating me to drug lords as mentioned above by forcing me to go to Lebanon for a couple of days in January 1970 and visit these drug farms, not knowing at that time it was drug farms owned by the families Bark and Azrath and exported by the families Abokurah, Bdeir, Malas, Baroudi and others under the protection of the CIA and MI6. As front these criminals used tobacco farms and tobacco factories in Jordan such as Riem/Reem or Philadelphia

14.5.              To implicate me as if I am related to hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 such as Jameel Baroudi in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well as Mr. Abdelghani Abokurah in Jordan and Germany, Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Dr. Basam Baroudi and others, whereby some of these hidden Nazis are actual hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, that were integrated in the Middle East by the US government through the CIA and the British government through the MI6 to use them to integrate their Nazi strategies in the Middle East as a mean of mass brainwash and control of the Arab population, just as they brainwashed many nations in Europe throughout 1930s and 1940s. Others were the children of these hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that were born in Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and other countries of Africa, and that is why they have a lot of lookalike of their cousins or even hidden brothers and sisters that were born in Germany and elsewhere in Europe!

14.6.              The combination of the above gave the CIA priority of taking over the control of my life of the German government, because Germany was at that time still 100% under the control of the so called allies of the second world war, which were from the west side, former West Germany: USA, UK, France, Netherlands and others, while from the east former East Germany was controlled by ex-Soviet Union. This created many paradoxes in my life because the Germans were desperate to get me into their own controlled environment each time a terrorist attacks happens to see what terrorist connectiona I have, while the CIA and the American military as well as the MI6 were blocking them, and therewith, and even though I was living in Germany, yet the CIA and MI6 had to 100% a total control of my life in Munich, Germany, during which they performed upon me severe damages through mental and physical torture, but also rapping me over and over again by forcing me to live under the control of their whore agents such as Anita Disbray and Najlaa Mahmoud

15.   Setting me up to become Christian, among other to get me to be in a controlled environment, which was the small city Unterschleissheim that at that time had a population of 5 thousand, today maybe 20 thousand or more. And that explains why the church where I get baptized tried their best to get me through a specific system of a re-brainwash enable to force me to see things that I did not see and or did not know, but they knew, which is that many members of my fake family were hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, yet I did not understand it at that time, or maybe it was just an act to place it in my mind that they at least tried but was allegedly prevented. This setup was also meant to give my fake family a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam enable they can remove me from Germany to USA to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family in USA that some of them were also, and very unfortunately, hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 living in USA either from before end of the second world war or after it, and there it was where I was born as a Christian and was not circumcised

16.   The German authorities persecuted me by setting me up each time a major terrorist attacks happens in Germany, which made my life to hell, and today I know at least one of these set ups was or were and as I am coming back from a weekend trip from outside Munich and back to Munich and on the way back the authorities blocked the entire highway just to make sure I feel the fear to understand terrorism to possibly go voluntarily to them and spell my  guts out on my terrorism connections, which was a setup by the CIA and MI6 and I never saw it, and in this setup they stop all the cars on the highway, to check the ID of the passengers, during which at least 4 policemen standing around the car and pointing their machine guns at my car, while other policemen were checking the IDs and even though I went through a couple of these unusual sudden checkpoints  yet and each time it scared the life out me. I believe I was in 2-3 of these setups, and I thought that the German Highway is unstoppable! But also there were many other setups performed by them from small ones in a few minutes to larger ones that took several years such as making me fall in love with Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka for 3 and half years as distraction of the church and my new friends in the church that I really loved, today I am positive that a couple of them may have been BND/BKA agents, CIA agents and MI6 agents, and I can guess who they were, but I will leave it out, while most probably the BND agents did not know that the others are MI6 or CIA agents, or they knew because they then finally and after 7 years of failing investigation by the CIA and MI6 to get any terrorist information out of me (they did not fail, they were pretending to investigate me while in reality they were isolating me by force of evil laws), they then agreed to create one big investigative environment, which was the church and my new friends at the church, with the condition that the CIA and MI6 also integrate their own agents, and that would explain why pastor Herbert Lange is a very lookalike of Mrs. Barbara (Pierce) Bush, the wife of the ex-US vice president and later president George H. W. Bush, very unfortunately, there were at least 2 more persons at that church that I link to the Bush family, which makes these specific church members that are related to the Bush family, were set on me, at that time the ex-US president George H. W. Bush was the CIA director in 1975/1976, and his relatives were either Americans living in Germany because they were ex-American military in Germany since the second world war and thereafter retired in Germany or British origin that were brought from the north or they are 100% German, which makes the Bush family British agent and/or member of the ex-German royal family = in any case 100% a hidden Nazi, and that would explain their destructive behavior in the Middle East!

17.   December 1983 to September 1986, Setting me and dragging me to the illegal project Calypso, where the BP-British Petroleum, is covering up of the Nazi Bush family and their relatives in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and Bahrain, where also my fake and part of my biological family lives and operate under the protection of the CIA and MI6, that worked closely with BP-British Petroleum to brainwash and enslaving me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Syrian, then Greek, then Jewish, then Russian and then all of them kidnapped me by force of brainwash and telepathy to USA

18.   Setting me up and destroying my relationship with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, while make me look bad and making her even look worse and responsible for many bad things that were done to me in reality were performed by the evil BP-British Petroleum as described under the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2 + Part-3

19.   September 1986 to June 1999, rapping me repeatedly with this disgusting whore Najlaa Mahmoud and her 2 lookalikes, while preventing me to leave her

20.   September 1986-September 1987, setting me up in cooperation with Nick Nagger, the lookalike of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, and  Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, the German consulate in New York, the International Institute of Connecticut to lose my temporary German passport and be illegal alien in USA for additional 14 years all in all locked up in USA for 15 years and I cannot leave this evil country, that was once possibly my birth place prior to 10/11 January 1960

21.   Countless time set me up by FBI and CIA, whereby often I notice that they are working against each other’s, and other’s times working together

22.   Setting me up countless times by ARAMCO, Chevron, Texaco and their subcontractors including Associated Canvas Products Ins, in Channelview, Texaco, American Express Travel related Services in Houston, Texas, Koch Industries in Wichita, Texas and others, whereby all of them, except Texaco, however BP-British Petroleum and their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and her 2 whores lookalikes that were exchanging  places with her or her lookalike that was the actual biological mother of my fake son, and therewith allow her to spend some times with him, or to allow the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud to have a vacation of keeping me as slave and to go to be with her lover or actual husband. In other words, these criminals hired a nanny for their son and brainwashed me to think it is my son and used me as free distraction father, and believe me, these criminals do that a lot!

23.   June 1999 to 10 February 2001, separating me of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and my fake son, re-brainwashing me by among others using telepathy and making sure I understand that it was telepathy, which scared the life out of me and I did not know how to escape it except leaving this slavery city called Houston, Texas and the entire slavery country called USA. Then was set up by my attorney named William F. Harmeyer that was set on me in 1995 especially for this purpose, and delivered me indirectly and directly to INS to be locked up in June and July 2000 and deported out of USA to the Netherlands on 10 February 2001, while forcing me to believe he was working for my fake Muslim family by leaving a small hidden trail that only I can understand, he was with no doubt a criminal attorney and he broke the law by not only failing to help his client, but also for doing the absolute opposite and damaging his client. Today, I think, and based on this traitor attorney named William F. Harmeyer, and based only on his acting behavior, that he must be related to Rudy Giuliani!!

24.   11 February 2001 to 29 February 2016, I was delivered by force to the Netherlands to be locked up for additional 13 years, during which I was repeatedly brainwashed and re-brainwashed and forced to be relocated to over 30 refugee camps, jails and prisons all in all and including other areas nearly 60 times. During which between August 2006 and April 2012 I was forced to write down my entire history and then publish it on the Internet with information that does not concern me or it is about group of people that have nothing to do with me nor they interest me nor I knew of them prior to this time= brainwash in combination with telepathy force. Mai/June 2012 I was forced and allowed  to relocate to Amsterdam, whereby the brainwash and persecution intensified while simultaneously in January 2013, I was awarded the Dutch Nationality, just to force me to relocate to the UK in Mai 2013 and send me on a mental torture tour from Bellingwolde to Amsterdam, to Hove, UK, to Kerkrade, Netherlands, to Harrow, London, UK, to Assen, Netherlands. In September 2014 I was desperate and in need of protection of all the severe telepathy attacks as well as the brainwash setups and the repeated forced upon me relocation, that amount to over 100 times in my life time and decided to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family and the Dutch government as well as the many foreign embassies

25.   1 March 2016, I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague, where I get unexpected and hidden financial help of the Tax office to integrate, thereafter it took me one year to understand what happened to me in the last a few years, and I sent many apology letters about the wrong and bad information through the forced upon me website named “Wanted”, but also sent many complaint letters to all those responsible for setting me up, brainwashing me, rapping me, kidnapping me and using me as a multipurpose decoy. I Sent over 100 letters of apologies and complaint letters, I received a handful response, either telling me that I am nuts or denying everything, therefor I decided to go to higher authority, which is the public with these complaint pages


List of Justice demands

The list below contains only some of those who planned and conspired by misusing their position in the government or other institutions to harm me and did harm me in many and very severe ways as partially described above but also within my entire complaint pages, and above all it is also described below under each individual demand for justice!


1-Justice through the Dutch government

Dutch government located in the Hague at various buildings downtown The Hague,


I was escaping USA to go back home to Germany where these criminals kidnapped me from, but also hopped to be able to reintegrate myself within my old friends and girlfriend, but some of them conspired with the government to re-brainwash me, which they did just that in a most destructive and vicious way, during which I was tortured and even I had since April 2002 refugee status as accepted refugee, yet they would not allow me to leave the refugee camp because they were brainwashing me, and there with the IND broke the law and kept me locked up until April 2004 in several refugee camps and often forced me to leave the refugee camp through unspeakable setups. Alone between 11 February 2001 and until April 2004, this is where they forced me to live: Amsterdam airport Jail, prison for refugees outside the airport but in or around Amsterdam, prison for violent refugees or even suspected terrorist in Hoorn, refugee camp in Haarlem, refugee camp in Gilze, refugee camp in Zweeloo, refugee camp in Ter Apel, refugee camp in Apelscha, refugee camp in Zwolle in April 2004, where I was forced to see my accepted refugee status since April 2002 as useless and not to bother with renewing it because I cannot go out and work and live free of all these brainwash in their own controlled environment, and therewith they forced me to be again an illegal alien where they even pushed me in more refugee camps and more jails and prisons, enable to force my mind to see what they wanted me to see, which I really did not want to see.


And therewith they not only locked me up and forced me to live where they want me to live, but also caused me a severe disrupted mental status where I was angry, sad and very disappointed of all the findings but also of all the torture that they performed upon me such as forcing me to leave a refugee camp and sleep on the street or forcing me to go to Germany illegal until the German government or the municipality of Munich banned me of ever entering Germany again, not mentioning separating me of the fake son that they were using against me and from 27 December 2002 and uninterrupted until at least August 2003 were they separated us by force, because they new he was not my son, and I gradually after 2007 started to recognize that he is not only not my biological son, but also not the same person as the one that was forced upon me on 26 march 1986 and until 1999 then I was severely setup to lose him in September 1999 and then I saw him a couple of times until last time in around June 2000. And on 27 December 2002 he allegedly came to Holland to be a refugee with me, but he is not the same person as before and I did not recognize that until after 2007.


Also, where the IND (Dutch immigration) forced me to live in Bellingwolde from 28 February 2008 and until Mai 2012, I was severely tortured either through not allowing me to sleep or by pulling out all my teeth or by torturing me through giving me the wrong dentures that caused me pain in my mouth mostly severe pain while injuring me inside my mouth that bleed and was swollen on the inside, and they did that on purpose through their evil networking and  this even continued in Amsterdam and Assen, until I started to try to fix the denture myself some times in October of 2014 and was able to fix them within 10 minutes with a tool I bought from a department store named Action for 5 Euro, and ever since I stopped going to fix my denture even they were crooked and not suitable for my mouth, yet at least they do not hurt me anymore, which led me to know for fact that all dentists and denture technicians that I was forced to visit and ask for help in the evil villages Bellingwolde, Winschoten and Scheemda were networking together and torturing me that the inside of my mouth was always scratched and bleeding and this from spring 2008 to October 2014, I believe I went to more than 20 medical profession to help me with these pain that they were causing me on purpose to prevent me of thinking while revenging on the website that these criminal forced upon me in the first of all. The website named “Wanted” that was forced upon me in the refugee camp Dokkum in after August 2006 and until April 2012, and that is why the IND (Dutch Immigration) forced me to live in the village Bellingwolde totally isolated between savages that torture who ever is marked to be tortured and to be brainwashed. Then blame it on Jewish because there was, I guess, a lot of Jewish living there and had a very visible monument in for all the Jewish that were killed there by Nazi after the Nazis invaded Netherlands. Very unfortunately today I have 50/50 guess who biological family are, they are a mixture of English royalties and Nazis ex-German Royalties and that would explain why the IND forced me to live between Jewish that were severely torturing me. So much for the good Dutch in Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Veendam, Assen and even in Amsterdam where I filed a complaint against the dentist evil women that were torturing me, and the hospital that was supposed to investigate that just added more to my burden, by getting a dentist that looked to 70% like my evil fake brother-in-law Seef Aldin Bdeir/Budier of Jordan the alleged brother of Mohamad Ali Beir/Budier that practically control all major business in Jordan, from electric company to telephone company to water company to engineering company to instruction company to instruction material company and much more, and therewith they were forcing me to believe that my fake family in Jordan are Jewish, no matter what you do to me this fake family is an organized crime family originated from the UK and USA, anything else is a lie.


I have several requests from you as followings:

1.     Therewith and alone through all these brainwashes and torture from 11 February 2001 and until a March 2016, it is just fare that the Dutch government pays me 5 Million Euro (Five Million). Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others!!!!

2.     I want my real identity back. I know that you know who my biological parents are and therewith my biological family. I also know that you know that I was not born in Syrian but rather kidnapped after 1 January 1960.  Therefore, please tell me who my biological parents and family are or at least confirm or uncheck what is in the page “Is this my biological family?” and if I was born in Netherlands and was living in Netherlands prior to 10/11 January 1960, then this means the AIVD was involved in my kidnaping in on 10/11 January 1960, therefore I request a full pension as if I was working in the Netherlands since 15 January 1970. The Dutch citizenship I have already since January 2013!!!

3.     If I was not kidnapped from the Netherlands on 10/11 January 1960, then Please and accordingly adjust my retirement pension to start on the day you started brainwashing me at the Airport of Amsterdam on 11 February 2001.


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


2-Justice through American government

The American government members conspired several times against me in Egypt, in Germany, in USA and also in Netherlands, by among others using their hidden CIA mixed with MI6 mixed with Jordanian royalties, Saudi Arabian royalties and UAE royalties, but also using the American military in Germany to severely brainwash me, torture me and enslave me by force of brainwash and telepathy under their whore agent Anita Disbray from 20 August 1970 to end of September 1977, and that was not enough they also added a very nasty fake brother and lookalike of my original fake brother, which makes them aware of my entire history since kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960, meaning they and in cooperation of MI6 planned to kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 from USA to Egypt over Syrian where they forced upon me a fake Syrian identity and placed me within a fake family consisted of 16 adult agents and 5 children as described in the pages “Kidnapping me as child”, “Kidnapping me as an adult”  and “My fake family the kidnappers”!



That was not enough, they also conspired with the evil BP-British Petroleum to kidnap me to USA and used the lookalike of my fake brother and the family of their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, and the International institute of Connecticut with their director name Mrs. Myra Oliver to help to re-brainwash me between Fairfield and Bridgeport, Connecticut from end of September 1986 to end of September 1987 to force me to be enslaved under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud while forcing me to be an illegal alien with absolute no rights what so ever.


And that was not enough they also used the FBI in cooperation with several companies to terrorize my life and force me to think that my origin is Russia and/or Israel and/or Turkey just to create a confusion in my mind and history to cover up for their evil agents as described in the page “Kidnapping me as a child”. Some of these companies that literally terrorized my life in cooperation with the FBI: Dun & Bradstreet, Spectrum Computer Service (was an FBI fake company that had only 4 employees the owner that I saw once and his office was a large ware house, the FBI agent named Allen, an Indian alleged PC consultant named Sanjay Gupta or Kupta), Westport Publishing in Westport, Connecticut, Preferred Management Services, I strongly suspect to be also an FBI agent with fake identity name Bil (with one “L”) Kimes in Houston, Texas, Gulf Systems in Humble north of Houston, Texas, the Congress project to audit the nearly or over 1000 (one thousand) bankrupt banks (for more information see the article on Wikipedia under (and I was assigned to Gibraltar Savings in Semi valley California), Compaq Corporation Headquarter in Houston Texas to brainwash me and force me to blame everything on Syrian by forcing me to send faxes from Compaq offices to several Syrian consulates and Embassies blaming them for my situation (100% telepathy control) and a few others, while others such member of ARAMCO, Chevron, Texaco, Koch Industries were setting me up right and left to either use me to blackmail others or force me to think that I am Russian Jewish.


And that was not enough, they also used me to blackmail many of my biological family that were living in over 12 states or even 16 states, during which I was lured there for an alleged job, then I was severely attacked and was unwanted in these cities and states, which were: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Colorado, California, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and a couple of others.


During this period I strongly believe I was the ball between evil members of the Republicans and the Democrats, and the prove that many members of both parties were toying with my life and using me as blackmail objects is to read in most pages, especially in BP-British Petroleum-Part-3, but also Part-1 and Part-2 and in the page Slavery in USA.


in short, they totally destroyed and destructed my life and whatever I start to build for myself, they even used 3 churches in USA to force my mind to dislike churches and Christianity, and the same was done to me later also by them or their agents between 2001 and 2012 in the Netherlands and Germany.


And for what?


To cover up for their agents that went with me to Egypt in 1960 and thereafter that had one goal only to help KAS-Kill and Steal in Egypt, Saudi Arabia (that they already own since at least 1930s), Jordan, Yemen, UAE, Oman and later Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and again Yemen, why I know that for sure, because these agents pretended to be related to other countless families that already living there since 10-30 years and vouched for them and these families live in these countries!


But also, to force me to raise the son of one of their evil criminal hidden agents in the Middle East, Germany or the UK while forcing me to believe it is my son.


Not to forget I wrote a complaint letter to each member of congress and Senate as well as the White House Administration in around April 2000, which was at that time controlled by ex-president Bill Clinton, and as a result they set me to be locked up for 6 months and allegedly deported to Syria, where they most definitely cannot afford to deport me there, and therefore they brought me to the Netherlands on 11 February 2001 to be locked up for another 13 years.


I have several requests as follow:

1.     I know either Bill Clinton or George W. Bush ordered that I be taken to the Netherlands, I cannot tell who did that, I was locked up in Houston and under the control of the Bush family, while INS (American immigration) is a federal agency ad under the control of the American president and not Texas state, then I was deported to the Netherlands 25 Days after George W. Bush took Office, possibly it was planned from the prior administration, I do not know, one thing I know for sure: they did me wrong and did me harm and therefore I am asking for and demanding from them justice, and it is just fare that the American government pays me 5 Million Euro (five Million). Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others!!!!

2.     I want my real identity back. I know that you know who my biological parents are and therewith my biological family. I also know that you know that I was not born in Syrian but rather kidnapped after 1 January 1960.  Therefore, please tell me who my biological parents and family are or at least confirm or uncheck what is in the page “Is this my biological family?” and if I was born in USA and was living in USA prior to 10/11 January 1960, which is over 99% in both cases, then please give me my US citizenship back!

3.     I was kidnapped from USA, which is 99%, then and 100% by the CIA + MI6 kidnapped me, therefor it is just fare that you pay me additional 100,000 Euro as a yearly salary for each year since my kidnapped date which is 10/11 January 1960, which makes 6 Million Euro (six Million) for the 60 years for kidnapping me and 60 years full of hell on earth that you caused me, from causing me total amnesia enable to wipe my history and language capability of my mind, and then brainwashed me, rapped me, prevented me to learn and advance in life, tortured the life out of me and repeated the process for 17 years later in Germany and repeated the process again in USA for 15 years and repeated the process again for 16 years in the Netherlands through all your nasty and destructive and socially  impaired CIA agents in all these countries as well in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon!

4.     I want my real identity back


I do not want your Dollars or Pounds, you can keep it in your banks, I consider it to be blood currency!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


3-Saudi government + Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia + Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia + Houston, Texas, USA

I know that several members of my fake family are related to you, such as Jawdat Baroudi, Hani Baroudi, Swekeet or Sweeket family in Dharan, where it was the last time I was used as a blackmail object in Saudi Arabia to meet with them in around April 1982, which prompted you to arrange my kidnapped to USA and to use me as a blackmail object of other family members in USA. I also suspect that the evil Farhat Kheir from Oman is related to you, and Elias, the petroleum Engineer in Lebanon is also related to you, because they members of the same family that founded ARAMCO and would never really sell it to Saudi Arabians, because they think all natives are stupid and that is why they choose to create the country called Saudi Arabia in around 1912 and reinforced it after the second World War. In other words that founders sold ARAMCO to their selves to cover up their tracks and evade paying US and UK taxes!


You done me many harms in Germany and in Houston Texas, and this is one of them:

Texaco were trying to help me to see that the woman I was enslaved under had a double, also other companies tried the same but I did not see it at that time, therefore Texaco as my client helped me to get an apartment in the same apartment building as my supervisor (which I discovered later), that today I strongly suspect that he had telepathy, and wanted to help me with telepathy far away of the evil Saudi Arabian whore named Najlaa Mahmoud with her 2 lookalikes that BP-British Petroleum, CIA & Mi6 and my fake family enslaved me under to cover up for you, while using me to raise one of your hidden children that carries my name, which later I realized this criminal practice is often used by you and others. In other words, you used me as a slave in Germany and USA. Back to the apartment. I am positive that Texaco was trying to help me get free, and you noticed that through the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, and therefore you sent the evil Hani Baroudi to block me of being alone in my apartment that I intended to use as an office and to think and see why am I having all these problems. Why you do not want me to be alone? Simple because you knew others will use telepathy on me to force me to see things that you were blocking me of seeing through your whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that had at least 2 lookalikes that exchange places with her to be with her biological hidden son alias my fake son, and that is why I was forced to be in Houston, Texas, USA, then I was separated by force of this fake son in around September 1999.


This is your doings and it has your foot steps and finger prints all over it, because Hani Baroudi stopped me of being alone took over my apartment until I was not able to pay for it and gave him 6 weeks to seek alternatives because I cannot pay the rent any more, and then he went and pretended to be in another state but I am sure he is one of persons in a controlling position by Aramco, but also he lied to everyone and said I kicked hm out and made him homeless, this is also one of the typical brainwash strategies that you use, and I know that for fact because I studied you.


I have several requests from you as follow:

1.        Therefore, it is just fare that the ARAMCO pays me 5 Million Euro (Five Million). Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!

2.        I want my real identity back. I know that you know who my biological parents are and therewith my biological family. I also know that you know that I was not born in Syrian but rather kidnapped after 1 January 1960.  Therefore, please tell me who my biological parents and family are or at least confirm or uncheck what is in the page “Is this my biological family?” and if I was born in USA and was living in USA prior to 10/11 January 1960, which is over 99% in both cases, then please give me my US citizenship back because you were one of the conspirators who kidnapped me in January 1960

3.        You have performed severe torture and damage to my life by using your hidden citizens that pretended to be my family and used me as a multipurpose decoy from January 1960 and at least until 1990s in USA. During this process they have performed severe damages upon me as follow:

3.1.      Kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960

3.2.     Caused me total amnesia to wipe off my past and language capability

3.3.     Brainwashed me

3.4.     Raped me very sadistically by men and women from 1966 and until June 1999

3.5.     Prevented me with all nasty means to learn and study enable they can control my life

3.6.     Beaten me with 3 cm diameter sticks

3.7.     Destroyed my employment over and over again starting as soon as I was setup to become Christian

3.8.     But also setting me up with your stupid agent and destructor of freedom Dr. Sami Assassa one of your long criminal arm in Germany

3.9.     Destroyed my employment at Siemens AG

3.10.              Destroyed my employment thereafter at ADV-ORGA

3.11.              Worked closely with the criminal company BP-British petroleum to brainwash me, and enslave me under BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 and Saudi Arabian whore bitch named Najlaa Mahmoud that had 2 lookalikes that exchanged places with her, and at least one of these whores were 100% Saudi Arabian woman

3.12.              The other woman was the mother of my fake son, in other words you conspired to enslave me as a nanny for one of the women you own

3.13.              These 3 women kept me as slave because at least one of them had telepathy and controlled my life with it and kept me as a slave until the fake son was 13 then I was separated of both and pushed into a never-ending cycle to unjust imprisonment, lockup and persecution until March 2016

3.14.              You conspired to place me within a fake family and I strongly suspect that at that time in January 1960 you conspired to create this fake family in cooperation with the CIA + MI6 + Kamel Baroudi that I suspect him to have been the older brother or even father of Mr. Adnan Khashoggi that was a CIA agent and selling weapons to you while his father was the private medical doctor of the king in 1950s and 1960s, and I strongly suspect that the older brother or father of Mr. Adnan Khashoggi played the role of my fake grandfather named Kamel Baroudi with another whore woman named Samiyath Khayat (Tailor/Taylor) that pretended to be my grandmother. I never seen him ever in my life prior to 1962 or 1964 as he came to Cairo pretending to want to take us back to Syria then he allegedly died in 1967/68! And his whore wife named Samiyath Khayat, also I never seen her in my life until possibly 1967 in Amman, Jordan and then again in Summer 1975 as she came to Germany representing you and ARAMCO to conspire to set me up to become Christian enable all of you can have a reason later to persecute me, brainwash me and enslave me under one of your own whore women named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnap me to USA whole pretending to be removing me from Germany to avoid that I see my church again but in reality to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family, and ever since I went from one hell to 2 other hells whole forcing me to raise one of your evil children under fake identity, my identity=identity theft


Who are these criminals that were also Saudi Arabians citizens and most probably are also the founder of Saudi Arabia and ARAMCO, or at least their families, here there are:

1.     One of the lookalikes of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, she had at least 2 lookalike that exchanged places with her

2.     My original fake sister Fadia Najar, that I strongly believe that you conspired with the CIA + MI6 to send her to Yemen in 1962/63, while she was pretending to be a Syrian married to Egyptian pilot and she then disappeared, while her husband I strongly believe was murdered to cover up for her lookalike that was raising hidden Saudi Arabian children living today in the UK with their nanny alias the lookalike of my original fake sister that still pretend to be my sister

3.     My original fake sister Afrah Najar that also disappeared in 1961 and was 100% related to you and was later in 1967 replaced with another lookalike named Mona Abokurah/Afrah Najjar that today lives in Washington D.C.!!!

4.     Conspiring with the CIA + MI6 + the Jordanian hidden royal family that officially are related to you to add a fake brother to my life named Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar

5.     My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that is was officially and in my presence a law consultant for the ministry of interior, while I strongly suspect him to be related to the official Saudi government while also is a member of the English and ex-German royal families

6.     Hany Baroudi, the son of Jawdat Baroudi that persecuted me to death in USA to prevent me to getting free of the whore that you + the CIA + MI7 + the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum enslaved me under on 24.12.1984

7.     Mr. Mamdoh Baroudi and Jameel Baroudi (both allegedly cousins) that both in the hidden are Saudi royal family members

8.     Faihaa Kheir and her evil brother Farhat Kheir that are brother and sister, while one is in Oman and the other is Jeddah Saudi Arabia Married to Saudi and pretending to be Syrian

9.     The Bdeir/Budier families that own a very large construction company in Saudi Arabia and in every petroleum country around Saudi Arabia, from Kuwait to Oman, that were working on the Port’s Authority project and are not only your business partners but also relatives that you conspired to use one of their nanny named Suhair Bdeir/Budier to pretend to be my sister as distraction of all the criminals mentioned above that tortured my life in cooperation with the CIA, MI6 and many others

10.Dr. Basam Baroudi the official son of Mamdoh Baroudi and alleged cousin of Jameel Baroudi that also is between Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Germany

11.My fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi alias a hidden English Royalty and member of your family and along with his children performed severe damages upon my life

12.At least one of the 3 whore that exchanged places as Najlaa Mahmoud in Germany and USA is from Saudi Arabia

13.Most probably the 3 children of Najlaa Mahmoud that also went to USA disguised as Syrian are also Saudi Arabians, while her forth is in Australia working directly or indirectly for you!


Not enough all of the above, here is some more torture and brainwash scare tactics:

1.        Arresting me in Jeddah Airport in around 1981 and forced me to pay 3000 Riyal=stole of me and then pretended to want to take me to Hajj to mecca by force of police that dragged me by force to another terminal to place me on a bus for Mecca for an alleged forced pilgrimage, in reality was a scare tactic to prevent me to want to come to your slavery country called Saudi Arabia

2.        Pretending that all the persons mentioned above are poor and living less than the dogs that walks all over your city streets in Jeddah and Riyadh

3.        Set a whore woman on me Named Saieda that was allegedly from Tunis and forced me using their agents in Saudi Arabia and Germany to think I love that whore while using her to push me in at least 2 brainwash setups as scare tactics to prevent me of ever to come back to Saudi Arabia, in that she came to my hotel room for sexual favor paid in the hidden by you, while taking me out in Jeddah and hold my hand in presence of a police man that immediately came to us, as if he was waiting for us and hit us with the back of his rifle and said hand holding is forbidden and against Allah (God), I know it was all an act just to accumulate bad situation in my mind to force my mind to never want to come back to this country as protection of my fake and most probably also biological family in Saudi Arabia that are related to you, to the Jordanian royal family, to the English royal family and their hidden relatives in USA alias the founder of ARAMCO, several major American petroleum companies and above all the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum. And that was not enough you made me look through this whore Saieeda as if I am related to PLO that at that time was headquartered in Tunis. How did I get to Know Saieeda: on my flight from Germany to Jeddah using your Saudia, Saudia Arabian airline, not to forget that the Jordanian Airline is also controlled by my fake family Bdeir/Budier + Abokurah while the Egyptian Airline  was also controlled in the hidden by your or at least your network and the prove is Esmat Khodori that was also was forced upon me in Egypt to cover up for my twin that is possible also Saudi Arabian citizen + American + English + German and this Esmat Khodori was the niece of the CEO of Egypt Air in 1968 and I get to know her through the lookalike of my original fake sister Fadia Shawki that was married to Afaf Shawki and you conspired with the CIA + MI6 to send her to Yemen in 1963/4  and then replaced her with another that now lives in the UK, and you set and sent this whore Saieeda to force herself upon me while flying from Germany to Jeddah on your plane, while some asshole on the plane with telepathy was forcing many thoughts upon me and in Saudi Arabia all of the above-mentioned criminal helped from the background in all these setups? All this to separate me of my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and show as if I am in love with so called-Arab women and simultaneously connected to PLO, not in your life time. You make a very bad name for Arabs and Muslims!

4.        Above all that, and as mentioned above you blackmailed  Siemens AG and ADV/ORGA to let me go, in other words to lose my job through indirect firing= severe brainwash and systematic destruction of my life as highlighted in more details through the entire website, but also persecuting me with all these nasty Syrian military Intelligence officers that were working on the project Calypso as mentioned in the page “BP-British Petroleum-part-1” just to cover for all the criminals mentioned above that were related to you and your business partners!

5.        Last but not least your evil relative and partners in Jeddah such as Faihaa Kheir, forced me using telepathy to eat 2 kg Saudi Halwa within a couple of hours, which usually and very possibly would kill a person to eat more than 10,000 (ten thousand) calories just as start to force me to gain weight to cover up for my twin that took over my place in Cairo Egypt after 1969 and I have no doubt what so ever that he also related to you and to all of the above mentioned criminals because this continued as follow:

5.1.     Your relative Mona Abokurah alias Afrah Najar + Abokurah family + Bdeir/Budier family did similar thig to me on my way back from Jeddah to Germany where I stopped for a week to see my sisters in Amman (fake sisters, not knowing at that time that they were my fake sisters), Jordan alias your relatives and business partners in Saudi Port’s Authority and other businesses such as Petroleum and construction, not to mention other illegal activities such as illegal drugs

5.2.     After you helped in enslaving me under your whore Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984 that had telepathy, she also and with telepathy force, forced me to be overweight, cause me to have a sickness in Bridgeport, Connecticut, which was double hernia, where I had absolutely no reason what so ever to have one hernia despite 2, and then all of the above mentioned including ARAMCO in Houston, Texas forced me to go to a hospital that they own and have a surgery through one of your evil slaves doctors that was Turkish origin as distraction of you, and he totally corrupted my body enable to make me not look like my twin, then they even and over night forced me not to be able to see properly in 1991/92, not gradually but literally overnight and I had to get eye glasses, not contact lenses but glasses, which totally altered my look as follow: I have a mustache my twin does not. I am over weight by 35 kg my twin not. My waste up looks like a ball on 2 sticks, because of the destruction of my look in your evil hospital by your evil surgeon in Houston, Texas, USA. I am waring eye glasses my twin not, and in Winschoten, Netherlands your stupid slaves that attacked me severely and disfigured my cheeks and pulled out all my teeth and therewith and in no way anyone can relate me to my twin, or even triplets, whereby you are very efficient in producing mass twins, triplets and quadruplets as a mean of brainwash and confusion to the general public

5.3.     Not enough all your ARAMCO Criminals that some of them are mentioned above by names, whereby they always have several identities and several names, they forced upon me several sicknesses from bleaching my skin to causing me severe pains on my legs as I am sleep or wake me up in the middle of the night with this severe pain where I wake up screaming of the pain, which all in all was disturbing my sleep and making me be tired the whole day not able to concentrate, and this from 1991 to 2000  to attacking my skin with telepathy that felt as if 20 insects were biting my legs simultaneously, which forced me to behave very oddly such as using several times anti-insect bombs during which I have to be 24 hours of my housing to always carrying anti insect spray and constantly spraying my legs, but nothing helped to going for 8 years to dermatologist to treat the skin bleaching while the dermatologist said this is contagious, yet neither my fake son had it not the whore bitch Najlaa Mahmoud that all of you conspired to enslave me under on 24.12.1984 to force my mind to think that this is because I allegedly became Christian in 1976 based on the setup that was planned by you all. Not to forget that one of the 3 whore Najlaa Mahmoud(s) was socially impaired (retarded) just like most of the persons mentioned above and this based on their behavior that no one will believe that some one will come up with these ideas and perform them on an innocent person. Even no one in my forced upon household in Houston, Texas was infected with this skin disease, yet the other socially impaired (retarded) Suzanne Khodor the alleged daughter of the socially impaired (retarded) your whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, had also this disease and she delegated me to a dermatologist that was working directly or indirectly for you, and both of us had to go there from 1991/1992 and until 1999, but then I was gone and pushed away out of USA and I took the disease with me to the Netherlands, yet and in Netherlands all of the above sicknesses disappeared without any treatment what so ever and in the first week after landing in the Netherlands, except the skin disease it took 2 weeks to disappear also without any treatment what so ever=telepathy torture. I even forgot another major sickness that started around 1998, that these nasty criminals forced upon me, they often waked me up in the middle of the night and I cannot breath and after a few minutes it goes away ad one time at 2 in the morning the same thing happened to me, but it did not go away, and I had to drive to the hospital at 4 in the morning, and they claimed that I have asthma. You do not get asthma overnight it is genetic or through an accident or through a severe bad pollution, and neither of these was around me. So, I was forced to believe this crazy hospital and take the prescription of not only one spray but rather 2 spray that I had to use after each other’s and within 1 minute. And this sickness stopped immediately in the Netherlands=these criminals forced upon me these fake sicknesses as a mean to stressing me and to force me to be without concentration and wasting my money while these lair doctors and hospital made money out of me, because I was not able to afford a health insurance that would have costed over 700 US Dollars monthly for my household

5.4.     All the above torture was not enough, they then forced me to be homeless on 10.10.1999 to force me out of USA to prevent me of ever seeing my fake son or my twin or all the criminals mentioned above that were often in Houston because they had business there, had biological families and, 3rd, fourth or even 40th wife, and many of them worked for BP-British Petroleum, Amoco, as distraction of ARAMCO

5.5.     All of the above was not enough they used their connections and agents to torture my life from 11.2.2001 to 2006 and force me to live between over 40 jails, prisons and refugee camps until 28 February 2008, then they used their other nasty connections and criminal network to torture my life while I was forced to live in the evil village Bellingwolde and the municipalities Oldambt, Bellingwedde, while the municipalities Veendam forbid me to work even though I was allowed to by law, just to perform more damage upon me and force me to write the website named wanted with totally wrong information, while forcing me to attack people I love and companies, families and countries I do not even know nor they have anything to do with me, but also attack Jewish, Muslims, Christians and others, just as these criminals did to me in Houston, Texas USA where they severely brainwashed to spit on the floor each time I see a person that looks anything like Muslim, which also stopped as soon as I landed in the Netherlands. And during this process in Bellingwolde they severely tortured me, by not allowing me to sleep, created a severe swelling on my both cheeks and the evil doctors in Winschoten that were networked together to brainwash specific refugees as they did to me, they severely tortured me with my teeth and pulled them all out=even altered my look more than before and this in the Netherlands. Between 1999 and 2016 I was always walking like a zombie and cannot concentrate because of the attacks, but also because I was always tired because of lack of good sleep or pain that these criminals caused me with my teeth and later with very bad dentures from 2008 and until October 2014 until I bought a machine that works on battery to fix my denture myself and ever since I stopped going to these criminals and I have no more severe pains as these criminals caused me day in and day out during the above mentioned period, even where I was forced to relocate to the UK from Mai 2013 and until Mai 2014, they did the same to me, and I purchased a new denture where it was the same as before, I complained and they never fixed it, I went to purchase another denture in another city and the same problem=Networking + evil misuse of telepathy to force the denture technician not to repair my dentures, and therewith I was spending at least 10% of my times being busy with dentures for 6 years, and that conspiracy for persecution and torture while misusing networking and telepathy


Therefore, it is just fare that you: Saudi government + Port’s Authority + ARAMCO pays me additional 75 Million Euro (Seventy-Five Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, kidnapping, rape and slavery from 1981 and until 2016, not to mention kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 and making my life to hell ever since. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


You can keep your Riyals up your bank account, because it is a blood, brainwash and suppression currency!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


4-Justice from the unknown evil parents of my fake son, that I suspect them to be related in one way or another to ARAMCO

I know that you are related to ARAMCO, because at that time ARAMCO headquarter was in Houston, Texas, USA. I know that you are so crocked that you believe that you are Master and everyone else is your slave!


You helped kidnap me from Germany, I believe you may even own a couple of Restaurant in Munich, one of them is higher up class Greek.


All I can say to you is 2 things:

1.     In the name of everyone, thank you for the experience, because now everyone knows it

2.     You need help, mental help, I know a good dentist and a good village for you that will really take good care of you and feed you until you through up/vomit: Bellingwolde, Scheemda, Veendam, Winschoten and Assen


Therefore, it is just fare that you pay me 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for raising your son and having disgusting smelly sex with you and with the other 2 whore lookalike of you. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


5-Justice through the FBI

FBI Means Federal Bureau of Investigation, located at J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.


You persecuted me severely, caused me sever life damage and helped to keep me enslaved under the whore Najlaa Mahmoud, while helping to brainwash me to force my mind to think that I am allegedly from a Jewish family out Russia, the Dun Bradstreet setup in 1988 showed that, which really also was confirmed by the BP-British Petroleum, ARAMCO, CIA and MI6 whore named Najlaa Mahmoud that suddenly and while I am being forced to live in Bridgeport, Connecticut from April 1987 to December 1990, she starts to buy meat only from Jewish Kosher butchers and force upon me a new Jewish nasty (nasty because he was helping enslaving me under her while forcing my thoughts to think I am Jewish origin) businessman named Mr. Scott Shields the son of Susanne Shields that owned a higher up women clothing store in Westport, Connecticut, then the FBI sets me up with the help of Dun And Bradstreet to be linked to Jewish family that allegedly just immigrated from Russia to USA and allegedly through me she is now also friend of this whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud.


Here is a summary of setups performed by the FBI:

1.     Pre-explanation: Since I was forced to live with my fake brother that was conspiring with MI6, CIA BP-British Petroleum, ARAMCO to kidnap me from Germany to US, therewith I had to live at his alleged house until he forced me to live after 6 weeks, which was a setup to force me to live in Fairfield, Connecticut with the pastor family named Stevens of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church of Bridgeport, and this was sort of a lockup, because no one with telepathy or otherwise can come close to me or even help me, and this was from end of November 1986 to approximately March 1987, where my temporary German passport expired to make sure I never go back to Germany

2.     The pastor Stevens family consisted of him, his wife and 2 sons that at that time I was told they were 17 and 19 years old or around that age. It is farfetched, but it is possible that one of them was either CIA or FBI, because all the official FBI setups mentioned below shows that they knew I am coming before even I came and were prepared for me, I do not know how, but they did

3.     During this period, I was desperate to find a job, and did not really recognize that I was 100% living in a controlled environment and that the church was helping keeping me locked up, very, very, very unfortunately, either with their knowledge or without their knowledge of the family Stevens. In my search for work that was totally wrong and was just killing my time until my temporary German passport expires, I went a few times, maybe to 5-6 times to job interviews, and I believe these interviews were pre-planed possibly by FBI or CIA. 5-6 Job interviews from end of September 1986 to March 1987 is much more than little or a few

4.     This is a very silly situation, but it is very important. In One of these interviews I was in New York city. I went there with the train.  On my way back I went to the train bar carriage for a drink, I get to know an Afro-American that claimed about himself to be the vice-dean or dean of the university of New York city or New York State, and now he too is looking for a job. Then I met him again also allegedly coincidently on a trip to New York, and since I met him twice at different timings, I had the though it is not coincident, he is an FBI agent, and I have absolutely no idea why I thought so, I had little  to no knowledge about the FBI, I just knew them of Movies that were forced upon me in the American military base from 1970-1972. Today I know that was by far too little to suspect him to be an FBI agent, whereby I had absolutely no reason what so ever to remotely think about FBI or similar agencies, because I was enslaved under the control of this whore agent, therefore I strongly suspect that someone with telepathy forced me to think so and I went to the pastor Stevens, my host, and complained to him, he called the man, and invited him to his house and asked him why are following Nuzhat, he said I am not following him, I met him twice coincidently, and the pastor said, but he thinks that you are FBI, and he replied, but I am not an FBI agent, here is my ID. Anyway, then he said but we can still be friends, common I invite you for a drink and took me with him for a drink and brought me back during which he talked about silly things such as asking me for my situation and why I am here, and then what am doing for entertainment until I have success, where entertainment was last thing on my mind, because for over 3 years I did not understand what I am doing and now I am here in USA, which was the last place I wanted to be in, while I was missing my home in Germany, my friends and my church in Germany and above all my girlfriend that the evil BP-British petroleum planned to destroy and did 100% destroy my relationship with her in order to enslave my under their whore Najlaa Mahmoud. I never seen him after that, one thing I understand today, some persons were able to read my mind and see what I think and what I feel and were trying to get these thoughts away of me. Maybe this man was really FBI and forced upon me the thought that he is maybe FBI to see my reaction, or some evil person was preparing my brain to stay away of the FBI, I do not know, or just to scare me that someone is following me, I do not know the answer, I just know it is a fake situation and that these were 100% not my thoughts!

5.     Today I know for fact that the FBI was 100% persecuting me for one reason or another, either to help the CIA and distract of them or maybe they really get a copy of my file in Germany, where I was setup by the evil CIA, MI6 and several members of my fake family, including the new lookalike of my original fake brother, and made me look like as if I highly connected to the biggest terrorist organization of all time, and this is not me who claiming that, but the government of USA, UK, Europe, and Israel that was heavily active internationally from 1960 and until it was replaced in around mid-1990, which is absolutely not true I am not connected to PLO, but this is not a part of this complaint page. And ever since I was setup by these criminals to look like terrorist to give the destruction machinery called CIA + MI6 a reason to isolate me, which they did from March 1970 and until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague in March 2016. Isolation is a killer!

6.     March 1987 I was forced by the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, Connecticut to apply for political asylum, which was a part of the long-term lockup through the International Institute of Connecticut that receive 80% of their income from the USA government, and therewith they are no charity organization that helps foreigners, but rather government agents

7.     In around April or Mai or June of 1987, I received a call from the FBI they said you have applied for political asylum and it is our duty to question everyone who applies for political asylum, this is the law. So, they gave me an appointment for this interview. The International Institute of Connecticut or better said my contact person was the director of the International Institute of Connecticut, was an Italian originated woman named Myra Oliver, and she told me that I may receive a call from the FBI for an interview

8.     The appointment was fake but I did not see it at that time because I was totally over stressed, sad, upset for all my loses so far that I did not know how I lost them, such as my home in Germany, my girlfriend that I really loved very much, my friends and the church. Back to the appointment, it was in a restaurant in Westport, Connecticut. The restaurant was directly by a river or water of some kind on a corner between 2 streets and a bridge. The restaurant was totally empty, it had tables inside and outside directly by the water except of 2 tables, one had 2 very muscly large men that were dressing casual with t-shirt and drinking coffee. And the other table had 2 men with suits, as soon as I came into the restaurant balcony, one of the 2 suits stood up and came towards me and asked me are you Mr. Najar. I Said yes and he said I am an FBI agent; my name is Allen (last name forgotten) and this is my colleague FBI agent (name forgotten) and asked me to set. To make it short he said he want to ask me to go with them to a hotel for a few days where they ask me about my family and uncles, and if I help them then they will help me with my political asylum that I be approved. I said and if I do not help you, he said then you will not be approved. I never react well on threats, beside someone with telepathy was controlling my mind and what I say, today I know that for sure. I replied I refuse and do what you want. And this was the first setup to force me to be locked up as an illegal alien for 15 years. Later I asked myself, why the restaurant was empty, and the other 2 muscly large men were dressing casually and drinking coffee, I concluded that they were backup FBI agents! But also, why didn’t they make the appointment in their offices or at least in my home to see how I am living and take a picture for their mind. Today I concluded they want to meet me unofficially and far of the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud that I was enslaved under

9.     As a result of the above meeting the court denied me political asylum and there with, they left it in my mind it is my fault because I did not want to talk about my uncles with the FBI. And when I complaint to my contact person Mrs. Myra Oliver the director of International Institute that was supposed to help refugees and was forced upon me through the church. She said you have no more options, your best option is to keep quite and move of your address and they will never find you, because if we file an appeal then they will arrest you and deport you to Syria. And that make this woman and this church coconspirator with the CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum, my fake brother and my fake family and this without any doubt what so ever, because then I was illegal alien starting September 1987 and until these criminals deported me by force to the Netherlands to be locked up for at least another 13 years between refugee camps, jails and prisons, around 30-40 of them

10.I was living in rent house on the second floor on 277 Queen street, Bridgeport, Connecticut. This apartment I get in the most odd situation. The first floor had a man and a woman that also just moved in either just before me or just after me. The two in the first floor claimed to be a man and his girlfriend and he is a painter while she worked for some beer company possibly Michelob. Today I suspect them to have been agents listing on us and watching us. If I was the FBI and I read in a file from Germany that this man is highly connected to PLO terrorist group I will investigate him directly and ask them what is your connection, but no one ever asked me, they just brainwashed me to think it enable to blame it on my fake family only that are all allegedly Syrians.

11.I cannot remember all the exact dates, but they are all between summer 1987 and December 1999. I was setup with someone Afro-American that was selling alarm, and was provoking me in such away that he can be only FBI, especially that he tried hard to connect me with other alleged Arabs, which I tried to avoid due to the brainwash these criminals forced upon me and this brainwash forced me to be scared of Arabs enable to avoid them and not to talk with them about my fake family and what happened to me and where I was since 1960

12.I was setup to get to know a Lebanese man that was a small supermarket owner, that possibly was working as freelance for the FBI, because he created a situation to scare me enable to call the police and then the police pretended to be my friends and went there and arrested the one who threatened me and told me he will not come out so quick any more, which was to make me trust the police

13.I was forced to work in a gas station as a cashier and after 20:00 hours behind bullet proof glass, some guy that came a couple of times and pretended to be nice and for some reason or another he get so angry and he said I am going to kill you and went to his car and get a shot gun and want to shoot pointing it at me I pressed the panic button and the police was there in less than a minute and arrested him and after an hour or so some police men came back to me, I think with civilian clothing and asked me is this the rifle that he threatened you with, I said yes, and they pretended to be my friends and said don’t worry we will protect you or something like that. That was 100% one of their scare tactics, that goes in the memory and build up to make a human being very scared, shy and insecure while trusting the FBI and Police=brainwash

14.FBI get me a job by Dun Bradstreet I believe it was the headquarter of Dun & Bradstreet at that time at 187 (or 306?) Danbury Rd, Wilton, CT 06897. Here too, they had alleged manager of the department where I was working for 20 Dollars an hour to help them develop Foxbase programs. 20 Dollars per hour was a lot under the market price, therefore I believe maybe the FBI was paying for it. The FBI agent Allen claimed to be working there as a consultant while he alleged also does charity work for some world children fund organization to show me he is a good man and to trust him, but I did not know anything at that time, and did not even know that I had a total amnesia and was kidnapped on 10/11 January 1960. The department manager, I believe his name may have been Soto or something like that, that sound more Japanese than South American, was allegedly Jewish from Brazil or Argentina. Everything around me at that time was handpicked and preplanned, but I did not see it as such, maybe Mr. Soto was meant to get my attention to Jewish and Nazis in the same time, while Soto Japanese maybe to remind me with my trip to Japan in spring of 1985 or the second world war, I do not know, I just know that someone was manipulating my life very destructively. Such as I was working very hard to keep the delivery date, and worked until shortly after midnight, some how my car either did not work or I had no car, I cannot recall, due to all the severe brainwash and telepathy control, and wanted to go back to my forced upon me housing, so I called a taxi, and somehow he was angry at me and after 2 km or so, he forced me out of the Taxi and drove away. He left in the middle of nowhere, and I had to walk several kilometers in night time in USA, which was not nice, but it made me very angry, disappointed and scared me, and that was also a strategy of the FBI. Another time, I had a dream how to design the interface of the program for Dun & Bradstreet, and the next day at work I programmed this design which was for that time very unique with a control pop up menu at the bottom of the screen, it took me a few hours to program it with FoXBase, and suddenly I believe the FBI agent came to my office and asked me what am I doing and told him I had a dream last night about the user interface and I just completed programming it, and he looked at it and maybe he said through dream! It is very possible that he or one of his colleagues gave me that dream while pretending to be getting my attention to telepathy, however I never had any thoughts or knowledge of telepathy until after 1999 or maybe he wanted to see if I say the truth, I do not know, but it was most definitely an odd situation. This mean I was used as a blackmail object by this FBI agent, Dun& Bradstreet or one of their colleagues. They performed many psychological warfare against me at this period of time that was only 2-3 months, which means that the FBI paid at least 6-8 Thousand US dollar per month to Dun & Brad street, of which 3000 to me, just to have me in a controlled environment and torture me, which they did one year later I was desperate to find a job and called Dun and Bradstreet and practically pegged for a job saying something similar to: I promise you I will be a good boy (just a figure of speech!!!!)

15.Enough FBI, but after that I was setup many time, I really did not count them, possibly over 30 times, some they went so far as to pretend this is an existing company and has nothing to do with the FBI, and all had the same patterns, 1-5 employees, where I constantly see only one, but also dragged me to other larger project in other cities and states far away of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, where they performed severe attacks or brainwash upon me, one was in Semi Valley California, another was in Evansville, Indiana, another was in Chicago, Illinois and so on. By most of them I never suspected them to be FBI. But it is enough you get the idea

16.Yet one more I have to add, I strongly believe that the FBI brought me to the Netherlands for a re-brainwash, which they did, but did not like the results so they locked me up until 2012 and then was forced to relocate 7 times since 2012 until I landed in Den Haag/The Hague on 1  March 2016. However from 11 February 2001 and until 27 December 2002, I suspect that the IND was working with the FBI to re-brainwash me in various location from prisons to jails, twice even in Germany to several refugee camps, and I see the foot prints of the FBI behind but also the evil criminal CIA and MI6 until I landed in The Hague. And after this brainwash they brought on 27 D3ecember 2002 a lookalike of my original fake son and they knew I would not know the difference, not only because I was totally stressed and that I did not see him since he was 13 years old in 1999/2000, but also they have telepathy and can force me to believe what they want, and that is a fact. Then from 27 December 2002 and until around May or June 2003 I was sitting every single day from the morning and until I sleep and complaining to this fake son and warning him of my evil family that at that time did not yet discover it was my fake family and agents for the CIA and MI6. During this period I discovered many things but I was prevented to understand it, telepathy is always shutting me up, above all I discovered that the 3 ex-USA presidents 2 x Bush + Ronald Reagan are members of a very large organized crime institution and are criminals and they most probably ordered my kidnapping from Germany and many other attacks on me in USA to keep me by force enslaved. Very unfortunately ex-president Bill Clinton and for 8 years presidency did not do much to save me of all these agonies and mental and physical torture!


Therefore, it is just fare that the FBI pay me 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for terrorizing my life from at least January/February 1987 to 2003 and therewith also responsible for me being locked up in one way or another from September 1987 as an illegal alien in USA and until 1 March 2016. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


6-Justice through the CIA

The CIA means Central Intelligence Agency and headquartered just a couple of kilometers from Washington D.C. at the George Bush Center for Intelligence, Langley, Virginia, U.S., whereby I strongly believe that they very much lack of intelligence because they use crime to cover up for crime, such as kidnapping children, rapping them and enslaving them.


Today I have no more doubt in my mind that the CIA + MI6 kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960, possibly earlier even a few months earlier, and this earlier possibility is to cover up their track for example they could have kidnapped me September or November 1959 and then caused me a total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960 and then took me to Syria for a 1-2 days where they already through the CIA & MI6 have prepared my fake Syrian documents, then forced upon me several dreams to force me to think I was born in Damascus, Syrian and waked me up with fake memories through dreams that they then build upon it by telling me fake stories about my past and I believed it to be true, yet nothing before 10/11 January 1959 was true in any way what so ever.


This makes the CIA and MI6 one of the most dangerous institution in our life for peace and wellbeing of every single human being.


Here is a short highlight with no explanation what these criminals did to me:

In Egypt January 1960 to October 1969

1.     Placed me with criminals and a very hostile environments consisted of the Baroudi family that pretended to be originated from Syria but were CIA & MI6 agents mixed with war criminals from second world war, Saudi royalties, UAE royalties, Jordanian royalties, English Royalties and American hidden English royalties, and possibly also members of other NONE English origin American controlling families

2.     In this period, I was suppressed dramatically through all kind of means to prevent me to learn and grow intelligence enable they can control me

3.     My original fake mother + my original fake 2 fake sisters from January 1960 disappears at virous times, between 1961 and 1965 and were replaced by another not even identical lookalike, but no one noticed, and definitely not me a boy that just had a total amnesia and can parley speaks Arabic as if I am 3-4 years old, while I was 8-13 in this period of time

4.     To cover up for certain persons they organized rapping me by these parsons to prevent the mind to want to remember this period of time and therewith not think about it and not notice anything, but also to confuse the mind about sexuality as preparation of enslaving me under one of their disgusting agents named Anita Disbray

5.     In 1966 Brought a very sadistic nasty fake brother that claimed to be raised by my (fake) sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan, and now relocating to live with us, possibly he was one of the countless sons of king Hussein and therewith also simultaneously an MI6 agent, because that is what these fake Arab royalties do, that are 100% hired actors that they started to hire them from the desert as Beduinen/Arab/Nomad, native that lives in caves in the desert and started to pay them a gallon of cold water for their acting services, and today they pay them this gallon full of Gold. This fake brother lived with us for a short period for time and then and as a high school student with no income what so ever, he moved to live in an opposite apartment building of 3 rooms while a housekeeper take care of all his needs, and I was told a lie that my fake sister that raised him in Jordan was paying for it .

6.     In this period many agents and criminal came to Egypt and claimed to be my cousin, uncle and else what from Syria, which was 100% lies, they were agents from USA, UK and possibly also other countries while using certain countries as proxy, for example used Syria in my case and used Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan for other evil agents

7.     I believe that at least one of my original fake sisters named Fadia Najar/Nagar went to Yemen to prepare for some future stealing of this country. I also believe that they killed her official Egyptian husband named Afaf Shawki while killing a Yemeni minister as described in other pages, but also to use his name for evil Saudi Arabian (CIA/MI6 agent) children that pretended to be the children of Afaf Shawki, which is impossible, one of her children is 100% the hidden son of the criminal and hidden English/German Nazi named Jawdat Baroudi that allegedly was working as a law consultant for the Saudi Arabian minister of interior, yet I believe he is one of the real hidden Saudi Arabian Royalties with a British, German and possibly also American nationality. I strongly believe he was a German or British diplomat in Egypt without me knowing and he gave the nanny of his children alias my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar a rare albino German Shepherd dog to protect his hidden children in Egypt and this dog came from the German embassy in Cairo Egypt around 1968/1969 and he died 2-3 weeks later saving the life of the son of being run over by a car, instead the car hit him and he died!

8.     They set me up countless time and very destructively, yet I will skip them all and will mention only the last one

9.     They set me up with a new comer that claimed to be from Port Said in north of Egypt and her alleged parents died in an Israeli attack on Port Said in 1967 war with Israel, yet I never heard any Israeli attack on any city in Egypt, it was only on the border, in matter of fact my fake sister Fadia Najar/Shawki/Nagar or her lookalike or both lived in an apartment directly opposite the Egyptian Air Force airport named Almaza in Cairo. Egypt, and it was never hit, period. Any way this lady has the typical CIA/MI6 patterns, she is alone with no relative except a sister named Yasmen/Jasmin and a brother, named forgotten, and both came along with her, and both were under 17 years old. The brother allegedly died on 10.10.1969 while I was on the plane from Egypt to Germany, typical lies to give me a bad feeling because they often use certain dates to perform certain setups to force a person to hate these dates, such as birthday date, Christmas days and so on, which is essential in certain brainwash situations. Her name was Esmat Khodori and was 19 years old in 1968 and she was allegedly the niece of at that time the CEO of Egyptian Airline called Egypt Air, unfortunately I forgot his name, he was living downtown Cairo owned a high building, more than 10 floors, possibly more than 20 floors next to a famous movie theater named Metro that he also owned. This Esmat Khodori, they used her against me for multi-purpose, first these criminal rapped me multiple time and made it look like as if a homosexual person that they are treating with this girl and other females, in reality they were rapping me with disgusting old, smelly or ugly women to confuse my feelings while forcing my mind to find the future one that the CIA will enslave me under as an angel from heaven compared to these rapes, which was the CIA whore Anita Disbray. Yet the actual reason of this nasty girl was that she will then be with another new comer that takes my place in Cairo Egypt, which is my twin, and she will vouch that he is me. I expect this twin of mine to be as vicious and nasty as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar, and that is why what happened to me thereafter is built on this CIA/MI6 whore Esmat Khodori


In Germany 1969-1986.

1.     My fake mother set me up twice within 24 hours of us arriving in Frankfurt and the next day in Munich, Germany. Setup-1: After arriving in Frankfurt, Germany she introduced me to a lookalike of her alleged Egyptian boyfriend as distraction of a criminal in the German government that later became vice-chancellor of Germany named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that looked almost identical to her boyfriend named Mohi Sabri, but also with a lot of look similarity of the CIA/MI6 agent alias my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi, but this man in Frankfurt did not look anything like Mohi Sabri and at that time I was forced not to notice with many brainwash tricks, which is described elsewhere. Setup-2: Day 2 my fake mother and I took from Frankfurt to Munich, Germany with the train, which I never understood why, because originally, she said to me in Egypt that we are going to live with her boyfriend that she claimed falsely it was her husband. Arriving in Munich train station we went to the bank in the train station and she asked me to get the 100 Dollars bills that she asked me in Egypt to hide in the socks I am wearing to exchange for Deutsch Mark, the cashier asked us to wait and suddenly 2 police officers point guns in our face and said something that I guess was you are under arrest, because the money was fake money, and that was on purpose to give the CIA and American secret Service a reason to take me of the Germans and investigate me while in reality isolating me to prevent me of ever going back to the Middle East. But it did not work I guess because it was not enough, and I strongly believe that the CIA/MI6 requested of my fake mother to implicate me with something more serious such as spying and terrorism, and that bitch took me back to the Middle East on brainwash tour that last approximately 35 days during which we went through 10 countries partially with the car and back on 15 January 1970, during which she implicated me as a Soviet Union member by exchanging with another lookalike in Sophia, Bulgaria that was a member of the Soviet Union, then took me to Syria to implicate me as a terrorist related to PLO and get me a PLO ID allegedly to Escape Syria, then took me to Lebanon to implicate with illegal drugs and the evil families Bark and Azrath that are partners with the Jordanian hidden royal family Bdeir, Malas, Abokurah, whereby some of them are even hidden escaped Nazi from the second World war but also they are drug lords, then took me to Egypt to relate me to other spies possibly Esmat Khodori that I mentioned above is from Ex-Soviet Union, I do not know for fact, but also to relate me to other Nazi criminals and then took me back to Munich, Germany and forced me to apply for political asylum mentioning how I escaped from Syria using a PLO ID that was provided to me by my 3 fake uncles: Jawdat Baroudi, Badeea Baroudi, Dr. Farzat Baroudi and this bitch that pretended to be my mother. And to make sure that every one knows I am related to Nazis and as we arrived the second time in Munich on 15 January 1970, Mr. Malas (first name forgotten, the son of Abomaieen Malas a hidden escaped Nazi living in Jordan and related to my fake sister in Jordan) he pick us  up from the Airport just to show that he knows us, he was maybe 20-22 years old and allegedly was studying in the University of Munich, and that makes this evil Malas family one of my persecutors because in 1983/84 they too set me up, but also the FBI or CIA set me up with a man named Malas in 1987 that pretended to be Syrian to distract of the hidden Nazi Malas, that was 100% European, and most probably British. I know some things may sound impossible such as the British royalties will mix with hidden Nazis that fought them fiercely in the second world war, but read the page BP-British Petroleum-part-3 and you will see it clearly

2.     Then the evil CIA took over from here after relating me to the Free Masons/Frei Maurer in Munich, they brainwashed and toyed with me until March and then forced me to go to the American military base named McGraw kaserne, where I was severely re-brainwashed and forgot everything in my past, or better said I was forced to put all my past behind me and concentrate on a total savage and hostile environment that the CIA and MI6 forced upon, during which they used severe bad, disgusting to nice women as a continuation of brainwashing to see the one they going to enslave me under as angel from heaven, I had no chance to think anything else than what these criminals forced upon me.

3.     This whore CIA agent they enslaved me under and named Anita Disbray pretended to be 4 years older than me, I was 17 and she was allegedly 21, and they created many situations to force me to think that she is even my age, which I will skip here. I believe she was possibly one of 3 things or a combination: Number-1: She was at least 20 years older than me and I was not able to tell the difference because I was brainwashed, they are using telepathy on me, I had no logic because they caused me total amnesia, and she placed a ton of makeup on her stupid face that it always took her longer to take it off than putting it on, she was small around 155 cm and 45 kg. Number-2: She was socially handicapped (retarded) just like the other CIA whore that they later enslaved me under and named Najlaa Mahmoud. I was not able to tell the difference because these criminals caused me total amnesia and prevented me to socialize or build my own logic for these criminal reasons and situations and enable to control my empty mind. Number-3: She pretended to be spying on me or maybe they wanted to show as if I am socially handicapped (retarded) and that is why I am not noticing the other women are retarded. Or a combination.

4.     Shortly after enslaving me under the CIA/MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray, they also forced upon me new lookalike of my original fake brother in around September 1970, and this evil fake lookalike brother named allegedly Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and in USA named Nick Naggar tried even to more implicate me as a terrorist, by being forced upon my life directly after the so called Black September of Jordan, where there was an uprising from Palestinian that almost caused a long term civil war, but the Israeli came disguised as desert nomad and helped these criminal British slaves alias Jordanian royal family and to implicate me he said he just came from Amman, Jordan carrying 2 belts of empty bullets as the Palestinian often do, therefore I suspect him he is member of the military of the UK or USA that was stationed for long time in one of these Arab slave Countries and carrying fake identity and therewith the Germans and others will think he is also PLO member with fake Syrian identity!!! This lookalike of my original fake brother that was set on me by the CAI and MI6 in 1970 caused me a lot of trouble and I never saw it that a brother would never do something like that to his brother, even in USA this criminal helped the CIA and the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud to lock me up for 15 years in USA, and that alone shows not only he is not my biological brother but also that he is working for military of UK or USA or CIA or MI6 or a combination and that too is a fact

5.     From 20 August 1970 to September 1977, there was many situations forced upon me, possibly either through members of my real biological family (that I still not sure about them) or some police/security agency of the German government. I believe these situations were meant one thing or another such as to use their own women to investigate me instead this whore CIA agent Anita Disbray, that in reality had telepathy and was controlling my mind and preventing me to think while she pretend to be harmless stupid socially handicapped and that I am the man in house and controlling her, which was far from the truth. These situations that were forced upon me by German authorities, they were 100% destroyed by the CIA and this bitch whore named Anita Disbray, she systematically isolated me and destroyed any friendship that I ever made at work or on the street or by other means=brainwash by destructive isolation, as a result when I was separated of her by force in September 1977, I did not know what to do, because she was controlling me and my brain since August 1970 and from the background the CIA and MI6 were helping her. It was as if my mind stopped to work sometimes in 1970, and here where the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim covered up for it by surrounding me and helping me to think, also by using telepathy, and therewith I learned German within 2 years 2000 times more than the last 7 years, because until now I had a vocabulary of around 200 words or so, and maybe 200 sentences, and this even though I went twice to school, each time for 4 months 5 hours daily 5 days a week, and paid the full tuition for 3 months, yet each time I was forced to quit after a 3-4 weeks and was prevented to concentrate

6.     I will mention one more set up that is related to the CIA whore agent  named Anita Disbray: sometimes in around October 1972 and after the vicious terrorist attacks on the Israeli sport team in the Munich Olympics in August or September 1972, I was separated from this whore named Anita Disbray through a very berserk setup to use a German woman to come close to me to investigate me, because in 2 years so far nothing came out of this criminals CIA nor through their whore bitch Anita Disbray. And in this setup, I was forced to go to a hospital, during which a nurse pushed her self on me and invited me for coffee after work. In short, I totally fell in love with this young lady that was around my height, my age but more outgoing than me, because I was brainwashed and suppresses, shy, scared and had almost no logic at all. She invited me to her friends circle that were also my age, around 5-6 of them possibly they too were agents, she went out and talked to me, she introduced me to her parent in around 80 km far city called I think Kaufbeuern, and one day after 2-3 weeks we were together in a subways (train) station and I started to cry and she said why are you crying, I said I amiss Anita Disbray. She tried to talk to me and I could not stop crying, she left me crying and I never seen her after that. She was my absolute first love, and these criminals savages forced me to go back to slavery by using telepathy, where then I be isolated, no friends and no one except this whore bitch Anita Disbray that constantly destroyed any relation I ever make, and I get to know many persons, most of them were through some setup or another and she use her evil telepathy to destroy my relation and then I have only this disgusting bitch in my life, she did not even had interest in sex!

7.     September 1977 I was free of this criminal CIA and British Nazi whore and it took me maybe 3-4 years until I was able to understand life and  clean my mind of this slavery, one year of which the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church and with no doubt stood by my side very strongly and helped me through it, whereby I did not notice it at that time because I did not know that these criminals destroyed my mind, and starting Mai 1978 Siemens AG employed me (took me under their wings in a very special way) even though I was totally unemployable because my mental state was still suffering through this hidden slavery. But Siemens AG and with no doubt planned on how to get me out of this destructed mental state, by trusting me helping me to learn, encouraging me give me free hand to pick and choose what I want to do, I did not notice all these things until later, but also they send me on important business trips and helped me learn a unique IT specialty which was design and development of multi-lingual computer systems including peripherals. They were maybe the best expert in the world in this specialties developing IT for Moscow Olympics for Chinese working also with Japanese, and for many other countries worldwide it took me 3 years to learn this specialties, and with their help I designed and developed 12 language IT system for the Swiss pharmaceutical company at that time was called Hofmann-La Roche, later I heard they split into 2 companies Hofmann and La-Roche. They send me to the company called Data Products in the Dublin, Republic of Ireland , and someone in Dublin for around 30 days did not like it at all and started to persecute me and making a lot of trouble for me by using telepathy, but at that time I did not know it was telepathy, however the company retarded in Dublin I was working closely with were very hospitable and all were gentlemen and ladies like, therefore I guess I possibly have some unknown to me relatives there that they did not see me welcome, same thing happen to me in Geneva and Basel Switzerland, but also in Berlin and Hamburg, whereby in Hamburg I know I have an uncle that turned out to be a criminal and a hidden son of a Nazi and married to a daughter of possibly the same Nazi, meaning his hidden sister, his name is Dr, Farzat Baroudi that pretend to be Syrian, at least in my presence and his German wife last name unknown to me, yet first name is Anna now Anna Baroudi allegedly originated from Köln and where she allegedly meet Dr. Farzat Baroudi while he was allegedly studying 10 years to become a teacher in Hamburg (ten years just to be a teacher????!!!!), where I recently discovered that my fake brother-in-law named Abdulghani Abokurah and member of the Jordanian royal family and the British royal family is also a hidden son of a Nazi and was also studying in Köln during the same period and even spent some of his alleged honeymoon also in Köln yet they pretended not to know each other!!!!! Last but least my employer Siemens AG sent me to Saudi Arabia to integrate and test my multilingual design for the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia, at that time they were 14 ports all in all with headquarter in Riyadh, and here where I get much more trouble that not only what I can not manage, but also what Siemens AG cannot manage, and I lost my job because member of my fake family were also involved in this project including the evil Bdeir/Budier family from Jordan that were also heavily active in Oman, UAE, Egypt, Lebanon and other areas, yet and with no doubt the Jordanian fake family was used as distraction of the fake family in Saudi Arabia that came to Egypt with fake identity as Syrian and also to Germany and USA as mentioned in the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”

8.     Last but not least the CIA conspired with MI6, BP-British Petroleum (as distraction of ARAMCO), ARAMCO, my fake family in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Switzerland and USA to remove me totally from Germany while using me to blackmail my real biological family in USA, during which they used me to raise a son of one of their hidden criminal agents in Saudi Arabi or UAE while forcing me to think it is my biological son of their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and they call that win/win situation!

9.     Therefore they pre--brainwashed me between 1982 to 1983 and then re-brainwashed me in 1984 and enslaved me on 24 December 1984 under their most disgusting whore animal named Najlaa Mahmoud that had 2 lookalike and then kidnapped me to USA while using me to raise a hidden son of these criminal American/British agent in Saudi Arabia while forcing me to believe it is my biological son and kept me enslaved in USA for 15 years and then dumped me in Netherlands for a re-brainwash and another lock up of 13 years and in the hidden until 1 March 2016, when I was able to relocate to Den Haag The Hague


Therefore, it is just fare that the CIA pays me 15 Million Euro (Fifteen Million) for terrorizing my life from at least since 10/11 January 1960 and until 1 March 2016, and therewith also responsible for me being locked up in one way or another until March 2016. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


7-Justice through MI6

MI6 means Military intelligence section 6, which they keep on changing the name for quite a while, I believe now it is called SIS-Secret Intelligence Service!

They are located at SIS Building, London, England, United Kingdom.


The word intelligence has 2 meanings:

A.    A person that can learn from what he sees and then add to it or/and combine several things and add to it what he needs or what other needs. E.G. I see a see-through plastic bag and then I see a brown cubic box, and I am selling long flowers. I like the ideas of the see-through plastic bag and the brown cubic box and then I make a long rectangle box with see through plastic cover for my flowers with long stems!!! Only that is intelligence, everything else misinterpretation!!!!

B.     An organization that specialize in sending persons around or through mechanical monitoring devices such as camera and microphones, and these persons are mostly in disguise and collect information and writing them down and then giving it to others to analyze it, and theses others collect similar information from other persons and then analyze it and give it to their boss and the boss discuss it with his boss or other bosses to determine what they can do against it. And this is spying with intend of destructions institutions as they systematically destructed my life and the life of not Millions but Billions! And exactly that is what the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD and many other similar organizations do, but this is not really intelligence, this is studying the enemy through spying with the intend of destruction. And this especially true because most of these organizations are organized crime institutions hiding as wolfs in sheep clothing, and that is stupidity as good as it gets because their brain is not capable to understand intelligence and that because they live by 3 track goals only: search, destruct and steal, and that because they are lazy to learn and work hard to serve their families, communities and country as well as also other neighboring counties and who ever need this their help!!!! In the old days and as cover up for spying they used to use the name Intelligence enable to make their organization look like scientific company, or scientific research institute, and ever since they still carry this word, because they think of their selves as intelligent and every one else is stupid, and the prove of that is that each county has the same scheme!


Everything mentioned under the above CIA section is also and 100% valid for MI6 in London, UK, because in one way or another the CIA is slave of the MI6 and not vice versa and the prove for that is not only that they have been working hand in hand since the second world war, but also controlling my life and the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3 is the best verifiable prove!


Therefore, it is just fare that the MI6 pays me 15 Million Euro (Fifteen Million) for terrorizing my life from at least 10/11 January 1960 and until March 2016, and therewith also responsible for me being locked up in one way or another until March 2016. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


8-Justice through BP-British Petroleum

BP or British Petroleum or BP Amoco plc or Anglo-Persian Oil Company Castrol, they too change their name often!!


Located at:

International headquarters: BP p.l.c., 1 St James's Square, London, SW1Y 4PD, UK,


North American headquarters: 501 Westlake Park Boulevard, Houston TX, 77079-2696, United States, whereby they and/or the CIA set me up in end of July 1998 to get a job in the next building to BP-British Petroleum North American headquarters’ address, by the company Technomation, Inc. that had 6 employees, owned and operated by Mr. Mike Brule. Mr. Mike Brule allegedly sold his company and worked for Microsoft for a while, and then for IBM Big Data. The 6 employees were:

1.     One American university student named John and was working for Chevron as programmer, whereby Chevron was my employer in 1994 and mistreated me very destructively and they were already member of the CPC project!

2.     Chinese named Richard was working with me on the same project called CPC as programmer

3.     One Indian, name forgotten, was working with me on the same project called CPC as programmer

4.     Me as system designer at the project called CPC

5.     Mr. Mike Brule as system consultant for various companies, the owner of the company

6.     His wife Mrs. Brule (Jewish) the bookkeeper of the company Technomation, Inc.


The reason I wrote Jewish to show the pattern of mistreating me and blaming it on the Jewish. I do not discriminate!


See what BP-British Petroleum did to me, see the following pages:

1.     Kidnapping me as a child

2.     My fake family the kidnappers

3.     BP-British Petroleum-Part-1

4.     BP-British Petroleum-Part-2

5.     BP-British Petroleum-Part-3


The main client was the Engineering company Fluor Daniel in Sugarland just outside Houston, Texas, yet we worked on a temporary special office for the project CPC in Houston, Texas near the corner pf Richmond and Sam Houston parkway. Their client was CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium, where they were building pipelines from Kazakhstan to the Black Sea, including the necessary ICT-Information and Communication Technology systems (= administrative, monitoring and controlling computers).


This project was used to remind me of Germany and the Calypso project as described in the page BP-British petroleum-part-1, as a mean to separate me of my fake son and force me voluntarily to leave USA, where they kidnapped me by force from Germany to USA in 1986, which they did and brought me to the Netherlands by force for a long-term unjust lockup. Even though BP-British Petroleum joined the CPC project at a later time, yet they knew of it and they were in negotiation to join it and used it in cooperation with Chevron  and the CIA to re-brainwash me and force me again to leave the country=another kidnapping, and that is why BP-British Petroleum is concentrated evil because they are heavily involved in illegal activities as long as no one see them, but I did!?


My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Nagger worked I believe by Amoco just outside Galveston, Texas, for at least 2 years, but again he lies about every thing and he was never my biological brother, but rather the lookalike of my original forced upon me fake brother in 1965 in Cairo, Egypt that claimed to have been raised by my fake sister in Jordan, that turned out to be not my sister but rather a nanny for hidden Jordanian royalties=English Royalties, and simultaneously this first fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar was rich and to 99% MI6 agent=BP-British Petroleum!


And in End of September or October 1970 I found myself in the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany being re-brainwashed to forget my past while on 20 August 1970 the CIA and the American military enslaved me under a very sadistic whore agent with telepathy named Anita Disbray that at that time claimed to have been working at the EES-European Exchange System=the Administration of the American military in Europe since the Second World War. And immediately after they enslaved me under this Whore Anita Disbray, they forced upon me this new lookalike of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and I had absolutely no chance to recognize that he was a different person and after a while the brain get used to it and accept him as the same person as they also did to me with other lookalike, and later to also a new fake mother and a new fake sister in the UK  to completely cut all my relation to Egypt as a part of a severe brainwash to distract my mind and force it to forget Egypt and if I try the whore bitch Anita Disbray will stop me with telepathy, which she did until September 1977, where the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim helped not only separating me of her, but also helped me get off the severe damage that this bitch performed upon my mind in this period of time.


Even Siemens AG knew about the severe mental damage that, that bitch and whore agent named Anita Disbray performed upon me and took me under their wings by employing me in Mai 1978 and treating me without me seeing it at that time, and within 2 years my mental state was almost 90% better. The 10% was impossible to achieve because 2 reasons: Reason-1: was still being persecuted by the same people to prevent me to understand my past. Reason-2: without knowing all the facts as I am writing them in my complaint pages, is impossible to get my logic adjusted to a normal human being!


However, and very unfortunately, I strongly believe that Siemens AG was using me to indirectly blackmail CIA agents, MI6 agents and the many hidden English royalties in Jordan & Egypt and the entire Arab Gulf petroleum countries and the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, that built my fake family and had several fake identities and in my presence this fake family pretend to be either poor or middle class families, which they are listed under the pages “Kidnapping me as a child” & “My fake family, the kidnappers” & “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” & “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2” & “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3”. And that is why Siemens AG placed me in a project called Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia and other Arabic projects that required me to travel to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt starting 1980/1981, but stopped after I was setup to leave Siemens AG and therewith not to travel any more to the Middle East, yet I continued to travel on my own to build business for myself and to visit my family, not knowing at that time that they were not my biological family, but rather my kidnappers and their plan in 1969 was to take me to Germany and force me to be refugee and asking for political asylum while the German government kept me for 7 years hanging and therewith I was locked up in Germany and was not allowed to leave because I had no more valid documents, and that was the plan. Yet I was setup to get travel document just to be used as a blackmail object in Germany against my fake family and most probably also biological family, and not to forget that my twin took over my identity in Egypt and most probably also in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. And therefore, the persecution against me increased dramatically, that resulted of me being setup to lose my job at Siemens AG officially on 31.12.1981, yet in the hidden the set up that was created by Siemens AG ended in 2 steps: step-1 in April 1982, step2 ended in around summer 1983, the details of the two steps I will skip them here and write them in other page, but I will name them by how they were performed: Step-1: Forcing me to take a job at the company ADV-ORGA to force me to quit my job at Siemens AG, and then fired me in April or Mai 1982. Step-2 using a company called UDV-Unternehmungsberatung fuer DatenVerarbeitung (in English: Business consulting for data processing), the owner was a freelance consultant at Siemens AG and was working with me on the same project “Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia” his name was Wolfgang Mergenhagen, he was a gentleman and most probably had no idea what was being done to me, he probably did Siemens AG a favor in working with me, but therewith they were keeping me under control until the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum took over the control of my life in December 1983!


And therewith the BP-British Petroleum had many reasons to persecute me, my fake brother the MI6 agent Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar and his lookalike named Nick Naggar, my twin that I recently discovered his existence, the hidden escaped Nazis that are related to the English royal family and were closely working with them to enslave many Arab countries in the name of Islam (which is clear in the pages “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2”, “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3”), and my fake family in Jordan that are hidden Jordanian royalties originated from English Royalties, and my fake family in Saudi Arabia as well as my biological family from USA in Saudi Arabia, in UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen and Egypt!


The BP-British petroleum company owned at that time by the English government = MI6+CIA,  is the ground-zero for brainwashing me in 1984, enslaving me and rapping me for 15 years starting 24.12.1984, and then kidnapping me from Germany in September 1986 to USA where they severely brainwashed me between October 1986 and 1990 to never leave the whore agent they enslaved me under and then took me to Houston, Texas as a headquarter for a blackmail tour for 10 years in over 10 US states, from Massachusetts, to Pennsylvania, to Washington D. C., to  Louisiana, to Indiana, to Kentucky, to Kansas, to Missouri, to Illinois, to Colorado and California and attempted to also take me to Nevada and Florida several times but their attempt failed, but not by me, but rather by unknown.


See the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” for how did BP-British Petroleum brainwash me, enslave me, rape me for 15 years and kidnap me to USA were I was 100% slave for 15 years, and then made sure I be locked up for a long time, which I was until I was able to relocate on 1 March 2016 to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch government agencies, Dutch royal family, and the many embassies.


Everything in Euro please. No pounds please. You can stick the pounds up your bank account, the English Pound was a division and blood currency, still is a division and a blood currency unless you wash it and use it to re-unite, and I do not mean wash it meaning money laundering as you do in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, but rather stop killing people and take their place by pretend to be the native just to steal their land and their natural resources. The Euro is the only currency that bridges between human, if you do not believe it, then look at the bridge over your head from Europe to the Republic of Ireland!!!


Therefore I have 5 requests and demand upon you for all the damage and slavery you performed upon me at least since December 1983 and in the hidden since 10/11 January 1960!

1.     Therefore, it is just fare that the BP-British Petroleum pays me 15 Million Euro (Fifteen Million) for planning and performing the destruction between me and the woman I very much loved and I wanted to marry named Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and blamed her for all the destructions that BP-British Petroleum performed upon me while causing her physical damage and blaming it on me, that the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum performed enable they can enslave me under one of their whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud that was member of a very large English-American-Hidden Escaped Nazi families living in Syria as Syrian since at least 1945, and then use this bitch whore named Najlaa Mahmoud to control my life and keep me away of the woman I love and my entire fake family in Europe and in the Middle East. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!

2.     Therefore, it is just fare that the BP-British Petroleum pays me additional 15 Million Euro (Fifteen Million) for planning and performing to enslave me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, that raped me for 15 years, and controlled my life, for details of these damages see the pages “British Petroleum-Part-1”, “Slavery in Germany”, “Slavery in USA” and “Slavery in Netherlands” because if these concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum company did not kidnap me to USA, I would not have been locked up in USA for 15 years and in Netherlands publicly for 13 years and in the hidden until 1 March 2016. This filth of a human being named Najlaa Mahmoud that had telepathy and is socially impaired/handicapped (retarded ) and this is a pattern by the English government, MI6, CIA and BP-British Petroleum, see their whore agent that they severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under between 1970 and 1977 named Anita Disbray, that took a whole church and 3 years of hard work by Siemens AG to heal me of the destructions that this whore Anita Disbray did to me. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!

3.     Therefore, it is just fare that the BP-British Petroleum pays me additional 15 Million Euro (Fifteen Million) for planning and performing to prevent me to succeed any anything starting 1 January 1984 and until 1 March 2016, where I tried hard to star my own business but that bitch and whore that they enslaved me under always destroyed it. In matter of a fact they forced upon me a fake project in 1995 and while I was enslaved in Houston, Texas, USA, where I was forced to ask many (fake) family members and friends and wrote them in USA, Europe, and the Middle East, to partner with me through investment, and some invested with me, and I was fought severely in USA to lose this business, among other by flooding my apartment on 10305 Lands End Drive which was their version of Win-Win situations that caused me severe damage, and this fighting me to succeed even went on until 1997, then I was severely fighting to survive. This is one of many attacks performed by this evil company to keep me enslaved and use me as a blackmail object, where and when they want. Therefore, all those who invested with me lost their money except one the disgusting daughter of Najlaa Mahmoud, that withdrew a week later because they knew the plan, and the others consider me a thief while simultaneously forcing my mind to think that my friends and family are angry with me because I am allegedly cheated them, which I absolutely did not, but it was a brainwash excuse not to interact with me. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!

4.     Note: the setup of investment as mentioned above, I did not write it because I almost forgot it. This setup had many objectives and one of them to break officially my relationship with friends and family and force my mind to think it is my fault, but there were other objectives, even more severe than that and I will skip them here and maybe I will write them elsewhere at a later time.

5.     Therefore, it is just fare that the BP-British Petroleum pays me additional 15 Million Euro (Fifteen Million) for planning and performing the destruction of my repeated attempt to study, while keeping me locked up in USA for 15 years and even more in the Netherlands. To be precise about repeatedly attempted to study, I even went to the university of Bridgeport and took a student loan to study a branch of IT, but that bitch and whore of BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 named Najlaa Mahmoud and her hidden allies would not allow me to read or understand they often used telepathy to block me of reading, in other words they switch my control off they read and I can see that but preventing me to registering it and therefore I do not memorize it and if I do not memorize it then I cannot relate it to other sentences and therewith I cannot understand, that is why I had to stop the started university after a few months, which is a very sadistic brainwash method to force a human being to think that he is not capable to learn, or even worse, that he is  not capable to start something and then complete it. Later in in Houston, Texas USA, I decided to become Microsoft certified Engineer and to do that I had to take a few exams by Microsoft and to do that I had to study and I bought the expensive books, at that time the internet was not yet popular and you cannot find free education on the internet, today you can. I spent a lot of money on books, maybe several thousands, yet again they did to me the same thing as in Bridgeport. Yet I was determined to become Microsoft certified, I took many exams, and failed at least half of them as a result of these telepathy attacks to prevent me to advance in life. At the end I was certified I believe by 4 or 5 subjects yet not enough to be Microsoft Engineer. In my attempt to study I often thought at home I am not able to study so I go out and take the books with me and study outside, which is not good because I need to be at a computer to perform the exercises, yet I learned more outside than in the forced upon me housing and without performing this exercise immediately  but rather later, and that alone says it all. I used to go often to a café named “la Madeleine” on 10001 Westheimer Houston, Texas, USA, later I even asked one of my clients, I was not allowed to be employee because they forced me to be an illegal alien, so I was forced to work as a freelancer, and I asked one of my clients in 1999 Named Interior Technologies, a cleaning service company that I was helping them with their computer system and owned by Mr. Kamron Kirkconnell, he was a real gentleman. Any way I asked him if I can come and use his computer and while I am here I will help for free, and he agreed, just to study and perform the exercises in the books in other environment than where I was forced to live, because in September they forced me out of my apartment as a mean to separate me of their whore Najlaa Mahmoud and take my fake son, which they did and then I was forced to live in a motel called The Sun Suite Hotel, today is called something else, I believe it is called Studio 6, and it was around 1.3 km of the café mentioned above. Shortly their after I was imprisoned and brought to the Netherlands and locked up for 13 years between countless jails, prisons and refugee camps, and there with all my hard work towards Microsoft Engineer diploma was for nothing and I lost it again. Therefore, give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!

6.     I know that you know who my biological parents are, and I ask you kindly to reveal them for me, or at least check or uncheck the page “Is this my biological family ?”!!??


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


9-Justice through the Syrian government

The members of the project Calypso as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” were 100% working for BP-British petroleum and distracting from them, and even though I dislike the Syrian government, yet I am not Syrian born, I am 100% through and through American born, originated from Germany and the UK, and the prove is the big picture of the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3”, yet the Syrian military intelligence helped BP-British Petroleum and also distracted of them, it was not only one lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salmah that was a British agent in the Syrian military, but also all the generals that came as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1”, but also the other officers that came to learn and I helped from my heart, and it turned out that they are conspiring with British Petroleum to brainwash me and enslave me. However, and since Syria is in war right now and since nearly 8 years since 2011, I have understanding.


Therefore, it is just fare that the Syrian government pays me 10,000 Euro (Ten Thousand) for conspiring with CIA, MI6, my fake family and PB-British Petroleum to enslave me under the BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa Mahmoud that has 2 lookalike and at least one of them is Saudi Arabian (most probably that too, you did not know), Conspiring with my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, conspiring with the German consulate in Damascus Syria  to give Najlaa Mahmoud the visa for Germany on 24.12.1984 t force my mind to relate it to me becoming Christian and that my fake family is persecuting due to that, conspiring with Mr. Ruge from the company UDF-Unternehmungsberatungs Dr. Fischer today UDF AG and the German immigration to toy with me and my passport renewal as described in “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” enable you can kidnap me from Germany to USA and blame it on my fake Syrian passport . Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


10-Justice through German government

With no doubt the German government and the Bavarian government represented in my life by BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (in English: Federal News Services, German version of CIA), Munich KVR-Kreisverwaltungs Referat (Municipality administration including refugee and residence permits, driver licenses and other permits) and possibly also through BKA-Bundes Kriminal Amt (Federal Crime Division, German version of FBI); did a lot of harm to me as follow:

1.     Allowing the CIA to take me to foreign land sovereignty from Germany, even though I was a political asylum refugee by you. And you did that by allowing them to take me through a very vicious, violent and most hostile sadistic brainwash method to the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany in around March 1970, which was officially an American territory, where I was severely and very sadistically brainwashed, enslaved, raped, tortured and prevented to advance in life in any way what so ever, in matter of fact they forced me to forget my past by stressing me severely and forcing me to go into situations that require my total attention now enable to survive= I am totally lost to what they did to me

2.     Allowing the CIA to enslave me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that caused me severe mental damage with her telepathy that it took many of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim to help me get out of it and later also it took Siemens AG at least 3 years to also help get me out of it, all in all it took from January 1976 to around 1983 to help me get out of it, it also took Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka at least 2 years to help me get out of it, from end of March 1981 to 1983

3.     In 1984, Allowing BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with the CIA, MI6 and the Syrian military intelligent to brainwash me, enslave me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, torture me, rape me and kidnap from Germany to USA in 1986, where I was tortured physically, mentally, rapped, forced to raise a child that was not my biological child that was forced upon me at your hospital named Schwabinger  (or Sendlinger) frauen krankenhouse or Frauen klinik (women hospital), where I was not allowed to attend the birth, because allegedly it was cesarean. For all I know another evil whore woman had a twin or triplets and one of them was given to me as my alleged son, I have countless indication about that, among others that this BP-British Petroleum whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud had at least 2 lookalikes and at least one of them is Saudi Arabian and the other an MI6 or CIA agent and actress that is married to some actor hired to play the role of some kind of Sheikh (similar to king, and different than a Muslim Sheikh = priest) this is slavery in Germany

4.     You with doubt helped in the above process and there are countless proves, here are 3 major ones. Prove-1: It happened in Germany through an illegal project Calypso as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 that you approved. Prove-2: The alleged visa for the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud was given to her by the German Embassy in Damascus on 24.12.1984 and she came on the same day as it was issued and the purpose of that was to force my mind one of 2 thoughts or both. Thought-1: everything that is happening is because I allegedly became Christian and 24.12.1984 and every year it is Christmas Eve, and this was so strong brainwash indication that no one can deny. Thought-2: to force my mind to think that this disgusting whore agent is a Christmas gift or even a gift from Jesus Christ, because 24 December is his birthday and that is brainwash. I never thought of these 2 thoughts, yet I was able to figure them out after 1999. Prove-3: You knew that there were many hidden escaped Nazis not only in the Middle East, but also in my fake family, and also you knew that my family was not my biological family, maybe we are related somehow, but neither my mother, nor brother, nor my 3 evil sisters are my biological mother, brother and 3 sisters, beside the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, that you or Israeli murdered was not only a hidden Nazi and the son of one of the hidden escaped Nazis in the Middle East, but he is and with no doubt what so ever related to my fake family because he looks almost identical to 2 persons in my fake family that are mainly originated from the UK, USA and Germany, which are: Person-1: my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi that I never seen in my life until he and his cousin, name forgotten, but much shorter than him and studied dentistry  came to Cairo, Egypt in end of 1960s to allegedly study medicine, yet I hardly met him in almost 9 years in Cairo, maybe 2-4 times, yet this evil man appears in my life after I became Christian 2-3 times in 1977 and later in around 1985 or 1986 in North Germany, and each time I meet him I have problems in my life either just before I met him, during or immediately thereafter, in 1997 he allegedly came to Germany over Saudi Arabia to allegedly specialize in some medical specialty and was in Germany all this time yet I saw him only 1-3 times. Person-2: my fake mother’s boyfriend that she claimed to be married to him, which I never saw. His name was Mohi Sabri and he looked almost identical to the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, except that he had brown eyes. And when I was brought to Germany on 10.10.1969 to Frankfurt, my fake mother introduced me to another person in Frankfurt, that was smaller, darker skin and claimed it is Mohi Sabri, and to force my mind to believe that it is the same person she had sex with him while making sure that I noticed it, and this to force my mind to get used to the new look of this imposter as distraction ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that was planned to go into politics and I was liable to see him on news, TV, and newspapers that use to read on a regular base yet I was forced to stop reading newspapers and watch TV news after they enslaved me on 24.12.1984 in Munich, Germany under the control of the BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa mahmoud. Mohi Sabri was Bleached white, even both had the same lose hair and hair style and how they comb the hair, therefore I strongly believe that my fake mother was brainwashing to avoid that I recognize the relation between ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and these 2 relatives of mine, but also his wife had a lot of similarities to my fake sister Afrah Najar that today call herself Mona Najjar and lives in Washington D.C. USA, while I strongly believe that her official husband Abdalghani Abokurah is the son of ex-German royalty and most probably is my cousin, whereby I was a bit confused about it but not anymore. And much more

5.     Between 17 December 2001 and around March 2002, you the German government represented either by BND or BKA or both and in cooperation with the Dutch government started a severe brainwash on me and forced me in this period to go to Germany, to wake up my suppressed through brainwash old feelings for my ex-German girlfriend Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and members of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in Unterschleissheim Germany, including 6 weeks imprisonments, because after waking up my feelings I did not want to leave and asked for my old residence permit back and you pushed me into another brainwash situation with Mr. Schulz the manager of alien residence permit, but I will skip and then took me back to Netherlands to complete my brainwash until 27 December 2002, where then a lookalike of my original fake son was brought to my life to see what am I going to say now I was again re-brainwashed to talk about my past, which resulted that you did not like what you heard and were afraid to be implicate you and the evil Bush family that also worked on the illegal project Calypso, and if this comes out, then George W, Bush would never could have been elected, which resulted that all of you locked me in one way or another until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/the Hague on 1 March 2016, that is all in all and since brainwashing me and enslaving me under the BP-British Petroleum & CIA & MI6 & BND whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984, that is 32 years of rape, mental and physical torture in USA, Germany and in Netherland not to mention pulling out all my teeth and disfiguring my body to distract from my twin that is 100% related also to the ex-German and the current English royalties as well as all the hidden escaped German Nazis in the Middle East and in USA!

6.     You set me up in cooperation with the CIA and BND to become Christian enable to force me to be in a controlled environment where you can force me to think what you want, which you did, and I will skip the details for now because, and unlike you, I do not want to harm innocent persons!


Yet, I recognize that many in Germany helped a lot from the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in Unterschleissheim to the Bavarian Evangelical Lutheran church to Siemens AG to several attempt to free me of the CIA/MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray that the CIA enslaved me under by force for 7 years, which caused me severe mental damage, and because all good things that happened to me and I loved very much was in Germany, I will be very modest in my request for justice on you even though I believe and know that no government has the right to kidnap children, kidnap adults, brainwash them, cause them total amnesia, enslave them and keep them enslaved for nearly 50 years, and definitely no western country such as Germany, UK, USA and Netherlands should do any of these nasty, illegal, inhuman and most destructive actions!


II have 3 request and demands for justice from you as follow:

1.     Therefore, it is just fare that the governments  of Germany and the government of the independent State of Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern, where I lived) pays me 3.840 Million Euro (3 Million and 840 Thousand),  which is my last official salary at UDF-Unternehmungsberatung Dr. Fischer alias UDF AG in Stuttgart, Germany, which was 10,00 Deutsch Mark per month for 32 years, as restitution for all  what you have done to me since 1970 and partially mentioned above. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!

2.     Give me my full pension for 10,000 Euro previous salary starting Mai 2018, this is when my pension started. The current pension that at the moment I receive from Germany is wrong pension, because it supposed to be for all the work I performed and get paid for it in Germany from 1970 to 1986, yet the pension office cut my pension in more than half and they are claiming they can not find the other dates that I worked in Germany. Here are 4 examples. Example-1: For example, I worked for the Evangelical Luther Genezareth church, as part time, earning and as far as I recall 300 Deutsch Mark per month + Housing and paid taxes for 2 years and this is not in the pension I receive currently. Example-2: I worked for Siemens AG from 1 Mai 1978 to 31.12.1981, earning varies yet an average was around 2,500 Deutsch Mark Net per month, but they include only a few months. Example-3: 01.02.1982 I Worked for ADV-ORGA in Wilhelmshaven for around 3 or 4 months, earning 15,000 Deutsch Mark a month, which are also not included. Example-4: I worked for UDF-Unternehmungsberatung Dr. Fischer alias UDF AG in Stuttgart from November or December 1984 to approximately August 1986, earning 10,000 Euro per month, yet they had only a couple of months calculated in to my pension. They said I need prove and they knew I cannot get it, they just wanted to toy with me while showing me that I did a bad thing and they are revenging on me. What is this bad thing? The forced upon me website named Wanted that was based on the brainwash that was performed upon me between 2001 and 2006 and still counting until 2016, yet the website was based on the brainwash and started in the Dutch refugee camp called Dokkum in August 2006 and went on to April 2012, then someone forced me to stop it, I do not know who it was, because he/she/they used telepathy, and I was placed on a track that I cannot get of it alone and they get me out of it and in this website included many wrong and bad things that it did not come out of me, but rather out of the brainwash that you all performed upon me in that period of time. How did they show me that they are revenging? In that the office of pension asked me to get written prove, I had all the proves but they stole everything from me in between September 1999 and July 2000 in Houston, Texas including all the German copies for retirement that I received yearly in Germany and kept them in a folder. They stole everything of me between September 1999 and summer 2000, even all the fake photos that my fake family gave me to not allow me to understand, and I guess also to see what is in them or who is in them, they were hundreds of photo and the prove that CIA, MI6, FBI and or the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum stole them of me. Is that their disgusting whore agent that they enslaved me under on 24.12.1984 did, was to steal of me many things that can prove the one thing or another, among others this bitch stole my photo album with every single photo in 1985 and disposed of them. Allegedly she was jealous of the other CIA whore Anita Disbray and therewith I have absolutely no photos what so ever of this nasty criminal with telepathy called Anita Disbray, that you and other and with the help of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim freed me off on September 1977, yet my brain was totally damaged through her control and I was dependent on her telepathy command (which at that time I was forced to think of it as love, until pastor Herbert Lange taught me what is love by asking me make a list of what I think is love and then he went through it with me, but also the Bible shows clearly what love is, which mainly give and take and not only take), yet it took me at least 2-3 years to come of her sadistic destruction, during which I was trying to find her as if I am a dog on an invisible leash, and even your court based on your laws in Munich in 1977/78 created an alleged seal on her identity and her information as coverup of the CIA seal, and that is why her photos were stolen of me in 1985 and every single photo that I ever had since 1960 was also stolen of me by the CIA and others as mentioned above. Back to the set up of your office for pension and asking me to get proves as a mean of brainwash. Therefore, I contacted 3 of the 4 examples mentioned above. The ADV-ORGA I was not able to contact because the company was dissolved shortly after I was kidnapped to USA. Contact-1: I contact Siemens AG, and they responded we keep this kind of information only for 25 years. Contact-2: Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim. They delegated me from one to another and then said it directly we will contact you, don’t contact us, never heard of them again. Contact-3: I contact UDF AG in Stuttgart, I believe several times, but they never replied. As a result, I receive 300 Euro German pensions instead of at least 700-900 Euro

3.     I know that you know who my biological parents are and therewith my biological family. I also know that you know that I was not born in Syrian but rather kidnapped after 1 January 1960.  Therefore, please tell me who my biological parents and family are or at least confirm or uncheck what is in the page “Is this my biological family?” and if I was born in Germany and was living in Germany prior to 10/11 January 1960, which is a possibility, then please give me my German citizenship back!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


11-Justice through Siemens AG

First, I would like to thank you for what you did for me from Mai 1978 to possibly 1986, it was a priceless help, that and until today I am very thankful for it, among others the followings:

1.     You helped me between 1978 dramatically in healing me mentally after the severe destruction that the CIA & MI6 did to my logic through their brainwash and through their whore agent Anita Disbray that they enslaved me under by force, and that today I am more than positive that she was Saudi Arabian/English royalties origin mixed with Jordanian royalties, which means also related to hidden English royalties and ex-German to royalties in USA, above all I discovered the Saudi connection with Anita Disbray through you, however I am going to skip the details

2.     You helped me get in to the IT profession, where I was prevented by the CIA, MI6 and my fake family to succeed in any profession

3.     You helped me to get IT Specialty, which is multi-lingual IT design and developments, very unfortunately the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum stole it of me as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-part-1”


And for the above 3 help I thank you and I most definitely in debt to you because you showed me the world as it is, and this without me noticing until after the year 2000!


The Negative side was the followings:

1.        1978-1981, You used me as a black mail object against my fake, biological families as well as CIA, MI6, British, American government as well as the x-German royalties mixed with them in the Middle East

2.        You used me as a blackmail object also against fake family members in Egypt that pretended to have also left Egypt in 1969 and in 1970, and this include my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, My fake brother Muhamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar, and possibly also my 2 fake sisters that possibly still have at least a second and third residence there, and above all my twin or triplets, one in Alexandria and one in Cairo, that later took my identity in 1969, and these evil persons did not want to see me there and caused me a lot problems that reached torture level during my visit in Cairo in April 1982, thereafter ADV/ORGA fired me claiming I am not good and unreliable person, which was a very nasty brainwash, not to forget that the company ADV/ORGA was your subcontractor and conspired with you to force me to leave Siemens AG because you were threatened by the Saudi Arabians, English and American government to not send me again to Saudi Arabia to not discover my fake and biological family members !

3.        September 1981, you set up using your marketing manager named Peter M. Lembke in cooperation with one of your subcontractors named ADV/ORGA from Wilhelmshaven, to leave the company Siemens AG, which I did not want to leave, but I had no chance to say no, and therewith you fired me even though and through your teachings to me I became a valuable employee. And this ADV/ORGA company with its owner Mr. Friedrich A. Meyer which very much was again using me as a direct blackmail against the groups mentioned above because of the following reasons:

3.1.     You sent me again to Saudi Arabia through ADV/ORGA in February 1982, 2 months after you practically fired me because they forced you to

3.2.     The owner of ADV/ORGA Mr. Friedrich A. Meyer was also a freelance console of some Scandinavia country, which very much was a blackmail to the same group mentioned above, for the following reasons:

3.2.1. My 2 other evil fake uncles named Jalal Baroudi and Jawdat Baroudi, that today and with no doubt I link the later to one or both of the followings: Porsche family or ex-German royalties or English royalties that was also and most probably a freelance German console most probably in Egypt, Syria and possibly also in Jordan, while some of them were also Saudi Arabian citizen and one of the hidden real Saudi Arabian royalties

3.2.2. On top of that the company ADV/ORGA is originated from Wilhelmshaven, which is founded by among others King and later Emperor Wilhelm I of Prussia (Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard), which is the grandfather of Emperor Wilhelm II, while Emperor Wilhelm II was the father Nazis and many of his Nazis children and grandchildren around my life in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, such as Jameel Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Abdalghani Abokurah and others as listed in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2” and in the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”

3.2.3. While the last trip to Saudi Arabia with Mr. Peter M. Lembke and Mr. Mr. Friedrich A. Meyer, both were your business partners, were planning to fire me as soon as possible as distraction of you among others by pretending to be selling IDMS Database to Saudi Port’s Authorities as distraction of your system t force me to think Siemens is out of there

3.2.4. In the same setup that was in cooperation with CAP Gemini in Riyadh also called Cap Sauid (French Saudi company), where the marketing manager was Egyptian and a very lookalike of the Egyptian pilot named Adel Hasan the ex-boyfriend of my fake sister Fadia Najar/Shawki/Nagar, that shortly thereafter appears in Germany as the Egyptian military attaché to Germany, which was also a blackmail against my original fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagger, and went to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, while her lookalike and replacement that forced me to think in 1964/66, that she is still the same person, and also this lookalike is a nanny for Essam Shawki (hidden son of Jawdat Baroudi) and Esmat Shawki (hidden daughter of unknown, yet of the real original Fadia Najar, while her lookalike name is Nagar) that took a fake identity as Shawki instead the children of Jawdat Baroudi + unknown, because they are not brother and sister from the same parents, and can be at the most half brother and sisters, and all this I did not know prior to 2016, because I was kept as a slave and prevented to think thanks to among others to you for using me as a blackmail object

4.        Yet you used me again as a blackmail object by using one of your contacts that was at that time the consulting company ADV/ORGA and sent me again to Saudi Arabia in February 1982, were then they fired me in April 1982

5.        And also used another one of your subcontractors named UDF-Unternehmungsberatung Fuer Datenverarbeitung (IT consulting company) owned by Mr. Wolfgang Mergenhagen, that then also set me up to leave his business partnership, just to fall in the evil hands of the CIA + MI6 + BND + BP-British Petroleum and their very destructive and illegal project Calypso that you too took a part on as a subcontractor as described in the “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1”, which was the end of my freedom my very short freedom that I gained only between October 1978 and December 1983 and continued until 01.03.2016 as I was able to seek refuge in the city of Den Haag/The Hague, and that is a very long slavery, 33 years to be exact, and for this I cannot thank you.


All the problems that you caused me and by far do not overweigh what you did for my wellbeing and helping as mention in the first 3 points, therefore I will be very modest in my request for justice on you.

Therefore, it is just fare that you Siemens AG pay me 3 Million Euro (Three Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, kidnapping, rape and slavery that started with my first trip that you sent me on to the Middle East in around as a mean of blackmail in 1980 and until 2016. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you misused repeatedly as a blackmail object which in turn created a tsunami of attacks, brainwash, slavery, rape, kidnapping, torture and sever and very lengthy lockups in all kinds of forms and shapes as described in many of my complaint pages!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


Thank you for your understanding, above all I am very grateful and thank you from the bottom of my heart to the help you gave me at least between 01.05.1978 and 1980/81, which is mentioned in the first 3 points!


12-Justice through American military EES-European Exchange System and the CIA

Please excuse me if certain points come larger than intended, because while I am writing my complaint, I discover new thigs such as point 13 below, then I add it to the details to make it understandable.


I was born and raised in USA until January 1960, everything else is a lie. There is a fraction of one percent that I was kidnapped from the UK, Germany or the Netherlands, any other possibility is absolutely impossible due to all what happened to me since 10/11 January 1960 and until I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 point to these possibilities.


I strongly believe that my parents, see the page “Is this my biological family?”, which I do not know for fact who they are yet, yet they are with absolutely no doubt what so ever a mixture of the Followings: Germans + British + Americans and possibly also Dutch. In other words, they are from Germany and the UK that either were born in USA or immigrated there during or after the second World War, where then they gave me birth.


Therefore you, US Military intelligence + the CIA were the source or ground-zero of my slavery in Germany and USA from 10.10.1969 to 10 February 2001, and then dumped me in the Netherlands for a re-brainwash during which you persecuted me to death until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of you between the Dutch royalties, Dutch government and the many embassies located in this city.


You conspired with so many against me that I cannot write about all of them here, yet here is some of them:

1.        You conspired with MI6, my biological family and fake family to kidnap me from USA just before 10/11 January 1960 and took me to Egypt until 10.10.1969, then to Germany

2.        In Egypt you conspired to relate me to Nazis and drug lords as distraction of you, English royalties and American controlling families that are hidden English royal family members

3.        You conspired to place me within a fake family consisted of your agent + Saudi Arabian royalties, UAE royalties, Jordanian Royalties and all of them pretended to be middle class or less

4.        You continuously, added new fake family members to my life in Egypt that were sadistic and vicious that made my life ever since slavery in hell, such as Mohamad Nashaat Najar, Dr. Farzat Barouid, my fake sisters Suhair Bdeir, Mona Najar/Abokurah and Fadia Najar/Shawki/Nagar

5.        You conspired to severely brainwash me and rape me and torture my life in Egypt as distraction of my life in Egypt because your agent that pretended to be my mother, my 3 sisters, my brother and the other 16 fake uncles, their wives and children

6.        You conspired to send my fake sister Afrah Najar with me to Egypt in 1960 to work in the all new Egyptian TV that was based on American and English finances then she disappeared in 1961 from my life, and I do not know where she went, and I am just guessing either back to where she came from or stayed in Egypt but lived elsewhere, just like my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar also did, lived with us a few months and then took an apartment by himself even he was a high school student, unless he was not student at all and I was lied to, no high school student can afford to live by himself in a 3-4 room apartment and have a house keeper, unless he has money and to my knowledge we did not have any money, unless they lied to me

7.        You conspired to use me as a multipurpose decoy from 1960 to 1969 for many criminals that were working for you and MI6 while pretending to be related to me and are alleged all from Syria

8.        In around 1964 you conspired with MI6 to send my fake sister Fadia Najar that I never saw in my life prior to January 1960, to Yemen as a war scout, while then you replaced her with a lookalike nanny that was raising the children of your agents and hidden escaped Nazis, while killing her original husband named Afaf Shawki and a Yemini minister in 1966 to not allow him to discover that his children are children of your agents and member of the ARAMCO founders and that the children are not his children, just as you did to me with my fake son

9.        In 1965/66 you conspired with MI6 to add a fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar , that was vicious and most sadistic, that today I suspect him to have been one of the hidden sons of ex-King Hussein of Jordan alias the hidden brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan

10.   You conspired in Egypt to set me up to look like I am connected to Nazis and drug lords from Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, such as those that I was forced to mix with for 3 months in my forced upon me implication summer vacation of 1966 that took me to Lebanon, Jordan and Jerusalem and back to Cairo, Egypt

11.   In 1968 you conspired to relate me to the hidden Nazis such as Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Germany, that today I strongly suspect him to have been German, pretending to be Syrian

12.   10.10.1969, you conspired to take me to Germany and separate me of my fake family because using me as decoy in Egypt was completed

13.   On 10.10.1969 and in Frankfurt Germany, you conspired with the whore my fake mother to relate me to a man named Mohi Sabri as distraction of the original Mohi Sabri, that was the boyfriend of my fake mother Hyat/Hayat Baroudi in Cairo. This new man was not Mohi Sabri and did not even look like him, yet you brainwashed me to believe so as distraction of the ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann that looked almost identical to the original Mohi Sabri and also to my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi, and therewith he was possibly the son of one of the hidden escaped Nazis that you helped to integrate in the Middle East enable to use the Nazi strategies in the Middle East such as Jameel Baroudi from Cairo, Abdalghani Abokurah from Jordan and many others. And therewith ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann, had either 2 lookalike brothers or 2 lookalike cousins that are in Germany to help him and exchange places with him, and that is why you introduced me to the new man in Frankfurt that was much skinnier and shorter and darker skin than the original Mohi Sabri, and this stuck in my head and I would never suspect the look of ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann as almost identical to Mohi Sabri, and who knows maybe this criminal came to Cairo Egypt pretending to be the Egyptian Mohi Sabri. This means that ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann, was nothing else than a CIA and/or MI6 agent was in the German government for the intend to destroy the EC-European Common Market that later became the EU-European Union and I have many proves to confirm that, among others the German general that was to become NATO chief and you set him up in end 1970 or begin of 1980 to look like homosexual and then replaced him with a an American general, I remember this situation because it was big in news in all of the media at that time that he was set up to go to a bar and one newspaper printed this this fake allegation because the bar was allegedly a homosexual bar. I see until today your attempts to destroy the EU and blaming it on Russians. You are puppet of the hidden English royalties in USA that also arranged Brexit to encourage others to exit, but it is not going to happen and not while I am exposing you and your crimes. Last but not least, I strongly believe, that this was another reason why you kidnapped me from Germany to USA in 1986 to not see the ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann in the media and relate him to Mohi Sabri and my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi, but also that through my talking between 27 January 2002 and Mai 2003 that was based on the re-brainwash performed upon me by the Dutch IND and German BND between 11 February 2001 and 27 December 2002 and the Dutch and German security agencies forced upon me among other by bringing a lookalike of my original fake son to talk to him and warn him of my fake family that originally I was forced to thing that they kidnapped me from Germany to USA because I allegedly became Christian, but now I am out of this brainwash and in these conversions that often happened between me and others in this period of time, some Germans agency must have discovered that ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann was a spy pretended to be pro-Arab and against Israel, and therefore he was assassinated and made it look like an accident through bad parachute, which is practically impossible, he was murdered for this reason. I know that you have many agents in the German government and in other EU countries for the intend to break the EU from inside out, and that is criminal. You do not conspire against your friends, partners and allies, this not only immoral but, sorry I have no words in my vocabulary to describe the evilness of you!

14.   You conspired with my fake mother and the rest of the fake family to implicate me in illegal activity prior to taking me to Germany, enable to give you a reason to persecute me. which was a fake US Dollars bills that lead the German police to arrest me on 11.10.1969, but it did not work

15.   You conspired again to take me back to the Middle east on around 12 December 1969 to implicate me even with much more bad things enable to give the CIA and the American military intelligence a legitimacy to control my life to avoid that the German police investigate me. And these implications started in Munich and approximately 5-7 days prior to 12 December 1969, taking me to a brainwash tour of implication to 8 countries and back to Munich on 15 January 1970, and these implications were as follow:

15.1.              Approximately on 6 December 1969 set me up to make me related to Palestinians and PLO, in that my fake mother pretended to know a Palestinian business man in Munich that sells cars that alleged wanted to help her in that he allegedly introduced her to a group of your agents that pretended to be Syrian Kurdish purchasing several cars and trucks of this Palestinian business man and driving them to Syria, and volunteered to take us with them

15.2.              On approximately 14 December 1969 we arrived in with this convoy of trucks and cars in Sophia, Bulgaria and stayed overnight in a hotel, where my evil fake mother exchanged places with her lookalike to implicate me as if I am from the Ex-Soviet Union and therewith the CIA and American military have the upper hand over my life and can prevent the German police to investigate me

15.3.              On approximately   17 December we arrived in Damascus, Syria, where I was setup to look like I am related to PLO, by your agents and hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that you integrated in the Middle East and here a list of these criminals: Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, Bdeir/Budier + Abdalghani + Malas families in Jordan, Malas Family in Jordan and this set up was by issuing me a fake PLO Id in Syrian to allegedly escape Syria to Jordan and from their further on my brainwash and implication tour and back to Germany where I was forced to apply for political asylum and tell them how I escaped Syria and the PLO ID that my fake uncle named Badeaa Baroudi brought for me, and ever since I am being persecuted by you and the German authorities and later after 1986 also by the FBI in USA, and from 1970 and until 2000 I was repeatedly set up again and again to look like I am related to PLO, just to refresh  the setup from 1970, the last time was in Houston Texas, in around 2000. And that is absolute concentrated evil

15.4.              Approximately around 25 December 1969 I was taken with this fake PLO ID from Syria to Jordan to continue to implicate me through the families mentioned above

15.5.              Approximately on 7 or 9 January  I was taken from Amman with the plane to Lebanon  to visit the Barq/Bark family that are drug lords while disguised as tobacco farmers for the Bdeir/Budeir + Abokurah + Malas families in Jordan that today I know they owned at least 2 cigarettes brands in Jordan called Reem (the name of my fake niece alias the double of princes Haya of Jordan or vice versa) and Philadelphia (that is why I was taken to Philadelphia, USA in around 1989 as blackmail for those people because they used the money, among others, for petroleum drilling at least all the times prior to 1980s, illegal drug money that is disguised and mixed with tobacco and petroleum!) and that is to Lebanon to implicate me as related to top drug lords from Jordan and Lebanon. We were 2-3 days in Beirut and I went to visit the family Barq in Jubail around 40 km north of Beirut, and the farm was hidden between mountains starting around 300-400 meters of the beach of the Mediterranean Sea, around 500-800 meters north of the city Jubail, also called Byblos, and that would possibly explain a restaurant that was opened very lavishly in around 1984/1985 in Munich, Germany on a corner street of the hotel named Vier Jahres Zeiten (Four Season), where Abokurah loved to go in. Possibly it was opened by the BND to force my mind to relate Byblos to Abokurah family, but I was already hopelessly enslaved under the CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore named Najlaa Mahmoud and she had telepathy and totally controlled my mind and never related anything to anything. This restaurant was closed sometimes in 1985 and was all over the newspaper in Munich, allegedly because it took 5 Million Deutsch mark to open it and now it is bankrupt with very short period and allegedly some investors sued the manager for wasting their money. Also, today I suspect all that was a lie and an act, and it was only to get my attention to opening an Arabic restaurant, actually it was Syrian/Lebanese and the manager was Syrian and attention to opening a restaurant for 5 Million Deutsch Mark, usually you open a restaurant with may be 10, 20 or 100 Thousands, and the most expensive restaurant in Munich at that time was called Aubergine (cost less than 200 Thousands to start, and a meal for one couple at that time cost 500 or more), where the whore Najlaa Mahmoud and the Calypso Syrian project leader named Labeed Salameh forced me to take them there as distraction of this restaurant named Byblos after all the commotion about the closing of Byblos . Today I have no doubt in my mind what so ever that this CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum whore named Najlaa Mahmoud were helping to cover up for the illegal drugs, while the Syrian military intelligent Labeed Salameh and his employees all the Syrian military officers that were in the project Calypso (as mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1) were helping her as distraction of BP-British Petroleum and their relative in USA that were 100% using Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and very possibly today also Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan for the illegal drugs not only as expansion of the business but also as cover for Syria and Lebanon. Not to forget to mention that my fake brother-in-law Abdalghani Abokurah alias a member of ex-German royalties and related to the current English royalties, was in Lebanon most of his time, while he was also the CEO of the Jordanian airline named Alia, while his hidden relative from the UK and Germany named Mohamad Ali Bdeir was the chairman of the board of the same airline and also of the Airport while the Alami family were also in the airport business pretending to be escaped Palestinians from 1967, just as the hidden agent in Egypt named Esmat Khodari that was forced upon me by my fake sister Fadia Nagar as my alleged girlfriend for a few months, which she was not, I was her puppet just for one reason, when my twin takes my place every one will think it is me because now she vouch for him as his girlfriend and she claimed to be also escaped the 1967 war and came to Cairo to live with her alleged uncle the CEO of the Egyptian Airline, while I was also setup in 1981 through the evil CEO of the Saudi Arabian Airline called Saudia with a whore stewardess that was allegedly from Tunis  to show as if I am related to the headquarter of PLO at that time was in Tunis. And today it is clear, that they take all these illegal drugs to Saudi Arabia with their planes (Egypt Airline + Jordan Airline + Saudi Arabian Airline + others unknown to me) and to be transported to Europe, UK and USA through the British and American military and then use the money for petroleum drilling to make sure they can control the majority of petroleum in the world (see the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + 2 + 3” for more details, and especially Part-3) and today I have absolutely not doubt in my mind that the major 3-5 petroleum companies in USA + BP-British Petroleum + Aramco are owned by the same family = English royal family . On top of that they used the illegal drug money to buy pieces of Germany, other EU countries as well as of the Russian Federation, the largest country in the world, that the American government was so desperate to have a piece of, that they announced in 1990s that they will help any American that invest there and match his investment and grant him additional amount as the amount he invested in East Germany and the current Russian Federation and up to one hundred Thousand US Dollars!!

15.6.              Last but not least I strongly suspect that someone from some German agency or American Agency or English agency such as CIA, followed me on this trip on 12 December from Germany, to Austria, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria (where they saw my fake mother exchange with a lookalike), then Turkey to Syria to Jordan to Lebanon to Egypt and back to Germany where I was forced to apply for political asylum and tell them the truth of the PLO ID and the one who followed us told them the rest and therewith I was doomed thanks to the evilness of you the CIA + American Military intelligence + MI6

16.   You the CIA and MI6 took over my life after I was forced to apply for political asylum in Germany approximately on 20 January 1970 I was taken to the municipality to apply for political asylum after they related me to the Free masons (in German Frei Maurer) that said the can help me only if I am legal and the best way is to apply for political asylum, which was planned ahead of time, but here it was only to force my mind to think that the Free masons suggested that, for the detail see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3

17.   Roughly first week of February 1970 my fake mother made a theater by getting another Syrian woman, no idea from where, and that woman suggested to her, the best thing is to leave him in Munich alone and you go back home, and like this he would be forced to learn and become and independent man. And she left within couple of days leaving me in the Hotel with a couple of 100 hundred Deutsch Mark and a job that the Free Masons get me through one of their members at a company called Schalt Bau

18.   From the first week of February and until mid-March the concentrated evil CIA, toyed with my life as a mean of brainwash to make the Germans look very bad and the American military look like an angel that saved me of these savages German (this was the brainwash not my thinking), and during this period they forced me with in 10 days to be homeless, sleep in the street, lose my job, created a few setups to make Syrians look very bad and force my mind to avoid them, I was jailed at least 2 times and then lured me to the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, where they severely and sadistically and most destructively brainwashed me to forget my past, dislike Germans and dislike Syrians

19.   For the rest of what they did to me to cover up for their crime activities, see the following pages:

19.1.              Kidnapping me as a child

19.2.              My fake family the kidnappers

19.3.              Kidnapping me as an adult

19.4.              Slavery in Germany

19.5.              BP-British Petroleum-Part-1

19.6.              BP-British Petroleum-Part-2

19.7.              BP-British Petroleum-Part-3

19.8.              Slavery in USA

19.9.              Slavery in Netherlands


Last note: Today I understand why Syria and Lebanon have wars, it is illegal drug war that we all are lied to about and they claim it is ISIS, but also today I know why they lie and say Russia is in control of Syria as they also lied about Egypt that was allegedly controlled by Russians since 1950s, because they are distracting us of illegal drugs and the control of this region by English royal family with their family members the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 also today I understand why the American military left Lebanon in 1983 after one bombing on their soldiers, whereby they never left Afghanistan after countless American were killed in 18 years war, because they did not want that the American honest soldiers and officers discover what I am forced to discover today because I am trying to understand why was I so viciously and sadistically mistreated all my life, and when I write my history and see things I did not see before and then understand more, such as the American government currently, or at least many members of the government, are lying about Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other countries. But also, now I understand why the FBI was investigating for years money laundering through UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and others. The ones who are supposed to protect us, are the people that are killing our children and adults through all kinds of illegal drugs and then pretend to be fighting drugs in Latin and South America. Illegal drugs are a big business, maybe larger than the car industry, because and by far, more people buys it than people that buy cars!


Therefore, it is just fare that you CIA + American military and EES-Exchange System pay me 200 Million Euro (200 Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, kidnapping, rape and slavery that started by kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 and ended on 1 March 2016 as I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of your vicious slavery. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to be civil human being and not only a killer, kidnapper, rapist, and every single crime act that I know and is in my vocabulary, I learned through how you treated me!!!


Keep the US Dollars up your bank account because you made it a filthy blood currency!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


13-Justice through the family Bdeir/Budier in Jordan for forcing their nanny to pretend to be my sister Suhair

By pretending to be my sister yet treating me as slave, you have made a very bad name for Muslims, Jordanians, and Arabs in general. And since you are originated from the English royal family, you also made a bad name for the entire British population.


What you did to me and it is described all over the complaint pages, is indescribable crule and sadistic, there is no words in my vocabulary or in any dictionary that can do your cruelty and sadistic behavior towards me justice, and this from 1960 to 1999 that resulted for me being even more locked up and tortured severely until I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, and therewith you not only contributed but also conspired with the CIA. MI6 and many others to keep me slave, brainwash me, rape me by men and women since the evil Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar first put his evil presence in my life in 1965/66, and it was not enough you also and very sadistically delivered me to the CIA and the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich in 1970 to be even more brainwashed, tortured, enslaved under one of your hidden relatives and whore named Anita Disbray for 7 years and performed the same again with your business partners, ARAMCO and BP-British Petroleum in in Germany, where again I was brainwashed, enslaved and kidnapped to USA to not be able to free myself of your whore and bitch named Najlaa Mahmoud, then used your network in the evil villages Bellingwolde, Veendam, Winschoten and Scheemda to lock me up, torture me and force me to write wrong information as distraction of your destructive acts against humanity, where these animals in these villages pulled all my teeth out in the most sadistic way on 24 July 2011 and tortured the live out of me through cruel and sadistic dentist until October 2014, where I was then forced to repair my own denture myself to avoid being tortured through these criminals!


The above description is merely 10% of what you done to me and caused me to be slave my entire life until I was able to relocate to the Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016.


Therefore, it is just fare that you the Bdeir/Budier family of Amman, Jordan, Jeddah, and many other cities in the so called Arab Gulf Petroleum countries and other countries as construction material company, engineers, and many other businesses, pay me 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, kidnapping, rape and slavery that started by kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 and ended on 1 March 2016 as I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of your vicious slavery. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to be civil human being and not only a killer, kidnapper, rapist, and every single crime act that I know and is in my vocabulary, I learned through how you treated me!!!


Keep the Dinars up your bank account, because you made it a filthy blood and slavery currency!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


14-Justice though the family Abokurah of Jordan for forcing their nanny to pretend to be my sister Afrah that disappeared in 1961

Absolute the same text as above under the Bdeir/Budier family.


In addition to the above I saw Abdallah Abokurah using another identity or it was his identical twin or identical lookalike cousin in around April/May 2003 being interviewed by BBC in Iraq for the integration of a new government, and therewith you are even more evil than I thought, meaning you going to use Abdallah for more killing, deceive and slavery in Iraq. Very unfortunately I was locked up in the refugee camp Ter Apel the Netherlands during that period of 2003 and was not able to make a copy of this interview. Also it means that you conspired with the Bush family to conquer Iraq and I have countless proves of that, that starts with your business in Iraq since at least 1960s or even 1940s, to one of your daughters married to one of the ex-Iraqi royalties to covering up for my twin and giving me fake photos of allegedly myself in Jordan of around 1956/57 that turned out to be my twin, to working closely with the English royal family, where you are originated from and they own you but you are too stupid to see it, while the English royalties used to own Iraq and ever since they lost Iraq, they are trying to regain control of it and this time they used their slave the Bush family to regain it and still are working on regaining Iran. What was Abdallah doing in Iraq in 2003 while forcing me to believe that he is in Washington D.C. and I am locked up unjustly for countless years between jails, prisons and refugee camps?


Not to forget that Abdalghani Abokurah is one of the hidden children of the Nazi Prince Oscar von Prussia, and get in to my life among others and mainly to relate me to Nazis, and that is why this evil man made sure everyone in Germany knows I am related to him, just as his cousins Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Jameel Baroudi and others also did!


What are Ghasan Abkurah, May Abokurah, Mona/Afrah Abokurah and Zaid Abokurah doing in Washington D.C., while they had the opportunity to be in Tennessee, California or even close to me at that time in Connecticut, while their brother Khalid Abokurah that they used as target practice for telepathy is locked far away of them isolated in Cairo, Egypt, so they do not have to waste time on him and visit him!!!???


So much for the so called good old Arab family loyalties!


The detail for these 2 questions (Iraq + Washington D.C. involvements) is to be found in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3.


Add to it that I relate Afrah Abokurah to Mrs. Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, the wife of ex-vice-chancellor of Germany named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, I strongly believe one of 2 things:

1.     Mrs. Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff is the hidden sister or even cousin of Mona Abokurah alias Moni Najar alias Afrah Najjar or even that…

2.     Mrs. Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff was my original fake sister Moni Najar from January 1960 that disappeared in 1961 and was replaced by a lookalike named Mona Abokurah, while both Mona and Moni use also Afrah as first name


Considering that I relate the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri and my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi to ex-vice-chancellor of Germany named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, then it is not farfetched at all, especially that he was killed just after brainwashing me to talk about my entire past in the refugee camp Ter Apel from 27 December 2002 and until approximately June 2003, where I strongly believe based on this hidden interrogation they determined that ex-vice-chancellor of Germany named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann is a CIA agent or the son of a hidden escaped Nazi in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan or UAE and then removed him by killing him and made it look like an accident, which is practically impossible to have an accident through a parachute without the involvement of a third person, because the first thing you learn when you go to school to learn parachuting is safety + safety + safety, which I saw in a TV documentation long time ago!


Therefore, it is just fair that you the Abokurah family of Amman, Jordan, Jeddah, Washington D.C. Tennessee, California, London, Munich and in many other cities worldwide pay me 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, kidnapping, rape and slavery that started by kidnapping me in 1960 and ended as I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of your vicious slavery. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to be civil human being and not only a killer, kidnapper, rapist, and every single crime act that I know and is in my vocabulary, I learned through how you treated me!!!


Keep the Jordan Dinars up your bank account, because you made it a filthy blood and slavery currency!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


15-Justice through the Family Malas in Jordan

Absolute the same text as above under the Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah families.


I know that Abomaieen Malas of Jordan, first name forgotten and his wife Raghdah are one of 2: hidden Jordanian royalties + hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 or hidden Jordanian royalties + English royalties, and that would explain why they send all their children to study in Germany. And these evil children were persecuting me with telepathy, and that is why one of these evil children, name forgotten picked me and my fake mother of the Munich Airport on 15 January 1970 to even implicate me more, because all hidden English royalties + hidden escaped Germ Nazi from 1945 (related to English royalties family since over 200 years), while pretending to be Muslim in the Middle East and pretend to fight Israel and they are 100% the ones that founded PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization to prevent Palestinians of founding their own network and keep them enslaved and locked up either as refugees (with huge amount in Jordan) worldwide, and therewith when they set me up to look like I am related to top PLO terrorist and some of the PLO controlling men were also named Malas, whereby I do not know if it is the same family or another family, yet and with no doubt this evil family forced the German government to suspect me as a potential terrorist, which makes them dangerous people, especially that some of them have telepathy and persecuted me in the hidden in Germany and performed many damages upon my life.


Therefore, it is just fare that you the Malas family of Amman, Jordan, Jeddah, Washington D.C. Germany, Tennessee, California, London and in many other cities worldwide pays me 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, kidnapping, rape and slavery that started by kidnapping me in 1960 and ended on 1 March 2016 as I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of your vicious slavery. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to be civil human being and not only a killer, kidnapper, rapist, and every single crime act that I know and is in my vocabulary, I learned through how you treated me!!!


Keep the Jordanian Dinars up your bank account, because you made it a filthy blood and slavery currency!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


16-Justice through the family of the Hashemite the royal family of Jordan for forcing upon me a fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that I suspect to be the son of King Hussein and an MI6/CIA agent in Egypt and elsewhere

For more information about this fake family see family,  whereby the info over them in my complaint pages is by far more accurate!


Absolute the same text as above under the Bdeir/Budier family.


On top of that you used the Jordanian Al Mukhabarat or the police to persecute me from the background and officially terrorized my life each time I attempted to visit my (fake) 2 sisters in Jordan that are not my sisters but rather the nannies for your evil hidden children such as Reem Bdeir and hidden older sister pf Princess Haya of Jordan, while setting me up to look like, not only related to PLO terrorists, but also to drug lords such as Ali Bark, Joseph Azrath and the family of his wife as well as Abdelghani Abokurah as distraction of the hidden Jordanian royal family members around my life such as Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas and even some members of the Baroudi family as well as Mohamad Nashaat Nagar and his lookalike Nick Naggar that and both exchange places and performed a lot of damages to  my life, while I strongly suspect that the original criminal fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar is the hidden son of King Hussein of Jordan.


Last but not least, you used me as a multipurpose decoy for the children of Abokurah and Bdeir/Budier family as well as Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that was the son of King Hussein and an MI6/CIA agent, while preventing me to do anything else for myself, then conspiring with the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me to USA as cover up for these criminals.


Therefore, it is just fare that you the Hashemite family of Jordan and other countries pay me 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, kidnapping, rape and slavery that started by kidnapping me in 1960 and ended as I relocated on 1 March 2016 to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of your vicious slavery. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to be civil human being and not only a killer, kidnapper, rapist, and every single crime act that I know and is in my vocabulary, I learned through how you treated me!!!


Keep the Jordanian Dinars up your bank account, because you made it a filthy, blood and slavery currency!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


17-Justice through the family of Al Saud, the royal family of Saudi Arabia (originated mainly from UK + USA) that placed me within the fake family Baroudi and caused me countless torture and sufferings for many years

Absolute the same text as above under the Bdeir/Budier family.


I know that many members of my fake family are also members of your family, and that is very sad, because I never ever though that you are a slave maker, but now I know. I also know that you conspired against me since 1960. I also know that you and in cooperation with the CIA and MI6 used the Jordanians families as mentioned above as distraction of yourself.


I also know that at least one of the 2-3 persons that used the identity Najlaa Mahmoud is also Saudi Arabian, and since I do not know where the 1-2 persons are from, that used the same identity as this retarded and CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa Mahmoud, which makes it very highly that she was one of the wives either of the king himself or one of his children, and this act of slavery would make both of them criminals.


Also I know that you conspired with the CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum to steal on 18 October 1984 all my multi-lingual computer designs and research to prevent me of ever working in the multi-lingual computer design to prevent me of going to the Middle East to not discover that several to many members of my fake family are also member from your family such as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi that I strongly suspect to have been the older brother or father of Adnan Khashoggi that pretended to be Syrian, but also Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi and their children as well as Jameel Baroudi the father of the Egyptians actress Shams Baroudi that was officially married to one of the Saudi Arabian royalties named Prince Khalid bin Saud, as distraction of Jameel Baroudi that was also your relatives while at least 3 of these persons are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, but also this mean that the majority of this fake family including their children are Saudi Arabian royal family members, such as my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar/Naggar that disappeared in around 1963 and was replaced around 1965/66 by another lookalike that was nothing else than the nanny of Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki in the UK, the hidden children of your family members.


You arranged brainwashing me and terrorizing my life in Saudi Arabia between 1980-1982 and above all also, thereafter in Germany and even after kidnapping me to USA ,you used my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar and his lookalike named Nick Naggar and his wife Alia koese that exchanged places with him in Germany and USA to persecute me also in USA and even used many others in ARAMCO as well as your business partners such as Koch Industries, Chevron, Associated Canvas Products, Inc., Gulf Systems and many more to perform a lot of damages to my life while forcing me to be enslaved in USA and then locked up in the Netherlands for 16 years and until I was able to seek refuge on 1 March 2016 in Den Haag/The Hague, Netherlands.


I know I was on my way to build a very good business that would have benefited  countless of people, yet you prevented me of being free by using all your connections and networking, also to raise one of your hidden children named Abdulhamid Najar alias Mido alias Anas that I was forced to lose either on September 1999 or June 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA, and now most probably has another either Saudi name or fake American identity somewhere in USA, and who knows, maybe in Washington D.C. to help you have more influence to kill more people in Yemen and to take this country over not only to control the entrance of the Red Sea, but also to have more control over the Gulf of Aden, while also have control over all the natural resources in Yemen as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3.


All of the above are merely highlights and reminder of the other pages.


I cannot prove your involvement of kidnapping me from USA just before 10/11 January 1960, but I can most definitely prove not only your involvement in losing my job at Siemens AG on 31.12.1981 to prevent me to go to Saudi Arabia and see more revelations about my fake family, and then you conspired with the concentrated evil CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum to brainwash me, enslave me, rape me and kidnap me to USA, where I was raped for 15 years, while forcing me to be locked up as an illegal alien with the intention to keep me so forever and with absolute no rights what so ever, yet because of my love to many in Germany somehow I managed coming back to Europe on 11 February 2001 and was locked up directly and indirectly until I sought refuge in Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, and ever since I am trying to get justice but you ignored my written complaints, and therefore I am filing another complaint through other means.


In short you are responsible for all my miseries since 1 January 1982, therefore, it is just fare that you the Saudi Arabian royal family pay 2 Million Euros for each year since you forced me to lose my job at Siemens AG working for you at the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia am then I was brainwashed, kidnapped and locked up until 28.02.2016, this is 34 years with the total of 68 Million Euro (Sixty Eight Million) for involuntarily services rendered by force of brainwash, kidnaping, rape, mental and physical torture and almost endless lockup while raising one of your hidden children’s for 13 years because you forced me to think it my child, and therefore preventing me to build my own family, have my own children build my own business, be a productive and useful community member, and this no matter where I was forced to live since 1982. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to be civil human being and not only a killer, kidnapper, rapist, and every single crime act that I know and is in my vocabulary, I learned through how you treated me!!!


Keep the Saudi Riyal up your bank account, because you made it a filthy, blood and slavery currency, which is very visible in what you are doing with the followings:

1.     The murder of Jamal Khashoggi through your government, that are just performing a CIA order to prevent Jamal Khashoggi to write about Saudi Arabia in the Washington Post media. Jamal Khashoggi, the grandson of the private medical doctor of one of your previous kings, so much of Arab Muslim Sunni loyalty, but again, you are neither Arab, nor Muslims and most definitely you are not Sunni, because you made it up to enslave others while stealing them blindly. You are Pakistani and slave of money and the English royalty, see BP-British Petroleum-Part-3 to understand that I understand you!

2.     Conspiring with the English royal family and their hidden American relatives to destroy Iran through the 8 years Iraq war with Iran, ever since conspired repeatedly to destroy Iran through the American Military, and all this just because Iran religious claim would show you as the wrong claimer, during which you are responsible for countless death of Iranians, Americans, Iraqis and others

3.     Conspiring repeatedly and since 1950s with English royal family, and their hidden American relatives and Jordan to destroy and conquer Yemen with at least 2 wars one in 1960s and now again, where you killed countless people, during which you are responsible for countless death of Yemini Muslims, Americans, Saudis, Egyptians and others

4.     Conspiring repeatedly and since at least 1980s with English royal family, and their hidden American relatives and Jordan to destroy and conquer Iraq with at least 3 wars one in 1980s with Iran, in 1990 with Kuwait and in 2003 and ever since Iraqis live as slaves, during which you are responsible for countless death of Iranians, Americans, Iraqis, English and their allies and others

5.     Conspired with the English royal family, escaped hidden Nazis from 1945, Jordan and Egyptians to create the PLO with the brainwashed Yasser Arafat enable to prevent the Palestinians to create their own networking to get free, while using PLO to terrorize the lives of Jewish in Israel and simultaneously using PLO to attack any one you dislike in Europe and else where in the name of Palestinians to make bad names for them while keeping them slaves, during which you are responsible for countless death of Jewish, Palestinians, Israelis, and many others from various nations in Europe, Asia and South America

6.     Conspiring with English royal family and their hidden American relatives to send Osama Ben Laden in 1980s to Afghanistan under the pretension of helping the Afghani to fight the Soviet Union that invaded Afghanistan in 1979 but on reality to put your foot on the land that you conspired to invade

7.     Conspired with English royal family, some Americans and others to bomb the World Trade Center in Ney York City using Osama Ben Laden to give the Bush family a reason to invade Afghanistan and spread your deadly seeds in it, during which countless Afghani, Americans, English and others died for greed of the land and it is resources as highlighted in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3

8.     And many others, because you are used as a proxy by the English royal family and their hidden American relatives to conquer the world while and if necessary kill anyone that stands in your way, which has been performed since a few centuries by the English royal family and that is how they get town Australia, Canada, USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and many others in South America, North America, Africa and Asia including you



Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


18-Justice through the villages: Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda and Veendam in the municipalities Bellingwedde (Westerwolde), Oldambt and Veendam

You are slave of money and greed and have no honor, no compassion. You are arrogant and 100% ignorant above all you are brainwasher and torturer!




You attacked me viciously and you broke the law multiple times as follow:

1.        You used Stichting Welzijn to brainwash me and to blame everything on Stichting Welzijn

2.        You forced me to live totally isolated to suck the life out of me and force me to continue to write the website “Wanted that the IND and COA forced me to start between 26 August 2006 and until 27 February 2008, where then you took over from 28 February and until May 2012

3.        You forced me to be officially in integration course from 28 February 2008 and until December 2010 and controlled my life thereafter from January 2011 and unofficially until I relocated to Amsterdam in in Mai 2012

4.        You used Noorderpoort College (the school that performed the integration course) to brainwash me by selecting who sits next to me in the class, in other words you forced upon me unwanted friends that you can use against me, even though I have met very nice people, yet even the nice persons you used to either confirm to my mind what I wrote previous day or week or as a reminder of certain things in my past, meaning you already knew everything about me.

5.        You brainwashed me to force my mind to think of my fake family as Jewish and that is why you forced me to live in the village Bellingwolde while the integration course was 15 km further in the village Winschoten, and between these 2 villages you had total control of my income, my expenditures, who my neighbors are, who my class friends, who are my shopping shops, who are the medical professionals that mistreated me, what I learn, what subjects in the integration course, who sit next to me, who teaches me, what I eat, what I drink and what I dress, in matter of fact you even had major control of my mind without having to use telepathy, and then use telepathy as reinforcements

6.        You forbid me to work until I finish the integration course, and I have it in writing from the municipality Veendam that arranged my relocation from the refugee camp in Dokkum to the villages Bellingwolde and Winschoten. I practically begged that you allow me even to work as part time and your answer only after I complete the integration course, and that Is illegal and therewith you performed alone through this situation a crime against the Dutch law, not to mention all other crimes above and below

7.        You practically forced me to go in the program called Bbz-Besluit Bijstandverlening Zelfstandigen (in English: Decree on Assistance to the Self-employed), by asking Stichting Welzijn in December 2010 to push me to apply for this program, and since I was desperate to work because you forbid me to work and placed me in a village where my profession as IT consultant is absolutely worthless (and that is severe brainwash) because no one can use my old services because I was locked up since summer 2000, but also and if I find a company that is willing to work with me on this, then it will be a small project of 1-2 months, and then what? And that was not enough, the following damages to me you also performed alone thorough this program called Bbz:

7.1.     You used the company from Veendam called “Intron BV”

7.2.     You used the contact person of the above-mentioned company named Mr. “Erwin Matthijssen”, against me, by first forcing me to write against the Dutch royal family, then you pretend to be fighting me because I was forced to write against the Dutch royal family

7.3.     I believe the company was a 2-man company that you hire for brainwash situations as you did to me

7.4.     My contact person Mr. Erwin Matthijssen held me back and kept on rejecting my business plan that became nearly 100 pages just to perform IT consulting and not to build a rocket, usually 1-5 pages would have been sufficient, and that means you keeping me back by force of law and brainwash and that is illegal and it is a crime

7.5.     You conspired with the municipality Amsterdam to file the Bbz and the credit in the wrong years and therewith I had to pay twice taxes for it, while had nearly 6 Thousand tax debts through you filing wrong data in the wrong year. It should have been for 2011 and 2012, but you filed it for 2013 and 2014

8.        Between 2008 and 2012 you conspired with the medical professionals in Winschoten, Veendam, Scheemda and Groningen and later in 2014 also in Assen to torture my life, pulling all my teeth out and for several years torturing me with wrong dentures, even in Amsterdam through your evil very destructive networking

9.        The law offices that are supported by government and help the needy who cannot afford n attorney were located in the same building as Stichting Welzijn, and therewith they conspired not to help me file a governmental complaint against the nasty dentists and dental technicians that tortured me between 2008 and 2012 in Bellingwolde, Winschoten and Scheemda, because they are related to these criminals that tortured me

10.   2011 to 2012 conspired with the law professionals to prevent me to file a complaint against these criminals that pulled out my teeth and tortured the life out of me for several years, before and after pulling out my teeth

11.   Last but not least, in these villages everyone is either related to everyone or is his friend and they not only offer brainwash services to others, while treating foreigners as slaves, but also you hate foreigners, regardless if they are Muslims, Christians, Hindu or else what and the best prove for that is the statistics of your political voting history for anti-humanity and anti-freedom persons and parties such as the “Party for Freedom”, which is not only anti-Muslims, but also anti-freedom, just as you stole my freedom for years that influence my life very negatively even today in 2019.


Not to forget that you closed and hid all the evidence of torture and life manipulations such as follow:

1.        Disappeared: Your brainwash company named “Stichting Welzijn” ( disappeared and was closed and reopened under the following name: Stichting Welzijn en Dienstverlening Oldambt (

2.        Disappeared: The dental office that tortured the life out of me in July 2012 and pulled out all my teeth using his networking and telepathy to prevent me to resist while forcing me to agree. This dental office had over 15 branches that was also in the cities Almere and Lelystad, and they too closed the company and opened again under a new name, while moving staff from one city to another. The original company name was Medi Mondzog Scheemda ( closed and reopened another website unsure which one. Yet I have partially some of these evil dentists’ names and addresses.

3.        Disappeared: The municipality name Bellingwedde disappeared and now it is called Westerwolde

4.        Disappeared: Intron BV in Veendam fake employee named Erwin Matthiessen that helped in brainwashing me and damaging my life, where I am still suffering in 2019 of what he did to me between 2011 and 2012 as distraction of the Municipalities Veendam, Bellingwedde (now it is Westerwolde) and Oldambt

5.        Disappeared: Intron BV ( disappeared of Veendam and is now in Winschoten

6.        And others, above all forcing me to disappear as follow, and all with brainwash and telepathy force, forced to go to Amsterdam and from there immediately allowing me to have a citizenship and then forced me to relocate to Hove, England to my fake sister Fadia Nagar, which I most definitely did not want, and then I was forced to relocate several times enable to force me to forget what they did to me in the above evil villages and municipalities as follow:

6.1.     30 April 2012 they forced me to close the website that they forced me to start in the first of all

6.2.     Mai 2012 they forced me to relocate to Amsterdam

6.3.     In Mai 2012, municipality Amsterdam said I can now apply for citizenship, which I did and received it in January 2013

6.4.     Between Mai 2012 and March 2013 I was so severely persecuted that I just wanted to run of all the severe scare tactics and pain that the evil dentist and dental technicians caused me in Amsterdam as continuation of Winschoten, Veendam and Scheemda. I was practically pushed out of the Netherlands to relocate to the UK

6.5.     In June 2013 I relocated to the UK because I just wanted to run of all the bad things that these criminals were systematically causing me, and therewith I was suddenly living at the house of my fake sister and for all I know it was one of several residence, meaning a second residence, above all I did not want to have anything to-do with this fake family that kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960 and caused me to be kidnaped again by the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 and removed from Germany by force and taken to USA, where they kept me enslaved for 15 years and then dumped me in the Netherlands for a re-brainwash

6.6.     In July 2013 My fake sister Fadia Nagar practically pushed me out of her home without having to tell me go away and to force my mind to think that I am leaving voluntarily, and this after trying to brainwash me that they are Jewish as distraction of the English royal family and their relation to the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that were all over my life in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Germany, but also in USA, Here to I I did not know where to go and decided to go back to the Netherlands

6.7.     End of July 2013 I landed in the Dutch city called Kerkrade, where the municipality refused to help me even though it is the law, during which I was forced to look for housing in London, UK

6.8.     Mid of August 2013 I landed back in the UK, and based on the situations I was most definitely forced to take certain housing by some Pakistani family that owns a small house for socially impaired persons, while one of the members claimed that he has been living in Germany for over 20 years but does not like it and relocated to the UK, and that was also a brainwash to force me to think that Germany is bad and I better stay in the UK

6.9.     In the UK I was like frozen and was not able to find work or do anything else

6.10.              Mai 2014 I had to relocate back to the Netherlands, whereby and today I know I was forced to relocate to the city of Assen, where I was prevented to work while the dental technician was performing a severe torture on me by forcing me to go to him at least 1-2 times every 10 days to fix the denture that he made for me, because the denture I had was from the evil city Amsterdam that was not suitable for my mouth and was causing me a lot of pain. Then I started to fix the denture myself and the pain stopped yet inside my mouth there was several injuries of the bad dentures and it took 1-2 weeks until healed, ever since I never went again to aa dentist or dental technician, even though my dentures were absolutely bad, and I cannot wear them longer than 6-8 hours, then they start to hurt. In October 2014 I decided to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch government headquarter, the Dutch Royal family headquarter and the many foreign embassies and consulates. It took me around 18 months to save money for the relocation, I was able only to save one third, the rest I thought I am going to have to pay it late and be late on all my bills payments

6.11.              On 1 March 2016 and finally I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague , where I, and unexpectedly, the Tax office helped me out and indirectly lent me 3 thousand Euro on 11 March 2016 through an alleged mistake and I am still paying it back to day, yet at least I was not late on my bills payments and was able to buy necessities for the new apartment. Thank you, tax office!

6.12.              And therewith I had to relocate and live in 8 different cities between Netherlands and the UK alone between May 2012 and 1 March 2016

6.13.              I cannot thank the above-mentioned municipalities, and that is why I am complaining about them



Therefore, it is just fare that you the municipalities Bellingwedde (Westerwolde), Oldambt and Veendam give me justice as following:

1.     Pay me additional 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, forced upon me debt through Bbz and practically keeping me your slave from 28 February 2008 and until Mai 2012, whereby I am still in 2019 suffering from the damages you forced upon me, mentally, physically, financially, professionally and socially

2.     Recall the bad and wrong Bbz registration by the tax office from 2013/2014

3.     Give me justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


19-The dental professionals that tortured me in Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Veendam, Amsterdam and Assen

The torture that you performed upon me is unspeakable, which started in summer 2008 and in the village Bellingwolde and until I stopped going to the dentists and dental technicians in October 2014 in the city of Assen, and between these 2 dates I was severely tortured in Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Groningen, Amsterdam and Assen. Anyone can look up my medical record in the Dutch health storage system that is accessible through any medical professional in the Netherlands and can see who, when and what torture was performed upon me. I will not list your names and addresses here, because and unlike you I do not like to damage the lives of others even though they did torture me, therefore look at my health storage records and get together to give me justice as follow:


It is just fare that you the Dentists and dental technicians that mis treated me to  Pay me one thousand Euro for every month starting Mai 2008 and until April 2020, that is 12 years, that is 144 months with a total sum of 144,000 Euro (One Hundred Forty Four Thousand) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, forced upon me in that period and I am still having these problems until today. Give me justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and torture mentally and physically!!!


Note: if the mentioned above Dutch public health storage system does not list around 25 different dentists and dental technicians, during that period of time, then it has been illegally manipulated, period!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.



20-Martini Ziekenhuis (Martini Hospital) in Groningen, Netherlands for failing to prevent torturing me and covering up for pulling my teeth on 24 July 2011

I was forced by the Dutch immigration and their subsidiary organization called COA to live isolated in the village Bellingwolde in north east Netherlands, where I was severely attacked with telepathy. Several medical professionals conspired together to torture me and pull out all my teeth, and here I will mention only 3 of them that are related to the Martini Ziekenhuis (Ziekenhuis in English is hospital). 2 of these 3 worked directly for the Martini Ziekenhuis, one was a jaw surgeon and the other was a dentist. I know that they pulled out all my teeth for the following reason:

1.     To more alter the look of my face on top of the eyeglasses that were forced upon me in Houston, Texas as well as the swelling these criminals caused me in 2011 also in this evil village called Bellingwolde and Winschoten

2.     As a mean of scare tactic, first they force me to write a wrong website to make me look insane, while forcing me to think I am willingly writing it of my free well, and then pretend to be punishing me for writing it, which is a very nasty and criminal scare tactic to prevent their victim to try and complain again the right way

3.     But also, to use this particular surgeon that had a lot of look similarities to the cousin of my fake cousin named Dr. Basam Baroudi. Where I saw them both for the first time a few months after these criminals kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960, where my fake cousin at that time allegedly student and allegedly came from Syria in end of summer of 1960 to study medicine in Cairo, Egypt and brought along with him his alleged cousin, name forgotten, but he was studying dentistry, and both rented an apartment as students in an area called Madinaht Nasr (in English: Victory city) that was built from scratch in the middle of the desert on the edge of West Cairo, where they build and as far as I recall, all buildings were something like 12-20 floors, and they built maybe 20 buildings, on top of that they had their own housekeeper, no regular Syrian student can afford to rent an apartment and have a housekeeper. And now in this Martini Ziekenhuis, I was sent there for a checkup by the jaw surgeon, and he said yes they must come all out, I had no chance to defend myself, later and after these criminals pulled out all of my teeth and I was not able to defend myself, I went to the hospital for a jaw check  up and another dentist that I was went to him in the city of Veendam almost begging him to help me because I had pain with my teeth and the other professionals are not able to help me, and there he was also working for the same hospital in Groningen whole having his own dental office in Veendam while also being a friend of this surgeon that is also a friend of the evil Greek doctor of the company MediMondZorg in the village/city of Scheemda, and these only 3 out of over 25 medical professional that I had to see help by during that period but they were conspiring together to torture me and the best prove is that the Dental office called MediMondzorg that had over 15 branches from the north of Netherlands in the villages where I was forced to live in the city Scheemda and Winschoten to the cities Almere and Lelystad near Amsterdam


The problem here is that the hospital allowed these criminals to unjustly to pull out all my teeth with out making double and tribble checking, which means they gave their blessing for altering my facial look while torturing me ever since and until the end of the year 2014 where I stopped going to medical professionals and started to fix my forced up on me dentures myself.


These 3 medical professionals names are as follow, in order of appearing in my life:

1.     The Greek dentist that literally tortured me for nearly an hour in his office named Medi Mondzorg Tandarts naam:          Dimitrios Loakeimidis and his colleagues Wietse Molenaar, Yappe puijs and another Indian dentist, located at that time on Stationstraat 29679 ED Scheemda Groningen, Netherlands. The dentist Dimitrios with the name Dimitrios Loakeimidis was allegedly Greek and just came from Greece and did not speak any Dutch, while another dentist also in a nearby city called Winschoten that also mistreated was also Greek but spoke well Dutch. And since this criminal Greek dentist with the name Dimitrios Loakeimidis that tortured me had similar look to me and partially to ex-American president George W. Bush and they also forced me to write things about the Bush family, whereby I lived in Houston, Texas for 10 years yet I was always busy surviving and never noticed the Bush family, therefore they hand picked this criminal Greek dentist to force my mind to think he is revenging for the Bush family, Onassis family and some Greek princess that they also forced me to write about

2.     The second dentist was Dentist Eric Santing that had his own office in Bocht Oosterdiep 15, 9641 JH Veendam Groningen, Netherlands and also woked for the Martini Ziekenhuis

3.     The surgeon that pulled out all my teeth unjustly was named Dentist G. J. Springer Martini ziekenhuis and he was working for the Martini Zeikenhuis, he had some similarity to the cousin of my fake cousin as mentioned above, and therewith they were trying to force my mind to think that my fake family networking is revenging on me, while also blaming it all on the Dutch as distraction of the English royalties


The Martini Ziekenhuis address is: Martini Ziekenhuism Van Swietenplein 1, 9728 NT Groningen, Netherlands


Therefore, it is just fare that you: Martini Ziekenhuis in Van Swietenplein 1, 9728 NT Groningen, Netherlands pay me 100 Thousand Euro (One Hundred Thousand) for neglecting to verify if pulling all my teeth out is justified, even though the majority of them were healthy, and that you can see on the hand of the x-rays that you took but also for all the torture, brainwash, slavery and holding me back by force between 24 July 2011 until current not to forget to mention that I was until end of 2014 literally tortured by creating a wrong denture for me that caused me coniferous pain. As prove that these criminals severely tortured me and on purpose, and in September 2019 the old denture that I had from them and I was always fixing myself, did not fit anymore and I had to go to make a new one in the city of Den Haag/The Hague. I wnet to this denture technician 4 times as follow:

1.     First visit to ask him for a new Denture

2.     Following week first appointment on 3 September 2019 to take the measurement

3.     2 days later second appointment on 5 September to test the measurement

4.     One week later the third appointment on 12 September to receive the new denture, which it immediately fit, but was little uncomfortable, he immediately fixed and then it was perfect, therefore I had not to go back to fix it. because it fit ever since and with no pain

5.     Today is 18 April 2020, which is 7 months later and I still have no complaint about the dentures, and if you look in the history of visiting Dental professionals between Summer 2008 and until end of 2014, you realize that I visited over 25 professionals and all of them were networking together and not fixing the problem on purpose=torture, and that not even mentioning the 4 Dental; professional I had to visit in the UK between Mai 2013 and Mai 2014, because the denture that these criminals made for me broke in half while I was eating Fish & Chips and I had to go make another or fix it


Shame on you all!


 Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm, brainwash and use scare tactics upon them to silence them, which is 100% slavery in Netherlands by you!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice



21-The COA that conspired with IND and Stichting Welzijn in Winschoten to enslave me, torture me and force me to write the Wanted website that theoretically and practically ended my professional life, social life and everything else while causing me severe mental and physical destructions between 2008 and 2016 and even now and into the future

IND means ( or in Dutch Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst. In English: Immigration and Naturalization Service, they are the responsible ones for refugee’s wellbeing’s or torture, in my case it was 100% torture. IND is a subdivision of Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, in English: Ministry of Justice and Security/Safety in Den Haag


COA means Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers, In English: Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers website in English: or website in Dutch They are a sub-contractor of IND that works closely with them on mainly 2 things:

A.    Refugee Housing, feeding and pocket money until they decide what to do with this refugee

B.     How to treat this refugee, in that they place them in one of various preplanned test and brainwash housing, depending on the results of testing them in the previous housing then they decide to do among others, but not limited to, the following:

1.        All refugees must go to the headquarter of the refuge reception center in the village called Ter Apel, which in the mid of Netherlands on the east border to Germany

2.        The Ter Apel refugee center is divided in 2 sections and each is isolated of the other, first temporary reception and registration as refugee and long-term reception and in between the 2 is a wall/fence

3.        To understand the below, here is a short pre-explanation: The American government delivered me to the Netherlands on 11 February 2001 and until April 2002 I was forced to the following, which is illegal, inhuman and very sadistic: 4 jails and prisons as follow: Amsterdam Airport Jail, Amsterdam city jail for refugees, Hoorn prisons for Muslim extremists, all 3 in Netherlands and in the first month of 2002. Stadelheim prison in Munich, Germany, 3 refugee camps as follow: Haarlem, Gilze and Zweeloo. Which equals 4 jails/prisons and 3 refugee camps = 7 locations within the first 14 months, not counting another 7-14 days housing as forced upon me being guest at the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim in January 2002

4.        Section-1 of Ter Apel: registration as refugee in the first temporary reception in Ter Apel. Is a luxury prison. Here I strongly believe they watch the refugee and test him for 2-7 days, and based on this test, they decide where to take him from here, therefore I strongly suspect that they have various different brainwash strategies based on the person. For example:

4.1.     If they think that he is radical, they take him first to prison

4.2.     if they think the person looks like brainwashed, then they take him to another location that is specialized to find out why was he brainwashed and believe me they have their very nasty methods to get it out

4.3.     If the refugee is actually delivered to them by another allied country, such as in my case from USA + Germany, then they see why and try to treat him as a combination of the above 2, which they did to me

4.4.     And I strongly suspect that they have also other spiralized housing for other specialized cases

5.        Section-2 of Ter Apel: The Long-term reception. I strongly believe this is for special refugees that they like to keep them close to the headquarter, which I guess that it is directly connected to various Dutch ministries, for observation and/or brainwash, which they did to me from approximately first week of April 2002 and until 1 August 2003, where They forced me twice within 2 weeks to leave Netherlands and go illegally to Germany for one purpose only to force my feelings for Germany, my church friends and my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka to wake up and then use it against me to re-brainwash me , because I was severely suffering from: I do not know what hit me of being 15 years forced to live in USA as an unaccepted refugee and illegal alien and then arrested and delivered to the Netherlands just to be a refugee again!!! and therewith they wanted me to think that I was kidnapped by Syrian government from Germany to USA just because I became Christian, and that is why they forced me to go to Germany twice to wake up my feelings to my friends, in the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim, Germany, and my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. And during this period of time I strongly believe that either the FBI and/or the CIA+MI6 were working closely with the Dutch IND from 11 February 2001 and until 1 August 2003 to re-brainwash me. Based on what happened to me in USA prior to bringing me by force to the Netherlands, I would in matter of fact I, go so far to claim that the Dutch IND was offering brainwash environment services for the FBI and/or CIA+MI6 in housing me as a refugee to allow the FBI and/or the CIA+MI6 to re-brainwash me while the Dutch IND is housing me and watching, I cannot prove this, but I strongly believe it is true. And therewith and in this period of time I was severely mistreated and did not understand why, today I know, because I was kidnapped from the USA and my family is to 99% ex-Germans royalties mixed with  English royalties mixed with Americans that are also hidden German and English royalties alias their hidden relatives in the US governments, which makes USA the fifth hidden kingdom of the UK-United Kingdom, see the following pages for the proves:

5.1.     Kidnapping me as a child

5.2.     My fake family the kidnappers

5.3.     BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, the brainwashers, rapist, kidnappers and slave-makers using the illegal project Calypso

5.4.     BP-British Petroleum-Part-2, the hidden Nazis

5.5.     BP-British Petroleum-Part-3, BP an evil element in a very evil BIG PICTURE

6.        And others


The entire complaint pages are because of you, COA & IND, and partially you forced me to start to complain enable to hear my past. All in all, you performed severe crimes against me.

1.     Crime-1: 11 February 2001 to 27 December 2002 you brainwashed me to recognize certain things enable to force me to think only what you want me to think

2.     Crime-2: On April 2002 you officially accepted my forced upon me political asylum that I was forced to apply for on 11-02-2011, yet and even in August 2003 you did not allow me to live outside the refugee camps because you were preparing me for a severe brainwash to talk about my past (hidden interrogation) and then locked me up

3.     Crime-3: On 27 December 2002 and until May 2003 You brought a look alike of my original fake son named Abdulhamid Najar enable to force me to spell my guts out to him (tell him my entire past) while you are listing either through microphones or telepathy or both

4.     Crime-4: Based on the Dutch law that was told to me by the attorney that you assigned to me, my under aged son would immediately receive the same status as me, which is being accepted as a refugee, yet you did not award him the acceptance papers as the law states, in matter of fact you gave him an ID stating he is a refugee in Netherlands on 1 August 2003, which is nothing else as not only breaking the law, but also a brainwash. Because I was so disappointed of the German government that set me up several times to be kidnapped from Germany to USA, and I did not want to go Germany ever again, I even repeatedly said, I am not going to leave this refugee camp, I want to die right here and told my fake son that he should go home where he was born in Germany and no one will dare to call him foreigner as I was treated very destructively between 10.10.1969 and 2013, in Germany, USA and in the Netherlands

5.     Crime-5: you forced me to leave the refugee camp Ter Apel, even though and mentally I was not capable to deal with people because I was angry, sad and very disappointed of my findings that you forced upon me between 11.2.2001 and 2003. And therewith you broke the law again by forcing me to go to Germany enable to confront the church in Unterschleissheim, Germany that called the police on me and locked me up in a hospital for mentally insane named Haar in the city Haar just outside of Munich, Germany for around 6 weeks, which was a part of the brainwash to force me to hate the church

6.     Crime-6: Coming back to the Netherlands after I was locked up in the hospital for mentally insane named Haar, and you forced me again to live in a refugee camp Zwolle, even though I have a residence permit as a refuge and from September 2003 and until April 2004 and after repeated request to leave the refugee camp and you denied me this request, which is not only illegal but criminal

7.     Crime-7: you forced me to not renew my residence permit, because I discovered that both presidents Bush (father and son) had committed a severe crimes, which I repeatedly have mentioned between 27 December 2002 and 1 August 2003 in the refugee camp Ter Apel during my forced upon me hidden interrogation where you had me hopelessly under your control in a controlled environment and again here and now between September 2003 and April 2004 you had me totally under your control in a controlled environment  in the refugee camp in the city Zwolle

8.     Crime-8: You then pushed me in endless lockup cycle between Germany and Netherlands from April 2004 and until August 2006

9.     Crime-9: in around 26 August 2006 you placed me in the refugee camp in the village Dokkum, where I was severely brainwashed among others by using telepathy where no one can see it except those who has telepathy and the victim, me, during which I was forced to write down my history on papers, then on a PC, then on the Internet

10.Cime-10: on 28 February 2008, you forced me to live totally isolated in the evil village Bellingwolde and to go for over 2 years to a so called integration course, that should have been maximum of 3 months, then I was pushed from one setup in to other and from one torture in to other until these criminals pulled out all my teeth in July 2011

11.Crime-11: performing many small and large physical and mental torture upon me until I was able to relocate on 1 March 2016 to Den Haag/The Hague seeking refuge and protection by the Dutch government, Dutch Royal family and the many foreign embassies in Den Haag/The Hague, which is for me a paradox, but I had no other choice. A paradox because I am seeking refuge and protection by the Dutch government and you are a part of this government


The positive side of all of the above:

1.     I was finally able to stop smoking, whereby and the first attempt was in 1971 in Germany, yet I was forced to continue to smoke

2.     In January 2013 and finally, and since 10.10.1969 I have a citizenship, where no one can tell me go away you are illegal person, but and very unfortunately it is based on my fake Syrian identity

3.     I recognize many telepathy tricks to brainwash a person

4.     I recognized that my family is my fake family and kidnappers

5.     I met many good persons

6.     I have more freedom after 1-3-2016 than I ever had in my life since 10/11 January 1969

7.     Today I know I was born in USA, I do not yet know my parent, yet I believe to have discovered my grandparents (or they are possibly great grandparent) that are German/English as it is the page “Is this my biological family?”

8.     Other unknown helped me either from the background or with telepathy or a combination

9.     Even the tax office helped met

10.And others


Yet, and through the first 11 points alias crimes performed against me from 11 February 2001 and until 1 March 2016, I lost my profession, I lost my friends, I lost my ex-German girlfriend, I lost my social life and above all no one would want to work with me after that website named “Wanted” that was forced upon me with all the severe brainwash between 2001 and 2012, yet and basically the start of the website was forced upon me in the refugee camp Dokkum between 26 August 2006 and 28 February 2008.


Therefore, it is just fare that you: IND + COA + the municipalities: Bellingwedde (Westerwolde), Oldambt and Veendam pay me additional 5 Million Euro (Five Million) for all the torture, persecution, brainwash, slavery and holding me back by force between 11 February 2001 and 1 March 2016. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you conspired to severely harm and use to blackmail others while enslaving them!!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


22- Justice through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth Church in Unterschleissheim / Lohhof, Germany

It is very tough for me to describe what you did to me and what you did for me, because they are both mixed up and it was hard to understand it=brainwash!


Here is a small summary:

1.          You as a church or at least some members of you did knew that I was setup to become Christian in 1976 to allow you to either show me or pretend to show me that some members of my fake family were German Nazis and were members of the ex-German royalties, and others were English and Americans, and to do that you used several members of the church community or possibly they even joined for this purpose, such as Jasmin/Yasmeen and her sister as reminder of Esmat Khodary (Khodary means vegetablly or vegetable reseller or vegetable like) and her sister Yasmeen, the family Schoen as reminder of me and where I am coming from, but also Mr. Juergen Kwader that later changed his name to something else as indication of people in Egypt that changed their names possibly also from Kwader to Queder, or even can relate to name Khayat due to Khayat means Tailor/Taylor and the name he changed to from Kwader was related to sewing/tailoring , but also Mr. Schneider that his look is strongly similar to Badeaa Baroudi and his children while his name Schneider is same as Mr. Fuad Khayat-Tailor=Schneider=Taylor and others and all this in 1976, meaning you were most definitely either trying to get my attention to these persons or you were using me as blackmail object against CIA (=USA), MI6 (=UK) and my fake family (=Saudi Arabia, Jordan royal families around my life that were disguised as my Syrian relatives ). I want to believe that you were trying to help me, and the reason I want to believe that is because I trust in the teaching of the New Testament and I would like to hope that you too do!

2.          You most definitely separated me of the CIA whore agent Anita Disbray that had telepathy and caused me severe mental damage by not talking to me, but rather using her telepathy to control my life, but also you stood by my side after separation because after being 7 years controlled by this evil person, I did not know what to-do because she caused me severe mental destruction with telepathy control!

3.          In 1978, and most definitely you pushed me away and helped to force me to relocate to Munich and far from the church and I never understood why you did that, except one possibility: the BND (German version of the CIA) or BKA (German version of the FBI) set me up in later 1972 to get to know one of their agents of one that they (without her knowledge) they manipulated to be my girlfriend, yet the CIA forced me with telepathy to end this relation and go back to their whore agent Anita Disbray, and this even though I totally fell in love with that young lady, in other words the BND or BKA were trying to get me off the CIA and into their own controlled environment, the friends circles of this possible agent, but they did not succeed, then they used you

4.          That 2 persons (actually 3), in the church were a strong lookalike or identical look of members of the ex-US president George H. W. Bush family, was also not coincident, but you did not calculate that one day I will recognize that, therefore I am guessing one of 2:

4.1.     The majority of the church members are originated from USA and established their selves in Germany after they retired of the US military


4.2.     The Bush family are originated from Germany. Based on what they did in the Middle East and the cooperation of members of my fake family with these wars in Iraq and Kuwait, they must have been children and grandchildren of ex-German royalties=Nazis

5.          Not to mention small things, such as my family Doctor in the same city, was temporarily replaced with another doctor that pretended to be from Sophia, Bulgaria, where my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi exchanged places with another lookalike and I never noticed it until after the year 2000, and I am more than positive that some BND agent was following us on this trip and that is why they exchanged places to implicate me as related to Russian agent, yet today I know that the evil woman that pretended to be my mother was covering up for the Jordanian and Saudi Arabia royal family members around my life = covering up for English royal family and ex-German royal family, and what made that doctor so suspicious, is that he sat with me at least 30 minutes discussing private things not relevant to my health but rather his questions and subject he used were absolutely private and personal and not related to my medical condition that was just cold=he was most probably a BND agent using you against me!

6.          Through your actions I was severely attacked in the same city, among others by the evil dentist’s office that were located in the so called Maisonette wohnung (11/2 or 2 floor apartment) just behind the train station of Unterschleissheim, in the same building as the Sparda bank, where these criminal dentist tortured me for 3 months and claimed that I have a fake sickness name periodontitis (in German: parodontose), which I most definitely did not have and gave me a very sadistic and dangerous fake treatment scratching off my teeth gum to the root of my teeth allegedly to clean or burn the disease beneath, and it took them over 3 months to do that and after each treatment I was in pain for at least one week, during which was not able to concentrate and was totally unfriendly from the severe pain. That was torture in Unterschleissheim in the summer of 1977

7.          Even though I am thankful that I read the bible because the new testament gave me a logic that I did not have until then, and this logic helped me survive so far, but also reading the old testament helped me understand things today that I never understood before. However, you neglected to make it clear to me that telepathy is not only the sense of Jesus Christ, but that thousands of other human being have it, and many of them use it for slavery and destruction as they enslaved me with telepathy and destructed literally everything in my life until 1 March 2016, where now I am still trying to understand what forced me to this position that I did not want to be in today, among others writing these complaint pages

8.          You did not help me to not be brainwashed by the CIA, MI6, BND and BP-British Petroleum between 1 January 1983 and 1986, and allowed that I be enslaved under a vicious disgusting whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, and then removed me from Germany by forced of brainwash and telepathy, which also covers up what happened to me previously in Germany as described in the pages Slavery in Germany and in BP-British Petroleum-Part-1

9.          In September 1999 or Mai 2000, I was forced by telepathy to write to you and asking you to take care of my son, not knowing it was my fake son at that time. I did not write this letter from my own will, it was forced upon me as a mean to remind me of what I lost in Germany, which was a part of re-brainwashing me to force me to leave USA and to separate me of my fake son=100% the son of a Saudi Arabian, UAE or Jordanian royal family members that is also a CIA/MI6 agent and protect by these evil organizations

10.     Last but not least, you neglected your allegiance to a Christian member of your church and betrayed him (conned me), which is me. Especially when I came asking you for help in August 2003, and instead of helping me, you called the police and they locked me up in the hospital for insane named Haar for 6 weeks. I know I was a bit difficult, but it was not my fault, it was the brainwash that you and the Dutch immigration in cooperation with the German immigration in Munich called KVR that, and with no doubt cooperated together to re-brainwash me between December 2001 and March 2002 and then it was only the Dutch immigration until 27 December 2002 to force me to complain and warn my the lookalike of my fake son that they brought in to my life on 27 December 2002 only to hear the reaction of the brainwash that they performed upon me from 11 February 2001 and until 27 December 2002. And complaining to the lookalike of my fake son forced my mind to continue to re-analyze my past where I discovered many bad things that made me sad, angry and absolutely disappointed, also about you and of you, partially as mentioned above, and I absolutely had no plans what so ever to go back to Germany in August 2003, because I was disappointed and saw in my past a clear actions among others also of you pushing me away, and as a Christian that adopted the New testament logic, and when someone reject me, I just shake the their dust of my cloths and walk away, yet the evil Dutch immigration and the lookalike of my fake son, forced me on 1 August 2003 to leave the refugee camp and go to Germany as a mean to continue to harm me and prevent me of ever going back to Germany to coverup of these evil fake family members that have several identities and some of them even live in Unterschleissheim and/or Lohhof and/or Eching and/or Oberschleissheim and/or Munich and you knew that and were also covering up for them, because some of them are Germans originated from the ex-German royalties that were pushed out of their kingdoms!!!!


Not to mention the repeated complain letters that I sent you from jails and prisons in Germany between 2001 and 2006


There is much more, but I will skip it.


The absolute positive side of me interacting with you, is mainly 2 things:

A.    In 1976 and finally I was allowed to have a logic, yet and most definitely I would have preferred to have a normal logic, being between real family, real brothers and sisters, and good family that treat their children with care and love and protect them, where they help their children to build from birth out a healthy life related social logic that I was deprived off and was instead given the Bible with the goal: read it, absorb it and go away!

B.     The friendship that you offered me between January 1976 and late 1978, and partially (some of you) even until 1986, was priceless and irreplaceable, and therefore thank you


Last point is my retirement, I contacted you in 2016 and 2017 to give me prove that I worked in the church as apart time for the retirement office, because they cut off my retirement by approximately 40-60%, yet you played games with me and send me no proves as a result my retirement from 17 years working hard in Germany is only 300 Euro!!!


Therefore, I have a lot of conflicts when thinking about you, yet and with no doubt you betrayed not only me, but also and based on the New testament, you betrayed Jesus Christ and his disciples, and I am one of his disciples, just like Millions of others!


Considering that you are an institution that also many other persons finds in you a refuge for whatever reason and considering that you often perform charity for other countries, which I saw myself, therefore I will be very modest in my request for justice of you.


Therefore, I think it is just fare that you, the Evangelische Lutherische Genezareth Kirche (Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church) of Unterschleissheim, Lohhof and Heimhausen should pay me restitution for helping the BND in 1976 and again in 2002 and again in 2003 while betraying your follow Christian that you helped to set up to become Christian, and when I knocked at your door asking you for help and protection of the unjust persecution and endless unjust lockups you not only turned your back on me, but also called the police to remove me from the church and your pastor named Werner something as well as the chairman of the board Mr. Schneider told the police  a lie that I am allegedly here to force myself and work in the church at the same job as I was working in 1977/1978 as a kirchen Küster, Messner (in English: Church Sexton), which never crossed my mind. The police then locked me up 6 weeks in a hospital for mentally insane named Haar, and as a result of this action or lack of it, I was locked up in one way or another until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection. Therefore, I think it is just fare that you pay me one Euro for each day starting January 1 1976 and until 1 March 2016, which equals 14,606 days with the total of 14,606 Euro (Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred and Six). Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you done injustice and betrayed (or conned me) and kept them 12 years locked up in the Netherlands not to mention the severe persecution that lasted until at least 1 March 2016. Not to forget allowing me to be brainwashed, enslaved under the CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped to USA where the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport conspired with the International Institute of Connecticut and the FBI to force me to live in USA as an illegal alien with no rights what so ever and then locked up and dumped by force in the Netherlands for additional 12 years lockup plus 4 additional hidden lockup, where I was severely persecuted!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


23- Justice through the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

First, I will like to thank you and the family Stevens for your hospitality from end of November 1986 to March/April 1987. I must say, my respect for hosting me for so long, me and the CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and my 6-9 months old fake son. I know I was not easy to get along with, and this because I was forced to be in this situation and I most definitely did not want to be in it, you were used, most probably without your knowledge, as a brainwash tool to keep me in a trust worthy environment until my temporary German passport expired in end of March 1987, then you too, placed me and without warning on the street as a mean to keep me busy surviving and to force my mind to give my attention to surviving and not to the CIA + MI6 + British Petroleum whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and to prevent me of leaving her. I must admit that my fake brother and fake sisters did not host me by far so long, not even 6 weeks, both in USA and in the UK, not to mention my other fake sister’s family in Jordan that set me up severely in 1967, in 1969, in 1980, in 1981, in 1982 and between 1983 and 1986 and last but not least in 1994 in Houston, Texas + all the background setups to prevent me of ever visiting members of my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Switzerland, Hamburg and the UK and this alone shows that they are not my family but rather my fake family and my kidnappers on 10/11 January 1960, yet and even though they were my fake family and knew me much more than you did, they should have hosted me at least for this period, instead of setting me up to be hosted by you for multi-purpose reasons, such as:

1.     keep me in trustworthy environment until my temporary German passport expires in March 1987

2.     Show me as if the Evangelical Lutheran church tried to help me in Germany and in USA

3.     To prevent me of getting a job or a sponsor, whereby the church could have done that, but they did not

4.     To prevent me to leave the CIA + MI6 + British petroleum whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud

5.     To cover up for my fake brother that was working with these criminals: CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum + my fake family + the parents of my fake son

6.     To monitor me and how I look for a job

7.     And other reasons


Yet, you failed to save me of this situation and failed me again of being mistreated by the FBI, CIA, Najlaa Mahmoud that caused me severe mental damages with her telepathy. As a result of failing to help and rescue your follow Christian the following was done to me:

1.     You set me up most probably knowingly, yet I cannot prove it, in cooperation with Mrs. Myra Oliver the director of International institute of Connecticut, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, that was working against me and conspiring with the FBI and INS (US Immigration and Naturalization Services) that were working with the CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum that were covering up for my fake family and all the evil agents that pretended to be members of my fake family in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE-United Arab Emirate, Kuwait and other. Tis severe setup that lasted from April 1987, where you practically pushed me by force to apply for political asylum through Mrs. Myra Oliver the director of International institute of Connecticut, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and later the FBI get officially involved and threatened me to prevent the forced upon me asylum and blame it on me, which they did, and the set up ended in September 1987, when I was denied the asylum after allowing me to make an Connecticut ID + driver license + ID social security to force me to be illegal alien yet with legal papers that allows me to work only as freelance with these 3 documents that then were stolen of me in September 1999 in Houston, Texas as a mean to force me not to have a legal ID and force me to be locked up and then deported to the Netherlands, which they did, and that is most sadistic crime act and inhuman

2.     In around December 1986 and as I went to your church for Christmas and went up to your pastor Stevens along with many others to take part in the communion, also called Last Supper (in German abendmahl, in Dutch Laatste Avondmaal in Arabic “العشاء الأخير”), by eating a piece of bread and drinking a piece of wine or grape juice in memory of Jesus Christ and the brotherhood of Christianity, where he said, those are my brothers and sisters that do God’s will, by helping others and not pushing them away or conspiring against them, but also said take this piece of bread and sip of wine in memory of me as mean of unity between Christians, but then the pastor and you denied me to take part in the communion by saying you are not Christian, therefore you cannot take part with this communion, however I will give you my blessings, and you did, very unfortunately, I was prevented with telepathy and shame to respond to you in front of the hundreds that were attending. Here is my response to you: if I was not Christian, then why would I go to the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bridgeport and ask them for help after my fake brother lied to me about work and residence permit and attorney, and asked me to leave his house and put me on the street with a woman and an infant of less than 6 months in a strange country, strange environment, while I did not know anyone in that country at that time, nor I had any money, and in this case I would ask only the group of people for help that I trust most in my life, which was the Evangelical Lutheran church, if I was Muslim, then I would have gone to a Muslim community and asked them for help. If I were Jewish, then I would have gone to a synagogue, if I was atheist, then I would most definitely not have asked the Evangelical Lutheran church for help. My second response your responce to me saying that I am not Christian, showing me that you were 100% one of 2, Number-1: someone forced you with telepathy to say that. Number-2: you were helping the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6. I would like to choose number-1, but I cannot, because the Evangelical Lutheran church is German origin and many churches of the Evangelical Lutheran churches worldwide are in the hidden controlled by the ex-German royalties, whereby and today I believe that I have discovered my biological grandparents (or possibly they are great grandparents) and they are ex-German royalties, and some of their Children are the ones that are controlling the Evangelical Lutheran churches in USA, and these complaint pages proves that but also that the Evangelical Lutherans in USA are supporting the current Whitehouse administration, where I strongly believe that at least 3-5 persons of this administration are the children of hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and have telepathy and controlling Donald Trump, which is very clear for me to see in his erratic behavior. Allow me to put it this way: a conman with good experience will immediately recognize another conman. But also, a hidden slave with good experience as myself, will immediately recognize another hidden slave, and Donald Trump is 100% a hidden slave, just as George W. Bush was before him and George H. W. Bush was before them!

3.     I was raped in USA for 15 years

4.     I was tortured mentally and physically for 15 years

5.     I was prevented to advance in life enable to prevent me to make money and free myself of their hidden and most destructive control

6.     Preventing me of being setup my fake attorney named William F. Harmeyer in Houston Texas that was with no doubt working with the evil parents of my fake son, the CIA, MI6 and FBI to lock me and literally he delivered me to the immigration instead of helping me getting a legal status in USA

7.     Which all resulted that I was locked up  again between July 2000 and Mai 2012, but this time in the Netherlands and additional 4 years as hidden lock up during which I was severely tortured mentally and physically such as pulling all my teeth out in July 2011, and from 2012 to 1 March 2016 I was severely persecuted and pushed around with force of brainwash and telepathy from the evil village Bellingwolde in Netherlands to Amsterdam in Netherlands, to Hove in the UK, to Kerkrade in Netherlands, to Harrow, London in the UK, to Assen in Netherlands until I was able on 1 March 2016 to seek refuge and protection by the Dutch royal family and the Dutch government as well as the many embassies in Den Haag/The Hague

8.     And many other damages and setup among others to use me to blackmail my biological family in USA that until today I am not positive who they are except that you may know them


Because you’re a church that helped many in the past, and continue to help me, and will continue to do so in the future, I will be modest in my request for justice from you.


I find it very fare that you the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport pay me 1 (one) Euro for each day I was locked starting 1 November 1986 and until 1 March 2016, this is 29 years and 4 (four) months, which makes 10,705 days, which makes 10,705 Euro (Ten Thousand and Seven Hundred and Five). Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you done injustice and betrayed (or conned me) and kept them 29 years and 4 (four) months locked up as mentioned above, during which I was prevented to marry the women I loved, have my own children and build my own family and that is more than sadistic, it is criminal and totally inhuman!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


24- Justice through the Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip Church in, Bissonnette Street, Houston, Texas, USA

I am absolutely speechless about your cruelty and cowardness because of the followings:

1.        Between October 1999 and April 2000 I was severely persecuted by unknown using telepathy that scared the life out of me while forcing me to be with a very unpredictable behavior, because and at that time I did not know of the existence of telepathy and therewith I did not understand it nor did I know how to deal with it, therefore I was going around asking for help against these vicious telepathy attacks, I even and indirectly asked the IT department manager of Flour Daniel named Mr. Parks for help, which he naturally rejected because they set me up between July 1998 and April 1999 to force my mind to remember how I was brainwashed and kidnaped from Germany with the goal for force me to voluntarily leave USA as a mean of separating me of my fake son Abdulhamid Najar and the CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud in 1986. All attempt to get help against these telepathy attacks failed

2.        There was one help that I trusted with my eyes closed, which was the Evangelical Lutheran church, which of I was a member since 1976 (member of the Evangelical Lutheran church, anywhere in the world). And therefore, I went to the Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip church on 9745 Bissonnette Street, Houston, Texas 77036, USA and I asked the pastor for help against the telepathy attacks, he reached out to his pocket and gave me 5 US Dollars and said this is all what I can do for you and asked me to leave. I told him I am not asking for money, and he repeated his answer, then I was very disappointed and left not knowing what to do about these vicious attacks.

3.        Between 2008 and 2012 and in the forced upon me website called “Wanted” I wrote about this not very nice pastor and the church, and was wondering why not only he refused to help his follow Christian, but he absolutely did not even bother to talk with me about it, and try to understand my situation, if I am a mentally sick person or am I really in trouble, my face expression, the way I talked and my voice were my best witnesses that I was severely in trouble. Then and sometimes between 2009 and 2010 the following happened:

3.1.     The lookalike of my fake brother, named Nick Naggar  (2 x G) created a website named or and placed in it many photos showing photos of himself and his alleged Turkish wife (to relate me to Turkey which he often did that also in Germany, by bringing the brother-in-law of his wife that was named Nevzat, the alleged Turkish origin of my name Nuzhat, and this was one of many) as well as he placed several photos of his lookalike from the school called Saint Georg in Cairo Egypt from 1960s, as if he was raised in Cairo, Egypt as distraction of his lookalike Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar

3.2.     In the same time period, my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar (1 x G) also created a website (allegedly was created by the criminal mentioned under point 3.1 named Nick Naggar) showing as if she is a real Arab publishing her some kind of allegedly self-made poetry (that any Egyptian would be more than happy to do for a few English pounds, which makes at least 5 times the value of the Egyptian pound also called “Guinea”, which was the name of the English currency from 1663 and until they replaced it with the “Pound” in 1814, and since they were 100% ruling and controlling Egypt since a long time, they also exported their currency the Guinea to Egypt, and it is still called guinea as I was living in Egypt in 1960s, while in many old English movies they were still calling the English Pound as Guinea, and also calling the Egyptian currency in the international market as Pound, yet in Egypt and in Arabic they call it Guinea “جنيه مصرى‎” abbreviated in Arabic as “ج .م” meaning G M = Guinea Masri [=Egyptian] =Egyptian Pound), Sorry get side tracked, but it shows that Egypt is 100% controlled by English since officially the years 1800s, in reality since unknown to me time, possibly since the years 1600s

3.3.     My fake brother Nick Naggar, and my 2 fake sisters in the UK and in Washington D.C. make pages showing as if they are angels

3.4.     And in the same time the Evangelical Lutheran St. Philip church disappeared from Houston, Texas, USA, which is impossibly, because I went there several times, and each time I visited the church was over filled and there were at least 300 attendees, during which not 1 (one) but 2 (two) pastors performed the church service. In comparison to other churches, usually on Sunday you find something between 20-100 persons (depending if it is a village or a city), and only on big holidays such as Christmas or Easter the church is full. Yet this church disappeared between 2009 and 2011 and was replaced by an Afro American church called “Higher Dimension” and under the same address on 9745 Bissonnette Street, Houston, Texas 77036, USA


Why would a church disappear if it was very successful, and has at least 300 attendees every Sunday?


I have but 3 explanations:

1.     The church went bankrupt, which is theoretically and practically impossible, because of the constant high amount of visitors/attendees

2.     It is very possible that there was a pastor that I knew from Germany such as Mr. Herbert Lange, and this is very possible because he was very lookalike of Mrs. Barbara Pierce Bush as shown below, but also all the relation between the church and me and how 3 Evangelical Lutheran churches treated me as described within

3.     Several to many members of my fake family that were in Houston and members of Aramco or I met in Saudi Arabia were also members of this church, and one prove to me out of many, is how I was forced to relocate from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Houston, Texas in December 1990, which was very sudden and was forced upon me after 1 December 1990. As I was brainwashed and Enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped to USA in September 1986, this agent whore claimed that she does not know anyone in USA, and very suddenly her alleged 3 children out of 4 children came to USA in 1988, which were Rima Khodor alias Rima Mushref (female) in Allentown Pennsylvania, Suzanne Khodor (female) Houston, Texas, and Nawar Khodor (male), Houston, Texas. Then and in 1991 she knew more people and family members as I was dragged to Semi Valley California on a government project called Savings and Loan audit known as Savings and Loan scandal of 1990/1991, and after 1999 I realized she is most probably a whore living in USA and hired by the CIA for this purpose while she claimed never been in USA before. In short this whore forced me within 2 days to decide to relocate to Houston and leave everything behind, including my furniture’s that I bought in Bridgeport, Connecticut since 1987, and this is the second time that this whore bitch forced me to do so (the first time was in Munich, Germany and in September 1986, where I left everything behind including all my furniture’s and the rest of the household that I bought gradually since 1973) while this whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud is protected by the evil CIA, + MI6 + British Petroleum + the evil Bush family that today I most definitely recognize as a Nazi family. And therewith they were using these 3 children of the CIA whore agent as distraction of the Bush family and the CIA that were controlling my life. If these complaint pages came out in the 1980s, then George H. W. Bush would have never become president and all his opponents would have used this information and me against him. Or if I would have written these complaint pages in the 1990s, then his son George W, Bush would also never become the president of USA. USA and with no doubt is the 5th hidden kingdom of the UK.


I do not know. However, there are many odd things went around my life with this church and the above 2 churches.


Here are 3 photos that are buzzle to me:

This is how pastor Herbert Lange from the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Lohhof and Heimhausen in Germany looked like, as mentioned in the page “Thank You”!





Photo-1: is of George W. Bush with his alleged same family members as on the right-side photo, which is a lie!


The top small face photo of pastor Herbert Lange is taken of this photo of allegedly Barbara Bush with her alleged husband the ex-US president George H. W. Bush that is among others and 100% responsible for kidnapping me from Germany to USA using the illegal project Calypso as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1. And the reason I know that for fact he is responsible, is because the Calypso project was about American satellite computer using American military satellites, and this cannot be determined by BP-British Petroleum (alone!!), but rather by the commander and chief of USA=ex-president Reagan and his vice-President George H. W. Busch that was previously CIA director for one year from January 1976 to January 1977, during which I was setup and forced to become member of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany as preparation to kidnap me to USA as described in the pages BP-British Petroleum -Part-1 + Part-2. But also, he was a CIA agent in 1960s and was working closely with petroleum companies to steal Arab petroleum.


I was forced with telepathy to find this photo as a part of using me to publish whatever they wanted and not what it was from me or about me.



Photo-2: is of George W. Bush with his alleged same family members from the left photo, which is a lie because his alleged wife is different from the photo on the left!


If you compare this photo with the left photo, you will discover a lot of look discrepancies of his alleged wife Barbara Bush alias Barbara Pierce Bush in both photos. Look at the followings in both photos and compare Mrs. Bush in both photos, I know that the left photo is not that clear and that is why I added some written help as follow:

1.     Her hairstyle

2.     Her eyes

3.     Her eye brows and their shape, in the left it is not as much tilted

4.     Her smile

5.     The shape of her mouth

6.     Lastly the way she represents herself, one shy and humble and tilting her head on the right side while on the left side the absolute opposite


The summary of the above 6 points = 100% 2 different persons, either 2 women or a man and a woman, my guess and based on every fact in this complaint pages is the left one is a man with darker eye colors, while the right one is a woman with blue eye.


But why stop there?


Look at the face and body of George H. W. Bush and compare it to hidden escaped top Nazi, that were used by the American and British government to integrate the Nazi brainwash and slavery strategies in the Middle East as they used it in Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy and other countries, and then were integrated in the Middle East by the CIA and MI6 as well the English royal family that were heavily related to them, and today you can see their work in the Middle East, from Tunis, to Egypt, and from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait to Yemen and Syria and Iraq, not to forget to Afghanistan. George H. W. Bush and with no doubt is related to the hidden ex-German royalties’ alias Nazis that brought Adolf Hitler from Austria as distraction of their selves. And the behavior of George H. W. Bush and his son George W. Bush are the prove, they are both hidden Nazis in USA and covered up by Donald Trumps as distraction and the prove are the facts of my complaint pages.


If you wonder how I learned to give attention to details: I was trained for it  by the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bavaria, that and today, I would say they + the Catholic church in Bavaria were the only genuine ones who tried to free me and show me my past by training my mind to give attention to the detail, where I was prevented by telepathy among other by the CIA whore agent Anita Disbray, yet the church tricked her by getting me to courses allegedly to learn how to deal with youth in the church and their families during which they and most definitely went beyond that and taught me much more, which had a severe destructive consequences to my person that immediately started at these courses, yet I was at that time a slave of the evil CIA + MI6 and their whore agent named Anita Disbray from 20 August 1970 to September 1977, and therewith I was not able to use what they taught me in 1976 and until the end of summer of 1977, yet it stuck in my memory and once I was free again and separated of the second whore agent that was set on me, or better said I was brainwashed and enslaved under her evil control by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 from 24.12.1984 and until June/July 1999, and then several were persecuting me with telepathy and forcing me to many things that I did not want to do, until I just wanted to leave the evil Houston, Texas USA, and just go back home, where I thought I have friends in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, that then conspired with BND and some members of my fake family as well as member of my biological family to push me away, which they did as described in many of my complaint pages


If this is true and the above left shown photo is of Pastor Herbert Lange, then it would explain many things, among other that he was a con man (a wolf in sheep clothing), and that ex-President George H. W. Bush that gave the order to kidnap me from Germany was covering up for himself, his son the ex-president George W. Bush while covering up of his family the hidden escaped Nazis in the Middle East and I have more than one prove for that in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3.


Therefore, and because this was one evil church and a wolf disguised in sheep clothing, I would not have asked them for justice, because they are and with no doubt a criminal enterprise that forces people to think of them as followers of Jesus Christ, which they are most definitely not, they are the absolute anti-Christ, meaning anti human and anti-freedom, I would have done my best to bring them to justice, but what can I say, they are cowered and they escaped and disappeared


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice. Go voluntarily either to jail or to a real pastor and ask God and all human for forgiveness, because I am not going to forgive you, because you are covering up for many death, slavery, and hidden slavery!


I thank you for your understanding.


25- Justice through the Magnuskerk (in English: Magnus church) Protestantse Gemeente Bellingwolde (in English: Protestant Congregation Bellingwolde) in Bellingwolde, Groningen, Netherlands

On 28 February 2008 I was finally released from the evil cycle of never-ending unjust imprisonment that in the hidden started on 24 December 1984, and even more hidden in September 1986 and publicly, meaning I am free of slavery yet not free and locked up in jails, prisons and refugee camps until 28 February 2008. And so, I thought, yet I was far away of freedom, I was in a new hidden slavery that I was not able to recognize or escape. Yet I was desperate to meet good people, which are and based on the new testament Christians, and that is what I thought at that time, today I know good people are all over and in every religion, I was just denied access to them to not expose what I am complaining about right now, above all the evil Bush family that locked me up in Houston, Texas and entire USA as an illegal alien for 15 years, beside and in Houston Texas, between September 1999 and 10 February 2001 I was severely re-brainwashed and forced to place the blame of everything bad that happened to me so far only on my fake family that pretended to be persecuting me and avoiding me because I allegedly became Christian, today I know they were among those who forced me to be Christian enable to kidnap me to USA to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family and in particular parents that I still do not know who they are.


In short, I was in February 2008 desperate to socialize with people that I can trust, and they would not betray me. Therefore, I went to the church in the village I was forced to live in. This church was the only one close to me and called “Magnus Kerk” Protestantse Gemeente Bellingwolde (in English “Magnus Church Protestant Congregation of Bellingwolde), whereby Bellingwolde was a village in the ass of the world, and that is why it stinks to the havens and the next larger village was Winschoten and 15 KM away, and the next actual city was 50 km away and called Groningen.


So, I went to this church. It was 800 meters of my forced upon me isolated housing, right on the German border (less than 700 meters across the stream). After the church service a short man, maybe 150 -160 cm approached me and introduced himself as the chairman of the board of this church and said, before you can come to the church, we have to interview you at your home, therefore give me your number and I will call you. I gave it to him. After one week he did not call me, and I called him, and he said don’t worry I will call you and make an appointment to visit you at home. After 2 weeks, all in all 3 weeks, he did not call so I called him again, and he said the same thing, then I get the hint, I was slow in understanding due to all the brainwash and telepathy persecution. And therewith he was really telling me directly by using different rhetoric + nasty behavior: don’t ever come to our church. Now if I look at what just happened here and remember my peptize witness in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, he too was the chairman of the board as they called the police and locked me 6 weeks in the hospital for insane named Haar next to Munich Germany, but also he was approximately the same height as this not very nice man in Magnus church. Since I was being forced to write my history on the internet in form of a website called “Wanted”, and the Dutch immigration forced me to do that in the refugee camp called Dokkum between August 2006 and 28 February 2008 when they brought me by force to live to this evil village gave me the choice to live her or on the street, meaning they continued to force me to write in the website while forcing me to live in a different environment, yet 100% controlled environment and it would not have suit them if I join a church, because then and most definitely I will be busy, because I was very social, I loved people and loved having friends that I can trust, and what a better place to find good people than in a church!!???


Anyway, I was 100% prevented to not only join this church but they told me, and I am quoting what they said to me in words and in actions “don’t ever come back here!”. I felt I am going to go crazy, because of all the evil setup and telepathy attacks, that wakes me up in the middle of the night and force upon me thought and force me to place them on the Internet, sometime would have only 2-4 hours’ sleep for 5-6 days, then I sleep 14 hours. Who knows maybe some member of the church were attacking me with telepathy, I do not know who was attacking me because I cannot see telepathy and where it is coming from, and it is not farfetched, see the above 3 churches, whereby I skipped a few other churches in USA and in Netherlands, because how they treated me was nothing remotely as nasty as these 4 churches, yet I had to stop going there, now I am Christian only by heart, name and mind. Many things happened to me in this evil village and is readable in the page “Slavery in Netherlands”, whereby this page has only a fraction of what these people did to me from mental to physical torture to scare tactics!


The positive side of this church, is that they and most probably are nice to the other visitors, yet I think most visitors are one family, which is often the case in small villages, yet this village was not that small, it had and as far as I recall population of around 3000 thousand, today I looked in Wikipedia and they have 2665 with a density of  590 person per square km, which is not only higher than the density of the Entire Netherlands, but also and by far higher than any village in the area that supposedly is between 250 and max 500, I wonder why!?


You failed a follow Christian that knocked at your door and you close the door on him, instead of helping him get not only free but also protect him from the brainwash and other attacks such as being tortured right in front of your eyes by the dentists in Bellingwolde, Winschoten and Scheemda, where then they not only tortured me very sadistically, but also pulled out all my teeth and ever since I am suffering through all the very nasty dentists and dental technicians in Winschoten, Scheemda, Groningen and even thereafter in Amsterdam and Assen and until I sought  refuge in Den Haag/The Hague by looking for protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the many embassies. Shame on you!


The section below was added on 14.10.2019

In End of August I went to a dental Technician office that I believe they are good and asked for a new Denture because what I have is getting worse and worse, to the point I cannot fix it myself any more. In short, he made 3 appointments for me within 10 days period in September 2019, first appointment to measure my denture, second appointment to test the measurement and the third was to give me the dentures. At the third appointment  I was very pleasantly surprised because I was not used to it anymore, which is he placed the new denture in my mouth, I mentioned to him that was little hurting here and there, he went to fix them and  5 minutes later he place them again in my mouth and it fit without hurting me. Meaning it is possible to make a denture without hurting and torturing the patient, and if I have to go on an average 2 times a month for dentist or dental technician while changing them around 25 times within 6 years, then there is something very wrong!


Therefore, I would like to than this dental Technician office and I would always recommend them as the best dental technicians in Netherlands!


Their name is: Tandprothetische praktijk Michiel Roebroek


Again thank you very much, you restored my faith in Dutch!


End of section added on 14.10.2019


And since I know that the IND and the Dutch police were persecuting me to know more about my history, plus that many other have benefits of a church except me, therefore, I will be modest in my request of justice by you.


But also, your negative, almost destructive reaction towards me helped in forcing my mind  to stay away of churches until I was able after 1 March 2016 to get rid of these brainwash and destructive actions that forced my mind to think so, which was wrong of you, because I know most churches will never behave like that!


Therefor I find it just fare that you Magnuskerk in Bellingwolde pay me the following justice 1 (one Euro) for each day starting 28 February 2008 and until 1 March 2016, which is 8 years or 2920 days and 2,920 Euro (two thousand Nine Hundred and 20) because your action was nothing else than brainwash to isolation enable someone can continue forcing me to write wrong things on the Internet, and that is not only not Christian, but it was absolutely wrong of you and it was anti-Christian and makes bad names for real good Christians. Give me this justice and I will show the world that you are also capable to give justice to those that you done injustice and betrayed (or conned me) and kept them 4 years (four) and 3 months suffer in front of you and you did nothing to help, which resulted of severe and long term physical and mental torture until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 march 2016.


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


26-Justice through Free Masons and in particular through Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany

See also Free Masons in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3”.


The Free mason is a known secret society that was used against me as distraction of the hidden Escaped Nazis their children from 1945 that were surrounding me after kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 to the Middle East and in particular to Cairo, Egypt, that were living in the Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and Oman, and pretending to be Syrians and members of my fake family. And as they took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 and set me up to look like as if I am related to currency falsifier to give the CIA and MI6 a reason to take me over from  the German government for allegedly investigating me by the USA Secret Service and CIA because of the fake US Dollars bills, but somehow it did not work and the CIA gave my fake mother specific instruction how to implicate me enable they can take me over from the Germans, which is and in addition to the fake currency, to implicate me with the followings:

1.     To look like I am related to the international terrorist group PLO

2.     To look like I am related to drug lords

3.     To look like I am related to escaped Nazis from 1945

4.     And to implicate me to be related to an ex-Soviet Union agent


My fake mother took these instructions and on around 10 December 1969 took me on a re-brainwash and implication tour through half of Europe with the car to Syria, then Jordan, then Lebanon, and then Egypt and back to Munich, Germany on 15 January 1970.


The next day or so, meaning on around 16 January 1970, she took me to the Freimaurerloge “Zur Kette” (Free Mason or Freemason or Freemasonry and founded by the English royal family, for detail see the page BP-British Petroleum-part-3), which was on the same street where we were staying in a hotel named Hotel Maria on schwanthalerstraße (schwanthaler street) in Munich, Germany, that was more or less half a star B&B without breakfast and the hotel was around 500 meters of the office of the Freemason towards the center of Munich.


At the free Masons office or Lodge, I cannot recall how she communicated with them, because she always claimed not to speak any other language but Arabic, which turned out to be a lie, any way she showed them a couple of printed certificates that shows that my (none existence and made up) father named Abdulhamid Najar was not only a member of the Free Mason English lodge, but also was a Master Mason, whatever that means, and also showed them 2 medals from the Free masons with the name of this fake father engraved on them as a Master Mason and asked them to help me, she did not ask them to help us but only to help me, meaning she already planned on leaving me alone in Munich under the mercy of merciless vicious people!


Allow me to stop right here for a small side note. This Abdulhamid Najar with his alleged full name: Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar, is not existence as my biological father, he was 100% made up, his family, alias his mother and brothers were made up and I was given photos about them and they forced up on me fake 2 memories about them in Damascus, Syria, therefore he is fake. He might have existed as person, and that would explain the photos that these criminal brainwashers gave me, yet not as my father, everything about everything they gave me about him was fake, see the page BP-British Petroleum-part-3. On top of that my 3 fake sisters and my fake brothers are not brothers and sisters, each one of them is of a different family, and therewith he cannot be their father either, because and among others I was not given one single photo of him with my fake uncles that I knew and were forced upon me after 10/11 January 1960. There was not even one photo with him and my fake mother or one of my fake sister or brother or him alone in the house that he allegedly rented in 1950 in this house and with his family, yet I was given photos from him dated to 1940s, 1930s, 1920s and 1910 or 1915, yet he or those who made these old photos dated back to 1915 did not make photos of this house where he allegedly lived in it from January 1950 and until his alleged death in January 1953, which is the same concept with my mother, and my fake brother that was allegedly raised in Amman, Jordan by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and I relate him to the royal family and being the hidden son of the ex-king Hussein of Jordan, which makes him a brother or half-brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan and the same is valid with my 3 fake sisters none of them has a photo with the other from prior to January 1960. Except one photo that shows 3 little girls in one photo from 1940s, and they claim it is my 3 fake sisters, and that is too little to show.


What does all this have with the Free Mason?


Simple, they planed everything and gave these fake documents and gold medals as distraction of their relatives and friends the hidden escaped Nazis in the Middle East, and no one will ever figure this one out, yet I did, with or without help via telepathy, I am not sure, yet I figured it out over 40 years later. Some proves of this are among others the followings:

1.     Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael the Egyptian government official that became Egypt representative in the UNO sometimes in end of 1970s or begin of 1980s, and he covered up for kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 by pretending to be helping us because he was the best friend of my none existence father, and therewith he was English agent in Egypt and a lair because he claimed to know me since almost birth and visited me in Damascus, Syria and brought me a tricycle before 1959. He was a free mason member

2.     King Hussein of Jordan was a free mason member while I strongly suspect him to be the biological father of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that was raised by a nanny along with other 3 hidden royalties children alias my fake nephew and nieces and one of them is Reem Bdeir and a very strong lookalike of princess Haya of Jordan

3.     Many persons around my life were Free Masons members but I did not know that, such as Mohamad Ali Bdeir, Abdelghani Abokurah, some of the Baroudi family members alias my fake uncles, that today I know for sure that they are German origin

4.     How the German Free Masosn alias “Freimaurerloge Zur kette” treated me between January 1970 and March 1970

5.     My best friend or at least what I at that time considered to be my best friend named Detlev Fischer, his father, I think named Klaus Fischer was a Free Mason, while I strongly suspect him to have helped in setting me up, yet I have no prove, it is just conclusion based on heavy circumstance, which is, he was the personnel manager at Avon Cosmetics Germany in the city of Eching just a couple of KM from where I was living in the small city Unterschleissheim when I get to know him through the church and after I was setup to become Christian, and was complaining to him that my brother was working as an IT consultant for Free, traveling 900 kilo meters to the north to work for a one man company for free and serve the client of this company, and Mr. Fischer asked me to invite him for an interview, which I did and to make it short and after a small theater he get allegedly a job as mainframe programmer at Avon Cosmetics in Eching, and after this I even saw him much less than before, even though and to go to work from his apartment in Munich, he has to pass by my town Unterschleissheim first, but he never dropped by, even though and the son-in-law of Mr. Fischer, his name was Walter something was also working as an IT professional in the same company and living in the same city as I was, and used to play often table tennis with him in the basement of the church building, yet my brother never dropped by from work. Later and after the year 2016, I realized he did not work for free for that IT company, he was lying to me to make me feel sorry for him, he had another job, and he was not my original fake brother from Egypt that allegedly was raised in Amman, Jordan, he was a lookalike set on me by the CIA and the American military in the American military Base McGraw kaserne around September 1970 as systematic mean of brainwash to force me to think that all my fake family members that I was forced to leave behind in Egypt, they too pretended to have left, by introducing me to a lookalike that forced me with telepathy to accept that while preventing me to think about it, and once they do that for a short while the brain get used to it and accept it as reality. Therefore I strongly believe that this lookalike of my original fake brother was working for the American or British military in Germany and they asked him to pretend to be my brother, yet his behavior was always as if I am his enemy and I never understood his behavior towards me because and until I became Christian I believed in the teaching of the Muslim Sunni, which states many things among others that your mother come first, then you mother and then your mother (3 times), which literally forced me to not see all the damages that bitch named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her official brothers and her official children and what they were doing to me, in other words I believed in the religion and trusted it and continued to forgive that whore that turned out not to be my biological mother but rather one of my kidnappers. The second thing in the religion was the brother, were the Sunni Muslim rely on additional book named the holy stories, which is about the profit and how he was allegedly using the Quran, and one of these stories he was asked who is more important my brother or my son, he answered your brother, because your parents are dead and they cannot reproduce another brother for you, but you can marry many women and each can give you a son. I do not agree with this which equals “quantity is better than quality” I believe “Quality is much more important than quantity”, yet I believed in it until I became Christian, and very unfortunately it stayed in my brain as leftover of Sunni Muslims, which in both cases it turned out to be, at least for me and in my case, as a severe brainwash to slavery, because I gave it priority above other thoughts and forgave my brother each time, which stopped me of using my intelligence and think about why he is mistreating me if I am treating him like brother but he is treating me as a stranger, it turned out for many reasons, first because his not my biological brother, second he is just the lookalike of my original fake brother that turned out to be one of the evil hidden children of King Hussein of Jordan, while not allowing me to get to close to him, because he was a CIA agent, MI6 agent or American or English military staff such as a soldier, a sergeant or an officer of some kind, and is concentrated evil to pretend for so long to be my brother just to bush me more and deeper in hidden slavery since September 1970.


Back to the Freemason, on top of all of the above, they did the followings:

1.     They said to my fake mother they cannot help me because I am illegal in this country, even though I am a legal visitor in Germany, but I am not allowed to work and the best thing is that she applies for a political asylum for me, then the government will permit me to work. And they allegedly told here where to apply for political asylum for me. Which was in the police station that was at that time also the municipality of Munich that was also responsible for among other refugees in a street called Et Strasse (Street). She took me there and applied for me for political asylum, but not for herself (!!!????), she stayed with me for a week and left giving me around 3-4 Hundred Deutsch Mark, which was not enough to cover the hotel cost. In short, they needed to continue to implement the setup that she took me in December for around 32 days on a brainwash and implication tour, where she and her family and my fake sisters implicated me as related to top terrorists, top Drug lords, hidden escaped Nazis and to her as an alleged ex-Soviet Union agent

2.     The Freemason get me a job through one of their members that tuned out to be a top manager at an electrical parts manufacturing plant/company named Shalt Bau, after a couple of weeks I was not able to pay the hotel anymore and I was forced to sleep on the streets, as they all planned it to take me to the American military base for a re-brainwash and total isolation and make it look like as if I landed there by my free well, which I most definitely did not, I was taken there by forced of brainwash and fear of sleeping on the streets of Munich in the end of the middle of the winter. Yet the question here is the following. If I stopped going to work because I cannot afford to pay the hotel and I did not yet get my monthly salary, and my father was an alleged master of Free Mason, which is comparable to a bishop in a church, then why didn’t they see what is wrong and helped me stay in the hotel, all it could have taken is a phone call to the hotel, the hotel was only 500 Meters of their office, today it would not even surprise me if the owner of the hotel I was forced to stay in was also a member of this Free Mason office.


Long story short, the Freemason were helping the CIA and MI6 to take me to the American military base, because if they helped me to continue to work at their company until my financial life get regulated, then I would have never went to the American military base just to be enslaved, isolated and receive a severe brain, intelligence and logic damage, not to mention being enslaved under a very sadistic whore agent of the CIA & MI6 named Anita Disbray, while they forced upon me a lookalike of my original fake brother, gave me a very hostile treatment and brainwash and rapped me with several disgusting women just to force my mind to think of their agent as an angel, not to mention all the other very destructive things they forced upon me such as made me alcoholic by force of brainwash and telepathy in a very sadistic and destructive scheme, that took at least one year just to start and additional 6 years to complete, and then and through the church I really quit, yet these criminal came again all over my life in December 1983, re-brainwashed me and enslaved me again and forced me a gain to be alcoholic, and then kidnapped me to USA just to use me as blackmail object and lock me up as an illegal alien to prevent me of ever leaving the evil United States that allows all this to happen to one of their own that was kidnapped from USA.


And when I look at the details of this Freemason setup, this the followings come to mind:

1.     Since I my official father was fake and made up and I have literally countless proves, then they, the Freemasons, worked on and planned on my kidnapping on 10/11 January 1960 and the prove is the several printed documents/certificates as well as the gold medals were made by them especially for that

2.     Then they trusted me to one of their evil members called Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that was member of the Egyptian government and he to lied about me

3.     They also trusted me to the evil Bdeir and Abokurah families that were also their members and pretended to be my families-in-law through my fake sisters that turned out to be not the mother of the children they were raising, but rather the nannies

4.     My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that was forced upon my life in 1968 and was brainwashed to think I knew him since 1950s, and when I was forced to leave the Hotel Maria as mentioned above and someone helped me to call him and ask him for help because I am sleeping on the street and in the toilettes, he helped the Freemason, CIA and MI6 by not helping me and keeping me at their mercies and they had no mercy what so ever

5.     I was setup in a pension just less than 100 meters of the Freemason office because I was forced to be homeless in the middle of the Winter and someone introduced me to Syrians that said I can sleep at their Pensione (a small hotel usually without breakfast), where one of them claimed that I stole 2000 Deutsch Mark of him and call the police, and I was locked up in the police station for 2 days and then they let me go, and this setup was 100% meant to force my mind to stay away of Syrians and Arabs in general, but in particular Syrians, because I am not Syrian and if I speak with Syrians about my family and they turn out to know what I am talking about, then they will tell me that my information about my family is wrong

6.     They are the ones that volunteered to take the role of suggesting political asylum as distraction of hidden escaped Nazis and English royalties just to keep me locked up in Germany and prevent me of visiting my fake family in the Middle East that many of them were members of Freemasons

7.     I was hopelessly lost during that period of time, yet they never came to help e, but rather they just pushed me in to their own created hell on earth, among others they are responsible for me being locked up in Germany for the first 7 years and was not able to travel

8.     They are responsible that I was brainwashed and enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped to USA, because they control BP-British Petroleum and not vice versa

9.     They setup my best friend named Detlev Fischer to look like as if his father is working for them and covering up for my fake brother as mean to force my mind to dislike the church

10.At least a handful of members at each of their locations have telepathy and therewith they can see what is happening to me right in front of their door steps and they did nothing to help the alleged son of one of their Master members= they are two face liars and if all the above points are true, then they are also children kidnappers, children rapists, slave makes and torturers because they are by far the biggest and most widespread network in the world dressing as sheep but they are not even wolfs, they are monsters dressed as wolfs that is dressed as sheep!

11.And many more


Shame on you Free Masons and Free Mason branch called Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany!


Therefore I find it just fare that you the Free Masons + Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" pay me the following justice 1 Million (One Million) Euro for each years starting 1 January 1960 and until  end of 1 March 2016 which is 56 years and quals 56 Million Euro (Fifty Six Million) because your action was nothing else than brainwash and slavery, and huge crimes against a child in 1960 and continued into the adulthood of this child that resulted in a severe mental and physical torture not to mention losing the biological family , the professional destruction, the social destruction, the rape, the slavery to isolation enable someone can continue forcing me to be under the control of the CIA + MI6 through their whore agent Anita Disbray until the church helped me get free in 1977, however the mental damage through this hidden slavery since 1960, including the man planned and caused total amnesia that resulted of losing my past, language, and logic until I became Christian and the church helped me build a logic followed by Siemens AG that also helped me dramatically in 1978 to re-build my logic, and that is why I think it is fare that you pay me this justice until the end of 2015. I know that you planned everything else thereafter, but I cannot prove it, that resulted in re-enslaving me under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping me to USA to blackmail my biological family, not to mention me being raped by this disgusting whore for 15 years in Germany + USA and locked up with no rights what so ever until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague looking for protection by the Dutch royal family headquarter + the Dutch government headquarter + the many foreign Embassies.


All of you get together to destroy a person logic and intelligence just to feel more superior than him, what happened to your unused intelligence as many adults, where did it go???!!!


Please find below the method of payment under the section Where to send the justice


I thank you for your understanding.


Where to send the justice


NL09 SNSB 0705 9012 97



Bank name:

SNS Bank, The Netherlands

In the name of:

N. Najar


Check list of received justice

This is where I check if/when and by whom I received justice









1.     Justice through the Dutch government




2.     Justice through American government




3.     Justice through Saudi government + Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia + Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia + Houston, Texas, USA




4.     Justice the unknown evil parents of my fake son, that I suspect them to be related in one way or another to ARAMCO




5.     Justice through the FBI




6.     Justice through the CIA




7.     Justice through MI6




8.     Justice through BP-British Petroleum




9.     Justice through the Syrian government




10.Justice through German government




11.Justice through Siemens AG




12.Justice through American military EES-European Exchange System and the CIA




13.Justice through the family Bdeir/Budier in Jordan for forcing their nanny to pretend to be my sister Suhair




14.Justice though the family Abokurah of Jordan for forcing their nanny to pretend to be my sister Afrah that disappeared in 1961




15.Justice through the Family Malas in Jordan




16.Justice through the family of the Hashemite the royal family of Jordan for forcing upon me a fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that I suspect to be the son of King Hussein and an MI6/CIA agent in Egypt and else where




17.Justice through the family of Al Saud, the royal family of Saudi Arabia that placed me within the fake family Baroudi and caused me countless torture and sufferings for many years




18.Justice through the villages: Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda and Veendam in the municipalities Bellingwedde (Westerwolde), Oldambt and Veendam




19.Justice through the dental professionals that tortured me in Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Veendam and Amsterdam




20.Justice through the COA that conspired with IND and Stichting Welzijn in Winschoten to enslave me, torture me and force me to write the Wanted website that theoretically and practically ended my professional life, social life and everything else while causing me severe mental, physical, social, and professional destructions between 2001/2008 and 2016




21.Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth Church in Unterschleissheim / Lohhof, Germany




22.Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA




23.Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip Church in, Bissonnette Street, Houston, Texas, USA




24.Magnuskerk (in English: Magnus church) Protestantse Gemeente Bellingwolde (in English: Protestant Congregation Bellingwolde) in Bellingwolde, Groningen, Netherlands




25.Justice through Free Masons and in particular through Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany


What am I going to do with this money?

Here are some of my plans

1.        I will keep 1 Million Euro for myself to start my own business without 100 pages of business plan for IT consulting as it was forced upon me while I was forced to live in Bellingwolde and tortured for 4 years, mentally and physically while not allowing me to work just to force upon me debt and with it they control my life, which they are doing, and I have still to pay around 18 thousand that they forced upon me while pretending to help me. My business plan is going to be also for IT security with only 3-5 pages and not 100 pages!

2.        I will Give Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka 2.5 Million Euro for all the suffering that she went through because I was in her life, also because I believe she is scared of me until today, and she absolutely have no reason whatsoever to be scared of me, because I loved her then and still do now!!!

3.        I will give certain amount to certain persons in Germany that get hurt by others because I was in their life or they were in my life and I will keep this secret to myself

4.        I will pay forced upon me debt. This debt and even though it was a very important part of brainwashing me, yet I always pay my debt no matter what, no matter how and no matter when as long as no one gets hurt. This debt is as follow, which I never mentioned before because I gave my priorities to other subjects and situations (to understand the brainwash and the relation to other brainwash and who is doing it, I must mention some of the major details):

4.1.     This is a pre-explanation: in around 1977 and after I was setup to become Christian in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth Church of the city Unterschleissheim and was also working as part-time church Sexton and suddenly the evil woman that pretended to be my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi sent me a heart breaking letter that she is allegedly in need of my help and she came to live with me in the church housing as distraction of the CIA, MI6 and their whore agent Anita Disbray that they enslaved me under on 20 August 1970 at the American military base named McGraw Kaserne, and there with I would blame everything that happened and separated me of the forced upon me evil woman Anita Disbray on my fake mother and that is very important because the church or at least some members of them were genuinely trying to get my attention to that the woman I am married to has telepathy and is controlling me with it, and if I figure this one out than I would figure out who is the case of me being with her, which will go back to the American military and back to the CIA + MI6 and back to my family and back to kidnapping me, and therewith this woman would suddenly be not my mother but rather one of my kidnappers and to cover up all that they sent this evil woman, and as additional help she had the lookalike of my fake brother named Nick Naggar alias Mohamad Nashaat Najar but also her fake brother named Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg that I was also brainwashed to think that I know him since birth in Damascus, Syrian, which turned out to be false, and to help cover up for all that and among others, this fake uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi from Hamburg he sent 2-4 times a letter to my fake mother with 100-200 Deutsch Mark bills with words like my beloved sister. And exactly this process repeated but this time with me and almost 40 years later, where by fake sister Fadia Nagar sends me money to show her alleged solidarity with me by financial means between 2001 and 2018, whereby I fell in this trap, and it blinded me to see that I did not need her money, but rather her actual physical support, which I never get, and it took me a long time to recognize and understand this brainwash method. Just as the fake brother of my fake mother was doing just to show as if he is her brother in 1978 to not be discovered as a member of a very dangerous and international crime organization under the protection and guidance of the Freemason organization=English royalties. And this understanding helped me discover a very nasty pattern of the same brainwash method that was used on me many times just to blind me, by forcing my mind to think a person who helped me financially is not against me, or worse yet a person that I owe money to (by force I may add) and did not complain about it, is not against me, in reality he/she is because they are forcing upon me not only something I do not want, but also forcing upon me a very hidden and sadistic side effect: Bad consciousness because I owe this money and I can not repay it. And this forced debt has various forms and shapes as you will see below. I believe it is very important to enable to understand the logic of these people, therefore I will start at the beginning of my discovery, all in all it should be less than 15, yet it is a very strong pattern. The first might not sound important, but they show the pattern!

4.2.     Between 1963 and 1965, I cannot remember the exact date, yet I remember to the majority of details how it went: I get to know a boy around my age in the next building to our left. This boy invited me to his home, where he lived with his parents. I believe they were agents and were trying to come close to us through me, and I see several setups like that. Anyway I went his apartment several times, and they always welcome me and were very nice to me, what was important is that often there were around 5-6 adults sitting on a round table and playing some card games and with money on the table, meaning gambling, but I did not know gambling at that time, because they caused me a total amnesia and forced me to live isolated of other friends and the rest of the world allegedly because they are all Christians are out to get us because we are allegedly all Muslims, which is a trick by these criminals, to pretend something they are not, they go to the extreme that every one of them has a second first name as Mohamad, they intentionally avoid Christians because they are allegedly Muslims. Anyway, today I strongly believe that this family were possibly fake family and consisted of Egyptian agents that are investigating us through getting close to me, and it was not the first time nor the last time. My fake mother had with no doubt telepathy as mentioned and explained in other pages, yet also she had at least 2 lookalike that take over her place at various times in various situations. This mean and most probably she noticed these agents getting close to her, and she implicated me as follow: suddenly and for the first time in my life I was trying to break into her closet in the bedroom by using a piece of iron rope, I never seen this before, and never learned it before and therewith it was 100% impossible for me in my mental state at that time to come up with this idea, any way after trying a couple of times I was able to open her closet and there was some yellow coins (gold coins) I took some of them and closed the closet back the way it was. When I went to the apartment of my new friend, I placed these coins on their gambling table and said this is a gift of me to you. Next day my fake mother asked me if I took something of her closet and I said yes, and she asked me how did you open it is closed, and I told her, and she asked me where are the coins, I said I gave them as a gift to my new friend, and then she went to the police and claimed they taught me how to steal from her and give it to them enable they can gamble, the police said if you have no prove, we cannot do anything, but you can take it to the court, which she did, I cannot recall if she get the money back, but what I recall is that everything went very quick and therewith she stopped them of mixing with me and therewith to investigate any further, that is if they were agents set on us, which I am just guessing based on the circumstances and my knowledge from today. I really felt bad for the entire situation, in matter of fact I felt as if I am a thief, which I was not, and this is one shape of using money against a slave

4.3.     Between 1966 and 1968. Something similar happened with my fake sister Fadia Nagar after 1967, but I will skip the details, except that fake sister was a replacement of the original that disappeared around 1964/65 and this forced upon me situation blocks my brain to think about her in that I am feeling a shamed!

4.4.     1973. After I was enslaved by the evil CIA + MI6 under their whore agent named Anita Disbray, I was setup by unknown, that today I strongly suspect to be BND (German version of CIA) or BKA (German version of FBI) to go to school to study a profession, in that they send a sales man that was selling school courses and as far I recall I had in my mailbox an advertisement and I responded and they sent a salesman to my home and he laid out the school course and somehow I was interested in a course to become computer programmer, which was 5-6 hours daily for 12 months, and from my today’s knowledge the cost were just peanuts for what I was getting, compared to the schools of today on the other side, today I can learn most of professions for free using the internet, among other thanks to internet sides such as,,, and many others. The course was one year around 5 Thousand Deutsch Mark. A side note: during that time, I just moved in early spring of 1973 to the small city of Unterschleissheim, where I was setup later in November/December 1975 (= 2 and half years later) by my attorney’s office named Rolf Bossi to become Christian. Back t the salesman, he gave me 3 options to pay the course fees: Option-1: pay it all in cash and in advance. Option-2: pay it monthly. Option-3: apply by the governmental labor office at that time called “Arbeitsamt” (in English: employment office, which is owned and operated by the government in Germany) to pay either the full or partial tuition, since I had no money due to I was enslaved under this whore agent named Anita Disbray and just was forced to marry her and relocate to this new apartment, which took all my savings, and now I am starting new in a new town new profession, new school, and new financially, no social life what so ever, and that was the purpose of the setup. Therefore, I went to the labor office to apply that they pay for my school fees. After 2 meeting with my contact person that was assigned to my case, he said that they have a better offer for me, which is they are willing to pay the full school fees as well as pocket money and much more, if I take their offer, and their alleged offer is based on the economic situation in Germany and the most currently needed profession, which is Computer Hardware electronics, and it has much better chances and better pays that the programmer, however it will require more time to study, where I have to go to an better school and it is in another town, where they will pay the school fees, my housing in that town, my pocket money for that town and either weekly or monthly ticket to go back to Unterschleissheim to visit my wife. In short I strongly believe that the BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german version of CIA) and/or BKA-Bundes Kriminal Amt (German version of FBI) possibly lost faith in the CIA and their whore agent Anita Disbray to get any information out of me concerning my alleged connections to the followings: 1-Money falsifying, 2-Terrorism, 3-Illegal drugs, 4-Hidden Escaped Nazis from 1045, and wanted to have me in their own environments to get these information out of me, which they tried a couple of times prior to that, and the last time was just around 4-6 months earlier by using the setup of suicide and German nurse as described in other pages but also above under the section “Introduction”, and here they are trying again, I cannot recall if I immediately refused or first spoke about it with my forced upon me whore agent wife named Anita Disbray and then refused the offer to be far away of this whore agent, not to forget that some of these persons have telepathy and can see through these setups right at the begin, where I see them much later over 40 years later. Anyway, the Arbeitsamt (Employment office) offer was granted to me only for their offer and they refused to pay for the programming school. I was forced to think that we can make it on her salary, so I sat down and made a financial plan for the next 12 months based on my income in come until the school starts in approximately 5 months in September of 1973 +(plus) her income  from now and until I finish school – (minus) the school fees that we had to pay monthly and the result was that we were 800 Deutsch Mark short, and I was forced to write my fake sister in Jordan named Afrah Najar alias Moni(i) Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Mona(a) Najjar an I laid out the situation in my letter, and they promptly send me 2000 Deutsch Mark with the remark that the rest is a gift, I was forced to be very presently surprised and happy to reach this stage. So far so good, now to the conclusion of the very short story. I completed my studied as a IBM mainframe computer in around Mai 1974. During which I made several friendships that today I believe that at least 2 of them were set on me by the BND or BKA, yet all these friendships were 100% damaged by the wore agent that I was enslaved under and named Anita Disbray on top of that, she and most definitely prevented me to find a job in the Computer sector and therewith I went back to work as warehouse labor at a warehouse called Neckermann (at that time was one of the largest catalog  mail order and department stores in Germany). This job I get from the labor office that rejected to help me studying in the first of all and the job was in the same city of Unterschleissheim. The essence of this story is that I loved my sister because she helped me not understanding that money meant nothing for them because they have tons of it, yet what most important was that they knew I would not make it because I was enslaved under a CIA and MI6 whore agent that was my guard to protect them and to hide where I came from and what I was used for so far, on top of that and today I know that this sister is not my biological sister just like the other 2 fake sisters and she is a nanny for the son of a hidden escaped Nazi named Abdelghani Abokurah and that is why these criminal visited me oft in Germany to use me as a decoy that they are allegedly Syrian origin while their German relatives know the truth and would do everything to help them keep me enslaved meaning to prevent me to think=hidden slavery. Sorry for this long part of my history, but it is very important to show what and how these people think and act and what damages they cause to others as they caused me. This fake sister is living now in Washington D.C. pretending to be originated from Syria, married to an alleged sadistic Jordanian successful businessman and husband that dropped all his children 6 of them just because his alleged wife wanted to leave him and was not able, and that is a lie, at least 2 person of these criminals have telepathy and if I would have to pick who, then I would say my fake sister and her official son Ghasan Abokurah, but this does not mean that the others do not have telepathy, the other alleged children, now adults are Abdallah Abokurah, Zaid Abokurah and May Abokurah and all live in and around Washington D.C. helping from the background persons like the 2 ex-USA presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and now President Trump and who knows maybe they are too one of many persons in USA that manipulate other to commit some crime or another such as mass shootings enable to use it politically for the advantage of the English royal family and their hidden relatives in USA. And this is by far not farfetched, see what these criminals did to me since they kidnapped me from USA on 10/11 January 1960 and repeatedly and very sadistically and viciously brainwashed me and re-brainwashed me to use me as a multi-purpose decoy while always damaging all my relations, professional goals and being free, not to forget that they are raised by very sadistic people that pretend to be moderate Muslim and build countless Islamic schools and mosques to force people to think that they are good Muslim people while enforcing their vision (version copycat) of Islam while in the hidden do everything against Islam and against Muslims and Against Arab countries and above all making bad names for Muslims and even raising and brainwashing persons to be terrorists because the biggest and most known terrorists of the world come from Jordan and from their alleged relative country Saudi Arabia, which is a mass Brainwash to cover up for their selves of being hidden colonialist, organized crime family, children kidnappers, children rapist, drug lords and many more as described in all pages. Last but by far not least is the forgotten son named Khalid Abokurah. He was used by his mother, father, brothers and sister as target practice for telepathy. They literally drove him crazy. At that time, he was between 8 and 15 years old, last time I saw him was in 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, I never understood his most odd and vicious behavior, each time we were all together with his family he would behave very badly such as throwing things at the TV and breaking it, or throwing food at the floor or throwing valuable equipment’s from the window  or in the restaurant spilling drinks on purpose at the waiter, yet when he was with me and far away of his family he was most calm, very smart and very social and asks a lot of questions and that is a healthy sign, today I understand they were using him to perform acts against others, and some times in 1990s they placed him in hospital for insane in Cairo, Egypt, to not have to go and visit him. If this is how they treat their brother and how they think of him, what in God’s name would they do to others in Washington D.C. or in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, New Jersey or even further states, because this is where they live now between Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UK and the USA and other so-called Arab petroleum countries!

4.5.     1982. I will skip all the similar ones and go to the year of 1981/82 as I was working for Siemens AG in Neu Perlach, Munich, Germany. My department manager, which was the boss of my supervisor said tome he is leaving Siemens AG and would like to me to go with him, because he think I am wasted at Siemens AG, I did not want, but I was tricked with a combination of brainwash and telepathy force, where someone forced me with telepathy to ask my potential new employer to pay me 6 times the salary that I am earning now, where I was officially earning around 2,500 Deutsch Mark and I asked for 14,000 Salary enable to leave Siemens AG and that amount was forced upon me with telepathy with the though I just ask for a very high salary that they will reject and then I get them of my back but they accepted it= they forced me to aske them for a very higher salary enable to force my mind to think I am voluntarily leaving Siemens AG, but 100% it was nothing voluntarily about that because Siemens AG and based on my educated guess was threatened by the evil Saudi Arabian Port’s Authority to never bring me back to the Middle East otherwise they will lose their project that turned in the year 2000 to be 2 Billion US Dollars and therewith Siemens AG set me up to leave using one of their manager in cooperation of one of their subcontractors named ADV/ORGA. All this was pre-explanations. Somehow and I absolutely do not remember how and why (possibly because it was telepathy thoughts forced upon me) I borrowed 2,000 Deutsch Mark of this Siemens AG manager named Peter M. Lembke, and I did not pay it back or prevented to pay it back and he never asked for it again, which it gave me a very bad conscious, and exactly that was the purpose, that made this manager looks like he helped me twice, once in getting me a job for 14 thousand instead of 2,500 Deutsch Mark and he lend me 2000 Deutsch Mark that I was not able to pay back=feel guilty, feel a shamed and therewith my thoughts are blocked and cease to think further on what really happened. In short it was all planned brainwash and it is really very nasty and hidden sadistic mental torture

4.6.     1982 In the same period as the last point, also, on the same business trip that the above person Dr. Peter M. Lembke and his alleged new boss from the company ADV/ORGA took me on to Saudi Arabia to show that I am no longer by Siemens AG trip and on the way back I dropped in Amman, Jordan to visit my 2 sisters that turned out to be my fake sisters, during this trip they created many brainwash setup also by using the so called Mukhabarat (a mixture between FBI and CIA and Stassi), and they can do that because they are hidden members of the Jordanian royal family, which I did not know that at that time. Anyway, my 2 fake sisters and their families forced me with brainwash and telepathy to0 buy things that it did not interest me nor I usually buy, things that are Jordanians, whereby I never lived in this country, I just went there for visits, and therefor I am not really keen on buy their stuff because I miss them in Germany, where I lived for the past 12 years, then I ran out of money and I was forced to think that I need to buy more, and therefore my fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier the alleged wife of Seif Aldin Bdeir the alleged brother of Mohamad Ali Bdeir the father of Essam and Omar and Lena Bdeir/Budeir, volunteered to lend me money by taking me to her closet in her alleged bedroom and said here is 200 (possibly was 500) Dinar (the Jordanian currency), this is not my money, but rather the money of the servant (they call the housekeeper servant that was under 10 years old), she saves her monthly income by me. What she did here is give me money to show me as if she is my sister and allegedly care about me, yet I did not care about buying all these stuff and I never understood why I bought them and I was not able to deny the fact that I bought them, and that because at that time I did not know any thing about telepathy and brainwash and that on top of that the combination of both is very destructive and almost invisible. She also tried to show me that she preferred me by stealing the money of her alleged house keeper, on the other side and prior to that, she told me that the father of her servant comes monthly and take her salary, and therewith she contradicts herself. Above all she made me feel bad and I was not able to say know because they use telepathy, just imagine me taking the savings of a house keeper of my sister how bizarre is this, yet it stayed in my mind like that to make me feel guilty and make her feel better than me, actually and today I think of her as a thief not because of this money, because today I know it was not of her so called servant, but rather money was given to her only for this purpose only, but she is a thief because she steals freedom of others

4.7.     1984. I was setup by unknown named Asok, he was allegedly Indian and called me after BP-British Petroleum set me up, destroyed my relation with the woman I very much loved and wanted to marry and named Adelheid Kuczka, then stole all my designs for multi-lingual computers, set me up to look like I conspiring against the German government with the Syrian military and then fired me of my job as a consultant at their company named SCS-Scientific Controlled Systems and all this was between 17 and 19 October 1984. And I did not know what the hell just hit me and suddenly a man named Asok calls me and said he heard of me and want to discuss with me a job opportunity, then I met him in the Airport of Munich and get me the job at the company called Unternehmensberatung Dr. Fischer. Let us stop right here and analyze this for a second: I never heard of him prior to hm calling me, he never told me how he heard of me and I never asked him because O was over stressed with all what just hit me and above all his name Fischer, the last name of my best friend Detlev Fischer, where and until this point of times I was set up at so far least 5-6 times with very destructive situations that meant to separate me of my best friend and the church that I get to know through the church, and these setups were meant to force me to cut my relation with him and force him to cut his relation with me, which is the absolute same strategy as they used between me and many others above all between me and the woman I very much loved and named Adelheid Kuczka (her first name is typical southern German, while her last name is northern ex-Preussen-German alias todays Poland), add to this that Mr. Asok was the friend of Mr. Dee and Mr. Dee was allegedly the trainer of a special German Anti-terrorism unit called “GSG 9” a subdivision of the German Federal police and the border protection police. The owner of the company was named Professor Dr. Fischer and was the economic advisor for the ex-German chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Is this coincident that these people are now in my life with all these relation and after all these circumstances? I do not think so. But I will skip the other details I just wanted to show I get this job at UDF-Uternehmensberatung Dr. Fischer, now it is called UDF Consulting AG under the same address just outside Stuttgart. I cannot remember the exact dates, but shortly after I was hired between 2-6 months later. In the meanwhile I was already enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that claimed about herself to be Syrian and wanted to show as if I am madly in love with Syrian women or any Arab women, which was absolutely not true, I was madly in love with my ex-girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka and I started to dislike Arab women, not all, just the ones that were forced upon me as my fake sisters, their daughters, my female cousins and that because I already was Christian and see life with different opened eyes and not based on what I am told, but rather on looking at the behavior and listing what comes out of the mouth of a person and what he would do in certain situations or would he has a limit to talk about certain subjects, or what are their priorities, how they look through clothing, makeup and nail vanish, food or is advancement goals are more important, who are their friends and how they perform tasks, sloppy or with love details, how they look at other races that are other skin color, short or tall, mail or female, all this I learned in a very short period through the church between January 1976 and Autumn 1978, and then I started to understand the described behavior of people, and therewith I really did not like the behavior of these women or even men that were around my life and pretended to be my family but I sis not understand why they behave like that and did not know that they were not my biological family but rather my kidnappers. Sorry I get side tracked. Back to the owner of my new employer company named Professor Dr. Fischer, I believe his first name was possible Hellmuth, he was arrested unjustly and placed for at least 3 months in prison allegedly for some thing he did professionally, I believe it was a setup because of one of 2 reasons or both: 1- he was the economic Advisor of ex-German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt from the SPD Party and the new government is now under Helmut Kohl from the CDU party and both parties fight just as the Democrats and the Republicans fight in USA with one major difference and at that time the UK and the USA were always promoting government members that were their puppets and I believe Helmut Kohl played the role as a puppet of Reagan and Bush to reach certain goals, which he successfully reached, which is the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990 to the current Germany. But also, to reach a state of the EU that is imperative for the survival and continuation of the EU=more freedom, and this too was very successful, yet they arrested Professor Dr. Fischer with the claim that he could escape before the trial because he allegedly has another housing in Switzerland. Possibly he was not arrested and imprisoned, possibly it was to get my attention to my fake uncle in Switzerland as possibly the illegal drug accountant of the English Royal family and their allies and relatives the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that were around my life in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other countries, and at that time I did not recognize them as hidden Escaped Nazis or relative of English royal family. Bust also to get my attention to terrorism, and the illegal project Calypso of the evil BP-British Petroleum and other most odd situations around my life. I Come to the point: While Professor Dr. Fischer was allegedly in prison, his right hand took over managing the company of around 100-200 computer consultants, his name was Mr. Ruge, first name forgotten. He had a lot of look similarity to Mr. John D. Rockefeller the Third, I was forced to find his photo on the internet during my forced upon me slavery in the village Bellingwolde between 28 February 2008 and June 2012. In around April 1985 I was set up for one reason or another to go on a multi-lingual consulting job to the company called Silver Reed in Tokyo, Japan and for this trip I was forced to apply for American Express card, and I received one with 10,000 Deutsch Mark limit, on this trip I was forced to spend 12,000 Deutsch Mark and it was absolutely not my way to go around buying things, I was really living very humbly and was happy with it until the evil BP-British Petroleum came into my life for one purpose only to destruct it where ever they can. For example, I had absolutely no alcohol in house, I used to buy milk and juices in cases for 1-3 months to have more free time and not to go oft shopping. This too I learned from the church after the evil CIA + MI6 + their whore agent forced me to be alcoholic as a part of the slavery, until this CIA + MI6 whore agent left me, I was going and buying beer in cases as well as sherry and port. I never did that prior to her came in to my life, but again I was a slave of this evil fake family, but after she left and almost immediately, I stopped buying alcohol for home, and drink it only socially. When I came back from Tokyo I had to pay the 12 Thousand to American Express, but I had no money, because my last pay check of the evil BP-Petroleum of around 17 Thousand Deutsch Mark they refused to pay because I alleged cheated them, which I did not, but they were attacking me where and when they can from many sides that I was not able to cope with it and suddenly I was broke and had to live of my savings because this 17 Thousand is missing, and Mr. Ruge lend me temporary 2000 Deutsch mark to pay the debt to American Express and then I was back at zero, and I was happy that he helped me out and I felt very awful that I was not able to repay him back. Was it coincident or a much used strategy to prevent a person to think by feeling guilty, you figure it out, especially that he allegedly lives in Hamburg, where the ex-boss of his current boss also lives alias the ex-German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was also living, and above all my evil fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that was married to a daughter of a hidden escaped Nazi named Jameel Baroudi the father of the ex-famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi. Today, nearly 40 years later I am still trying to understand what happened, and I am asking my self is it a coincident all this and above all that this company possibly were working with the Federal and border Police and the anti-terrorism unit called GSG-9 and are somehow also indirectly trying to force my mind to relate them to cities where 2 criminals lives, namely my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his Nazi wife Anna in Hamburg, and my other fake uncle named Jalal Baroudi that pretend something he is not and is living in Switzerland even today, and not to forget that in around Mai or June 1985 a third evil uncle named Jawdat Baroudi comes from Saudi Arabia just to implicate me while possibly threatening others not to help me and I relate hm to the Porsche, Daimler or Benz Family in Stuttgart, while My Employer UDF is also headquartered in Stuttgart as is most probably a contractor/consulting at Daimler Mercedes-Benz car headquarter in Stuttgart and also contractor/consultant at Porsche headquarter also in Stuttgart while in the same time my nephew named Essam Shawki that I strongly suspect him to be the hidden son of my uncle that just visited me from Saudi Arabia and called Jawdat Baroudi, while his official father Afaf Shawki is most probably killed/murdered to take his identity and used it of this criminal named Jawdat Baroudi, while his official son named Hani Baroudi came into my life by force in October 1991 in Houston Texas through the evil company ARAMCO pretending to be poor and in need of my help to prevent me to have the newly rented apartment that meant for business and also to have a place to think far a way of this BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that these criminal  enslaved me under her control by force on 24.12.1984 in Munich, Germany and very unfortunately with the help of the German government and in particular with the help of the Bavarian government and the German Aussen Ministerium (in English State Department or Ministry of Foreign Affairs). I think it is enough and you get the idea that I was forced with telepathy to purchase much more than I planned and much more than I can bargain for enable to force me to take the 2000 Deutsch Mark of Mr. Ruge the temporary general manager (CEO) of my new employer UDF-Uternehmensberatung Dr. Fischer alias today UDF Consulting AG. How can a person think with all these happenings around his life, and this is only less than 10% of the actual forced upon me and very destructive brainwash situations? I really like Mr. Ruge and I also liked Professor Dr. Fischer among others because I get to know them!

4.8.     1989. Pre-explanation: In 1989 I was taken to court in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA by my landlord named Enzo (I cannot recall if it was the first or last name), that owned a house on 277 Queen Street, Bridgeport, CT 06606, USA and was renting the first floor, or he was renting it to me in the first floor and to the FBI on the ground floor or it was an FBI house, because I strongly suspect that the neighbors beneath me were either FBI, CIA or MI6. I get this apartment through a real estate agency that I found on the nearby Main street, and this after I was set up by my fake brother, FBI, the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church and the International Institute of Connecticut, all located in Bridgeport Connecticut, to lose my temporary foreigner German passport enable to force me to apply for political asylum and set me up with the FBI to deny it and blame it on me enable they can force me to live in USA as an illegal alien for, all-in-all 15 years which equals a prison while being enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and my fake son Abdulhamid Najar to prevent me not only of leaving her, but also to ever go to the Middle East to visit my fake family or visit them in the UK, Germany or Switzerland. I moved into this house around April or Mai 1987. And now the landlord named Enzo want me to leave hid house allegedly because he needs it for his private use, yet I believe they wanted me to leave enable not to notice that my below neighbors are also moving because they are some kind of agents. Any way I refused because I was not able to move, due these criminals always conspired to force me to be with just enough money to survive and feed my fake son and the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved under on 24.12.1984 to force my mind to never to forget that all this sadistic and criminal acts against me is because I allegedly changed religion voluntarily from Islam to Christianity in 1976. Since also in court I refused to leave the apartment because I had no money to find a new place and relocate, the judge said he will give me and the landlord around 20 minutes break enable we try to solve this issue between ourselves otherwise he would have to intervene. Mr. Enzo offered me to stay another 2 or 3 months, out of which I do not have to pay rent and use the rent money to look for another place. This alone shows that these criminals were setting me up where ever and whenever they can. I agreed and the judge dismissed the case. The financial Setup: I was delegated and without me noticing or I forget how I found a small standalone house on as far as I recall 130 Benson Street,  directly opposite the Jewish Community center and the their kindergarten that I was forced to place my fake son in for either 1 years + 3 months (from end of 1989 to December 1990) or just 3 months (end of 1990 and until December 1990). This house turned out to be rent with the intention of buying it. Yet these criminal already planned to force me to relocate to Houston, Texas to be under the control of the evil Bush family that set me up repeatedly since 1976 and cannot afford that I come out of my brainwash and disturb their plans of being president yet they used multiple churches to harm me directly or indirectly since 1976, which very visible in my complaint pages. This house turned out to be owned by the church sexton of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, I believe they were a couple, man and his wife, her name was possibly Roth and they just retired from the church and are relocating to somewhere in Florida where they bought another house and that it why they want to sell this house. I believe they wanted 2000 or 3000 US Dollar as down payment, and then my rent will go towards the purchase price, which I cannot recall how much it was, and if I do not buy the house, then I will lose the deposit and the rent. I agreed and tried to get a loan of the bank, but they wanted a sponsor or also called co-signer, in case I do not pay it, then the cosigner must pay it. And somehow the co-signer was Mrs.  Diane Stevens the wife of the pastor Jack Stevens of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut where the owner of the house also was working. She co-signed with me and I get the loan and paid the down payment and get the house and moved in sometimes I believe in late summer of 1989. The problem: in December 1990 I was forced with telepathy and other brainwash methods to relocate to Houston, Texas within 2-3 weeks of the decision that was forced upon me at that time allegedly to have better chances for work where also and allegedly the daughter of the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud just get married 1-2 years ago and moved allegedly from Lebanon to Houston, where her husband named Mark (Mohamad) Khodor loves and work as an American citizen along with his brother named Kimo (Kamal) Khodor and was allegedly working as a night-shift receptionist in the Omni Hotel in Houston, Texas, which was designed enable to lure me to spend Christmas in the hotel by giving me discount in reality so the parents of my fake son can see him and I would not even notice, even if they spend time with him while I am a sleep. Back to the house on Benson Street. I was forced to relocate very quick from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Houston, Texas almost over night from the decision that these criminals forced upon me around end of November, where and within 2 weeks I and on 15 December 1990 took the bus to Houston 3 days ride. Prior to that I was forced to several things as a mean to force me to have bad conscious and force my mind to stop thinking=severe brainwash. I left without telling anyone not even my fake brother that criminal sadistic CIA+MI6 agent named Mohamad Nashaat Najar and his look alike named Nick Naggar, and therewith I had some of his stuff and I left them in house and left him a message to come and pick them up one day after I left Bridgeport. And this was the first one I was supposed to feel bad about. The second and more important thing was Mrs. Diane Stevens, somehow, I was by the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud to not pay the rest of the loan I took of the bank and Mrs. Diane Stevens co-signed on the load, I believe the rest was between 600 and 1000 US Dollars, and therewith I had a very bad and awful feeling about that, and that was the intend of the situation, which also forced my mind to cease to think about the situation because I consider them to be better than me, for hosting us for around 3-4 months from 3e4nd of November 1986 to around March 1987 because my fake brother kicked us out to force me into this situation and prevent me of leaving this BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent to use me as blackmail object while forcing me to raise a son of one of their criminal agents that is working for them as a president, king or minister in one of the evil Arabic petroleum kingdoms

4.9.     1994. This is the last major one I am writing about concerning using money as a brainwash tool and as distraction of other situations. I was in Houston, Texas, USA forced to live starting 1 January 1991 on 10350 Lands End Drive, Houston, TX 77099 USA, I think first apartment was number 2501 and starting February 1995 apartment number 2603, enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, and suddenly I had an idea to build on the all new release of Windows 95 and create a company to help people convert from the old Windows 3.1 to Windows 95, and somehow I related it to hardware and needed also money to start this forced upon me destructive fake project. Who forced this project upon me, was one of 3 possibilities or a combination of them: Possibility-1 This whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud they enslaved me under on 24.12.1984? Possibility-2 The FBI or other agency or group to see the reaction of these criminal members of my fake family and biological family. Possibility-3 Members of my fake or biological families. Why I think so is going to be clear in the description. And I am going to do my best to make it short. Some one forced upon me the thoughts to get some investments of people I know so I created my plan and sent it to many members of my fake family, such as my fake sisters, their adult children, some uncles and their adult children, some members of the church in Unterschleissheim and other acquaintances related to my fake family such as the evil criminal Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich, Germany, and I asked them to invest with me in this project that was forced upon me. Most of them rejected it, a hand full invested between 1000-5000. Some with drew after one week such as Suzanne Khodor the daughter of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud which was to show that it was my idea and she is investing in it but later withdrew, because she knew I was not going to succeed because it was planned to use it against me as a brainwash tool. Shortly thereafter and on Christmas of 1994 I was forced, as every year to go and celebrate Christmas by going to a 4-5-star hotel in and around Houston. Which it turned out was a severe brainwash as follow: First it was to give the mother or parents a chance to be with my fake son to have an opportunity to spend a couple of days with their son with out me noticing in that she exchanged places with the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and I never noticed it. This hotel was called Omni Houston Hotel, 4 Riverway, Houston, TX 77056, USA, and I believe that these criminal in one way or another either they own it directly or indirectly and simultaneously it is all arranged by the evil CIA + MI6 + BP-British petroleum, and since this whore agent and based on her behavior and other bodily marks she had at least 2 persons that she exchanged places with and at least one of them has telepathy, I was always prevented to notice. The second brainwash that these criminals forced upon me as distraction of this exchange and my fake son spending time with his biological parents with out me noticing, is that they enslaved me under this disgusting smelly whore on 24.12.1984 in Munich, Germany and in cooperation with some German government members, and I am forced to think that I am celebrating anniversary on 24.12. since my enslaving on 24.12.1984 by the evil BP-British Petroleum=the evil English Royal family + CIA + MI^ + some Germans that were and still are related to hidden escaped Nazis from1945 and are heavily related to the English royal family while they were surrounding me in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other countries. After returning to my housing at 10350 Lands End Drive in Houston, on 27.12.1994 my apartment was flooded with water, and it was not livable and I had to go right back to the hotel, this time another Hotel on Westheimer road in Houston called Adams Mark Hotel. And was there for 3 weeks until they gave me another apartment in another building. Today I believe they flooded the apartment for at least 1 of 3 reasons or a combination as follow:  Reason-1 first to destroy my IT equipment, which they did a large portion of it and to start blocking me of performing any successful business venture. Reason-2 to force me to relocate to another apartment that possibly had microphones and cameras hidden in the pre-installed lamps and other preinstalled parts. Which we had to relocate to another apartment on the second floor in another building behind the building we were living in on the ground floor. Almost all the building were the same, they were 2 floors and each building had 4 apartments 2 on each floor, and I believe they may have had around 20 buildings in this apartment complex. Reason-3 possibly the parents of my fake son wanted to spend more time with him and the best way is the hotel where I cannot see it, first they can knock me unconscious in the evening and then spend all the time they need with my fake son, second when I go to work they can do the same. Is this true or not I do not know but the following facts will confirm it. First how did my forced upon me apartment get flooded. This apartment I get through the whore agent family in Houston that pretended to be real estate agent named Mohamad/Mark Khodor, while his evil brother named Kimo (Kamal) Khodor was working as a receptionist in the hotel I was going to in Christmas and called Omni Hotel as distraction of the evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + My fake family + My Biological family + ARAMCO + the Bush family that was stationed also in Houston. Back to how did my apartment get flooded: I was forced to live in a so-called apartment complex, which is around 100 apartments in one land lot surrounded by fence with one entry and exit as an alleged protection which was only 10% protection, there was no guard and anyone can go over the fence, especially in night time. There are many apartment complexes like that in USA, above all and the first time I ever seen this concept was in the evil country called Saudi Arabia that was nothing else than a copy of the USA + the UK, same sloppy roads, same sloppy housing and so far, each apartment complex have a so called maintenance crew and this crew allegedly have a boss and they call him/her maintenance manager. And just newly maybe 1-3 weeks prior to flooding my apartment a new maintenance manager took over this job in this apartment complex, he was a male, I forgot his name, but what is important is that some of the crew live in the complex and this man lived directly above me in apartment 2503, while I lived in apartment 2501. He allegedly was taking a bath and fell to sleep in the bathtub and it get over filled and then the water went in to my apartment. First this alleged maintenance manager looked like an actor and simultaneously his eyes looked like as if he takes marijuana on a regular base or maybe other drugs or he was forcing me to think so. Considering that I was living in this apartment complex from 1 January 1991 to 10 October 1999, almost 10 years, during which I was repeatedly and very destructively setup by the apartment complex management, while the ownership of the complex changed at least twice during this period add to it that because of this flood I had to seek an attorney named William F. Harmeyer and I was 100% delegated to this particular attorney that also performed several destructive setups against me, the last one was delivering me to the immigration instead of helping me get legal in USA, and all the setups through him point to one thing only, his set ups were essentials and for brainwashing me, setting me up and separating me of my fake son Abdulhamid Najar, that today either still named the same or assumed another identity under his biological names. All in all it shows that all of the above was 100% planned on top of that this forced upon me project was planned to fail and it was meant to be as a virus in my mind to blame my self for that my family is avoiding me and to force me to think because I failed the project or worse yet, as if I coned them and stole their investment money, which I most definitely did not do and therefore they throw away their money to force my mind to think so and that alone says a lot about them and their situation. What worse yet I absolutely cannot recall how much investment money I received except 2-3 and who invested with me again except 2-3, and this very possibly due to either because I was stressed very dramatically between this period and July 2000 or because O was severely being controlled by telepathy throughout the entire period of this forced upon me fake project, and telepathy control can severely damage memory storage!

4.10.              2010-2012. This is in the evil village Bellingwolde, Netherlands where I was forced to live there by the Dutch Immigration named IND and their subcontractors, also a governmental institution named COA that supposed to take care of refugee housing, medical care, food, and other needs. This situation was mentioned several times in other pages. Therefore, and because it is also categorized here, I will add the short version of it. After the Dutch Immigration called IND terrorized my life from 11 February 2001 and until 28 February 2008, by forci9ng me repeatedly to relocate from one jail to another and from one prison to another and from one refugee camp to another and  this between Netherlands and Germany, where all-in-all I was forced to relocate over 40 times as a mean of a very sadistic brainwash while it start out to rent brainwash services to the FBI. And the last refugee camp was Dokkum, where I was forced to write down my entire history enable I can understand why these savages are treating me like that, then was also forced to publish my writing on the Internet, and therewith they can read it while pretending that I am doing voluntarily and this was until 28 February 2008, then they forced me to live allegedly free that in reality was another controlled environment in the evil village called Bellingwolde, where they continued to force me to write what they want and what is suitable for them, during which the in writing forbid me to work enable they can force me to write everything I know about my past, during which I was attacked from all sides and tortured severely among others by pulling all my teeth out that were absolutely healthy to alter my look while simultaneously scare the life out of me and force me to think that these criminals can do with me what they want and no government and no police can touch them. Their goal was to destroy my reputation, force me to be poor and under their evil control, while blinding me with several other situations that they forced upon me, which I will skip all of them except the financial part that was meant as a multipurpose destruction while I had no chance to defend myself against these criminals. They and with absolute no doubt what so ever forced me into a governmental program called Bbz-Besluit Bijstandverlening Zelfstandigen (in English: Decree on Assistance to the Self-employed). They forced me to join this program even though I wanted to work and they would not allow me and forced me to be nearly 3 years in a so called integration course, where I was supposed to learn Dutch, which it can be 100% performed within 3 months, but they wanted to force me to write while blaming everything on Jewish and that is why they placed me in an area heavily populated by Jewish, where they force me to write bad things about JEWISH ENABKE TO DFRCE THE Jewish to attack me and among others, these criminals pulled out all my healthy teeth, they disgrace to Jewish and Dutch and entire humanity and that was the purpose, they wanted to blame everything on Jewish, but the Jewish did not place me there the IND and COA placed me there therefore I strongly believe that some of the population in these municipalities offer brainwash and torture services to IND and COA and to whom ever pays them. Who are these people? They are Stichting Welzijn, and the municipalities Oldambt, Bellingwedde/Westerwolde and Veendam. And to cover up for all what these criminals did to me they forced me to join this mentioned Bbz, where they also forced me to have business loan all-n-all around 26,000 Euro (Twenty Six Thousand) and did not allow me to succeed in any ways what so ever, they gave me this money because they planned to force me to relocate to the UK and I had no money to do that and that is why, and among others, they forced on me these loans. Why UK one of two reason or both: Reason-1, to show as if I am the brother of Fadia Nagar in the UK and everything I wrote is wrong that this is my fake family. Reason-2, to see how my fake family behave once I am in the UK. And my answer today to these 2 reasons are: Yes, they are my fake family and kidnappers and are under the evil protection of the CIA + MI6. And the second answer, they were building on the brainwash of me being originated of a Jewish family, which is impossible, and to-do that my fake sister Fadia Nagar + her husband Dr. Alaa Ali + her son Tarek Ali + her son Essam Shawki + her daughter Esmat Shawki + the 2 children of Esmat Shawki created countless very destructive setups between April 2013 and August 2013, whereby I was forced to go there for a visit, and I absolutely did not want, where they created a situation built on what these criminal forced upon me prior to that, which I will skip, where then I was also forced to relocate to and to live with them between June  and begin of August, and then they practically thrown me out while forcing my mind to think I was moving out voluntarily, which I will also skip. Back to the Bbz through the forced upon me trip to the UK relocation and prior to that relocation from Bellingwolde to Amsterdam in June 2012, the loan money was gone. I relocated back to the Netherlands just to be attacked again in the city of Assen and also severely tortured through the dental professionals and on top of that the evil municipalities of Bellingwedde/Veendam have conspired with the municipality Amsterdam and gave the tax office wrong information about my income in that they gave it in the wrong year and I was not able to do anything about it and therewith and almost over night I owed the Dutch tax office nearly 7 thousand Euro, which I do not have and I was forced to pay it back in payment + the 3000 Euro that the Tax office claim made a mistake and paid it to me immediately after I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague that I suspected to help me relocate and keep up with my bills, which I also have to pay back + paying back the loan that these criminals forced upon me which was over 18 Thousand, and I am paying it 25 Euro per month, which all equals my social income (municipality support) is not enough to survive on, because between the municipality and the tax office I suddenly ow nearly 36 thousand, which causing me severe problems and keeping me busy trying to survive, and all I wanted is to work and take care of myself but these criminal prevented to work since September 1999, while blinding me and pretend to have been helping me with the forced upon me Bbz program and the loans that I did not want in the first of all, is this Netherlands?

4.11.              One more and very short, my fake sister Fadia that I since recently call imposter, used the absolute same method and very unfortunately also very successfully which blinded and clouded my thoughts with her fake financial generosity , but when it comes to a real survival help I am being pushed away, which is written in several places and I am not going to repeat it here, except one thing, I strongly believe that her children Esmat and Essam Shawki are fake and not her children and most definitely they are not the children of their official father named Afaf Shawki that they are registered under and I strongly suspect he was murdered among others to use his name for their children and to use him to kill the Yemeni Agriculture minister, and both are dead since 1966. They are the children of my fake uncle the evil Saudi Arabian + hidden Escaped Nazi + hidden English royalty named Jawdat Baroudi

4.12.              There are many other situations even in 2018 yet and thanks to the curtesy of the municipality of Den Haag/The Hague as well as the Dutch Royal Family and the many embassies in this city that I am under their all protection of these vicious liars and criminals that kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960 and again in September 1986 and again several times their after by forcing me to relocate as a mean of silencing me by forcing me to be busy to survive in a new forced upon me environment, but know I have a much better understanding of their repeated and mass hidden crimes, while they are all under the protection of the law in Jordan, Saudi Arabia. Kuwait, UAE, UK, USA, Germany and other countries because they are either diplomats, royal family members, CIA agents, MI6 Agents or are under the protection of the ex-German royalties that are today called controlling families in Germany, Middle East and elsewhere and under the protection of the English royal family that perform often mass kidnapping of children under 10 years old from the UK, from India, From Pakistan, from Hong Kong, and from many Arab countries, because they have been doing that for centuries, first started by kidnapping children in the Middle ages and earlier from helpless villagers and take this children brainwash them and train them since  as young as possibly 6 years old to be soldiers after cutting off all their genitals to prevent of being distracted of slavery and then use them to perform mass murders to steal land and other properties and they still are doing so even after the year 1900. You have no right to do that to me or to any other person in the world, PERIOD.

4.13.              And here I came back to the essence of these points under point 4, I will pay each one his money back in one way or another as long it I do not have to hurt anyone, because I do not sacrifice any one no matter what and I also do not sacrifice myself, unless I am trying to save a person’s life, and even them I have conflict about it, if I die to save one, would he also try to save those others that I wanted to save, and there are many of them!

5.        With the rest of the money I will start a self-maintained foundation/organization in several countries to help people that were and still are suffering because of what is in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3. How much is the rest of the money? I will deduct point 1-4 of the total sum and the rest is the rest of the money, for example if I receive all the justice that I am demanding, then it will be more than 90% for this foundation. And trust me this is not enough it is just like a drop in the ocean, yet my plans of self-maintained organization it will use this money to generate more money and not only to help people but rather to teach them how to help their selves, even if I have to open a school for that, because no school has ever prepared me for the hell life I was forced to live in from 10/11 January 1960 and until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016!


I reserve the right to adjust the amount based on what I receive or do not receive!



I know what you think, and here I mean the persons and institutions I am complaining about, here some of what I know how you think, because you taught me everything bad that I know, while others I do not know, taught me everything good that I know:

1.     How dare this little f… write that about us and expose us

2.     How dare this slave shit set demands on us

3.     Does he really think we going to pay him these Millions, maybe I will deposit one cent in his account, just to make him know what he is worth

4.     Other may think, if we pay him, then we confirm his complaint

5.     Others will think, we better pay just to confirm his complaint

6.     Other would think, we really did him wrong and did not expect it to escalate that bad

7.     We had no idea that he would be able to figure some or many of it out and with this  accuracies, let’s make a payment to show our usual sheep clothing

8.     If we pay him, then we are opening the door for many others to copycat him

9.     Just deny everything

10.Ignore him

11.I think this is a very good information and he worked hard at it, even though he still missing many other things, yet who work hard should also get paid for it

12.If he thinks that we are paying him to be against us, then he is mistaken

13.If we don’t pay him, it will show people many negative sides of us, because many things are verifiable

14.We are government and work for the people and in this process some sacrifices are always done, he is one of them, just ignore him

15.We are the government from people for people, we are not only democratic but also just and we must make that clear by giving him justice

16.If we pay him, then we confirm our hidden side, which is screw them all, money is more important, and he is not getting a penny

17.If we pay him, then we are confirming at least the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3, and that we should not do

18.I think we should pay him, because he is showing us things that we did not know and now we can protect the people of these atrocities

19.We cannot use these methods anymore because they are public, now we have to think of a whole new method(s) that no one can recognize again, and we are not going to pay him for this work that he is forcing upon us

20.If we do not pay him, then some of those who believe him because they were able to verify a few facts, would not do business with us any more

21.I am not going to tank by this company anymore, because it is blood petroleum

22.Let us divert our business to other companies, and send him a thanks for getting our attention on these matters

23.If we do not pay him, his complaint is going to drag on and on, during which many will copycat our methods against us, maybe we should pay him

24.You get the picture; the list goes on and on and on….!!


The fact remain that these complaint pages are a real win-win pages, for anyone who get in touch with them (reading them), and the persons that I am complaining about are always speaking of win-win situations, whereby they have no idea what a real win-win is. They think if they agree with 1 or more persons, institutions or companies to brainwash someone for the benefit of their selves it is win-win situation for this partnership, or when they set up Iraq to have a war with Iran enable to weaken both and then tell Iraq go ahead and take your land claim of Kuwait, and when they do take it, they attack them, kill countless, also civilians, and then attack them again to steal all of their land, petroleum and natural resources, while integrating actors working for them and were raised since years or even 30 years ago just for this day, such as my fake nephew named Abdullah Abokurah that was 100% in the new built Iraqi government in 2003, while pretended to be living in Washington, D.C., on the other side he might have a twin, and I saw the twin on TV in 2003, and then they call all that win-win situation.


You are totally wrong, this is a 2-track thinking only. Meaning you are enriching yourself by killing and stealing of others.


There is only one teacher in this world that teaches us all, and teaches you and if I say: but you are too stupid to understand his teaching, then it is as if I am saying he is stupid, because he made you and he does not create stupidity, but rather he gave you freedom, but you misuse the freedom to enslave others or kill countless others to steal their land and natural resources and enslave them.


I learn directly from him, and of everything he created including you, by looking at his creation and try to understand it. And to be honest with you, the win-win situation or profitability that you think of is completely different than you understood it.


Allow me to explain it:


The sun is win-win situation, and it teaches us, and those who dies because of the sun, is because you neglected them, such as the hundreds of elderlies that dies yearly in USA of the sun heat because they cannot afford to protect their selves of it because you keep them as slaves. One day when we have enough knowledge we will not only know how to harness the power of the sun, and most definitely be able to send a rocket into the sun gather information and bring it back, until then you have to take responsibility and protect those who cannot protect their selves against the sun, and not only in Chicago, but also in any other country in the world, or at least in the countries that you control in the hidden such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Egypt and the rest of Africa, only then you would be worthy to be called a human being and father of the democracy and freedom, until then you were always and you still remain a monster without consideration or heart!


But why is the sun win-win object?


Because everyone benefits of it, including but not limited to: human, animals, insects, birds, fish Some buildings that use solar power, some cars that uses solar power, some other vehicle or flying objects that uses solar power, anyone who work or supply the manufacturing of solar power, even the buyers of solar power benefit,  the health of human and many creature on earth benefit because of the solar power, we take sun bath enable to keep ourselves healthy, some even cook directly under sun heat, the sun teaches us the timing, and we build around it our entire timing, from the second to the year, leap year, decade and measure the timing of our entire history, each creature on this planet and possibly other planets and anyone that is born new on this earth needs the sun to survive healthy and the list is endless, Can you imitate this win-win, no because you are not willing to learn of our all creator!


Air is a win-win situation, no one dies by air or oxygen unless a human being mixes something else with it or make bombs out of oxygen!


Land is win-win situation, if we do not have it then we would not exist. Every life on earth that come in touch with earth flourish unless you kill them. Every human being benefits of the earth and land that you constantly stealing even though it was given to us for free. The farmer benefit unless you sabotage him as is now happening in USA and Africa. Everyone loves the land, to walk on it, to jog, to play on it, to plant on it, to build on it, or even just to look at it and admire it. Very unfortunately I cannot afford my own land, because I do not steal, or kill others with all kind of schemes to steal their land and then claim they were terrorists. Even insects and animals benefit of the land!


Water is win-win situation, we drink it, we clean ourselves with it, we clean our cloths and houses and the street with it, we water with it our plants to eat, we water with it our plants to admire (flowers), we wash our cars, busses, trams, trains, airplanes and airports with it. It carries our ships, it contains vital germs, without it we die, it contains vital food for us, you brush your teeth with it, you flush your toilette with it, we cook with it, we mix it with alcohol beverages, we make soda pop with it, and the list goes on and on. However people like you cheat us with the water and make us buy drink water from the supermarket because your uncle own the water bottling company and they add one ingredient to it to make it drinkable, which it cost less than penny per gallon, yet we pay for it 10 times the price as the water that comes to our homes, but we have to buy it from the supermarket or water machines in USA and Saudi Arabia, because your uncle refuse to add the ingredient that cost less than a penny per gallon, because he want to help his brother to sell the gallon of water for 50 or 75 cent in the supermarket. Which very much means you and your relative cheat with water, and therewith you steal to make profit out of it, and what your family is doing is not a win-win situation with the water, yet the win-win situation of God that made the water and is allowing even a common thief to flourish by allowing criminals as well as honest people to drink it and to use it just as both also use the sun and land, and that is a win-win situation where everyone benefits. Unlike you, you con the people to steal of them and if this does not work, you kill them, and then claim they were terrorist, and as long as you are the cause of their suffering or death, you and the alike like you. Will be haunted by good people until you use your intelligence to full capacity and not only 2 tracks to harm others to enrich yourself, instead you should learn of God directly, because only then you can truly learn to produce a or the win-win actions!


The above are merely a couple of examples of what God is teaching us daily about win-win situation. A couple out of countless others on earth and in the sky that no one ever was able to count, and no one will ever be able to count them, because we have not yet discovered everything and most probably, we have just discovered less than 1% but also we do not yet have numbers that large, and we may even never have them!


Here is an example of 50% win-win situation: a car is the dream of many to have, but cannot afford, such as myself because of what you did to me. The car can carry 1 person or much more if you make a bus out of it or a truck. The car manufacturer make money selling it. The employees make money working on manufacturing it, the parts supplier and their employees benefit when selling the parts to the manufacturer, the families of all involved survive through it. The engineers and architects and their labors and suppliers make money planning and laying a road for all kind of vehicles that all come from the Bicycle and the bicycle comes through one unknown man that developed the wheel, he knew how to make a win-win product that hundreds or even thousands of years later every single human being benefit of the wheel. A taxi driver or company makes money out of it. Most people make benefit of the car because they can be in a distant place in a fraction of the time when walking, but also their products and services are delivered quicker with the car. The gas station and the employees benefit, the repair garage benefit, the automobile club benefit, the petroleum company benefit, the petroleum explorer, engineers, and pipelines makers and sellers and the digger benefit, the petroleum transport companies such as Koch Industry benefit, the chemical companies that make gasoline/benzine such as Exxon and Chevron or even the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum benefit of it and they all also produce other products out of petroleum and all benefit of it such as plastic bags, and so on. Only 2 do not benefit, in matter of fact they have destruction of the car:

1.     Benzine/gasoline and diesel are very bad and killer for the environment, and therewith smart persons developed car engines alternatives to benzine/gasoline and diesel that can use the followings: ethanol, biodiesel, propane, compressed natural gas (CNG), electric batteries

2.     You can kill someone accidently, not to mention on purpose using a car, and until we can make the car 100% safe and not to kill a person accidently or on purpose, that car will always remain only 50% win-win, and therewith many other products with equivalent caused damage, including you that kill people to steal their land for the natural resources or for slavery for also the land itself and also for petroleum that causes destruction to our lives, that you steal by killing others to steal their land to get this petroleum (which it shows that you are going in a circle and that is why I am too writing around your circle and in circle enable to help you to understand), which is a cycle of destruction. Believe me and trust me, your brain is far of being able to create a win-win situation, at least not yet, among others because persons that are much more smarter and more intelligent than you develop the cars to help people while making money, yet they are not yet capable to create a 100% win-win situation cars and other products, which is because their intelligence is still growing based on the new knowledge and discoveries and that one day at a time, and then one day they will most definitely create a 100% win-win car with no damage to the environment or human or animals or even insects that a car owner kill possibly Billions of them in his life time of driving a car, where by most of these insects are live necessary such as bees, but we do not know that or we know and we do not care, which is you are the type who does not give any care to anything except to yourself and that alone is far of win-win and it is 100% = a heartless brainless monster, just look at yourself in the mirror while remembering all those that you killed under fake pretension to steal their land, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, South Africa, Hon Kong, Australia, Canada, USA, Yemen and many others. Who knows maybe we will exceed our selves and build cars that does not need roads any more, and therewith we do not need Asphalt the byproduct of petroleum any more? Then we would use other materials for our roads to walk on, such as natural stones or building bricks, whereby many countries, except USA, already using that because they are not only healthier to our earth than asphalt, but also require less maintenance, last much longer than asphalt and it is cheaper and quicker to lay down and do not need as much science and engineers as asphalt needs.


Last but not least, this complaint pages created as a result of your repeated bad doings, is more win-win product and service to humanity than you ever can come any close to a real win-win situation, at least as long as you use only 2 track intelligence and not a full capacity intelligence, and here is why:

1.        You are learning of it and seeing what you did

2.        You are learning of it and seeing what the others did based on your wrong and destructive win-win commands

3.        People will learn what you are doing to them, and therewith they will develop mechanism to protect their selves of you

4.        Children be safer knowing how you kidnap children

5.        People are aware of twins, double, triplets and lookalike misuse and how to protect their self of you

6.        Countries can learn of it to protect their selves and their population against you

7.        Law makers learn of it to create more protective laws against you instead of slavery laws that you created in many countries such as in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen and even USA and Europe and the list is endless!

8.        People will think twice before joining you, which will force them to use their intelligence to create more humane ways

9.        Schools and universities will start to teach some essential life protection measurements in their teachings for the individual human

10.   Churches that diverted their ways to wards you will realize how to avoid that in the future

11.   Families will stick more together and be safer and more productive to their selves and their communities than you will ever be in 10 lifetimes, unless you use your intelligence to create a real win-win situation

12.   Many companies will adjust their services and products based on this complaint pages to help to free people that you enslaved in many countries while you pretend to be Muslim, or sometimes Jewish, or sometimes Christians and other time Hindu and other times Buddhist or other religions, or pretend to be Syrian, or Russian, or German, or Turkish, or Saudi Arabian just to mix with these groups to make them trust you while you are enslaving them and rubbing them blindly or using them by forcing them to live in a position they cannot come out of it such as Israel and Palestinians, Kurdish, Indians and Pakistani and Bangladesh, or North and South Korea, or North and South Ireland, or previously  North and South Yemen, or North and South Vietnam, or East and West Germany and the list is much longer and much older

13.   Persons that were kidnapped as children will recognize that through this complaint pages

14.   Adults that were kidnapped as children to use them as decoy for their twins, triplets will recognize that and will try to get free of your never-ending cycle of slavery

15.   Americans that are being sold for stupid by the English royal family while pretending to be born in USA and related to Russian and Israel as distraction of the UK will understand this concept

16.   Men and women in top positions that are used as hidden slaves through their hidden spouses and other hidden persons with telepathy and then force their victim to elect them as his/her ministers (in reality, they are the masters of the hidden slave alias their publicly new boss), will recognize that

17.   The government of USA will take measures to secure the defense department, justice department of these criminals that build a web of destruction, during which they arrange that some of them be fired to show that the new boss is free and is allegedly doing the hiring and firing!

18.   No crime organization should ever take control of the justice department as it has been for the last 40 or 70 years or at least since I was brainwashed and kidnapped from Germany to USA in September 1986

19.   Countries will start to consider creating laws to protect innocent people of telepathy slavery, among other by teaching some of those persons with telepathy that tend to be criminals because their parents and grandparents taught them that to keep the family in control and everyone else their slaves, and also teaching the general public about telepathy and integrating it in our schooling system, while I predict that one of the Benelux countries, or Scandinavian countries followed by the EU, will be the first countries of creating laws against telepathy hidden slavery by using a group of trust worthy and good persons with telepathy to help in enforcing these laws, possibly as consultants

20.   Who knows maybe some company will create one of two or both as follow:

20.1.              Create a unit that human can use to protect them of telepathy slavery by blocking incoming thoughts

20.2.              Restore the telepathy for individuals, which is easier than fixing the mutilation of the circumcision, and therewith, each can protect himself because then he is equal to some of the persons with telepathy that think of their selves as Gods and control human being as slaves and as I control my computer and as they did to me since 10/11 January 1960 and until 1 March 2016, while since March 2016 I am still being attacked with telepathy, but by far not as destructive as prior to a March 2016

21.   These complaint pages are also very beneficial for me, mentally as well possibly financially but and above all, and with these complaint pages, I am pulling the emergency brake on this rogue train-without-driver like destructive behavior

22.   These complaint pages show those who are forced to commit terrorism acts (in reality they were animated with telepathy after some traumatization to commit a crime), to try an alternative action to terrorism, for example to confront those who done them harm via Internet and asks them for financial justice instead of instead of harming someone innocent!

23.   The list is endless