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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Slavery in Germany


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This page was created on: 14.01.2019 and update on: 23.06.2019 added text is in 2 red boxes, and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was re-edited and completed on 24.07.2021


This section within this red box was added on 12.05.2019

I have split this page Slavery in Germany in more parts, because BP-British petroleum and the illegal project named Calypso and even though they were in Germany yet were performed by a very evil group from the UK. And this split is mainly 3 for reasons:

A.               It was mainly performed by the British evil company called BP-British Petroleum that at that time was owned by the British government and therewith the British Royal family

B.               It is too long to add here

C.               To have it logically separated from Germany because and even though it was in Germany, yet it was to 90% performed by no Germans such as the evil and most destructive company BP-British Petroleum, Syrian military intelligence staff working with BP-British Petroleum within the project Calypso, members of my fake family from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UK and Switzerland. The rest 10% was performed by CIA, MI6, German immigration in Munich called KVR-kreisverwaltungsreferat, my fake and very evil uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg, Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich a criminal that pretend to be Syrian and I strongly suspect him to be British-Indian or British-Pakistani, and that is why they brought other Indian and Pakistanis in to my life such as Khalid Mian and Mr. Asok as distraction of this very evil man with the strategy: this is Indian and this is Pakistani, but that Dr. Assassa is Syrian even though he looked more like Sri Lankan, Indian, Pakistani or even Russian agent just to implicate me with Russians, which they did countless times


Therefore, please see the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” & “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2” as part of and continuation of this page & you can skip this one and go the next one version-2 “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3” & “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2”!



Munich and suburban areas in Germany 10 October 1969 to September 1976.


A very important note: Within this and other pages, I mention that CIA, MI6, BND and AIVD, pretend to be investigating my alleged connections to terrorism and/or other crimes, hereto, no one has ever came up to me and said we are going to investigate you for this or that, but rather they left a trail of pretending to do so as if they are doing it without my knowledge from the back ground by monitoring my movements and/or setting on me one of their agents that pretend to be my friend or even girlfriend, or even and possibly having cameras and microphones in my housing, if this is true or not I do not know, because I never discovered a microphone or a camera, nor did any of their hidden agents around my life came up to me and said, I am not really your friend, I was just pretending to be spying on you, but rather it was a conclusion based on a situation or countless setups around my life. It is all to force me to think that I was mistakenly persecuted because they suspected me as connected to top terrorists, and this from 1970 and until 2012, which is a very nasty, sadistic, and most destructive brainwash method used under the fake flag of “National Security” in Germany, USA, UK and the Netherlands!


This is how my fake family get rid of me once they had no more need for me in Egypt, and set me up several times to look like as if I am connected to drug lords and terrorism enable to give the CIA and MI6 the power to take control of my life in Germany by pretending to be spying on the source of terrorism and drug lords, but in reality they were covering up for their agents as well as members of my fake family that were hidden members of the Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, UEA, Kuwait and Oman Royal families that are originated from USA and Europe, including but not limited to Germany, UK, USA, and the Netherlands where they forced me to live under their control in in these mentioned countries. In the first 3 years after bringing me from Egypt to Germany for re-brainwashing me and enslaving me under one of their female agents, as a mean of isolation, that was allegedly British named Anita Disbray enable she can keep me under control and isolate me of others that may help me get free or talk about my fake relatives in Egypt and Jordan, whereby and until the year 2000 I thought that these were my biological family since birth and that I was living in Syria all my life, until I started to analyze my past by force because between 1999 and 2000 the FBI was severely persecuting me, and then brought me to the Netherlands by force where I was locked up for 13 years between jails, prisons and refugee camps and during this period where I was forced to recognize my past in the control environment of the Dutch immigration in the countless, jails, prisons and refugee camps that they forced me to live in this period of nearly 14 years.


Note-1: Please note that some sections are repeated in other pages.


Note-2: I cannot see telepathy, and therefore I do not know who is using it. I do not know who is using telepathy on me, if it is the person with me now or another person or not with me and using the person that is with me as decoy and performing telepathy attacks on me, in the latter case, this makes both persons present with me to be equally dangerous for me, because they are hidden slave for this person or a group of persons with telepathy?


Note-3, it is very important to note: to be fair, even though during the period of 10.10.1969 to roughly September 1972 I was officially in Germany, yet I was forced over 90% of the times to live under the control of the American military in and around  the military base McGraw kaserne, thereafter I was living in the German environment yet controlled by the agent Anita Disbray that the American military + CIA + MI6 enslaved me under starting 20 August 1970 within the American military base McGraw Kaserne and until September 1977, where they used the church and my fake mother to separate me of her in a very nasty setup, where everyone was blaming the other, and I had no idea what was going on, because my fake mother was covering up for the CIA and this evil agent called Anita Disbray.







Taking me to Germany on 10.10.1969


Setting me up as if I am connected to terrorism and other crimes


Forcing me to live in the American military base for a re-brainwash


Setting me up to become Christian


Using me as a blackmail object against my fake family members in the Middle East


Starting January 1984 and re-brainwashing and enslaving me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud in Germany and then kidnapping me from Germany to USA between in September 1986



Introduction (go to Index)

Germany lost the World War 2, and ever since and at least until late 1990s, they were controlled by the so-called Second World War allies, which were among others: USA, UK, France, Netherlands, Ex-Soviet Union, and others. Ex-Soviet Union controlled East Germany, all others controlled West Germany and divided West Germany in sectors, each country controlling some sectors, such as Bavaria and other parts where USA sector Southwestern side of Germany was France, Middle to north Germany was UK and so on. I was forced to live in Bavaria, that was totally controlled by American military.


Also, the World War 2 was going on in the Middle East, where the above-mentioned countries including German Nazis were all over the Middle East and each one of them was trying to protect their own self-proclaimed territories from Yemen and Saudi Arabia to Iraq and Syria and from Morocco to Egypt. When they ended the World War 2, many of the military stayed in the Middle East as further protection, whereby some of the militaries were even before in these Middle Eastern countries from prior to World War 1 (one). My life showed me that these military that stayed in the Middle East, changed their invasion and colony strategies to avoid further wars by integrating their self in the so called Arab societies and became the hidden arm and voice of the Americans, Europeans and some even the Ex-Soviet Union, whereby and to my knowledge the ex-Soviet Union were severely struggling to maintain some of their territories such as Yemen, which cause wars, ever since and until today, they even divided Yemen in to north and south Yemen, then it was reunited again. Today they are using Saudi Arabia and Iran as a proxy war between both Western and Eastern power countries, (until the end of the paragraph was added on 14.07.2021) but it is all an act enable to distract the general public of what they are really doing in the Middle East, which will be very clear in the pages of the BP-British Petroleu-Part-1 to Part-3-Version-3! (End of added)


These persons who stayed in the Middle East and integrated their self as Middle Eastern became hidden spies and hidden royalties from Jordan to Saudi Arabia and form Oman to Iraq, and the same in North Africa and particularly in Egypt, that was through and through American/British I know that because I was forced to live there for 10 years from 1960 to 1969.


What does all the above have to do with my complaint?


Simple, some members of my fake family are those hidden agents and hidden royalties working with and under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD (Dutch version of CIA) and others. These hidden agents and hidden royalties are being constantly updated and upgraded; this means they send new ones with fake identities as reinforcement but also to make sure that they stay loyal. And the way they do that is that they send them as employees for some companies to Jordan, Saudi Arabia or other countries for a couple of years then and when their Arabic is good enough they send them to the other country, such as Egypt, Syria or others with fake identities, I know that for fact because this is my fake family consisting of 16 adult and 5 children that were set together in 10/11 January 1960 and sent to several countries and when we arrived in Egypt the older agents and hidden royalties confirmed our identities as if we were their relatives and close friends from Syria, which we were most definitely not, but I did not recognize that at that time because I was an 8 years old with total amnesia. Also, some of them possibly are being send to Germany and other countries as hidden agents that pretend to be Syrian that were living in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine. And that too was 100% fake, because all of them are hidden agents and have fake identities just as each member of my fake family.


In Egypt they used me as a decoy that we are allegedly from Syria, where they caused me total amnesia and forced fake memories upon me among others by telling me stories and I believed it to be reality and the Egyptians when they examine me, or even later the Germans or Americans will find only the fake memories that I am allegedly born in Damascus, Syria where I allegedly lived from 1952 to 1960 and then in relocated to Egypt from 1960 to 1969. I was kidnapped around 10/11 January 1960 where they took me to a hotel Damascus Syria, brainwashed me, falsified my identity, and took me to Cairo Egypt on 15 January as an alleged Syrian, and that is fact. Period.


What they did to me in Egypt you can read here and there, if I ever get to it, I will write my slavery life in Egypt, but for now I going to describe my slavery time in Germany.


Therewith, the origin and the birthplace of all known to me members of my fake family are 100% Americans, British, Germans, Dutch and possibly also from Italy and other European countries. In Egypt I met hundreds of these people that pretended to be Arabs, yet they were not, in matter of fact they were constantly creating mass brainwash situations, one of them was through the very famous Egyptian Comedian duo named “Abo Lamaa and Khawaga Peugeo”, they were famous in all Arab countries, where the first pretend to be a smart Egyptian and the second a smart European speaking very, very bad Arabic, while both were acting stupid.  What is important here is that Khawaga Peugeo, in reality he was Egyptian or even Syrian, was speaking Arabic with a very, very big and bad dialect and very lacking vocabulary, and this made it very clear as if the Arabic language is very difficult to impossible to master by foreigners, therefore no Arab will ever suspect one of these hidden agents and hidden royalties that they are foreigners and as a confirmation to this, many in TV programs, and other media used the same strategy, which showed that foreigners cannot speak proper Arabic, which was all mass brainwash. Any language in the world is learnable by any one if the person has the time and the will to do it!


Additional important note to the above, these new comers that pretend to be Arab but are foreigners from UK and USA that came over other Arabic countries are often brought from other countries where the Europeans and Americans have military bases or control a country, such as Japan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Greece and the list is huge, where the Europeans and Americans have military bases in nearly every country in the world, and therewith if it ever comes out, then they blame it on the other country such as Japan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Greece and so on.


Another very negative and destructive acts these agents and hidden royalties do to distract of their selves is that they pretend not only to be Muslim, but they promote Islam in a very violent way, while they, their selves, do not follow the religion that they force upon the others, with the exception when they are in public!, and all this is based on my experience with my forced upon me fake family, that allegedly originated from Syria, but in reality they are a mixture from USA, UK, and other countries and the same is also in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Oman and other so-called Arab countries.


I know that was a long introduction, but it is also a pre-explanation of these very destructive people, such as my fake family that not only enslaved me in the name of Islam, but also kidnapped me, organized rapping me by men and disgusting women, tortured me and prevented me of advancing in life, and this no matter what I try, as soon as they noticed that I am advancing in life, they popup in my life and destroy whatever I am building for myself and others, just to keep me busy restarting from scratch and to prevent me to notice their destructive behavior not only to me, but also with thousand and Millions of others, that they perform also in Europe and USA, and my life is the best prove, and what is very sad and painful about this, is that agencies such as CIA, MI6, BND and AIVD help them do that, distract and cover up for them as well as protect them, here too my life is the best prove, such as when I started to be free and build a life for myself in Munich, Germany, they came all over my life in 1984 re-brainwashed me, enslaved me under the CIA & MI6 whore named Najlaa Mahmoud and removed me from Germany by kidnapping me to USA using sadistic and very powerful brainwash technique, telepathy and fear, where in USA I was forced to live as an illegal for 15 years under the control of their evil agent that always sabotaged whatever I tried to build for myself while she was protected by the CIA and FBI, then they dumped me in the Netherlands where I was prevented to advance in live by locking me up for 13 years between jails, prisons and refugee camps, thereafter I was 100% prevented to work, and here I am complaining about all this!


This paragraph was added on 14.07.2017: This sadistic and most disgusting woman that was agent for the ICA+MI6 + BP-British Petroleum + My fake family agent, and just a couple of month ago, I came to realize that5 she was American, possibly from a native Americans and from USA and not from Syria, possibly she lived in Syria for a while, and she had at least 1 possibly 2 lookalikes that she exchanged places with, one of these 2 or 3 whores was 100% mentally retarded yet one of them or all 3 of them had 100% telepathy. And this is very important, because of the following points:

1.                Officially she came to Germany on 24.12.1984 where they enslaved me under her control. She was with me in Germany while these criminals and psychopath were brainwashing me in Germany, which is practically impossible for her alone or for any other foreigner to control my life with telepathy in Germany while destroying my logic enable to brainwash me and enslave me under her control, and the reason it is impossible because I was already in Christian, and everyone knew and notice through my behavior that I loved the church and my friends in the church, therefore no German with telepathy would allow a foreigner to do that to me, yet she was not a foreigner, she was most probably American, and the entire evil American military was covering up for her, and the American military was 100% controlling Munich and the entire state of Bavaria where I was living, not to forget that countless American military staff = soldiers and officers retire during their duty in Germany and then do not go back to USA but rather settle in Germany countless of these criminals, and they are criminals because even though they prefer to live in Germany than going back to USA because of countless reasons from financial to less violence to less prejudice and because they can work for the American military as civilian and get benefit of both sides the Germans and Americans, among others all military staff can shop at military stores that are tax free, from food to cloths to school to entertainment to even purchasing cars and electronics. In short, the American evil military was helping her brainwashing me in Munich, and that make the American military the nastiest organization on this earth

2.                  After kidnapping me from Germany to USA, the same concept as point one was also performed, in other words she had countless evil native American relatives that were helping her against me as distraction of the ARAMCO, Chevron and countless others

3.                A person with telepathy is always hired by American agencies and governments to use them to enslave others, in other words while she was keeping me 100% as slave, she was working for the American government in Connecticut and in Houston, Texas brainwashing others using telepathy and helping the Bush family, Rockefeller family and the hidden English royal families all over USA and I have countless proves for that, from persons that tried hard to come close to me to help me to her behavior towards me

4.                Last but not least, while the evil American government or better said the mass murder and absolutely stupid ex-US president George W. Bush Administration locked me up in July in Houston, Texas and then delivered me to the Netherlands to be locked up for 13 years until this criminal stupid psychopath administration of ex-US president George W. Bush ended during which they kept me by force as illegal alien and refugee from 1986 to 2013, yet this whore Najlaa Mahmoud had the American citizenship just after I was taken to the Netherlands on 11.2.2001, which shows how criminal is the American stupid president George W. Bush and his entire criminal family that I recently discovered he is 100% related to the Jordanian royal family at least through queen Noor of Jordan that is originated from USA and from the family Halaby that is 100% related to the Bush family and the Bush administration of the father George H. W. Bush and his son George W. Bush, which is also explained else where


Taking me to Germany on 10.10.1969 (go to Index)

For details, please see the pages “kidnapping me as a child” and the page “My Fake Family the kidnappers”.


Here I will be just listing mainly highlights with as minimum details as I can.


My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and from around 1962/68 had a boyfriend in Cairo Egypt, named Mohi Sabri. He was police officer with the rank lieutenant in 1962 and Major in 1968.  He disappeared in 1968, he was on and off living with us, for 2 weeks to 4 months at a time, then he disappears and come back and disappears and then come back again. After he disappeared my fake mother allegedly looked for him and allegedly found him through her fake brother named Dr. Farzat Baroudi that was living in Koln, Germany and later in Hamburg, Germany.


In Spring 1969 she went to Germany allegedly to see her boyfriend, then she came back in Summer 1969 and sent me to private lesson by my school teacher to learn English, allegedly because she is going to take me with her to Germany so that she can be with her boyfriend and then I can allegedly study in Germany, usually you teach people the language of the country that you are taking them to, in my case it was German, but she sent me for 4-6 private lessons each of around 30-46 minutes at the home of the teacher, where he was simultaneously teaching 4 students, which was by far not enough to learn sufficient English except to say hello and goodbye and therewith I was forced to learn English and not German and that was because she was going to deliver me to the American military, which she did. I did not learn much English through these private lessons, because someone with telepathy was constantly persecuting me and distracting me of concentrating. However, I was able to memorize around 50 words and sentences for the daily use.


On 10.10.1969, my birthday, my fake mother and I took the plane from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt, Germany. We arrived around noon, my fake mother took me from the airport to a café somewhere in near downtown Frankfurt, I do not know how she was able to do that, because she claimed not to speak any foreign languages, which is typical for these hidden agents and hidden royalties. The reason I find it difficult to do that, is because enable to go from the airport to the café, you must be able to read the one sign or thing or another in German, anyway. In the café we waited for several hours until her alleged boyfriend arrived and took us to his apartment, a one room apartment. This Mohi Sabri looked totally different, he seemed to me a bit shorter and darker skin, the original was white and had a lot of look similarities to a German politician named Jürgen Möllemann, even his hair and mustache style, above all he was at least 25-30 kg lighter than in Egypt, and they forced me to think that this person is the same person as in Egypt, just lost a lot of weight. The 3 of us slept on the floor next to each other’s in his alleged 1-room apartment, because he usually sleeps on his couch that can be converted to a bed for 2 persons, and while I am sleep and giving them my back they either pretended to or were having sex, which is totally unusual and unethical, therefor I suspect that this person was not Mohi Sabri, but rather a lookalike and them having sex was only to force my mind to think it is the same one. On the next morning my fake mother and I took the train to Munich, where we went to a hotel called Maria on Schwanthalerstraße in downtown Munich.


The content of this red box was added on 12.05.2019


The first Police Setup and implication with a crime. This setup shows clearly that this evil woman named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother is not only not my mother but also that she planned to implicate me with a crime to force the CIA to take over my case. As we arrived in Munich, we went to a bank in the train station, there was only one bank at the main entrance of the station. My fake mother asked me to get the money. Please note I did not speak any German and knew less than 50 words and sentences in English that I just learned a couple of months prior to that. 2 days earlier in Cairo, Egypt my fake mother gave me an amount of US dollars, that I cannot remember how much it was, it must have been something around 500 or 1000 US Dollars, and asked me to hide it in my socks, allegedly because we are not allowed to export foreign cash money from Egypt unless we officially buy it from an Egyptian bank. Therefore, I hid these 100 Dollars bills under my foot and in my socks. On 11 October 1969 around 13:00 hours and at the German bank in the Munich Train station she asked me to get the money out of my socks, that I did not take off since we left Egypt yesterday. The cashier saw that, and that is why this evil woman asked me to get it out in front of her and not in a toilet or at the home of her alleged boyfriend or husband Mohi Sabri. I recall the cashier was taking the money with a face that said yock...yuck how awful. Then she said something that I did not understand, and my fake mother said let us wait and sit down, here I never noticed this, but she understood what the woman said, that I am guessing it was please wait while I process the exchange. So, we sat down on a bank by the wall, maybe 10 minutes or so, and very suddenly at least 2 men, each placed a gun in our faces and said something in German I did not understand, I started shacking and could not stop shaking for at least 15 minutes or so, I was very visibly shaking as if I was naked in minus 20 temperature. It turned out the money was fake money. It turned out that this are undercover policemen dressed as civilians, I cannot recall what happened after that and for the next 5 minutes except we followed these at least 2 men to the police station in the train station. In the train station I cannot even recall how they questioned us, I was totally shocked and did not register everything except I was very scared and still very visibly shacking. I think they brought me something to drink to calm me down. After 30 minutes or so and after they filled several forms on the typewriter, they let us go and we went to the hotel Maria on Schwanthaler street. As far as I recall they took my fingerprints.


My thoughts and questions about the above, I have only 1 question and 1 thought:

1.                This was 100% planned setup, and the question here is where the hell did she get these fake US Dollars from and how did she pay for the hotel and other expenses and for the following next 2 months and until 12 December 1969, where then she took me again on another severe and absolute destructive 4 weeks brainwash trip to the Middle east and brought me back to the same hotel Maria as highlighted in the next point???

2.                I cannot prove this, but I strongly believe that this horrible woman named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi  that pretended to be my original fake mother, which she was 100% not, set me up on purpose with fake money to give the CIA a reason to take me over, but apparently it was not enough legal reason for the CIA to take me over from the Germans, and they decided to set me up also with terrorism and illegal drugs, I always suspected that someone went following us to the Middle East and did not know how or why, but only this minute and while I am writing in this red box I realized why, because of these fake 100’s US Dollar bills, they wanted to see what is my or our connections, they knew her connections already, they were just pretending to want to know where these fake money came from, therefore they followed us to the Middle East, during which this horrible woman in cooperation with her fake brothers and my 2 fake sisters and their evil husbands in Jordan and my fake sister in Egypt set me up severely as follow, just to show whoever is following us as if I am related to an organized crime family dealing not only with fake US dollars but also with the followings:

2.1.               On the way driving to the Middle East on around 14 December 1969, this horrible woman exchanged places with another identical lookalike that I did not notice at that time and used me as a decoy, so no one notice since I recognize her always as my same mother, while this exchange was most probably noticed by whomever was following us for the fake US Dollar bills. This exchange happened in the city Sofia, in Bulgaria, and since Bulgaria was a member of the ex-Soviet Union, then this evil and horrible woman also implicated me as if I am with the Ex-Soviet Union, and most probably she was a British and/or German and/or American spy in the ex-Soviet Union that was coming back to Europe and exchanged places with her lookalike while implicating me as if she is Russian agent

2.2.               Arriving in Syria, they implicated me with a fake PLO ID as if I am highly connected to terrorism, for details see the page “Kidnapping me as a child

2.3.               Around 8 or 10 January my fake mother took me from Amman, Jordan to Cairo, Egypt over 2 days transit in Beirut, Lebanon, which I never understood why going to Lebanon that was not in our way, but today I understand why. In Lebanon I visited the Barq/Bark family in Jubail, also called Byblos, and Beirut that I get to know in 1967 in a setup during my summer vacation in Amman Jordan and in Lebanon and while I was still living in Egypt to make my fake family look like drug lords instead of Jordanian and Saudi Arabia royalties mixed with MI6 and CIA agents. During the same times around 1967/68 and to make us even look Germans, and as far away of British and Americans, the German Ambassador allegedly gave my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar at that time named Fadia Shawki a very rare German shepherd dog, sort of Albino dog, totally white, was friendly, allegedly to protect the 2 children of my fake sister named Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki. The dog died a week later while literally saving the life of the son that was at that tome toddler and was running towards the street and a car was coming and the dog went on the street pushing the toddler back to the green grass, here where the car ran the dog over instead of the toddler, he immediately died. Arabs and Muslims loves Hitler and Germans because they were killing Jews in the second world war, and as I read the Quran in school in Egypt it is anti-Jewish and anti-Christians and anti any religion that is not Islam, therefore pretending to be from Germany, and may be they are, would make the Egyptian Muslims (over 95% of the population) loves them and trust them (I am really sorry for writing that, but these are facts, and I do not discriminate against Jewish or any other religions or any other ethnic groups, I am only allergic against those who kidnapped me, tortured me, rapped me, brainwashed me and enslaved me for over 60 years). The Bark family in Jubail, Lebanon, and the Azrah/Azrath family in Tripoli, Lebanon owned farms hidden between the mountains that today I have no doubt whatever that they were illegal drug farms, and therewith and in Lebanon set me up again to look like I am related to drug lords

2.4.               And with the above 4 setups: the fake US Dollars bills,  and as if I am related to an ex-Soviet Union spy, and as if I am related to drug lords and as if I am related to the top terrorist group PLO that was at that time most wanted in almost each European countries, they made sure that the CIA can take me over from the Germans and isolate me in the American military base, re-brainwash me and enslave me under their whore agent Anita Disbray for 7 years just to prevent anyone from Egypt or elsewhere to come anywhere near me while preventing me to ever go back to the Middle East!



I was sent a couple of times to work in the so called Großmarkthalle (fruit and vegetable market distribution in Munich, Germany), sort of a daily job for 3 Mark an hour. Today I am guessing or suspecting that this fake mother was already another lookalike and was using me to blackmail someone, because they claimed that the family of my fake original mother were working in sale and distribution of fruits and vegetables, where later I recognized that it was a lie.


My fake mother registered me in a school to learn German, a few years later I was able to recognize that it was one of the top schools. I was registered to learn German in a 3-month course, 5 days a week from 8:00 in the morning to 13:00 hours.


I went there only a couple of days, at the most one week, then my fake mother said that she allegedly ran out of money and need to go to Syria to get some money, which I believed her at that time. But today I have the following question:

A.               Why didn’t her alleged brother Dr. Farzat Baroudi not help her get a room and save money instead of the hotel?

B.               Why didn’t her alleged brother Dr. Farzat Baroudi not send her some money?

C.               Why did she had to go to Syria to get money, even though and to my knowledge she had no money there, therefore she wanted to get it allegedly from her family in Syria

D.               One Month later I recognized that this family had a very big influence in Germany, which was repeatedly confirmed, but I understood all that only after the year 2000.

E.                Why did she place me in school that and to my knowledge at that time was around 400 Deutsch Mark (equivalent today to at least 1000 Euro) for 3 months, when she had to withdraw me after one week?

F.                This point was added on 14.07.2021: Why didn’t she call her alleged family that she is going to see to get some money of them, instead they can send the money within 48 hours in various ways, among others through Western Union or through a telegraphic bank transfer?


There are many possible answers for the above questions, yet only one is valid: Someone told her to relate me more crimes in Syria and implicate me as terrorist and related to drug lords and then bring me back enable the Americans can take me over from the Germans, which was the CIA and the American military headquarter in Munich called European Exchange System, that I believe was the headquarter of the American military administration in Europe inside the American military base called McGraw Kaserne, closed  in 1992.


And therewith, she immediately started, and out of nowhere, by that she suddenly know a person called Bssisso that was an alleged Palestinian and used car dealer, where he arranged for our trip from Munich to Syria through allegedly his client that was allegedly is Kurdish (allegedly the only allies of the Americans in Syria = CIA and American military are the Kurdish population??!!, bought several cars and trucks of him and going to drive them all with his friends to Syria this week. They loaded cars on some of the trucks and we all drove to Syria on around 10 December 1969 in a convoy of 2 trucks, each had a car on top of it and another 2-4 cars.


The boss of the convoy was allegedly a Kurdish that was man was around 155-160 cm tall, and something was very wrong with his face, possibly injury or he was born like that, I cannot exactly recall except that his skin on his face was somehow stretched.


It took us around 4-5 days to reach Damascus, over Austria, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Syria, where we made one hotel stop in Sofia, Bulgaria, the rest of the times we were sleeping in the cars.


I suddenly was sick and had allegedly high favor and passed out  in the hotel and wake up the next day very early in the morning, maybe 4 o’clock, where my fake mother was placing some cold towels over my forehead. Today I strongly believe that this lady is not the same lady as from last night, and if this is true, then they forced the sickness upon me enable she can wake me up by placing these cold towels enable to force my mind to get used to her as the same woman from last night. If this is all true, then I concluded that these evil people did that on purpose to implicate me with ex-Soviet Union. The entire situation was totally messed up and very odd.


Arrived at the Syrian border they held us many hours, maybe 10-15 hours, and confiscated my fake Syrian passport and said that I am drafted to the military and must register myself in Damascus, Syria.


End of first trip to Germany from 10.10.1969 to around 10.12.1969


Setting me up as if I am connected to terrorism and other crimes (go to Index)

Arriving in Damascus, we stayed in an apartment allegedly belong to my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that I saw for the first time in my life around end 1960 as he came to Cairo as an alleged Syrian diplomat for 1-2 years, during which I hardly saw him, maybe 1-2 times.


I was 10 days in Damascus Syria. This is my second time in Damascus, the first time was around 10 years earlier directly after kidnapping me from USA, taking me to Damascus, Syria on 10/11 January 1960, placed me in a hotel with my fake mother (Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi) and 22 fake sisters (Fadia Najar and Moni/Afrah Najar), caused me a total amnesia, falsified my identity, told me fake stories about my past that I believed all my life to be true and after 3-4 days all 4 of us flew to Cairo, Egypt.


I was confined to the apartment or specific areas only. I was not taken to the following areas, that if I was Syrian it would have been 100% a must, which are:

1.                My grandparents’ house, that I never visited in my life, yet I can describe it almost to smallest details and this because they brainwashed me to think I lived there for nearly 6 months

2.                My aunt Eftikar Kheir, the alleged sister of my fake mother, she was neither her sister nor she was what she claimed to be, she was nothing else than a nanny for hidden children of agents and Arab royalties. My aunt house was allegedly in Mazeh right next to a hospital, but all this out of my fake memory

3.                Our house where we allegedly lived since my birth in an area called Mazeh, just around 100-200 meters of my fake aunt Eftikar Kheir mentioned as my aunt

4.                Taking me to visit other relatives. As far as I recall I went twice to visit relatives, but it is a very questionable memories, and since I discovered at least one fake memory was forced upon me during that trip with my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, then these two visits were most probably also fake memories

5.                Also I did not see my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi and his alleged family, they claimed that they were in Moscow as Syrian Diplomat, which I do not believe anything they said to me, they are the biggest liars and deceivers above all they are 100% con-people and a con person always confirm a lie with another lie, and that is fact, and here is one, later in Germany they told me that this fake uncle named Jalal Baroudi is now transferred to Switzerland, and during his transfer he shipped all his belonging from Russia to Syria, but the ship allegedly sank and he lost all his belonging and his family belonging. They always like to create dramatic lies to force others to feel sorry for them and believe their lies


What is important is who was there:

1.                Me

2.                My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that possibly was a lookalike of the original lookalike!!

3.                My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, that last saw him was in 1967 in Amman Jordan as I was sent there for a summer vacation, and he allegedly was a Syrian diplomat and consul in Amman, Jordan, and now he tells me that he was fired of being a diplomat because he allegedly had an argument with the Syrian ambassador in Amman, Jordan, and now allegedly looking for a  job

4.                My fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi, he claimed to have taken over the business of his father, which is a wholesale and distribution of fruits and vegetables, which I do not believe any more, I possibly saw his children

5.                My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, and this is the second time that I meet this criminal sadistic psychopath, the first time was 8-14 months earlier in Cairo. Here in Damascus in December 1969, this criminal performed a severe brainwash situation upon me that forced me to think that I knew him all my life since birth and that he was also living in the grandparent house in until summer 1959 and until he allegedly went to Köln/Koeln/Cologne Germany to study. But later I recognized that it was a fake memory forced upon me and that I never saw this man before around 1968/69 in Cairo, Egypt as my uncle that lives and study in Köln/Koeln/Cologne, Germany and now again in December 1969. The rest of this point was added on 14.07.2021. The brainwash situation that this criminal and psychopath forced upon me was giving me a dream and talking with me about it after I woke up, which was as follow: He allegedly came to visit us in our home in Mezah-Damascus, Syria some times in 1950s, and was in the terrace looking at the mountain of the immigrant (Almuhajereen) and suddenly a snake attacked him in our terrace and he started screaming, and then my alleged mother came ti rescue with a broom and killed the snake with the broom and started laughing, end of the dream, which placed him in my memory allegedly in 1950s =he is 100% a criminally insane and psychopath psychopaths illegal drug lord from Greece that pretend to be originated from Syria, and that is why this criminal was in Damascus, when I was there to force me to think that he was living in Syria, but this apartment where we were staying in Damascus, was either rented out furnished or it is an apartment of an acquaintance, or a shared apartment that these criminal use when one of them go to Damascus for illegal drugs meetings or other illegal business

6.                This is it for a big family that consist of over 200 persons


Linking me to terrorism by force

To the problem, now I am in Syria and allegedly I am drafted to the military until the war with Israel is ended, which is indefinite (=slavery), at least that is what these criminals told me, and therewith I cannot go back to Germany to study, where I really fell in love with Munich from first sight, where everything is organized, polite and flow nicely in comparison with Cairo, Egypt in 1960s. Thereto, my evil fake uncles Badeaa + Jawdat + Farzat + my fake mother had allegedly the only solution, which is if I volunteer to fight Israel with the PLO, then the Syrian government allegedly would then grant me permission and excuse me from being drafted to the Syrian military and will issue for me a travel document to go to the PLO front in Jordan and with this paper I can travel and leave Syria to Jordan, and in Jordan my fake sisters will get me another passport and with it I can then travel back to Germany to study.


My fake uncle  Badeaa Baroudi took my photo and a couple of days later brought me a so called PLO volunteer ID, then my fake Jawdat Baroudi took me twice to some allegedly governmental office, one it was allegedly the secretary of the minister to get me excused of the military, but was allegedly unsuccessful, the office said first I have to be registered as PLO soldier volunteer, then they will issue for me a travel permit to PLO in Jordan, which then they did based on the fake PLO ID that they brought me.


Here is my memory very fuzzy: thereafter went with the car to Amman, Jordan on around 25 December 1969, a few hours’ drive 200 KM, where I stayed for 10 days at the apartment of my fake sister Suheir Bdeir/Budier, they played games with me such as sending me back to Syria to get the passport or stay here to study and not go to Germany, these were only mind games, it was already decided what to do with me, which is to hand me over without me noticing to the American military and the CIA, which they did.


Here too my memory is fuzzy: Took plane to Beirut for a few days, where I was sent to visit the Barq family that I get to know in 1967, they had a farm in an area called Jubail also called Byblos around 40 km north of Beirut, where the trouble in Lebanon was just about to start and I get caught in one of the violent demonstrations in city center and was hit by a policeman and went running to the hotel. It was only 2-3 days and then with my fake mother to Cairo, Egypt. This trip and very possibly was to link me to illegal drugs, because the farms around this area and north of Tripoli were famous for illegal drugs, where they did the same to me in 1967 to make the Egyptian police think that we are drug lords and not thieves and colonialists, but I did not understand all that at the time, among others because they caused me a total amnesia in 1960 and isolated me of others to prevent me to learn and grow intelligence, and now 9-10 years later, and even I am officially 17 years old, yet my brain is the brain of an 8 years old.


Back to Egypt, allegedly and coincidently meet my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar/Shawki in the Airport, allegedly she was there to take picture of her blond, blue eyes 3-5 years old son named Essam Shawki. For all I know she was there either to pick us up or she herself just arrived from another country and is hiding it of me.


In Egypt I have very fuzzy memory, nothing much happened, except one important thing did not happen:

1.                I did not see my fake brother

2.                I did not visit any of our alleged relatives except my fake sister that I allegedly saw her coincidently as we arrived from Lebanon at the international Cairo airport


On around 15 January 1970 I and my fake mother flew back to Munich, Germany.


Conclusion: I was taken on a brainwash trip to relate me to the followings:

1.                Kurdish

2.                Russians

3.                Palestinians

4.                Terrorism

5.                Drug lords

6.                And to reinforce my relation to the criminal my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, that shortly thereafter was back in Germany living allegedly in Hamburg


All in all, it was a very confusing and brainwash trip where I had to go through 10 countries be set up and go back to Germany within 30 days, just to be locked up in Germany as an asylum seeker under the control of the MI6+CIA whore agent Anita Disbray for at least 7 years, where I cannot travel or go anywhere or do anything without the permission of the government = slavery!!


Back in Germany

On around 15 January 1970 my fake mother and I arrived in Munich. At the Airport there was one of the members of the Malas family from Amman, Jordan waiting for us at the Airport, he was around 20-22 years old, I guess I knew him from 1967. I cannot remember his first name. But what is important here is the following:

1.                This young man’s name is Malas, and later after the year 2000 I discovered that the Malas family supported and financed the terrorist group PLO, which very much he picked us up just to associate me to him and to confirm the terrorism setup

2.                This young man and with no doubt had telepathy, because of the followings: 1-2 days later after we arrived he took us to show us Schwabing section, where all the major entertainment is located at that time, during which he was lecturing me that the women here are easy, and he said just grab one of them, just look at me, here we were in a building I believe was called Chita 2000, and were going down the stairs and another lady was going up, he went up to her and kissed her on the lips, she slapped him, no one with his right mind would do something like that unless he is on purpose teaching someone else something wrong to harm him, which was me. This Malas family was a wealthy family and can afford it to send their children to study anywhere in the world and it is very possible that the Palestinian Malas is a different family than the Jordanian Malas family. My guess that there are many families that are not related and are called Malas, yet It was 100% planned to implicate me, period.

3.                This point added on 13.07.2021: Today I am most positive that the father of this human trash called Malas family member that picked us from the airport is German Nazi, I saw him in 1967 and played with his kids in the garden of his own house that was next to the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and directly opposite the Islamic  Educational College of Jordan that was built by the families of my 2 fake brothers-in-laws, Bdeir and Abokurah ad their names are engraved at the entrance to show as if they are real Muslims. This Mr. Malas the Nazi was around 170 cm in 1967, white and maybe 20 kg over weight, while his wife named Raghdah was white, red haired with red freckles all over her face and skin, and since they were sending 3 of their children to study at the university of Munich, one in 1969 as mentioned above and another 2 mentioned in other pages were sent in the begin of 1980 and I get to know them only very briefly through a very sadistic setup in around 1984 along with my fake niece named Reem Bdeir alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan


After the Airport he took us back to the same hotel Maria on Schwanthalerstraße in downtown Munich. Later I recognized that this area has a lot of Arabs and agents spying on them.


The following day my fake mother took me to an organization called Freemason in German is called Frei Maurer, they were on the same street more towards the center. She showed them some certificates and some medals of my alleged father that allegedly was member and Master Freemason and asked them to help me because allegedly my father died 3 months after my birth. They said they cannot help me because I do not have residence permit and they suggested that the quickest way is to apply for political asylum, then I have a residence permit then they can help me find a job, which was a brainwash setup to force me to think that it was the Freemason’s idea that I go and apply for political asylum as distraction of all the setups and that they planned it and took me to the freemason just to distract of their evil selves.


The next day she took me to main police station, that at that time was also the immigration called KVR-Kreisverwaltungs Referat on Ett street directly downtown of Munich and applied for me for political asylum, but apparently not for herself.


They made an appointment for me for an interview where they can get a translator, which I believe it was in the same week


I have no idea how all this happened without being able to speak German or even English, either my fake mother spoke German with them, or she had a piece of paper that she handed out to them.


The political Asylum Interview

I spoke only school Arabic and maybe 50 English words and sentences.


At the interview there was a translator, that was Palestinian, how convenient, or was that coincident or was it to remind me of what I have to say, I have no idea, but my life and in situation like these it was almost perfectly planned.


I told them what happened, that the Syrian confiscated my passport, and I joined the PLO enable to get a piece of paper to go to Jordan, and from there my sisters get me another passport and then I went to Lebanon to visit my friends, then to Egypt to visit my fake sister and back to Germany.


(This paragraph was strongly modified on 14.07.2021) They gave me a piece of paper stating I am legal and have 3 months political asylum residence permit, which they kept on renewing it by 2-3 months until the summer of 1976 = 7 years lock up not able to visit any one of my family, and this process these criminals repeated it with me 3 times, in 2 additional countries, 15 years USA and 13 years in the Netherlands. Not to forget the stress these criminals forced me in, where I have to renew my residence permit every single 2-4 months and this for 7 years, which is a brainwash method to force the person to worry and fear and continue to ask himself are they going to renew it this time, not to forget, that based on this piece of trash brainwash paper I still have to also get a work permit of an office called Arbeitsamt (labor office) and they give the work permit only as long as the resident permit, meaning every single 2-4 months I had to first go to immigration and renew my residence permit, and then harry and go to go 3-5 km further to get a work permit otherwise I am not allowed to work in Germany, and that was one of the most sadistic brainwash they did to me.


And there with, there was the question how my uncle can get me a PLO ID unless he is highly connected to PLO, which marked me as linked to the top terrorist group in the world at that time named PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization, ever since they repeatedly reconfirmed this setup and reinforced it over and over and over again even in USA and in 1994, where they claimed that my niece named Reem Bdeir alias the double of Princes Haya of Jordan  was allegedly going to marry a Palestinian and move to USA somewhere in Pennsylvania. Later on, my fake son told me that her husband allegedly killed her and buried her in the woods, where then the FBI allegedly found her dead body and her mother allegedly went to USA to get her children because their mother is killed and their father went allegedly to prison, where I do not believe any of this, among others because I believe to have discovered, but I cannot prove it that this niece named Reem Bdeir/Budier is the double of Princes Haya of Jordan, where they used me since 1963 as a decoy for the hidden agents and royalty children, this mean they come to visit me and move a round freely in Egypt, Germany or elsewhere as my alleged relatives that are originated from Syria and no one will kidnap them or attempt to perform any harm to them because they are the hidden son or daughter or cousin or brother of the King of Jordan or Saudi Arabia or whatever country these people are from, because their identity is 100% fake and they can do that because most to all royal family members are automatically diplomat and protect by international laws, which is a free license and free ID card to perform any crime they want, and that is the truth, period.


And therewith, the following persons worked and conspired together to set me up as related to terrorism, drug lords and ex-Soviet Union:

1.                  My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi

2.                  Dr. Farzat Baroudi

3.                  Jawdat Baroudi’

4.                  Badeaa Baroudi

5.                  My fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, and since she was only the nanny, then it was Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budeir, his brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budeir and their entire family akias the Jordanian royal family

6.                  My fake sister Afrah/Moni Najar alias Afrah/Mona Najjar/Abokurah, and since she was nothing else but the nanny that pretend to be the mother of hidden royalty children, then it was the Abdalghani Abokurah and his entire family that are close business partners and the Bdeir/Budeir families, the Malas Family and others and are 100% hidden Jordanian royal family while also being originated from Germany , the UK and USA

7.                  The Malas family, see below, that were also business partners and relative to the Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah families

8.                  My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki

9.                  Finally, the CIA and the American military as well as the BND that planned all that and told my mother to take me back to Syria and implicate me and then bring me back


10.             The entire setup was designed also to force my mind that I was persecuted only because they suspected me to be related to terrorism and crime organizations, which is not true, but also to give the CIA+MI6 priority to take me over from the Germans and destroy my brain and logic or whatever is left of them or whatever I build in between!


Forcing me to live in the American military base for a re-brainwash (go to Index)




Preliminary brainwash March 1970 to June 1970

Pretending to be spying on my past 1970-1977

Enslaving brainwash June to August 1970

Enslaving me under the agent Anita Disbray 1970 to 1977

Forcing upon me a new lookalike of my original fake brother 1970

Forcing upon me another lookalike of my fake mother 1971

Forcing me with brainwash to be alcoholic March 1970-1977

Pretending to be investigating my connections to Terrorism and drug lords 1970-1973

Other brainwash situations 1970-1986



After the long 4 weeks brainwash tour from Munich over 10 countries (Munich, Germany è Austria è former Yugoslavia è Bulgaria è Turkey è Syria è Jordan è Lebanon è Egypt è and back to Munich Germany ) for a brainwash tour and implicating me as if I am a terrorist as mentioned above, now I am back in Munich on 15.01.1970 and it is almost the end of January, where the “The Free Masons” kept their words and get me a job at a company called Schalt Bau pressing powder plastic into electric plugs, because my piece of paper that says that I am awaiting a refugee status, it allows me to work  as long as I apply at the labor office each time I change my job, which they considered it a work permit, and therewith and every 2-3 months I had to renew 2 papers: my residence permit as refugee applicant and renew my work permit and this for 7 years, to keep their slaves busy where they can and as long as they can.


After around 2 weeks meaning in the begin of February, my fake mother gave me a couple of hundred Deutsch Marks and said she sis going back to the Middle East. I was totally shocked because I did not know what to do and did not speak the language.


The money was not enough to pay the hotel around 700 Deutsch Mark per month and wait until I get pay from my new employer, I just worked there for a couple of days, and I get paid monthly, this mean my next pay is on 1 March.


To make it short, the details are written in the paged “kidnapping children” and “My fake family”, yet shortly after this criminal woman that pretended to be my mother left me, and within 10 days I was forced to be homeless because I was not able to pay the hotel until I get pay.


During which, they, meaning CIA + MI6 + Munich Immigration authorities created many brainwash situations to get me away of Arabs and even to force me to dislike Arabs, Palestinians and Syrians, which is a very mean and nasty way to force a person to stay away of certain group of people, such as some group of Syrian I met in the Arab restaurant and they found out that I am sleeping on the street, they invited me to sleep at their hotel room, they claimed to be on business here, they were 4 persons most of them were sleeping on the floor including me, I slept there either 1 or 2 nights, because the next morning one of them claimed that I stole 2000 Deutsch mark form him and threaten to beat me up, I denied it, the others prevented him of beating me up, then he went to the police and filed a claim against me, where the police came and arrested me (that was number 1 arrest after I left Egypt in October 1969) and placed me in prison for 1-2 days to question me, then they released me. This situation plus the situation 1-2 days before my fake mother left, suddenly she met another allegedly Syrian woman that allegedly advised her to live me alone to collect some experience, and that is why she allegedly left, all these makes  a person dislike these people and throw them all in one pot and think I hate Syrians or even all Arabs, but that is a very nasty and mean brainwash to force me to stay away of them not discover something or to talk with them about my fake family. All that is planned, and it seemed like it was routinely performed, based on a system, nasty system I may add, this is neither humane, nor Christian, nor Islamic, nor Jewish nor American nor German, but it is CIA and Military intelligent criminal acts against a person that they kidnapped as an 8 years child, caused him total amnesia enable to control him better, which is me!


I was forced to be homeless within one 7-10 days after my fake mother left, which was also 100% planned, then I was living on the street of Munich, which was very cold in this time of the year. I also lost my job, I was sleeping between toilets and the train station café, I was arrested twice, until I met a Lebanese man named Miguel (Christian Lebanese for Michael), and he took me to the American military base to sleep in the library of the university of Maryland, then I was arrested (second time within 2 weeks). And then went back voluntarily to sleep in the library because I did not know where else to go. Then a German married to an American sergeant named Doris Hayes helped me get a job in the Military base, where they also supplied me with a room to sleep.


This is how I landed in the American military base called McGraw Kaserne in around March 1970, today I know it was all planned by these nasty people as a part of a brainwash, among others to make me love Americans and hate Germans, because with the Germans I was placed on the street in the winter, was arrested twice, slept in the toilet and in the train station, where they noticed and asked me to leave, or someone made them notice. It kept me busy, desperate, destroyed any self-confidence that I may have, which at the most was maybe 5-10% and made me look at the American military as my savior not aware that they planned all that just to get me under their own American controlled environment in the middle of Munich, Germany.


Their goal was to distract me of my past, what is my past?

1.                I was kidnapped on 10/11 January 1960 from USA and taken to Cairo over Egypt to use me as a place holder for my look alike that took my place after I left in October 1969 or January 1970, and that is why my evil fake mother went back, so everyone else will think that my lookalike named Mohamad Nuzhat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar (these are variation of my name translated from Arabic to English or even Latin languages) His birth date is 10.10.1952 or 17.10.1952

2.                I was used as a decoy for my fake mother and fake 2 sisters that allegedly we are one family that went from Syria to Egypt on 15 January 1960

3.                I was used as a decoy of any one of my fake family that come to Egypt and pretend to be my cousin, nephew, niece, uncle and so on, such as: Dr. Basam/Bassam Baroudi and his cousin that came shortly after us to allegedly study general medicine and dentistry, my fake uncles: Jalal Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi and Dr. Farzat Baroudi, where each of them lived in Cairo at least 1-2 years at various times, my grand uncle named Fuad Khayat/Tailor/Taylor that I strongly suspect him to be American in disguise or English royalty in disguise

4.                My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Nagar that claimed to be raised by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budeir and I strongly suspect one of the following two or even both, my fake bother and his lookalike: the son of king Hussein, whereby one of these two fake brothers and his lookalike was/were MI6 or CIA agent that was heavily protected by the CIA, MI6, BND in Germany and even the FBI in USA

5.                The 4 lookalikes of my original fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my original 2 fake sisters Fadia Najar and Afrah/Moni Najar as well as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Nagar alias Nick Naggar. These 4 lookalikes systematically replaced the originals, at least 3 of them were replaced while I was held for a brainwash and slavery at the American military base McGraw Kaserne, which were my fake mother my fake sister Fadia Nagar and my fake Brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar

6.                The family in Cairo that vouched for us that we are all Syrians, because they, their selves were not Syrians, but rather Americans and Europeans such as Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and his family an Egyptian government member, General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, the Queder/Koueider family in particular Bashier/Basheer and his brother Jameel Queder/Koueider (a very lookalike of Adolf Hitler that can be either his son, younger brother or a cousin)

7.                And others that I forgot their names


All of the above were agents and hidden royalty members from various countries also Arab countries, and the CIA was doing their best to force my mind to forget my past, among others by forcing me to lose all my belonging between February and March 1970, because I was forced to be homeless and they were allegedly thrown away, in them I had photos from Egypt but also things that reminded me of my brother-in-law in Egypt that was a pilot in the Egypt air named Afaf Shawki and I have at least one big reason to believe he was murdered through a sabotaged passenger plane that crashed in 1967 over Sinai and every one allegedly died, while I am claiming that his official 2 children alias my nephew and niece are not his children, but rather the children of two different parents one of them is my Fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that I strongly suspect him to be Saudi Arabian originated from USA just like his alleged uncle named Fuad Khayat/Tailor/Taylor that lives somewhere in USA, possibly in Houston, Texas, close to the Petroleum.


Preliminary brainwash March 1970 to June 1970

I was isolated in Egypt and had no long term friends because the fake family always prevented it, such as going to school and requesting that I be placed in another class because they do not want me to interact with my new friend named Sameh because allegedly he is Christian, and that is a decoy setup to force everyone else to think that we are Muslims, but the result stays the same, all my friendships are systematically destroyed, and here at the American military base changed the strategy for a short while as highlighted below.


Suddenly I have new friends, such as the family Hayes that get me a job, I believe her husband may have been MI-Military Intelligence, his name was Steven Hayes and had a sun named Mark Hayes. Then another family named O’Conner family, the mother was German and spoke English with a very strong German accent and they had I believe 2 children Lenard (around 19 years old and used always plays drums), Yvonne (was around 15 years old) and a younger boy or girl name forgotten. The father was allegedly sergeant stationed in Vietnam and they chose to be in Germany, then they brought a Lebanese young man named Raja, that allegedly just arrived with his brother possibly named Munier that was living in the German area, another from UK named Vincent that is originated from Singapore and his parents are Chinese and Malaysian, and a couple of others. Raja worked as a waiter in the American military hotel on the lake Chiemsee.


All the above while I was working at the so-called Mess Hall, it is a free restaurant for the American soldiers, and I was cleaning dishes and helping in other areas such as preparing food.


I believe they were monitoring me for around 4 weeks to see how they can further go on with brainwashing me. I must admit I fell for it and loved having friends, that I never had before because they prevented me by force.


I was underage, when they took me to Germany, I just turned 17 and that is why I was not allowed to earn more than 400 or 500 Deutsch Mark based on the German laws and was not allowed to work more than 35 or 40 hours per week, everyone else worked nearly 65 hours per week, and the American military was treating all non-Americans that are working for them based on the German Law. Therefore, the money was little, and had opportunity to work on the side cleaning the apartments after the family leaves it, they hire someone to clean everything including kitchen utilities and bathroom, it was a weekend freelance job, that one of my new friends named Vincent invited me to do it with him and we get around 50-100 Dollars each from the American military family. This it happened when the soldier or officers are transferred to another city or even back to USA.


A small note to the above, the German law prohibited companies to make persons under 18 work too many hours or earn more than 400 Deutsch mark per month, yet they allowed brainwashing them torturing them, place them in harsh conditions and force them to be homeless and sleep on the streets in the middle of the winter then enslave them to prevent them to recognize that they did all that to them and to prevent them also to complaint about it!


And therewith I was busy learning my new environment while they were preparing me for a brainwash to enslave me under their agent Anita Disbray, which they did as described below.


Here are the steps of this preparation brainwash:

1.                They were building on the Egypt brainwash, which is very clear here, just a reminder, they raped me with men and disgusting women from 1967-1969, which was a multipurpose brainwash, on the one side to force my mind to be a shamed, to force my mind not to want to think about these times and therewith I would never understand them, to force upon me wrong teaching of sexual life or even love, to prepare me to be enslaved under the CIA/MI6 agent named Anita Disbray in 1970

2.                I was busy with my new friends, which are:

2.1.                 The American Sergeant family Hayes

2.2.                 The American Sergeant family O’Conner’s

2.3.                 The alleged Lebanese Raja

2.4.                 The alleged Singaporean Vincent

2.5.                 A very suspicious person that pretended to be my friend until 1977, an Afro-American named Ray Thomas, he claimed to be working in the military Administration building, where also the Agent Anita Disbray was working, he claimed to be ex-military police, but he behaved like CIA or MI-Military intelligent

2.6.                  An Afro-American named Norris; last name forgotten

2.7.                 My German work colleague at the Mess Hall a German named Fritz Gurr

2.8.                 My German work Colleague named Mama Luisa she was the supervisor for cleaning and preparing to host the soldiers, while the chef cook was called Fat Daddy (he was not my friend but rather my boss). Today I see that all as a brainwash: Fat Daddy, Mama Louisa, brother Thomas, Brother Norris, which was an Afro-American solidarity calling, yet for me it was a brainwash: My family is now here, as distraction of the past family. Until this point of time, it was planned for me to never go back to the Middle East ever again, and that is why the new family calling each other’s as relative, living in the same building just in different rooms or even sometimes in different building

2.9.                 My Italian work Colleague named Vittorio

2.10.            And a couple of others that I forgot their names, all the above were new friendships from March 1970 to around June/July 1970=4-5 months, where I was kept busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Most people gradually disappeared of my life as part of the brainwash to enslave me under the agent Anita Disbray as described below.


Pretending to be spying on my past 1970-1977


Enslaving brainwash June to August 1970

June/July they started with women brainwash, these women had one job only to make me see the CIA agent Anita Disbray as an angel from heaven compared to them, which I did = the power of brainwash, below are the women as I remember them, please note I was totally shy and had no self-confidence whatsoever, meaning I would have never approached any woman at that time, I did not know how to!


I believe that some of the women were brought to see if I can associate them with someone, for example, I suspect my fake uncle named Jalal Baroudi, that pretended to be a full time Syrian diplomat, was Spanish origin, therefore they brought Spanish woman, then they tried again with another Spanish woman with a little child to remind me of the children of this fake uncle, but I did not associate anything, among others because they caused me total amnesia in January 1960, and ever since I was prevented by force to grow any logic or intelligence, among others by not allowing me to have friend while continuously brainwashing me, and some brainwash strategies cause the person not to associate things together = planned broken logic that prevent a person for example to associate white with white in addition certain height with similar height, certain origin with the same origin and so on.


Here are the women that were forced upon me roughly in June/July and until the last one, which was the CIA agent Anita Disbray on 20 August 1970, and the reason I remember the days, because I was setup to know her 4 days before her alleged birthday, which I believe it is on 24 August 1948 one year older than the age of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alia the hidden son of the ex-king Hussein of Jordan alias the hidden brother of the current king of Jordan named king Abdullah, which I did not know that at that time:

1.                  Spanish woman, new work colleague since only 2 days, she was 40-50 years old, I was practically forced to have sex with her through my bus the new Chef cook, I forgot his name, he was white and fat, I will skip the details. This was one of the most disgusting situations in my life, not only that she was old but also, she looked disgusting and above all she smelled even worth. Since she was new, and she disappeared 2 days later, (until the end of this point was added on 20.07.2021) I have no doubt in my mind that she was brought from somewhere only for this brainwash sex while trying to see if I can associate her to my past, she looked a lot like the second wife of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that was our second host in Egypt after they kidnapped me to Cairo, Egypt on 15.01.1960, hosted us for 4 weeks from 15 February 1960 to 15 March 1960, therefore and today I believe they knew him and were 100% covering up for him by hiring most probably a prostitute that had look similarity to his second wife named Elham Baroudi the sister of his first wife named Amira Baroudi, whereby these 2 sisters 100% do not lookalike as if they are sisters but rather as if they are strangers, Amira was white with full lips, while Elham was darker skin color almost light brown, I believe black hair and very visibly much larger lower lip, where by these criminals repeated the proses in end 1999 and in Houston Texas after that they separated me of the whore agent that these criminals and psychopath American military and CIA enslaved me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, and here in October 1999 they forced me to be homeless and to live in a motel where they set on me another person that had similar look named Vilma Bonilla allegedly from Honduras that also was darker skin had a very visible much larger lower lip than the upper lip and was set on me as a mean to remind me of Germany and the American military, which was one out of countless other setup above all using telepathy on me while forcing me to recognize it is telepathy to scare the life out of me and I was not able to escape the telepathy attacks , which all in all was a very sadistic and criminal filthy brainwash by the evil Bush family force me to run and leave not only Houston, Texas, but the entire country USA as protection for these mass murderer and top criminals of our world alias the Bush families + Rockefeller families + English Royal families that are among others specialized not only in stealing petroleum of other countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and all the neighboring petroleum countries including Syria but also many also in Africa such as Nigeria and Libya, but it is not enough they also are 100% the top drug lords of our world that uses the American military = tax payers money to transport and distribute illegal drugs to all over Europe and USA but also to the so called Arab petroleum countries that they also guard with American and British military.  And many other criminal enterprises that I might even list them in the conclusion page. And therewith this point shows how brainwash function and what they use to perform it. (End of added)

2.                  Turkish woman, I saw her one time before she approached me, she was around 25-30 years old, and was also very bad experience, she kept on following me for a week then she disappeared

3.                  Young German lady, that was working for the Americans and had a broken arm

4.                  Young short Spanish lady that had a daughter around 8-10 years old and lived in an area called Hasenbergl in north of Munich, where I was sent to help for a few days in the American food storage warehouse, and she was working there, today I believe I was send there just to make it look like as if I met this Spanish lady coincidently!

5.                  Young Danish lady, around 17 years old and was working as a nanny for an American officer or sergeant, and I believe to see if I associate her with my fake sisters that were nothing else but nannies of hidden agents and royalties children, even my new fake mother and very suddenly came and started to work as a baby sitter for an American sergeant, which was no coincident, as if she was either confirming the others were just nannies or distracting of them, them means my second fake mother, and my 3 fake sisters. This Danish Nanny was very sadistic and was helping them brainwashing me by teaching me wrong things, in that each time I go out with her, she takes me to the bush and start toying with me, above all she used to bite my lips so badly that the following days would swell and all around my mouth be red as if I have some kind of a sickness but also used to bite me on the neck so hard and badly that it will leave marks for over a week and the same with my swelled lips. (Added on 20.07.2021: Today I strongly believe that this whore had telepathy and prevented me to defend myself against these vicious bites. But also, I believe that she was used to see f I relate to Denmark, because these is what these criminals and psychopaths do, they work together with other countries to invade a third country in the hidden. Everything they did to me in this military base was either to test me, brainwash me or force my mind with severe brainwash to forget my past enable to prevent me to understand it. A sidenote about Mrs. Vilma Bonilla mentioned in the point-1, where I was setup in a controlled environment called the Sun Suite Hotel in Houston near Westheimer on Sam Houston Parkway where this Vilma Bonilla started to work there just shortly after I was forced to live there, and an addition thing to her look similarities to the second wife of General Ahamad Saleh Sulaiman, is that she too bite me very badly on my lips as a reminder of the American military base and this Danish whore = CIA in both cases, where ethe ex-US president George H. W. Bush was a CIA director in 1976 as I was set up to become Christian enable to force me to think that everything bad that these criminals and psychopaths yet to do to me is from my fake family the alleged Muslims because I became Christian. End of added). I went out with her for around one week and then she disappeared. in USA in end of 1999, I was set up by someone, that I do not know for sure who it was to be with a lady originated Honduras, while I was working for some small company where the owner wanted me to think that he was CIA and was in Honduras during a period of time where I was being forced to leave USA, and this Honduran lady named Vilma Bonilla came to my room in the hotel and when we kissed she started to bite my lips very hard on the lips, while simultaneously someone was forcing memories upon me over McGraw Kaserne  and this Danish young lady and other situations, in short in USA they wanted to force me to think that these evil and nasty persons were from McGraw kaserne or from Germany and wanted to help me separate of this CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud = brainwash!

6.                  Afro-American young lady. An Afro-American young lady that was working in the American cafeteria within the McGraw Kaserne, and while I was purchasing some fast food, she asked if I would take her out for Ice cream, I said yes. (Added on 20.07.2021: and wanted me to marry her and go back to USA with her, just as my new Lebanese friend named Raja also did get married to a daughter of some sergeant, her name was Thelma, which is similar to the Arabic/Urdu name Salma = as a mean of brainwash to me to force my mind to disassociate things. Raja went to USA with his Thelma some times between June and July 1970 and never heard of him thereafter, even though he was arrested in Austria by the immigration because he tried to escape with his Thelma and I went to the German-Austrian border near Salzburg where he was arrested and jailed with his Thelma and forced to separate of her, where they send her back to her family in McGraw kaserne and left him in jail because he was not able to pay the 700 Deutsch mark fine for entering Austria illegally, then I took all my savings and traveled with some American in his car, named Professor Charles that was teaching mathematics at the University of Maryland and best friend of Mrs. Doris Hays that allegedly helped me get my first job within the American military base base McGraw Kaserne. At the border I paid his fine and took him back with us to McGraw Kaserne, where he then later married his Thelma, and they all went back to USA some times between June and July 1970. End of added)

7.                  Young American lady, going back to USA. Also, in the same Cafeteria as above, a young lady 17-20 years old, came and set next to me and started talking to me, and we had a conversation, even though my English was not that good, yet by now I have vocabulary of maybe 1000 or more words and can form sentences. I met with her 3-5 times, and then she said that her family is going back to USA, and if I want to marry her and go back with them to USA, she can arrange for me to go with them, but somehow I declined, and I do not know how I declined, because my mind was trained to say yes to everything, and the word “No” was not in my vocabulary, this was the result of total amnesia and preventing me to grow my own logic and intelligence= hidden slavery. Any way she was allegedly very disappointed and left. What is odd, is the Lebanese friend named Raja that I also get to know right here in the military base, get married with an American girl and went back with her to USA in around end summer 1970, and I even helped him twice, once to get him out of jail because he escaped with his girlfriend named Thelma to Austria, and there they caught them and locked him up while sending her back to the military base in Munich, then I went with a professor named Charles that was teaching Math on the University of Mary Land in that military Base, paid the 700 Deutsch Mark fine to the Austrian Immigration, get him out of jail and brought him back to Munich, He had a brother in Munich that refused to help him. The reason they escaped because the father of his girlfriend Thelma used see him as a nigger and also call him nigger and would not allow him to see his daughter, but later he agreed to their marriage. Another time I gave him I believe 400 or 500 US Dollars (I purchased in the military base) to take with him to USA, and that was my entire savings from working 7 days a week, I never heard of him after that. Who knows, maybe he too was kidnapped and was used as a place holder and multi-purpose decoy as they did to me, and that would then explain him being in the Base and set up to go to USA and tried the same with me, yet some unknown prevented me with telepathy to go!

8.                  Young American lady, I met her in the American movie theater in the military base, where there were 2 theaters, one in working area and another much bigger in the housing area, approximately 1.5 km apart wanted to be an actress, we went out twice

9.                  Two girls with Vincent Sir Vince (Added on 20.07.2021: To show you how bad and filthy brainwash is, I cannot exactly remember how to right his last name, even though I wrote it a couple of times because we worked together. Today Ino9ticed that I wrote his name Sir Vince, which most probably was wrong, his last name was one word possibly Sirvince but pronounced Sir Vince, which, and from my today’s, they were using him to test me if I relate to England and in particular to English royalties because he allegedly studied Psychology for 2 years in Australia = English royalties slave country and then went to London to complete his psychology study and allegedly comes to the military base in the summer to work, whereby I believed him, yet today I do not believe that he came to work, because the American military base was known for very low pay, therefore I was possibly tested to see if I relate Australia to the UK, and who knows maybe I was first taken on a trip to Australia and then they disposed of me possibly to USA, but also to see if I relate to marriages of different countries because his mother was allegedly Milesian and his father Chinese or vice versa and he was allegedly born in Singapore alias a hidden English royalty slavery country, a country that I was possibly taken to prior to kidnapping me again to USA and then to Cairo, Egypt, but also to see if I relate to the British English language dialect, because that is what he spoke British English and the reason I know that is because he was my first friend that I lost due to the CIA whore Anita Disbray set us both up to never speak to each other’s again enable to isolate me of all my new friends, which she did, and therewith he was practically and theoretically the last friend that I lost that I get to know at the American military base McGraw kaserne. And this in itself, separating me of my new best friend Vincent Sirvince as not only a repeated process that was performed upon me repeatedly in my life but also it was a brainwash situation to force my mind to dislike him enable to prevent me to understand the situations and that they were using him to test me = these criminals and psychopaths knew I had a total amesia or then did not know that I had a total amnesia and trying to remind me of the one thing or the other, I cannot decide with certainty. End of added.), in a so called gaststaette on the side of the military base. It is a German non-expensive restaurant and bier bar, I went there with Vincent the Singaporean, and Vincent said he has a surprise for me, he has invited 2 university students to have dinner with us, which they did and get me drunk that I can’t remember what happened after that, except I wake up the following morning on my bed

10.             German lady, Uschi with south American, a German lady that kept inviting me to go with her and make a lot of gestures for me to do something with her, as if she wants me to think I should ask her to have sex or kiss her, which I did not, but then she said, we are friends right nothing more. (Added on 20.07.2021: This lady Ushi I get to know her through an Afro-American soldier She was German and living very close to my ex-German Girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, which I did not notice until today, she was living just at the begin of the tunnel where Adelheid Kuczka lived around 200 meters of the tunnel but on the other side of this tunnel. The same tunnel that I was setup with telepathy to separate of Adelheid Kuczka on 17.10.1984, and when I consider that the above neighbor of Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka a believe it was a German woman at that time between 1981 and 1984 she was around 30-35 years and therewith a bit older than Adelheid Kuczka, and simultaneously this neighbor had an Afro-American daughter of an American soldier named Jackie and was around 13-15 years old at that time that used sometimes babysit for the daughter of Adelheid Kuczka when we go out in the evening, because her daughter was 10 years old or younger at that time. Ar4e all these coincident especially that I get to know Adelheid Kuczka through an alleged Syrian named Mohamad Attar that I get to know through an American sergeant named Hamouri that pretended to be originated from Palestine as a mean to force me to think that I am being investigated due to my alleged link to terrorism through the PLO-Palestine Liberation organization that was designated by many countries as the biggest and longest lasting terror organization in the world, where the CIA in cooperation with many members of my fake family set me up in December 1969 to look like as if I am highly connected to PLO. And this is typical when they try to see what you think and how you would behave if you are an alleged Palestinian terrorist by bringing a person that pretend to be originated from Palestine, and that is confirmed as I get to know my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka through Mohamad Attar, where he claimed that he got to know Adelheid Kuczka through his Palestinian friend  named Ramadan, where Adelheid Kuczka was allegedly babysitting or the nanny of his children as a parttime second job, while her alleged third job/part time job was cleaning the house of some medical doctor’s family, yet her hands were as smooth as it gets with no marks what so ever of cleaning homes, which is the typical brainwash to force me to think that she was allegedly investigating my connection to Palestinian terrorism, which Siemens AG did the absolute the same thing, after they hired me and left me for 4 weeks keeping myself busy doing nothing, because they were studying me and seeing what I do and how I think, then they get me into the project Saudi Port’s Authority and told me, we had a very capable and very experience Palestinian that was working on this project but we prefer to have you and we let him go, whereby I worked 3.5 years for Siemens AG after that and I was not able to verify that there was another person that was Palestinian doing my job that I am doing, because the project was not yet started and it was in feasibility study phase enable to give an offer, which very much means my boss named Peter M. Lembke that performed many other destructive things to me lied to me about the Palestinian ex-consultant = a pattern of implanting Palestinian around my life to force me think that they were investigating my alleged link to Palestinian terrorist, whereby and today the only terrorist I know is the American and British government that terrorized my life for over 60 years since kidnapping me to Cairo, Egypt on 15.01.1960. End of added.)

11.             The CIA agent Anita Disbray. I was sitting and eating in a restaurant called Wienerwald that is famous for inexpensive grilled chicken, it was right on the edge of the American housing area in Perlacher Forest, I saw her prior to that a couple of times. She was sitting on the opposite table, and either she or someone else placed the following thought in my head: she will not approach me, I must go to her and ask her to join me, and I struggled with these thought for 5 or more minutes and then I went to her and asked if I can join her. We met a couple of times thereafter, and she said you are handsome, I said what is does this means, and she said good looking, so I replied, you are very handsome too, where she started to laugh and explained that this is for man only. This is how good my English was on around 30 August 1970. She was around 150-160 cm tall, and very polite above all she treated me much better than the others, and therewith I immediately saw her as an angel, and so it was in my mind, and I even used to think of her as the queen of my life= brainwash until the year 2001, where I gradually started to understand the brainwash. Below I will list some of the continuous brainwashes that was performed upon me between August 1970 and spring 1973 (and even in 1975) to force me to be and stay under her control


All the above for a person that had a total amnesia and was prevented by force to build a logic or intelligence enable they can control me much easier, is not possible to happen coincidently as described above.


And why all this?


To cover up for:

1.                My lookalike or twin that took my place in 1969 and very possibly is very destructive person in Egypt and elsewhere

2.                My fake family members that each is originated from different family and all together pretend to be one new family

3.                To continue to use me as a decoy for their evil children and their selves

4.                To prevent me of understanding this scheme, which will lead to seeing through other situations

5.                To prevent Europeans and Americans to recognize that those fake members of my family are nothing else but members of Americans and European families that hide their children in other countries under different names and then bring them to Europe and USA as an alleged stranger to help them from the background, be it as government official or as an external supporter, and therewith one family could have at least 20 members in the government that helps them suck the national budget for their own selfish interest

6.                This point was added on 20.07.2021: Today I strongly suspect that I am the son of king George VI and was kidnapped for the first time sometimes between February 1952 and December 1959. Yet , and based on what happened to me between 10/15 January 1960 and current shows a pattern of relocating me from country to another and placing me within the one family or the other until falsifying my identity to Syrian and then taking me on 15 January 1960 then took me to Cairo, Egypt. Between kidnapping me the first time and 15 January 1960, it is very possibly that they took me on hide tour to wipe off my trails, and then caused me a total amnesia in 1960, that I lost my entire memory including the language that I used to speak prior to 1960. And this hide tour I strongly suspect it to be to Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, and possibly other countries, then lastly and most probably placed me within the Bush family that then disposed of me  to Cairo, Egypt within their hidden relatives and that would explain why I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986 and forced to live 4 years in Connecticut and 10 years in Houston, Texas, possibly to see if I recall my past and in particular Houston, Texas, and the burn mark that I have on my upper left thigh, that I possibly confused as a mark to differentiate me with another twin, today I believe they marked my thigh to be able to identify me as I grow older, but it is also possible that the mark is for the 2 possibilities, identify me as I grow older and also differentiate me of a possible twin, in this case my twin has no mark unless we are triplets or more. This is all pure theory and conclusion on many situations of my life between 1960 and today 2021. And therewith I come to the essence of this point: to also cover up for the situations within this point. End of added.


Enslaving me under the agent Anita Disbray 1970 to 1977

Their actual reason for enslave me under Anita Disbray was to keep me under control, where she would always know what I am up to and can destroy any situation that can be harmful for them , such as being friend with Arabs and Muslims, where then I would talk about my family, and eventually it will come out that there is another person using my identity in Egypt and elsewhere, but also to cover up for the 16 agents and for kidnapping me in 1960 and so on. (Added on 20.07.2021: Or discover that members of my fake family are not from one family and that some members are from the English royalties, others from the Rockefeller families, others are from the Jordanian royal family and others are from Saudi Arabian, Kuwaitis, Omanis, and UAE royal families and that I was being used as a slave decoy. End of added.)


They cannot say that the reason is the above is reason, so they made up reasons:  They pretended to be investigating my alleged connections to terrorism, which was made up based on a set up by them, also, pretending to be investigating my alleged connections to drug lords, ex-Soviet Union and fake money US Dollars. That I was arrested for on 12 October 1969 in Munich as a part of mean and sadistic setup to give the CIA and American Secret Service the upper hand of pretending to be investigating me for fake US Dollars, which is based on my knowledge the business of US-Secret Service that also guard the US presidents and their families!!??


It is very difficult to prevent someone from talking to people about his past, therefore they needed a chain on my mouth, and that was their agent, Anita Disbray.


After brainwashing me with the not very nice women as mentioned in the previous section, now they come to the point of enslaving me under their agent that they want to force me to think of her as angel from heaven compared to the other nasty ones.


B Best and easiest if I just list the situation as they were forced upon me as follow (Note the points below were heavily modified on 23.07.2021):

1.                  Malcom the fake fiancé. After a couple of weeks of knowing the CIA agent Anita Disbray, she claimed that she had a fiancé named Malcom and he is allegedly in the UK. She claimed to be from Wembley, London, UK. She said to me, now I know you, I am going to end my relationship with Malcom. Then she said: He already send me a letter that he is coming to Munich for the October Fest, usually between around18-20 September and ends the first weekend of October of every year, this was in 1970 and she continue saying, after he comes to the October fest  then I will end my relationship with him. Which she did and made sure that I saw him. Where he allegedly met with her in the same restaurant where I get to know her. And I was sitting on another tables, suddenly he gets up and left alone. The whole thing was a scam to force my mind to think that she preferred me than a man that was much better situated than me, which it became a pattern in my life by all these women that they set on me to either isolate me to distract me of the church. And I fell for this scam, because I was 17 years old, with total amnesia that was not allowed to recover from it and therewith I had no experience to use for situation like that, and exactly that is why these criminals’ psychopaths causes total amnesia to their victims, in this case me. (until the end of this point was added on 21.07.2021))Here is a reminder of other women that they used and claimed that they preferred me to other more capable: 1978/79 Mrs. Renee Zielske that was set on me by Siemens AG to force me to relocate of the city where I was baptized as Christians and I really loved my new friends at the church, that gradually I was forced to lose, claimed to have kicked out some other person that was also much capable than me. End of march 1981, my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, claimed that some Spanish prince proposed to her but she declined and now she is happy that she declined because she get to know me, whereby her job was among others to keep me busy of my new church friends and the city Unterschleissheim where I was baptized, today I know that she was also set on me by American military + BND + Siemens AG + my fake family until they can kidnap me from Germany to USA (see the details under the section Adelheid Kuczka in the page “Thank you” where the evil and most destructive company I( have ever worked with and called BP-British Petroleum separate us by force of telepathy on 17.10.194 in the most vicious and sadistic way to make sure I never go back to her ever again, then on 24.12.1984 these criminals psychopaths and psychopaths used telepathy again to force me to be enslaved under their Whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, one of the most disgusting human being that I ever met in my life, Najlaa Mahmoud  claimed to be the fiancé of some rich Greek businessman, but left him for me, whereby I did not want to have her anywhere near me not even in the same city, alone when I think of her I have to vomit, she and her entire family are animals disguised as human beings Then these psychopaths, criminals and psychopaths kidnapped me from Germany to USA where they literally kept me as slave between Connecticut (4.5 years) and Houston, Texas (10.5 years) Totally isolated of my past, of my fake family, of my friends, of the church and controlled by the psychopaths Bush family + Aramco + Chevron + from the background FBI + CIA + British Petroleum + Exxon + my biological family + my fake family these criminals that sold me out to FBI + CIA. (End of added)

2.                  Systematically isolating me of others. Suddenly I was losing all my new friendships that I made between March and August 1970, systematically and one after the other, even the new forced upon lookalike of my original fake brother continuously avoided me.

3.                  Destroying friendship. Here is an example of forcing me to lose friends as mean of isolating me and controlling my life: in around March or April 1970 I get to know Vincent Sir Vince (I am writing it as I was pronouncing it at that time) within the American military base called McGraw kaserne, whereby fake family these criminals delivered me for a brainwash and isolation for nearly 7 years (not all the times within the military base). This man that was allegedly from Singapore and was allegedly studying psychology in Australia and now allegedly studying Psychology in London, UK. This incident was in August/September 1970 (important not: I may be mixing the dates by a month or 2). I went with Anita Disbray to a restaurant in Chiemsee to visit another friend named Raja. By Chiemsee there was an American military hotel for military staff only. Chiemsee is a lake around 75 KM southeast of Munich and around 50 km west of the Austrian border. While we were at the restaurant, that was mainly used by the employees of this American military hotel, and for some reason or another, Anita Disbray told me that Vincent is trying to take her away from me, and I went to speak with him and suddenly I found myself in a hand fist fight with him and he claimed that I hit him. This was never my style nor my thinking among others because I was totally shy and scared of my surrounding as foreigner that does not speak the language well nor understand the environment that I am now in. This CIA whore bitch used telepathy to force us to fight enable to isolate me. I never saw him after that. Please not I am neither a fighter nor I have experience in it nor I had the courage to start one, on top of that I was 100% drunk because I drunk countless biers and shots, which I was forced to learn, as it is mentioned below, actually I was brainwashed to drink excessively and I was doing so until I became Christian in 1976, and thereafter I cut it down dramatically to only 1-2 times a week of each 1-2 drinks.

4.                  The MP incident. I was sleeping with Anita Disbray at her room in the American military housing where each of us had a separate room. This incident was to force us to have a reason to live elsewhere. The military police came to her room and took both of us to the American military police station, which is directly next to the German prison called Stadelheim. In the police station they terrorized my life and scare the life out of me, among others because there were 4-5 MP-Military Police men present, each taller than I can at that time figure it out, and one of them started talking bad to Anita Disbray and I said please speak polite to her, and the next think he did was to take his gun belt off and come towards me and he said “and if I don’t what are going to do about it”, to make it short they were placing both of us in a bad position as a mean to force my mind to bond with her, it is a very nasty brainwash method. After an hour they released us. Anita and I were walking back to our rooms, and she said to me, that one of the MPs was warning her against me and saying that I am just using her to get the citizenship (whereby I had absolutely no idea what does that mean or if it has any importance), and I said did you believe him, she said yes and I slapped her because she forced me to while forcing me to think that I am insulted because I allegedly love her for herself and not for the citizenship = telepathy trick, many persons with telepathy can control their feelings or better said they can suppress being hurt by feeling nothing as if they have a switch that they can turn on and off, now I feel it hurts and now I do not feel anything(!). Suddenly one of the MPs come out of the woods dressed this time as civilian and came towards us and said did he hurt you should I take him back, she said no thank and she said it was her fall, then he went away. I strongly believe that this was also a brainwash setup to force my mind to bond with her even more, which I did. Please note she was officially British Citizen, we were in the American military base in Germany, while I was forced to be an asylum seeker in Germany and during this period or asylum period, I cannot leave the country. meaning her British citizenship is worthless to me, and I did not even think about it at that time, in matter of fact, my mental state and due to all what they did to me since January 1960 and again since January 1970, I was not only not able to think but also, I was not able to think ahead or plan anything, except survive the moment=severe brainwash and hidden slavery side effect. This shows how these nasty people brainwash innocent people.

5.                  The Police incident in Fasanenpark (1 km from American housing). This needs pre-explanation. After the incident above Anita Disbray and I relocated to our own apartment allegedly in the German sector, which was also a deceive. We relocated to an area called Fasanenpark, which was less than 1 km from the American area. Please note, when the American won the war 1945 and established their selves in McGraw kaserne, they gradually expanded by letting many military staff that ended the military time to relocate from the military housing to the nearby areas, and therewith between 1945 and 1970 (25 tears) there were more Americans surrounding the military base than Germans, among others because there was American movie theater, American shopping center, American cafeteria, American bars, American dance, all in and around the military base was American and many of them spoke so well German that it was not easy to impossible to recognize that they were Americans and for me it was most definitely impossible, because I spoke no German, however in the 2.5 years in and around the American base I learned how to differentiate between American, British, Australiana and Canadian, but also learned how to differentiate between the American dialects between North Eastern of USA, South Eastern and  southern central USA English and Hispanic English but little knowledge about the German. This mean even though I was living in a German sector, but I was most definitely surrounded by Americans that were working all over, in the supermarket, pharmacy, gas station and so on. During this period the lookalike of my fake brother also moved from the American military base to live in the nearby city named Unterhaching, which was around 2 km from where I was living in Fasanenpark. My fake brother had allegedly my fake mother as a guest. This was around End 1971 begin 1972. My fake mother came to visit us and started to complain to me and crying saying that my fake brother hit her. I was shocked, I dropped everything and went to his home walking, I had no car at that time, and then told him very threatened don’t hit our mother again. and went back home. The next day both came to visit us. As far as I recall Anita and I went to the supermarket, that was 500 meters away, near the train station, to get some food. When we get back my fake mother and this lookalike of my original fake brother, locked the door of our apartment from inside and would not let us in to our own apartment, and I had no idea why. After more than 15 minutes, or even 30 minutes of trying to convince them to open the door for us, we gave up and went to the police station that was literally next door. And asked the police to help us to get into our own apartment. The police said now it is too late and we do not want to open the door by force at this time of the night, otherwise the neighbors will be bothered and invited us to sleep in one of their jail cells until the morning (added on 21.07.2021: This situation was also a mind/brainwash setup to force me to bond with this whore agent or better said to refresh the bond to prevent me of leaving this whore agent. I do not know why they created this situation, meaning something must have happened that let them do that, now I know during that period I was working at the factory BMW and someone unknown to me was 100% talking to me with telepathy but at that time I did not recognize it as telepathy, I thought I must have been repeating something I saw on TV, and this person was trying to get me to better control myself or to take care of myself better than now, by among others forcing me to a routine of playing gymnastic after I finish work and in the shower room at BMW factory and that was 100% not me. As a result of this person and other things, I was forced to terminate my employment at BMW factory that was directly next to the Munich Olympic Park, where there was a BSO-Black September Organization (a Palestinian terror organization that was formed in Amman, Jordan in 1970) terrorist attack, where they held the Israeli sport's men and women hostage for many hours until The German special unit ended it, but and very unfortunately several Israeli and Palestinians died, and just a few days before Christmas 1972 some other group of people with telepathy that I suspect to be from the criminally insane CIA and/or MI6 and/or American military intelligence and/or Jordanian royal  family  that pretended to be Syrian and related to me, and set me up to look like as if I am related to PLO enable to give the CIA and MI6 the over hand over my life, back to BMW factory and just a 4-5 days before Christmas I was forced to resign my job right now and without notice, usually there is a 2 weeks’ notice, and it was 20:00 hours and the personnel office was closed and my boss tried hard to talk me out of it, and said if you want to quite then quite next week after Christmas and like this at least you will get the Christmas money, which and at that time it equal around half month's pay but I was forced to say I want to quit now and he had to call his boss at home and ask him what to do, and his boss called personnel manager at home and he called one of his employees that came at 22:00 hours made the paper work and made me sign it among others that I understand that I will be losing my Christmas money while was a lot for me, at that time was around 700-800 Deutsch Marks = Euro = roughly today the same amount in US Dollar and with this 800 DM I can pay the rent of my room for 2-3 months in advance = Some nasty psychopaths forced me with telepathy to do that, even though and somehow I liked working there because I was learning something new and it is much better than working for these sadistic criminals at the American military base. End of Added), which we did. In the morning the police waked us up with coffee and went with us to our apartment and knocked at the door as the police, they immediately opened the door and claimed not have heard us, we had the key and do not need them to hear us, it is our apartment and they locked it on purpose from the inside, but why? This is why: First reason: To create a confusion, which is very important in a brainwash, especially contradicting situations (paradoxes) are essential during any brainwash and this was 100% a paradox as follow: my fake mother complain to me that my alleged brother hit her, and I threatened him, and the next day they are both friends and are against me and against my alleged girlfriend that they helped that I be enslaved under her control! Second reason; is to force my mind to bond with Anita Disbray even more while feeling a shame of what these allegedly family members did, which really is obligating me to try to make it up to her=severe brainwash. Third reason: and most important, is to dislike my family enable to force my mind to not want to go and visit them. Fourth thing: these two criminals are nothing else than the lookalike of the original from Egypt, both came to my life again in the American military base, which is a controlled environment to force me to believe that they are the same persons as from Egypt while using telepathy by force of the military and no one will dare to help me against vicious people like that. They came into my life by force of the American military one after the other, first the fake brother in around September 1970, then the fake mother around spring 1971, then the fake sister Fadia that now is called Nagar and not Najar or Shawki or Ali as her current husband, around summer 1971, finally the fake sister Afrah/Mona Abokurah not Najar anymore (later Najjar) late summer 1971 or spring 1972. And therewith they are proving to my mind and to others as if they are my alleged family.  Fifth reason: to show as if Anita Disbray has no telepathy, whereby today I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that she had and if she still alive then she still has it, and that is fact, on the other site, my fake mother and fake brother that set me up and forced me to go to the police to gain access to my own apartment, are lookalike of the original fake brother and fake mother and therewith they possibly do not have telepathy, the original one most definitely had telepathy. This mean possibly they were manipulated into this situation by telepathy!!

6.                  The Olympia separation incident. September 1972 and directly after the terrorist attack against the Israeli sport’s team (, where they killed a few and took many hostages to blackmail the German government, to set Palestinian terrorist prisoner free. I do not believe in coincident within my life. Therefore it is only one of two possibilities, either they were pretending to investigate me or they were really investigating me without telling me in that they created a setup and force me into it as the following one to allegedly investigate my connections to the PLO, and that shows how sadistic and vicious is the CIA, Mi6, the Bdeir/Budier, the Abokurah family and the Baroudi family, including my fake mother and fake sisters, fake brother and fake evil uncles that all together, each performed the one thing or another, set me up in December 1969 to look like as if I am highly connected to PLO just to give the evil CIA and MI6 a reason to isolate me by pretending to be investigating me without that I notice allegedly to get to the bigger fish. Here is the set up: in end of spring or begin of the summer of 1972, I just started a new job, outside the American military base at the BMW factory right next to the Olympia park in Munich. A couple of months later and directly after the terrorist attack that I watched very shocked and speechless on TV along with this criminal CIA agent named Anita Disbray that was at that time living with me in ana apartment in an area called Fasanenpark just on the edge of the American military huge housing area, and this terrorist attack was against the Israeli sport's team during the Olympic games in Munich as mentioned above. It was a Friday after noon around 15:00 hours and I had an appointment with Anita Disbray to pick her up from work at the entrance of the American military headquarter named EES-European Exchange System, so we can go out together for dinner and a movie. I waited for her, but she did not come, and since I am not allowed to enter this strictly guarded building so I called her at work, and she told me she is not coming, and she is ending our relation, which is one of the most sadistic and mean actions performed as starter destructive situation of the so-called "Operation Chock", where they choke the life of their victim enable to force their victim to certain action or actions (just as these psychopaths also perform to innocent persons to force them to commit a terrorist attack, which is a very, very sadistic and most painful multi-newly-created-situations, which usually start with a shock and continue with many problems here and there, in housing, and work and God knows what, during which they repeatedly create a new shocking situation  I will skip the details, then I was forced to relocate somewhere else because I cannot afford the apartment by myself, somehow I was 100% forced to find a shared room in north of downtown Munich in an area called Schwabing, and this room was with other 4 or 6 2 floor beds meaning I had to live with another 8 or 12 in the same room, yet I was totally alone in this room, which point 100% that I was delegated here by the German authorities enable they can interrogate me without me noticing  in that they use telepathy and can control my life as they see fit and no one is with me in a room with 8-12 bed on top of each other’s, the room was maybe 20-30 square meters and all the bed with exception of one, were along the wall and in the middle was a table with maybe 8-12 chairs, toilet and shower rooms were outside in a hall way, I do not know what how the other rooms looked like in the hallway, but I never seen any person in this apartment, which possibly means that the German authorities were possibly in the other rooms and have a camera and possibly microphones in the room I was using. Maybe they thought I would invite some terrorist of related to the Olympic attack to come and sleep in this room in the other 7-11 free beds, I do not know what they thought, but most definitely it was not in my interest. My memory is a bit fuzzy over these times, somehow I thought I would use the situation as distraction of the separation with Anita Disbray and learn German, so I registered in the same school that my fake mother registered me in, in November 1969 and a couple of weeks later withdraw me to take me to Syria and set me up as connected to the PLO enable to give the CIA & MI6 a reason to control my life while pretending to be investigating me from the background. And that in itself maybe was a telepathy trick to force me to go to this school enable to force my mind to reset or to remember that time I was in the same school and suddenly my fake mother took me out on a 4 weeks brainwash tour through all in all 10 countries and set me up to look like as if I am related to ex-Soviet Union agent + connected to high bosses of the PLO + connected to big Syrian and Lebanese drug lords + she already set me up to be arrested on 11 October 1969 and by the Munich police with several 100 US dollars fake bills. In other words maybe they forced me with telepathy to go to the school to start manipulating my thought from that point of November 1969 and until after 15 January 1970 where I was forced to apply for political asylum and told them what happened to me since I left Germany 5 weeks earlier on 12 December 1969, which 100% pointed out that as if I know the master heads of the PLO at that time, among other the family Malas, and to do all that to me, they had to separate me of the CIA + MI6 agent Anita Disbray. Then through the school somehow, I get the possibility to get a room in a dormitory of the university of Munich, and I relocated from this room with 8-12 beds to the dormitory of the university of Munich on a street called Turken Street just a around 100 meters of the university of Munich, where I was placed in a room with an American named Russell, he was allegedly Mormon from Utah, he was very thin and tall, maybe 185-190 cm tall. To make it short, it is very possible that I was setup by the BND (the German version of CIA) to be in this situation as a mean of being in a controlled environment, because any place where I am not alone and have to share my housing and be dependent on others it automatically becomes a controlled environment, because other can control where I live and who lives with me, what I do and where is my income comes from. I can recall that I was going to school and to work 5 days a week from 8 in the morning and until 13:00 hours school and from 14:00 hours and until 23:00 hours work at BMW, somehow and after a couple of weeks I was not able to continue, it was too much for me, especially because at work is a hard physical work, where I carry a heavy machine 5-6 hours per day while I am standing. Anyway, I had to stop going to school or I was forced to stop, and since I was repeatedly prevented to learn and was forced not to have any strong ties to Germany, such as forcing me to live in American military base, preventing me to learn German and mix with Germans except what is in the American military base, or even be with a German girlfriend, in matter of fact this is a very strong pattern in hidden slavery (such as they did to me) which is to force a person to move from one country to another, among other not allow him to have a long-term friendship, and therefore it is very necessary to prevent the hidden slave to have a local ties and force him to have only foreign girlfriend, such as in my case Anita Disbray. The only German girlfriend that I was allowed to have, was against me. Each German woman I was forced to be with had at least one goal to put me off liking German women, whereby I really love German women, because of many reasons, which I will skip. Back to the setup. I was sharing a room with Russell. And one day I was struggling with thought that I am missing Anita Disbray, and as if without her  I cannot live, and wanted to commit suicide, and took some bills, I cannot recall what they were, I just recall I took a few bills and not the whole content of the bottle, and when Russell came I started to want to go to sleep while I am talking to him, and simultaneously I had the thoughts that I want him to know that I am committing suicide because I cannot live without Anita Disbray. All this is telepathy manipulations, because it is not my way, was not my way and it is not my way today, anyway I passed out and woke up in the hospital they were pumping my stomach out. In the hospital I was also treated through a psychologist, but the most important part was that I get to know a nurse that somehow, I had a date with her. She was around my age but mentally much more advanced than me, or better said and due to what they did to me, I was mentally behind. She was very nice young lade and I fell in love with her, she was nothing like Anita Disbray, she was more outgoing, energetic, and very warm hearted. We went out a couple of times, also invited me to go out with her to meet her friend, and we went to some restaurant and there was around 6-8 young  men and young women, all around my age +/- 2-3 years, and all of them were very nice and cheerful, which I never seen before, not even in the American military base, and then she invited me to go with her to meet her parent’s in another small town, I believe it was Kaufbeuren, they lived in an apartment on the second floor in a building that was maybe 3-4 floors, which is around 85 km west of Munich, and I did go with her. She had a very nice and welcoming parents. A couple of days later and while we were together in a subway station I started to cry, and she asked me why, I said “I cannot live without Anita Disbray, or something like that”. She was very disappointed and left and I never seen her again. This too was a very evil telepathy control, and the reason am positive about that. Is because I really started to fall in love with this beautiful young lady. She not only introduced me to her parents, but also to her friends that were also very warm hearted and welcoming, and suddenly I had new friends, but this time real Germans and not through the evil CIA + MI6 and the American military base. I have nothing against Americans in general, I am just disgusted by the CIA and the American military intelligent that performed all these sadistic situations against me. I never forgot that young lady. Very unfortunately I cannot dismiss the possibility that she was set on me by the BND as a mean to get into my life to see the origin of my alleged connection to terrorism, drug lords that I was setups to look like as if I have these connections. However, I turn it the CIA and Anita Disbray are very nasty, sadistic, and evil, above all they worked closely with the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud that was forced upon my life later as mentioned below. Conclusion of this long situation, is that I suspect that the evil CIA & MI6 and through setting me up to look like as if I am connected to top terrorist and drug lords just to take me of the hands of the Germans, also lied to the Germans and pretended to be brainwashing me to talk about my past, and by bringing the lookalike of my fake family members, they possibly claiming that they are preventing them to get to close to me. However, the Germans authorities are not Stupid and after a while they realized there is something wrong because they are getting nowhere with me and they were trying their own methods in this mentioned setup, but I have no prove for this, except one, which is any professional agent can look at me watch my behavior and talk to me for 30-60 minutes, then they will realize my head is empty and I can never be trained to be a terrorist and therewith I can never have connection to terrorist organization, which you, the reader, can see that yourself in these complaint pages and how I am writing them, how I am expressing myself and what vocabulary I am using and if I am improving all of the mentioned since i wrote the first page in 2018, but also it is visible in my complaint letters that I sent to several governments complaining about what they did to me, but also you can easily see the difference between my recent pages from 2020 and 2021 in comparison to the website that I was forced to publish between 2008 and 2012 and all are attached to my complaint pages!

7.                  The marriage with Anita Disbray. After the abovementioned setup, and somehow, I came back together with Anita Disbray, possibly by forcing me with telepathy to contact her. I know it is tough for some people to understand and believe in telepathy, but this is the truth. Then I was forced to marry Anita Disbray, where the German judge said I cannot marry you because we respect the laws of other countries and in your country, Syria it is forbidden to marry  a foreign partner without the Syrian government approval, and he sent me on a wild goose chase in that he asked me to get an approval of the Syrian Embassy, that at that time it was a part of the Pakistani Embassy in Bonn!! I went there, and they refused to give it to me. The judge said, “if you write me a declaration that you knowingly ignoring the Syrian laws, then I will approve your marriage”, which I did write this piece of paper and we were officially married based on the German law and by a German judge in the Munich Municipality office for marriage in Schwabing. Then Anita Disbray allegedly quite her job at the American military administration and worked for the German company called Hurth and we get an apartment together in the small city called Unterschleissheim around 20 KM north of Munich, where I also get a new job at a transportation company called Kuhnwaldt car transportation company. Both Kuhnwaldt (they were located very close to the truck and bus factory called MAN, and were transporting  new BMW cars that were manufactured in the factory just a few KM down the road where i worked until 3 months early in December 1972 as mentioned above, and around 20-30% of all BMW cars were made for the UK, meaning right steering wheel, is this all coincidently, where they created at my employer countless situation that I saw as nasty at that time but did not understand, but today I see it as if they were trying to remind me of my past, test me or even tell me something about my past, especially about Greek, where today I know that the passed away husband of queen Elizabeth of the UK was Prince Philip also was called Prince of Greece and Denmark, and therewith they were getting my attention to Greek and British, Nazis and other things related to my fake family in Jordan and Saudi Arabia and this continued until at least 1984, and that is possibly another reason why the psychopaths Bush family kidnapped me from Germany to USA!!) and Hurth do not exist anymore. (changed their name either through buy out or for other reasons:, in short they changed their name a couple of times and lastly a portion of this company was purchased by an American company called Gleason Corporation, why is all this important, is because their factory was right next to the Munich Olympia park, where I had to go pass it almost every working day to pick up Anita Disbray, who knows, maybe she is the cause that Gleason Corporation purchased a portion of this company called Hurth). And therewith I was forced with brainwash and telepathy to be enslaved under this very nasty woman that always pretended to be shy and helpless and very quiet as coverup for her telepathy, while also show others as if I am controlling her and suppressing her, which is “absolutely” impossible for me to do that, for one because I was severely brainwashed to say yes only and submit to others!

8.                  The total isolation through friendship destruction

8.1.                 Destruction of friendship I had at the McGraw kaserne, such as Vincent Sirvince

8.2.                 A work colleague at my employer Kuhnwaldt that was a Greek and a very nice man that introduced me to his family by inviting me for dinner

8.3.                 A school colleague at the IT school that were Iranians

8.4.                 A school colleague at the IT school that was Hungarian and was my project partner

8.5.                 A school colleague at the IT school that was Lebanese and was the only one that spoke the language that I spoke better than English (I spoke it only to 20-30% because Anita Disbray was retarded or pretended to be and therewith she hardly spoke or started a conversation with me of any kind, instead she used telepathy to command me and force me to think that I  like it, she even forced me to write her name at the back of my car, and therewith every one witl think I am madly in love with her, and that is how psychopath these people are) or German at that time (in January 1976 as I was set up to become Christian I spoke maybe less than 5% German, even though I was living in Germany already exactly 7 years and 3 months with the emption of the 30 days brainwash tour that these psychopath criminals took me on as mentioned above, in other words I spoke only the words that I needed for the daily usage and if a new situation come, then I had to ask what does that mean or say Ich verstehe nicht = I do not understand)

9.                  The following situations shows that this CIA agent named Anita Disbray had reinforcement to prevent me to leave her. I must admit and even until this point of time I had no experience or much knowledge about sex, because they kept me isolated, yet I was unsatisfied with the sexual relation with this woman

9.1.                 I get to know a neighbor woman that once asked me for help with her car, then somehow this friendship was also destroyed

9.2.                 The alleged sister-in-law of my fake brother, name Leila Koese, that pushed herself upon me for one purpose only to destroy my self-confidence while forcing my mind to think that the woman I am enslaved under and named Anita Disbray is good. The way she did that, she seduced me to have sex with her, and after the sex she told me that I am not good in bed, and therewith I was forced to think that my sexual life with this CIA agent Anita Disbray is good, because she did not tell me that I am bad in bed

9.3.                 I can’t recall how I get to know this lady, but she was allegedly visiting her grandparents that lived only 100 meters away of the building I used to live in, that they used to call Glass-House because all balconies walls were out of glass while all windows and doors in each apartment were huge that the entire building looked like a glass house, it was on a street called St. Benedikt Street in the small city Unterschleissheim (at that time less than 5000 population). During this period, I was also unsatisfied with my sexual relation with Anita Disbray, yet never talked with her about it because I was too shy, and suddenly I get to know this alleged Greek young lady around 22-25 years old in around 1974 or 1975, where I too was 22-23 = the same age, which today points to me that someone pushed me in this setup to make me see the difference between a 22/23 years old and Anita Disbray that claimed to be only 4 years older than me, today I believe she was at least 20 years older and very possibly had a younger sister or even daughter from Jordan or Saudi Arabia that she exchanged places with and I never noticed at that time. During this period, I was for 6 weeks unemployed, because I just lost my job at the company Kuhnwaldt. This young Greek lady, name forgotten, kept on visiting me at home during the daytime while my forced upon me wife was at work, she was systematically seducing me, but I did not understand it nor I dared to make a move, because I was totally not only shy, but under telepathy control of this CIA agent Anita Disbray, which suppresses the mind's growth = lack of intelligence = lack of understanding due to lack of experience and also not understanding whatever experience I had. One of the things she did, she used to smoke and then come close to my face and blow the smoke into my face, and then asked me do you know what that means, I said no, she said in Greece, when a woman blow smoke in a man’s face, means that she wants to have sex with him. Any way and to make it short, we did have sex, and thereafter I never saw her again. this incident was shortly after the above incident of Leila. All this can be coincident, but today and when I look back, I see the big picture and it was no coincident. I know that this young lady was pushed into my life, but I never really understood why and by whom!

10.             Now I get a new job in the same city as a warehouse worker at the warehouse of at that time the national department store called Neckermann (went bankrupt a few years ago, I think in 2013 or 2014) I made friends with one of the delivery drivers at my new job as a warehouse worker at the company Neckermann, that at that time it was the 3rd largest department store in Germany His name John Mueller. He was a very simple man. He told me that his mother was German, and his father was British Soldier in Germany where he gets to know his mother, as if he was trying to tell me that Anita Disbray is half German. He was married and had 2 children. I really liked this person, but somehow I lost his friendship as soon as Anita Disbray disappeared of my life, and suddenly all my friendships that I had from the American military base McGraw Kaserne also disappeared of my life, including ex-German work colleague named Fritz Guur, he was around 70 years old, the CIA agent and Afro-American named Ray Thomas, that pretended to be ex-American MP-Military Police and others including John Mueller all disappeared of my life immediately after Anita Disbray also disappeared of my life and had a court order to keep her identity and address secret, and therewith I was not able to find out where she lives. She had this court order for several reasons, to show as if she fears me and as if I am controlling her life and was suppressing her, but also to not be able to find anything about her. This is a very nasty strategy of many persons that have telepathy and misuse it to enslave others, in that they pretend to be suppressed by or scared of their own victim that had no idea that they have telepathy that they used to control him and one of the big symptoms after they leave, is that the victim, in this case me, does not know what to do, because Anita Disbray was controlling my mind with telepathy. One very public example of this situation is the very famous female singer Brittney Spears, where I strongly believe that her father has telepathy and manipulated her thoughts and her entire life, even made her addicted to drugs enable he can get a court order to control her wealth in a so-called Conservatorship = stealing her income, I see some unknown from the background with telepathy is helping her get free. Because some persons with telepathy tend to be criminals or better said some criminals have telepathy and often have a long term lazy plan to get rich easy and quickly, and they hide their children, get another child and brainwash the child to think these are my parents while training the child for entertainment and find a way to steal his/her money and I saw that several times in USA, one of them was a 7 or 10 years old from Colorado  that was generating a lot of money for the parents and suddenly was found dead in the basement, and the police suspected the parents killed the child, and many other situations also worldwide and I just noticed a few of them such as my fake nephew the hidden Jordanian royal family member that his brothers and sister used him as a target practice for telepathy and literally drove him crazy and then lacked him up in a hospital for mentally insane far away of them so they do not have to visit him and then they blame the situation on someone else, yet I spoke to him and I know him and know the reason that he is unjustly locked up, his name and address is to be found in the page BP-British "Petroleum-Part-3-Verison-2"

11.             In around November 1975 and after almost 6 years, I was still refugee under review, meaning my refugee application was not yet accepted. As usual the government or an organization that is paid by the government supply me with an attorney to help me against possibly government tyranny (!!!), and in my case my attorney was supplied to me by the organization called Caritas, which was a part of the catholic church and this because the state I’m forced to live in and fell in love with and called Bayern or in English Bavaria, is officially a catholic state, meaning they have a cross in every single government facility because Catholic is the state religion and it is also the state business and it is also corruption because it is one-sided. Yet they did not help me so far, and the woman that I am enslaved under never helped me to see this situation, on the contrary, she made sure I stay as I am. One important note. This Anita Disbray does not speak much, which is sometimes the case with persons with telepathy, they do not make conversations with their victims, they just force the victim to do what they want them to do. Somehow and very suddenly Anita Disbray and I were discussing my asylum situations in around end of summer of 1975 after we had a visit of my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her evil alleged fake mother alias my fake grandmother named Samiyath or Samiyah Khayat, since I know that Anita Disbray was there to keep me under control, while my fake family is American and British and members of the Saudi Arabian and Jordanian royal families, this mean they send a private message to Anita Disbray by sending these 2 evil women to visit me for a few days, and this while I am still under the refugee status under review which is 100% one of the main slavery tools, this means they change the strategy to prevent me to ever have a permanent status in Germany, which will come clear after a couple of sentences. That is why they enslaved me under an alleged foreign woman, officially she was British. In short, we decided that I go to a private attorney (actually they decided and forced me to think that we decided), and since I kept on hearing the name of the attorney Rolf Bossi in the news, because he was the best criminal attorney and I had no idea that immigration require a different attorney, I went there or actually sent there. The attorney said in my situation I have 2 options: either to marry German woman, which I cannot because I was already married, or I change my religion to Christian and bring him the baptism certificate and he will do the rest. In the city where I lived called Unterschleissheim 20 KM north of Munich and at that time, there was only 2 churches, one catholic around 800 meters and an Evangelical Lutheran around 1.5 km. Somehow, I went to the one further away which was the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church. This I cannot prove, but since the Catholic church was providing me through their organization Caritas with an asylum attorney, I believe they were the ones that set me up to become Christian, by creating the situation for me to go the attorney office of Rolf Bossi (Catholic) that then suggested I should change my religion enable to get approved for Asylum, they could not tell me that their selves, so they set me up through the attorney most probably they arranged that with the German immigration, that worked with the BND and CIA on this, because everything that happened to me thereafter was based on this very nasty setup, in other words someone already was planning to kidnap me to USA and needed a reason to remove me of the country that I fell madly in love with, and they needed an excuse=Germans brainwashed me to become Christian and the Americans and the British represented by CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum, brainwashed, enslaved me under the CIA & MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me to USA and blamed it on the Syrians and the church. Please note that I was living in the state of Bavaria, which and at that time was catholic to nearly 65%, now it is 50%

12.             The separation of the CIA agent Anita Disbray that they enslaved me under by force of brainwash and military scare tactics as mentioned above. This separation was meant to make Anita Disbray look like as if she was responsible that I became Christian as she allegedly was, allegedly she was British Methodist, but somehow I believe that she was Muslim that pretending to be Christian as a part of separating her of her actual family in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in matter of fact, and today, and even though she was white, blue eyes and dark blond, yet I am positive that this nasty woman was Saudi Arabian, not to forget that most Saudi Arabian today are immigrants since 1920s and 1930s mainly from Europe, USA, India and Pakistan, and maybe only 5-8% of the entire Saudi Arabian population are real Saudi Arabians that have been in Saudi Arabia from before 1920s. Get site tracked. My fake mother writes me a letter in Spring of 1977 that was literally heartbreaking (=con-business, all these criminals use any method or brainwash strategy that suits their needs, they do not care how stupid it is, the mean thing is to reach their goal, which is always = money and or money + power = two track intelligence = stupid) and claim that she is totally unhappy because her alleged oldest daughter named Suhair Bdeir/Budier is mistreating her, I will skip the details of the letter. After talking with the woman, I was enslaved under to make it look like as if I am telling her that she must do what I say, in reality she was dictating me with telepathy what to say , we decided to ask her to come and live with us. That was around early Spring of 1977. She arrived all dressed up as some Muslims do and cover their slaves from head to toe, except her face and hands were visible and she was much fatter than I saw her last time, which today pointed to me she was a different person that had some facial similarities with my original fake mother that 100% had telepathy and that I was able to see in around 1962, one thing is also important to mention, around one year earlier in summer 1976 and 6 months after I became Christian, she told via a letter or telephone that she is allegedly going to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage called "Hajj" ( , from my point of view this is a scam created by the Rockefeller and English royalties to satisfy their Indian Muslim partners that they allied with since 400-500 years to fight Hindus enable to control India, because it was impossible for the British to control India, not only because they had a huge population but also because they had a very peaceful tendencies, and therewith whatever they did to them, including canning them, they were not able to control them because they were not able to cane them all, it would have taken them a century to do that so they allied with the Muslims that then they helped them separate of India and created in 1930s the current Pakistan and Bangladesh , and with their help they and since 1900 or 1920 they 100% control Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries with the help of other partners from Europe and South America, Canada and Australia, shame on you English royalties and Rockefeller families) as preparation for 1977 and sending a lookalike from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan or elsewhere, and Immediately after her arriving in our apartment that was provide to me by the church because I was working part time for the church, which was one of the best things that ever happened to me, because I was suddenly surrounded by people, where the majority of them had actual moral values, then  she created countless situations/problems for me within the church community and with my alleged wife as preparation to separate me of my forced upon me wife while making it look like as if my (fake) mother is responsible for the separation. In short, she continued to tell me that this friend of mine in the church is after my wife and the other man is also after my wife, she even claimed that the pastor is conspiring  to steal my wife from me even though he was married. living next door and had to children under 10 years old and was an absolutely great pastor, this woman was a very dangerous woman and a top con-woman and was just playing a role that was assigned to her, because it was planned in the beginning to force me to become Christian enable to have a public reason to persecute me, and then remove me from Germany for all the reasons mentioned above, such as to prevent me to go to the Middle East to visit my family, because they are not my family but rather they are my kidnappers, but also to prevent me to see them when they come to Munich on Business, to prevent me to recognize what they did to me so far in Germany from October 1969 and until current and to use me to blackmail my actual biological family, which I have no idea who they are yet. In around 20 September 1977 Anita Disbray came 2 hours late from work. which never happened before, in a car with some man and said, I am leaving you, and she went and packed her stuff that was 1-2 suitcases and left. I broke down and lost my mind because I was dependent on her, this is the effect of telepathy slavery. I did not know what to do without her, yet my new friends in the church covered up for all that and stood by my side. Today, and very unfortunately, I believe they were also covering up for Anita Disbray and my fake family

13.             The German Immigration setup in summer of 1976, 6 months after I became Christian. This shows that they planned to kidnap me to USA and prevent me to make roots in Germany with the help of the German and the Bavarian governments, which was as follow: somehow I was again brainwashed and forced with telepathy not to do what my attorney told me, which is I am supposed to bring him the baptize certificate (which started when I was baptized on Easter Sunday 1976) and he will get my asylum approved, but they forced me to think it is not honest to do that, and I never went back to the attorney and continued to go every 2-3 months to renew my temporary residence permit for refugees under review. In Summer 1976 the immigration told me renew your Syrian Passport and we will give you a 2-year renewable residence permit and therewith you do not have to renew it every 2-3 months. Very unfortunately I fell for this trap and worked on renewing my fake passport and I get it renewed = the criminal Syrian government under the control of the Assad family was already working very closely with the German government and the CIA + MI6 in various sectors including the illegal drug business but I did not see or recognize it at that time, above all Siemens AG was the company that built the biggest and most secured security system for the newly built house of at that time president Hafez Al-Assad alias the father of the current Syrian president and mass murderer Bashaar Al-Assad alias an a Rockefeller + English royalty drug lord that deliver the drugs to them through Jordan and my fake family planes directly to New York, but also deliver it through other channels such as through trucking to Saudi Arabi and later through trucking through Iraq and right to the American military bases and the generous American tax payer pays for all that collection and distribution of illegal drugs among others that is being invested for drilling and searching for petroleum, but also invested in countries and cities such as Dubaian/UAE, and Jeddah/Saudi Arabia and building crazy buildings such as the Jeddah Tower ( or Burj Al Arab in Dubai ( or the island that looks like a palm tree  (, and countless other buildings and other investments that is to 40-50% built through drug money and other illegal activities and the rest through real petroleum money and also invest in USA and Europe in particular in Germany using this illegal drug mo9ney, such as the investment in Mercedes in 1970s and 1980s through Kuwait, and then they say look how intelligent we are, we are building all that and better than Europe (but they forgot to say, while killing the minds of the general public through fear and mass brainwash). back to renewing my fake Syrian passport, at that time I did not know it was fake passport and that I have fake identity since 10 January 1960 and that I was kidnapped by this evil family. I get my faked passport renewed through the Syrian consulate in Bonn, even it was 100% fake, and the immigration gave me a 2-year residence permit that they can revoke at any time and I did not know that at that time. In Summer 1976 and for the first time I was allowed to leave Germany and went for a summer vacation to London. This was 7.5 years lock up as refugee enslaved by the CIA under one of their agents named Anita Disbray

14.             The deceive with the baby. Anita Disbray and I were in a divorce process that started immediately after she left, and she started the divorce process. Shortly after Anita Disbray left, she called me and said she is pregnant but not from me and wanted to make sure that I know it is not my child. It is very possible it was only a trick, meaning this child was meant to look like as if it is my child and she is keeping it secret of me, in other words she was raising a child from Saudi Arabia or Jordan royal families while making others believe it is my child that she is keeping secret of me. This is only based on the pattern that I discovered in this fake family, just as they forced me to raise a child that was not mine while forcing me to believe it is mine. The timing of the birth of the child was very odd, just 4-6 weeks after she left (possibly it was later but I cannot recall correctly any more, due to all the brainwash and the stress these criminal pushed me through, yet I saw her with a baby in the divorce court in 1979, I cannot recall what month it was in 1979, because I was 100% heavily under the control of telepathy of someone unknown for me for sure, I am just guessing to be Rene Zielske that Siemens AG used to force me to leave the church and live with her where really I was not able to defend myself in do ing that because they 100% brainwashed me severely to relocate far away of the church). We were together 7 years yet she had no children, except 4-6 weeks after she left, on top of that that our sex life was miserable, and this because she had no interest to have sex with me, but I did not see it at that time, and that is why I concluded that she was possibly over 50 years old and pretended to be 24 years old, and possibly she was, for me it was impossible to tell, not only because she was small under 160 cm and under 45 kg, but also because I had no experience and was always under tight control to prevent me to gain any experience enable they can make with me what they want=hidden slavery. Through the women I get to know thereafter in my life, I was able to recognize that she did not want to have sex. Today 22.07.2021 and I just recognized something about Anita Disbray age, which I recognized about myself first and did not relate to Anita Disbray, which is my finger nails, they are wavy, and they started to get wavy sometimes 2003, where I noticed them for the first time, where I was officially just over 50 years old, and the older I get the wavier they get, and just now while I am writing I remembered that Anita Disbray and because she was around 150-160 cm short, she also had many body parts far smaller than average. and among others her nails were wavy, meaning she was most definitely much older than 24 year sold on her birthday 24 August 1970, where I just met her 4 days earlier and in 1977 she was most definitely also much older than 31 years old, and this shows you how criminal psychopaths are these psychopaths the Jordanian royal family + Saudi Arabian royal family + English royal families + Rockefeller Royal families + the Bush  Families + my evil bitch fake mother my evil fake 3 sisters and all their lookalike that they exchanged places with are much more than psychopaths, they are the most dangerous people to our all societies and my life and what these criminals did to me is the prove

15.             The divorce. I never saw her after September 1977 except one time in divorce court sometimes in 1979. I was still forced to think that I was madly in love with her=side effect of slavery + repeated telepathy force reminder of the past, and therewith I was looking forwards to see her in court, she came with the baby around 1 year old. In the court, the judge said I will give you another 2 years to think it about the divorce and if you still want to divorce then I will divorce you in 2 years. Suddenly I was forced to lie and say, no I want a divorce now, because I have a girlfriend and I want to marry her, and I do not want to wait 2 years, he asked me are you sure, I said yes (I was totally shy and would have never had the courage to stand in the court room that was small yet it had more than 20 or even more than 30 persons, this means 100% some evil person with telepathy forced me to lie and stand up and say it loudly in front the over 20 or 30 persons, beside I had no attorney and she had one, and this is 100% another telepathy influence to force me not to contest anything), and he immediately divorced us. She should have said I have a child from another man, and I am going to marry him, and I want a divorce now, but instead she forced me with telepathy to lie. I had no girlfriend at that time I was busy getting my life in shape after she left and, busy with my new job in IT sector. In short, she made me look bad, and made me look like I am the cheater while not mentioning the child it is from someone else, and therewith it is in the records that she was pregnant with this child shortly after she left me, meaning my child. These nasty and evil Saudi Arabians and Jordanian royal families hide their children as well as the CIA, BND, MI6, and others hides the children of their agent using unethical methods such as this. This makes this woman a very nasty and dangerous woman

16.             The blackmail in Saudi Arabia, is mentioned in other pages, especially in combination with Siemens AG that used me 100% as a blackmail object to get the long-term IT project called Port's Authority of Saudi Arabi, now it is most probably called something else

17.             The brainwash in Jordan, is mentioned in other pages, especially in combination with Siemens AG that used me 100% as a blackmail object to get the long-term IT project called Port's Authority of Saudi Arabi, now it is most probably called something else

18.             The destruction of the evidence, among other through the CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, one of the first thing this disgusting animal disguised as a human being did was to take away all the photos of Anita Disbray and another painting of a naked red haired woman that reminded me of my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and claimed to have thrown them away, and replaced them by a painting of herself naked and this painting was 3-4 times larger than the other painting, and hanged it in the living room for all visitors to see her naked bosom and vagina, no Muslim, Christian or any woman with moral values would ever do any of that, and the photos of Anita Disbray and I had many of them that I took my self and I bought a camera especially for that, were all gone over night allegedly in the trash. This Najlaa Mahmoud is as dangerous to the health and safety of a human being as the rest of these criminals and psychopaths

19.             This point was added on 22.07.2021. I was going to write another very important point that I just recognized a minute ago, and when I started to write it here, I just forgot it = 100% someone with telepathy control my mind for seconds, reminded me with it, and then let go of my mind and I just lost it!!!!!????


Forcing upon me a new lookalike of my original fake brother 1970

This alcohol section was written on 23.06.2019.


This will show that the CIA and American military intelligence have absolutely no regard for humanity, no regards to human dignity to brainwash adults, teenagers or even children.


This will also show how they brainwash and force their victim to become alcoholic enable they can manipulate their lives and/or later-on blame everything they did on the alcohol that they forced upon enslaved person by brainwash as listed below:

1.                  Alcohol pre-history:

1.1.                 I was kidnapped as 8 years old to Egypt on 15 January 1960 with fake Syrian identity

1.2.                 Until around 1962/63 I had no contact with alcohol

1.3.                 My fake mother had a new boyfriend, an Egyptian police officer named Mohi Sabri, that later I realized he is German origin, he used to take us to a café/restaurant that was 80 outside in the park and 20% inside the café/restaurant’s standalone building named Merry Land, which was new and very similar to European designed and manmade parks such as English Garden in Munich, Hyde park in London, or Central park in New York and mostly was smaller as the English Garden in Munich, with all it small lakes and boats, cafes and hiking roads. During which he used to order beer and I was always given a small glass, which was absolutely wrong for 10 years old to drink beer. The name of the beer was Stella, which is Italian, note around that time the company Fiat opened an assembly line factory in Cairo, and I relate the lookalike of my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar to Italian origin, while the original I relate to German origin. (Note added on 24.07.2021: my original fake sister had unbelievable look similarity to one of the Jordanian princesses that I saw online around 204 years ago, but unfortunately, I was not able to find the photo again. This does not mean she is Jordanian origin, because her look, skin color was anything than Arab or Jordanian, but also, she did not look anything like King Hussein or the current king Abdullah. The same thing happened also with a photo that I saw online of some Jordanian prince, also around 2-4 years ago, and I cannot find it anymore, and this prince had a lot of look similarity to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, including the dark blond hair and blues eyes, which very much means someone forced me with telepathy to ignore these photographs. End of note added.)

1.4.                 My fake sister Fadia Shawki alias later Fadia Nagar and not Najar and after her first husband died in 1966 through a plane crash that he was flying as a pilot, she along with one of her boyfriends named: Ali Aljumaiie, Adel Hasan and Dr. Alaa Ali also to cafes where thy used to order beer also for me

1.5.                 1966 and as I was sent to Jordan for summer vacation that turned out to be a brainwash trip to implicate me with more Nazis and illegal drug lords such as Ali Barq/Bark and Joseph Azarath, both of Lebanon in business of tobacco and illegal drugs, during this vacation I drunk heavier alcohol than just bier named Araq (an Anis drink with around 38-60% alcohol), and this in Jordan and in Lebanon, the same happened in December 1969

1.6.                 That was my alcohol history prior to been taken to the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany where they severely re-brainwashed me and enslaved me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that performed many damages upon my life while she was forcing my brain with telepathy to think that I am madly in love with her and cannot live without her that she even forced me to write her name on my car, which is a very nasty forced love that when you do it for several years, then it will take a long time to get it out of your system, then you will realize I was a slave. Below is the American brainwash to force their victim to be alcoholic

2.                  First alcohol experience in Germany was maybe a couple of time ordering beer as a 17 years old while in restaurant with my fake mother between October 1969 to around 11 December 1969 and again from 15 January 1970 to around mid-February 1970, then she disappeared of my life after setting me up severely to look like as if I am related to falsifying US dollar currency, illegal drug lords, ex-Soviet Union agents and above all related to top PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization terrorist group that was at that time the number one terrorist group based on Germany, USA, and other Europeans, but also based on Israel (Note added on 24.97.2021: Today I know all of them were 100% lying because the head of PLO named Yasser Arafat was 100% working for them to help them have a reason to attack Palestinians, lock them up and steal their land while making bad name for Palestinians and giving the Israeli the benefit of doubt or better said feeling sorry for Israel while taking their side, which is a very sadistic mass brainwash. End of note added. ), which lead the American military intelligence as well as the CIA to take me to the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich allegedly to get to know more about these severe national security endangerments, during which they severely re-brainwashed me also to become alcoholic as mentioned below

3.                  March 1970-Summer 1972. All the situations below are only within the American military base McGraw kaserne.

4.                  The first alcohol encounter is that the family that I was setup to know first named Hays consisted of Mrs. Doris Hayes, allegedly German origin weights maybe 120-140 kg, her son (around 6-7 years old) named Mark Hays and her husband the American military sergeant named Steven Hays, is that they took me along to visit their alleged German relatives , during which I was offered some kind of whisky and I never had any stronger drink than beer before, except once a glass of wine. I drunk a shot and immediately I had to go to the bathroom and heavily throw up.

5.                  One of the fake-forced upon me friends that today I strongly suspect to be either a CIA agent or Military intelligence agent an Afro-American named Ray Thomas that created many very deceiving and partially destructive setups for me. Below are some of them that are related only to alcohol. I believe I get to know him through the job that they gave me in the so-called Mess hall where the soldiers eat

6.                  He used to take me to play pool/billiards, during which we gamble who wins, the winner will get free drinks. We used to go to play pool in the so-called officer’s club, where the officers eat, where there was also a bar with pool tables. This officer’s club was above the Mess Hall where I was forced to work

7.                  Then teaching me to gamble through cunning others to get free drinks in Officer’s club by offering others that I can drink my drink faster than them, and if I do, then they pay for my drinks as well as theirs own, if I lose, I pay for them. The trick was to buy 2 x half a liter of beer plus 2 whisky shuts, the opponent can choose 2 drinks out of these 4, the only rule is he is not allowed to touch my glass, no matter what he choose he always loses because when I drink one beer faster than he can drink one shut, then I can cover the second shot with my empty beer glass and therewith he cannot touch it and loses, and if I drink the shuts, and drink it faster than him, then placing the empty shut glass in his beer glass and therewith he cannot drink his beer without touching my glass with his lips or hands. Ray Thomas taught me to drink either the half liter of beer or the shut of whisky by opening my throat and just dumping the entire drink at once directly in my throat. And therewith I can take my time drinking my second free drink, and if there was a few that were willing to gamble on this easy cunning and very destructive scheme

8.                  Then I was offered a second job in the basement where I work at the private American Legion Club, the manager at that time was a retired sergeant named “Al”, I do not recall his last name, only that it was not a coincident it was sort of a brainwash and or to test my memory, he had a lot of body similarities to my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir from Amman, Jordan that today I not only relate him to German origin but also to be one of the escaped Nazis from 1945 (Note added on 24.07.2021: The I suspect Seif Aldin Bdeir to be Nazi from Germany, is based on the repeated brainwash that these criminals did to me between 2001 and 2006 in Germany, officially he was the father of Reem Bdeir alias the double of Princess Haya of Jordan, his official brother named Mohamad Ali Bdeir was until 1986 the top businessman at least in Amman, Jordan where he was either the CEO, Chairman of the board or board member of all major business and utility companies such as Telephone, Water, Electricity, Engineering, Construction and based on what they told me he had allegedly 24 business positions like that, I do not believe they were Nazis, nor Jewish, but rather an organized crime family related to the Jordanian royal family and originated from the UK and set there by the English royalties after the second World War. End of note added.). The face of both matched maybe only 20-30% but the body matched 100%, short around 160-165 cm, very big or huge standing out stomach in relation to the body size, which they call in Germany “Bier Bauch”, meaning beer stomach that happens when someone drinks everyday 4-6 half a liter of beer or more, which amounts to 2-3 or more liters on a daily basis= a lot of calories, with my fake brother-in-law it was food that made him look like a nine month pregnant woman. This strategy of surrounding me by many slightly or strongly lookalikes of my fake family  was a severe and multi-purpose brainwash as cover up for my fake family that consisted out of CIA, MI6 agents mixed with hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that became Jordanian, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Omani royalties. For details see the page “BP-British Petroleum-part-2 the Nazis”. In this job I was taught to work as a bartender. My work hours was from 8 in the morning and until 17:30 hours at the Mess Hall where the soldiers eat, then from 18:00 hours and officially until 23:00 hours in this American Legion Club/Bar, sometimes they play cards or have other big events where they open until 2 or even 4 in the morning (around 2-3 times per week ), then from 2:00 in the morning and until 3:30 in the morning clean the bar in the Officer’s club, and therewith they were not investigating but rather training my mind to alcohol, but also to force me to be busy working as distraction of what happened to me since 1960 and what they are doing to me

9.                  Every fake friend that was forced upon my life was taking me out in my little free time to get absolutely drunk while I was 17 years old and an official refugee in Germany, and therewith they were covering up for the Escaped Nazis from 1945, while using Americans as distraction and keeping me isolated of the outside world in the American military base where no Arab will dare to come anywhere near me while I was surrounded by heavily armed over one thousand soldiers plus their families = possibly 3-4 Thousand American military staff and their families

10.             Then they enslaved me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that continued the same concept of alcohol, by forcing me to buy beer by the case and teaching me to drink Sherry and Port and other drinks that then I always had at home even until 1977, where this very nasty woman went in September 1977 away of my life and since then and until 1984 I had absolutely no alcohol in my home, except for maybe 2-3 times in 7 years and just for a party.

11.             Then they enslaved me again under the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984, where then I was again forced to purchase a lot of alcohol for home and this until the year 1999, which was a multi-purpose brainwash for me and the others who are watching us, and this while this whore and bitch named Najlaa Mahmoud was sometimes pretending to be Muslim other times she is Modern Muslim other times Strict Muslims other time Jewish, other times Jewish originated from the ex-Soviet union:

11.1.            To show as if she is a moderate Muslim, and as if I am a bad Christian controlling her life and she is tolerating me, which was the absolute opposite

11.2.            To show others that I am voluntarily with her, whereby I can only say that the a few  people I love, and they are only a handful, yet their shoes are 10 times more worth than she is worth

11.3.            To keep me drunk all the times, because from 1984 and at least until the year 1999 this bitch forced me to drink very excessive alcohol

12.             Last but not least, and this is the side effect of what these savages did to me, I missed all my friends in Germany, and my ex-German girlfriend all together so badly that it built sort of a sickness in me, and since I cannot see them and cannot visit them, I tried often to recreate situation as I was with them, for example go to an Italian restaurant or a German/Austrian/Swiss restaurant, alone and have dinner during which I remember my time with them and be sad and drink excessively

13.             From 1999 to 2013, I often drink excessive alcohol, during a period where I was forced to live between street, jails, prisons, and refugee camps, because I did not understand what hit my life, over and over and over again

14.             2014-2019. I Often stop drinking alcohol and make a plan and follow this plan, yet I am being severely attacked through telepathy by unknown that forces me with telepathy to purchase excessive alcohol at one given time, such as 100 bottle between beer, wine and other drinks, and after a couple of days I throw them all away other time I give up and drink them for a couple of weeks then dispose of the rest, which is often the majority, on top of them these persons or some of them that attack me with telepathy, they also severely disturb my sleep, which causes me often to be very tired, cannot do physical activities such as gymnastics and lack of concentration. This is how nasty the people that were surrounding my life from 10/11 January 1960 and until 10.101969 and ever since they are performing a lot of damage upon my life to cover up for this evil time period that caused me even more destruction over and over and over again in my life and until today in June 2019


As a result of the above alcohol brainwash, I have countless problems from social life to health to professional to financial and so on.


This is what evil BP-British petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND, and my fake family do to their victims all lifelong from 16 January 1960 and until current in 2019 (today it is 24.07.2021 and I am still counting!).


All the details of the below highlights are all over my complaint pages therefor I will not write them again here!


Forcing upon me another lookalike of my fake mother 1971




Forcing me with brainwash to be alcoholic 1970-1977


Pretending to be investigating my connections to Terrorism and drug lords 1970-1977


Other brainwash situations





Setting me up to become Christian (go to Index)



Using me as a blackmail object against my fake family members in the Middle East (go to Index)






Starting January 1984 and re-brainwashing and enslaving me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud in Germany and then kidnapping me from Germany to USA between in September 1986 (go to Index)