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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Slavery in Netherlands


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This page was created on: 12.01.2019, and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was re-edited and completed on 13.07.2021



This is my complaint about slavery through the Dutch immigration authorities represented by IND and COA from 2001 and until 2013 that influenced my life negatively even until today in 2019 and I cannot get out of it.


This complaint is addressed to the following persons:

1.                To the Prime minister of the Netherlands, I already submitted several complaints

2.                To the King of the Netherlands, I already submitted at least 2 complaints

3.                The General public of the Netherlands, I was forced to publish wrong complaint in 2006-2012


I filled several complaints and since they did not respond, I am filling it again (took out many details, to protect the innocents) through this public channel.


I am having severe problem to write this page. In matter of fact, I am struggling to write it since November 2018, always they bring something to keep me busy and preventing me of writing it. Finally, and on 16 January 2019 I was able to start, and wrote 2 pages and then stopped. The following day I realized I am having trouble writing this page and thought I may as well write it in form of highlight points. Therefore, this page is divided into two sections, section-1 the one I wrote today and section-2 the one I wrote yesterday and replaced it with the one from today. The reason I am leaving both, is just to show the power of telepathy manipulation.


Added on 29.03.2019

The followings show how the Dutch government represented by the Dutch IND and COA breaks the law, help with covering up for kidnapping children’s and adults brainwash innocents and destroy their lives.


All I have to show in a couple of lines is how they enslave and torture people here in the Netherlands as follow:

1.                  The law says when a person is accepted as a refugee, then he can live outside the refugee camp.

2.                  I was brought to the Netherlands by the American government and evil INS and FBI on 11 February 2001, where I was forced to apply for political asylum

3.                  From February 2001 and until April 2002, they severely brainwashed me

4.                  In April 2002 and officially the Dutch government accepted me as a refugee

5.                  From April 2002 and until August 2003, and even though I was accepted as a refugee I was prevented to leave the refugee camp Ter Apel, which made me more angry, disappointed, and totally lost my self-confidence, because they kept me locked up in the refugee camp

6.                  On 27.12.2002 they brought a lookalike of my original fake son to force me to complain to him, during which they can listen to what I am saying

7.                  The law and based on the attorney that the evil IND and COA forced upon my life to help me get free of them (!), said that as soon as my fake son comes from USA, they will immediately grant him the same status as me, and accept him as a refugee

8.                  Until this point of time I did not discover yet that my son is not my son and is not even the same person as I raised since 1986, not yet discovered that I was kidnapped in 1960 and that my family is really my kidnappers and my fake family

9.                  The IND did not give my fake son a refugee status or any other papers that shows that he is in the Netherlands as a refugee or as anything whatsoever, and this until 1 August 2003

10.             1 August 2003 I was forced with brainwash to leave the camp allegedly to help my fake son get free and take him home to Germany where he was allegedly born. On this day and very suddenly the Dutch IND gave my fake son an ID shows that he is allegedly came from USA to the Netherlands

11.             In Germany I was separated of him, they placed me in a mental hospital for 4-6 weeks and placed him allegedly in a refugee camp, whereby and today I am not able 100% to verify that, because I was not always with him and I absolutely do not believe anything that I do not permanently see.

12.             On around 16 September 2003 I was forced go back to Ter Apel, where then they placed me again in a refugee camp in the city Zwolle until roughly summer 2004, even though I am accepted as a refugee!!??

13.             In the refugee camp Zwolle, they refused to allow me to live outside the refugee camp, even though I am accepted refugee since April 2002 and now it is April 2004

14.             April 2004, my resident permit as a refugee expired and I was brainwashed to not renew it enable they can keep me locked up, which they did until 2012


All the above shows that the IND, COA, and later since 2008 Stichting Welzijn, are nothing else than organized crime institutions that cover up for kidnapping children, kidnapping adults, rapping them, stealing their lives, enslaving them and then when they are not needed any more, then they lock them up=Organized crime institutions.


This paragraph was added on 5.07.2021: Today it is 2 years after I wrote this document, and in the mean while I know why the Dutch immigration locked up unjustly as described above and below and conspired with the German immigration to toy with me and keep me busy locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps and forced upon me living isolated in an controlled environment in the village Bellingwolde all in all from July 1999 and until Mai 2012, this is 13 years of unjust lock up between the evil American immigration, Dutch immigration and German immigration, and for what?


Simple to not exposed these criminals and psychopaths ex-US president George H. W. Bush as a member of an organized crime family that loves to kill others to steal their lands and to protect the his son another evil stupid as my shoes named ex-US president George W. Bush, and above all these criminals bush family are 100% related to Kuwaiti royal families, Jordanian royal families and the Saudi Royal families and therewith also related to huge amount of illegal drug business in the middle East that they use the American military and tax payers money to distribute the illegal drugs from Iran + Syria + Lebanon + Afghanistan to every single country they and the English royal family have a military base in, therefore the ex-president evil George W. Bush delivered me from Houston, Texas immigration deportation prison to the Netherlands as soon as he became president and had control over the INS, FBI and the entire government of USA through his corrupt and destructive administration along with his criminally insane and psychopath vice president Dick Cheney that all of them conspired together to steal Afghanistan while they pretend to be revenging on the World Trade Center bombing and while they at it they also stole Iraq and steal their petroleum, which they did made a ton of money using the tax payers money by stealing the petroleum of Iraq, transporting illegal drugs from the Middle East and Afghanistan to all over the world using their military bases and top secret planes under the commands of the evil organized crime institution called CIA-Central Intelligence Agency and I am the prove because my fake family is working for them and they are by far the largest illegal drug dealers in the Middle East and related to the Bush family. If any of this + the secret project Calypso as described in the page “BP-British Petroeleum-Part-1 Calypso”, then the criminally insane and psychopath ex-US president George W. Bush either would have not become president or at least would not have been elected for the second 4 years term!


In short,  the immigration of Germany and the Netherlands conspired together to lock me up until this criminal ex-US president George W. Bush  ended his presidency on 20.1.2009 and they locked me up between jails, prisons and refugee camps until 2 February 2008 and then forced me to be practically locked up in the hidden in that they forced me to live isolated in the village Bellingwolde while forcing me to go to a so called integration school for nearly 3 years, which all in all were 100% controlled environment during which they caused me a severe mental, professional, social damage and family that I was prevented to build for my own = the Dutch and German immigration are pure criminals for what they did to me to cover up for this criminal called George W. Bush.


Add to that that today I strongly suspect that I am the son of king George VI and the younger brother of queen Elizabeth The second, where she most probably kidnapped me immediately after king George VI  died on 6.2.1952 and officially I was born on 10.10.1952, whereby by identity was falsified including my birthdate it is very possibly that I am by a few months or even a couple of years to make me younger, and they made it 8 months after his death, I believe they placed with the criminally insane Bush family until sometimes in 1959, and possibly then they replaced me with another person that they brought from overseas, which is ex-US president George W. Bush, and that is what the English royalties and the Rockefeller families do, they place one child as place holder in one country and then replace him by another that was raised in other country such as Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia or another country where they train this criminal to become criminally insane. I know for fact that the Bush family is heavily related with the Jordanian royal family and Saudi Arabian royal family and that is why I was placed within a fake family called Baroudi the consisted of Jordanian royal family members + Saudi Arabian royal families members and these members are 100% originated of the English royal families and the Rockefeller royal families, and that would explain why the CIA + MI6 + Jordanian Secret service called al-mukhabarat  and the Saudi Arabian secret service name unknown were haunting my life to death until these criminals psychopaths re-brainwashed me enslaved me under one of their digesting whores and then kidnapped me to USA and placed me in Houston< Texas to be under the control of the Bush family + Aramco + Chevron + Texaco + Fluor Daniel and several others, above all Houston is Bush family city.


Do I have a prove for all the above?


No, except who is my fake family as it is described all over but also as it is described as follow:

Ex-military joint chief of staff  under ex-US president George H. W. Bush + ex-Secretary of state under the administration of George W. Bush the son of ex-US president George H. W. Bush (government in USA is a family business of the English royal families + the Rockefeller families, which you can see clearly by the bush family, Clinton family, Trump family and many others) Collin Powell related to Queen Noor of Jordan alias Lisa Najeeb Halaby and the same Halaby family is related to Collin Powell that planned the invasion of Iraq for the Bush family. which very much equals they are 100% related to my fake family especially that my fake family and in particular the hidden Jordanian royal families such as Malas, Bdeir and Abokurah were heavily involved with Iraq business but also with the Iraqi invasion, where they most benefited business wise of the invasion of Iraq!


This is Queen Noor (


This is Collin Powell a treater to humanity and decency (


Here is a photo of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the hidden brother of King Abdullah of Jordan next to the picture of his brother the king Abdullah of Jordan:


And this is the son of king Hussein Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, alias my fake brother starting 1966, and the reasons for the other name aliases is because he has a lookalike American or British military staff that exchange places with his and is described more in details including his photo where it is clear to see that he is the hidden son of King Hussein of Jordan and the hidden brother of King Abdullah of Jordan alias the son of King Hussein of Jordan, where you can see their photos in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Verison-2 under the section "Multi Personality Disorder"


End of this paragraph was added on 5.07.2021.



End of addition on 29.03.2019






For meanings of the acronyms/abbreviations see section called: Name Index at the bottom of the page 


Sample of the “Wanted” pages that was forced upon me by the Dutch IND brainwash and through telepathy.


This page will show that the Dutch IND (immigration) with their hidden companies such as COA and Stichting Welzijn, are anti-Christian, I am Christian, and this is how they treated me. They are anti Muslim, because my fake family are anything but Muslim and are working for and with and protected by the CIA, MI6, BND and AIVD and therewith they use them against real Muslims. They are also anti-Jewish, because they set me up and brainwashed me and forced me to live between Jewish between 28 February  2008 and June 2012 in the municipalities Bellingwedde (now it is called Westerwolde) and Oldambt as a part of the brainwash to force my mind to think of my fake family as Jewish and Israeli spies and there with let the Jewish in the village where the Dutch IND forced me to live enable the Jewish spies revenge on me unjustly in the villages Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Veendam and later also Assen. The IND are anti-humanity and think all refugees and foreigners in Netherlands must think and live as they want them to think and live and my very destructive life in the Netherlands is the best prove for that, but also the lives of the many foreigners that they used against me is the prove of that; because I discovered they always use foreigners or group of people they do not like to do their dirty work for them such as physical torture, just in case someone complaint then it is the others and not them. This is very consistent with the pattern of division that they in the hidden make forcing Muslims against Jewish and forcing Jewish against Muslims or Muslims against Christians or Christians against Muslims, Christians against Jewish and  many fell in this man made scheme of division and distraction, control and destruction, me too, I fell in it, but not voluntarily, but rather by severe brainwash that was performed upon me by the CIA, MI6, my fake family and since 2001 also by the IND and AIVD, COA and Stichting Welzijn, and no wonder that also many Jewish in these above mentioned villages fell in the same scheme and tortured me physically, socially and professionally and I forgive them because I know the cause is the CIA MI6, BND and AIVD as well as the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian hidden royal family members that live around my life pretending to be my nephews, cousins uncles sisters and brother!!


Since I was setup in Germany to became Christian in Easter 1976 and read the bible extensively for over 2 years along with many other religious books, and through Christianity I realized that all humans are the same, we all born in a certain environment and forced to believe this and that as a mean of division of other people and as a mean of control through isolation. In other words, the Bible taught me to be human and everyone else on this earth is also human with different thinking and traditions, and that is not only ok, but it is an enrichment to each other’s lives, therefore and since then I am not prejudice against any one that is different than me, yet and today I am very prejudice against those who kidnapped me twice in my life, rapped me, brainwashed me, tortured me and isolated me all my life and as a result I am complaining against these sadistic and very vicious people as described within these pages!


I do not see people as Muslims, or Jewish or Christians or Hindu or Buddhist, or African, or Asian, or South Americans or European or Gay or old or young or women (meaning by some people also by some government: a certain group of people that they set as second and third class citizens) but I see a human being with brain, a behavior, experience, desire, feelings and a possible cooperation of give and take, meaning human nothing more and nothing less, anything else is a brainwash forced upon me by all those I am complaining about!


Netherlands has many good laws, and many good sides, and many good people, yet they also have many other laws are very sadistic and vicious and above all they are not written and are practiced in the hidden, and this page shows some of them!


Please note I am pro EU-European Union and not against it or against any of it or against their members, I am just seeking justice against some sadistic and very vicious groups as described within.


Section 1, today 17 January 2019

This is the resume of an innocent IT professional that was brought by force of the American FBI and INS to the Netherlands in 2001 and what happened to me ever since in the Netherlands:


Brief pre-history

1.                1970-1984, living in Germany with severe ups and downs, more downs with little ups under the control of the CIA, MI6, and BND

2.                1984-1986, dragged by the CIA, MI6, BND, and BP-British Petroleum to an illegal project with the Syrians and Russians government called Calypso, where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved under a CIA, MI6 and BND agent called Najlaa Mahmoud that was related to many Syrian government and military staff that were secretly working with the CIA, MI6 and BND while blaming it on the Mossad (=Israeli secret service similar to CIA and MI6). I know that Mossad work closely with MI6 and CIA, above all because Mossad was created by the MI6 and the CIA, just as they created the Jordanian, Iraqi, Afghani, Saudi Arabian, UAE and others secret services, even in Germany they created BND to not be against them (BND: ), they create it 10 years after the second world war, and the prove that they create it in the hidden is that their headquarter was not in the capital of at that time West Germany, which was Bonn next to all other German federal authorities, but rather their headquarter was near the headquarter of the American military called EES-European Exchange System within the American mili8tary base named McGraw Kaserne where these criminals CIA took me there for a re-brainwash to forget all my past, which they succeeded and then enslaved me for 7 years under one of their whore agents called Anita Disbray for. Back to BND headquarter that was far away of the federal German government by 600 KM yet just under 8 kilometers of the EES=American military headquarter for Europe in an area called Pullach

3.                1986, kidnapping me from Germany to USA using illegal methods such as brainwash, telepathy and slavery under the control of the evil CIA/MI6/BND agent Najlaa Mahmoud that these criminals enslaved me under her control by force of telepathy and brainwash, I hated her guts, her smell, her being anywhere near me or even in the same city, because if I see this bitch and CIA whore then I will vomit all over her disgusting being, she is a total stinky animal disguised as a woman, and this she inherited of her disgusting animal herd she call family and they also are disguised as human beings, but inside them all are a wild animal that live only by instinct because they have no intelligence

4.                This point was strongly modified on 05.07.2021:1986-2000, re-brainwashing me and forcing me to forget my entire past, first 4 years in Fairfield and Bridgeport, Connecticut using as front their agent Najlaa Mahmoud and her family, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, partially also misused the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bridgeport to force me to trust them and all this for 4 years and then forcing me to be a total brainwashed and lost mind as an isolated slave to relocate to Houston Texas for 10 years, where I was forced to be living as an illegal alien living in fear of being arrested by INS (US Immigration and naturalization Services, they dissolved it and built a new one also under the ex-US president George W. Bush that stole Iraq, but also created a totally new governmental department/ministry called Homer Land Security to have more control over each individual state and over right the governors = no freedom in US. The new immigration that ex-US president George W. Bush built is called USCIS-United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, no matter what you hear nothing good comes of the Bush family that uses illegal drug money to invest in companies such as the investment firm called Black Rock !!?? And this is USA using the banks of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and most probably also Egypt), among others by using the International Institute of Connecticut that forced me in 1987 to think I  have to live undercover as protection of deportation to a country that wanted to kill me as continuation of the brainwash they performed upon me in Munich, Germany from 1984-1986, the director of this institute was called Mrs. Myra Oliver, and Italian British origin and was funded to 80% through the US government = bribable and would do anything to get some funds of the government and I bet you anything that she received unusual high funds of the ex-US president Ronald Reagan and his evil ex-vice president that later became ex-US president George H. W. Bush, and this unusual high funds she must have received sometimes in 1987 or 1988 and possibly during the entire presidency of ex-US president George H. W. Bush that ended on 20.01.1989, where then ex-US president Bill Clinton took over, yet this was unexpected and George H. W. Bush and his organized crime family the Rockefeller and English royalties had already made plans to be performed in his second term, among others, world Trade Center bombing enable to have a reason to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, but that had to wait until his evil stupid criminal and mass murderer son became president of USA on 20.01.2001 and one of the first things that this criminal and psychopath administration did was to lock me up in the Netherlands until Mai 2012 and then toyed with me until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague in Netherlands seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and all the foreign consulates and embassies because I did not know who to trust anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.                1999-2001, brainwashing me to force me to want to run and escape the US persecution and mental and physical torture that was performed upon me very sadistically and dramatically increased by 400% since April 1999, where then I was imprisoned on 24 July 2000 in deportation prison

6.                February 2001, the government of USA bring me by force to the Netherlands while forcing me to think that they are doing me a favor, otherwise they would have to take me to Syria where I would be imprisoned and eventually killed. In Netherlands I was forced to be a refugee again. So far, I was kidnapped from USA in December 1959 and forced to live in Egypt as 8 years old with CIA, MI6 and BND agents that pretended to be Syrian while pretending to be my family and since 1961 I was officially a refugee in Egypt. Later a refugee in Germany from January 1970 and later after kidnapping me from Germany in 1986 I was forced to be a refugee and illegal alien in USA starting 1987 and now in 2001 the American government is forcing me again to be a refugee in the Netherlands in starting 2001 This is the freedom and democracy this psychopath US government are advertising about all over the world using propaganda news stations and movies, such as CNN and Fox News and countless others


Netherlands since 11 February 2001

1.                February 2001-December 2002. Note: the following brainwash started in Houston Texas in Summer of 1999 and continued in the Netherlands because the FBI and the INS brought me by force to the Netherlands for among others this reason. I was severely brainwashed by the IND-The Dutch immigration and their subsidiary COA to think what they want me to think under their own controlled environment in 3 prisons, refugee camp Ter Apel, Refugee camp Haarlem, Refugee Camp Gilze, Refugee camp Zweeloo, and again refugee camp Ter Apel, where in between and as a big part of the brainwash was forced to go to Germany illegally and be imprisoned for 6 weeks in Germany and deported back to the Netherlands as a mean to force my mind to remember what I lost since kidnapping me from Germany in 1986 enable to force me to be sad and susceptible to their brainwash, while simultaneously shocking me how I am being treated by the German government and the church where I was baptized in 1976, where I lived 17 years in Germany prior to kidnapping me from Germany to USA, but also shocked of the lack of help of the church and their members where I was setup to become Christian. Chocks are very important in brainwash to force a person to not understand and to force his mind to seek answers, during which they can feed his brain any answer they want during the brainwash period, in my case it was like this: everything that allegedly happened to me, including brainwashing me, enslaving me and kidnapping me in 1984-1986 from Germany was done allegedly by the Syrians government because allegedly I am Syrian Muslim and allegedly voluntarily became Christian in 1976, which prompted the Syrian government to brainwash me, enslave me in Munich, Germany and then kidnap me from Munich, Germany to USA!!!!!

1.1.1.   From her on and until the end of this point was added on 5.7.2021: Syrian government kidnapping a person from Germany to USA that is allegedly Syrian but he is no one (=unknown, not important), just because he became Christian, how bizarre is that, but this is the brainwash that the Dutch IND performed upon me in this period of time, which is obviously fake reasons and is 100% built upon the brainwash these criminal and psychopaths Bush family + ARAMCO in Houston Texas starting July 1998 wanted to brainwash me with, and then repeat it in 2000 using the headquarter of the computer company called Compaq Corporation that practically forced me to send faxes to the evil Syrian embassy and consulates attacking them because they allegedly brainwashed me in German and kidnapped me from Germany to USA, not to forget that Compaq Corporation purchased the largest mini computer companies in the world that was also working on the same project as me in delivering American satellite computers to Syria, this computer company was called DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation ( that was purchased by Compaq Corporation and Compaq Corporation was later purchased by HP-Hewlett-Packard, and since the Calypso project is based on American satellites, this mean it would need the direct maintenance of DEC, and later of HP and later of HP. Today I know that the project Calypso was meant for Iran to help the new revolutionary government to cope with the country in controlling the general public while also managing the illegal drugs for the USA  using the US military satellites that is one of the most secured channels in the world, and therewith no one will ever find out that the American military is 100% working for the Rockefeller families and the English royal families in distributing the biggest amount of illegal drugs ever and to all over the world

2.                27 December 2002-1 August 2003, testing my brainwash and what I think or think to know now after their severe brainwash since February 2001 (actually it is since 1984), that started in Summer 1999 by the FBI and INS, and the only way for them to know, is to force me to talk voluntarily about my entire life to see when they need to adjust my brainwash. No one would talk voluntarily about his entire life except to save someone he loves and therefore they brought a lookalike of my original fake son to the refugee camp enable to hear me warn him of what they brainwashed me to think and to warn him of my alleged Syrian family that allegedly persecuted me because I became Christian, which I did, talked to him about my entire life warning him, during which the following groups were listing and I believe they recorded my conversation of over 6 months, or at least a portion of it, warning this fake son. These were the hidden listeners:

2.1.               The Dutch IND, AIVD and possibly also the COA and most definitely some of those around the area of the refugee camps that have telepathy

2.2.               The American FBI, CIA, and INS, because that is why they forced me to be in the Netherlands.

2.3.               Others who have telepathy and are nearby

3.                1 August 2003-August 2006, They did not like what they heard and what I discovered between their own brainwash from 27 December 2002 to 1 August 2003 so they decided to send me on a never ending tail chasing by forcing me repeatedly to go illegally to Germany, where the German immigration will imprison me, torture me mentally and physically and then bring me back to the Netherlands and this happened so often in this period of time that I cannot of hand recall how often it happened, the only thing I know for sure, is that I was one time locked up for 6 months in Germany prison and another twice for 3-4 months, all other times where between 2-14 days, where each time after the end of the imprisonment in Germany they take me with the immigration police back to the Netherlands and the most sadistic immigration in the world, the Dutch immigration called IND & COA would then force me to leave and go back to Germany, whereby and in this period and the longest time I was in the custody of the Dutch immigration was 6 weeks, another time 4 weeks, all other times where a few days, all other times I was forced to be in refugee camps, from Zwolle to Apelscha to Ter Apel, this means I was forced by the sadistic and anti-human Dutch immigration called IND and COA to go to Germany illegally over 15 times in this period of time. Excuse me if my math is not as good as it used to be, the above brainwash is the only contributor to this mental state

4.                Around 26 August 2006 to 28 February 2008 I was forced to live in the refugee camp Ter Apel for one 1 week, then in the refugee camp in the village Dokkum for the rest of the period, where I was severely re-brainwashed to write down what I know so far after this severe brainwash that was performed upon me by the Dutch IND and the German immigration in the last 5 years (from 1 August 2003 to February 28 2008, actually since the day that the FBI and INS brought me by force to the Netherlands on 11.02.2001), during which I was often setup by the Dutch police and the Dutch immigration as well as their subsidiary called COA. In this period after 26 August 2006 and to not make it too obvious they forced me with brainwash to buy a computer and write my entire history since my alleged birth and every single person I knew, first on papers, then using the computer on a website  in form of a wanted pages during which they often feed my head with false information either via man created situations or telepathy or based on the brainwash that they performed upon me in the last 5-8 years in their own controlled environment. In the beginning I wrote my history on note blocks of 100 pages, and I purchased a note block and pen once every weekend and wrote down everything I was able to think of and remember, then they set me up to buy a computer and write in the computer and therewith they can go to my room in the refugee camp when I am out and copy what I wrote to far. Then I was brainwashed to publish everything I write on a public website, where it is not obvious anymore that they brainwashed me to do that, and then they can download the pages from online and claim I did all that voluntarily, which I most definitely did not do. Below you can see a couple of pages of 2 persons, my fake mother and my fake brother and both of them 100% worked and conspired with the CIA to torture me mentally and physically but also enslaving me twice under one of their whore women, first it was on 20 August 1970 and for 7 years under the control of the CIA agent called Anita Disbray and until I became Christian, just to prevent anyone to come near me and find out that my entire family are protected by them and working for and with them. Them is the CIA, Mi6, BND and AIVD and their bosses and that I can prove many times over. And the second time they enslaved me on 24 December 1984 under one of the CIA/MI6 whore agents called Najlaa Mahmoud (her entire family were agents for the CIA, MI6 and BND, while many of them were allegedly in the Syrian armed forces and others higher members of the Syrian government, which I have my doubt about that and I strongly believe that this whore agent called Najlaa Mahmoud is nothing else than a nanny for evil Saudi Arabian and/or Jordanian royal family members), where they then kidnapped me from Germany to USA and forced me to live as an illegal alien for 15 years under severe isolation and constant physical and mental torture. The 8 wanted pages below of my fake mother and my fake brother are only 2 persons out of hundreds of others that the evil IND and the municipalities Veendam, Oldambt and Bellingwedde brainwashed me to write down from August 2006 to April 2012, they forced me to write similar pages about every single person I have ever get to know in my life, and the form of the page is very clear and obvious that it did not come from me, but rather from the Dutch police in Dokkum that was adjacent to the refugee camp and set me up to go to the police station enable to see a wanted page and therewith they have the information organized based on their own need and not mine and this in itself is a brainwash deceive, because what I saw in the police station was nothing like this wanted page, yet they forced me with telepathy and brainwash to organize the information on the pages as they needed it and the set up in the police station just to make it look like as if I saw something and imitated it. Here is the Sample of the “Wanted” pages that they brainwashed me to write. Please also read the explanation note!

5.                (Note: this point was strongly modified on 12.07.2021) 28 February 2008 -June 2012, the Dutch IND and their subsidiary COA forced me to live in the far isolated village called Bellingwolde under the control of the most sadistic 3 municipalities I have ever seen in my life: Veendam, Bellingwedde and Oldambt, where these municipalities were using one of their subcontractor such as dentists and dental technicians, Noorderpoort College , Intron B.V. as well as their official subsidiaries Stichting Welzijn (Foundation Wellbeing) as well as some locals to torture me mentally and physically as a mean of provoking my mind enable to force me to continue to complain and write the wanted pages and blame everything on my fake family, while simultaneously forcing my mind to think of my fake family as Jewish and Israeli spies as distraction of the American CIA, British MI6, Germany BND and now also the Dutch AIVD (all mentioned are CIA like organizations). During this period, they forced me to write wrong things and against people I did not even hear of before, and this in a couple of thousands of pages to show as if I am voluntarily doing it, while also preventing me to see that I was locked up since the year 2000 just as cover up for the psychopaths and mass murderer ex-US president George W. Bush and his evil administration that caused the biggest tragedy in the Middle East since the second world war two, which is Iraq, they destroyed the majority of their infrastructure, including roads, water processing plants, electricity, online radio and TV and the list is endless, just to have a reason to re-build it and steal the money of the Iraqis, but also to steal their petroleum, while making millions of them as homeless refugees just as these criminals did to me over and over again since 10/11 January 1960. Today is 12.07.2021 and Iraq is still suffering tremendously of this invasion of the mass murderers’ ex-US president George H. W. Bush and their allies the Jordanian royal families + the Saudis Royal families + the Kuwaitis royal families, and that I know for fact because I was raised by these criminal royal families in the Middle East while pretending to not be royal families as highlighted in other pages especially in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-2-Version-2. Iraqi people (were!!) considered to be one of the wealthiest in the Middle East and everyone had a job, and they even had far over one Million foreign imported workers, from several countries including Egypt, Germany, Palestine, Syria, UK, and other countries, now they have no food to eat and that is more than criminal and makes the US government one of the most criminally insane governments in our world, not even the Russians did something like that with any country, not even China, yet the USA praise their selves for freedom and democracy to steal other countries, kill as many of the opposition as they can, make the majority of the population venerable enable they can control them just as they did to me since March 1970 but also did the same to countless other countries.

6.                28 February 2008 to End December 2010, not allowing me to work while forcing me to be in a so-called integration course (2-3 hours a week for nearly 3 years). Which was nothing else but a brainwash to force my mind to think what they want and in matter of fact I was not able to do anything without the evil permission of their hidden company called Stichting Welzijn (Foundation Wellbeing) that was totally controlling my life, where I live, what I do and how I think, while I was severely being tortured mentally and physically among others using telepathy and by their sadistic dentists and de4ntal technicians as explained with proves in other pages. This is nearly 3 years integration course from 28 February 2008 to December 2010, that normally should be done in a period of at the most 3-4 months, anything longer than this is a pure brainwash and slavery in the Netherlands

7.                December 2010 to June 2012, through Stichting Welzijn and since they were forbidding me to work, they were also controlling my professional life that was by now totally destroyed, because I am an IT professional or, so I was until Summer 2000, and ever since I was forced not to work by these evil government agencies, enable they can control my life. And here and now in this period the Stichting Welzijn set me up severely by getting me in a so-called government program called Bbz-bijstandverlening zelfstandigen (assistance for the self-employed), where I am supposed to be helped to build my own business, but it was on the contrary, it was designed to prevent me of working enable to force me to write about my past and what I know. Usually, a program like that should not take any longer than 2-4 months, but they locked me in indefinitely, so I had to quit it, where they marked me as unsuccessful, which is a part of a severe brainwash to force my mind to think that I am a loser and that they were trying to help me. Look at it this way. I am an IT professional since I studied IT and Mainframe analysis and programming (mainframe means large computers such as are built by the company IBM-International Business Machine, that still until today in 2021 building the largest computers in the world, but they too are thieves, and you will see that in the page conclusion) and completed it successfully in Summer 1974, and starting summer 1978 I was working most of my time, at least 75% of my time, except when this criminally insane American government kidnapped me from Germany to USA and prevented me to work in IT from September 1986 and until January 1991 (with the exceptions of a couple of setups made by the FBI to get me into a controlled environment where they can watch my behavior for several months with the help of the company called Dun & Bradstreet, which amounted to around 4-5 months between 1988 and 1989). Until 1986 I was always working in IT either as an employee or as a freelancer for small and large companies such as Siemens AG, SCS-Scientific Control System a BP-British Petroleum subsidiary and was at that time in the 1980s the biggest consulting company in Germany and possibly one of the largest in Europe, later and in USA worked for People’s bank (not in IT nut as worker), 2 different municipality of Bridgeport, Connecticut subsidiaries called ABCD and IAPD (both were small time IT projects limited 1-2 months), then for Dun & Bradstreet as mentioned above, then I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas where these criminals Bush family had more control over my life during which I worked as freelancer for Texaco, Chevron, American Express Related Services, Koch Industries, American Government branch called FDIC, Compaq Corporation (today it is owned by HP) and several others fortune 1000 as well as small business. The essence of this, is that when I need to write a business plan, then I would do it in a few days to maximum a couple of weeks, especially when it is about a business of one man that want to consult companies in IT, and most definitely not spend 2,5 years writing a business plan, yet the municipality Veendam forced me through the company called Intron in Veendam to write the business plan in 2,5 years, by always asking me to adjust it so and so, at the end it was nearly 100 pages (=nearly one hundred pages) business plan for a person that just is specialized in developing software based on FoxPro, which was gone by now=obsolete profession because Microsoft purchased it and let it die after a couple of years, but also integrate Microsoft software , which was totally out of my league by now because I was locked up theoretically since 1999 (practically since July 2000 and in reality since kidnapping me from Germany in 1986) where the CIA, FBI and INS (American evil immigration) started to re-brainwash me by using the method called “Operation  Choke”, where they close all avenues for their victims enable to force them in a certain direction, in my case was the not very nice Netherlands, that tortured my life mentally and physically for over 16 years, actually even today in 2019 (today on 12.07.2021 I am reediting this complaint document), because I am still trying to get free of their vicious brainwash and destruction, and the only way as a Christian is to complain publicly about what they did to me. enable they can cover up for their evil agents that pretended to be my sisters and their evil families called Budeir/Bdeir, Abokurah, Malas and Ali, my fake brother that is in reality a hidden son of king Hussein and simultaneously a CIA & MI6 agent, my fake mother and her fake family called Baroudi that lives in Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Connecticut and Germany.


The above was my life in the Netherlands in a nutshell. 4 more things are worth to mention:

1.                Torturing me by preventing me to have a regular routine sleep, especially in the village Bellingwolde, where they used to force me to wake up a couple of minutes each time I fall to sleep, and then repeat the process over and over again until 4, 5 and sometimes even 6 and 7 O’clock in the morning making me not only tired and lack concentration but also very angry and helpless and want to complain where they take control of my mind and force me to write what they want

2.                Using the dentist and dental technicians to torture me as a mean of making me angry and helpless and want to complain, and then they take control and force me to write what they want

3.                Forcing me with brainwash and scare tactics to leave the Netherlands and relocate to the UK where my fake and very sadistic sister lives, to show as if I am a lair and as if she is not my fake sister but rather as if I am making it up that she is my fake sister, and in the UK my fake sister build upon the brainwash that the Dutch IND and the COA performed upon me as if my fake family are Jewish and Israeli spies and not CIA and MI6 agents mixed with Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royalties, such as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, that was allegedly raised in Amman Jordan, or Reem Bdeir the double of Princes Haya of Jordan or both are the one and the same person yet she lives to identities (Note 1ddwd on 13.07.2021: Reem Bdeir is 12 years older than princess Haya, Reem was born in 1961 or 1962), or my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that was allegedly an internal affair judge in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the list goes on and on, among other to Mohamad Ali Budeir/Bdeir brother to my official brother-in-law Seif/Seef Aldien Bdeir/Budier and both are hidden brothers of King Hussein and simultaneously with the other brothers controls most of the large companies in Jordan while using 2 nannies for their hidden children and let them pretend to be my sisters Suhair Budeir/Bdeir and Afrah Abokurah/Najjar, and their husbands were in control of all major companies in Jordan, from Electricity to telephone to water to construction to engineering to private schools to Airline to taxis to public transportation and the list would take at least 2 pages, companies such as Jordan building material, Alia airline, Islamic Educational college of Jordan. In the UK my fake niece Esmat Shawki the alleged daughter of my fake sister Fadia made a big scam play pretending to be marrying a Jewish man, while they persecuted me because I allegedly became Christian, not to forget to mention that this sister is the wife and or the nanny of some very nasty Saudi Arabian prince related to ARAMCO, where her official husband called Dr. Alaa Ali was allegedly working just outside Dammam, Saudi Arabia for 20 years at ARAMCO. This along with the evil and very sadistic Dutch immigration called IND with their subsidiaries COA and Stichting Welzijn forced me to live in Bellingwolde and go to integration school in the village Winschoten from 2008 to 2010 where in Winschoten a very big monument of all the Jewish that were killed by the Nazis during the second world war, where the IND and COA brainwash forced me to think that my fake family are Jewish enable to write negatively against Jewish, which would result that the Jewish in the area will revenge on me, which they did severely, and I forgive them because they fell in the same scam of the Dutch IND and COA, just as I fell in the same scam, which is man-made division between Jewish and Muslims and Christians. However, I read the bible, which consist of the New and Old Testament and the Old testament is nothing else but the Jewish religious book Torah and describe the history of the Jewish people, and shows 3 major points:

3.1.               The 10 commandments that the Jewish people live by, and who ever believe in and live by the 10 commandments can only be a good person

3.2.               The Jewish people are very family oriented people and always and no matter what they stick together, and this I cannot say about my fake family, my fake brother is against my 3 fake sisters and my fake mother, each of my fake sisters is against the other sisters, my uncles are against each other’s, my cousins are against each other’s, this means they are 100% not one family and not Jewish and not Muslims, because Islam is also a very family oriented religion and preach to stick with your family members, especially brothers and sisters

3.3.               A Jewish person that really believe in the Old Testament is a God follower and follow the ten commandments but also see the entire history that is mentioned in the Old testament as a physical, practical and direct warning of not following the 10 commandments. And a person that believe so, can only be a good person

4.                Medical torture in the municipalities Bellingwedde, Oldambt and Veendam. This shows the evil networking used by this ignorant destructive employees and subcontractors of AIVD, IND and COA, whereby some of them are 100% paid by the IND directly or through Stichting Welzijn that was owned by the municipality Oldambt to brainwash refugees by mental and physical torture and here is one of them: I went to many of these sadistic medical professional for help, in these forced upon me villages: Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Veendam, Scheemda  and instead of helping me they were torturing me, first by giving me a bad treatment on purpose that will go bad after a day or 2, second by pulling out all my teeth in 24 July 2011, third by forcing me to have a very bad denture which is a very mean and most sadistic way to hurt someone while pretending to help them and here just 3 of these NAZI like medical professionals (I will keep their names out, if you need their names then contact me directly, I filed several complaint about them to insurance companies and to several government agencies, but instead of investigating them they covered up for them and ignored my complaint), unlike them I do not directly or indirectly want hurt others, therefore I will only use their initials with the exception of the top Nazi like sadistic Dentist that pulled out all of my teeth and I strongly believe he should be imprisoned and should never be allowed to practice dentistry anymore because he is a criminal as described below  in more detail:

4.1.               2010: Female dentist in Winschoten named J. V., she was supposed to give me a filling and tooth replacement. Both of them fell out the next day, I went back to her and she apologized and said my mistake and fixed them, the next day they fell out again, then I realized she was toying with me and doing it on purpose, especially that during both processes she hurt me very badly, and since I am at that time nearly 50 years old and have plenty of experience with dentist in several countries I realized she meant to hurt me and she meant to make the fixture fall out, never went back to her, but she get paid by the insurance company for job not done!

4.2.               2011: (Note: these people use illegal methods such as brainwash and fake diagnose while some of them use telepathy) This doctor named Dimitrios Loakeimidis allegedly just arrived from Greece and does not even speak Dutch working for a large dental company called Medi Mondzorg Scheemda that was a branch of a very larger dental office located in many Dutch cities and villages that stretches to the cities Lelystad and Almere, probably they had something like 10-15 branches the head company was called Medi Mondzorg located in Lelystad or Almere. They close the company and re-named it and relocated professionals from other cities to Scheemda as cover up for what they did to me, but not only they did that but also the evil company called Stichting Welzijn (Foundation Wellbeing) that was supposed to take care of refugee housing, integration and wellbeing also was dissolved because I complaint about it even went to several attorneys , but this is what happen when you trust evil organizations such as the Dutch IND, where they force the refugees to live where they want them to live in a controlled environment, in my case in a small village surrounded by other small villages and all of them are related and/or friends and no attorney will go against his family member or friend in these sadistic villages. Back to this sadistic dentist called Dimitrios Loakeimidis, he forced me to pull out all my teeth, in this process he pretended to be prepared and had 8-10 syringes of anesthetics. And he pretended to want to pull out my bad teeth (I had around 6 teeth missing but the rest were 70-100% good) , so he gave me one syringes of anesthetics and waits 20-60 seconds and tried to pull out one of my teeth, but then I scream like hell because it hurts far more than usually, I felt that he was pulling out my entire head, then he says sorry, this hurts, let me give you another anesthetic, and he gives me the next syringes and wait 20-60 seconds and try to pull out my tooth again several times and the pain is the same as before or even worse, then he repeat the process and says sorry, this hurt, let me give you another anesthetic, and he was only able to pull out 2 tooth with 8 or 10 anesthetics syringes. Later and after I get out of their evil brainwash I realized these syringes had nothing else but water, this evil person was torturing me in the name of IND, COA and Stichting Welzijn, because their brainwash was not working anymore, I was brainwashed too many times since 1959, and I can count each one of them and who did that to me, from the CIA & MI6 to my fake family to again CIA & MI6 and this time with BND in 1970s and the process repeated again and again, that apparently now I am immune against some brainwash but not immune against nasty and destructive networking or telepathy attacks! Then I was forced to go to the hospital to pull out all my teeth under full anesthetics, which was 100% wrong and criminal because and so far, I still had 23 or 22 good teeth the others were all pulled out in the prisons and refugee camps in USA, Netherlands and, Germany between July 2000 and 2008. The rest of this point was added on 13.07.2021: The purpose of pulling out all my teeth is to change the shape of my face that today I recognize as a mixture between the English royal family + Rockefeller family + unknown to me other family, which is the family of my biological mother that I do not know who she is yet. As a prove that these criminals and psychopaths in these villages wanted to alter my look by force, is that these criminals also created a lump of swelling between my ear and my cheek on both sides which makes my face look different especially now I do not have teeth where changed the shape of my mouth and surrounding my mouth and therewith changing how my face look. Add to this that the queen Elizabeth the second “” of the UK that I strongly suspect her to be my older sister that kidnaped me some times after king George VI “”passed away in February 1952, while the husband of queen Elizabeth is Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh that was born as Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark “,_Duke_of_Edinburgh”, add to this that I strongly suspect some members of my fake family this clan of evil and destruction as listed in the page “My fake family the kidnappers” have some of them are originated also from Greece, such as the evil fake uncle called Dr. Farzat Baroudi living n Waldweg in Hamburg, Germany and married to a daughter of an ex Nazi family while living with a fake identity as an alleged Syrian but he has also the German citizenship and this is 100% the pattern of the English royalty, where they colonize a country in the hidden because they are cowards, by using many of their hidden relative, allies and/or partners in crime such as from Greece, Pakistan, India, Jordan, USA, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey and even Russia because they are 100% related to the Russian controlling families alias the ex-Communists alias the ex-Russian royal families.

4.3.               Before pulling out my teeth and in the same area of these sadistic villages I went to at least 5 dentists and all of them mistreated me. After pulling out all my teeth I went to several other dentists and now I need a new dental professional called denture technician that was forced upon my life after pulling out all of my teeth, I may have gone all in all to over 15 professionals, and each one of them never fix the problem. The last one was in Assen between Mai 2014 and September 2015 around 40 Km of the municipality where I was forced to live in Bellingwedde between 2008 and 2012 where I was severely tortured mentally and physically. And this new dental Technician in the city of Assen named “Tandprothetische Praktijk v. v. Assen”, he was supposed to make me a new denture, which he did, and since he did, I am having to go back to him to fix it for me every 1-2 weeks from around July  2014 to around September 2015. Each time I go to him to fix it, then he would go to another room, pretend to be working on my denture and fixing it, in reality he works on something else and bring back the denture to me unfixed while telling me it is fixed. Either he had telepathy and forced me to think it is now fixed or it was a psychological sick state of my mind that hopes it is really fixed now and it will not hurt me anymore and I tell him, it is fixed now and go home, then hours later or sometimes even days later I realize I still having the same problem, so call hem, make an appointment and go to him to fix this denture and this process repeated during the entire 14 months period where I filled a complaint against him to the insurance company, they did nothing, just as the complaint I filed several times against this sadistic Nazi like dentist that pulled out all my teeth with fake anesthetics. At the end and after several written complaint to him and to the insurance company that pays him, I stopped going to him and went to another named “Tandprothetische Praktijk W. V.” that also not only deceiving me, but also reported to the insurance company wrongly that he allegedly refurbished/rebuild my denture, where I have to leave it with him for at least 8-24 hours, where I never did leave it by him, not even for 5 minutes, and therewith he not only get paid more than he supposed to, meaning 100% cheated the insurance company, but also cheated me, because not only he did not refurbish my denture, now I cannot go and refurbish it for at least 1-3 years, because this is the rule of the health insurance. Then I went to a shop in Netherland called Action and bought tool for 5 Euro, sort of a mixture of a small grinder and polisher and tried to fix my denture myself, and within the first try and after 10 minutes of trying and learning, it was fixed. I have absolutely no experience with these kinds of things, the only experience I have is with these very savage dentists and dental technicians in these sadistic villages. Today in 2019 and since 2015 I do not go to Dentists or dental technician anymore and fix my own denture myself, in other words that was the prove that these criminals were doing this on purpose and torturing me for years. They should be forbidden to practice this profession, and I filed many complaints against them, to insurance companies such as Menzis, and Zilveren Kruis, 3 attorneys but they are all in the same evil villages and cover for each other’s and think that refugees are trash and that they can do with them what they want. I also filled complaint to IND, COA, Justice department even to the King of the Netherlands and none of them did anything, they did not even respond to me, they all seem to think the same of refugees, that they can do with them what they want, and that is not only wrong but it is very bad that something like this happens in an alleged civilized country such as the Netherlands, because it is not civilized anymore, it is barbaric and savage!


Today in 2019 I live in Den Haag/The Hague, yet the municipality workers performed a lot of damages to my life since I relocated her in March 2016, among others not allowing me to work. On top of that, someone, or a group of persons with telepathy are causing me many problems, severe problems such as disturbing my sleep and not allowing me to have a routinely good sleep of an average 7 hours, but also causing me other problems. It all started by the evil CIA and MI6 and my fake family kidnapping me from USA in December 1959, taking me for 2-4 weeks to Syria causing me a total Amnesia, filling my head with fake memories and placing me within a fake family that was set together out of 16 adults and 5 children, whereby the adults are 100% not related and absolutely do not look anything like each other’s, the parents are short, dark hair and darker skin, some of their alleged adult children are blond and blue or green eyes, others are almost 20-30 cm taller than them, others have split chin others have wide bone structure and so on, however I turn it, they do not look anything like each other’s, then they took me to Egypt in January 1960 and all of us had Syrian with fake identities, later on in Cairo, Egypt and every couple to a few months, one or 2 members of these fake family come to Egypt and pretend to be coming from Syria and me, the 8 years old is the witness for that, because that is what they brainwashed me to think. Then they added more people such as hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royalties such  as Jameel Baroudi the father of the ex-famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi that was 100% Saudi Arabian royalty and pretended to be Syrian or the Bdeir and Abokurah families a hidden Jordanian royal family members and each time they add one of these people, this means they add more trouble and damages to my life until it came so far that the nasty Dutch IND and AIVD are torturing my life since 2001 as cover up for the people they placed in the Middle east as my fake family that increased from 16 adults to a couple of few hundreds of CIA & MI6 agents and linked to another at least 600-1000 persons that all live in the Middle East with fake identity, and it is not my business, but when they do to me as described within these and other pages, then I have to defend myself and look for protection against these savages and barbarians!


And this is what I am doing, defending myself and looking for justice and my biological family!


The above is merely highlights, no details of how they tortured me and how they kept me locked up in the Netherlands between 2001 and 2016, and prior to that kidnapping me from Germany and keeping me as a slave in USA for 15 years.


End of section 1.




Section-2, 16 January 2019, this is what I started to write and replaced it with the above, in other words it was a draft!

Today is 18 January 2019, I wrote this section 3 days ago but then I replaced it with all the above and left this section to see and compare with what I wrote on 17, 18 and 19 January 2019 as correction of the below



This is my complaint about slavery through the Dutch immigration authorities represented by IND and COA from 2001 and until 2013.


This complaint is addressed to the following persons:

1.                To the Prime minister of the Netherlands, I already submitted several complaints

2.                The General public of the Netherlands, I already submitted several complaints

3.                To the King of the Netherlands, I already submitted at least 2 complaints


For the full name of IND, COA and others see “Name Index” at the bottom of this page.


This will show that the IND and COA are anti-Christians, Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslims or in general anti-freedom and anti-humanity and lovers of slavery!


This will show that I was kept as a slave by the Dutch IND and COA from 11 February 2001 and until I relocated to city of Den Haag/The Haag on March 2016, the headquarter of the Dutch  government the main seat of the Dutch King and where most Embassies are located, and that is why I relocated to this city hoping for protection by one or all of them!


My goal is to create a short page, but if I want you, the reader, to have a solid understanding of what they did to me, then I must mention some of the highlights of what they did to me, and this page is merely some of the highlights, yet it is a long page.


It is very visible that I was kept as slave by force of law from 1970 in Germany, and in USA starting 1986, and starting 2001 to 2016 in Netherlands as coverup for the followings:

1.                  Kidnapping me in December 1959, most probably from USA, torturing me physically and mentally, rapping me as a mean and as part of major brainwash to use me as a multi-purpose decoy, which they did

2.                  Re-brainwashing me twice in Munich Germany and Kidnapping me again this time to USA using the illegal project Calypso, which is mentioned below

3.                  To prevent me to visit my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other countries because they are CIA & MI6 agents and live under fake identities

4.                  My fake family that many of them are under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND and AIVD because they are either their agents (Note until the end of this point was added on 13.07.202) or related to them in one way or another either family wise, business wise or internationals interest wise, such as keeping Saudi Arabia as a slavery country enable they can keep the natural resources for their selves and not for the general public just as they did in Iraq = stealing it (End of note added)

5.                  My fake sisters that are nothing else but nannies for the children of the hidden CIA & MI6 agents mixed with children of hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royalties, and were pretending to be my sisters

6.                  For many children that they take to the Middle east at young age falsify their identity enable to use them when they grow up and place them in a controlling position

7.                  My fake brother with his lookalike(s!) that is a member of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal family while simultaneously exchange places with a lookalike in Europe and both are working for and with the MI6 and CIA enable to have immunity while they are businesspersons of some kind, or at least one of them is

8.                  As coverup for all the companies that were working illegally on the project Calypso, from the main company SCS-Scientific Control Systems (UK, a subsidiary of BP-British Petroleum), to DEC-Digital Equipment Manufacturer (USA, purchased by Compaq and later by HP- Hewlett Packard, all from USA), to Siemens AG (German), to Philips Electronics, (Dutch) Honey-Well Bull (French), Carrier Colling Systems (USA), Wenger Electronics (Swiss) and several others

9.                  (added in 28.03.2019) to prevent me of discovering that there is an identical twin brother, taking my place whenever they force me to leave a country, first was in December 1969, in Egypt, where the following criminals vouched for this thief that he is me: my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar/Shawki, my fake sister Afrah Najar/Najjar/Abokurah, my fake sister Suheir Bdier/Budier, my fake cousin Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman the son of the Egyptian General Ahamad Saleh Sulaiman, the Saudi Arabian that pretended to be Syrian and named Jameel Baroudi, my Egyptian neighbors, my fake Egyptian girlfriend named Esmat Khodari and her sister Yasmeen (both the alleged nieces of the CEO of Egypt Air at that time in 1960s) and others. And no one will ever doubt that this conman is not me, and that is one of the reasons why they set me up to be Christian, to have a reason to kidnap me to USA and even change my name to Michael Najar instead of Mohamad Nuzhat Najar, which is sounds reasonable, because now I am allegedly Christian and must have a Christian name, this is how criminal these people are

10.             Finally, the Project Calypso that was performed in Munich, Germany starting 1982/83 by the CIA, MI6 and BND to supply Syria with Satellite computers to control the Syrian population while pretending to be using these technologies to fight terrorism in Syria. It is very possible that this project was meant to be for Russia (at that time it was Soviet Union) and Syria was used as proxy. In any case if it was for Syria or Russia it was an illegal project by the American and European standards and laws because it was against the embargo that they created. This project was used to brainwash me severely, enslave me under a CIA agent whore named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnap me to USA and blame it on the Syrians. Last but not least, this satellite computer project, uses American satellites to transfer Syrian and or Russian information from computer to another and that also was officially illegal and that is why they dragged me by force to this project as a mean to have even more reasons to enslave me in the name of national security of these countries: USA, UK, Germany and the Netherlands, whereby the last 3 countries are also EU- Countries at that time it was EC-European Common Market countries, But also keeping me as slave in the name of the NS-National secretes or NS-National Scam such as: we are against the terrorist country Syria and against the Soviet Union, yet they give them one of the most advance satellite technologies in the world at that time and this makes them criminals because they performed a criminal act against me since at least 1983 through only this project not mentioning what they did to me thereafter and prior to that

11.             (This point was added on 13.07.2021) As distraction and cover up for the criminally insane the Bush family

11.1.            I strongly believe that the Bush family are originated from the Rockefeller families and the English Royal families, especially that they are originated from Rhode Island in New England and then in 1950s relocated to Texas to enable or better said to strengthen the British influence in Texas while dealing with illegal crimes, better said performing illegal activities

11.2.            I strongly believe that they are related to the Al-Jumaiee Family that was living next to my fake sister Fadia Shawki, in Cairo Egypt and directly opposite the Egyptian Airforce Airport called Almaza, where I get to know them, and one of them pretended to be my friend and his name was Hishaam, while his brother named Ali was for a while the boyfriend of my fake sister after her husband died. Ali Aljumaiee was red hair on head hair, and was white with red freckles covering all his body from face to legs He was limping as if he had a leg injury, he also claimed about himself to be proficient in Kong Fu or Karate, which was the first time I ever heard of martial arts and asked what it was, later in Germany and for the first time I saw a movie of Bruce Lee and others, while their sister named Farida was also the friend of my fake sister named Fadia Najar and after marriage in Egypt named Fadia Shawki and later in the UK named Fadia Nagar even though she allegedly was married to an Egyptian named Dr. Alaa Ali that today I 100% relate him to these criminal Saudi Arabian royal family members. And the reason I believe so of this relation to the Bush family, is because Hisham or Hisham Aljumaiee was almost identical look to Mr. James E. Robinson (  alias the maternal grandfather of First Lady Barbara Bush the wife of ex-US president George H. W. Bush that evil man that arranged kidnapping me from Germany to keep me under their criminal control during election of himself and his evil stupid moron son ex-US President George W. Bush the great-grandson of  James E. Robinson. And since today I strongly suspect that Hisham Aljumaiee had telepathy, and they often use women to enslave men that they want to use for something such as president of USA, this mean that Barbara Pierce Bush had telepathy and kept her husband alias ex-USA president George H. W. Bush as a hidden slave along with her family and others, and absolute the same concept was used 100% on ex-US president George W. Bush and ex-US president Donald trump as well as used on also ex-US president Ronald Reagan, and that was the furthest I went back in the history because I was kidnapped from Germany while the evil ex-US president George H. W. Bush was vice president under the administration of ex-US president Ronald Reagan, and all these 4 presidents have a few things in common, they are republican and the republican party is 100% a political party of organized crime families, all four of them were hidden slaves of their wives, and that because I know the pattern, because I was kept since 1960 at least under 6 women as a hidden slave

11.3.            I strongly believe that Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of ex-US president George H. W. Bush had a look alike that exchanged places with her, and this lookalike is 100% identical look to the pastor that taught me Christianity and peptized me on Easter Sunday in 1976 in the city Unterschleissheim, Germany. Actually we were living in this mentioned city, yet many church members went over Easter to a church like hotel as meaning of getting to know each other’s during which and at that location, name forgotten, was around 80-120 KM the city Unterschleissheim that was 20 KM north of Munich, Germany, and to show you that my fake family heavily working with and 100% protected by the evil CIA + MI6 + BND and also AIVD, during this trip the lookalike of my fake brother named Nick Naggar was on this trip, and since the original fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar or Nagar, or Naggar or Najjar and was 100% the son of King Hussein alias the brother of the current Jordanian king Abdullah, this mean the Jordanian royal family were 100% conspiring with the Bush family to set me up to become Christian enable to have a reason to kidnap me from Germany to USA and keep me as slave until these psychopaths Bush family are not in politics any more

11.4.            I strongly believe that the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian Royal families as well as the Kuwaiti royal families (alias my fake families) are 100% related to the Bush family and conspired with them to invade Iraq to have more influence in Iraq, and that I know for fact, among others because the Bdeir family + Abokurah family + Malas family + Baroudi family as described in the page “My fake family the Kidnappers” had several businesses in Iraq and are big time in Petroleum Business such as Aramco, Exxon, Chevron, BP-British Petroleum, yet in Iraq they did not own the petroleum since the revolution in 1958, not to forget that my fake niece the whore named May Abokurah is married to a member of the ex-Iraqi royalties named Khalid something, and live between Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Washington D.C. The reason I call May Abokurah whore, because she heavily worked in cooperation with other including her girlfriend named Randah Mufleh to brainwash me and seduce my mind with their body, in that May Abokurah was dressing see through clothing or very small pieces of t-shirt and shorts while I am visiting them, yet she claimed in they claimed that their father burn their cloths because they were revealing, yet he never said anything when she was dressing like a whore in my presence, not to forget I am not her uncle, she is my fake niece, and she think of herself as sexy, I think of her as disgusting as it gets. At that time, I was 32 years old and she was 22 and 24 because I visited them in Amman Jordan several times between 1981 and 1986, and she always did that, I was able to see her legs the whole way up to couple of inches of her…. On both sides, and that is not what Islam is about, while her father allegedly built the Islamic College of Amman, Jordan and his name is engraved at the entrance. In short I strongly believe these royal family from Jordan are 100% related to the Bush family in many ways, family wise, business wise and criminal wise, at least through the family Halaby that the wife of King Hussein is originated from, while the hidden relative of the Bush family alias their master brain for invading Iraq ex-general Collin Powel and ex-US secretary of State alias ex-US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and more is related 100% to the Halaby family and therewith related to the king Hussein of Jordan that was married 4 times, the last to queen Noor Al-Hussein alias previously Lisa Najeeb Halaby from USA

11.5.            I strongly believe that the Bush family were 100% protecting the illegal drugs harvest and distribution through the American military from Cuba using the military in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba that is owned by the American military since ever, while their relatives alias my fake family were protecting the illegal drug harvest for them in Lebanon and Syria (as mentioned in other pages) and later they did the same in Afghanistan working with the Taliban hand in hand. The Taliban are nothing else than farmers of illegal drugs, and someone has to distribute it and sell it and that was among others the Bush family, and that is why it is very difficult to relate them to the Rockefeller and the English royalties, because if they get caught then it is the Bush family, never to forget that Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida one of the Cuban illegal drug heavens in USA

11.6.            At the end and to protect the ex-US president George W. Bush and prevent me to discover any of that these, they first separated in June 1999 me of their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that was 100% mentally retarded along with all her children, then 2 month later separated me of my fake son Abdulhamid Najar alias most probably a brother or half-brother of Prince Hashim bin Hussein of Jordan, and most probably a son of my fake nephew Essam Shawki in Saudi Arabia, UK and USA and then these psychopaths forced me to be homeless in on my birthday 10 October 1999 and busy trying to survive enable to prepare me for a long term lockup, which they did starting July 2000 in Houston, Texas USA and later between Netherlands and Germany living between jails, prisons and refugee camps and controlled environment until they forced me to think now I am free and can relocate to Amsterdam in June 2012, in reality they were preparing me for another mean and sadistic brainwash tour to Amsterdam, then Hove, UK and then Kerkrade, Netherlands and then Back to Harrow-London, UK and back to the Netherlands in a small city called Assen in June 2014 until I was able to seek protection in the city of Den Haag/The Hague the main seat of the Dutch king and the Dutch government that locked me up since 11 February 2001 to cover up for the psychopath Bush family, English royalty, My fake family and my entire past as I know it today!

11.7.            Last, but not least, these criminal bush family kept me by force as slave in Houston, Texas to prevent me to think and therewith I was always struggling to survive and raise a son that was theirs, these no-good psychopaths


During the above periods I was repeatedly raped, tortured mentally and physically.


For the detail of the project Calypso, see the page BP-British Petroleum-part-1.


This page is only about keeping me as slave in the Netherlands by force of law from 11 February 2001 and until I was able to relocate in March 2016 to the city of Den Haag/The Hague, and this, in itself, was a distraction of kidnapping me to USA in 1986 and keeping me in USA by force of law for 15 years as a slave for mainly 2 purposes:

1.                To prevent me of visiting the members of my fake family, whereby many of them are living with fake identities and are working for or with the CIA, MI6, BND and AIVD

2.                To use me to blackmail my actual biological family, whereby I absolutely do not know who they are yet, but that was the only actual reason why they kidnapped me from Germany to USA


In this page I will be complaining about only the Dutch institutions not the other non-Dutch mentioned above.


The brainwash they performed upon me was in several phases as follow:

Note: Each phase begins at the date next to the phase # and ends by the begin of the following phase


Brainwash Phase-1: 11-02-2001, Forcing my mind to believe that what happened to me so far is only because I allegedly voluntarily became Christian in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany in between January 1976 and late 1978, which was a setup by my fake family, the CIA, MI6 and BND, but also to force my mind to think that I was wrongly suspected as to be linked to a terrorist group called PLO that was nothing else than a setup created by the CIA, MI6 and several members of my fake family that were working with and for the CIA + MI6 + BND + AIVD. This phase started in Ter Apel refugee camp and continued in several other refugee camps, in Germany and then back to Ter Apel


Brainwash Phase-2: 27 December 2002, checking the brainwash and forcing me to talk about my past and what I was brainwashed so far to know, to do that they used a lookalike of my original fake son, that 100% either has telepathy or is controlled by someone that has telepathy which makes him equally dangerous, and in this process I was telling him out of trust what I know so far, while in reality the IND and others where listening and possibly also recording, and that was in the refugee camp in Ter Apel=controlled environment! Entirely in Ter Apel refugee camp


Brainwash Phase-3: 1 August 2003 Punishing me for recognizing some of the things that they did to me and did not want me to recognize while seeing if I recognized what they brainwashed in the last 4 years to think, such as the illegal project Calypso, the CIA persecuting me and brainwashing me, some members of my fake family is working for/with the CIA and that my son possibly is not my son, but rather I was used as a nanny. From Ter Apel to German hospital for mentally insane, and back to Ter Apel in mid-September 2003


Brainwash Phase-4: August 2006, checking the effect of the last brainwash and torture since 2003 in that they forced me to write down what I think I know by now, first as hand writing in note books (I think I may have wrote around 8-10 or even more notebooks, each DIN A4 and 100 pages writing block) then brainwashing me to get a computer and writing it in Microsoft word, then brainwashing me to write it in form of a wanted person web pages, then brainwashing me to publish everything I write on the Internet. This started in Ter Apel and continued (note until this paragraph was added on 13.07.2021) in the refugee camp in the village of Dokkum and later also in Bellingwolde where they forced me to live isolated for 4 years after the refugee camp in the village Dokkum, enable to force me to continue to write about every single person I ever in get in touch with and this as far as I recall. (End of note)


Brainwash Phase-5: 28 February 2008, continue to force me to write but this time forcing me with telepathy to write what they want by forcing me to live totally isolated in a small village called Bellingwolde, which was a total controlled environment organized by IND, COA, Stichting Welzijn and Noorderpoort College in cooperation of the municipalities Bellingwedde, Veendam and Oldambt


Brainwash Phase-6: June 2012, the total-destruction by forcing me to go where I do not want to go, first to Amsterdam and then relocate to the UK for only 2 purposes: Purpose-1: to show that I am wrong and that my fake sister is my biological sister, but this is 100% false, purpose-2 to force me to be in a new environment and be busy surviving  and not to complaining about what they did to me so far. Whereby, they forced me to complain in the first-of-all as a mean to force me to write what I know. They forced me to relocate in June 2012 to Amsterdam, just to force me to relocate to Brighton, UK in April/Mai 2013, then to Kerkrade, Netherland in August 2013 then to Harrow, London, UK in August 2013, and then back to the Netherlands to live in Assen in Mai 2014 (until the end of this paragraph was added on 13.07.2021) = severe brainwash by forcing me to be busy surviving in a new environment, as they did to me in 1960 in Ciro, Egypt and as they did to me again in October 1969 to March 1970, and as they did to me several times in between at the evil American military base McGraw kaserne for 2.5 years enable they can enslave me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that kept me literally isolated for 7 years in and around Munich, Germany, and as they did to me again after kidnapping me from Germany to USA and kept me relocating several times between September 1986 and April 1987 where these criminals forced me to relocate 7 times in this short period, and as they did to me again between September 1999 and July 2000 enable to force me to run voluntarily from USA and I was willing to kill myself just to leave this evil degenerate city called Houston, Texas, USA!!! (End of note.)


Brainwash Closure phase: May 2014 in the UK I was not able to accomplish anything work wise and had to come back to the Netherlands, where I at least have financial government support, yet I totally dislike the Netherlands due to the above mentioned, therefore I relocated back to the Netherlands and the only apartment that I was able to find suitable for my financial situation in a short period was in the city of Assen, which was just 40 KM from the municipalities that severely brainwashed me and enslaved me and tortured me physically and mentally from 28.02.2008 to June 2012, but at that time I was not being able to think clearly. In Assen I was so severely persecuted, and physically as well as mentally tortured that I had to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague in March 2016 and it took me several months to start to realize what really was happening to me since I was forced by the American government to be in Netherland.


Since I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague, I am not being as severely persecuted and tortured as before, yet I am still being persecuted and tortured in the hidden, now I am over 67 years old, and I am still trying to escape their persecution and I am not able to! (Note added on 13.07.2021: maybe the reason why I am not being persecuted as much, is possibly for 2 reasons, Reason-1: I am voluntarily isolating myself until I at least complete my complaint pages, because it is not anymore only about me, it is about humanity in general, because maybe more than 99% of the people worldwide never heard, or noticed telepathy before, but also never seen or heard of many crimes that are being performed by these criminals worldwide yet I am mentioning some or even many of them in my complaint pages, which will most definitely help other people in any country whatsoever. Reason-2: many persons are interested to know more and that I noticed very strongly through the news, and man manufactured situations. End of note.)


The above phases are the logical grouping of situation that they forced upon me enable they can reach their planned goals and not mine, which is having me in controlled environment where they can do with me what they want while forcing my mind to think that they are helping me!


All the help that I need is to give me freedom and not persecution, torture, kidnapping, falsifying my identity by force, rapping me and stealing literally everything I have, over and over and over again, so that today, I have not only nothing to show for, for my own life except brainwash and slavery, but also, I have absolutely nothing from my past, not a brother, not a sister, no cousin, no parent, no family, no church, no friend, no photo, no home, as if my life started at age 64 when I relocated to Den Haag the Hague.


Today I am looking for my biological family and for justice, no more and no less!


Below I will be adding some highlight to each phase mentioned above


End of section-2





Sample of the “Wanted” pages


Explanation notes:

The goal of this brainwash to force me to create complaint pages while making me look as if I am doing it voluntarily  and making me look bad, during which they forced me to write wrong information and attacking so many people that do not concern me nor I care about what they do, such as the Rockefeller family, the Kennedy family, the Bush family the royal families of Scandinavian countries, Jewish, Muslim, Christians and the list is endless. And therewith they made a very bad name for me, while extracting the information they wanted and making it all look like as if I wanted to do all this. Today and if I can go back in time, I will run away of these savages!


After one year of training my mind through brainwash of the last 6 years between jails, prisons and refugee camps between the Netherlands and Germany, all in all between 35-40 locations, then they placed me in the very sadistic municipalities Bellingwedde, Oldambt and Veendam that were 100% and total controlling my mind my life and what I do and where I go, on a daily basis, and this from 28 February 2008 and until June 2012.


I also strongly believe those savages used me to attack people that they do not like, such as members of the American government, Exxon/Esso = Rockefeller, Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and hundreds of others, or even to attack their own people , to show as if they are not their people, which I will lay out in more detail under “Slavery in USA”, meaning not only the Russians or Saudis have their people as members of the American government that pretend not to be related to Russia or Saudi Arabia, some of them are even recent US presidents, but also the Dutch, British, Germans and others have their own people in US government, while pretending to be pure Americans and patriotic, which is the new religion that allow to kill others in the name of the “Patriotism”!


At the end they tortured me severely to make it look like as if I was doing it voluntarily and they are punishing me for it, among others by first pulling out my teeth in the most sadistic way a Nazi like way and the prove of this is the followings:

1.                is that the municipality of Bellingwedde dissolved its partial partnership with the municipality Veendam and created a new one with Vlagtwedde Called Westerwolde as distraction of Veendam that kept me as slave writing what they want

2.                the Stichting Welzijn that 100% controlled my life, what I do and where I go by the power of the law of the evil IND, was dissolved to hide what they do to refugees

3.                they dissolved the dental office that tortured me and pulled out my teeth along with their evil sadistic partners. This dental office had many branches under the same named “Medi MondZorg” they totally changed the name and moved staff from one branch to the branch they tortured me in, which was the village Scheemda and therewith it looks like that the dental office does not exist any more

4.                They forced me to be in a so-called integration course for nearly 3 years. The integration course purpose is to teach the foreigners the Dutch language and not to be a rocket scientist, which is very doable within 2-3 months, I have seen it many times over in my life, where a person learns a totally new language in 2-3 months in concentrated course, (added on 13.07.2021 such as my fake cousin Basam Baroudi that went to Munich Germany to study German enable he can earn a new medical title, because he was already a medical doctor, where he studied medicine in Cairo, Egypt, where he came along with his alleged much shorter cousin pretending to be Syrian and using me as a prove as if they are my cousins from Syrian and learned in 2 months crash course at the Goethe Institute, but there are also other good schools that are very well capable to teach a language in 2 months such as university’s language schools, Berlitz school and others schools,  including the Deutsche Sprach und Dolmetscher Institute school in Munich that teaches German to new foreigner university students in 3 months, I even tried twice to attend it in October 1969 and again in September 1972 and in both cases paid the full tuition for 3 months and it was expensive, yet the evil CIA/MI6 and my fake family prevented me to continue. I was so desperate to learn German, because I was already 2 years in Germany and was prevented by the CIA to learn German instead, they forced me to learn English, I was working from 14:00 to 23:00 hours by the factory of BMW in Munich, then on the next day be in school to learn German at 8:00 in the morning and until 13:00 hours. So, I know it is possible to learn a language in 3 months and not 3 years. They forced me to be 3 years in integration course as cover up for keeping me their slave and forcing me to write what they want in the so called Wanted pages, several thousands of them from 2006 and until 2012. Today my Dutch language capability is practically zero. I understand Dutch only to 20-80%, it is all depending on the dialect, I speak Dutch only to 20%, just to go through life and this after 21 years living in the Netherlands, I can read it and understand maybe 80% of what I read, because it is has Latin alphabets and many shared words with German and English, but I still understand less than 80% and have often to look up words, I am isolated and do not socialize, I was prevented to work since 1999 and in USA except working for 6 weeks in summer of 2000 for Compaq Corporation in Houston, Texas, USA that was in itself an FBI setup to torture me mentally in that they forced me to remember my past in Germany and waked up my lost and suppressed feelings enable they can deport me to the Netherlands for a new re-brainwash while forcing me to blame everything on the Syrian government

5.                They also set me up to join a program to help me build my own business in IT, which practically was absolute impossible due to many factors, from linguistic to professional knowledge to not knowing the Dutch market, not able to be free and do what I want, forced to live in a constant chocked and choked life due to the forced upon me isolation, brainwash and torture they were performing on me on a constant bases among others by using telepathy and preventing me to have a good routine sleep on a constant base in that evil village called Bellingwolde where the IND and Stichting Welzijn, as well as the municipalities Veendam, Bellingwedde and Oldambt forced me to live. This program that they forced upon me to allegedly help me start my own business, which was 100% impossible, was supposed to take only 3-5 months, but instead it took from December 2010 to Summer 2012 and that in itself was torturing me mentally because I cannot use what they were forcing upon me, on the contrary, it was used against me and creating a debt that I cannot pay until today, so where is this help you savages


To put the fact in perspective:

1.                They severely brainwashed me and locked me up since the day that they and by force separated me of my original fake son and forced me to be homeless enable to force me to be in the Netherlands, which was in September 1999, between USA, Netherlands and Germany until I was awarded the Dutch nationality in January 2013, just to force me to relocate to the UK and show as if my fake sister is my biological sister, while forcing me to be busy with new environment and forget the brainwash and torture that they performed upon me in the Netherlands from 11 February 2001 and until I relocated to the Den Haag/The Hague in March 2016, where the persecution dropped by 80%, yet the 20% is holding me back and severely hurting me mentally, professionally, financially and socially

2.                They force me to think what they want me to think, which is that I was a bad boy and changed my religion from Islam to Christianity and that is why my evil fake family is persecuting me and brainwashed me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA, which is all lies. Because if my fake family wanted me to be Muslim, then they could have prevented me to go back to Europe and forced me by brainwash, torture and fear to stay in the Middle East and be Muslim, which is what they usually do to everyone else in their countries, and their laws is the prove such as if you eat or drink on the streets in the month Ramadan you will be arrested, if you have sex with a person not married to you, they will cut your head off, and if you leave Islam, they also will cut your head off and who makes these laws, among others members of my fake family that are Europeans and American origin and pretend to be Muslim so no one can discover that they are slave makers. Between 1980 and around April 1986, I traveled more than 10 times to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Morocco on business, they could have kept me in the Middle East, and that is what they did not want, that I be close to them and see what they really are and what they really do and who they are really related to, where I would have easily seen that my 3 fake sisters are nothing else than nannies for hidden CIA & MI6 agents in the Middle East that are mixed with Jordanian and Saudi Arabian hidden royalty children, and that they are not my biological sisters, they don’t even look anything like me. When you visit someone in another country for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, is completely different than when you live in the same city close to them, they can act for a couple of days or weeks but not for many years, which they did that to me when I was living in Egypt, but I was between 8 and 17, and my relation was limited to only a couple of them for a couple of years each, except my fake evil mother that lived with me for nearly 10 years during which she often exchanged places with her lookalike(s!)

3.                They brainwashed me to recognize only what they wanted me to recognize and to ignore everything else and as a test they repeatedly forced me to write something wrong enable I correct it and write down the correct past what I know so far and they did that to me in September 1999 in Houston, Texas, USA and gains in May 2000 in Houston Texas and again between July 2000 and 10 February in the immigration prison on Houston, Texas and continued to do that in the Netherlands over and over again since 11 February 2001 as described above

4.                The things that come out of my brain, it comes either verbally or in writing (sometimes also through a behavior, where not many can understand) is a mixture of the following 3:

4.1.               What they brainwashed me to think

4.2.               a mixture of what I am now and previously being brainwashed to think

4.3.               What I am being forced to say by force of telepathy

4.4.               In midst of all the above, my own thinking that totally get lost through the above mixed with the vicious situations that they forced upon me, such as forcing me unjustly and illegally to be locked up for practically since kidnapping me from Germany in 1986 and practically whenever they force me to be someplace I do not want to be in and I cannot get out of it or to be with someone that I do not want to be with because I dislike or even hate such as the 3 whores that they forced upon me: Whore-1: the CIA agent Anita Disbray from August 1970 to September 1977. Whore-2: Rene Zielske that was set on me by Siemens AG between 1978/1979 and 1980 to force me to leave the city Unterschleissheim where they set me up to become Christian, today I know that Siemens AG was doing my fake family and biological family a favor in doing so, while Siemens AG used this situation to blackmail them in sending me to the Middle East enable thy can sign a long-term project with Saudi Arabia Port’s Authority alias the psychopaths that are never to be trusted no matter what alias Rockefeller and English Royalties, which they did remove me far away where the church and my friends were located in the city Unterschleissheim. Whore-3: the Whore of everyone involved, such as BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND, My fake family, my biological families the Rockefellers and the English royalties, and this whore’s name is Najlaa Mahmoud  for me being with any of these disgusting whores was like jail, because these bitches isolated me by force of telepathy and brainwash, no matter how they look like, if they are blond hair or black hair, blue eyes or brown, white skin or darker, all 3 women were absolutely disgusting and I was not able to do anything about it because they used telepathy and brainwash + government power = psychopaths CIA=MI6+FBI+INS and others, not to forget the evil criminally insane their bosses the US republican presidents that kidnapped me and placed me in this tortures situation most of my life, and I am still suffering of it today in 13..07.2021, which you can read in my words. For me there is no difference between jail, prison, refugee camp and being with one of these 3 most disgusting women, in matter of fact I rather be in jail than with these bitches and criminal psychopaths. These 3 women tortured the life out of me it is like prisons and refugee camps, but also torturing me physically and mentally, which means and sometimes I lose control of myself and say things I would never usually say, which equals side effects of severe brainwash!


Last but not least, when you look at these pages, look at the design of the information, no way a person with IT background and in my situation and state of mind that was severely brainwashed and enslaved since 1984 under a criminal CIA agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that was 100% mentally retarded and then Kidnapped in 1986 from Germany to USA, forced to live in isolation and live as an illegal alien for 15 years and then locked up for over 8 years between over 20 prisons and jails, and over 20 refugee camps between USA, Netherlands and Germany, and then forced to live in a controller environment in the village Bellingwolde in Netherlands and forced to think now I am free just because I am not in prison anymore, I was 100% not free and even today on 13.07.2021 I am still not free because I am tight up with my past and have to complain because it is not only about me, it is about Millions of others that are suffering under the control of the same sadistic brainless savages, therefore I not capable to come up with such an organized design that was meant to help others extract information from my own mind just as professional police authorities do!!!!!


This is the work of the Dutch IND, COA, Stichting Welzijn and the municipalities where I was forced to live in and was nothing else than a total and 100% controlled environment and confinement of my person in the municipalities Bellingwedde, Veendam, and Oldambt.


Last important note is that the relations mentioned within these pages are not from me, especially the relation to Turkish president and to British Royal family, among others because I have absolutely nothing in my past that connect me to them not even remotely with the following 2 exceptions:

1.                BP-British Petroleum that brainwashed me and enslaved under one of the CIA & MI6 agents named Najlaa Mahmoud using their subsidiary called SCS-Scientific Control System and the illegal project Calypso, while BP-British Petroleum is partner with Jordan Petroleum that is controlled by the families of my 2 fake sisters. Also, that one of my 3 fake sisters husband worked with ARAMCO that also is related to BP-British Petroleum, while this fake sister either lives in the UK or has a second housing in the UK and I strongly suspect her to be Saudi Arabian royal family, or at least being a nanny raising their hidden children

2.                Turkish President, I have nothing in my past or later that connect me in any way with the Turkish government, except several setups by the CIA, MI6 BND and AIVD that all tried at one point of time or another to force my mind to link my fake family to Turkey and the Turkish government, even as recently as in the Netherlands after 2009 and even in 2020. The lookalike of my fake brother that was forced upon my life by the CIA & MI6 at the American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich in 1970-1972 had an alleged Turkish girlfriend and allegedly later married her, while pretending to be my original fake brother from 1965-1968. I strongly believe that my fake mother had 2 lookalikes. One of them exchanged places in Egypt between 1960 and 1966/68. The other came into my life at various times after the first 2 disappeared of my life sometime between 1970 and 1972, and the reason I am most positive about that is the behavior is totally different. And I suspect that this last one that was used as front and distraction to the CA & MI6 set ups in Germany, is very possibly from Turkey, whereby the American military is station in Turkey since 1950s and I discovered a pattern by the evil American government, in that they use a country where they have a military base as distraction of USA, and they are located in more cities and countries worldwide than I can count, which makes them worse than the Mafia


In other words, the relations within the “Wanted” pages listed below are false except the relations to my actual (fake) family such as my fake: mother brother 3 sisters, uncles, aunt and their spouses and children, as well as their official families. Whereby they are 100% not my direct biological family, they are nothing else than crocks and con-people that are under the protection of the American, British, German, and Dutch governments!


Note: Adjust the links they are not working


Page-1, My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and his identical look Nick Naggar


Page-2, main page of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi


Page-3, another related page of my fake mother and I have no idea why I created them!


Page-4, another related page of my fake mother and I have no idea why I created them!


Page-5, another related page of my fake mother and I have no idea why I created them!


Page-6, another related page of my fake mother and I have no idea why I created them!


Page-7, another related page of my fake mother and I have no idea why I created them!


Page-8, another related page of my fake mother and I have no idea why I created them!


Name Index

First here is the full name of the organizations involved in keeping me as slave while kidnapping me from one country to another and forcing me to live as an illegal person enable, they can control my life as they see fit, which 100% makes them organized crime institutions:

1.                  (this point was added on 13.07.2021) CIA at EES-European Exchange System, it was the American military headquarter for Europe, where these criminally insane American and British government took me in March 1970 to the American military base called McGraw kaserne where EES was headquartered, and they took me there for a re-brainwash and to enslave me under their whore agent from the UK named Anita Disbray, where they performed not only severe brainwash upon me, but literally tortured my life out of me, in such a matter that I totally forgot my entire past and where I am allegedly from and who is my fake family, whereby at that time I did not know I was kidnapped and placed within a fake family. I was totally lost in between by these criminals and psychopaths and that continued because their agent that they enslaved me under her control totally isolated me for 7 years until I was setup to become Christian and either the church freed me of this nasty criminal woman called Anita Disbray or she had to go to another assignment and they covered up for her by keeping me busy, where all in all and today, I can say, I gained of the church much more than I lost, which is explained elsewhere!

2.                  US INS-USA Immigration and Naturalization Services, immigration control for all US States and inside USA and/or inside US offices and territories worldwide, headquarter in Washington, D.C. with offices all over USA and also some offices outside USA (they changed the name from INS- Immigration and Naturalization Service “”  to USCIC-United States Citizenship and Immigration Services “”, the question is why did they change their name, based on my opinion because they are the nastiest immigration authorities in the world and the new name makes them more appealing but also because USA is suffering of lack of population growth through foreign educated persons just like China is also suffering of lack of growth of population and that is why the Chinese expanded their law of limiting only one child per family to 2 children and now even 3 children, and the new name give the foreigners the feeling as if they are welcome to USA, I personally rather be in China, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Lybia than being in the evil USA, and saying evil USA is absolutely wrong of me, but that is what these criminal psychopaths did to me )

3.                  US FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation, internal deferral spying and police agency for all US States and inside USA and/or inside US offices and territories worldwide, headquarter in Washington, D.C. with offices all over USA and, also some offices outside USA

4.                  US CIA-Central Intelligence Agency, spy agency for outside USA worldwide, headquarter in Langley, Virginia 12 KM to Washington, D.C. where my fake sister Moni/Mona Najjar/Najar/Abokurah lives, with offices all over outside USA and, also some offices inside USA

5.                  German BND-Bundesnachrichtendienst (English: Federal Intelligence Service, similar to CIA), Headquarter in Pullach Near Munich, Germany, just 8 KM where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved by the CIA in 1970-1972 at McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany. Later headquarter moved to Berlin

6.                  German BKA-Bundes Kriminal Amt (English: Federal Criminal Police Office, similar to FBI), headquarter Wiesbaden, Germany, where I was dragged there illegally in around December 2001 and interrogated without me noticing by someone pretended to be Turkish, but I cannot prove it was the BKA

7.                  Dutch IND-Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (English: Immigration and Naturalization Services), headquarter in Den Haag/The Hague, with the main refugee registration in the village Ter Apel, where I was severely brainwashed and tortured between 2001 and 2006 by them

8.                  Dutch AIVD-Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (English: General Intelligence and Security Service), headquarter in Zoeterrmeer, around 16 KM from where I live in Den Haag/The Hague

9.                  Dutch COA-Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers (English: Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers), is the organization that houses and feed and brainwash refugee in Netherlands, at least that is what they did to me

10.             Dutch Stichting Welzijn (English: Foundation Wellbeing), is one of many hidden organizations in Netherlands that supposed to help refugees to be integrated after they are accepted as refugees, in reality they are brainwashers. This organization was dissolved a couple of years ago as cover up for what they did to me, they were dissolved along with the dental organization that tortured me at the same location and pulled all my teeth out and called Medi MondZorg as well as dissolving the municipality partnership between Bellingwedde and Veendam and creating a new one with a very small nowhere village called Vlagtwedde and formed a new minimality called Westerwolde as distraction of the partnership between Bellingwedde and city of Veendam

11.             British MI6-Military Intelligence number 6 (similar to CIA), now is called SIS-Secret Intelligence Service, headquarter in London, just 23 km where I was forced to live in Harrow London


The above-mentioned organizations are the organizations that kept me as slave in USA and then forced me to be in the Netherlands again as slave of the Dutch institutions mentioned within and as a refugee and as an illegal alien between 1970 and 2013 where I was confined to wherever they want me to be under their controlled environments between the Netherlands and Germany in many jails, prisons, and countless refugee camps!


That is very sad that the supposedly highly intelligent societies such as the Netherlands, UK, USA and Germany are capable of these hidden crimes against an innocent person from kidnapping him as a child in December 1959 to rapping him with men and women constantly, torturing him, mentally and physically ever since and until current day 2019 + until now in 2021, because even writing these pages is a mental and life torture, because it wakes up all the negative feelings, as well as lack of wellbeing based on these negative feelings and being sorry for all the human loses that I had to lose or prevented to have, such as biological family or biological children, friends, girlfriend and so on!


Maybe I should lay down the bible and everything you forced me to learn from it and then be just like you, kidnap children, brainwash them rape them, brainwash them again, enslave them, torture them and steal whatever they build in their lives and torture them again and use them all their lives as multipurpose decoys for agents and other criminals while forcing them to be refugees and pretend to be helping them, but on the other side, then I would be disgusting just like you and you disgust me and I am most definitely not a disgusting person!!


All the details of slavery in the Netherlands are to be found all over my complaint pages!