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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
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What is Telepathy?


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This page was created on: 30.09.2018 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


Reedited and completed on 27.04.2021 & 03.05.2021 & 20.06.2021 with some additions showing the dates when they were added.


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This page was re-edited on 27.06.2021, to be reedited again


What is telepathy?


The simple quick answer

Telepathy is the ability to communicate directly from one brain to another brain or simultaneously to many other brains, which is much faster than the common way of speaking or giving a speech or lecture!


We cannot be better than our teacher, which is God (or nature if believing in an invisible to us or unknown to us God is difficult for you!), meaning we learn of what already exist and we try to imitate it and expanding it and build upon it, this includes animals that can go faster than us and we ride them such as horses, then we develop our own mechanical much faster and bigger horses=bikes, cars, buses. Or birds, we tried to imitate them and build planes and so on.


And so is with telepathy, we first forced pigeons to be our message carrier, then we build telegraph, phones and now we have internet where we can exchange not only text, but also voice, photos, videos, teleconferencing and entire history, and so can telepathy, just faster than our talking and even faster than the internet!


People imitate telepathy, because telepathy has limited reach distance, and they wanted to expanding it, so they created from telegraph, to telephone, radio, moving pictures (movies and films) to TV and internet, very unfortunately some of it is misused for mass brainwash. The best example for that is the British Royal family that invested in late 1800 in the telegraph cabling between USA and Europe by a company that later became the AT & T (American Telephone and Telegraph), which is practically owned by the British Royal family, that also owns CNN-Cable News Network.


Note added on 27.04.2021: Telepathy is either the most or one of the most guarded secrets in our lives, enable to use it as a hidden slavery tool, because, and as an old German sayings says: “was du nicht weißt macht dich nicht heiß”. In English “what you do not know will not make you hot” my explanation: or it will not bug you, meaning it will not make you angry to know that another person with telepathy can control your mind and your thoughts and therewith 100% control your life! End of note.


Extended answer

(This paragraph was added on 20.06.2021) I strongly encourage some persons with telepathy to go public and show their capabilities as an effort to help the general public see telepathy live, which will help Millions if not Billions to better control their thoughts and therewith their own behavior and get their life under their own control. Which group of people have the courage and the love for humanity to do that? End of added.


First thing first. Telepathy is a human capability, and it is not supernatural, nor it is limited only to ugly human eating alien creature, they are human just like you and me. And as all human, there are good ones and others that learned from childhood to misuse the telepathy to enslave others. There are thousands of good persons with telepathy, they are the ones that build something and pull thousands or hundreds of thousands and some even millions of people out of poverty and slavery. Personally, I know many of those persons, I never met them in person, or at least not consciously, yet I see their work on a daily basis!


Telepathy is a hidden sense that many have. Based on my life experience and educated guess, which is based on my life experience and what I saw, there are around 0.05% to 0.5% of the population persons with telepathy in each country, people who are born with telepathy, while possibly others are being also born with it, but it is being disabled at birth, and you don’t even have to be in the same room to disable the telepathy of a child, I believe they can do it even before birth. I call it circumcising the brain, because it has absolute the same effect as circumcision = hidden slavery!


Telepathy is divided by scientist in several supernatural capabilities that no one can prove. Some of these alleged supernatural capabilities is telepathy = communicate on distance, telekinesis which is the ability to manipulate objects with pure thoughts including the body of human being and other creatures. Telepathy is a combination of senses or capabilities that we are forced to believe that it is separate supernatural capabilities of rare individuals or even aliens from outer space=lies, brainwash and mass brainwash.


Some of the listed below may seem difficult to grasp, because we are all raised to believe that this is not possible!


Be patient because now you know them you will start noticing some of these things.


It is just like passing by some sign, but you never noticed it, and suddenly you notice it and think, is this new, but it has been always here, it just did not interest you, because you were told it is not important!


1.        Based on my life experience and what was done to me, a person with telepathy can perform many things, yet some know how to use their own capabilities more or better than others, it is just like one man train himself to be a champion in lifting weights and he can lift 300 KG, while a normal person can hardly lift 30 kg. Here is what a person with telepathy is capable of doing, and this is what is known to me that I experienced on myself but also saw the effect of it on others, but this does not exclude other things that I did not notice or did not see:

2.        Communicate from his/her brain to another person(s)’s brain, and this regardless if the other person has telepathy capability or not

3.        There are 2 ways that they use to communicate:

3.1.         Using a language, least used

3.2.         Using direct brain to brain communication to exchange information without a language, which is faster than a language. I am not certain how this scientifically works but based on what I have repeatedly experienced and based on the fact that the brain does no uses language, but rather exchanges memories through stored feelings, senses, stored voices, smells and so on, they can somehow place the state of their mind in the other persons mind by exchanging what is stored in the brain. For example, I am lost in the city and I suddenly see a map in my brain (as if it is from my memory, but I never seen this map before) that shows me the way, or an image of someone or the letter head of some letter and so on. Another example, if a person would like to discuss another person’s clothing, he would exchange the image of the person emphasizing his clothing by enlarging or focusing the image of the clothing in the brain, while simultaneously, placing the brain expression of ugly such as vomit or another method to tell the brain I reject the clothing, and therewith in fraction of a second the receiver will understand that the sender is telling him “James were really wearing ugly clothing today”. Try to say that in a fraction of a second!

4.        Ability to force the brain of others to cease control of own body and mind and therewith this person can take control and force the other to do and say what he/she wants as if the other person is just a wireless speaker for his thoughts or is a puppet, and here to there are 3 possibilities:

4.1.         The controller knocks out the controlled one unconscious and control his body as he wishes, and therefore the controlled one will not memorize the situation and will not know what happened. It is as if the brain went to sleep and the body is a puppet controlled from distance, and later  the controlled one can’t remember a thing

4.2.         The controller leaves the controlled one conscious but powerless and without control over his own body, and therewith he can remember it and if he knows himself well he would recognize that he was forced with telepathy to this action or situation and can’t do anything about it!

4.3.         The controller leaves the controlled one conscious and on/off exchanges control over the controlled one, and there with the controlled one gets confused in recognizing what he really wanted and did do and what was forced upon him. Again, here it can be no problem to recognize who did what, if the controlled one knows himself well (Added on 20.06.2021: most people do not know their selves well  or even at all because they just live with the flow of life and that makes it very easy for persons with telepathy to control them. Therefore, get to know yourself as it is suggested in the page problems and solutions!!! End of added.)

5.        A person with telepathy can control body part, can control and move one single hair or several giving a person the feeling as if some insect is walking over the skin, or force the heart to pump faster or slower, or even make the backside of a shirt move and a person would have the feeling as if a big spider is walking on his/her back and so on

6.        Can modify body part and emulate, simulate or create sicknesses or modify the hair color or change the shape of parts of the body, such as make black hair grey, white skin brown, or create a swelling in certain areas, such as face to have a wide cheeks and therewith change also his/her own looks, but also can create a mole on the face or elsewhere on the skin. Can create lumps in any area on the body, arms, legs and hands (they did all that to me. Added on 20.06.2021:  and are still doing it to me in the year 2021. End of added.)!

7.        Can move or lift objects without having to be at the same location as the object, including your body or blanket or making something drop of the table

8.        Can force a dream upon you, in matter of facts all the dreams we have is through telepathy to influence our thinking, but also to stress us, because when a person sleeps he supposed to regenerate and a dream will most definitely interrupt this process and make the person not have enough sleep, and that is why and since I discovered that, I ignore all the forced upon me dreams because dreams can be brainwash to force us to think this way or that way and take an action accordingly, which was often used very negatively upon me, a real example of a repeated dream of mine: a person I know named Dr. Sami Assassa, brother-in-law of my fake uncle (Added on 20.06.2021:  called Jawdat Baroudi alias a hidden English, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian Royalties and simultaneously a diplomat + CIA + MI6 agent + drug lord + businessman!!!!! End of added.), and is as front carpet dealer in Munich, Germany as coverup for his shady works with the CIA + MI6, including drugs and a proxy man to Iran. In this dream he is sitting on a chair looking at me as if he is my guard or guarding me, confounding me and holding me back by force of his thoughts and sometimes looking at the window, while I am confined to the bed, laying down and can’t move can’t get up and can’t leave the room, no matter how hard I try, I cannot do any of that. This dream was forced upon me maybe 3-5 times during a period  in end of  1999 to 2000 where I was forced by the FBI (added on 27.04.2021: I do not know that for fact that it was the FBI, because I cannot see where the telepathy is coming from, I was most probably forced to write FBI. End of note) to recognize telepathy as telepathy and not hallucinations, while another group of people were trying to come between the FBI and me while protecting their selves, to make it short and within this situation, I was very much confused and scared of telepathy, while simultaneously took this dream as a hint that this person in my bedroom was persecuting me with telepathy and was the one causing me to be locked up unjustly for several years, as a result I wrote very negatively about this person. Today, even I never liked that person, because he was sleazy and most probably still is sleazy, yet I remain by the fact, which is I have no way of recognizing who is using telepathy on me, I can only guess based on certain situation and circumstances but most definitely not based on a forced upon me dream (added on 20.06.2021: Because dreams and from my point of view are lies, just as a person lie to you. End of added.)!

9.        Can make you pass out in less than a second

10.   Can make you wake up of your sleep at any time without doing anything except waking up your brain, then force upon you his/her thoughts to prevent you of going to sleep, while forcing you to think that you are thinking your own thoughts and this is not his thoughts. (Added on 20.06.2021: We are human being and unlike animals that mainly live by instinct, we live by intelligence and will, therefore, when I decide I want to go to sleep I just fall to sleep within seconds or at the most within minutes, if I cannot stop thinking which is preventing me of going to sleep, then 100% some person is forcing his/her thoughts upon me and preventing me to go to sleep, and I know that for fact, because it was done to me literally countless times, since I was kidnapped to Cairo, Egypt on 10/11 January 1960, and the reason I know that for fact, is because I was locked up and isolated by force between July 2000 and until at least 2012,  and had nothing to do except try to understand what brought me to this situation by analyzing the content of my own brain, which contains among others my history, and therewith I was analyzing my history over and over and over again to get to the bottom of why am I being so viciously treated where I literally loved everyone, and thereafter 2012 and  to over 95% of my time I was isolated or live isolated even today, with one, difference, today I am doing it voluntarily because I see it as my duty as a human being to warn others and teach them what I can about telepathy hidden slavery, because literally each human being, excluding those who have telepathy, are 100% in one way or another and at one time or another or even up to most of their lives are being manipulated with telepathy=they are hidden slaves just as I was forced to be, and forced to think that everything was the result of my own doings, which was most definitely not!!! End of Added.)

11.   Can give you a dream and then wake you up very stressed confusing you to not allowing you to recognize was that a dream or reality, and most of the time people will think it was reality, but it was a dream, such as seeing a ghost and waking you up screaming looking over your bed and trying to find the ghost and therewith you will think it is reality, but it was a forced upon you dream!

12.   Can react very quickly to prevent things of happening, such as a cup that drops or a car accident, which also happened to me more than once

13.   Can heal any sicknesses or cause any sicknesses, because can control and manipulate body part that I saw on myself and others many times over since 1960. (added on 20.06.2021: I believe some persons with telepathy can manipulate atoms and therewith can modify objects including parts of a human body, that in reality is also based on atoms. Look at it this way, it is like the old printer matrix or even the today’s computer monitors where the monitor for example has 1024 dots horizontally and 720 dots vertically [they call that screen resolution], and we divide them to 80 columns and 24 lines as a result we will have matrixes of 12 dots x 30 dots and within these dots we control the dots electrically to switch them on or off and therewith when some of them are on we can display for example the letter "A" and in one line we can have 80 characters = 12 dots horizontally X 30 character = 720 dots horizontally and the same vertically. In other words our entire world is based on atoms that are very much similar to this matrix system but with much more complexity and each atom is smaller than the smallest thing that we can see under the microscope, and just like the monitor we used to have only one color green or white, but now we have colors and we can make each matrix a different color as a result we can make each letter or character look in different color, which is also similar to the atoms, some persons with telepathy can manipulate atoms, and the best ones who have this ability are those who study medicine because then they learn the body inside out and what can affect the body's health and accordingly they can manipulate parts of the body as they did to me countless times and some of it are mentioned within my complaint pages. All this may sound fantastic and for some maybe even sounds like science fiction, but it is reality because we cannot be better than our all teacher, which is God that created this concept in the first of all and we are just learning it and building upon it just as we are building the matrixes on the monitor, printers, mobile phone, tablets, and so on, which is also called resolution of the screen, but also as early as 1930s and 1940s many scientist worldwide were trying to experiment with these atoms and discovered how to use them as a bomb and kill others with it as they did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed countless infrastructure and these 2 Atomic bombs that were dropped by the American government on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan crated not only a shock wave in the world but also damaged the lives of countless families all over japan = organized crime families that controlled USA at that time with the Democratic party were heartless, sadistic psychopaths that killed in this process countless babies, young boys and girls and elderlies, cats, dogs, birds and everything else in that area. And some telepathy hidden slavery on human beings have worse effect and suffering than these 2 atomic bombs that makes a person under telepathy suffer over and over and over again his/her entire life and cannot defend him/her self against it!, just as they did to me as a result I was falling in one PTSD and coming out of it just to fall in another one and another one and another one that resulted me being crying over my own memory for years and how heartless and sadistic some of these persons with telepathy that literally not only tortured the life out of me and made my own live to be worse than hell but also stole literally everything of me, and these heartless sadistic psychopath are the majority of the member of my fake family alias Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Malas, Bdeir, Abokurah, Tabaa and others alias Jordanian and Saudi Arabian + UAE + Omani + Kuwaiti royal families and my biological family alias the English royal families + ex-German Royal families alias ex-Nazis + and others!! End of added.)

14.   You cannot see who is using telepathy with you or on you, he/she could be an old person, a child, a man or a woman, a person with intellectual disability (=retarded!), can speak several languages and therewith can deceive you about his personality and identity, an example: I learned more English in the Netherlands than:

14.1.    2.5 years living and working in an American military base +

14.2.    7 years as boyfriend and later married to an alleged English woman +

14.3.    4 years Working as IT professional in various countries in Europe and Asia, where English was the business language used +

14.4.    15 Years living in USA by force of kidnapping, where I was isolated by force of a severe brainwash. Yet, in Netherlands I learned more English than in all these places combined, and then because these persons that were controlling my life and persecuted me with telepathy between 2001 and 2016, wanted me to believe that they are Americans as distractions of the Dutch in Netherlands that were persecuting me since the American government forced me to be in the Netherlands enable, I be re-brainwashed very destructively. Netherlands economy relies to over 70% on services, and they with no doubt offer brainwash services to Americans and others, and the best prove is not only me, but also many of those that were unjustly locked up in Guantanamo bay military prison, were brought to the Netherlands (also to other European countries) to be re-brainwashed, because the Dutch Government have their ways of destroying a human being by reforming his mind, while continue to smile and feeding the victim(!). On the other side I am in the Netherlands since 11.02.2001, yet I speak Dutch as if I arrived 6-18 months ago, and this because I am not mixing or socializing with Dutch but also because I was intentionally prevented to work in the Netherland and therewith not much meeting with Dutch to practice my language

15.   I believe the distance of telepathy is limited, yet I do not know 100% how limited, I believe it to be limited to maybe 1-5 km, whereby some may be able to go a little shorter or further or much more further, such as a few KM to maybe 100 km or more, which I doubt, I think they use networking enable to force a person to think that a person with telepathy he know is 200 KM or even 5000 KM far is using telepathy on him from that distance, but in reality the network of the friend is near the victim and are using telepathy in the name of the person far away. There are many indications in our and my history that shows me telepathy distance is limited to 1-30 km +/- 20 km, I can be wrong, yet until I can find another prove it is like that. I can depend on God or nature, which it clearly says everything has a limitation and a person can’t scream further than his own sight, however there is always exceptions = nature & God!

16.   (added on 21.05.2021) one of the often-used telepathy strategies is when a person with telepathy and is closed to you or knows you, forces you with telepathy to perform certain acts,  and then verbally speak to you as if he is against what you are doing, but does not give you reasoning, except to force you to think that what you are doing is bad. Here is an example, my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that today I suspect her to be originated from UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, Jordan with Greek nationality, or vice versa, and exchanged places with at least 2 other lookalike without me noticing at that time and at least one of these evil women had/has 100% telepathy as mentioned in other pages with proves, this evil woman performed a lot of harm to me, physically as well as mentally as well as socially as well as professionally and in other areas too. But back to this mentioned telepathy control with contradiction, she used her boyfriend to rape me once and then claimed that I am homosexual, where I was just 14 years old. Another example she forced me as 14 years old to start smoking and attacked me because I smoke. There is no way that I learned this bad habit of other persons of school, because she had me totally isolated to prevent anyone of helping me out of these criminal children’s kidnappers, which is mentioned in more details in the page kidnapping me as child and the page my fake family the kidnappers. In both cases I was 100% raped and forced to smoke because they are 100% brainwash tools, to give these criminals a reason to punish me as a mean to force my mind to submit out of fear = sadistic brainwash method. And in both cases she claimed that I am doing something bad, while isolating me of everyone else and preventing me to have friends even in school by claiming that we are strict Muslims, yet Muslims are very social people just like any other human beings, then this English royalty whore alias my fake mother takes me to Germany and delivered me to the American military that totally isolated me from March 1970 and until January 1977, then set me up to become Christian to have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam as distraction of the American military and the English royalties that kidnapped me in first of all in 1960. This is one of the most common used telepathy slavery tricks in forcing a person to be addicted to something and then criticizing him/her, and I really hated cigarettes, and tried several times to stop it but these criminals prevented me to stop, because addiction is a brainwash tool to force the victim to do anything to satisfy his addiction. In February 2011 I finally stopped smoking. All the money and health that I wasted through these criminals could have been enough for building a luxury house or even just a house through forcing me to waste my money from 1965/66 and until 2011 this is almost 50 years, and not to mention the health damages through cigarettes!

17.   (Added on 23.05.2021) A person with telepathy uses telepathy in countless deceiving ways to enslave or at least manipulate the victim or even steal his thoughts. Here is another one: he/she talk to you as if you are talking to yourself, as if you are thinking loud in your brain, another time and if you start to notice that it is telepathy and recognize telepathy in your brain, then he/she will again pretended to be talking to you and simultaneously respond to his own statement pretending to be you are answering/responding to him/her, and therewith you will think that you are responding and accept this response as if it from you and accordingly perform whatever the thought it was. An  example: he/she could say using telepathy “do you really want to go to sleep so early, where you could drink another glass of wine or glass of beer?”, then he/she will answer himself “I guess I really feel like another glass of bier/wine!”, and therewith you will think it was your answer, and then you will go and get another glass of whatever you were drinking, but it could also be doing something else and not necessarily another glass of wine/bier/whisky, but rather watching TV, or even go out to the movies at 21:00 hours or go to a bar, which very much equals wasting your time, damaging your sleep and breaking your routine = hidden slavery, others may call it “just toying with you!”, whatever vocabulary they may use, it is 100% hidden slavery!

18.   (Added on 23.05.2021) A person with telepathy would often place in your mind an image or thought to do something now, such as placing an image in your brain that you are drinking beer or wine, and then your mind will accept this as if it is your desire to do so, and then you will go and get a bottle of beer or wine and drink it. And this concept can also be some food that may be tasty yet unhealthy for you, but also it could be a thought or an image you doing something such as going out to a bar or you don’ know how to do this and call your neighbor or friend to do it for you, even though you have at hand instructions how to perform this task, such as build a small shelf that you just purchased of a store such as Ikea and so on. It all sounds or seems normal, but it is not, because it is all not planned and it is forced upon you using telepathy for whatever reason they planned to do ahead or whatever goal they have, if it is getting you addicted to drinks, food, going out, or stay up late, disturbing your sleep, breaking your daily routine, that is if you have one, if you do not have a routine, you better start ASAP-As Soon As Possible enable to be in control of your own life and not allow some nasty person with telepathy to control your life spontaneously. This point and the above point seem the same, but they are not, they are two different concept of hidden mind control using telepathy!


The following paragraph was modified on 27.04.2021.


That was in a nutshell telepathy as I experienced it since the year 2000 that helped me by force to recognize telepathy that was used upon me since 10/11 January 1960, including my fake memory from prior to 10/11 January 1960, which was forced upon me by telepathy, yet and since this was a crime, and a crime can never be perfect, no matter how long it last, I was able with certainty to recognize it after the year 2000 that all my memories from prior to 10/11 January 1961 were 100% fake (added on 21.05.2021: partially I also have fake memory forced upon me between 1961 and 15 January 1970 in Cairo, Egypt, 1967 + 1969 in Amman, Jordan, 1969 Damascus, Syria and Beirut, Lebanon) and that I had a total amnesia including loses of speech and language, that then as an 8 years old I had to learn it from scratch and they covered it up by taking me from somewhere, most probably from the UK, to Egypt over Syria with fake Syrian identity, and claimed I just speak a different dialect of Arabic, which was a lie, I spoke no Arabic at all, they forced me to learn Arabic using telepathy in a couple of weeks (Added on 27.05.2021: between 10/11 January 1960 and 15 March 1960 in Cairo, Egypt, where I was totally isolated in controlled environment as it is described in the page kidnapping me as child and the page my fake family the kidnappers), and it was not enough for an 8 years old and I was able to verify this situation between 1976 and 1978, where I was setup to become Christian enable they can blame everything that happen to me in the future on my fake family that pretended to be Muslim from the Middle East, whereby and before I became Christian in Germany I was living 7 years in Germany, yet was prevented by the CIA and MI6 to learn German, I went twice to top language school and paid the full tuition in both times of over 400 Deutsch Marks (added on 27.05.2021: 400 Deutsch Mark in November 1969 and in summer 1972 is equivalent to approximately 1000 Euro today, because it was a top school for foreign student that wanted to attend the university of Munich, it was 5 hours Monday to Friday and called Deutsche Sprach und Dolmetscher Institute München in Munich, Germany), yet each time I was forced to stop, and from 1970-1976 I learned maybe a few hundred words and sentences, yet after 1976 and until summer 1978 I learned German so fast, that today I have no doubt in my mind that some persons in that church helped me with telepathy to learn how to speak and understand German as if I was living there for 20 years, which boosted myself confidence dramatically, because my self-confidence was very low, far lower than average, due to all the brainwash and control schemes I had to go through, which is laid out in other pages!


The following conclusion was added on 27.04.2021: Here I would like to add a few important points.



Before I start this conclusion, I would like to mention that there are hundreds if not thousands of movies that are made based on telepathy. Yet I am using only one character of these movies and other movies and how they create it, just to show you how some persons with telepathy think and what they do!


Here is the first example: a person with telepathy can not only read a person’s mind and know what he/she is thinking, but also he/she can hear what others hear, see what others see, smell what other smells and feel what other feels and all that not only with human beings, but also with animals, insects and who knows maybe also with other creatures such as under water or even viruses and microbes, as a result they often make movies about what they see with the eyes of others, such as certain animals or insects has double vision and what they see is as if they are looking at an image with a duplicate that are slightly off the line. The first movie I noticed was the movie called “The Fly” ( + + + where a scientist was experimenting on flies and became one himself by creating his enlarged face as a fly with details of a fly. But also, you see that very strongly in the science fiction movies such as “Star Wars” ( + with all the funny looking characters that are not human, yet they work together with human to fight the so-called evil empire. All these figures have faces of insects and other animals that were slightly modified to suit their need for the movies. Add to that, that many persons with telepathy love to work for movies to get rich quick and do not have to study and develop products and work 8-14 hours day in day out, but rather have as much free time as possible enable they can manipulate the lives of others using telepathy and then even make movies about it!


In shore, because a person with telepathy can connect to your brain, and your brain control your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even the senses of your body parts such as fingers, which very much means whoever has access to your mind/brain has also access to your eyes, ears, mouth and the rest, and can see with them and can hear with them, and can talk with them, can feel with them and it does not stop here, they can do the same with animals and insect, meaning if 2 pigeons or 2 small black flies are together and looking at each other’s, a person with telepathy can practically see the other pigeon or fly through the eyes of the other pigeon or fly it is better than microscope, because they can see it a live, hear it’s noise and , and feelings, and they must have some kind of a feeling that will push them to mate enable to increase their quantity = we cannot  be better than our teacher= God, we create telescopes, yet God created this telepathy that can do things beyond my own imagination in the year 1980 or even 2000 or 2010, because I was busy trying to understand what happened to my life that I landed locked up in Netherlands as a refugee again and for the fourth time in my life, before it was since 1961 in Egypt, then since 1970 in Germany, then since April 1987 in USA aby kidnapping and now again since February 2001 in the Netherlands, that is how savages, barbarian, heartless and sadistic these people are!


Let me continue with who has telepathy, and why they have telepathy but not me and not over 99% of the world population on Earth?


To this question why the majority do not have telepathy, I found only 3 answers:

1.     Possibility-0 (zero): this possibility is out of the question. God or nature selected a few and gave them telepathy, which totally contradict nature or God’s creation. methodology, routine and habit that he/she/they make exceptions and give telepathy only to the few, which means helping the few to enslave the majority of people. And the reason it is out of the question, is because intelligence was given to every human being, and slavery is anti-intelligence and since intelligence can only come of another higher intelligence being that we call God, then slavery is 100% anti-God creation of intelligence, meaning it makes intelligence useless, which very much means that this possibility is out of the question!

2.     Possibility-1. This is based on the New Testament: We cannot be better than our teacher, meaning God, we created telegraph, then telephone, then moving pictures (silent movies), then speaking movies, TV, then internet, yet God created all that before we even thought about them, in that he created telepathy that is much more efficient than all what we have created as mentioned including but not limited to the Internet, who knows what we in the future will develop something new that no one ever thought it is possible, just as we created cameras and now cameras are part of our mobile phone, but also TV and Radio are also a part of our mobile phone and tablets, which was not foresee-bar before the year 1800 and not even 1960s or 1970s and above all telepathy is free no need for subscription or down payment or any payment what soever, it was a gift to us to help us learn faster, yet it is suppressed to keep us all as slaves. Telepathy was created to help us communicate directly from brain to brain without man-built WI-FI. I am not religious in such a matter that I would do anything what is dictated to me by Christianity, because I have, just like anyone else, something much better than Christianity, which is intelligence, yet Christianity most definitely and in my position, history and state of mind as I get Christian or better said as I was setup to become Christian in 1976, it showed me the way through to the gift of God that was given to me and given to everyone single human being, namely  intelligence to decide what is what, yet intelligence is dependent on experience and learning, and since I was isolated by force and was always prevented to learn, my intelligence was lacking. Today I am catching up since the year 2000, and I use what I know, and today I know for fact that the New Testament is the only book known to me that describe telepathy as I experienced it, therefore and for me Christianity is not a religion, but rather it is a get together to help each other’s against the misuse of telepathy to enslave others, yet Christianity is not perfect because it is from Human beings and Human beings are not perfect therefore they cannot create perfection, period. What is perfect is the intelligence of free human being, perfect because it comes from God and we cannot ever top it, but rather learn of it. Now I said that,  now let me ask myself the following question that also is from the New testament: Why would God give every human being the same thing, from mouth, to legs, to ears, to eyes to see and sun that light for us and keep us warm, and give us earth to stand on and all of us need food and water and oxygen, yet and very suddenly God breaks his habit in giving every human being the same thing and the majority of people have no telepathy while the minority have it and misuse it to enslave others very destructively? the only answer I was able to find is that God gave everyone telepathy yet evil lazy criminal, selfish, psychopaths persons found a way to disable telepathy by others at birth or even before birth to enslave them!

3.     Possibility-2: The second possibility is that each human beings doings, is based on his own knowledge, meaning I cannot do something I do not know anything about, meaning I cannot just invent a telegraph and improve it to telephone and movies and internet if I did not know about them, meaning who ever developed these products already knew about their existence on another planet and knew about telepathy, which was the English royalties. And if I go further, and look at the isolation and banishments that the most sadistic people I know always have performed, which are the English royalties that used to banish unwanted or undesired persons from the entire region or country, in that they used to kidnap them and place them in one of their hidden far away colonies and use them as slaves and it is also mentioned in more details in other pages with proves  that are verifiable for everyone that has access to the internet, and how they used this evil strategy in Egypt and in many other countries, but also used it on me in that they repeatedly banished me from one country to another, and this repeatedly. The explanation for that is possibly that they were banished their selves from another planet and dumped here on earth to prevent them of performing more harms to others on their own planet, in other words they were top criminals on their planet. Is this fantasy? Maybe, but it is also called intelligence that I look at all venues to find the right answer, and if this is true that the earth was used as a free open prison for them, then that would explain many things, among others that they are the most vicious and sadistic people I have ever seen or heard of in my life, and would explain where they learned how to banish people to a faraway islands as they used to do 300, 200, 100 years ago and as recent as 1960 and 1986 and 2001 as they did to me and banished me to Egypt then to USA and then to USA again and then to the Netherlands, and each times I am not allowed to go back to the country I was in prior to banishing me, where these criminals falsified my identity and banished me to Egypt on 10/11 January 1960 and did it again in September 1986 by kidnapping me from Germany to USA and forced me to live there isolated as an illegal alien with no rights what so ever, where I learned among others at least 2 things in Egypt, they banished many undesired Egyptians to a faraway islands, but also that the old Egyptians and after killing a king they used to cut them in pieces and hide each piece in different far away area, to prevent them of coming back to life again such as allegedly Jesus Christ came back to life after 3 days of being dead, and also he allegedly brought other persons to life while they are still just 3 days dead and he said they are just sleeping, meaning and very possibly 3 days are the limit to reviving the dead. These are all theories but are well founded on New Testament and the old Egyptians + what was done to me (over 2 Billion people call their selves Christians and follow this book called New Testament = almost third of the world population), But also I learned among others at least two major things in USA, the English royalties are heavily mixed within the republican party as well as within the Democratic party, but also are heavily mixed within Muslims, Catholics, Evangelist, Jewish and many other religions and accordingly they always behave badly to make a bad name for this or that group of people which was very visible within the Bush family as well as the Trump family and also the Biden family/Administration (their version of win-win situation, but I call it multiple personality disorder!), the second things I learned is never to trust the American government as long as they have a position called president that allows criminally insane and psychopaths to kill others to steal their properties such as they did to me, but also did it to huge amount of people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and countless other countries from USA itself to Saudi Arabia and the whole way to Australia and Vietnam and many others. Because this position is through and through fake and the US president is raised since childhood to become a sadistic president controlled by telepathy such as they did with ex-USA presidents Donald Trump and George W. Bush and at least both these president I was able with 100% certainty to recognize that they are absolutely stupid as I was forced to be and puppets of telepathy and both performed countless aggressions and stole the tax payers money in USA and created partially bad laws to have more control through the US president enable to override the state power, such as creating the department “Homeland Security” that theoretically and practically have more power over every single state and even over the FBI. I have absolutely no doubt what soever in my mind that whoever originally wrote some of the books of the New Testament meant to warn people of the power of telepathy, yet then many copycatted the original New Testament  and told the people what they want them to believe and that would explains why so many Christians read about telepathy yet do not see it, which is also written in the New Testament and I am quoting the New Testament: “They see but do not see and hear but do not hear”, meaning they see and hear but do not understand because we all are told that telepathy is a myth, which is the biggest lie of our entire lives since the existence of humanity! Back to telepathy and possibility-2, it is very possible that no one on earth had telepathy until some other planet banished their top psychopaths criminals to Earth and they had telepathy and that would explain why we had a revolution of technology in Europe since 400-500 years ago, yet not in East Asia, India, Afrika, North and south America until the English royalties and many of their Europeans competitors (=other banished psychopaths criminals) invaded these areas and tried to colonialize them during which they killed unknown amount of natives that were living as if they were still in the stone ages as an example the “American Red Indians” that were going around half naked covered only with the skin of animals and have only knives, bow and arrows for hunting and as a weapon for self-defense, while the English had cannon, pistoles, rifles, clothing and much more as if they are 1000 years ahead of these people that they literally slaughtered most of them to steal their land and enslave the others until today in 2021, others were slightly more advanced than others, yet they were not able to 100% colonialize some areas of the world such as India, China, Japan so they killed many of them, yet these countries were somehow able to defend their selves until they totally get controlled of Japan by dumping 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and ever since they are in Japan as American military power, yet China and India are not 100% under their control, even though they continued to try even today. Yet the Japanese and Chinese learned very quickly of their technologies as a result they are able today to be military power or industrial power and equal to them. It is one of many other history facts that Chinese and Japanese learned of the Europeans how to build technologies, while the Europeans used to believe that China, Japan and India 500 years ago were also living as if they were in the stone age (=3000 to 4000 Thousand years ago), yet possibly some alien  were banished to earth and had knowledge of technologies and tried hard to develop it, because until they were banished to earth possibly they were lazy bums psychopath criminals that were terrorizing the lives of others on their own planet so they were banished by force, and they were criminals and not scientist, yet they had the knowledge of the existence of technologies and one of the first technologies they made was most probably clothing and then weapons to kill others such as rifles and canons. And if this is true, then these aliens can only be the English royalties and their official relatives today in Russia, Germany and elsewhere that tried hard to conquer the world, but they did not succeed so they created their brainwash machine called the Freemason organization that they use to mainly brainwash others to submit to them by forcing them to believe of ranks and that they have to do something to reach the higher rank and therewith forced them to believe that they are superior to them = brainwash, but officially they made them believe that they are partnering with them, which is far from the truth and the best prove for that is the Brexit(!!). Let me continue with this very feasible theory, what if there are several planets, one with black people, one of darker people like Indian, one with white people like Europeans, another with East Asian like people (=Chinese and Japanese like people) and all of these planets used the inhabitant planet called Earth or it was inhabited but by a few, and all of them used the Earth as free open prison to banish top psychopath criminals, which will explain why they are so much more advanced than us technologically and also as a society that we are still lacking centuries or even millenniums behind them, them means the planets that banished their criminals to earth. In short possibly each planet sent its own banished criminals to a different part on the earth, and as a result, we have several races on earth. Why do I think so? Because I refuse to believe that a human being can be as vicious as my fake family and as vicious as the English royal families and as vicious as the Rockefeller families, just look at all the wars were USA + UK are involved in, which clearly says that they think of their selves as Gods and everyone else on this earth is stupid and must submit to them, here are the lists of wars these 2 vicious countries USA + UK has performed over the years: (  +  +



And therewith I found 3 possibilities as an answer why minorities have telepathy while the majority do not:

1.     Possibility-0 (zero) God or nature selected the few to enslave others and as mentioned above it is out of the question!

2.     Possibility-1, everyone on earth is born with telepathy but someone disable it either before birth or at birth

3.     Possibility-2 no native of earth has telepathy, yet some alien from other planet or planets banished their psychopaths’ criminals to earth to make them happy in that no one on earth has telepathy but they do, and therewith they were busy in the last a few hundred years enslaving others and killing whomever they cannot enslave or is not needed

4.     Possibility-4: and here I come to the last possibility which is a combination of possibility-1 + possibility-2, meaning these possible alien found a way how to disable telepathy by others and the native to earth did not know this method and learned it of the new comer aliens and partnered with them as guides to earth mentality and disabling the telepathy to every single human being that they want to enslave, which very much lead to the current status, where approximately 0.05 to 0.5 % of earth population and in each country have telepathy while the rest over 99% have no telepathy and they do not know anything about telepathy , which very much  equals 100% slavery!


And this means that the majority of human beings on earth are 100% slaves even today in the year 2021, yet they are forced to think that they live in freedom and democracy that I never saw it in my 69 years of life where I was forced to live in several so called freedom countries while visiting over 16 countries + over 16 US States, but I saw telepathy that is in reality invisible unless you pay attention to yourself and see what is goes through your mind and if it is suitable for your actual wanting and not just the wanting of now but rather based on a plan or a roadmap of your future life that you made for yourself!


That said, then I have another question to myself: why would anyone want to teach me about the existence of telepathy starting the year 2000, why would anyone want to tell me the top secret of all secrets of our world?


This could be 1 person or a group of persons, it could be a child of mine that I do not know about, it could be a woman that I very much loved and lost, it could be a close relative that I do not know who it is, it could be a group of Christian + Muslims + Jewish + Hindu and others that get together to force me into one direction, which is to look for my biological family, it could be a group of persons that are tired of telepathy slavery and saw an opportunity in me, that I am all broken up and disappointed of every one, just to use me to publish about telepathy, it could be an enemy of the English royalties + Rockefeller + Bush + other evil sadistic mass murderer controlling families that exist only to kill others and steal what they have and then claim: They were all terrorists, such as they did in Vietnam, Japan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Palestine and in many other countries, but also set me up between December 1969 and January 1970 to look like I am a member of the biggest and longest lasting terrorist group ever called PLO, today I know Palestinians are not terrorist, but rather they were set up to follow one MI6 or even Mossad agent that pretended to care about them and named Yasser Arafat, yet he brought Palestinian even more suffering and loss not only of countless Palestinian lives but also land loss that British (=English royalties) + Israeli keeps on stealing and as a result today the Palestinian land is divided in almost 2 different countries, just as these criminals did also in India by forcing it repeatedly to separate in different countries such as India + Pakistan + Bangladesh + Sri Lanka + possibly also other countries, but also in Vietnam, Korea, Germany and many other countries were forced to a division which is 100% the English royalty trademark and pattern based on the motto, if you cannot beat them then divide them and force them to fight each other’s as they tried very hard to do the same in the EU-European Union, which is not going to work this time and I am going to make sure of that by teaching the people the sadistic methods of the English royalties and their hidden American relatives such as Rockefeller, Bush and countless other families.


I do not know for fact who was teaching me telepathy tricks, except once I was able to isolate it, even though I am not 100% sure, which is in the refugee camps in village called Dokkum, in Netherlands many thoughts were forced upon me, which lead me to conclude it was possibly the Dutch immigration because they had me in a controlled environment under their control, yet a person living outside the camp, can be also be the responsible one, yet I know they have some kind of benefit and I am trying to find the benefit, above all I am trying to get free of telepathy attacks, because as long as telepathy is one sided, meaning I do not have it but others have it and can use it on me whenever and however they want, then it is most definitely slavery that I cannot defend myself against it!


Let me mention it one more time but from a different angel: a human being cannot do what he does not know. Meaning we can look at many things that was performed in the past, and we realize that someone stupid and criminal is letting his knowledge out by pretending to invent it for the purpose of generating money, and here I mean one fictious character that exist for nearly one hundred years and is called “Superman” And this is how some persons with telepathy think of their selves as supermen and superwomen and superchildren because the majority of people do not have telepathy and can be controlled by them, so they created Superman fantasy of their sick minded selves!!


In this character they show what telepathy is, and here is a summary:

1.     Superman has super hearings and can hear his friends calls for help from miles away = A person with telepathy can see what I see, hear what I hear, feel what I feel, can manipulate objects and above all can place thoughts in my mind

2.     Superman came from another planet = the theory that the English royalties + Rockefeller + Bush and other families came from other planet and think of their selves as superior because they have telepathy and possibly the native earth population do not have telepathy which I doubt.

3.     Superman has super strength = many lazy persons with telepathy they do not want to waste their time on learning, and they look for work where they can make the most money very quickly using their ability of telepathy which is rare because they are at the most less than 0.5% of the world population, and here too there are many ways, yet the 3 most used ways are becoming an English royal family and forcing everyone else to follow their commands; in other countries try to go high up in the government to reach the budget and steal as much as you can of it, because the budget of each country is the biggest treasure for them. The second most favorite job for persons with telepathy is to play sport and make Millions, which is easy for them, because they can use telepathy to always be ahead of others such as manipulate the ball to go in a certain direction(!!). the third most favorite job is to become an actor or actress, where many of them make more than 20 or even more than 50 Million per year, the fourth most favorite job is to become a medical doctor, where they can manipulate as much person as they need to be their patients (!!!), but there are other hidden favorite jobs, such as working for a security agency such as CIA, MI6 and others or be a diplomat or any other job that will give them not only immunity for crimes that they perform, but also give them access to many other things that are powerful such as hidden information through the CIA, MI6, FBI and many others

4.     Superman is always struggling with other criminals that are coming from other planet = The English royalties are always fighting their own families while spreading in an unbelievable speed in the entire world such as in: Russia (last king/emperor was English royalties, including the current president), Germans (Last King/emperor of Germany was English Royalties), but also in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Canada, USA, and in the hidden in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Dubai, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and in many African countries the whole way to South Africa also in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India East Asia and South America, officially in 54 so-called Common Wealth countries, in reality they have presence in each country of the world while in the hidden controlling many of them maybe more than 120 countries worldwide, in other words the English royalties control more countries than the common wealth countries, and there with the entire world is struggling with the English royalties that are acting to be the good group while they are the most dangerous and destructive organized crime family in the world as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to Part-3-Version-2., but also look at all these actors that are working as government officials and helping stealing the tax payers blindly (bad info due to and by far insufficient information: (good info yet by far not complete: ). What is an actor? Based on Wikipedia: An actor is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs "in the flesh" in the traditional medium of the theatre or in modern media such as film, radio, and television. An actor is a performer for the purpose of gaining money of the audience and once you do that and see the money then an actor becomes: once an actor, then always an actor such as ex-USA president Roald Reagan but also as recent as ex-USA president Donald Trump (thanks God and finally I can say about him ex-US president Donald Trump (!!), because he with his psychopathic Administration performed more damage on USA than anyone can imagine, but also he performed countless damages on EU, India, China, Africa, South America and the rest of the world, but also performed damages on companies and institutions such as the UNO, WHO and many European businesses, and that is fact that you can see in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2 Version-2”)

5.     If I look at our world, and then I see Europe was the most advanced section of the world, later became also USA because USA it was mainly populated by Europeans and until today USA is mainly controlled by European, yet the majority of USA is 100% controlled by the English royalties, and that you can see not only in the ex-US president Donald Trump and his organized crime administration that intentionally spread the Corona virus to damage the Chinese and European Economy and keep USA at the top while destroying the entire world economy and killing countless people worldwide for greed, but also you can see it in all the criminally insane ex-Republican presidents including Ronald Reagan (an actor) and the 2 Bush presidents that caused the world a lot of damage to enrich the English royalties and their American relatives such as the Rockefeller families

6.     Superman wear special clothing = The English royalties invented special clothing that look most ridicules while forcing the entire world to think it is something special, such as the king or prince dressing in military clothing with countless honorary medals = mentally sick because they honor their selves and force others to accept it through fear of military!

7.     Superman has 2 identities to hide himself = English royalties and each one of them has more than one identity that they use to mix with the general public while pretending to be a different person as I repeatedly saw it in the Middle East = mentally sick

8.     I can go on and on


I do not have fantasies (=imagination) anymore because they stole everything of my life and killed anything else that they were not able to steal or did not have use for it, and the advantage for me of this forced upon me lack of fantasies (=imagination) is that I see it as it is = the English royalties are the biggest and most dangerous organized crime family in our world since at least several hundred years, and that would also explain why Japan and China were living in the middle ages while England was invading them and kept them like that for their own benefit until the Japanese woke up to defend their selves and then they throw 2 atomic bombs on them, also that explains why the Chinese were so behind in technologies in the last 2 centuries of the 1800 and 1900, and now they learned and standing up to them while making the entire world benefiting of their products, because no one can today live without their products, the same is valid for Japan, but also Germany, Netherlands and other hand full of countries that benefit the world with their products, USA has really only one thing that benefit the world: Weapons to kill others. If you think they have more, then you are wrong, because computers and Internet as we know them now were sponsored by the American military for the purpose of killing others, and someone or the other made them also to business, but there is no daily things you can find from USA, no fridge, no tv, no cars, no clothing, no gadgets, I do not care about space and weapon, I care about things that help me live and survive in a world that is very dim, and it is not only my world that it is dim, it is the world and lives of over 5 Billion thanks to USA and the UK, just look at Iran and Iraq, people are starving, just because these greedy people like to deal with illegal drugs while stealing the land and natural resources of other countries, not to forget the Palestinians that have been born into suffering and this since over 70 years, since 1948, many of them do not know what a peace of mind means od can look like because they never saw it, and that too thanks to the English royalties + USA that placed Israel there as the biggest military base to cover up for their stoles properties in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen and above all Africa!!!!


In other words, the English royalties are very possibly prisoners on earth from another planet and that would explain why they do not care about other human beings and that they have a bit more advanced level of sense of technologies, while countless group of people still are living even today as if they are in the middle ages or even in stone ages such as in some parts Africa ( and South America ( or even in the north pole such as the Eskimo (, look closely at the photos in these previous 3 links the photos are not from 100 or 150 years ago, they are recent photos, or even the following google link that has around 10% real photos of people partially living as in stone ages today and these are real people not actors on a stage (!!!) ( ), they are new photos made between 1930s and current but also that would explain their madness about want to explore the space possibly for one reason only, to go home where they came from!


And if this is true, then who ever dumped them on earth is monitoring us very closely to make sure that they do not go back home and therewith we are stuck with them!


In this case they must become more humane to be acceptable, because they are most definitely not Gods just because they have telepathy, they are criminally insane and psychopaths because they caused the death of countless of human beings, alone through the corona virus and until current in April 2021 there are over 3 million death and over 4-6 Billion persons suffering of the corona virus in one way or another = typical English royalties and Rockefeller doings!


Despite all this negativity, yet something positive about the English royalties comes to my mind, which is:

A.    If they are really aliens from another planet that was banished to earth a few hundred years back, then we thank them for the knowledge of technologies that they brought with them, even though no English royalties known to me has ever made his hands dirty with developments or building something, yet and most definitely they placed thoughts of products in the minds of others to see if they can build something upon these thoughts, which you can see through out the history such as Leonardo da Vinci ( that made several drawings for machines and even a flying machine in the years 1452-1519, and many others

B.     If I am mistaken and they are not aliens banished to earth, then they most definitely used telepathy to steal thoughts of possible technologies of others and placed these thoughts in the minds of their own scientists, which very much means for example that they steal thoughts of maybe 5-10 scientists and then place these thoughts in the mind of their own scientists enable to be more advanced than others, which very much means as if 6 or 10 scientists sit together to develop or discover something, which is hardly done, but it speeds the process dramatically, never the less they remain thieves of these thoughts and no one can see them except God and today I discovered that this is what they do for living, steal of others just as they stole everything of and from me and this since birth. Even if I am wrong and I am not the son of king George Vi and I am not the younger brother of the current queen Elizabeth II, yet I was kidnapped and raised by their slaves that were raised by them and were doing what they were taught to do, which is the corrupted Saudi Arabian and Jordanian royal families!

End of Note.